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Bài 1: 1.I”m sorry I was rude to you yesterday I apologise to you for being rude yesterday Công thức củ câu này la ̉pologise to seo foo oioing set 2.Although his leg was broken he managed to get out of the car In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of car In sepit ofo + Noun. Do b ok n l g va h la ̀ chu ng kh̃c nh̉u. Nêu ccng chu ng th̃ oicng công thức In sepit ofo + -ning 3. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice It is such a beautiful voice that nobody can deny 4.She liked Paris very little, and Rome less She thought Rome was less interesting than Paris Câu này m̃nh đa hoi cô gĩo oiày ̉nh vnn. ủu l sese ph+i + ̉oi1. Không oicng lik ̉bl được ban nh́. -̃ no ko đ́ng ng ngh̃̉. Bởi vâ ̣̀y co th̉ oicng it seting cũng oki. So sánh kém 5.After fighting the fire for 12 hours the firemen succeeded in putting it out. The firemen managed to put the fire out after 12 hours CT: m̉n̉g to oio seth Dịch luôn câu này Ngừi cứu hỏ xỏ̀y x̉ đ̉ oiâ ̣p t́t đ̃m ch̃̀y sẻu 2̀ gì 6.She knows a lot more about it than I do I don”t know about it as much as she does -̃ I oionn’t phu định nnn oicng seo sẽnh băng 7.Althoungh he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job In spite of having a good salary, he was unhappy in his job Đa phân tích ̉ câu t nn. In sepit ofo + -n ing 8.He prefers golf to tennis He”d rather play golf than tennis CT : wouloi ̉th + -2 + N + th̉n + N ( co th̉ th̉̀y N la -̀ 9.The garden still needs digging The garden hasn’t been finished digging Dịch câu này mới biêt c̃ch lam : Khu vừn ṽn c̀n được xới đât. Khi oiịch ̉ thầy o c̀n oicng hinṇ tai hoan thanh, ṽ đên bầy gì no ṽn chử được xới Đúng là dùng bị đô ̣ng nhnng vg gi n nguy n nghaa caa ń n n phii th m vào finish. 10.Susan felt sick, because she ate fout cream cakes If Susan hadn’t eaten fout cream cakes, she wouldn’t have felt sick Câu điều kinṇ loai 3, seư vinc̣ ko co thưc ̉ K Câu này đoc về ng ngh̃̉ nh̀m tửng oik̀, nhưng sẻu khi x m x́t, cô gĩo m̃nh b+o oicng loai 3 nh́ Bài 2: 1.John Speke failed to find the source of the River Nile. John Speke didn”t succeeded in finding the source of the river Nile CT: uucc oi oi in oioing set/ set 2.I”m sure it wasn”t Mrs Elton you saw because she”s in Bristol It can”t be Mrs Elton you saw because she’s in Bristol Câu này m̃nh oiử th o ngh̃̉ củ no đ̉ lam. Tôi b+o đ+m đo không ph+i la ba lton ma ban đa thầy ṽ cô ầy đ̉ng ̉ Bơ isetol Ph+i viêt lai la Không th̉ ch́c ch́n cô ầy la ba lton ma ban đa gn ̣p ṽ ba ầy đ̉ng ̉… 3.” Where is the station car-park?” Mrs Smith asked. Mrs Smith asked where the station car – park was Câu này là câu tnơng thuâ ̣t trưc tiêp caa WH- Question n n công thcc là: S + asked + ( Obj) + Question word + S + V 4.Turn off all switches before leaving the workshop. All the switches must be turned off before leaving the workshop Bơị đô ̣ng. Ph+i oicng muset b oiĩn t+ mô ̣t mn ̣nh lnnh ̣ 5.Alice”s strange ideas astonished everybody. Everybody was astonished by Alice’s trange ideas Chùỷn bị đô ̣ng 6.They have sold that old house at the end of the road. That old house at the end of the road has been sold Bơị đô ̣ng 7.I don”t really want to visit the museum I”d rather not visit the museum CT : u + wouloi ̉th + not ( oio c̃i này phu định̀ + - ( seimpl foo m̀ 8. We ought to leave the party now if we want to catch the last train. If we don’t want to miss the last train, we ought to leave the party now 9.Mrs Edwards is the owner of that car That car is owned by Mrs Edwards Chùỷn P̉seseivoic 10.The garage is going to repair the car for us next week. We are going to have the car repaired next week Th̉ nh̀ v+, c̃i này công thức củ no la H̉v seom thing + - 3 Nh ng đỉm c̀n lưu y: Đ̉ lam tốt oiang Bơị đô ̣ng va Câu điều kinn, ̣ c̃c ban c̀n hoc b+ng phân đô ̣ng t̀,, -2, -̀, - 3. Bài 3( ngày 20/09) 1.It is one hundred years since the birth of D.H Lawrence, the famous novelist. DH.Lawrence, the famous novelist was born 100 years ago 2.”How old is your little boy?” said the nurse to Mrs Bingley. The nurse asked Mrs Binngley how old her little boy was Câu từng thuâ ̣t t ưc tiêp loai WH _ u setion, đô ̣ng t̀, lci lai 2 th̃ 3.We got lost because we didn’t have a map. If we had had a map, we wouldn’t have gotten lost Câu điều kinṇ loai 3 4.It is a six hour drive from London to Edinburgh. It takes me a six hour to drive from LD to Edinburgh CT: It t̉k se seom on to oio set 5.I’d rather not see him tomorrow. I don’t want to see him tomorrow 6.Amanda finally managed to get a good job. Amanda finally succeeded in getting a good job 7.”I’ve seem the film three times, Mary” said George. Goerge told Mary (that) he had seem the film three times Câu từng thuâ ̣t t̀, t ưc tiêp chùỷn sẻng gĩn tiêp 8.”Have you had enough for lunch?” the landlady asked me. The landlady asked me if I had had enough for lunch. Từng thuâ ̣t gĩn tiêp loai câu hoi Y u/ Ni 9. You minght fall if you’re not careful Be carefull , if not you mingt fall 10.They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again. The date of the meeting will have to be changed again Bài 4( ngày 20/09). 1.I didn’t arrive in time to see her. I wasn’t early enough for me to see her 2. We couldn’t drive because of the fog. The fog was too thick for us to drive The fog prevent us from driving C̃c ban nghinn cưu thnm 2 đ̃p ̃n ̉ t nn n ̉ nh́ 3.A train leaves at eight o’clock every morning. there is an eight - o'clock train every morning 4.John asked if it was the blue one or the green she wanted “ Which one does she want the blue or the green ?” John asked 5.I haven’t eaten this kind of food before This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food 6.She started working as a secretary five years ago. She has worked as a secretary for five years 7.”Why don’t you put luggage under the seat?” he asked. He suggested that I should put luggage under the seat Câu này hoc thuô ̣c thôi a. -̃ nêu thầy viêt lai oiang Wh̀y oion’t như t nn th̃ ph+i oicng câu t ́c này 8.I’m sure you didn’t lock the front door.Here’s the key. You can’t lock the front door. Here’s the key 9.He couldn’t repair the broken vase The broken vase couldn’t be repaired 10.I started work for the company a year ago. I’ve been working for the company for a year Bài 5 (21/09/2012)Do Bạn Lynk1606 sửa lại lần n na, hy vọng 10/10 nhé mọi ngnơi ^^ 1. You damaged my bicycle, John” said Margaret. Marganet accused John of damaging her bicycle. 2. He is said to have been in the French Foreign legion People say that he was in the French Foreign legion. 3. The keepers feed the lion at 3 p.m.every day The lions are fed at 3PM everyday. 4. Philippa asked Olive if she could remember where she’d put the camare. Philippa said,” Olive, can/do you remember where did you put the camera?" 5. “ Don’t leave the house untill I get back, William,” his mother said. William’s mother told him not to leave the house until she get back. 6. Henrry regretted buying the second-hand car. Henry wished he hadn't bought the second-hand car. 7. That meal was excellent! What an excellent meal! 8. Whose documents are there? Who is owner of documents? 9. If you don’t want Sally to be angry with you, I suggest you apologise. You’d better apologise Sally if you don't want her to be angry with you. 10. I asked the hotel porter to wake me at 8 o’clock the following morning. “Please wake me up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!"
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