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Tài liệu Bunny and the biscuit


Mô tả:

Bộ Sách Friend and Family là giáo trình rất phổ biến cho trẻ từ 3-10 tuổi theo các trình độ từ dễ đến kó
aII}) Benny and the Biscuits By Kathryn Harper IlLustrated by Richard Watson OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Benny takes three biscuits. He puts them in his bag. Now he's got one, two, three, four biscuits. He goes to the door - and he stops. The biscuits smell very good. one two three four 5 Join the dots and write the correct word. biscuit door 1 2 5 6 2• 4 • 3 7 2 8 1 -5 tree 3 4 3 2 4 • • • •5 - 6 . 9 6 Benny -8 •7 -4 Look at the picture and count. Write the number. 1 2 four biscuits trees 3 door 4 bags 7 Benny tokes six biscuits. He puts them in his bag. Now he's got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten biscuits! Benny's sister comes in the kitchen. Benny runs to the door. He's got ten biscuits in his bag. run 8 Benny's sister is angry. Where are the biscuits? She sees Benny. She says: 'Give back the biscuits!' Give back the biscuitsl angry give back 9 Benny runs down the road. Benny's cousin is at the school. She says: IYummm! Those biscuits smeLL very good.' Benny's sister runs down the road. She says: IGive back the biscuits!' I Yummm! Those biscuits smell very good. road 10 school / Give back the biscuits! Benny runs down the road. Benny's uncle is at the football .field. He says: tYummm! Those biscuits smell very good.' His sister and his cousin say: 'Give back the biscuits!' footba Ll .field r:£:7; n u ~ 11 Look and count. Write the numbers. 12 1 _ _S_'X_ _ biscuits 2 _____ biscuits 3 _____ biscuits 4 _____ biscuits Match the pictures with the sentences. b c d 1 Benny's sister is making biscuits. [£] 2 Benny comes in the kitchen. 0 0 0 3 Benny puts a biscuit in his bag. 4 Benny has got four biscuits. 13 Benny runs down the road. Benny's grandma is at her house. She says: 'Yummm! Those biscuits smell very good.' His sister, his cousin and his uncle say: 'Give back the biscuits!' J Yummm! Those biscuits smell very good. Give back the biscuits! grandma '4 house Give back the biscuits! Yummm! Those biscuits smell very good. Benny runs down the road. His grandpa is at the bookshop. He says: IYummm! Those biscuits smeLL very good.' His sister, his cousin, his uncle and his grandma say: 'Give back the biscuits!' bookshop grandpa 15 Benny runs to the park. He climbs his favourite tree. His sister, his cousin, his uncle, his grandma and his grandpa say: IGive back the biscuits!' 1J,v...... climb 16 Benny is in the tree. He opens the bag. He says : 'Yummm! These biscuits smell very good.' I/': 1 ~~\- ( '---' --- ~ £{) 1/ lit 1 His sister, his cousin, his uncle, his grandma and his grandpa say: 'Give back the biscuits!' They are very noisy. The tree shakes. nOIsy shake 17 Match and write the word. - ) - ) C,--_u _n_C_Le__) 18 COUSin ( -- ( grandma ) (football fl e1d ) ( grandPa ) c- ) Write the words. Circle the things that are not in the story. grandma sister ~ baby teddy book sofa door bag table 1 house school pool 2 3 o 4 19 Benny drops the biscuits. They fall down ... down ... I / down ... down. ;{..:"£i ) 'J 0 -- Now there are only crumbs. down drop 4) :.II . .. ~ .~ :- . 20 Benny's sister is sad. She says : INa biscuits - there are only crumbs.' Benny climbs down the tree. No biscuits. sad 21 Benny says: 'I'm sorry. But the biscuits smeLL very good.' ~ . • 22 •• They give the crumbs to the birds. The birds are happy. They like crumbs. bird 23
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