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Tài liệu Britannica discovery library how long or how wide


Mô tả:

In this humorous look at length, Brian P. Cleary and Brian Gable introduce essential units—from millimeters to yards. The comical cats of the wildly popular Words Are CATegorical™ series show how to measure length, width, and height. Peppy rhyme, goofy illustrations, and kid-friendly examples make short work of this tall topic. Ages 5-8 Reinforced binding To Renee —B.P.C. Length: The distancned from one eng of somethi er to the oth A short note about length: People in the United States and Canada have two systems to measure length. One is called the English system, or the U.S. customary system. It uses inches, feet, and yards. The other system is called the metric system, or International System of Units. It uses millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, and meters. People in many countries use only the metric system. j M ILLBROOK P RESS / M INNEAPOLIS e , l b a t A h c er, a e t a a building, or cr eatur e, a r e b y d d e t d e f f u t s reasured, t e a v ’ u o y t a th 4 what size are they all? The big and the small? Each one of these things can be measured! 5 Length answers the riddle for large things or little. How l o n g or how tall or how wide is that swing? 6 Or your ring? Or a dinosaur wing? Or the ladder that leads to the slide? 7 INCH 1 inch looks like this, and it’s easy to miss, because of its very small size. 8 ies. t h s u w s o g i i h t s m s t i t u B t h g i p s l e t e e l l h h t h e t i n e h w k s t h a e t r each up to th es e r t e h t of 9 FOOT 12 inches together make 1 foot, so wheth er you measure a desk or a door, 10 each 12-inch-long line t or e . is a definite sign ou’ve m y t easu ha m r ed a t nother foo 11 And see this—it’s cool— inches live on this tool. 12 It’s a measuring stick called a ruler. A 12- inch collection, , n o i t c e f r e 1 foot of p the right size for every grade-schooler! 13 YAR Now, 3 of these feet, should they line up and meet, 14 . toge d r a y ther are 1 d e l l what’s ca That’s 36 inches, and here’s what the cinch is: that’s also 3 feet—it’s not hard! 15 th If you measured your bed and the yardstick had said at you r headb oard ’s exact ly 3 fe et, 16 you c ould s ay that the h ht eig is 1 yard, and you’re right— or 36 inches— how neat! 17 It’s really quite wise when you’re measuring size to know more than only one system. 18
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