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Tài liệu Software_architecture_design_tutorial


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i About the Tutorial Software Architecture typically refers to the bigger structures of a software system, and it deals with how multiple software processes cooperate to carry out their tasks. Software Design refers to the smaller structures and it deals with the internal design of a single software process. By the end of this tutorial, the readers will develop a sound understanding of the concepts of software architecture and design concepts and will be in a position to choose and follow the right model for a given software project. Audience This tutorial is designed for all software professionals, architects, and senior system design engineers. Managers of architecture teams also will be benefited from this tutorial. Prerequisites There is no exact prerequisite for this tutorial. Any software professional can go through this tutorial to get a bigger picture of how high quality software applications and products are designed. Copyright & Disclaimer © Copyright 2015 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of the contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher. We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or in this tutorial, please notify us at [email protected] i Software Architecture and Design Table of Contents About the Tutorial .................................................................................................................................... i Audience .................................................................................................................................................. i Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................ i Copyright & Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. i Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... ii 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1 Software Architecture ............................................................................................................................. 1 Software Design ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Goals of Architecture .............................................................................................................................. 3 Limitations .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Role of Software Architect ...................................................................................................................... 3 Quality Attributes ................................................................................................................................... 5 Quality Scenarios .................................................................................................................................... 5 Common Quality Attributes ................................................................................................................... 6 2. KEY PRINCIPLES ................................................................................................................... 8 Architectural Style ................................................................................................................................... 8 Common Architectural Design ................................................................................................................. 8 Types of Architecture .............................................................................................................................. 9 Architecture Design Process .................................................................................................................. 10 Key Architecture Principles ................................................................................................................... 12 Key Design Principles ............................................................................................................................ 12 3. ARCHITECTURE MODELS ................................................................................................... 15 UML ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Structural Diagrams .............................................................................................................................. 16 Behavioral Diagrams ............................................................................................................................. 17 Architecture View Model ...................................................................................................................... 18 4+1 View Model .................................................................................................................................... 18 ii Software Architecture and Design Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) ........................................................................................... 20 4. OBJECT-ORIENTED PARADIGM .......................................................................................... 21 Development of OO .............................................................................................................................. 21 Introduction to OO Paradigm ................................................................................................................ 21 Object ................................................................................................................................................... 21 Class ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 Encapsulation ....................................................................................................................................... 23 Polymorphism....................................................................................................................................... 23 Message Passing ................................................................................................................................... 23 Composition or Aggregation ................................................................................................................. 23 Association ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Inheritance ........................................................................................................................................... 24 OO Analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Object Modeling ................................................................................................................................... 25 Dynamic Modeling ................................................................................................................................ 25 Functional Modeling ............................................................................................................................. 26 Object-Oriented Design ......................................................................................................................... 26 Design Principles................................................................................................................................... 27 5. DATA FLOW ARCHITECTURE .............................................................................................. 29 Batch Sequential ................................................................................................................................... 29 Pipe and Filter Architecture................................................................................................................... 30 Filter...................................................................................................................................................... 30 Pipe ....................................................................................................................................................... 32 Process Control Architecture ................................................................................................................. 32 Types of Subsystems ............................................................................................................................ 32 Application Areas.................................................................................................................................. 32 6. DATA-CENTERED ARCHITECTURE ...................................................................................... 34 Types of Components ............................................................................................................................ 34 Repository Architecture Style ................................................................................................................ 35 Blackboard Architecture Style ............................................................................................................... 36 Parts of Blackboard Model ................................................................................................................... 37 7. HIERARCHICAL ARCHITECTURE .......................................................................................... 39 Main-subroutine ................................................................................................................................... 39 Master-Slave ......................................................................................................................................... 40 iii Software Architecture and Design Virtual Machine Architecture ................................................................................................................ 42 Layered Style ......................................................................................................................................... 44 8. INTERACTION-ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE .......................................................................... 46 Model-View-Controller (MVC) ............................................................................................................... 46 Model ................................................................................................................................................... 46 Controller.............................................................................................................................................. 47 View ...................................................................................................................................................... 47 MVC - I .................................................................................................................................................. 48 MVC - II ................................................................................................................................................. 48 Presentation-Abstraction-Control (PAC) ................................................................................................ 50 PAC with Multiple Agents ..................................................................................................................... 51 9. DISTRIBUTED ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................ 53 Concept of Distributed Architecture ...................................................................................................... 53 Basis of Distributed Architecture ........................................................................................................... 54 Client-Server Architecture ..................................................................................................................... 55 Thin-client model .................................................................................................................................. 56 Thick/Fat-client model .......................................................................................................................... 56 Advantages ........................................................................................................................................... 57 Disadvantages....................................................................................................................................... 57 Multi-Tier Architecture (n-tier Architecture) ......................................................................................... 58 Presentation Tier .................................................................................................................................. 58 Application Tier (Business Logic, Logic Tier, or Middle Tier) ................................................................ 58 Data Tier ............................................................................................................................................... 59 Broker Architectural Style ..................................................................................................................... 59 Components of Broker Architectural Style ........................................................................................... 60 Stub....................................................................................................................................................... 60 Skeleton ................................................................................................................................................ 60 Bridge ................................................................................................................................................... 61 Broker implementation in CORBA ........................................................................................................ 61 Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) ..................................................................................................... 62 Features of SOA .................................................................................................................................... 63 Distributed Deployment: ....................................................................................................... 63 SOA Operation ...................................................................................................................................... 63 10. COMPONENT-BASED ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................ 65 What is a Component? .......................................................................................................................... 65 Views of a Component ......................................................................................................................... 65 Characteristics of Components ............................................................................................................ 66 iv Software Architecture and Design Principles of Component−Based Design ................................................................................................ 67 Component-Level Design Guidelines ..................................................................................................... 68 Conducting Component-Level Design .................................................................................................... 69 11. USER INTERFACE ............................................................................................................... 71 Functions and Features of UI ................................................................................................................. 71 Graphical User Interface........................................................................................................................ 71 Design of User Interface ........................................................................................................................ 72 Elements of UI ...................................................................................................................................... 72 Levels of UI Design ................................................................................................................................ 72 Steps of UI Design ................................................................................................................................. 73 User Interface Development Process .................................................................................................... 73 User Interface Models .......................................................................................................................... 74 Design Considerations of User Interface................................................................................................ 75 12. ARCHITECTURE TECHNIQUES ............................................................................................ 77 Iterative and Incremental Approach...................................................................................................... 77 Identify Architecture Goal .................................................................................................................... 77 Key Scenarios ........................................................................................................................................ 77 Application Overview ........................................................................................................................... 78 Key Issues or Key Hotspots ................................................................................................................... 78 Candidate Solutions .............................................................................................................................. 79 Architecture Review .............................................................................................................................. 79 Communicating the Architecture Design ............................................................................................... 80 4 + 1 Model ........................................................................................................................................... 80 Architecture Description Language (ADL) ............................................................................................ 81 Agile Modeling ...................................................................................................................................... 81 IEEE 1471 .............................................................................................................................................. 81 Unified Modeling Language (UML) ....................................................................................................... 81 v 1. INTRODUCTION Software Architecture and Design The architecture of a system describes its major components, their relationships (structures), and how they interact with each other. Software architecture and design includes several contributory factors such as Business strategy, quality attributes, human dynamics, design, and IT environment. We can segregate Software Architecture and Design into two distinct phases: Software Architecture and Software Design. In Architecture, nonfunctional decisions are cast and separated by the functional requirements. In Design, functional requirements are accomplished. Software Architecture Architecture serves as a blueprint for a system. It provides an abstraction to manage the system complexity and establish a communication and coordination mechanism among components. It defines a structured solution to meet all the technical and operational requirements, while optimizing the common quality attributes like performance and security. Further, it involves a set of significant decisions about the organization related to software development and each of these decisions can have a considerable impact on quality, maintainability, performance, and the overall success of the final product. These decisions comprise of:  Selection of structural elements and their interfaces by which the system is composed. 1 Software Architecture and Design  Behavior as specified in collaborations among those elements.  Composition of these structural and behavioral elements into large subsystem.  Architectural decisions align with business objectives.  Architectural styles guide the organization. Software Design Software design provides a design plan that describes the elements of a system, how they fit, and work together to fulfill the requirement of the system. The objectives of having a design plan are as follows:  To negotiate system requirements, and to set expectations with customers, marketing, and management personnel.  Act as a blueprint during the development process.  Guide the implementation tasks, including detailed design, coding, integration, and testing. Domain analysis, requirements analysis, and risk analysis comes before architecture design phase, whereas the detailed design, coding, integration, and testing phases come after it. 2 Software Architecture and Design Goals of Architecture The primary goal of the architecture is to identify requirements that affect the structure of the application. A well-laid architecture reduces the business risks associated with building a technical solution and builds a bridge between business and technical requirements. Some of the other goals are as follows: • Expose the structure of the system, but hide its implementation details. • Realize all the use-cases and scenarios. • Try to address the requirements of various stakeholders. • Handle both functional and quality requirements. • Reduce the goal of ownership and improve the organization’s market position. • Improve quality and functionality offered by the system. • Improve external confidence in either the organization or system. Limitations Software architecture is still an emerging discipline within software engineering. It has the following limitations: • Lack of tools and standardized ways to represent architecture. • Lack of analysis methods to predict whether architecture will result in an implementation that meets the requirements. • Lack of awareness of the importance of architectural design to software development. • Lack of understanding of the role of software architect and poor communication among stakeholders. • Lack of understanding of the design process, design experience and evaluation of design. Role of Software Architect A Software Architect provides a solution that the technical team can create and design for the entire application. A software architect should have expertise in the following areas: 3 Software Architecture and Design Design Expertise  Expert in software design, including diverse methods and approaches such as object-oriented design, event-driven design, etc.  Lead the development team and coordinate the development efforts for the integrity of the design.  Should be able to review design proposals and tradeoff among themselves. Domain Expertise  Expert on the system being developed or planned for software evolution.  Assist in the requirement investigation process, assuring completeness and consistency.  Coordinate the definition of domain model for the system being developed. Technology Expertise  Expert on available technologies that help in the implementation of the system.  Coordinate the selection of programming language, framework, platforms, databases, etc. Methodological Expertise  Expert on software development methodologies that may be adopted during SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).  Choose the appropriate approaches for development that help the entire team. Deliverables of the Architect An architect is expected to deliver clear, complete, consistent, and achievable set of functional goals to the organization. Besides, he is also responsible to provide: • • • • A simplified concept of the system A design in the form of the system, with at least two layers of decomposition. A functional description of the system, with at least two layers of decomposition. A notion of the timing, operator attributes, and the implementation and operation plans. 4 Software Architecture and Design • A document or process which ensures functional decomposition is followed, and the form of interfaces is controlled. Hidden Role of Software Architect Besides, facilitating the technical work among team members, it has also some subtle roles such as reinforce the trust relationship among team members and protect team members from the external forces that could distract them and bring less value to the project. Quality Attributes Quality is a measure of excellence or the state of being free from deficiencies or defects. Quality attributes are the system properties that are separate from the functionality of the system. Implementing quality attributes makes it easier to differentiate a good system from a bad one. Attributes are overall factors that affect runtime behavior, system design, and user experience. They can be classified as: 1. Static Quality Attributes: Reflect the structure of a system and organization, directly related to architecture, design, and source code. They are invisible to end-user, but affect the development and maintenance cost, e.g.: modularity, testability, maintainability, etc. 2. Dynamic Quality Attributes: Reflect the behavior of the system during its execution. They are directly related to system’s architecture, design, source code, configuration, deployment parameters, environment, and platform. They are visible to the end-user and exist at runtime, e.g. throughput, robustness, scalability, etc. Quality Scenarios Quality scenarios specify how to prevent a fault from becoming a failure. They can be divided into six parts based on their attribute specifications: 1. Source: An internal or external entity such as people, hardware, software, or physical infrastructure that generate the stimulus. 2. Stimulus: A condition that needs to be considered when it arrives on a system. 3. Environment: The stimulus occurs within certain conditions. 4. Artifact: A whole system or some part of it such as processors, communication channels, persistent storage, processes etc. 5 Software Architecture and Design 5. Response: An activity undertaken after the arrival of stimulus such as detect fault, recover from fault, disable event source etc. 6. Response measure: Should measure the occurred responses so that the requirements can be tested. Common Quality Attributes The following table lists the common quality attributes that a software architecture must have: Category Quality Attribute Description Conceptual Integrity Maintainability Reusability Defines the capability for components and subsystems to be suitable for use in other applications. Ability of a system or different systems to operate successfully by communicating and exchanging information with other external systems written and run by the external parties. Manageability Run-time Qualities Ability of the system to undergo changes with a degree of ease. Interoperability Design Qualities Defines the consistency and coherence of the overall design. This includes the way, components or modules are designed. Defines how easy it is for the system administrators to manage the application. Reliability Ability of a system to remain operational over period of time. Scalability Ability of a system to either handle the load increase without impacting the performance of the system or the ability to be readily enlarged. Security Capability of a system to prevent malicious or accidental actions outside of the designed usages. Performance Indication of the responsiveness of a system to execute any action within a given time interval. Availability Defines the proportion of time that the system is functional and working. It can be measured as a percentage of the total system downtime over a predefined period. 6 Software Architecture and Design System Qualities Supportability Ability of the system to provide information helpful for identifying and resolving issues when it fails to work correctly. Testability Measure of how easy it is to create test criteria for the system and its components. User Qualities Usability Defines how well the application meets the requirements of the user and consumer by being intuitive. Architecture Quality Correctness Accountability for satisfying all the requirements of the system. Portability Ability of the system to run under different computing environment. Integrality Ability to make separately developed components of the system work correctly together. Modifiability Ease with which each software system can accommodate changes to its software. Cost and schedule Cost of the system with respect to time to market, expected project lifetime & utilization of legacy. Marketability Use of a system with respect to the market competition. Non-runtime Quality Business quality attributes 7 2. KEY PRINCIPLES Software Architecture and Design Software architecture is described as the organization of a system, where the system represents a set of components that accomplish the defined functions. Architectural Style The architectural style, also called as architectural pattern, is a set of principles which shapes an application. It defines an abstract framework for a family of system in terms of the pattern of structural organization. The architectural style is responsible to:  Provide a lexicon of components and connectors with rules on how they can be combined.  Improve partitioning and allow the reuse of design by giving solutions to frequently occurring problems.  Describe a particular way to configure a collection of components (a module with well-defined interfaces, reusable, and replaceable) and connectors (communication link between modules). The software that is built for computer-based systems exhibit one of many architectural styles. Each style describes a system category that encompasses:  A set of component types which perform a required function by the system.  A set of connectors (subroutine call, remote procedure call, data stream, and socket) that enable communication, coordination, and cooperation among different components.  Semantic constraints which define how components can be integrated to form the system.  A topological layout interrelationships. of the components indicating their runtime Common Architectural Design The following table lists architectural styles that can be organized by their key focus area: Category Architectural Design Description 8 Software Architecture and Design Message bus Communication Service–Oriented Architecture (SOA) Client/server Deployment 3-tier or N-tier Prescribes use of a software system that can receive and send messages using one or more communication channels. Defines the applications that expose and consume functionality as a service using contracts and messages. Separates the system into two applications, where the client makes requests to the server. Separates the functionality into separate segments with each segment being a tier located on a physically separate computer. Focuses on modeling a business domain and defines business objects based on entities within the business domain. Component Domain Domain Driven Design Breakdowns the application design into reusable functional or logical components that exposes well-defined communication interfaces. Based Layered Divides the concerns of the application into stacked groups (layers). Object oriented Structure Based on the division of responsibilities of an application or system into objects, each containing the data and the behavior relevant to the object. Types of Architecture There are four types of architecture from the viewpoint of an enterprise and collectively, these architectures are referred to as enterprise architecture. 1. Business architecture: Defines the strategy of business, governance, organization, and key business processes within an enterprise and focuses on the analysis and design of business processes. 2. Application (software) architecture: Serves as the blueprint for individual application systems, their interactions, and their relationships to the business processes of the organization. 3. Information architecture: Defines the logical and physical data assets and data management resources. 9 Software Architecture and Design 4. Information technology (IT) architecture: Defines the hardware and software building blocks that make up the overall information system of the organization. Architecture Design Process The architecture design process focuses on the decomposition of a system into different components and their interactions to satisfy functional and nonfunctional requirements. The key inputs to software architecture design are: • The requirements produced by the analysis tasks. • The hardware architecture (the software architect in turn provides requirements to the system architect, who configures the hardware architecture). The result or output of the architecture design process is an architectural description. The basic architecture design process that involves the following steps: Understand the Problem This is the most crucial step because it affects the quality of the design that follows. Without a clear understanding of the problem, it is not possible to create an effective solution. In fact, many software projects and products are considered as unsuccessful because they did not actually solve a valid business problem or have a recognizable return on investment (ROI). Identify Design Elements and their Relationships In this phase, build a baseline for defining the boundaries and context of the system. Decomposition of the system into its main components is based on the functional requirements. The decomposition can be modeled by using a design structure matrix (DSM), which shows the dependencies between design elements without specifying the granularity of the elements. In this step, the first validation of the architecture is done by describing a number of system instances and this step is referred as functionality based architectural design. 10 Software Architecture and Design Architecture Design Process 1. Understand the Problem 2. Evaluate the Architecture Design 3. Transorm the Architecture Design Evaluate the Architecture Design Each quality attribute is given an estimate, so in order to gather qualitative measures or quantitative data, the design is evaluated. It involves evaluating the architecture for conformance to architectural quality attributes requirements. If all the estimated quality attributes are as per the required standard, the architectural design process is finished. If not, then the third phase of software architecture design is entered: architecture transformation. However, if the observed quality attribute does not meet its requirements, then a new design must be created. Transform the Architecture Design This step is performed after an evaluation of the architectural design. The architectural design must be changed until it completely satisfies the quality attribute requirements. It is concerned with selecting design solutions to improve the quality attributes while preserving the domain functionality. Further, a design is transformed by applying design operators, styles, or patterns. For transformation, take the existing design and apply design operator such as decomposition, replication, compression, abstraction, and resource sharing. Moreover, the design is again evaluated and the same process is repeated multiple times if necessary and even performed recursively. The transformations (i.e. quality attribute optimizing solutions) generally improve one or some quality attributes while they affect others negatively. 11 Software Architecture and Design Key Architecture Principles Following are the key principles to be considered while designing an architecture: Build to Change Instead of Building to Last Consider how the application may need to change over time to address new requirements and challenges, and build in the flexibility to support this. Reduce Risk, and Model to Analyze Use design tools, visualizations, modeling systems such as UML to capture requirements and design decisions. The impacts can also be analyzed. Do not formalize the model to the extent that it suppresses the capability to iterate and adapt the design easily. Use Models and Visualizations as a Communication and Collaboration Tool Efficient communication of the design, the decisions, and ongoing changes to the design is critical to good architecture. Use models, views, and other visualizations of the architecture to communicate and share the design efficiently with all the stakeholders. This enables rapid communication of changes to the design. Identify and understand key engineering decisions and areas where mistakes are most often made. Invest in getting key decisions right the first time to make the design more flexible and less likely to be broken by changes. Use an Incremental and Iterative Approach Start with baseline architecture and then evolve candidate architectures by iterative testing to improve the architecture. Iteratively, add details to the design over multiple passes to get the big or right picture and then focus on the details. Key Design Principles Following are the design principles to be considered for minimizing cost, maintenance requirements, and maximizing extendibility, usability of architecture: Separation of Concerns Divide the components of system into specific features so that there is no overlapping among the components functionality. This will provide high cohesion and low coupling. This approach avoids the interdependency among components of system which helps in maintaining the system easy. Single Responsibility Principle 12 Software Architecture and Design Each and every module of a system should have one specific responsibility, which helps the user to clearly understand the system. It should also help with integration of the component with other components. Principle of Least Knowledge Any component or object should not have the knowledge about internal details of other components. This approach avoids interdependency and helps maintainability. Minimize Large Design Upfront Minimize large design upfront if the requirements of an application are unclear. If there is a possibility of modifying requirements, then avoid making a large design for whole system. Do not Repeat the Functionality It specifies that functionality of the components should not to be repeated and hence a piece of code should be implemented in one component only. Duplication of functionality within a single application can make it difficult to implement changes, decrease clarity, and introduce potential inconsistencies. Prefer Composition over Inheritance while Reusing the Functionality Inheritance creates dependency between children and parent classes and hence it blocks the free use of the child classes. In contrast, the composition provides a great level of freedom and reduces the inheritance hierarchies. Identify Components and Group them in Logical Layers Identity components and the area of concern that are needed in system to satisfy the requirements. Then group these related components in a logical layer, which will help the user to understand the structure of the system at a high level. Avoid mixing components of different type of concerns in same layer. Define the Communication Protocol between Layers Understand how components will communicate with each other which requires a complete knowledge of deployment scenarios and the production environment. Define Data Format for a Layer Various components will interact with each other through data format. Do not mix the data formats so that applications are easy to implement, extend, and maintain. Try to keep data format same for a layer, so that various components need not code/decode the data while communicating with each other. It reduces a processing overhead. System Service Components should be Abstract 13 Software Architecture and Design Code related to security, communications, or system services like logging, profiling, and configuration should be abstracted in the separate components. Do not mix this code with business logic, as it is easy to extend design and maintain it. Design Exceptions and Exception Handling Mechanism Defining exceptions in advance, helps the components to manage errors or unwanted situation in an elegant manner. The exception management will be same throughout the system. Naming Conventions Naming conventions should be defined in advance. They provide a consistent model that helps the users to understand the system easily. It is easier for team members to validate code written by others, and hence will increase the maintainability. 14
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