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Tài liệu English exercise


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ENGLISH EXERCISE A- THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 1) Which of the following is NOT a function of saliva? a. to aid in cleansing the teeth b. to lubricate the pharynx c. to initiate protein digestion d. to assist in the formation of a bolus 2) Formation of gallstones is referred to as a. hepatitis b. jaundice c. cholelithiasis d. cirrhosis 3) The part of the stomach that meets the esophagus at the gastroesophageal sphincter is a. the cardia b. the pylorus c. the lesser curvature d. the fundus 4) Teeth adapted to shear food are a. incisors b. molars c. premolars d. canines 5) The terminal portion of the small intestine is a. the ileum b. the cecum c. the jejunum d. the duodenum 6) Peristalsis moves food material a. in the intestines only b. from the pharynx to the anal canal c. in the stomach and small intestine only d. in the stomach and intestines only 7) Obstruction of the common bile duct by gallstones would most likely affect the digestion of a. nucleic acids b. proteins c. fats d. carbohydrates 8) The hepatic flexure of the large intestine occurs between a. the descending colon and rectum b. the ascending colon and transverse colon c. the transverse colon and descending colon d. the cecum and ascending colon 9) Which structure controls the flow of food and water from the stomach to the small intestine? a. pyloric sphincter b. ileocecal valve c. cardiac sphincter d. pyloric valve 10) which term means difficulty in swallowing? a. pyrosis b. dyspepsia c. anorexia d. dysphagia 11) Which condition is a protrusion of part of the stomach through the diaphragm? a. inguinal hernia b. esophageal varices c. gastrocele d. hiatal hernia 12) Put the anatomical structures in order from when food first enters the body Teeth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Rectum 13) Which tube leads towards the stomach and carries food? (Esophagus) 14) The ____________ sphincter separates the stomach from the small intestine. (pyloric) 15) Saliva begins to ____________ the food as it is ground and cut by the teeth (Digest) 16) The swallowing reflex is stimulated by a. Food in the larynx b. Food in the pharynx c. The pharynx 17) The peristaltic wave reaches the pyloric sphincter, which makes food enter the stomach: False 18) Which organ does most of the digestion and absortion of food? a. Small intestine b. Large intestine c. Liver d. Stomach B- THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 19) Match the terms with their definitions 20) The systemic circuit pumps blood to the lungs. False 21) An artery is a vessel that carries blood back to the heart: False 22) Diastole is the relaxation phase of the heart cycle: True 23) The left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta: True 24) The brachial artery supplies blood to the leg: False 25) The bicuspid valve is also called the mitral valve: True 26) Bradycardia is a lower than average heart rate: True 27) The outermost of the three layers of the heart is ________ a. the endocardium b. the pericardium c. the epicardium d. the supracardium 28) The correct sequence for blood entering the heart through the venae cavae and leaving through the aorta is a. right atrium, left atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle b. left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, right ventricle c. left ventricle, left atrium, right ventricle, right atrium d. right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle 29) The heart is covered by ___________ a. the supracardium b. the epicardium c. the pericardium d. the endocardium 30) Which occurs during systole? a. atrial filling b. atrial relaxation c. ventricular filling d. ventricular contraction 31) The heart lies in the ________ cavity. a. ventral pericardial b. ventral pleural c. dorsal mediastium D. Dorsal pericardial 32) The opposite meaning of the following word: hypercapnia Hypocapnia 33) The opposite meaning of the following word: inspiration Expiration 34) The opposite meaning of the following word: tachypnea Bradypnea 35) The opposite meaning of the following word: intubation Extubation 36) The opposite meaning of the following word: hypopnea Hyperpnea 37) Inspection or examination of the bronchi: Bronchoscopy 38) Swelling of the mucosa of the bronchi: Bronchoedema 39) Dilatation of the bronchi: Bronchiectasis 40) The flushing out of the pleural cavity: pleuroclysis 41) Incision into the pleura: Pleurotomy 42) Herniation of lung tissue or of the pleura: Pleurocele 43) Fungus infection of the nose: Rhinomycosis 44) Pain in the nose or nasal area: Rhinodynia 45) Abnormally fast rate of breathing: Tachypnea 46) Increase in the depth and rate of breathing: Hyperpnea 47) Retarded or small amount of breathing: Oligopnea 48) A deformity of the chest: Thoracocyllosis 49) Examination of the chest: Thoracoscopy 50) Surgical punture or tap of the chest Thoracentesis C- Circulatory System 51) According to the recording, your heart is a. acts as a pump. b. is located in the right center. c. is not a muscular organ. d. bigger than your fist. 52) What is the function of the division? a. To help the body fill with oxygen-rich blood b. To separate the two types of blood c. To protect oxygen-poor blood d. To separate the heart into two parts 53) What is the cardiovascular comprised of? a. Blood b. All are correct. c. Oxygen-rich blood and oxygen-poor blood d. The heart and blood vessels 54) Another name for “oxygen poor blood” is ......blood, and “ ....... ......... blood” is red blood. 55) Which blood circulates through the body, and then returns to the heart? (Fill in each blank with ONE word.) -> .......blood 56) When blood is pumped into the lungs, what happens? a. The blood is supplied with oxygen. b. The lungs turn red. c. The lungs refresh the pulmonary arteries. d. The blood has a new supply of blood. 57) What organs does the “new” blood supply - with oxygen? a. Tissues b. None is correct. c. Ventricles d. Atria 58) What function do the four valves work as? a. As gates b. As a fence with gates c. As fence d. As gates on a fence 59) How do they work? a. They open and close immediately. b. They open when they are pushed on. c. They close, and then open. d. The open automatically. 60) (Fill in the blank with ONE word.) Each valve opens and closes one time per ....... . 61) (Fill in each blank with ONE word.) Systole is the name for “....... ”, and diastole is for“............”. 62) During the first step, what happens? a. Blood is forced into the lungs and body. b. The ventricles push the blood into the lungs and body. c. The right ventricle contracts, and the left one relax. d. The ventricles contract. 63) What comparison does the speaker make? a. blood like the ketchup and the lungs like squeezed bottles b. the lungs like the ketchup and the body like a squeezed bottle c. None is correct. d. blood like the ketchup and the heart like a squeezed bottle 64) Which ventricle contracts first, and which one later? → The ......one, and then the ........ one. 65) After the ventricles relax, what happens? a. They take blood from the lower chambers. b. All are correct. c. They are filled with blood from the atria. d. They start the diastole period. 66) What are capillaries? a. Blood vessels that divide into the branches. b. Coronary arteries that extend over the surface of the heart. c. Neither is correct. d. Both are correct. 67) What is the function of the electrical wiring system? a. It travels to the ventricles. b. All are correct. c. To give signals of pumping blood. d. It goes to a specialized pathway. 68) What keeps blood circulating? a. The coordination and normal rhythm of heart beats b. Both are correct. c. Neither is correct. d. The conduction system 69) People would die if there were a. no exchange of the two types of blood. b. the same amount of the two types of blood. c. more oxygen-poor blood than oxygen-rich blood. d. no oxygen-poor blood.
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