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Tài liệu Luyện nói tiếng anh như người bản xứ


Mô tả:

Thanh Huyen L u y e n n o i TIENG ANH h u n B g a u d n i x t i V C H K E M T H E O DlA CD DAT TAI PHONG NGHE NIIIN 3UYEN : Lieu * Cac mlu hoi thoai sinh dong d i hoc * Boi canh thtfc te, thich hdp vdi ngi/di mdi hoc * Kern dla Mp3 phat am tieu chuan M3 NHA XUAT BAN HONG DUC LUVEN N O IT IE N G ANH N H ir N G ircn ban xur THANH HUYEN L U n Y h E i N t N N O G I i r T c I n E b N G a n A N x u * Cac mau hoi thoai sinh dong, de hoc Boi canh thiic te, thi'ch hop vdi ngirdi mdi hoc Kem dTa MP3 phat am tieu chuan nh A xu At b a n h 6n g ocrc H r LGfl NOI DAU Trong thbi dai ngay m ot he thong ngon ngii ngtfdi. N o duac coi n h ii me de. Vi vay uai trd cua nay, tieng A nh da trd thanh khong the thieu doi vdi moi ngon ngii th tf hai sau tieng no ngay cang dtfdc nang cao. Co nhiing ngi/di da tap trung nhieu cong site va da dp d u n g nhieu cach thiic de hoc tieng A n h nhitng van khong co hieu qua, dac biet la kha nang giao tiep bang tieng A n h van khong di/ac cai thien. N am bat ditoc nhu cau nay, chung toi da bien soan bo "L uyen n o i tie n g A n h n h ii n g itd i b a n x ti" g o m 2 cuon vdi gan 400 m au cau diiOc sit dung nhieu trong cac boi canh giao tiep. Dac biet vdi hdn 1000 boi canh rat gan vdi cuoc song thiidng ngay, giup ban co the ttf hoc va nam bat kien thiic de dang hefn. H y vong rang cuon sach nay se la ngitdi ban hiCu ich giup ban ttf trang bi kien thtfc cho m inh, nang cao kha nang giao tiep von khong kem p h a n quan trong trong thdi dai hien nay. Cuon sach nay co kem theo dia M P 3, vdi giong doc chuan cua cac chuyen gia ntfdc ngoai, ban nen vtfa hoc theo sach vtfa hoc theo dia, n h tf vay se hieu qua hefn. 5 Trong qua trinh bien soan chac khong the tranh khoi thieu sot. C hung toi rat mong nhan diidc sijCdong gop quy bau cua ban doc de Ian tai ban sau dxiOc lioan thien hcfn. 6 Don't be that negative j /daunt bi: dat'negativ/ Khong den mile p h d i bi quan nhit vciy d a u 03 - Hoi th o a i 1: A: I always think everybody looks down on me. /ai 'o:lweiz Qirjk 'evribadi luks daun on mi/ Minh cam thay moi ngitcti deu coi thitbng minh. B: Don't be that negative. /daunt bi: <3at 'negativ/ Khong den miic phdi bi quan nhit vay dau. A: How can you be optimistic? You can see it in their eyes. /hau ksen ju: bi: .opti'mistik ju: it in 6zd ais/ Sao lai khong? M inh co the nhan thay dieu do qua anh m at cua ho md. - Hoi th o a i 2: A: I find there is no meaning in living in this world. /a i f a i n d 6 c a iz n a u 'm i: n ir ) in 'liv iq in <3is w a : l d / Minh cam thay cudc song chdng co y nghia gi ca. B: Don't be that negative. / d a u n t bi: C at 'n e g a t i v e / Khong den mtic phdi bi quan nhii vay dau. A: Really, life is so boring. /'rieli laif iz sau 'boirir)/ M inh noi that day. ' Do it step by step /du it step bai step/ Cu tie tie thoi Q - H oi th o a i 1: A: Why are you in such a hurry? /wai a: ju: in SAtJ 0 'Iw i/ Sao cau lam vdi the? B: I should finish it as soon as possible. /ai Jud'finiJ it aes su:n aes 'posabl/ M inh phdi gap rut lam xong viec nay. A: Don't worry, do it step by step. /daunt 'wAri du it step bai step/ Ditng lo, cii lam tic tic thoi. 8 C3 - Hoi th o a i 2; A: Why can't I learn it? /wai kaent ai lain it/ Sao m inh chang hoc ditac vay ? B: Don't worry, do it step by step. i /daunt 'w A ri du it step bai step/ Ditng sot ruot, cit til tie thoi. A: I feel I am really stupid. /ai fi:l ai aem 'riali 'stjuipid/ Minh cam thay m inh that la ngoc nghech. Just let it go /d3Ast let it gau/ D en d a u hay den do £D - Hoi th o a i 1; A: How are you getting along with your wife now? /hau a: ju: ’getir) a'lorj wid jua waif nau/ Hien gid mo'i quan he giita cau vdi vd the nao roi? B: What can you expect? Not that good. /wot kaen ju: iks'pekt not <3aet gud/ 9 Con nhii the nao di/Oc niia! bon minh dang song dd chet dd day. A: Well, what are you going to do then? /wel wot a: ju: ’gauiq tu du den/ The cau d in h g ia i quyet nhii the nao? B: Just let it go. /d3Ast let it gau/ Den dau hay den do thoi. £□ - Hoi th o a i 2: A: How's your work now? /haus jua wa:k nau/ Cong viec hien tai cua cau van on chi/? B: Not bad. Just let it go. /not bsed d3Ast let it gau/ Cung tarn ditdc, den dau hay den do thoi. 10 You'll find a way /ju:Ifaind 0 wei/ Cai kho 16 cai khon _*i - Hoi th o a i 1: A: How can I tell her about this? /hau kaen ai tel ho: 'obaut 6is/ Cau bao m inh phdi noi chuyen nay vdi co ay nhii the nao day? B: Don't worry. You'll find a way. /daunt 'wAri ju :I faind 0 wei/ Diing lo, trong cai kho se lo cai khon thoi. 03 - Hoi th o a i 2: A: There's no need to be so frustrated. /6cas n0u ni:d tu bi: s©u frAstreitid/ Khong nliat thiet phdi buon ba nhii vay. B: How can you live without a job in the future? /hau keen ju: liv wid'aut 0 djob in 60 'fju:tj0/ Neu khong lam viec thi sau nay sc song nhii the nao? A: Don't worry. You'll find a way. /daunt 'w A r i ju :I faind 0 wei/ Diing lo! Trong cai kho se lo cai khon thoi. 11 Don't mistake her as somebody /daunt mis’teik haiaez 'sAmbadi/ Diing co d do m a d o a n g i a d o a n non £□ - Hoi th o a i 1 A: Is that girl your girl friend? /iz daet ga:I frend/ Co be do la ban gai cua cau day a? B: No, it's not. /nauits not/ Khong. A: She doesn't look like your classmate. /Jii'dAznt luk laik jua 'k la is m e it/ Xem ra co ay cung khong co ve giong ban hoc cua cau lam nhi. B: Don’t mistake her as somebody. She is my older sister. /daunt mis'teik ha: asz 'sAmbadi Ji: iz mai 'aulda 'sista/ Diing co ma doan gici doan non. La chi gai cua m inh day. A: Reallt? She is so pretty. /riali Jl: iz sau ’priti/ The a? Chi ay xinh qua. B: Everybody says she looks better than me. /'evribadi saisji: luks 'beta 6aen mi:/ Moi ngiidi deu noi chi ay xinh hcfn minh rat nhieu. 12 - Hoi th o a i 2: A: Was the handsome young man your boy friend? /woz <3o 'haensom jArj maen boi frend/ A nh chang ngay horn qua di vdi cau la ban trai cua cau day a ? B: Don't mistake him as somebody. He's my brother. /daunt mis'teik him aez 'sAmbedihns mai 'brActe/ Diing co d do ma doan gia doan non. La anh trai cua minh day. Have a good dream /haev a gud drim/ Chuc co m ot g ia c m o dep £□ - Hoi th o a i 1: , A: So this is settleffl OK? /sou dis iz 'setld au'kei/ Viec nay cl? quyet dinh nhii vay nhe. B: OK, bye. /au'kei bai/ If, chao cau. A: See you tomorrow and have a good dream. 13 /si: ju: ta'morau asnd 0 gud dri:m/ Hen ngay mai gap lai, chuc cau co mot giac ma dep. d - Hoi th o a i 2; A: It is too late today. Can we talk tomorrow? /it iz tu: leit ta'dei ksen wi: to:k ta'morai^/ Cung khong con sdm nita roi, co chuyen gi thi de ngay mai noi di. B: OK, see you tomorrow. /au'kei si: ju: ta'morau/ if, hen ngay mai gap lai. A: See you tomorrow and have a good dream. /si: ju: ta'morau asnd haev a god dri:m/ Chao cau, chuc cau co mot giac met dep. £3 - Hoi th o a i 3: A: I should go now. See you tomorrow. /ai Jud gau nau si: ju: ta'morau/ M inh phdi di day, hen mai gap lai nhe. B: OK, see you tomorrow and have a good dream /au'kei si: ju: ta'morau asnd hasv a gud dri:m/ If, hen ngay mai gap lai. Chuc cau co mot giac mcf dep. 14 Lose money just to avoid misfortune /lu:z 'm A ni d3Ast tu 8'void mis'foit Jon/ Cua di thay ngitdi £D - Hoi th o a i 1: A: Such bad luck! 200 yuan was stole by a thief on the bus today. /sAtf baed kk jui'arn woz 'staulon bai 0 0 i:f on 60 bAS to 'dei/ Xui xeo qua! Horn nay d tren xe minh bi ten trom moc mat 200 NDT. B: Don't be angry. You lose money just to avoid misfortune. /daunt bi 'aengri ju: lu:z 'mAni d3Ast tu ©'void mis'fo:tj0n/ Diing bi/c boi niCa, cua di thay ngi/cfi ma. A: Well, you can just comfort yourself like that. /wei ju: ka°n d3ASt 'kAmfat juoi’self laik daet/ 4 U, minh cung chi co the ttf an iii nhtf vay thoi. £3 - Hoi th o a i 2: A: My bike was lost today. /mai 'baik woz lost to'dei/ Horn nay minh bi mat xe dap roi. 15 B: To buy another one, lose money just to misfortune. a v o id /tu bai a'nAda wAn lu:z 'mAni d3Ast tu a'void mis’foitjan/ Thi lai mua cai khac, cu! coi nhiC cua di thay ngtfdi di. A: Where can I get the money from? /wea kasn ai get <3a mAni from/ N hitng lay tien d dau chit? Just submit to the will of Heaven! /d3ASt sab'mit tu 6a wil of 'hevan/ Mac cho so p h a n £9 - Hoi th o a i 1; A: The exam is coming, how did you review? 16b ig'zasm iz 'kAmin hau did ju: ri'vju:/ Sap thi roi day, the cau on den dau roi? B: Not so good, just submit to the will of Heave! /not sau gud d3Ast sab'mit tu da wil of 'hevan/ Chang ra sao ca, danh de mac cho so phan thoi. 16 £□ - Hoi th o a i 2: A: Can you pass the exam? /kaen ju: pa:s di ig'zaem/ Lieu cau thi co qua khong? B: I have no any idea. /ai haev nau 'eni ai'dia/ Minh chang hy vong g i ca. A: Just submit to the will of Heave. /d3ASt sab'mit tu da wil of 'hevan/ The thi danh de mac cho so phan thoi. I'll take your advice. /ail teik jua ad'vais/ The thi lam theo y anh vay £2 - Hoi th o a i 1: A: We buy the house when we have the enough money, /wi: bai da haus wen wi: h^ev di i'nAf 'mAni/ Chd den khi nao co du tien chung ta hay mua nha. B: I'll take your advice. /ail teik jua ad'vais/ The thi lam theo y anh vay. 17 £3 - Hoi th o a i 2: A: You will use the money in many aspects, just save it /ju: wil ju:s 60 'mAni in 'meni 'asspekts d3ASt seiv it/ Sau nay con rat nhieu viec can den tien, cho nen chung ta phdi tiet kiem mot chut. B: I'll take your advice. /ail teik ju© 0d’vais/ The th i lam theo y anh vay. A: Let's go and travel when we get the chance. /lets g©u aend 'traevl wen wi: get d© tja:ns/ Khi nao co cd hoi chung ta se di du lich sau. Why does my good will deserve a bad ending? / w a i dAZ m a i gud w il d i 'z © : v © b a s d Lam p h u c p h d i toi £3 - Hoi th o a i 1: A: Let me drive you home. /let mi: draiv ju: h©um/ De m inh lai xe dtfa cau ve nhe? 18 'endir]/ B. What do you mean? /wot du ju: mi:n/ Cau co y gi vay? A: Why does my good will deserve a bad ending? /wai dAZ mai gud wil di'za:v 8 baed 'endir]/ Trdi cfi, dung la lam phuc phdi toi. CD - H oi th o ai 2 : A: It's cold outside. Put on an outfit. /its ksuld 'aut'said pAt on aen 'autfit/ Trdi lanh day, cau di dau thi nhd mac nhieu do vao. B: Don't be nosy. I can take care of myself. /daunt bi: 'nauzi ai ksen teik kea of mai'self/ Cau khong phdi ban tam, m inh se txilo dittfc. A: Why does my good will deserve a bad ending? /wai dA Z mai gud wil di'za:v 0 baed 'endirj/ Dung Id lam phuc phdi toi. 19 Don't be so happy! /daunt bi: sau 'haepi/ Diing co mitng qua sdm £□ - Hoi th o a i 1; A: Shall we go out this weekend? /Jasl wi:gau aut dis 'wi:kend/ Cuoi tuan nay chung ta di chcfi nhe. B: Don't be so happy! Maybe we've got to work. /daunt bi: sau 'hsepi 'meibi wi:v got tu wa:k/ Ditng co mitng qua sdm. Khong chiCng se phdi tang ca day. A: What a pity! /wot a 'piti/ A nh lam toi m at ca hiing. LJ ■Hoi th o a i 2: A: My thesis paper is published. /mai '0 i:sis ’peipa iz 'pAbliJd/ Bai vie't cua minh di/cfc dong roi day. B: Don't be so happy! /daunt bi: sau 'haepi/ 20 Diing co mitng qua sdm. A: Do you mean that will bring more trouble? /du: ju: mi:n 6a°t wil brir) mo:r 'trAbl/ Cau noi the co nghia la m inh se gap rat nhieu rac roi it? Let it be /let it bi:/ Chuyen d d q u a roi thi thoi £3 - Hoi th o a i 1: i A: I feel very sorry for you about that. /ai fi:l 'veri 'sori fo: ju: 'ebaut dseV Minh cit nghi m ai den chuyen do, thanh that xin loi cau. B: Let it be. /let it bi:/ Chuyen da qua roi thi thoi. A: Once thinking about it, I feel bad. /wAns '©inkiQ e'baut it ai fi:l baed/ Nhitng cii nghi den la m inh cam thay ay nay. 21
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