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Tài liệu Runners_guide_to_stretching


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Runners Guide to Stretching Devised by Jane Wake This is a guide to stretching prepared by Jane Wake, a top fitness professional. Jane works with ActionAid to enhance your running experience however we cannot be held responsible for any injuries you may have. Please consult your doctor if you have any concerns at all. As adults we can lose up to 30% of our flexibility by the age of 70 if we don’t work on our mobility. Stretching is most effective when the body is very warm but relaxed. Stretching can… enhance performance, prevent injury, increase mobility, aid in injury rehabilitation and simply make you feel great! Static stretching in warm ups – There is little scientific evidence to support the need for held stretching in a warm up however for the runner who has specific tight or injured areas, anecdotal evidence would indicate otherwise. General rules for warming up • Start a run at half pace or at a walk and build up to your natural pace over at least 8 minutes. • The longer the run and the colder it is, the longer and more gradually you should warm up. • If you have particular tight areas, such as a chronic injury where scar tissue has made an area very tight, you can stop and stretch after a minimum of 8 minutes, just focusing on the tight area/s. However, if you can try to keep moving by doing a range of movement exercises rather than held stretches. This will increase mobility whilst keeping the body warm, e.g. very slow, heel to toe runs forwards and toe to heel runs backwards, knee lifts, knee circles, leg curl backs and hip extension lunges (extending your leg behind you), side bends and waist rotations. Cool down stretches Do each of the following after your run, spending 20 seconds on each stretch. If you are short on time focus on calf, hip rotators (glutes), quadriceps(front thigh), hamstrings (back thigh), I.T band (side of leg) and chest. 2 – 3 times a week, when your body temperature is very warm, stretch for at least ½ hour, going through each stretch at least 2 – 3 times with extra attention to particularly tight areas. This is particularly important for longer distance runners. • Try to do these stretching sessions at least 4 hours away from any vigorous activity when your muscles are more relaxed and receptive to stretching. • Contract your abdominals and keep your spine still as you stretch (unless doing a back rotation or back flexion stretch). You should be aiming to keep good posture in every stretch. • Hold each stretch for at least 60 seconds. N.B. You do not have to do the stretches entitled ‘variations.’ These are alternatives in case you find the others difficult or impractical to do. Calf Stretches Upper calf stretch Lower calf stretch Variations. (also see hamstring stretch with towel) Glute/Hip Stretches Variation (easy) Variation (harder) Hamstring Stretches (back of thigh) Variation (easy) Outer Thigh and IT Band Stretches Variation Variation (harder) Front Thigh and Hip Flexor Stretches Variations Variations (Inner chest muscle) Variations Variations Variations Chest Stretches (Outer chest muscle) Back Stretches Neck Stretches . ActionAid is a registered charity number 274467. Jane Wake is a top fitness professional and put together this guide in 2009.
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