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Tài liệu Nội dung chương trình môn tiếng anh (dành cho thí sinh dự tuyển giáo viên bậc thpt và trung tâm gdnn gdtx)


Mô tả:

lRUbilG B AI Hoc cHIIor{c rRiNH uox rrtNc aNn rRiNH og n ? a. rc6n thric chune: I. Ttr vuns: Tir 4mg thuQc cric chri de phd th6ng nhu: khoa hgc, xi hQi, suc kh6e, gi6o duc, ngh6 nghiQp, th6 ttrao, tfrOi tiiit, du lich, gia dinh, nhi truong,... II. Nefr oh6o: - Simple present tense - Comparison of adjectives and adverbs - Present continuous tense - Modal verbs: can, could, shall, - Simple past tense - Phrasal verbs: look after, take off, ... - Past continuous tense - Prepositions of time, place, movement - Present perfect tense - The passive - Past perfect tense - Have to/ has to + V - First and second conditionals - Verb I - ing and to infinitive will, ..... B. Part I. l: Ciu hiii tip: 6n Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. He ran to the station to So he can't hear your voice. 2. He's 3. How long 4. the early train. will it .....................you to get there? Be............... ! The baby's sleeping. 5. I want to a table at the Savoy 6. Whose book is it? Hotel. It's not 7. "I haven't got anything for you." 8. I left my pen at home. ................. 9. Our plan . I borrow yours? by the members of the committee. 10. Uncle Tom can't see without his glasses. I l. A chemist usually works in the 12. What 13. The is................television tonight? earth...............round the sun. 14. It's not worth 15. His teeth. .... . ...... 16. Do I 7. to him. He never answers letters. .. ..some problems. you..............? His children. .... 18. The adjective .. .. of" .. . stay at home because the road is flooded. color " 19. There is a race meeting 20. almost............... day of the year. If you want somebody to 21 . She's is.................. be quie! you say:........... not sure where she may go for summer holidays the end, she decides to stay at home. 22. My uncle will go to Ho Chi Minh city..................the end of this month. 23. It isn't an answer 24. The woman . my question. daughter we met last week is a nurse. 25. Keiko has studied English 3 years. 2 26. These clothes are 27 . Let's go cleaner than the others. to the beach for summer holiday, .............................? the station just in time to catch the train. 28. We arrived 29. My brother is very of music. 30. Mr Green lives far his ofllce. 31. Which word has the 's' ending pronoun ced /s /? 32. Which word has the 'ed'- ending pronounced I t /? 33. A............ is a kind of boat that carries people across a river or sea. 34. Daisy has been a teacher ......... .. ....three years. 35. "Is your husband a good dancer?" " Yes. He dances .the invitation to your 36. My wife and I have much pleasure in .. daughter's wedding. 37. Vitamin C .......................by the human body. It gets into the blood stream quickly. 3 8. After two years' hard work , 39. .... ..in getting her Ph.D degree. ..........a year is the Festival held? Only once a yeiu. ..........books. 40. He spends his money 41. she I'd like to have this skirt lensthened. 42. "It's your turn" means 43. Next week when there a full moon , the ocean tides will be higher. 44. John . ... . on a piece ofpaper that was on the floor 45. The more we leam, 46. He was a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writer 47. This girl is clever to make fine things from paper. 48. It costs aDDroximately 200 dollars. water in its hump. 49. Some people think the camel 3 50. When 5I. I TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor. him of The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and speeding. 52. Be quiet! It's rude to people when they are speaking. 53. Mr. Jones has ... painting since he retired. 54. This is the house I lived when I first came to the Netherlands. 55. My friend eventually decided to get divorced, upset me a lot. 56. Which word is stressed on the second syllable? 57. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?. 58. Which word is stressed on the first syllable?. 59. I was just . to go out when you telephoned. 60. IfJack 6l . Our to go on the trip, would you go? neighbor, .. name is Charles Alison, will go sailing tomorrow. 62. It's difficult to pay one's bill when prices keep 63. It was a great success. He succeeded evervone work hard. 64. His parents never allowed him 65. The other driver failed to signal his to tum right, so I had to brake suddenly. 66. Most of the examinees are 67. I don't think he will to pass the exams. the shock of his friend's death. ever 68. John is bruke. 69. The woman gave the police a ofthe thief. 70. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? 71 . Which word is stressed on the first syllable? 72. Which word has the -s ending pronounced / s P 73.He 74. Canl English very well. some money from you? 75. My grandmother often goes to the to buv some bread4 76. New York is a place people of many different cultures live and work together. I was the first president of the United States, is a symbol of honesty, 77 t bravery, and patriotism. 78. Vietnam 79. We have five ?fl. coffee to many countries. on each foot. this kind of talent on a small-town high school baseball team. 80 Part 2: Read the text below and choose the best answer Testl: WHO USES ENGLISH English is the most intemational of languages. A Dane and a Dutch person meeting in Rome will almost automatically find themselves speaking to each other in English. The pilots of Soviet planes approaching Cairo will use English to ask for landing instructions. Malaysian lecturers use English when addressing their Malaysian students in Kuala Lumpw. To people in Africa, Asia and South America, English is an important language to master, not merely because it is the language of Britain, of the United States but because 4 o it provides ready access to world scholanhip and world trade. It is understood more widely than any other languages. It is true then, that a great many people - and a great many peoples - are involved in the use of English. Millions of men and women in four continents have English as their first language, and millions in every part of the world use it as their second or foreign language. 81. A B C D 82. ) !l A. B. C. D. 83. A. B C D 84. A B c D 85. A. B. C. D. Test 2 After inventing dynamite, Swedish-bom Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added after the first award ceremony. 6 in 1968, just sixty-seven years Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from 30,000 dollars to 125,000 dollars. Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics ts RU fr IIT plays an important role in the judges' decisions. Americans have won numerous science - aw.rds, but relatively few literature prizes. No awards were presented Aom 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War lI. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes. 86. A. B. C. D. B C D 87. A. B. C. D. 88. A. 89. A. B C 90. A. B. C. D. 7 D !l Test 3 In 1920 , after some thirty -nine years of problems with diseases, high costs, and politics , the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean by allowing ships to pass through the fity-mile canal zone instead of traveling some seven thousand miles round Cape Horn .lt takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, onetenth of what it would cost an average ship to round the Hom. More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year. The French initiated the project but sold their rights to the United States. The latter controlled it until the end of the twentieth century when Panama took over its duties. 91. A. B. C. D. A. B C D A. B C D A. B C D 92. 93. 94. 95. A. B. C. D. 8 Test 4 SHOPPING CENTERS In many old cities in Europe, there are narrow twisting roads with many shops huddling together along the two sites. These commercial places are not so modern and convenient as those called shopping centers in modem cities, especially in the suburbs of Hl I a - the big cities in the United States. Shopping centers have developed rapidly because of the shift of the population to the suburbs, the growing use of, and the dependence upon the automobile and the heavy traffic in downtown areas. A shopping center is a large group of stores facing covered, heated and air-conditioned. 3t A a huge central mall which may be shopping center is also surrounded by a parking area with space for thousands ofcars. We can buy all kinds of food and get anything we need in a shopping center. Unlike a supermarket where groceries are chiefly sold, a shopping center provides us with all services besides food. We can get our hair cut, eyes examined, clothes washed; we can book our tickets for a world tour and even enroll in special classes. Shopping centers iue, therefore, very convenient for customers, but they lack the "sense ofcloseness" as felt in older commercial centers. 96. A. B C D 97. A B C D 9 98. A. B. I' C. D. the streets in the downtown areas are so narrow and twisting. 99. A. B. C. D. 100. A. B. C. D. Part 3. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space Test I Alice Hyde is ninety-seven years old and she always watches the Miss World (l0l)_ on TV. She likes to remember the year 1911, when she (102) the first Miss World. "It was wonderful. My picture was in the best magazines and (103)_ marry me! postcards. I (104)_ (105)_ me to Hollywood. hundreds of letters. A lot of men wanted to of all, Charlie Chaplin wrote from America and (106) I really wanted to go there and be a film star, but my parents said no." (107)_, n 1912, Alice married Charlie Hyde, a boy from her home town in the north of England. They had five children, four sons and a daughter. When Charlie (108)_ they moved to Spain and they lived there until Charlie died. Alice came back to England and bought an antique shop, where she worked until last year. "I've had l0 a wonderfirl life. I've traveled. I've lived abroad. I've never been to Hollywood but I don't that. I've known my true love. My Charlie was the best husband in S \ I'm still healthy and active. I feel much younger than ninety-seven. I've just ..G (109) the world! donemy (ll0) and I'm going to Spain for my summer holiday!" l0l. 4 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. I10. Test 2 One day last summer day and boating lake, I saw my a oc ;d I I was walking through the local park. was eating an ice cream. As I (ll2)..... was a (l I l) past the (l l3)................., Carol and Jim. They were taking their dog for (l l4).................,. When we met, we stopped for dog suddenly jumped It (l l5).. . . a chat. While we were talking, the and tried to get my ice cream. I pulled my hand away and unfortunately the ice cream came out of the cone. Now there (l l6) a bald man behind me. The poor man wasn't doing any harm. He was just sitting on a bench and (l 17)................... a newspaper. Well, when I pulled my hand away, the ice (118).... through the air and it landed (119)................. the man's head. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Carol and Jim did. When I cream (120)................. at them, they weren't just laughing, they were in hysterics. But I was very embarrassed. lt II l. ILz. I13. 114. 115. I16. tt7. I 18. I19. 120. Test 3 Which drivers are the (121)... on the roads? According (122)................... a recent survey, young and inexperienced drivers are the most ( 123)................... to have an accident. Older drivers are more ( 124)................ Gender makes a difference, too. Young men have the ( 125)................ accident records of all. They are generally more aggressive than older drivers. They also choose (126) engines. One of the most interesting facts in the survey is that (127) cars with bigger have an effect on the driver. When young male drivers have their friends in the car, their driving ( 128) is (129) worse. When their wife or girlfriend is in the car, however, their driving But the opposite is true for women. Their driving is more (130) when their husband or boyfriend is in the car. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. t2 126. 127. a ? 128. I a 129. t0 130. Test 4 Oxford is one of the (l3l) beautiful cities of England, and its university is the oldest (132)............the country. Every year hundreds ofyoung people come up to Oxford from school to spend three or four years at the university, and they never (133)............ their time there. People (134) come from other countries like to visit Oxford ( 135) they are in England, because it has many interesting buildings. Ifyou go to Oxford,youwillseethecolleges,theoldchurches,andthecrowds(136)............... people, cars and bicycles in the busy High Street, the (137) in Oxford. Ifyou want, you can take the sunshine. You a boat ...............important street (138) .................the river (139) will enjoy your (140) to this old city very much. l3l. t32. 133. t34. 135. 136. 137. 138. t39. 140. l3 Test 5 Computers For the scientist, they can get information.............(14l) outer space or from the depths of the..............( 142). factory....... . ..( In 143); keeps track company payrolls. If you business and industry of the computer prepares sales trends and production needs and make are planning a trip by plane, the computer will..........(144) out what route to take and what space is available. At times computers seem a1most.............(145) They can read hand-printed letters, play chess,.............(146) music, write plays and even............(147) other computers. Is it any wonder that they are sometimes called............( 148) machines? Even though they are.............(149) over some of the accomplished by our own brains, computers are not replacing us brain has more than 10 billion cells. A computer tasks that li'ere once - at least not yet. Our has only a few hundred thousand parts. For some time to come, then, we can safely say that our brains are at least 10,000 times . . .... ... ....( 150) than a computer. l4l. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. r48. 149. 150. 14
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