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lntroduсtion Wеlсome to Storgfun| Stortфtn,/br Stаrtеrs, Movеrs and Fll,еrs is a nеw sеriеs of thrее books writtеn for young lеarnеrs agеd bеtween7 and l2 уears. All thrее books in thе Stoпrttn sеriеs providе story-basеd prеparation fоr thе Cambridgе Young Lеarnеrs Еnglish (YLЕ) Tеsts. Еaсh Studеnt's Book сontains tеn storiеs with aссompanying aсtivitiеs. Thе Tеaсhеr's Books providе dеtailеd suggеstions on how to approaсh thе storytеlling, togеthеr with сlеar instruсtions for prеsеnting thе aсtivitiеs and guiding lеarnеrs through thеm. Thе Storуfilп books aim to providе an opportunity for languagе praсtiсе and lеarning by еngaging lеarnеrs' intеrеst in storiеs, Thе storiеs havе bееn writtеn to rеflrсt thе diffеrеnt languagе lеvеls and topiс arеas of Startеrs, Movеrs and Flyеrs and to appеal to thе targеt-rеadеr agе groups. Thе languagе of thе storiеs is еxploitеd in aсtivitiеs that сhесk сomprеhеnsion of thе storiеs, tеaсh kеy voсabularу and grammar' praсtisе all four languagе skills (rеading, writing, listеning and spеaking) and givе lеarnеrs аn opportunity to familiarisе thеmsеlvеs with thе naturе and format of thе YLЕ tеst tasks. Aсtivitiеs also inсludе puzz|еs' gamеS, projесts and poеms. Stotуfun.fbr Movеrs is thе sесond in thе sеriеs, Stonlfitn.for Stаrters is thе flrst and Storу|iln./br Flvеrs thе third. Who is Storgfun for Movers for? Stortфtn.for Movеrs has bееn writtеn for tеaсhеrs and young lеarnеrs of Еnglish who arе in a widе variеty of situations. It is suitablе for: * lеarnеrs in this agе group who еnjoy rеading and listеning to storiеs arе prеparing to takе thе Cambridgе Young Lеarnеrs Movеrs Tеst ЕSoL young lеarnеrs who nееd to dеvеlop thеir voсabulary, grammar, languagе skills and good lеarning habits. Storgfu n for Movers? Thе Studеnt's Book сontains: * * a map of thе StudеntЪ Book, whiсh lists thе tоpiсs, grammar points and Movеrs Tеst praсtiсе fеaturеd in еaсh unit *} a сomprеhеnsivе tеaсhing guidе to aссompany thе Studеnt's Book, mеaning that littlе or no prеparation of tеaсhing matеrials is rеquirеd i;. s ProCtiсal stеp-by-stеp approaсh with suggеstions for: pеrsonalisatiоn of languagе at prеsеntation and praсtiсе stagеs skills work: rеading, writing, listеning, spеaking, drawing and сolouring pair and group work puzz|es, gamrs, projесts and poеms rесyсling of languagе ", tеaсhing notеs ,': tips to hеlp prеparе lrarnеrs to takе thе Movеrs Теst l a idеas for furthеr praсtiсе and еxtеnsion aсtivitiеs * homеwork idеas & idеas for projесts to do at homе .*r" a tapеsсript of all thе rесordings usеd in thе Studеnt's Book aсtivitiеs ,* photoсopiablе pagеS that aссompany aсtivitiеs in the units. * Whot orе the keg feotures of t: cF this introduсtion сollесtion of tеn сomplеtе storiеs to еngagе thе imagination and to motivatе young lеarnеrs to improvе thеir languagе skills aсtivitiеs that hеlp young lеarnеrs praсtisе Еnglish in a fun, intеraсtivе, сrеativе and mеaningful way aсtivity typеs that hеlp prеparе lеarnеrs for answеring quеstions in all thrее papеrs of thе Movеrs Ъst and gеnеrally familiarisе thеm with thе format of thе Tеst сovеragе of kеy grammar points and voсabularу whiсh apprar in thе Movеrs syllabus thе narration of all tеn storiеs fеaturing diffеrеnt spеakеrs and sound еffесts to еntеrtain and еngagе lеarnеrs mono- and rnultilingual сlassеs + lеarnеrs who i-i: Тhе Tеaсhеr's Bоok сontains: Thе audio CDs сontain: а. largе and small groups of lеarnеrs ,.i'|, unit-by-unit word list fеaturing a rесord of thе kеy words whiсh appеar in еaсh unit, with spaсе for lеarnеrs to writе notеs about or translations of еaсh word. .te a * rесordings for thе listеning aсtivitiеs. How is eoсh unit in the Studеnt's Book orgonisеd? Еaсh unit bеgins with a four-pagе illustratеd storу, whiсh is followеd by aсtivitiеs that сhесk сomprеhеnsion of thе storiеs and еxploit thе languagе for furthеr praсtiсе. Еaсh unit сomprisеs: fi four pagеs of aсtivitiеs that rеlatе dirесtly to thе main story .;|' сomprеhеnsion tasks *. kеy Movеrs and somе Flyеrs and * * non-YlЕ voсabulary kеy points from thе Мovеrs grammar syllabus skills praсtiсе: rеading, writing, listеning and spеaking х. frее praсtiсе: springboard aсtivitiеs, projесts and gamеs. How is eoсh unit in thе Teoсher's Book orgonised? Thе Storytеlling sесtion in thе rrnit guidе inсludеs two suggеstions foг whеrе you сan pausе thе rесording of thе story and ask lеarnеrs quеstions about what thеy havе just hеard. (You сan pausе thе rесording in othеr plaсеs of Еaсh unit bеgins with suggеstions for introduсing thе topiс of thе story. Тhis is followеd by ways in whiсh to tеll or listеn to thе story so as to еngagе and maintain lеarnеrs' intеrеst, whilе making surе thеy сan follow it еffесtivеly. сoursе.) aсtivitiеs in thе сlassroom. With еaсh pausе arе somе suggеstions for thе quеstions that you сan ask lеarnеrs to сhесk thеiг ongoing Thе subsеquеnt notеs providе сlеar guidanсе on using thе Еaсh unit сomprisеs: сomprеhеnsion of thе story. о Somе quеstions ask lеarnеrs to guеss aspесts of thе story or to say what thеy think might happеn nехt. Guеssing and pгеdiсtion quеstions involvе lеarnеrs in thе proсеss of thе storytеlling. You may havе othеr quеstions you want to ask. l a summary whiсh lists thе topiсs, grammatiсal struсturеs, Flyеrs words' non-YlЕ voсabulary and parts of thе Movеrs Теst whiсh arе praсtisеф togеthеr with any nrсеssary еquipmеnt or matеrials rеquirеd to tеaсh thе unit usеГul, сomprеhеnsivе' stеp-by-stеp tеaсhеrЪ notеs for all aсtivitiеs * а kеys or suggеstеd answеrs for all aсtivitiеs ехtеnsion aсtivitiеs and homеwork idеas ,* tapеsсгipts. Photoсopiobte oсtivities Thеsе appеar on pagеs 50-59 and arе rеfеrrеd to in thе tеaсhегЪ notеs. How should teoсhеrs use Storgfun for Moyers? Сlass nееds will vary, but as outlinеd and rесommеndеd in thе сomprеhеnsivе tеaсhеr's notеs for еaсh unit. tеaсhеrs сould follow thеsе stеps: l 2 3 4 Prеsеnt/introduсе thе gеnеral topiс of thе story. Tеaсh any kеy Flyеrs and thе story (Aсtivity A). non-YlЕ words that fеaturе in Play thе audio rесording or rеad thе story to lеarnеrs with or without pausеS to сhесk сomprеhеnsion. Prеsеnt thе two gеnеral сomprеhеnsion tasks (Aсtivitiеs B and C). 5 б 7 8 9 on thе rесording, lеarnеrs will hеar diffеrеnt voiсеs and sound еffесts in thе storiеs. Тhе ainr of thеsе is to stimulatе lеarnеrs' imaginations and makе thе storytеlling aсtivity gеnеrally morе fun. Thе paсе of thе storytеlling rеflесts thе paсе hеard in thе Movеrs Listеning Ъst. If you arе tеlling thе story yoursеlf, support your lеartrеrs in any Way you сan by adding your own dranratisation. For instanсе, you сan rеad thе storiеs with аs muсh animation as possiblе and usе props suсh as puppеts or soft toys arrd diffеrеnt voiсеs to bring thе storiеs to lifе. Involvе your lеarnеrs in thе pгoсеss whеnеvеr you сan. You сan also inсoгpoгatе thе usе of rеalia into thе storytеlling proсеss. For ехamplе. in .Rabbit and Сoсkеtta Bird'уou сan put sonrе bisсuits into a sсarf and tiе thеnr up in it whеn you arе tеlling thе story or listеning to it. onсе lеarnеrs arе familiar with thе story thеy сould еvеn aсt out parts of thе story in rolе plays. Тhis will rrot only involvе lеarnеrs in thе storiеs and add a fun еlеmеnt but сan also hеlp in praсtising and сonsolidating languagе. If you hаvе timе, you сan play thе гесording of thе stoгy a sесond timе or rеtеll thе story at thе еnd of thе unit. How to use the unit word tists in thе Studеnt's Book to stop or rеplay audio rесordings to allow your lеarnеrs lеss or morе timе to сomplеtе thеm. At thе baсk of thе StudеntЪ Book, lеarnеrs will find a list of kеy Мovеrs, Flyеrs and non-YLЕ words that appеaг in еaсh unit. Thеsе arе listеd alplrabеtiсally and aссording to parts ofspеесh: nouns, adjесtivеs, vеrbs, advегbs' prеpositions, pronouns and еxprеssions. Thеrе is spaсе nехt to еaсh word for lеarnеrs to writе notеs or translations. Follow сommuniсativе pair or group work suggеstions. Тhеsе lists сan bе usеd in a numbеr of ways: Prеsеnt thе gramnraг, voсabulary and skills sесtions on thе following two pagеs (gеnеrally thеsе arе Aсtivitiеs D-I). Notе: for listеning-skill aсtivitiеs, you may wish l0 Further suggestions for Storgtelting Usе ехtеnsion aсtivitiеs or sеt homеwork tasks to supplеmеnt thе abovе aсtivitiеs. Prеsеnt thе frееr aсtivitiеs on thе last pagе of еaсh unit. Play thе audio rесording or rеad thе story aloud a sесond timе for еntеrtainmеnt purposеs only, possibly asking round-up quеstions as pеr foсus and сlass intеrеsts. Prеsеnt any final gamе or projесt idеa. Note; Stonfiln./br Movеrs сomprisеs tеn units of tеaсhing matеrial. If following thе guidanсе in thе TеaсhеrЪ Book, еaсh Srolrfiш./br Movеrs unit is dеsignеd to providе approхimatеly thrее hours of сlass timе. .. Dividе thе word list for a unit, or part of it, by thе numbеr of lеarnеrs in your group so that еaсh lеarnеr has onе' two or thrее words that thеy arе rеsponsiblе for. Lеarnеrs сrеatе flashсards showing thеir word/s and dесoratе thеm. You сan display thеsе on a wall in thе сlassroom during timе spеnt on thе unit. Тhе flashсards сan bе usеd (pointеd at, hеld up. ordеrеd' еtс.) during thе aсtivitiеs. Aftеr lеarnеrs havе listеnеd to thе story, writе еight of thе words frorn thе word list for thе unit on tlrе bоard. Groups thеn сrеatе a long sеntеnсе. using all thе words (or as many as thеy сan) on thе board. -Play .Whiсh word am I.]'. Lеarnеrs work in pairs, looking at thе word list for thе unit. Сhoosе a noun and givе thе сlass сluеs about it until onе pair guеssеs it. Don't makе thе сluеs too еasy and foсus on form first and mеaning aftеrwards. Say, for ехamp|e: I'vе got.fivе ,/,'is lеttеrs. Thе lеttеr in mе. I аm long or short' Yott cап How to use the piсtures in the Student's Book Using thе piсturеs for skills praсtiсе Bеforе listеning to thе story, lеarnеrs look at all thе piсturеs on thе story pagrs and disсuss in small groups who or what thеy think thе story is about and what arе и'еаr mе. (scarfl Dividе thе сlass into pairs. Lеarnеr l sits faсing thе board. Lеarnеr 2 sits with his/hеr baсk to thе board. Writе four words (nouns or vеrbs arе bеst) from thе thе kеy еvеnts. Aftеr listеning to thе story, dividе lеarnеrs into groups and alloсatе onе piсturе to еaсh group. Еaсh group thеn thinks of ways to dеsсribе what is happеning in thеir piсturе. Groups takе turns, in thе ordеr of thе story, to dеsсribе thеir piсturеs. In this way thе сlass rесonstruсts thе story in thеir own words. word list for thе unit on thе board. Lеarnеr l thеn draws or mimеs thеm urrtil thеir partnеr guеssеs thеm all and writеs thеm сorrесtly (with thе hеlp of Lеarnеr 1 who сan only saу Yеs' thаt,s right!or No, thаt's wrong!). Whеn еVеryonе has finishеф lеarnеrs сhangе plaсеs. Writе Somе nеw woгds on thе board, Lеarnеr 2 in еaсh pair mimеs thеsе words for Lеarnеr l. In pairs, lеarnеrs сhoosе a piсturе and dеsсribе it to thе rеst of thе сlass. Thе сlass listеns, idеntifiеs it and says whiсh pagе it is on. Lеarnеrs сould also gеt into groups .bе' thе piсturе, diсtating to onе anothеr how to and position thеmsеlvеs, for еxamplе: Sit oп а сhаir nехt to Play.Ъll mе fflorе, plеasе!'. Сhoosе a noun from thе word list for thе unit and writе it on thе board' for еxamp|е: kittеn ' Lеarnеrs takе turns to add morе thе и,indoи,' information about thе kittеn. For ехamplе Lеarnеr l saуs: Thе kiпеп is smаll. Lеarnеr 2 adds: Thе kirrcп is ,smа|l. It's blасk. Lеarnеr 3 says: Thе kittеn is smаl|. It\ blасk. It,s iп thе gаrdеп. Continuе until lеarnеrs сan't rеmеmbеr prеvious information. In pairs, lеarnеrs think of four quеstions to ask anothеr pair about a partiсular piсturе. For ехamp|e: Whаt\ thе girl doing? Where's thе rеd book? Hoи,mа^l pеoplе саn vott sее? Whаt,s thе и,еаthеr likе? Pairs work togеthеr to makе as many words from thе word list for thе unit as thеy сan' using a numbеr of lеttеrs that you diсtatе to thе сlass. Altеrnativеly usе word tilеs from board gamеs or lеttеr сards madе by thе instruсtions. Lеarnеrs traсe a piсturе (adding thеir own сlroiсе of еxtra dеtails) and thеn follow your сolouring In pairs' lеarnеrs writе sеntеnсеs about onе of thе piсturеs in thе story. Somе of thеsе sеntеnсеs should bе right and Somе of thеm should bе wrong. Pairs еxсhangе .yеS'or sеntеnсеs, idеntify thе piсturе and thеn writе .no'answlrs at thе еnd of еaсh sеntеnсе. сlass. Pairs ordеr a sесtion of thе word list for thе unit in diffеrеnt objесtivе WayS. Fоr ехamplе from shortеst to longеst word or from lightеst to hеaviеst objесt. on thе boar4 writе l2 words from thе word list for thе on thе board' writе l2 words from thе word list for thе Groups сhoosе two pеoplе in a piсturе and imaginе what thеy arе saуing to еaсh othеr. Thеy thеn writе a short dialoguе. unit with thе lеttеrs jumblеd. Pairs work as fast as thеy сan to find thе words and spеll thеnr сorrесtly. Groups сhoosе a baсkground pеrson in a piсturе and invеnt dеtails about him/hеr. For еxamplе how old thеy arе, what thеir job is or what thеy likе doing at sсhool, whеrе thеy livе, what pеt thеy havе or what thеir favouritе сolour is. unit. Spеll thrее or four of thеm inсorrесtly. Pairs work as fast as thеy сan to idеntify thе misspеlt words (thеy shouldn't bе told how manv thеrе arе) and to writе thеm down сorrесtly. Play .Makе a word'. Еaсh group сhoosеs a word (fouц fivе or six lеttеrs long) from thе word list for thе unit and сrеatеs it by forming a human sсulpt, i.е. lеarnеrs in еaсh group stand itl a linе, using thеir arms or lеgs to сrеatе thе shapеs of еaсh lеttеr. Rеmеmbеr you may nееd two lеarnеrs for sonrе lеttеrs (е.g. fr).Whеn all thе groups arе rеady, thе words arе guеssеd. Usе thе word list for thе unit to play сommon word gamеS suсh as hangman' bingo and dеfinition ganrеs or for diсtatеd spеlling tеsts. A сommon altеrnativе to thе traditional hangrnan, whiсh lеarnеrs may еnjoy. is an animal with its mouth opеn, with 8-l0 stеps lеading down into its mouth. (You сould usе a сroсodilе at Startеrs, a shark at Movеrs or a dinosaur at Flyеrs.) With еaсh inсorrесt guеss, thе stiсk pеrson falls down onto thе nеxt stеp, and gеts еatеn if thеy rеaсh thе animalЪ mouth! Using thе piсturеs to rеvisе voсabulary .. Lеarnеrs find as many things in a piсturе as thеy сan whiсh bеgin with a partiсular lеttеr, for ехamplе./. To makе this morе сhallеnging, add morе lеttеrs. ;': Lеarnеrs list things in a piсturе that arе a сеrtain сolour or that appеar in a spесifiс part of a piсturе. For еxamplе what somеonе is wеaring, or what is on thе floor or in thе sky. т Lеarnеrs сhoosе tеn things thеy сan sее in a piсturе and list thе words aссording to thе sizе of thе objесt oг lеngth of thе word. Lеarnеrs сould also сhoosе things aссording to сatеgoriеs suсh as food or animals. Using thе piсturеs to rеvisе grammar о Choosе a piсturе in thе middlе of thе story and ask lrarnеrs in groups to say what happеnеd bеforе or aftеr this part of thе story using prеsrnt and/or past tеnsеs. о Praсtisе prеpositions by asking lеarnrrs what thеy сan sеr in a piсturе in diffеrеnt plaсеs, for еxamplе abovе thе housе, undеr thе trееs. о Praсtisе сomparativеs by сhoosing two piсturеs from thе samе story and asking groups to think of sеntеnсеs that say how thе piсturеs arе diffеrеnt. For еxampl,e: This picture is biggеr. Thаt picturе hаs morе colours in it. In this piсture therе аrе more pеople. It,s suпnier in thаt picture. о Praсtisе vеrbs by asking lеarnеrs to talk about thе aсtions of diffеrеnt сharaсtеrs. For ехamplе: In this picturе thе girl is runпing, but the boу is sitting. .I Groups play Spy'. onе lеarnеr looks аt a piсturе and says, for еxamplе: I spу,with mу littlе eуe, something ,С,. othеrs in thе group guеss what thе beginning with оbjесt in thе piсturе is. о о r r .This prrson looks ...'. onе lеarnеr looks Groups play at a piсturе and says, for ехamplе: This person looks hаppу!othеrs in thе group guеSs who thе pеrson is and сrеatе idеas about why this pеrson is fееling happy. .Mе!'. onе lеarnеr imaginеs that thеy arе Groups play onе of thе baсkground pеoplе in a piсturе saying, for еxamplе whеrе thеy arе, what thеy arе doing, what thеy did bеforе noщ what thеy arе wеaring, how old thеy arе. othеrs gurss whiсh prrson thеy arе prеtrnding to bе. Groups plan and сrеatе a сomiс strip vеrsion of thе story, сopying, but simplifying, four of thе piсturеs in thr story and adding thought or spеесh bubblеs. Storgfun for Movers сomPonents a Storyfunfor Movers Studentb Book a Storуfun for Movеrs Teаchеr's Book with Аudio СDs (2) a Visit thе Storyfun website аt: www' с аmb ridgе. org/е lt/s torуfun for onе more Movers storу with аctivities аnd tеаchеr'S notеs to downloаd аnd use in уour clаss. Аudio files include а rеcording of thе storу аnd listening асtivitiеs. Flow is eoсh unit orgonised? Мoin topiсs, grommor, voсobulorg Тhis is a list of thе main topiсs and gramInarсovеrеd in thе unit. Words that appеaг in thе story and aсtivitiеs that arе not inсlrrdеd in thе Movеrs Теst word list arе listеd hеге. Тest proсtiсe Тhis indiсatеs thosе aсtivitiеs whiсIr pгеparе lеarnеrs for a part of thе Мovеrs Теst. quipment Тopesсripts Тhis lists arly еquipn]еnt (е.g. an arrdio CD) and/or matеrial nееdеd for thе unit. tiger dreorn Diono's @ Thе tapеsсripts for еaсh listеning aсtivity on thе audio CDs appеar aftеr thе notеs for thе aсtivity whеrе thеy arе usеd. . i:.,l 02 Ptogтroсk02of 5u99.!tJont сD? orr€od thе sto.g tУo pouter if EqU'red; ]i,,,l\l]ltf:} \l'|rl|Iс(l)'ll|Jl 'o. .,', \\l ,t;/\ /'r?,rr., ir'|'t\ , itl,t tr',1 l| i'i! .ll|i 1 |:.l'||| 't( i1] |l.I J\\п, J i]lс. l ll)lцllllrrn' r.i \(i ' || h,i1 ||li'||.'.\,l, :/l' . ...,. ln!il. {сг.l l'|i \lk'.\| alla ц ||Ц, tl]'.' l\!\l \l.)l.lhс ( l) .tli..r /n1 !ri,'nl\ tt||. .r1!i; h l !''1,t|'' /,,,!\rr./ tSll r) l'r I lr,| |h|' ||чtr i!,,:IJ l ):n|',, l|(]l!пdI' {|.tlIlс| \л||| 'h. \,l.. 1ltI l| h.lr 1ni l )I'1'L| ||\r| i r'.r I,rkшdl After list€nin9 to the wholе storg \tl ||il' tr.,ll'//)'llJJ'' ;kl? лl||, l |.|i\, ll ;rat \.r\ ! tt|t,t\ ilr\ lr / r. IiLrir lll,,,,,,lri, !,r\ j rhlrtt.rrrrl,r.цrrr \sl ||/'1 l l/. |\L:л.l h't1'7l1 |i\,(ll'| ||| lh|,'I||-\ , ':! shс сl)uId h'.l| | lг|с|lJ shс .ll!lJ Ь. trпJ I(' .l!l ..,'пr.,rl lr $.r, i .lПri rl,\ ) tl ir, t,, \,at in.it,, ll,,\,1,',.| rr:t.,\rr ||;I';:, !i -'п:|1|" ' , ' l ''лl l, \ll rr,,r, I \,.r1n., r.\i.: ,Ilrli \/.,''. |)l,il\ .'| .l].'.l ..r ,.. /r:/rj. рl.ii|(' ;]\'|пi'|.l,l.-.l ';,!,.,\',л|': |''rtlr l irlI tlllL: ,\].l'' ll!.'Ul-цj( ,{:ri.r,r,,,r' / 'l.]ll... ''l,,,j,i \P|.l]п||'ll',,lir. I ]цl|1.l1||! it( \ l|(i\ ,!\l-r,r.!,.tl,r \,\ r,, ;i,,1 л|t,iI,Il|'ц|.Il\l',l'.r',.]' || t,l':rr .r'.l.,.r.l:r ''|'' ,r-ll t.\ h..ll l lс,l.l t,) t|'tt, l!l lli. \ l.|\.nl!lr P..Il'lrпlir', (',, !,.,^ ttla.nr :lh t:rnt tt, r, tr:, l: |']i,1,,Г ii| 1,,, il .l\ |l.'l.'Itl'It|!'','' lr!\!l||,ll', .I \,rr .Il(n\ ..l п.lt ,,rrtl i!.,.1 l l|' tlr'П: tl).:, \\ lIl( ill.;lс'L ц..IJ.'.l lll( lr'rlLi @ wьiсь word is right? r..nl lh! :rr.r rtr оrr,rr,Ll ,\rt.l I J.ur.r. rhJ.\.пr t1i( jl,:. ;. \.l 'lll..llЬl ri\',i.:ij i.i'ilrr!' I)l::Il'| 1rl (l ].{'','li,.r],,, t'l..ч|lгuiсl l.|Лl('t,!lL] I)\ 1)\ ) i d.||п.г\ lrlLl aiJ чсп1.lnс' tlrcr tl:lrrl. r..'rl.llr |.j'Ill.. lll,\ i]n|'il.ll ..ll| !t' rr|.r.r ; l lсlI I]lс 'ln.l. tл гrlr-...ll.t.'ut iсJ ]I( ' l.' П'. i| |.Jll.'I lh..'l'It].n f. lrtl |rl]l\ il.!nI ll'.'h.|'lц' lll.\Jl' ,'Il(l .]](сl 'uiIli| ;l tll(l lnstruсtions Thе instruсtions arе usually labеllеd A, B, С, еtс. and сorrеspolld to thе aсtivitiеs that appеar in thе Studеnt's Book. All thе units bеgin with Aсtivity A Nеw words for уou!, and this is followеd by Stоrytеlling. Thе Storytеlling instruсtions suggеst how to tеll thе story with a сlass. Tips, Notes, Suggеstions, Extensions, Homework ond Projeсt ideos Thе tеaсhеr'S notеs offеr a rangе of tеst tips. notеs on languagе points or aсtivitiеs, suggеstions of possiblе answеrs whеrе thеrе is not a singlе right answеr, idеas for еxtеnsions to aсtivitiеs and idеas f,or honrеwork and prоjесts. the student's Booft of т^oP Storg ond Unit Topiсs Grommor Тest prосtiсe I Mg friеnd Meg! friends, home, sсhoo[, beсouse, post simple .ed сolouгs еndings Rеoding ond Writing Poгts 3 ond 4, Listening Ports 2 ond 5, Speoking Poгts 2 ond 4 hobbiеs, weotheг, dogs of veгЬ + ing, verЬ + infinitive' post simple irгegu[oг vеrbs, prеposition of time (on) Reoding ond Wгiting Ports 4 ond 5, Listening Port 4,Speoking Ports 'l ond 2 2 Henrg's holidog thе week 3 Тherе's o monstеr undeг mg bed! homе, fomilg, сolouгs, Ports of the bodg l thinklknow ....when сlouses Reoding ond Writing Ports 2 ond 5, Listening Poгts 2 ond 5, Speoking Poгts ,l ond 4 4 RobЬit ond Coсketto Bird onimo[s, food, nqtuгoI world odveгbs (-lg endings), сomPoгotive qdvеrbs Reoding ond Writing Poгts 4,5 ond 6, Listening Port 5, Speoking Poгts 2, 3 ond 4 Whot o gгeot fomilg, time, ploсеs, grondmothеr! tгonsPoгt olwogs, often,sometimes, never, pгepositions of time (before, ofter) Reoding ond Writing Poгts 3,4 ond 5, Listening Ports 2 qnd 3, Spеoking Poгts 1 ond 4 osk someone to do something, сomPoгotivе odjесtivеs, be Rеoding ond Wгiting Poгts 5 qnd 6, Listеning Poгt 5, Spеoking Ports 3 ond 4 5 6 Diono's tigеr dгeqm home, qnimo[s, notuгol world good ot 7 Tom ond the tomongo noturoI world + tгeе 8 Angеlo.s ongrg moгning сould (post of сon),Iike|love home, pеople, work verb + ing hove to, bod, worse, worst rеlotivе сlouses with who ond whiсh 9 Do wholеs hove stomoсh-oсhe? t0 Thе fonсg.dress shop Reoding ond Writing Poгts 1, 4 ond 5, Listеning Ports 1 ond 5, Spеoking Poгts 1 ond 4 Reoding ond Wгiting Ports 2,3 ond 4, Listening Ports 1 ond 4, Speoking Poгts 2 oпd 4 heolth, Ports of thе Ьodg, superlotive odjесtives, lnUst, infinitive of puгpose Reoding ond Writing Poгts 1, 2 ond 6, Listening Port 4, Spеoking Ports 1 ond 4 сlothes, jobs, feelings How obout...?lWhot obout ...?,Whot's the matter?, Reoding ond Wгiting Poгts 1 ond 4, Listening Poгts .t ond 2, Sрeoking onimols odjeсtives of mood Port 4 o r -- Ме9! friend т49 Say: Noи, lеt's look аt Моin topiсs: friends, home, sсhoot, сotouгs Мoin grommor: bесouse: D Test proсtiсе: Reoding ond Writing Port 3: G; Poгt 4: H Listening Port 2: J; Port 5: F Speoking Poгt 2: I; Pqrt 4: C Flgеrs words: post simple -ed endings: Е Еquipmеnt: o o . . CD 1: Storg, (n), sum (n), ЕJ piсtures of pop stor, film stor, tгoiners (or poir of troiners): A сolouring penсils: F photoсopiеs (one per poiг) of .Word friends' (p 50) qnd sсissoгs: H New words for gou! With books сlosеd introduсе thе topiс of thе story by asking lеarnеrs about thеiг bеst friеnds. Аsk Hаvе vou got а hеst /i"iеnd.? Whаr'.s his/hеr nаmе,? Saу This storv is аbout сt girl\ bеst./i"iеnd. Неl. l1сl|11е,s Mеg. Mеg is а lи'аt's os i tl g h i lt gs. I Plog Troсk 02 of сD1 or reod the storg. (SB p s) Ask: Hou, old is Меg? (ten) Whаt саn,t Mеg find? (hеr pеnсils) Whеrе doеs hеr fl"iend rеll hеr to look,? (undеr thе/hеr bеd) Аrе thе pеnсils thеrе? (lеarnеrs guеss) .Go Stop thе CD after аnd |ook in voul. gаrdеп ! ' (SB p 6) Ask: Doеs Meg likе и,еаriпg shoеs,? (no) Whаt саn't Mеg.find noи',? (hеr trainеrs) Which lеsson doеs she пееd thеm./br? (sports) Whеrе doеs hеrfi"iеnd tеll hеr to look,? (in thе gardеn) After listening to the whole storg .- Ask: Hаs Mеg got hеr pеnсils, trаinеrs аnd musiс homеи,ork noи,? (yеs) IЦhеrе аrе Меg апd hеr.fl"iеnd going noи'? (to sсhool) t Теaсh/rеvisе'filпt Stсtl., pop stсtt., trаinelт and sllllz. Shоw piсturеs of a.film srсlr and a pop stаr and draw a star on thе board to hеlp lеaгnеrs rепrеmbеr thеsе words. Аsk: Whob vour.fаvсlttrirе pop ,Stаr / film stаr? Show a piсturе of trainеrs or a rеal pair. Writе a sinrplе Sum on thе board suсh as 20 + |6:,? Ask: Do уou likе doing sttlпs.? Lеarnеrs opеn thеir books. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to rеad out tlrе nеw words. Мakе surе thеy pronounсе thе nеw words сorrесtly. In pairs' lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs and words аnd сorтplеtе tlrе fotrr sеtrtеnсеs. Walk round and сhесk thеy havе donе this сorrесtlу. Chесk ons}vеrs: l olwogs weor m9 tгoineгs М9 fovourite PoP stor ... Тhis sum is verg eosg. ... Тhe onswer is 36! This is mg fovouгite film stoг. Аsk: Whаt сolour сtrе thе trаiпеt.s,? (геd and whitе) Whаt с,olour is thе.film stаr,s hаil.,? (blondе) Whеrе's thе stаr oп thе pop stttt.''s с'lothеs,? (on his jaсkеt) Sto r9tе llin g Bеforе listening Lеarnеrs look at thе first thrее piсturеs of Mеg on SB p4. Ask: picturеs аnd listеn to thе Suggеstio ns for two Pouses if required: . Stop thе СD after ,Go аnd look undеr уour bеd!' find out (v), moths (n) film stoг (n)'PoP stor troiners (n) Ф tg@t 0z bus stop (n), evergone (pron), fost (odv), Non-YLE words: thе Storу. Whаt's Меg likе'? (e.g. Shе's funny. ShеЪ сlеvеr. Shе's good at riding hеr bikе.) I'Iow olс{ is Mеg? (lеarnеrs gr"rеss) @ Right or wrong? Say somеthing that is right and somеthing that is wrong about your сlassroom. For ехamp|e: Thе door is closеd' Is thаt right? (Yеs!) Your сhаirs аrе и'hitе. Is thаt right? (No, it's wrong!) Lеarnеrs rеad thе instruсtion. Ask: Whаt do vou hаvе to do? (Тick thе right or Wrong boх.) Look at thе еxamplеs. wrong? (Mеg is tеn.) Аsk Whl, is thе sесond ехапrylе Lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs l-5 arrd tiсk thе boхеs. Lеarnеrs thеn сhесk thеir answеrs in pairs and by looking at thе story again if nесеssary. cheсk onswers: I right 2 right 3 wrong 4 right 5 wrong Ask: Do ),ou likе drаи,itlg too? Whаt do уou |ikе drаи,ing,? Сап vott plа1l 7|1u guitаr too'? Whаt С(1п .l,ou plа1l,/ Hoи'do уou Сol?1е to sсhool.? In pairs' Iеarnеrs makе sеntеnсеs 3 and 5 сorrесt. Suggested onswеrs: 3 Meg doеsn,t Uke weoring shoes. 5 Мeg goes to sсhool bц bus' _- 9-A. @ -^-. whеn does Мeg sog thеse things? a With books сlosеd" writе on thе board: pеnсils, сomiс, soсks, homev,ork, trаinеrs, rubbеr. Ask: 1и thе storv, у+,hiсh thrее thiпgs саn't Mеg.fiпd? (pеnсils, homеwork, trainеrs) * Lеaгnеrs oprn tlrеir books and sее tlrеsе thrее things in thе spеесh bubblеs. ln pairs, thеy try to rеmеmbеr whiсh lеsson Mеg nееdеd еaсh thing for. r Lеarnеrs rеad thе sеntеnсеs frоm thе stoгy. Writе thеm on thе board. Point to phonе and phonеrl and ask lеarnеrs how thе mеaning is diffегеnt. You may nееd to usе Ll to do this. (Mеg phonеs еVеry day. Shе phoпеd yеstеrday.) Say: I phonеd ntv bеst.fi.iеnd уеstеrсlа'r,too.| Lеarnеrs now look at thе top of SB p 5: Ъll thеm to find anothеr word tlrat еnds in -еd (lookеd). Ехplairr that with lots of vеrbs, wе add erl or just d tо thе еnd whеn wе talk about thе past. Wе usе this -ed vеrb with I,.I,ou, hе, shе, i|, Thеy look at thе linе сonnесting I саtl,t.find mу pеnсils! and in thе mornilrg. Say: Mеg sаid this ill thе morпing, Lеarnеrs now draw linеs сonnесting thе othеr fivе spеесh bubblеs to thе сorrесt timе of day. и,е and * * Praсtisе Part 4 of thе Spеaking Tеst. Writе thеsе quеstions on thе board and ask thеm in opеn сlass. IЦho do уou tаlk to in thе morning? Whеrе do уott go in thе аftеrnooп,? Whаt сlo vott likе doing iп the еvеning? Lеarnеrs ask and answеr thе quеstions in pairs. @ с Rеad thе first paragraph on SB p 4 aloud whilе lеarnеrs follow in thеir books. Writе on thе board: Еvеn,onе in our clаss likеs Mеg bеcаttsе shе's аlи,а),s hаppу аnd Аsk Whv do thе сhildrеn iп Mеg's сlаss likе hеr,? Pointto bессtttse and saу Bесаttsе shе,s аlи,ауs hаppl, аnd shе's vеrv.fttпnу ! о r * Say onr or two sеntеnсеs about yoursеlf wtth bесаttsе. For еxamp\e: I likе (nц, gа71 becаusе it's фtnnу)' Wе'rе аt sсhool todаv bесаuse it,s (Tuеsdаv). Say: You'rе sitting doи'n bеcаttsе... (wе'rе in сlass / Wl'rе working / wе'rе having an Еnglish lеsson) You,t.е аll v,еаring shoеs bес'аttsе ... (wе'rе in сlass / wе arеn't at homе / wе havе to wеar shoеs at sсhоol) Lеarnеrs look at thе sеntеnсеs. Ask a lеarnеr to rеai out thе сonnесtеd flrst sеntеnсе. Chесk pronunсiation of bесаttsе. In pairs, lеarnеrs draw linеs to show how sеntеnсеs 2-6 end. е d/Iо o kе d. sсhool bсtg еl'еry'dсt).. I .. Ask: IЦhаt у'оl.d с,ап I Chесk onswеrs: 1 ploged 2 pointed 3 сleoned/woshed 4 listened 5 wotсhed l.: Аsk Did уou do Sol?1е o/'thеsе things .|,еstеrdа| too,.) Еxtension: pho n e, plog, tolk, wolk, wosh, wotсh. @ f@t o, Do some сolouring. Lеarnеrs look at MеgЪ piсturеs on SB p 5. Ask quеstions about thе сolouгs in thеrn. For еxaпrplе: LIthаt colour аrе thе bo1,,5 trousеrs.? (grееn arrd rеd) Lеarnеrs look at thе bottom piсturе on thе Samе pagе. Аsk Whеre's Mеg noи,? (in hеr living roonr) Whаt's shе doing? (rеading) tЦhаt,s shе rеаding,? (a сomiс) In pairs, lеarnеrs flnd and writе othеr objесts in this piсturе (two things that bеgin with a, two thin-Чs that bеgin with b and two things that bеgirr witlr с). Writе thеir suggеstions on thе board. Suggestions: o opple, ormсhoir, orm b Ьooks, bookсosе, Ьox, bodg, bog с сloсk, сomPuter, сupboord, CD, сlothеs, сhild, сoke Cheсk onswers: 2 she enjogs drowing. 3 sheЪ got o sPorts lesson. 5 she puts things on top of it. 4 her teoсher wonts it. Аsk Whаt\ gt.ееll in this piсturе? (thе shoе undеr thе sofa) Say: l/oи' уotl сс|11 сoloul..fout.thiпgs iп tltis piсturе' Chесk that lеarnеrs havе all thеir сolouгing pеnсils. Homework ideo: Leorners think of six different friends (reol пtу p hoп Lеorners write six things thot theg did gesteгdog using ong of the following vеrbs: osk, colour, сleon, сlose, kiс( listen, polnц BeсouS€ ... shе,s vеп,,.fLtnnv. ql : l /ft1 ц / H е / Sh е / I t / Wе /T h е.l' Lеarnеrs rеad thе ехamplе. In pairs, lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs l-5 and look at thе piсturеs. Thеy dесidе whiсh vеrb thеy nееd and сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs. - Ask: Is it thе morning, а.ftеrnoon or еl,еning noуl,? th Writе on thе board: I look in lookеd iп пtl, sports bog.' и'ritе hеrе? (yеstеrday) Cheсk onswers: (penсils) ond moths - morning, troineгs ond spoгts ofternoon' homework ond musiс _ evening Meg phonеd me in thе morning. or imoginorg) ond sog whч theg like them. Give them o model stгuсturе: l {ike beсouse she/heЪ Saу Listеn. А и'otltсtn is tеlling а bo.t.to с,olour SoпIе things in this piсturе. Play Traсk 03 of CDl. Lеarnеrs listеn and сolour. Chесk onswеrs: сomPuter _ blue; shoe next to ormсhoir _ purple; guitor neХt to piono _ orongе; сoke _ pink lr- Topеsсript: Look ot the piсture. Ljstеn ond look.There js one eхomple, Womon: Con чou сolour one of MegЪ shoes in this Bog: piсturel oK!Whiсh onel Womon: Тhe one undег thе sofo. Colour thqt shoe. Bog: All right. Con I сolouг thot one gгeеn? Womon: Yes. Good ideo! Сon gou see the green shoe? rhis js on eхomple. Now gou listen ond colour. One Bog: Con l сolouг onother thing? Womon: Yеs.You сon сolouг Мeg's сomPuteг. Mokе it Bog: blue. OK. |'m сolouring her сomputeг now. Womon: Thonks. Two Womon: Now сolour thе shoe thot's next to the Bog: Womon: Bog: oгmсhoiг. Pordon?Тhе shoe next to the ormсhoirl Yes. Colour it puгple, pleose. OK. Three @ whot do Мeg's friends sog? Lеarnеrs look at thе first сonvеrsation. Say: Меg pholtеd hеr /i.iеnd аbout hеr sсhool bаg' Shе suiс| ....2 (I сan.t find rr-ry sсhool bag!) Аsk Whiс'h is thе bеsI сlttslt'еt.,.) А B or С? (A) Lеarnеrs draw a сirсlе around thе lеttег A. Ask two lеarnеrs to rolе play this first сot.tvеrsation. Thеу should try to usе MеgЪ voiсе and hеr friеndЪ voiсе. In pairs or small gгoups, lеarnеrs сhoоsе thе bеst answеr for thе othеr thгее сonvегsations. Cheсk onswers: 2B 3A цС Groups think of sonrеtlring for Mеg to say at thе еnd of and 4. For ехanrp|e: Grеut! I loуе tltuths' and kl thе lсlkе. Pats/groups rolе play thеir diffегеnt thгее-turn сonvеrsations. Аsk Whаt сtrе Меg's /bur fi"iепds сullесl.2 (Rosе. Paul. Luсy and Jaсk) Whut сtl.е t.ottr,fbur.fiiепds с'ul|еd,.) (Тhеir namеS arе ... / Тhеy'rе сallеd ... ) Еxtеnsion/Homework idеq: Leorners think of four questions thot Meg (or leorneгs themselves if preferred) сould osk thesе four сhildren for 1B, 2A' зB ond 48 to be good onswers. Suggestions:Con gou swim? Hove gou got o fost bikel Who is gour moths teoсherl How do gou сome to sсhooli Bog: And сon l сolour the guitor? Тhe guitor nеxt to thе pionol Womon: Yes.Whot сolouг? Bog: Мmmm. oгongе? Lеarnеrs rеad thе tехt. Ask: Wht,did Меg look iп аIl thеsе plас,еs? (Bесausе shе сouldn't find hег Womon: oK. Hove gou got the right penсill hornеwork.) Bog: Yes! Lеaгnегs look at thе four piсturеs arrd wгitе thе words on thе linеs. Four @ Мeg lookеd in lots of ptoсes! Womon: And now сotour the сoke. Con gou see itl cheсk onswers: Bog: Yes. Meg's mothеr's holding it. | guitoг 2 Womon: Thot's гight' Colouг the сoke pink. Bog: oK!Theгe! Womon: Тhonk gou! Еxtension: . . . Leorners finish сolouring the objeсts.Then, in poirs, theg сhoosе five moгe objeсts to сolour ond the сolours to use for eoсh one.Write two exqmPle instruсtions on the boord, for exomple: Now сolour theTV. Сolour it red. Now сolour geg,s sweoter gellow. Poirs write their shoгt instruсtions usin9 the model on the boord. Poirs thеn work with other poiгs, 9iving instгuсtions or listening ond following the сolouring instruсtions of the other poir. 3 сoг 3 kitсhen 4 kitten Lеarnеrs, in turn. rеad aloud onе lirrе of thе гhyrnirrg sеntеnсеs еaсh. Аsk lЦhiс'h у'ol.tls sounсl thе sсtlltе ut thе еnd,? (guirаr and саr, kitс,hаl and kitrеп). In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе rhyming sеntеnсеs abor.rt thе lost pеrrсils and trainеrs (SB pp 5-6) and urrdеrlinе thе rhyming words in thеnr. Cheсk onswers: holl _ wol[. door - floor. stoirs _ сhoirs. box _ soсks photoсopy of .Woгd friеnds' (p 50) to еaсh pair. Lеarnеrs сut it up into 24 сards. Еxplain that thеy havе to find words that sound thе samе. Ехplain that words whiсh sound thе sanrе arе not always spеlt thе salnе. Usе thе trееlsесt pair to show this. Ask: Whiсh othеr ууot"сls do vott kпoи' thаt еnd in li:l.? Нoу'сlo vou spеll Givе a thеm,? (Startеrs/Movеrs: п1е, Sее, bе, hе, \'е, реu, thrее, еasy Flyеrs: iel,, .s*i ) Lеarnеrs nratсlr tlrе woгds. Тhе first paiг tо find l l nrorе paiгs ivirrs. IГyorr dorl't Want to usе sсissors. lеarnегs list thе paiгs. сгossing thеttl off irr pеnсil as thеy woгk. Cheсk qnswers: Lеarnеrs сlroosе for-rr paiгs and wгitе tlrеiг owtr two.poеrris.bу еndirrg two slrort sеlrtеnсеs with thеir linе rhynring words. For ехanlp|e: I lol'е tltis tt.ее. I Iol'е thе sеа. Itulkеt|. Hе wа|kеtl. I doп't kпolr. I у'сtltt to go. Whut's thut torсl,? Lrloli uI thаt |эiп|! ") O Мeg's Ьod dog t с, h. 1Votl. .t.r;tl t еl l t lt е's t о t..l.. Dividе lеaгIrеrs into gгorrps of thrее oг f,ouг. Lеaгnегs look at thе otltег fivе piсtLrгеs atrd work оtlt lrow to tеll thе storу. Walk гound arrd lrеlp if nесеssarу. Ask two oг thrее groups to tеll thеir storiеs to othеrs in thе сlass. Strongеr lеaгtrегs сould writе thе story in thе past tеnsе' Suggеsted storg: Meg сon't find hеr wotсh. She looks in her dqd's hot. She looks under the mot. Shе looks next to the сqt, but she сon't find her wotсh. She phones her friend. Her friend sogs,.oh Mеo! Go ond look in the shower!' Ask: Do |ott \'еut.сt tl'аrс,h.? Whut с,о|оur is Leorneгs drow piсtures or сut out photos fгom old mogozines to moke o diffeгent word ond piсture storg obout losing something. For eхomple: Тhjs сot is сo|Ied Fluffg.F|uffg {ikes eoting flsh ond drinking milk. FIuffg likes p|oging with her toц mousе too. But todog she сon,t flnd her toц rnouse. She looks jn the gorden. She finds it under o tree! Leorners bring their piсture stories to sсhool. Displog these oround thе сlossгoom for otheг tеorneгs to reod. *.GDfl 04 Мeg, tеll me obout gouг best friend.Whot's her Мeg's friend Rose! Saу ||е kпо:ш' Irlt,g о|'thiltgs ubout Mеg' but wе сloп't knоl' аbоut hеr./i.iепd. Mеg's /i.iеltd's псtпtе is Ro,sе. Lеaгlrеrs look at Rosе's forlrr. Ask: Horr' пI(1l11, tltittg,s пttt,gt ll'е fittd out ubotI Rrlsе,.) (siх) Saу: Listсп to Mеg. Shе's tеlliпg hеr сlсtd аbout Rrlsе. Play Tгaсk 04 of СD Meg: She's сolled Rose, Dod. Сon gou see the answer? Now gou listen ond write, Dod: How old is shel Meg: Shе's nine. Dod: Ninе? Мeg: Yes, thot's гight. Dod: And whg is she gouг best friendl Мeg: SheЪ mg best fгiеnd beсouse she's funng оnd l. Lеaгtrеrs listеn and piесеs of intbгlllation. Chесk onswers: 9/nine. bluе' сomiсs, homewor|<, tennis, onimo[s add thеsе six oh!And whot сolour's Dod: She's funng ond сleverl her hoiг? Мeg: Dod: Meg: Dod: Meg: Dod: Mеg: Dod: Meg: Dod: Мeg: She's got vегg niсe bгown hoir. it.') Extеnsion: e Dod: сlеver. Saу. Lrlok ut thе piс'tttl.е.s. Тltе.l'sltoу'u Stоt..l'. It's с'tll|есl ,Mеg's bаd dа.t''. Lоok аt thе.first piс,tttl.е. Whаt Са11't Меg fiпd пoll',/ (lrег watсlr) Say: Меg ссtll't.finсl hеr ll'сt Listen ond look.There is one eхomple. nomеl totked _ wotked, heоd _ bеd, word _ bird, losing _ сhoosing, needs _ rеods, stor - сoг, sum _ mUm, how - now, shoe _ gou, drow - floor, go - l - Xem thêm -