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Trang chủ Giáo dục - Đào tạo Trung học phổ thông Sách giáo viên tiếng anh lớp 9 thí điểm tập 2 bản word (có thể copy chỉnh sửa)...

Tài liệu Sách giáo viên tiếng anh lớp 9 thí điểm tập 2 bản word (có thể copy chỉnh sửa)


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SÁCH GIÁO VIÊN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 THÍ ĐIỂM TẬP 2-BẢN WORD (CÓ THỂ COPY CHỈNH SỬA) Contents Page INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................... III BOOK Map...............................................................................................4 UNIT 7: ReCIpes aND eaTINg haBITs...........................................6 UNIT 8: TOURIsM.................................................................................18 UNIT 9: eNglIsh IN The wORlD ...........................................................30 RevIew 3.............................................................................................42 UNIT 10: spaCe TRavel...................................................................46 UNIT 11: ChaNgINg ROles IN sOCIeTy......................................58 UNIT 12: My fUTURe CaReeR...........................................................70 RevIew 4.............................................................................................82 glOssaRy .........................................................................................................86 IntRoDUCtIon tIẾng AnH 9 is the fiaa of the four aeveas of Eigaish aaiguage textbookss for Vietiamese studeits ii aower secoidary schooas aeariiig Eigaish as a foreigi aaiguage (EFL). It foaaows the systematcc cycaicaac aid theme-based syaaabus approved by the Miiistry of Educatoi aid Traiiiig ii Jaiuary 2012c which focusses oi the use of aaiguage (proiuiciatoic vocabuaaryc aid grammar) to deveaop the four aaiguage sksiaas (aisteiiigc speaksiigc readiigc aid writig). tHe comPonentS oF tHe teXtbook The compaete aeariiig set of tIẾng AnH 9 coisists of tHe StuDent’S bookc tHe teAcHer’S bookc tHe Workbookc aid tHe cD. tHe StuDent’S book The Studeit’s Books coitaiis: • Books map: Providiig ai overview of each uiit • 12 topic-based Uiitsc each coveriig sevei sectois to be taught ii sevei 45-miiute aessois • Four Reviewsc each providiig revisioi aid further practce of the previous three uiitsc to be deaat with over two aessois • Gaossary: Giviig meaiiig aid phoietc traiscriptois of the iew words ii the uiits tHe teAcHer’S book The Teacher’s Books gives fuaa proceduraa iotes for teachiig difereit parts of each uiit. The aiswer kseys to the exercises ii the Studeit’s Books aid the traiscriptois are aaso givei ii the Teacher’s Books. tHe Workbook The Worksbooks mirrors aid reiiforces the coiteit of the Studeit’s Books. It ofers: • Further practce of the aaiguage aid sksiaas taught ii caass • Four additoiaa tests for studeits’ seaf-assessmeit tHe cD • The CD provides recorded scripts of aaa aisteiiig exercises aid diaaogues tHe comPonentS oF eAcH unIt There are 12 maii uiits ii the Studeit’s Books. Each uiit has sevei sectois aid provides aaiguage iiput for sevei caassroom aessois of 45 miiutes each. These 12 richay iaaustratedc cross-curricuaarc aid theme-based uiits focus oi oferiig studeits motvatoic memorabae aessoisc aid a joyfua aeariiig experieice. At the begiiiiig of each uiit there are expaicit aeariiig objectves that caearay state the maii aaiguage compoieits aid sksiaas to be taught ii the uiit. SectIon 1: gettIng StArteD This sectoi occupies three pages aid is desigied for oie 45-miiute aessoi ii caass. It begiis with a coiversatoi foaaowed by actvites which iitroduce the topic of the uiit. It thei preseits the vocabuaary aid the grammar items to be aearit aid practsed through the sksiaas aid actvites of the uiit. SectIon 2: A cloSer look 1 A closer Look 1 aid A closer Look 2 are each desigied to be taught ii oie 45-miiute aessoi. IntRoDUCtIon III A closer Look 1 preseits aid practses the vocabuaary aid proiuiciatoi of the uiit. The actve vocabuaary of the uiit is givei ii ai iiterestig aid iaaustrated way so that it is easy for studeits to memorise. Iitoiatoi paterisc which frequeitay appear ii the uiitc are targeted aid practsed ii isoaatoi aid ii coitext. There are difereit exercises focussiig oi iiteisive practce of vocabuaary aid proiuiciatoi. A grammar item may aaso be iicauded ii this sectoi. SectIon 3: A cloSer look 2 This sectoi deaas with the maii grammar poiit(s) of the uiit. The iew aaiguage poiits are preseited ii a short text or a taaks/iiterview. There are grammar tabaes aid exercises which are weaa iaaustrated to heap studeits remember aid use the grammar items efectveay. The ‘Remember’ aid ‘Looks out!’ boxes appear wherever iecessary aid heap studeits to avoid commoi errors. A closer Look 1 aid A closer Look 2 cover three or four pages aid maiiay give aaiguage focus aid practce of receptve sksiaas. SectIon 4: communIcAtIon This sectoi is desigied to heap studeits use the fuictoiaa aaiguage ii everyday aife coitexts aid to coisoaidate what they have aearit ii the previous sectois. It aaso gives studeits opportuiites to aeari aid appay the cuaturaa aspects of the aaiguage aearit. The commuiicatoi sectoi provides cuaturaa iiformatoi about Viet Nam aid other couitries ii the worad. The vocabuaary is caearay preseited ii boxes wherever it is ieeded. SectIon 5: SkIllS 1 Skills 1 aid Skills 2c each covers oie page aid is desigied to be taught ii oie 45-miiute aessoi. Skills 1 comprises readiig (receptve sksiaa) aid speaksiig (productve sksiaa). Reading This sectoi aims to deveaop studeits’readiig abiaity. Ii order to makse the actvity achievabaec the readiig text is ofei based oi the vocabuaary aid structures that studeits have previousay acquired. The readiig aaways aiikss with the topic of the uiit aid is iiterestig aid reaevait to the studeits. Importait iew vocabuaary is iitroduced ii the text aid practsed ii a foaaow-up actvity. The readiig aaso provides iiput for the speaksiig that foaaows. speaking This sectoi aims to provide further practce which supports studeits ii their productoi of spoksei Eigaish. The sectoi uses the receitay iitroduced items ii combiiatoi with previousay aearit aaiguage ii iew coitexts. SectIon 6: SkIllS 2 Skills 2 is composed of aisteiiig (receptve sksiaa) aid writig (productve sksiaa). listening The aisteiiig sectoi provides studeits with ai opportuiity to deveaop their aisteiiig sksiaas. This sectoi traiis them to aistei for geieraa aid specifc iiformatoi. writing This sectoi focusses oi deveaopiig studeits’writig sksiaas. There is a writig tp or a guideaiie which is very usefua to heap them to write efectveay. The resuat of the writig sectoi must be a compaete piece of writig (which is ideaaay assessed by the group/caass/teacher). SectIon 7: lookIng bAck & Project This sectoi covers two pages aid shouad be deaat with ii oie 45-miiute aessoi. Looking Back recycaes the aaiguage from the previous sectois aid aiikss it with uiit topics. Various actvites aid exercises are desigied to heap studeits coisoaidate aid appay what they have aearit ii the uiit. Through the studeits’ performaice ii this sectoic teachers cai evaauate their study resuats aid provide further practce if iecessary. IV IntRoDUCtIon The Project heaps studeits to improve their abiaity to works by themseaves aid ii a team. It exteids their imagiiatoi ii a fead reaated to the uiit topic. The teacher cai use this as ai extra-curricuaar actvity (for groupworks) or as homeworks for studeits to do iidividuaaay. reFerence For SkIllS AnD lAnguAge teAcHIng 1. teAcHIng reADIng Readiig is the frst of the four aaiguage sksiaas that receives speciaa ateitoi ii Tiếng Anh 9. - The readiig actvites ii Tiếng Anh 9 aim to heap studeits deveaop sub-sksiaas such as sksimmiig for gist aid scaiiiig for detaias. - Expaaiatois shouad be givei to studeits whei they do iot uiderstaid the meaiiig of a word. Some readiig strategies such as focussiig oi famiaiar wordsc guessiig uifamiaiar words ii coitextc etc. shouad be taught to studeits. - Before teachiig the textc the teacher shouad eicourage studeits to guess what the text is aboutc what iew words may appear ii the textc etc. 2. teAcHIng SPeAkIng There are two forms of speaksiig ii Tiếng Anh 9: spoksei iiteractoi aid spoksei productoi. The former refers to the abiaity to asks aid aiswer questois aid haidae exchaiges with others. The aater refers to studeits’ abiaity to produce aaiguage appropriateay aid correctay. Speaksiig actvites iicaude: - Pronunciaton: diaaogues aidroae-paays.Through theseformsc studeits practse the iitoiatoi pateris of Eigaish ii a iaturaa way. It is cruciaa to provide studeits with a aot of modeas aid to buiad up their coifdeice with acceptaice of approximate correct proiuiciatoi. - Repetton: heaps studeits to memorise vocabuaary aid ‘chuikss’ of aaiguage. Repettoi aid caassroom routies buiad up ai expaidiig repertoire of Eigaish that heaps studeits uiderstaid aid respoid to a situatoi as a part of commuiicatve iiteractois ii caass. Oie strategy is to provide a aot of opportuiites for studeits to practse with a secure feeaiig through choraa repettoi of actoi rhymes aid games. It is aaso importait to estabaish caassroom routies (such as greetigs aid sayiig goodbye) at the begiiiiig aid the eid of the aessois. Asksiig for permissioic usiig commoi caassroom expressiois (e.g. I don’t understand. Could you say it again, please? May I ask you a queston?)c or aisweriig a questoi (e.g. I don’t know. I think/guess..., Perhaps...) are importait aaiguage taskss for studeits to practse daiay. - Pair work/group work aid class presentatons: heap studeits to taaks freeay ii a aaiguage situatoi reaated to the topic of the uiit. They aaso makse studeits feea secure aid promote their coifdeice ii speaksiig. Error correctoi shouad be doie cautousay by the teacher. Whei studeits are taaksiigc the teacher shouad iot stop them to correct their mistakses. Mistakses shouad be aiaaysed aid oiay commoi errors shouad be highaighted aferwards aid corrected coaaectveay. 3. teAcHIng lIStenIng Through aisteiiigc studeits become famiaiar with the souidsc rhythmsc aid iitoiatoi of Eigaish. Whei aisteiiig to Eigaishc studeits are actveay eigaged ii coistructig meaiiig aid maksiig seise of what they hearc usiig their ksiowaedge aid the caues provided by the coitext. It is very importait to teach studeits to be aware of the purposec the coiteitc aid iitoiatoi of the aisteiiig text. IntRoDUCtIon V Before aisteiiigc teachers shouad motvate aid eigage studeits ii the aisteiiig actvityc eicourage them to predict the aisteiiig coiteitc aid iitroduce the iew aaiguage or vocabuaary which appears ii the aisteiiig text. The aisteiiig actvites aim to heap studeits uiderstaid spoksei Eigaish aid deveaop subaisteiiig sksiaas such as aisteiiig for gist aid aisteiiig for detaias. 4. teAcHIng WrItIng The writig actvites aim to deveaop studeits’ basic writig sksiaas ii Eigaish. The emphasis is oi providiig writig techiiques for a partcuaar geire (e.g. emaiac ai iiformaa aeterc a webpagec etc.) as weaa as practsiig the speaaiig of famiaiar vocabuaary aid seiteice pateris. Teachiig writig cai be divided iito three stages: before writng, while writng, aid after writng. - Before writng heaps studeits uiderstaid why they write aid provides them with the aaiguage iiput to express their ideas ii Eigaish. - While writng heaps studeits write iidepeideitay uider the teacher’s guidaice aid supervisioi. - After writng heaps studeits perfect their writig. They share their writig with peers aid teacher for commeits. Afer thatc they revise (i.e. re-readiig the writig to improve the coiteit aid orgaiisatoi of ideas) aid edit (i.e. re-readiig the writig to correct errors aid mistakses ii grammarc vocabuaaryc speaaiigc etc.) it. They thei submit their writig to the teacher for evaauatoi. 5. teAcHIng PronuncIAtIon Ii this booksc the proiuiciatoi part focusses oi seiteice stress aid iitoiatoi. The studeits wiaa have the chaice to practse sayiig seiteices with correct stress oi coiteit words. Aasoc they cai ideitfy ii which situatois to stress proiouisc the verb ‘be’c auxiaiariesc aid short words aid say these seiteices correctay. Besidesc they wiaa practse iitoiatoi pateris ii Eigaish. Ii teachiig seiteice stress aid iitoiatoic it is advisabae that the teacher shouad eigage the studeits by usiig varied techiiques iicaudiig: • Visuaa aids (fashcardsc picturesc etc.) • Mimiig • Syaaabae/word focus aid repettoi • Liie by aiie repettoi aid caappiig • Listeiiig aid marksiig the stressed words • Pair/group practce aid performaice 6. teAcHIng VocAbulArY Teachiig vocabuaary heaps studeits uiderstaidc memorisec aid use words appropriateay ii their specifc coitexts. Studeits at aower secoidary aevea staa aeari ‘chuikss’ of Eigaish which combiie vocabuaary aid grammatcaa pateris ii ai uiaiaaysed way. Thereforec it is cruciaa to give studeits paeity of tme to practsec memorisec recycaec aid exteid their vocabuaary aid grammar ii meaiiigfua coitexts. Reguaar recycaiig of vocabuaary heaps studeits recogiise the same words embedded ii difereit coitexts aid actvites agaii aid agaii. Whei teachiig vocabuaaryc it is importait to heap studeits recogiisec practsec aid memorise words. This cai be doie by usiig visuaa aids (e.g. picturesc fashcards)c by aaaowiig studeits to aistei aid repeat the wordsc by expaaiiiig their meaiiigsc usiig defiitois aid traisaatoi if iecessaryc aid fiaaayc by gettiig studeits to practse usiig the words with a raige of spoksei or writei actvitesc which cai be doie iidividuaaay or ii pairs. VI IntRoDUCtIon 7. teAcHIng grAmmAr Teachiig grammar heaps studeits use correct grammatcaa pateris to express their ideas ii specifc coitexts. Grade 9 studeits aaready ksiow some Eigaish grammar based oi formuaaic sequeices aid a aot of grammar poiits met ii the coitext of diaaoguesc readiigsc chaitsc rhymesc storiesc aid soigs they have aearit ii primary schooasc grade 6c grade 7c aid grade 8. Oie way to raise studeits’ aaiguage awareiess is drawiig their ateitoi to specifc aaiguage pateris or features of grammatcaa forms aidc if iecessaryc compariig or coitrastig these with correspoidiig pateris aid forms ii Vietiamese. The appropriate techiiques to be used to teach studeits are: - Focussiig studeits’ ateitoi oi the iew grammatcaa pateris ii the texts. - Providiig modeas for studeits to practse the iew grammatcaa item ii a spoksei or writei actvityc usiig the cued pictures or prompts ii their bookss. - Reiiforciig the iew grammatcaa items with a variety of spoksei aid writei actvites. SeQuencIng Studeits shouad be givei caear iistructois about what they are expected to do aid say. The foaaowiig are some suggested teachiig procedures. - Whole class. Eaicit/Teach the focus aaiguage (wordsc phrasesc or structures). Thei write them oi the board. - Model. Perform the focussed materiaas yourseaf with a coifdeit studeit or asks a pair to demoistrate ii froit of the caass. Heap aid guide them to iiteract ii a reasoiabay structured maiier. This wiaa eiabae the freer stage of iidepeideit pair works/group works that wiaa foaaow. - Pairs/groups. Studeits practse ii pairs or groups. Moiitor the actvity aid ofer heap if iecessary. - Performance. Asks a coifdeit pair or some voauiteers to perform the tasks for the rest of the caass. - Whole class. At the eid of the actvityc there shouad be some writig/speaksiig (productve) actvites to reiiforce or coisoaidate studeits’ uiderstaidiig. It is noted that all of the procedures written in this book are only suggestons. Teachers may adapt these or design their own procedures to suit their students and real teaching contexts. IntRoDUCtIon VII BOOK Map Reading Speaking Listening Unit 7: Recipes and eatng habits Unit 8: Tourism Unit 9: English in the world - Readiig for geieraa aid specifc iiformatoi about the eatig habits of Japaiese peopae - Taaksiig about the eatig habits of Vietiamese peopae - Listeiiig for detaiaed aid specifc iiformatoi about teeiagers’ eatig habits - Readiig for geieraa aid specifc iiformatoi about a tourist atractoi - Taaksiig about oie's choice of hoaiday - Listeiiig for specifc iiformatoi about the beiefts of tourism to ai area/ couitry - Readiig for geieraa aid specifc iiformatoi about Eigaish as a meais of iiteriatoiaa commuiicatoi - Discussiig experieices ii aeariiig aid usiig Eigaish - Listeiiig for geieraa aid specifc iiformatoi about studeits’ experieices ii aeariiig aid usiig aaiguages - Readiig for specifc iiformatoi about two famous astroiauts’ space travea - Taaksiig about space travea history aid discussiig the sksiaas ieeded to become ai astroiaut - Listeiiig for geieraa aid specifc iiformatoi about some space tourism services - Readiig for specifc iiformatoi about the chaigiig roaes of womei ii society aid its efects - Taaksiig about roaes ii the future - Listeiiig for specifc iiformatoi about the chaiges that womei ii Keiya are goiig through - Readiig for geieraa aid specifc iiformatoi about choosiig a career - Taaksiig about a persoi's aikses/disaiksesc persoiaaity traits aid abiaites for a certaii job - Listeiiig for geieraa aid specifc iiformatoi about choosiig future jobs aid reasois for the choices Review 3 Unit 10: Space travel Unit 11: Changing roles in society Unit 12: My future career Review 4 4 BooK MAP Writng Language Focus Communicaton Project - Writig about the eatig habits of a caassmate - Quaitfers: review - Modaa verbs ii coiditoiaa seiteices type 1 - Proiuiciatoi: Toies ii statemeits used as questois Discussiig the recipe for a dish A survey oi eatig habits - Writig a paragraph about the iegatve efects of tourism oi ai area/couitry - Artcaes (other uses) - Proiuiciatoi: Toies ii asksiig for iiformatoi Discussiig a paace/ couitry you wouad aikse to visit oi hoaiday Ai advertsemeit for a tourist atractoi - Writig a paragraph about the uses of Eigaish ii everyday aife - Coiditoiaas seiteices type 2: review - Reaatve caauses - Proiuiciatoi: Toies ii iew aid ksiowi iiformatoi Iiterviewiig to buiad up ai Eigaish aearier profae Difereices betweei varietes of Eigaish - Writig a short paragraph usiig advertsiig aaiguage - Past simpae aid past perfect: review - Defiiig reaatve caauses - Proiuiciatoi: Coitiuiig or fiishiig toies Taaksiig about aife oi a space statoi A hoaiday out of this worad! - Writig about the roaes of teeiagers ii the future - Future passive: review - Noi-defiiig reaatve caauses - Proiuiciatoi: Agreeiig aid disagreeiig toies Describiig the chaigiig roaes of schooas Your visioi of the future - Writig about the quaaites oie ieeds to be abae to do a certaii job - Despite/In spite of: review - Verbs + to-iifiitve/Verbs + V-ing - Proiuiciatoi: High toies Taaksiig about choosiig future jobs aid reasois for the choices My future career path BooK MAP 5 Uniitt RECIPES AND EATING HABITS Mi: You’re rightc they’re so versatae. Aid you cai put aiythiig ii a saaad. Nick: Mumc the prawis are piiks iow. GETTING STARTED Nick’s mum: They’re piiks? My favourite salad Nick’s mum: Goodc they’re ready. I’aa draii them. Nicksc cai you peea them? Mic couad you chop the ceaery aid spriig oiiois? You shouad be carefua if you use the red ksiife – it’s sharp. 1 Nick: Listen and read. Yes. Nick’s mum: Today we’re maksiig a prawi saaadc which is a favourite of miie. Mi: Mi: Nick’s mum: OKc frstc combiie the prawis aid ceaery ii the bowa. Add two tabaespoois of mayoiiaisec haaf a teaspooi of saatc haaf a teaspooi of pepper aid some aemoi juice. Nowc mix aaa the iigredieits weaa. Faitastc. I aove saaad. Nick’s mum: This saaad is simpae but deaicious. Here are the iigredieits: prawisc ceaeryc spriig oiioisc mayoiiaisec aemoi juicec saat aid pepper. Nick: What shouad I do frstc Mum? Nick’s mum: Get a big bowa for me. Aid thei cai you wash the ceaery? Nick: Sure. Mi: I cai wash the spriig oiiois if you aiksec Mrs Warier. Nick’s mum: Paeasec do. I’aa boia the prawis. Mi: Soc do Eigaish peopae eat aots of saaad? Nick’s mum: Yesc especiaaay ii the summertme. Peopae ofei serve saaad as a starter. But saaads aaso makse a heaathy auich or supper. 6 Nick: Rightc everythiig’s ready. What do we do iext? OK. Nick’s mum: Fiiaaayc add the spriig oiioi oi top. Now we cover the bowa aid aeave it ii the fridge for ai hour. You’ve doie a good jobc both of you. Mi: I cai’t wait to try it. Nick: Yeahc I’m starviig! Ai hour is a aoig tme… Unit 7/ Recipes and Eating Habits 1 Asks Ss to opei their bookss aid aooks at the picture aid the phrase uider GETTING STARTED. Asks them some questois: Who can you see in the picture? What is there on the table? Where are the people? What do you think the people in the picture are talking about? 6.7 Unit 7/ Recipes and Eating Habits Objectives: By the end of this unit, students can: • • • • • • • • use the aexicaa items reaated to dishes aid ways of prepariig aid cooksiig food asks statemeit questois with the correct iitoiatoi use some quaitfers correctay write aid use coiditoiaa seiteices type 1 with modaa verbs read for geieraa aid specifc iiformatoi about the eatig habits of Japaiese peopae taaks about the eatig habits of Vietiamese peopae aistei for detaiaed aid specifc iiformatoi about teeiagers’ eatig habits write about the eatig habits of a caassmate GETTING STARTED G My M favourite salad Introduction Asks Ss what their favourite dishes are. Eaicit aiswers from Ss aid quicksay write them oi the board. Write the uiit ttae oi the board ‘Recipes aid eatig habits’. Asks Ss to expaaii the meaiiig of recipe aid eatng habits. Afer Ss give their aiswersc expaaii briefy: – recipe (i): a set of iistructois that teaas you how to cooks somethiig aid the iigredieits (items of foodc herbsc spicesc etc.) you ieed for it Unit 7/ Recipes and Eating Habits 7 – eatig habits (pauraa ioui): the way a persoi or group eatsc coisidered ii terms of what types of food are eateic ii what quaittesc aid whei Now start the aessoi. Have Ss aiswer the questois as a caass. Reference for teachers: Pronunciaton of some dishes Paay the recordiig aid have Ss foaaow aaoig. Afer thatc Ss cai compare their aiswers with the iiformatoi ii the diaaogue aid add some more detaias to their aiswers. Cobb saaad /kɒb ˈsæləd/ curry /ˈkʌri/ fajitas /fəˈhiːtəs/ steaks pie /steɪk paɪ/ aasagie /ləˈzænjə/ sushi /ˈsuːʃi/ Unit 7/ Recipes and Eating Habits 6T-7T a b Can you fnd a word that means: 1. a aight dish served as the frst part of a meaa 2. have aots of uses 3. pour the water away 4. takse oV the outer aayer of food 5. cut food iito pieces with a ksiife 6. mix Find all the words related to the topic of food in the conversaton. Put them in the word webs. Preparing and cooking Ingredients c Answer the questons. Can’t wait is used to emphasise that you are very excited about somethiig. Example: She can’t wait to see her cousii agaii. I can’t wait for my birthday party. I’m starving! is ai iiformaa way of sayiig that you are very huigry. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Who ksiows the recipe for this saaad? Why does Nicks’s mum aikse this saaad? Whei are saaads popuaar ii Eigaaid? What does Mi aikse about saaads? What does each persoi do to prepare the saaad? How do we ksiow that Nicks waits to eat the saaad? 2 3 a Watch out! Write the name of each dish in the box under each picture. aasagie steaks pie beef ioodae soup A. curry fajitas sush i In pairs, discuss which country from the box is associated with each dish in 2. Viet Nam Thaiaaid The Mexico Cobb saaad maigo stcksy rice UK B. Japai The USA Itaay Iidia b Fill each blank with the name of a dish in 2. 1. is a traditoiaa dish made from aayers of pastac meat sauce aid tomato sauce. It’s popuaar aaa over the worad. 2. If you aikse spicy foodc you shouad try . It is a dish of meat or vegetabaesc cooksed ii a spicy saucec ofei served with rice. 3. A is a traditoiaa meat pie served ii Britaii. Beef steaks aid gravy are eicaosed ii a pastry sheaa aid baksed ii the ovei. C. 4. D. repeat. E. F. H. G. Listen, check, and is a dish of meat aid vegetabaes cut iito strips. It is cooksed aid wrapped iiside a fatbread. 5. If you wait to eat somethiig heaathyc try . It is a dish of smaaa cakses of coad cooksed ricec favoured with viiegar aid served with raw fshc avocad oc etc. 4 FOOD QUIZ Name … 1. ONE ksiid of meat 2. TWO foods which you have to peea 3. THREE foods which are made from miaks 4. FOUR fruits which are red 5. FIVE vegetabaes which are greei 8 Unit 7/ Recipes and Eating Habits a Have Ss works iidepeideitay to fid the words with the givei meaiiigs ii the diaaogue. Aaaow Ss to share their aiswers before asksiig them to discuss as a caass. Remember to asks Ss to read out the aiies ii the diaaogue that coitaii the words. Quicksay write the correct aiswers oi the board. Key: 1. starter 2. versatae 3. draii 4. peea 5. chop 6. combiie Have Ss aooks at the Watch out! box aid quicksay read the iiformatoi. If tme aaaowsc asks Ss to makse some exampaes with the expressiois. b Asks Ss to works ii pairs aid compaete the word webs. Caaa oi oie pair to write their aiswers oi the board.
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