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Tài liệu G309723206701610


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江江江江江江江江江/江江江江江 Application Form for Exemption/Part Exemption from Class 姓 姓 Name 姓 姓 Major NGUYEN BICH NGOC 姓 姓 ID NO. Management Science and Engineering 5103150225 姓姓 Grade 姓姓姓姓 Telephone No. 18860875898 2016 姓姓姓姓 姓姓姓姓姓Course Name姓CHINESE LANGUAGE 姓姓姓姓 3 Course Information 姓姓姓姓姓Credit姓 姓姓姓姓 姓姓/姓姓姓姓 Reasons 姓Attach supporting materials姓 姓姓姓姓姓student’s Signature姓姓 Y M D 姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓 姓姓 姓姓姓 Whether agree him/her to be exempt from class: Agree Disagree 姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓 姓姓 姓姓姓姓姓姓 Comments of Teacher The applicant needs submit assignment or not姓 Yes 姓姓姓 No 姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓 姓姓姓姓姓 Notes Applicants should participate in midterm and final exam. 姓姓姓姓姓姓(Course teacher’s signature)姓 姓 姓 姓 姓姓姓姓姓姓 姓姓 Comments of OEC Teaching Affairs Office姓 Y M D 姓姓1姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓江江江江江江江江江江江江 江江江姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓 In the first week of a new term (restudy course in the first week when the restudy start), applicants should send this application form consented by the corresponding course teacher to Overseas Education College for confirmation. 2姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓 姓 This form is in triplicate which should be kept by Overseas Education College, the course teacher and the applicant respectively.姓
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