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Tài liệu Bảng động từ bất quy tắc năm 2015


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Bảng động từ bất quy tắc - Irregular vebs IRREGULAR VERBS List of irregular verbs (Bảng động từ bất quy tắc) Động từ nguyên thể abide Quá khứ đơn arise abode abided arose Quá khứ phân từ abode abided arisen awake awoke awoken be been bear was were bore become became become befall befell befallen begin began begun mang chịu đựng sinh,đẻ trở nên, trở thành xảy ra, xảy đến bắt đầu behold beheld beheld nhìn ngắm bend bent bent beset beset beset bespeak bespoke bespoken bid bid bid bind bleed blow bound bled blew bound bled blown cong, bẻ cong bao quanh, vây quanh chứng tỏ, cho thấy trả giá - đấu giá buộc, trói chảy máu thổi, bị thổi break broke broken breed bred bred bring broadcast brought broadcast brought broadcast đập vỡ vỡ nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ mang đến phát thanh build burn buy built burnt burned bought built burnt burned bought xây dựng đốt cháy, làm bỏng mua cast cast cast quăng, ném, liệng, thả borne born Nghĩa Ví dụ tồn tại chịu đựng thức dậy phát sinh thức đánh thức thì, là, ở He abided in the wilderness for forty days. We arose early on Christmas morning. She was born in London. She awoke me at seven. The food was already on the table. He has just become a father. Should any harm befall me on my journey, you may open this letter. The discussion began much later than expected. The new bridge is an incredible sight to behold. I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road. They were beset with foes on every side. His letter bespoke his willingness to help. She knew she couldn't afford it, so she didn't bid. The prisoner was bound hand and foot. He bled heavily in the accident. The letter blew away and I had to run after it. The dish fell to the floor and broke. His main income comes from breeding cattle. They brought home a small dog. The tennis championship is broadcast live to several different countries. These old houses are built of stones. She burnt his old love letters. I bought my camera from a friend of mine. The knight cast the sword far out into the lake. catch caught caught bắt, chụp, túm chide chided chid mắng chửi choose cleave chose clove cleft cleaved came cost chided chid chidden chosen cloven cleft cleaved come cost crew crowed cut dealt crew crowed cut dealt dug dived dove drew dug dived dove drawn dreamed dreamt drunk driven dwelt mơ drink drive dwell dreamed dreamt drank drove dwelt eat fall feed ate fell fed eaten fallen fed ăn ngã, rơi cho ăn feel fight find felt fought found felt fought found flee fling fly fled flung flew fled flung flown forbear forbore forborne cảm thấy chiến đấu phát hiện, tìm thấy chạy trốn quăng, liệng bay, đi máy bay nhịn forbid forbidden foresee forget forgive forbade forbad forecast forecasted foresaw forgot forgave forsake freeze forsook froze forsaken frozen get got give go grind gave went ground got gotten given gone ground grow grew grown hang hung hung lớn lên, phát triển treo hear hide heard hid heard hidden nghe thấy ẩn, trốn, nấp come cost crow cut deal dig dive draw dream forecast forecast forecasted foreseen forgotten forgiven He caught the last train to London yesterday. She chided him for his bad manners. chọn, lựa chọn chẻ, bổ I've chosen Luis a present. He clove his way through the crowd to get there on time. đến đáng giá, phải trả gáy (gà) nói bi bô cắt phân phát giao thiệp giải quyết đào lặn, lao xuống Has she come yet? The book costs 20 dollars. vẽ, kéo uống lái xe trú ngụ, ở cấm, ngăn cấm dự đoán, dự báo thấy trước quên tha thứ ruồng bỏ đông, làm đông lại có được cho đi xay, nghiền My cock crows repeatedly in the morning. Where did you have your hair cut? She's used to dealing with difficult customers. The hole was dug in 30 minutes. They ran to the pool, dived in, and swam to the other side. The children drew pictures of their families. I dreamed that I had a baby. I didn't drink at all while I was pregnant. I drove my daughter to school. She dwelt in remote parts of Asia for many years. I ate bread for breakfast this morning. He fell badly and broke his leg. I usually feed the neighbour's cat while she's away. Never in her life had she felt so happy. They fought against the South. I've just found a ten-pound note in my pocket. She fled from the room in tears. He flung the letter into the fire. We flew to Paris. He performed so well that I could hardly forbear from congratulating him. Smoking is forbidden in the cinema. Snow has been forecast for tonight. A lot of problems have been foreseen. I forgot to tell you the news. She forgave me for everything wrong I had done. He forsook me when I needed him most. Water freezes to ice at a temperature of 0°C. I got a call from Phil last night. They never gave me a chance. I went to Paris last summer. They had ground coffee before going to work this morning. Coffee is grown in Vietnam. Many of his finest pictures are hung in the National Gallery. She heard a noise outside. She used to hide her diary under her hit hit hit đánh hurt hurt hurt input input input keep kept kept đau, làm đau, làm tổn thương cung cấp tài liệu (máy tính điện tử) giữ kneel knelt kneeled knit knitted knew laid led knelt kneeled knit knitted known laid led leave learned learnt left learned learnt left lend lent lent let let let lie light lose make lay lit lighted lost made lain lit lighted lost made mean meant meant meet mislay met mislaid met mislaid misread misread misread misspell misspelt misspelt mistake mistook mistaken viết sai chính tả nhầm lẫn misunderstand misunderstood hiểu lầm outdo misunderstoo d outdid outdone làm giỏi hơn outgrow outsell overcome outgrew outsold overcame outgrown outsold overcome lớn nhanh hơn bán chạy hơn vượt qua overeat overhang overate overhung overeaten overhung overhear overheard overheard ăn nhiều quá nhô lên trên, treo lơ lửng nghe trộm overlay overlaid overlaid oversee oversaw overseen oversleep overslept overslept overtake overtook overtaken knit know lay lead learn pillow. Teachers are not allowed to hit their pupils. She was badly hurt when he left her. I've spent the morning inputting datainto the computer. quỳ She kept her money in a secret place while she was alive. She knelt down beside the child. đan My granny knitted me some gloves. biết đặt, để dẫn dắt, lãnh đạo học They have known each other for years. She laid the baby on the bed. She was the girl who led the discussion yesterday. I've learned a lot about computers since I started work here. He left the house by the back door. rời đi, để lại cho mượn cho phép, để cho nằm thắp (đèn) soi sáng mất, làm mất làm, chế tạo, sản xuất có nghĩa là hàm ý gặp để mất, để thất lạc đọc nhầm che, phủ lên trên trôm nom quan sát ngủ quên bắt kịp vượt He lent me some money. At last my father let me go out with my friends. A cat lay in front of the fire. He lit his fifth cigarette in half an hour. I've just lost my ticket. He'd made a chocolate cake. What does this word mean? They met at work. I seem to have mislaid my pen. I thought the chemist had misread my prescription. He appologized for misspelling my name. I mistook your signature and thought the letter was from someone else. He seems to have misunderstood me. When a student, he outdid everyone else in the class. The company outgrew its office space. CDs soon began to outsell records. Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class. He overate and became overweight. Several large trees overhang the path. I overheard a very funny conversation on the bus this morning. The table is overlaid with a tablecloth. As marketing manager, her job is to oversee all the company's advertising. I missed the train this morning because I overslept again. Our US sales have now overtaken our sales in Europe. overthrow pay overthrew paid overthrown paid prove proved put read put read proved proven put read xảy ra bất thình lình lật đổ trả, nộp, thanh toán chứng minh, chứng tỏ đặt, để đọc rebuild rebuilt rebuilt xây dựng lại remake remade remade làm lại repay resell repaid resold repaid resold hoàn lại tiền bán lại retake retook retaken chiếm lại rewrite ride ring rewrote rode rang rewritten ridden rung viết lại cưỡi rung chuông rise rose risen run ran run dậy lên mọc chạy say said said nói see saw seen seek sell send shake sought sold sent shook sought sold sent shaken nhìn thấy gặp hiểu tìm kiếm bán gửi rung, lắc shine shoot show shone shot showed shone shot shown shut shut shut chiếu sáng bắn chỉ ra cho xem chiếu đóng sing sink sang sank sung sunk hát chìm sit sleep slide sat slept slid sat slept slid ngồi ngủ trượt, lướt smell sow smelt sowed speak speed spoke sped speeded smelt sowed sown spoken sped speeded spell spelled spelt spent spilled spilt spoiled spelled speltl spent spilled spilt spoiled ngửi, đánh hơi gieo trồng gieo rắc nói di chuyển nhanh, làm tăng tốc độ đánh vần, viết vần tiêu xài tràn, đổ ra spend spill spoil làm hỏng His government was overthrown in 1970. I paid the driver with cash. They proved him innocent. Where have you put the keys? Your handwriting is so untidy I can't read it. The cathedral was completely rebuilt in 1425. A French film was remade in Hollywood as 'Three Men and a Baby'. She repaid her mother the loan. He resold the bike after a long time of use. In the battle to retake the village, over 150 soldiers were killed. She didn't like the letter and rewrote it. I learned to ride a bike when I was six. The boss rang to say he would be back at 4:30. The balloon rose gently up into the air. They boy ran away when he saw his father. She said goodbye to all her friends and left. I saw an old friend on the way home yesterday. He has been seeking a job for years. I sold him my car for $1,000 I sent it by sea. The explosion shook buildings for miles around. The sun shone all afternoon. She was shot three times in the head. On this map, urban areas are shown in grey. Mary shut her book and put it down on the table. She sang her baby to sleep every night. The Titanic was a passenger ship which sank in 1912. He came and sat down next to me. I slept late on Sunday morning. He had slid on the floor before going out with his friends. Humans can't smell as well as dogs. Sow the seeds in pots. English is spoken in America. The train sped along at over 120 miles per hour. He spelt out his name quickly and ran away. Money should be spent in a right way. I spilt coffee on my silk shirt. The oil spill has spoilt the whole beautiful spread spoilt spread spoilt spread spring sprang sprung stand steal stood stole stood stolen stick stuck stuck sting stung stung strike struck struck swear swore sworn sweep swell swept swelled swim teach tear tell think throw undercut swam taught tore told thought threw undercut swept swelled swollen swum taught torn told thought thrown undercut undergo underwent undergone underlie underlay underlain underpay underpaid undersell lan tràn lan truyền chảy (nước) bật lên, nảy ra đứng trộm ghim vào, đính vào châm đốt đánh, đập, điểm đình công tuyên thệ quét sưng, phồng coastline. The fire spread very rapidly because of the strong wind. I sprang out of bed to answer the door. Stand still and be quiet! The number of cars which are stolen every year has risen. He stuck up a notice on the board. I got stung by a bee yesterday. Have you ever been struck by lightning? She swore that she didn't know what had happened to the money. When I came she was sweeping the floor. Her toe swelled quickly and really hurt. I swam two miles this morning. Who taught you to cook? I tore my skirt on the chair as I stood up. I told her to go home. Salmon used to be thought expensive. She threw herself into a chair, exhausted. They claim to undercut their competitors by at least 5%. She underwent an operation last year. underpaid bơi dạy xé, rách kể, bảo nghĩ, suy nghĩ ném ra giá thấp hơn kinh qua trải qua nằm dưới là nền tảng, cơ sở trả lương thấp undersold undersold bán rẻ hơn understand undertake understood undertook understood undertaken underwrite underwrote underwritten wake woke waked worn woken waked worn hiểu thực thi đảm nhiệm bảo hiểm tài trợ thức giấc đánh thức mặc A big supermarket can usually undersell a small local store. My wife doesn't understand me. Students are required to undertake simple experiments. His bank underwrote this event. wed wed wedded wed wedded kết hôn The couple eventually wed after an eighteen-year engagement. wet wet wetted won làm ẩm He wetted his children's clothes. win wet wetted won chiến thắng Which year was it that Italy won the World Cup? write wrote written viết I wrote my sister a letter. wear Careful planning underlies all our ecisions. Many workers are now underpaid. I woke up with a headache. He wears glasses for reading.
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