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Tài liệu 2 essays task 2


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In some parts of the world it is increasingly popular to research the history of one’s own family. Why do people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development? People nowadays are becoming increasingly keen to learn about their family history. There are some compelling reasons for this; and I strongly feel that this is a positive development. Most people do research on their family history to find out whether their ancestors had the similar personality traits and to have deeper understanding about their roots and heritages. Or some others study their family historical background for less significant reasons, one of which is curiosity. For example, my uncle used to spend a great deal of time and effort tracing my family tree back to the 18th century just out of curiosity. Also, I think news media have a major part to play in this trend. There are a lot of news articles and advertisements that encourage genealogy and convince people that it is necessary to know about their ancestry. In my view, this is a good way to teach children about history and how their ancestors lived, which is linked in part to family traditions. And it is even more important for children to carry on such valuable and unique traditions, given that this fast changing world is somehow making young generations ignore the spiritual legacy that their ancestors left. On top of that, family history can be a fascinating discussion topic whenever there is a family meeting. How my grandparents struggled to bring up their offspring during the Vietnam War, for example, has become my father’s favorite subject when all my relatives gather for a traditional holiday feast. In conclusion, people like to study their family history for a variety of reasons as I have discussed in my essay, and personally I consider this a positive modern trend. 280 words Many old buildings are protected by law because they are part of a nation’s history. However, some people think old buildings should be knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress? Whether or not old buildings should be demolished to create space for other properties is a matter of concern for many people. It is essential to note that the maintenance of those buildings has its own historical importance and therefore need to be given serious consideration. At the same time, there should be a middle ground in which history and modern development can stand together. To begin with, buildings from the past play a key role in a nation’s history. They not only reflect the cultures and lifestyles of people in old times but also present several unique aspects from the country’s architecture and civilisation. In other words, they can be regarded as national heritage. In addition, those buildings appear to be a helpful learning source for the younger generations. To illustrate, children and students would gain knowledge and benefit from visiting historic landmarks better than merely reading textbooks at school. Moreover, old constructions undoubtedly act as attractions and will accordingly bring profits to the tourism sector. However, history should harmonize with modern development, not prevent it since housing and business making require space. In order not to remove some existing ancient buildings, it is possible to renovate and give them new functions, as well as make more space for accommodation and offices. Another feasible approach would be to allow more land use in remote areas from the government. By doing this, old buildings preservation is ensured meanwhile there is still room for modernization. In conclusion, old buildings maintenance is vital and certainly there are some solutions mentioned above to help history and progress not to stand in the way of each other. 273 words
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