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Tài liệu Everybody up 2 wb


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'J -i '# ':::' ,* k'qv*!"t q*{ ,* -e,:tttttt' ,,,,::::.i'iirrrr:r....a.:.rri:::,,,,. ,,rrriiirrrr:rrrr::lrrrliiii:lil!:iiiillli::::l:ii:::i:illiiill::.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. " .,,,,,, . . ..il Kqthleen Kompo Chqrles Vilino ,l,ll$lllllllllii:::lillllilili:il::illiiilillli:l::lil:iit:illll:lii::ll:::ll:llli:lllllll ,,,,,:,.,, .,,:l,,,i,,,,i,',,',,r,,ii:,t:1,,lt:t,,*t:llL:tttti:1tlt,,,,, Suson Bonmqn Sileci :ri:tiil:iiiiti:i::tli::ti,' \ oxroRD ',,,,,,,,,,t]],,". oxIoRD ACKNOWIEDGMENTS LINIVERSITY PRESS Cover Design: 198 MadisonAvenue New York, NY 10016 USA Illus*ationsby: Yalentina Belloni: 8-9, 10-1 1, 22-23, 3.4-3', 40-41, 46-42, s6-s7, 70-71; Charlene Chua: 2 (top), 30; Jannie Ho: -t2-t7, 14-75, ZO-Z7, g7, ZZ-}Z, 48 -49, 62 - 63; Aga I(owalska: 18-79, 26-27, 36-37, Z8 - 39, 42-43, 50-S 1, 60-61, 66-67: Paul Eric Roca: 4-5, 6-7,28, 54-55, 64-65, 72-72;lomike Tejido: 2 (bottom), 3, 16-77, 24-25, 29, 44-45, 52-s3, s8-59, 68-69, 7 4-7 5. 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General Manager, American ELI: Laura Pearson Executive Publishing Manager: Shelagh Speers Managing Editor: Clare Hambly Associate Editor: Doug Tebay Art, Design, and Production Director: Susan Sanguily Design Manager: Lisa Donovan Seniol Designer: Moliy K. Scanlon Designer: Colleen Ho Image Manager: Trisha Masterson Image Editor: Fran Newman Production Coordinator: Hila Ratzabi Senior Manufactudng Controller: Eve Wong ISBN: 978-0-1 9-4103404 Workbook Printed in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources. '1,0987 Molly I(. Scanlon %Wwe.&eefuwwXLa Kothleen Kompo Chqrles Vilino Potrick Jqckson Suson Bonmqn Sileci OXFORD IJNIVERSITY PRESS ffi Motch. L I like ice creom. o 2. This is my bockpock. o 3. I hove o brother. o tl. I con ploy soccer. o re Whol qbout you? Write. six seven eight nine ten boll green bike red doll blue book purple kite yellow 6CC 66CCCCC6CCCCCCCCC CC C C l i 2. i 3. +. @ wetcome ffi Unscromble. i Sundoy , Thursdoy +Aonaef Tuesdoy Fridoy Soturdoy t. Wednesdoy 2. yMonod 3. iorFdy +. sudoTey 5. rshTyduo 6. undyoS 7. otoruydS V1/ydneoesd ffi Gircle. 3. ;, Reod ,l Spell. Spell. Close your book. Write. Come to the boord. +. 6. Open your book. Reod. Open your book. Close your book. Write. Close your book. ffi Do the puzzle. Across ) ?(:/ Down V oO.--^-.- 'ir n-J try3. m drc *ffi @ W G @ 6A kJ l. ) 2. ) ffi ffiwrite. 2. 5. O Uni, 6. ffi write. rAxtffil 2G} rdffi 3G xsr"fl & rffi ms r+' #"fu 3 ffi&*,31 ** 5 ;ool--:1 Iixr ffi /,t. ;,\ \ \.\ @ m* \\i\";/ \_! o. "l,, a=--' A l-_:J \*'r-.; (rffi) ffi ffi\7 ) I / $ ffi Motch. o o o Are you sod? Are you cold? Are you thirsty? No, I'm not. No, ['m not. Yes, I om. Lesson O bored 2. +. A *.J"*"r-J #e -;xo tn Wffi ,o & ffi Connect. t. excited. bored. 3.fs! r','ffiWWP ffiffiiffiss,lh rx #& O Unil bored. sick. W Motch. t. *M*_ W Is she sick? ls he tired? Is she bored? Is he excited? o o a a o o o O No, she isn't. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. No, he isn't. ffiwrite. 3. '+. Lesson 2O l! ir,,,ii&l##Wr"' I .t ffi #tiw'" ffi*.ffi Number. ffi ::::d.r '@ ffiwrite. t. I wrong 2 Are 3 Thonks L+ 5 , think /1 Z. 'j : hurts i fl 6 Whot's 6 4ue{+ 8 leg 3. 90K l0 so r+. ,i 5, + O Unil r0 3 ffiwrite. .:' i+tngter @ L -"-iil ffi\il W**-ffi nffi 2. IU t ffi gre ; r IE I tn m IT rt \# k,:i:' ,t:tir {[ 3. c) t& x TX rxt W -mY \, :if' t &#ffi& %"..* x e*ffi Drow. $ii.:iiitr !tt{{i i6&tH !u*ils $le# ir,%fl' ii$i1* i*#YffiiWiWk' :ffimm Lesson 3 o heor touch : See smell l' loste ffi circle. t. Smell She con I o flower. heor see ptzzo. He con toste heor o bird. She con touch see He con o cor. smell toste She con o tree. touch @ Unil Wwrite. see o kite heor losle smel! t touch ice creom w o flower o bird o turtle 3. +. I' r,A,"4 , \*\# IAAA t Ht \zl_.\d :t r I .J r 5, & r: t 4, itlt ,* &l,^ itpd Lesson Ll O ffi Find qnd circle. l@ .# z c o t I b r student r teocher I . I nurse l S t U d e n t e p v W o o c x d o c t o r I S h e o o p m e n k n U r S e doctor cook f ail $A il:l tal :l &b f li o ; i g it: : W ,wiii ffiwrite. * |KEl "-*&sffi&,& 2. @ Unir2 3. 5. +. 6. ffi Motch. He's o pilot. He isn't o cook. She's o teocher. She isn't o student. He's o nurse. He isn't o doctor. She's o cook. She isn't o teocher. ffiwrite. , , .. A. il, rq k' ..1:, ,ffik' .' .,'.r 't *', ffd "tffi. I Lesson @ ffi Motch. o soccer ployers driver o firefighter o bus obusdrivers o policeofficers o firefighters soccer ployer o ffi Circle ond cross out. Then write. soccel ploye-rs +neffi+er+ firefighters bus drivers bus drivers police officers @ Unir2 r. ffi,tr% ffiffitu @."@.@ =E* Wwrite. j&..'.-''*..'{'-.''..'''','''-.''''''' \v*rn Tn\13\l { f { '"'- --''-4, $, r\dq: y\r*.it r*r:: "*/r-1tt lrs:}rt,1'*lr!\GE"r | i !\,\#, \J tu*.d : , ! 3 -.,"j W Drow ond write. Lesson 2@ I ffi Number. Excuse me. Moy I borrow your eroser? ffi Motch. a ske ;ilffilr; n d3 "ffi1 #tx$x; n mf, "d, .* ;ffiffi;r @ Unn2 a-t# &,"-; Y.' ?,&. a a ffi{ ffifr lL ffii[lilit %',im ffi-ffi W Unscromble. cesuxE em :)r npe ueSr eerH oyu roe W Drow ond write. & # 1 C .JS 3 ? 'a I, ,I 2 * ffi W1I' -s#dpW "-,--;*ryBwSS,ffil'p@lw&(Wq,, Wry& Lesson 3 I school r hospitol ] restouront I home .: ffi Circle. l. Where's the student? She's of school. He's of home. Where's the police officer? She's ot the hospitol. She's of the restouront. Where's the soccer ployer? He's ot the hospitol. He's of school. Where's the cook? She's of the restouront. He's of home. @ Unit2
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