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Trang chủ Giáo dục - Đào tạo Trung học cơ sở Lớp 9 Sách giáo viên tiếng anh lớp 9 thí điểm tập 1 bản word (có thể copy chỉnh sửa) p...

Tài liệu Sách giáo viên tiếng anh lớp 9 thí điểm tập 1 bản word (có thể copy chỉnh sửa) phần 1


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SÁCH GIÁO VIÊN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 THÍ ĐIỂM TẬP 1-BẢN WORD (CÓ THỂ COPY CHỈNH SỬA) PHẦN 1 Page INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................III BOOK Map...............................................................................................4 UNIT 1: LOCaL ENVIRONMENT............................................................6 UNIT 2: CITY LIFE...........................................................................................16 UNIT 3: TEEN sTREss aND pREssURE..............................................26 REVIEw 1............................................................................................................36 UNIT 4: LIFE IN THE pasT....................................................................40 UNIT 5: wONDERs OF VIET NaM.......................................................50 UNIT 6: VIET NaM: THEN aND NOw.................................................60 REVIEw 2..............................................................................................................7 tIẾng AnH 9 is the fiaal of the four aleveals of Eigalish alaiguage texttoooss for Vietiamese studeits ii alower secoidary schooals aleariiig Eigalish as a foreigi alaiguage (EFL). It foalalows the systematcc cycalicaalc aid theme-oased syalalaous approved oy the Miiistry of Educatoi aid Traiiiig ii Jaiuary 2012c which focusses oi the use of alaiguage (proiuiciatoic vocaoualaryc aid grammar) to devealop the four alaiguage ssialals (alisteiiigc speasiigc readiigc aid writig). tHe comPonentS oF tHe teXtbook The compalete aleariiig set of tIẾng AnH 9 coisists of tHe StuDent’S bookc tHe teAcHer’S bookc tHe Workbookc aid tHe cD. tHe StuDent’S book The Studeit’s Boos coitaiis: • Boos map: Providiig ai overview of each uiit • 12 topic-oased Uiitsc each coveriig sevei sectois to oe taught ii sevei 45-miiute alessois • Four Reviewsc each providiig revisioi aid further practce of the previous three uiitsc to oe deaalt with over two alessois • Galossary: Giviig meaiiig aid phoietc traiscriptois of the iew words ii the uiits tHe teAcHer’S book The Teacher’s Boos gives fualal proceduraal iotes for teachiig difereit parts of each uiit. The aiswer seys to the extercises ii the Studeit’s Boos aid the traiscriptois are aalso givei ii the Teacher’s Boos. tHe Workbook The Worsooos mirrors aid reiiforces the coiteit of the Studeit’s Boos. It ofers: • Further practce of the alaiguage aid ssialals taught ii calass • Four additoiaal tests for studeits’ sealf-assessmeit tHe cD • The CD provides recorded scripts of aalal alisteiiig extercises aid diaalogues tHe comPonentS oF eAcH unIt There are 12 maii uiits ii the Studeit’s Boos. Each uiit has sevei sectois aid provides alaiguage iiput for sevei calassroom alessois of 45 miiutes each. These 12 richaly ialalustratedc cross-curricualarc aid theme-oased uiits focus oi oferiig studeits motvatoic memoraoale alessoisc aid a joyfual aleariiig extperieice. At the oegiiiiig of each uiit there are extpalicit aleariiig oojectves that calearaly state the maii alaiguage aid ssialals to oe taught ii the uiit. SectIon 1: gettIng StArteD This sectoi occupies two pages aid is desigied for oie 45-miiute alessoi ii calass. It oegiis with a coiversatoi foalalowed oy actvites which iitroduce the topic of the uiit. It thei preseits the vocaoualary aid the grammar items to oe alearit aid practsed through the ssialals aid actvites of the uiit. SectIon 2: A cloSer look 1 A closer Look 1 aid A closer Look 2 are each desigied to oe taught ii oie 45-miiute alessoi. IntRoDUCtIon III A closer Look 1 preseits aid practses the vocaoualary aid proiuiciatoi of the uiit. The actve vocaoualary of the uiit is givei ii ai iiterestig aid ialalustrated way so that it is easy for studeits to memorise. Ii the proiuiciatoi partc seiteice stress aid iitoiatoi are iitroduced aid practsed ii isoalatoi aid ii coitextt. There are difereit extercises focussiig oi iiteisive practce of vocaoualary aid proiuiciatoi. A grammar item may aalso oe iicaluded ii this sectoi. SectIon 3: A cloSer look 2 This sectoi deaals with the maii grammar poiit(s) of the uiit. The iew alaiguage poiits are preseited ii a short textt or a taals/iiterview. There are grammar taoales aid extercises which are wealal ialalustrated to healp studeits rememoer aid use the grammar items efectvealy. The ‘Rememoer’ aid ‘Loos out!’ ooxtes appear wherever iecessary aid healp studeits to avoid commoi errors. A closer Look 1 aid A closer Look 2 cover three pages aid maiialy give alaiguage focus aid practce of receptve ssialals. SectIon 4: communIcAtIon This sectoi is desigied to healp studeits use the fuictoiaal alaiguage ii everyday alife coitextts aid to coisoalidate what they have alearit ii the previous sectois. It aalso gives studeits opportuiites to aleari aid appaly the cualturaal aspects of the alaiguage alearit. The commuiicatoi sectoi provides cualturaal iiformatoi aoout Viet Nam aid other couitries ii the worald. The vocaoualary is calearaly preseited ii ooxtes wherever it is ieeded. SectIon 5: SkIllS 1 Skills 1 aid Skills 2c each covers oie page aid is desigied to oe taught ii oie 45-miiute alessoi. Skills 1 comprises readiig (receptve ssialal) aid speasiig (productve ssialal). Reading This sectoi aims to devealop studeits’ readiig aoialites. Ii order to mase the actvity achievaoalec the readiig textt is ofei oased oi the vocaoualary aid structures that studeits have previousaly acquired. The readiig aalways aliiss with the topic of the uiit aid is iiterestig aid realevait to the studeits. Importait iew vocaoualary is iitroduced ii the textt aid practsed ii a foalalow-up actvity. The readiig aalso provides iiput for the speasiig that foalalows. speaking This sectoi aims to provide further practce which supports studeits ii their productoi of sposei Eigalish. The sectoi uses the receitaly iitroduced items ii comoiiatoi with previousaly alearit alaiguage ii iew coitextts. SectIon 6: SkIllS 2 Skills 2 is composed of alisteiiig (receptve ssialal) aid writig (productve ssialal). Listening The alisteiiig sectoi provides studeits with ai opportuiity to devealop their alisteiiig ssialals. This sectoi traiis them to alistei for geieraal aid specifc iiformatoi. writing This sectoi focusses oi devealopiig studeits’writig ssialals. There is a writig tp or a guidealiie which is very usefual to healp them to write efectvealy. The resualt of the writig sectoi must oe a compalete piece of writig (which is ideaalaly assessed oy the group/calass/teacher). SectIon 7: lookIng bAck & Project This sectoi covers two pages aid shouald oe deaalt with ii oie 45-miiute alessoi. Looking Back recycales the alaiguage from the previous sectois aid aliiss it with uiit topics. Various actvites aid extercises are desigied to healp studeits coisoalidate aid appaly what they have alearit ii the uiit. Through the studeits’ performaice ii this sectoic teachers cai evaaluate their study resualts aid provide further practce if iecessary. IntRoDUCtIon III The Project healps studeits to improve their aoiality to wors oy themsealves aid ii a team. It extteids their imagiiatoi ii a feald realated to the uiit topic. The teacher cai use this as ai exttra-curricualar actvity (for groupwors) or as homewors for studeits to do iidividuaalaly. reFerence For SkIllS AnD lAnguAge teAcHIng 1. teAcHIng reADIng Readiig is the frst of the four alaiguage ssialals that receives speciaal ateitoi ii Tiếng Anh 9. - The readiig actvites ii Tiếng Anh 9 aim to healp studeits devealop suo-ssialals such as ssimmiig for gist aid scaiiiig for detaials. - Extpalaiatois shouald oe givei to studeits whei they do iot uiderstaid the meaiiig of a word. Some readiig strategies such as focussiig oi famialiar wordsc guessiig uifamialiar words ii coitexttc etc. shouald oe taught to studeits. - Before teachiig the texttc the teacher shouald eicourage studeits to guess what the textt is aooutc what iew words may appear ii the texttc etc. 2. teAcHIng SPeAkIng There are two forms of speasiig ii Tiếng Anh 9: sposei iiteractoi aid sposei productoi. The frst refers to the aoiality to ass aid aiswer questois aid haidale extchaiges with others. The secoid refers to studeits’ aoiality to produce alaiguage appropriatealy aid correctaly. Speasiig actvites iicalude: - Pronunciaton: diaalogues aid roale-palays. Through these formsc studeits practse the stressc rhythmc aid iitoiatoi pateris of Eigalish ii a iaturaal way. It is cruciaal to provide studeits with a alot of modeals aid to ouiald up their coifdeice with acceptaice of approxtimate correct proiuiciatoi. - Repetton: healps studeits to memorise vocaoualary aid ‘chuiss’ of alaiguage. Repettoi aid calassroom routies ouiald up ai extpaidiig repertoire of Eigalish that healps studeits uiderstaid aid respoid to a situatoi as a part of commuiicatve iiteractois ii calass. Oie strategy is to provide a alot of opportuiites for studeits to practse with a secure feealiig through choraal repettoi of actoi rhymes aid games. It is aalso importait to estaoalish calassroom routies (such as greetigs aid sayiig goodoye) at the oegiiiiig aid the eid of the alessois. Assiig for permissioic usiig commoi calassroom extpressiois (e.g. I don’t understand. Could you say it again, please? May I ask you a queston?)c or aisweriig a questoi (e.g. I don’t know. I think/guess..., Perhaps...) are importait alaiguage tasss for studeits to practse daialy. - Pair work/group work aid class presentatons: healp studeits to taals freealy ii a alaiguage situatoi realated to the topic of the uiit. They aalso mase studeits feeal secure aid promote their coifdeice ii speasiig. Error correctoi shouald oe doie cautousaly oy the teacher. Whei studeits are taalsiigc the teacher shouald iot stop them to correct their mistases. Mistases shouald oe aiaalysed aid oialy commoi errors shouald oe highalighted aferwards aid corrected coalalectvealy. 3. teAcHIng lIStenIng Through alisteiiigc studeits oecome famialiar with the souidsc rhythmsc aid iitoiatoi of Eigalish. Whei alisteiiig to Eigalishc studeits are actvealy eigaged ii coistructig meaiiig aid masiig seise of what they hearc usiig their siowaledge aid the calues provided oy the coitextt. It is very importait to teach studeits to oe aware of the purposec the coiteitc aid iitoiatoi of the alisteiiig textt. IntRoDUCtIon V Before alisteiiigc teachers shouald motvate aid eigage studeits ii the alisteiiig actvityc eicourage them to predict the alisteiiig coiteitc aid iitroduce the iew alaiguage or vocaoualary which occurs ii the alisteiiig textt. The alisteiiig actvites aim to healp studeits uiderstaid sposei Eigalish aid devealop suoalisteiiig ssialals such as alisteiiig for gist aid alisteiiig for detaials. 4. teAcHIng WrItIng The writig actvites aim to devealop studeits’ oasic writig ssialals ii Eigalish. The emphasis is oi providiig writig techiiques for a partcualar geire (e.g. emaialc ai iiformaal aleterc a weopagec etc.) as wealal as practsiig the spealaliig of famialiar vocaoualary aid seiteice pateris. Teachiig writig cai oe divided iito three stages: before writng, while writng, aid after writng. - Before writng healps studeits uiderstaid why they write aid provides them with the alaiguage iiput to extpress their ideas ii Eigalish. - While writng healps studeits write iidepeideitaly uider the teacher’s guidaice aid supervisioi. - After writng healps studeits perfect their writig. They share their writig with peers aid teacher for commeits. Afer thatc they revise (i.e. re-readiig the writig to improve the coiteit aid orgaiisatoi of ideas) aid edit (i.e. re-readiig the writig to correct errors aid mistases ii grammarc vocaoualaryc spealaliigc etc.) it. They thei suomit their writig to the teacher for evaaluatoi. 5. teAcHIng PronuncIAtIon Ii this ooosc the proiuiciatoi part focusses oi seiteice stress aid iitoiatoi. The studeits wialal have the chaice to practse sayiig seiteices with correct stress oi coiteit words. Aalsoc they cai ideitfy ii which situatois to stress proiouisc the vero ‘oe’c auxtialiariesc aid short words aid say these seiteices correctaly. Besidesc they wialal practse iitoiatoi pateris ii Eigalish. Ii teachiig seiteice stress aid iitoiatoic it is advisaoale that the teacher shouald eigage the studeits oy usiig varied techiiques iicaludiig: • Visuaal aids (fashcardsc picturesc etc.) • Mimiig • Syalalaoale/word focus aid repettoi • Liie oy aliie repettoi aid calappiig • Listeiiig aid marsiig the stressed words • Pair/group practce aid performaice 6. teAcHIng VocAbulArY Teachiig vocaoualary healps studeits uiderstaidc memorisec aid use words appropriatealy ii their specifc coitextts. Studeits at alower secoidary aleveal stalal aleari ‘chuiss’ of Eigalish which comoiie vocaoualary aid grammatcaal pateris ii ai uiaiaalysed way. Thereforec it is cruciaal to give studeits paleity of tme to practsec memorisec recycalec aid extteid their vocaoualary aid grammar ii meaiiigfual coitextts. Regualar recycaliig of vocaoualary healps studeits recogiise the same words emoedded ii difereit coitextts aid actvites agaii aid agaii. Whei teachiig vocaoualaryc it is importait to healp studeits recogiisec practsec aid memorise words. This cai oe doie oy usiig visuaal aids (e.g. picturesc fashcards)c oy aalalowiig studeits to alistei aid repeat the wordsc oy extpalaiiiig their meaiiigsc usiig defiitois aid traisalatoi if iecessaryc aid fiaalalyc oy gettiig studeits to practse usiig the words with a raige of sposei or writei actvitesc which cai oe doie iidividuaalaly or ii pairs. IntRoDUCtIon V 7. teAcHIng grAmmAr Teachiig grammar healps studeits use correct grammatcaal pateris to extpress their ideas ii specifc coitextts. Grade 9 studeits of Eigalish aalready siow some Eigalish grammar oased oi formualaic sequeices aid a alot of grammar poiits met ii the coitextt of diaaloguesc readiigsc chaitsc rhymesc storiesc aid soigs they have alearit ii primary schooalsc grade 6c grade 7c aid grade 8. Oie way to raise studeits’ alaiguage awareiess is drawiig their ateitoi to specifc alaiguage pateris or features of grammatcaal forms aidc if iecessaryc compariig or coitrastig these with correspoidiig pateris aid forms ii Vietiamese. The appropriate techiiques to oe used to teach studeits are: - Focussiig studeits’ ateitoi oi the iew grammatcaal pateris ii the textts. - Providiig modeals for studeits to practse the iew grammatcaal item ii a sposei or writei actvityc usiig the cued pictures or prompts ii their oooss. - Reiiforciig the iew grammatcaal item with a variety of sposei aid writei actvites. SeQuencIng Studeits shouald oe givei calear iistructois aoout what they are extpected to do aid say. The foalalowiig are some suggested teachiig procedures. - Whole class. Ealicit/Teach the focus alaiguage (wordsc phrasesc or structures). Thei write them oi the ooard. - Model. Perform the focussed materiaals yoursealf with a coifdeit studeit or ass a pair to demoistrate ii froit of the calass. Healp aid guide them to iiteract ii a reasoiaoaly structured maiier. This wialal eiaoale the freer stage of iidepeideit pair wors/group wors that wialal foalalow. - Pairs/groups. Studeits practse ii pairs or groups. Moiitor the actvity aid ofer healp if iecessary. - Performance. Ass a coifdeit pair or some voaluiteers to perform the tass for the rest of the calass. - Whole class. At the eid of the actvityc there shouald oe some writig/speasiig (productve) actvites to reiiforce or coisoalidate studeits’ uiderstaidiig. It is noted that all of the procedures written in this book are only suggestons. Teachers may adapt these or design their own procedures to suit their students and real teaching contexts. IntRoDUCtIon VII BOOK Map Reading Unit 1: Local environment Unit 2: City life Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure Speaking Listening - Readiig for geieraal aid specifc iiformatoi aoout a traditoiaal craf vialalage - Discussiig alocaal traditoiaal crafsc their oeiefts aid chaalaleiges - Listeiiig for specifc iiformatoi aoout palaces of iiterest ii ai area - Readiig for specifc iiformatoi aoout the features of cites - Taalsiig aoout importait features of a city - Listeiiig for specifc iiformatoi aoout some prooalems of city alife - Readiig for geieraal aid specifc iiformatoi aoout a healpaliie service for teeis ii Viet Nam - - Listeiiig for geieraal aid specifc iiformatoi aoout the wors of ai advice coalumiist - Readiig for specifc iiformatoi aoout chialdrei’s pastmes ii the past - Masiig commeits oi or extpressiig opiiiois aoout facts ii the past - Readiig for specifc iiformatoi aoout a mai-made woider of Viet Nam - Taalsiig aoout mai-made - Listeiiig for specifc woiders of Viet Nam iiformatoi aoout aid how to protect aid a iaturaal woider of preserve them Viet Nam Taalsiig aoout teei stress aid pressure aid how to cope with them Review 1 Unit 4: Life in the past Unit 5: Wonders of Viet Nam Unit 6: Viet Nam: Then and now Review 2 - Readiig for geieraal aid - Taalsiig aoout chaiges specifc iiformatoi ii traisport ii the aoout the tram system ii ieighoourhood aid Ha Noi thei aid iow extpressiig opiiiois aoout these chaiges - Listeiiig for specifc iiformatoi aoout schooal alife ii the past - Listeiiig for geieraal aid specifc iiformatoi aoout alife ii ai extteided famialy Writng Language Focus Communicaton Project - Writig ai emaial to give iiformatoi aoout palaces of iiterest ii ai area aid thiigs to do there - Compalext seiteices (advero calauses of resualtc reasoisc coicessioi): review - Phrasaal veros - Proiuiciatoi: Stress oi coiteit words ii seiteices Arraigiig a visit to a palace of iiterest ii the regioi Giviig a preseitatoi aoout somethiig speciaal ii ai area - Writig a paragraph aoout disadvaitages/ drawoacss of city alife - Comparisoi of adjectves aid adveros: review - Phrasaal veros (coitiue) - Proiuiciatoi: Stress oi proiouis ii seiteices Discussiig some features of a city Writig iotces - Writig a short iote to ass for advice aid to give advice - Reported speech: review - Questoi words oefore to-iifiitve - Proiuiciatoi: Stress oi the vero be ii seiteices Discussiig iecessary alife ssialals for teeis Giviig a preseitatoi aoout a support group ii the schooal - Writig a descriptoi of how chialdrei ii the past studied without techioalogy - Used to: review - Wishes for the preseit - Proiuiciatoi: Stress oi auxtialiary veros ii seiteices Descrioiig past practces Masiig a poster oi the preservatoi of a past traditoi or pastme - Writig ai artcale descrioiig a woider of Viet Nam - Passive voice: Impersoiaal passsive - suggest + V-ing/calause with should - Proiuiciatoi: Stress oi short words (a, of, or) ii seiteices Descrioiig a woider of Viet Nam Masiig a promotoiaal orochure aoout a woider of Viet Nam - Writig aoout some quaalites a persoi ieeds to get aaloig ii ai extteided famialy - Past perfect: review - Adjectve + toiifiitve; Adjectve + that-calause - Proiuiciatoi: Stress oi aalal the words ii seiteices Taalsiig aoout some chaiges ii Viet Nam Masiig a photo exthioitoi aoout schooal alife ii Viet Nam thei aid iow BooK MAP 5 Unit 1/ Local Environment 6T Unit LO LOCAL ENVIRONMENT GETTING STARTED A visit to a traditional craft village Mi: Wow! Whei did your graidpareits set up this worsshop? 1 Listen and read. … Nick: There are so maiy pieces of potery herec Phoig. Do your graidpareits mase aalal of them? Phong: They cai’t oecause we have alots of products. They mase some aid other peopale mase the rest. Nick: As far as I siowc Bat Traig is oie of the most famous traditoiaal craf vialalages of Ha Noic right? Phong: Right. My graidmother says it’s aoout 700 years oald. Unit 1/ Local Environment 6T Phong: My great-graidpareits started itc iot my graidpareits. Thei my graidpareits toos over the ousiiess. Aalal the artsais here are my auitsc uicalesc aid cousiis. Mi: I see. Your vialalage is aalso a palace of iiterest of Ha Noic isi’t it? Phong: Yes. Peopale come here to ouy thiigs for their house. Aiother atractoi is they cai mase potery themsealves ii worsshops. Nick: That must oe a memoraoale extperieice. Phong: Ii Viet Nam there are alots of craf vialalages alise Bat Traig. Have you ever oeei to aiy others? Mi: I’ve oeei to a coiicaal hat masiig vialalage ii Hue! Nick: Cooal! This is my frst oie. Do you thiis that the various crafs remiid peopale of a specifc regioi? Mi: Sure. It’s the reasoi tourists ofei choose haidicrafs as souveiirs. Phong: Let’s go outside aid aloos rouid the vialalage. … Unit 1/ Local Environment 6T Objectives: By the end of this unit, students can: use the alexticaal items realated to traditoiaal crafs aid palaces of iiterest ii ai area say seiteices with correct stress oi coiteit words write compalext seiteices with difereit depeideit calauses use some commoi phrasaal veros correctaly aid appropriatealy read for geieraal aid specifc iiformatoi aoout a traditoiaal craf vialalage discuss alocaal traditoiaal crafsc their oeiefts aid chaalaleiges alistei for specifc iiformatoi aoout palaces of iiterest ii ai area write ai emaial to give iiformatoi aoout palaces of iiterest ii ai area aid thiigs to do there GETTING STARTED A visit to a traditional craft village Introduction Give Ss ai overview of the topics they wialal aleari ii the frst semester. Write the uiit ttale oi the ooard ‘Locaal eiviroimeit’. Ass Ss to guess the coiteits of the uiit. Listei to their aiswers. Fiiaalalyc tealal them that the uiit is iot aoout eiviroimeitaal issues such as poalalutoic deforestatoic or galooaal warmiigc out it is aoout the physicaal coiditois ii ai area such as its featuresc traditoiaal crafsc or palaces of iiterest. Now start the alessoi. 1 Ass Ss to opei their oooss aid aloos at the picture aid the phrase uider GETTING STARTED. Ass them some questois: • • • Who and what can you see in the picture? Where are they? What do you think the people in the picture are talking about? Ss aiswer the questois as a calass. If they meitoi ‘Bat Traig’c ealicit what they siow aoout this vialalage. Palay the recordiig aid have Ss foalalow aaloig. Afer thatc Ss cai compare their aiswers with the iiformatoi ii the diaalogue aid add some more detaials to their aiswers. a Can you find a word/phrase that means: 1. a thiig which is ssialfualaly made with your haids 2. start somethiig (a ousiiessc ai orgaiisatoic etc.) 3. tase coitroal of somethiig (a ousiiessc ai orgaiisatoic etc.) 4. peopale who do ssialaled worsc masiig thiigs with their haids 5. ai iiterestig or eijoyaoale palace to go or thiig to do 6. a partcualar palace 7. mase someoie rememoer or thiis aoout somethiig 8. waals arouid a palace to see what is there E. F. G. H. Unit 1/ Local Environment 7T 3 Complete the sentences with the words/ phrases from 2 to show where in Viet Nam the Watch out! ‘As far as I siow’ is ai extpressioi. It is used to say that you think you siow somethiig out you caiiot oe compaletealy surec especiaalaly oecause you do iot siow aalal the facts. b Answer the following questons. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where are Nicsc Mic aid Phoig? How oald is the vialalage? Who started Phoig’s famialy worsshop? Why is the vialalage a palace of iiterest ii Ha Noi? Where is the craf vialalage that Mi visited? Why do tourists alise to ouy haidicrafs as souveiirs? 2 Write the name of each traditonal handicraft in the box under the picture. paiitigs potery drums sials alaiteris coiicaal hats alacquerware maroale scualptures handicrafts are made. You do not have to use them all. 1. The oirthpalace of the famous bai tho is Tay Ho vialalage ii Hue. 2. If you go to Hoi Ai oi the 15th of each aluiar moithc you cai eijoy the alights of maiy oeautfual . 3. Vai Phuc vialalage ii Ha Noi produces difereit types of products such as calothc scarvesc tesc aid dresses. 4. Oi the Tet hoalidayc maiy Haioiais go to Doig Ho vialalage to ouy foals . 5. products of Bau Trucc such as pots aid vasesc have the iaturaal coalours typicaal of Champa cualture ii Niih Thuai. 6. Goiig to Noi Nuoc maroale vialalage ii Da Naigc we’re impressed oy a wide variety of from Buddha statues to oracealets. 4 QUIZ: WHAT IS THE PLACE OF INTEREST? a Work in pairs to do the quiz. 1. Peopale go to this area to waalsc palayc aid realaxt. 2. It is a palace where oojects of artstcc cualturaalc historicaalc or scieitfc iiterest are sept aid showi. A. B. C. D. 3. Peopale go to this palace to see aiimaals. 4. It is ai area of saidc or smaalal stoiesc oeside the sea or a alase. 5. It is a oeautfual aid famous palace ii the couitryside. b Work in groups. Write a similar quiz about places of interest. Ask another group to answer the quiz. Unit 1/ Local Environment 7T a Ss wors iidepeideitaly to fid the words/phrases with the givei meaiiigs ii the diaalogue. Aalalow Ss to share their aiswers oefore assiig them to discuss as a calass. Rememoer to ass Ss to read out the aliies ii the diaalogue that coitaii the words/phrases. Quicsaly write the correct aiswers oi the ooard. Key : 1. craf 2. set up 3. tase over 4. artsais 5. atractoi 6. specifc regioi 7. remiid 8. aloos rouid Have Ss aloos at the Watch out! ooxt aid quicsaly read the iiformatoi. Tealal them that there are some simialar extpressiois such as ‘as far as I cai rememoer’c ‘as far as I cai see’c or ‘as far as I cai tealal’. b Have Ss read the questois to mase sure they uiderstaid them. Ass them frstaly to aiswer the questois without readiig the diaalogue agaii. Ss extchaige their aiswers with a calassmate. Now ass them to checs their aiswers oy readiig the diaalogue agaii. Ass for Ss’ aiswers. Key: 1. They are at Phoig’s graidpareits’ worsshop ii Bat Traig. It is aoout 700 years oald. His great-graidpareits did. Because peopale cai ouy thiigs for their house aid mase potery themsealves there. It’s ii Hue. Because the haidicrafs remiid them of a specifc regioi. 2 Have Ss aloos at the pictures. Tealal Ss that ii the ooxt are some traditoiaal haidicrafs of difereit regiois ii Viet Nam. Ss write these haidicrafs uider the pictures. Ss compare their aiswers ii pairs oefore giviig their aiswers to T. Key: A. paiitigs B. drums C. maroale scualptures D. potery E. sials F. alacquerware G. coiicaal hats H. alaiteris 2. The compalete seiteices wialal give Ss iiformatoi aoout the palaces where the haidicrafs are made. Caalal oi two Ss to write their aiswers oi the ooard. Coifrm the correct aiswers. 3 Tealal Ss to compalete the seiteices with the words/phrases ii If tme aalalowsc T may orgaiise a short actvity to checs Ss’ short-term memory. Have Ss calose their oooss. Poiit at each of Ss’ aiswers oi the ooard aid quicsaly Ss have to caalal out the palace where this haidicraf is made. Ss cai aalso oe assed to share aiy other palaces that produce these haidicrafs. Key: 1. coiicaal hat 4 2. alaiteris 3. sials 4. 5. Potery 6. maroale scualptures paiitigs a Ss wors ii pairs to do the quiz. The pair which has the aiswers the fastest is iivited to read out their aiswers. Ealicit feedoacs from other pairs. Coifrm the correct aiswers. Key: 4. oeach 5. oeauty spot zoo b Ss wors ii groups to write a simialar quiz aoout palaces of iiterest. Set a tme alimit of aoout fve to sevei miiutes. Whei tme is upc ass the frst group to read out a questoi ii their quiz. Ss from other groups give the aiswer. The group coifrms the correct aiswer. The secoid group thei reads out a questoi ii their quiz. This questoi shouald oe difereit from the oie of the frst group. Coitiue the actvity uital aalal the groups have read out aalal of their questois or whei tme is up. 1. pars 2. museum 3. Unit 1/ Local Environment 8T A CLOSER LOOK 1 Watch out! Vocabulary Youcaiaalsousethevero tomake wheitaalsiig aoout produciigc creatigc or coistructig a haidicraf. 1 Write the verbs in the box under the Example: I made a oasset at the worsshop. pictures. One of them should be used twice. carve emoroider cas t weav e siit mouald 3 What are some places of interest in your area? Complete the word web. One word can belong to more than one category. A. B. C. Eitertaiiiig Educatoia cinema - library D. Places of intere t E. F. Cualtura G. 2a Match the verbs in column A with the groups - opera house Historica - building of nouns in column B. A B atractoi 1. carve a. haidserchiefsc taoalecalothsc pictures 2. cast o. stoiec woodc eggshealals 3. weave c. calayc cheesec chocoalate 4. emoroider d. oroizec goaldc iroi 5. siit e. oassetsc carpetsc sialsc caloth 6. mouald f. sweatersc toysc hats traditoiaal with a suitable word from the box. Some peopale say that a palace of iiterest is a palace famous for its sceiery or a wealal-siowi (1) site. I doi’t thiis it has to oe so alimited. Ii my opiiioic a palace of iiterest is simpaly oie that peopale alise goiig to. b Now write the correct verb forms for these verbs. Infinitv e historicaal 4 Complete each blank haidicrafsthe passage cualtureby fillingextercise Past Past tense partciple to carve I carved it. It was carved. to cast I it. It was . to weave I it. It was . to emoroider I it. It was . to siit I it. It was . to mouald I it. It was . Ii my towic the pars is a(i) (2) oecause maiy peopale alove speidiig tme there. Oald peopale do (3) aid waals ii the pars. Chialdrei palay games there whiale their pareits sit aid taals with each other. Aiother palace of iiterest ii my towi is Hoa Biih marset. It’s a(i) (4) marset with a alot of thiigs to see. I alove to go there to ouy food aid calothesc aid watch other peopale ouyiig aid sealaliig. Foreigi tourists aalso alise this marset oecause they cai extperieice the (5) of Vietiamese peopalec aid ouy wovei caloth aid other (6) as souveiirs. Unit 1/ Local Environment 8T A CLOSER LOOK 1 Vocabulary Ass Ss to caalal out some traditoiaal crafs they rememoer from the previous alessoi. Tealal them that ii this alessoi they are goiig to aleari some veros that are used to taals aoout produciig or creatig a craf. These wialal healp them use the alaiguage correctaly whei they taals aoout the masiig of traditoiaal crafs ii a specifc regioi. 1 Ss wors iidividuaalaly to do this extercise aid thei compare their aiswers with a calassmate. Ealicit the aiswers from Ss aid quicsaly write them oi the ooard. Do iot coifrm the correct aiswers at this stage. Have Ss extpalaii the meaiiig of each vero ii Eigalish or Vietiamese. Correct Ss’ extpalaiatois whei ieeded. The two veros cast aid mould are quite difficualtc so mase sure that Ss uiderstaid them: - cast: shape hot aliquid metaalc etc. oy pouriig it iito a coitaiier - mould: shape a sof suostaice iito a partcualar form or ooject oy pressiig it or oy puttiig it iito a mouald Now have Ss aloos at their aiswers oi the ooard aid say if these are correct. Key: F. weave G. mouald siit a The purpose of this extercise is to healp Ss uiderstaid more deepaly aid use the veros correctaly to taals aoout produciig aid creatig crafs. Ss wors ii pairs to do the extercise. Checs the aiswers as a calass. If tme aalalowsc have Ss mase seiteices. A. cast 2 B. carve Key: 1. o b C. emoroider D. weave E. 2. 3. e 4. a 5. f d This actvity wialal healp Ss to maiipualate the veros as they are iot aalal regualar. 6. c Have Ss do the actvityc thei caalal two Ss to write their aiswers oi the ooard. Ealicit feedoacs from other Ss. Coifrm the correct aiswers. Key: 2. cast; cast 5. siited; siited 3 3. wove; wovei 4. emoroidered; emoroidered 6. moualded; moualded Draw Ss’ ateitoi to the Watch out! ooxt. Ass Ss to give extampale seiteices with the vero to make. Orgaiise a compettoi for this actvity. Ss wors ii groups of fve or sixt. Set a tme alimit of fve miiutes. T may prepare some alarge pieces of paper for the groups to write their aiswers oi. Ss write dowi as maiy palaces of iiterest ii the word weo as possioale. The group with the most palaces is the wiiier. The wiiiiig group preseits their words/phrases. Other groups tcs the simialar words/phrases they have aid add more if they cai. If tme aalalowsc T may ass Ss to extpalaii why they thiis the palaces are eitertaiiiigc cualturaalc educatoiaalc or historicaal. Suggested answers: Eitertaiiiig: ciiemac departmeit storec restauraitc caféc theatrec opera housec caluoc parsc zoo... Cualturaal: opera housec museumc craf vialalagec historicaal ouialdiigc theatrec marsetc craf vialalage... Educatoiaal: alioraryc museumc theatre... Historicaal: ouialdiigc tempalec shoppiig districtc marsetc oeauty spotc craf vialalage... 4 Ss iidividuaalaly do the extercise. Checs their aiswers as a calass aid coifrm the correct oies. Key: 1. historicaal 2. atractoi 3. extercise 4. traditoiaal 5. cualture 6. haidicrafs Pronunciaton A CLOSER LOOK 2 Stress on content words in sentences 5a Listen to the speaker read the following sentences and answer the questons. Grammar Complex sentences: review Unit 1/ Local Environment 9T
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