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Trang chủ Giáo dục - Đào tạo Trung học cơ sở Tài liệu bồi dưỡng hsg tiếng anh lớp 6...

Tài liệu Tài liệu bồi dưỡng hsg tiếng anh lớp 6


Mô tả:

Taøi lieäu boài döôõng hoïc sinh gioûi Tiếng Anh lôùp 6 TENSES Pìeíeèt íãmêæe S + V(í-eí) (be): am- ãí- aìe S + déè’t/ déeíè’t +V1 S+ am èét/ ãíè’t/ aìeè’t Pìeíeèt S + am/ãí/aìe + V-ãèá S+am/ãí/aìe(èét)+V-ãèá êìéáìeííãve Everyday, usually, after school, never, often, sometimes, always, ... Now, at the present, at the moment, at this time, Am/ Ií/Aìe +S+V-ãèá? Look! Listen, !Be careful!. Hurry up! Dé/Déeí + S+V1? Am/Ií/Aìe + S+… ? Give the correct form of these verbs: 1. The sun (set) ……………………………………………………………………………in the West. 2. It usually (rain) ……………………………………………………………………………in the summer. 3. They (build) ……………………………………………………………………………. 4. Bees (make) ……………………………………………………………honey. 5. They (get) ……………………………………………………………………on the scale now. 6. The earth (circle) ………………………………………………………the Sun once every 365 days. 7. Rivers usually (flow) ………………………………………………… to the sea. 8. Don’t worry. I (give) ……………………………him your message when I (see) ………………………… him. 9. Look! Jane (play) ………………………… the guitar. Hurry up! The bus (come) …………………………… . 10. I (not talk) …………………………………………………… to her at present. 11. How often………………………… she (go) ………………………… fishing? - She (go) ……………………………………once a year. 12. .............. your friends (be)………………………… students? -Yes, they (be) .......................... 13. ................ the children (play)………………………………………… in the park at the moment? -No, they aren’t. They (learn) ...................................... to play the piano. 14. …………………….you (go)………………………….. to school on Sundays? – Yes, I do. 15. My mother (cook) ………………………………………a meal now. She ( cook)…………………… everyday. 16. What……………………… your mother (do)…………………………. at this time? - She (make)………………………………a dress. 17. ............. she often (go)…………………………… to the cinema every weekend? 18. I don’t know. But she always (go) ......................... to the church on Sundays. 19. The students (not be) ........................................... in class at present. 20. She always (wash) .................................... the dishes after meals. 21. I (do) ........................................... an exercise on the present tenses at this moment and I (think) ........................................... that I (know) ........................................... how to use it now. 22. My mother sometimes (buy) ........................................... vegetables at this market. 23. It (rain) ........................................... much in summer. It (rain) ........................................... now. 24. Daisy (cook) ........................................... some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook) ........................................... in the morning. PARTS OF SPEECH OF WORD FORMS I. Danh töø (Nouns): http://sea007.violet.vn 1 1. Wxèâ èáâya: Daèâ tö øæaøèâö õèá tö ødïø èá wekcâæ íö ïvajt, íö ïvãejc âéaqc céè èáö zø ã. 2. Pâaâè æéaïã daèâ tö ø : - Daèâ tö øweám wö zïc (céïètabæe èéïèí): béék, ítïdeèt, tabæe, ... - Daèâ tö økâéâèá weám wö zïc (ïècéïètabæe èéïèí): wateì, áìaíí, ãèàéìmatãéè, .... - Daèâ tö øwzè (íãmêæe èéïèí): waì (chieán tranh), bïí (xe buyùt), .... - Daèâ tö økeùê (Cémêéïèd èéïèí): wéìæd êeace (hoøa bình theá giôùi), bïí ítatãéè (traïm xe buyùt), .... 3. Câö ùc èaêèá: a. Laø m câïû èáö õ(Sïbject-): Tâe câãædìeè áé té ícâééæ eveìy day. b. Laø m taâè èáö õwéjèá tö øvaøáãzùã tö ø : (Object): Tâe métâeì áave a cake té âeì íéè c. Laø m békèáö õcâé câïû èáö õ (Saï keep / seem/ be/ feel/ look) (Cémêæemeèt): Âe ãí my beít àìãeèd. d. Laø m békèáö õcâé taâè èáö õ (Saï call/ select/ name/....) We caææ âãm Tém II. Ñaïi töø (Pronouns): 1. Wxèâ èáâya: Waïã tö øæaøèâö õèá tö ødïø èá tâay câé daèâ tö ø . 2. Pâaâè æéaïã waïã tö ø : a. Waïã tö øèâaâè xö èá (Peìíéèaæ êìéèéïèí): céù 2 æéaïã: - Waïã tö øæaø m câïû èáö õ: I/ We/ Yéï/ Tâey/ Sâe/ Âe/ It - Waïã tö øæaø m taâè èáö õ: me/ ïí/ yéï/ tâem/ âeì/ âãm/ ãt b. Waïã tö øcâæ wxèâ: Tâãí/ tâat/ tâeíe/ tâéíe c. Waïã tö øbaát wxèâ: (Câæ èáö zø ã) íémeéèe, íémebédy, èé éèe, èébédy, aèyéèe, aèybédy, eveìyéèe (Câæ vajt) íémetâãèá, èétâãèá, aèytâãèá, eveìytâãèá 3. Câö ùc èaêèá: Áãéáèá daèâ tö ø III. Tính töø (Adjectives): 1. Wxèâ èáâya: æaøtö ødïø èá wekmãeâï taû âéaqc câé bãeát tâeâm câã tãeát veàdaèâ tö ø. 2. Pâaâè æéaïã: a. Tíèâ tö ømãeâï taû: SIZE + SHAPE + AGE + COLOR + NATIONAL + MATERIAL . (kícâ tâö zùc + âìèâ daïèá + tïékã + maø ï + qïéác txcâ + câaát æãejï) b. Tíèâ tö øízû âö õï: my/ éïì / yéïì / tâeãì / âeì / âãí/ ãtí c. Tíèâ tö øcâæ íéáæö zïèá: mïcâ/ æãttæe/ àew/ a æét éà / êæeèty éà / eacâ/ eveìy/ aèétâeì 3. Câö ùc èaêèá: a. Békèáâya câé daèâ tö ø : A beaïtãàïæ girl b. Békèáâya câé waïã tö ø : Something èew c. Wö ùèá íaï keeê / íeem/ be/ àeeæ/ æéék... vaø békèáâya câé câïû èáö õ; Âe looks âaêêy. d. Wö ùèá íaï keeê /make æet + O + Adj vaø békèáâya câé taâè èáö õ. We make éïì parents âaêêy. IV. Traïng töø (Adverbs): 1. Wxèâ èáâya: æaøèâö õèá tö ødïø èá wekdãekè taû tíèâ caùcâ, waqc tíèâ, mö ùc wéj, ... vaøwö zïc dïø èá wekbékèáâya câé wéjèá tö ø , tíèâ tö ø , tìaïèá tö økâaùc âéaqc câé caû caâï. 2. Pâaâè æéaïã: a. Tìaïèá tö øcâæ tâekcaùcâ: well, carefully, quickly, hard, fast b. Tìaïèá tö øcâæ tâzø ã áãaè: early/ late / yet/ now, today, yesterday, before, after, tomorrow... c. Tìaïèá tö øcâæ mö ùc wéj: too much/ too little/ very / extremely/ a lot / nearly d. Tìaïèá tö øcâæ wxa wãekm: here/ there/ upstairs/ at home / in the garden... e. Tìaïèá tö øcâæ íö ïtâö zø èá xïyeâè: always/ often/ usually/ sometimes/ hardly/ once a week..... 3. Câö ùc èaêèá: http://sea007.violet.vn 2 a. Békèáâya câé tíèâ tö ø : b. Békèáâya câé wéjèá tö ø : c. Békèáâya câé tìaïèá tö ø : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. NOUN Danh từ Aèáeì Attìactãéè Beaïty Bïíãèeíí Caìe/ àïæ/ èeíí Ceèteì Céææectãéè Cïìãéíãty Daèáeì Deatâ Deêtâ (wéjíaâï) Dãààeìeèce Dãààãcïæty Excãtemeèt Fìãeèd/ - íâãê Fæïeècy Âaìm Âaêêãèeíí Âeaætâ Ièveètãéè Lazãèeíí Leèátâ Natãéè/ aæãty Natïìe Péææïtãéè Pìactãce Pìeveètãéè Reaíéè Scãeèce/ Scãeètãít Stìeèátâ Sïcceíí Waìmtâ Wãdtâ Wéèdeì http://sea007.violet.vn A veìy beautiful áãìæ walk íæéwæy; study âaìd; play weææ waæk veìy slowly; ítïdy íé hard; êæay qïãte well WORD FORM VERB ADJ PARTICIPLE Động từ Tính từ Phân từ Attìact Beaïtãày Caìe Céææect Eèdaèáeì Dãe Deeêeè (æaø m) Dãààeì Excãte Âaìm (áaây âaïã) Ièveèt Leèátâeè Natãéèaæãze Natïìaæãze Péææïte Pìactãce Pìeveèt Reaíéè Stìeèátâeè Sïcceed Waìè Wãdeè Wéèdeì Aèáìy Attìactãve Beaïtãàïæ Bïíy Caìeàïæ/ æeíí Ceètìaæ Céææectãve Cïìãéïí Daèáeìéïí Dead Deeê Dãààeìeèt Dãààãcïæt excãtãèá Fìãeèdæy Fæïeèt Âaìmàïæ/ æeíí Âaêêy Âeaætây Ièveètéìy Lazy Léèá Natãéèaæ Natïìaæ Attìacted Excãted/ ãèá Péææïted Pìactãcaæ Pìeveètabæe Reaíéèabæe Scãeètãàãc Stìéèá Sïcceííàïæ Waìm Wãde Wéèdeìàïæ ADV trạng từ Aèáìãæy Attìactãveæy Beaïtãàïææy Bïíãæy Caìeàïææy/ æeííæy Ceètìaææy NOTE Nghĩa Áãajè Âaáê daãè Weïê Bajè vãejc Cakè tâajè Tìïèá taâm Tâï tâajê Cïìãéïíæy Téøméø Daèáeìéïíæy Náïy âãekm Câeat Deeêæy Saâï Dãààeìeètæy Kâaùc èâaï Dãààãcïætæy Kâéù kâaêè Excãtãèáæy Âaø é âö ùèá Baïè beø Fæïeètæy Tìéâã câaûy Âaìmæïææy/æeííæy Âaïã Âaêêãæy Âaïèâ êâïùc Âeaætâãæy Maïèâ kâéeû Pâaùt mãèâ Lazãæy Lö zø ã bãeáèá Daø ã Nö zùc/ qtxcâ Natïìaææy Tö ïèâãeâè OÂèâãeãm Pìactãcaææy Tâö ïc âaø èâ Náaêè caûè Reaíéèabæy Lyù dé Scãeètãàãcaææy Kâéa âéïc Stìéèáæy Maïèâ Sïcceííàïææy Tâaø èâ céâèá Waìmæy AÁ m aùê Wãdeæy Réjèá Wéèdeìàïææy Kì dãejï 3 IDENTIFICATION OF WORD FORMS I. Choïn danh töø: (ñaàu caâu, sau ñoäïng töø vaø giôùi töø)  A, AN, TÂE T Â IS / T Â A T / T Â E S E / T Â O S E M Y / O U R / Y O U R / T Â E IR / Â E R / Â IS / IT S EACÂ/ EVERY, BOTÂ , NO F E W , A F E W , L IT T L E , A L IT T L E , E N O U Á Â SOM E/ ANY / M ANY, M UCÂ, A LO T OF T Â E M O S T /B E S T .... II. Choïn tính töø: Tröôùc danh töø, sau linking verbs, - ADJ+ NOUN - KEEP / SEEM/ BE/ FEEL/ LOOK + ADJ:       + N O U N ( D a è â t ö ø)     A âaêêy áãìæ aæwayí ímãæeí. (âaêêãèeíí) - Lãèkãèá veìbí: Âe’í âeavy. ( âeavãèeíí) III. Choïn traïng töø: Giöõa chuû ngöõ vaø ñoäng töø / sau ñoäng töø thöôøng, sau taân ngöõ. ñaàu caâu, ... - I âave ìeceètæy ìeceãved my àìãeèd’í æetteì. - S + ADV + V(thöôøng): - Tâe déctéì téæd me té bìeatâe ãè íæéwæy. - S + V (+ O) + ADV - Sïddeèæy, âe íaw aè accãdeèt. - ADV, S + V IV. Choïn ñoäng töø: ñöùng ngay sau chuû ngöõ: - S + V: - My métâeì béïáât a èew bãke yeíteìday. V. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. He feels very …………..............……….………so he talks …………..............………. 2. She looks…………..............……….………in her new coat. 3. He plays soccer …………..............……….……… 4. Nam is always ………….............………. He is on his ……........….……… this week. 5. Mr. Han is a …………..............……….……… driver. He drives …………..............… 6. I live on …………..............……….……… highland in Dalak. 7. Hoa has a fine …………..............……….……… of stamp. 8. His …………..............……….……… helps him successful. 9. AIDS is a………..............……….disease 10. Her parents’ …………..............……….……… makes her very sad. 11. Mai understands me …………..............……….……… 12. There is no …………..............……….……… between my answer and his. 13. We have a lot of …………..............……….……… in learning English. 14. The is an…………..............……….……… football match this afternoon. 15. We are very proud of our………..............………. 16. He speaks English …………..............……….……… 17. If you smoke, it is …………..............……….……… to you. 18. She sent her best wishes for my future…………..............……….……… 19. He does exercise every morning, so he is very…………..............……….……… 20. Exercises …………..............……….………your health. 21. …………..............……….………students don’t often succeed in the tests. 22. . ………..............……….are trying to find out new stars. 23. Nam is very…………..............……….……… and heavy. 24. I don’t like hot weather. I like…………..............……….……… weather http://sea007.violet.vn Anger Attract Beauty Business Care Center Collect Curious Danger Death Depth Differ Difficult Excite Friend Fluency Harm Happiness Health Strong Laziness Science Strength Warmth 4 25. Ha Long Bay is a …………..............……….……… Bay. Wonder ADVERB CLAUSES OF TIME & REASON A. ADVERD CLAUSES OF TIME: Laømejèâ weàtìaïèá èáö õcâæ tâzø ã áãaè baét waàï caùc æãeâè tö øWhen, while, after/ before, as (khi), until (ñeán khi ) S +V+ When/ while/ after/ before/ as/until + S + V Câæ tö zèá æaã: When âe comes téméììéw, we will welcome âãm. Câæ âãejè taïã: When ãt’s âét, I go íwãmmãèá. / Aí I come, âe is eating. B. ADVERD CLAUSES OF REASON: Laømejèâ weàtìaïèá èáö õcâæ æyù dé âay èáïyeâè èâaâè baét waàï caùc æãeâè tö ø : because/ since/ as (bôûi vì) S + V + because/ since/ as + S + V Mì. Ba ãí æate becaïíe/ íãèce/ aí íâe éveìíæeeêí. Becaïíe Laè aèd Ba déè’t âave a teèt, tâey èeveì áé camêãèá. C. Join two sentences into one, use because/ since/ as: 1. Lan and Ba never go camping. , so they don’t have a tent ................................................................................................................................................... 2. I stay at home. It rains. ................................................................................................................................................... 3. Tan is late for school. He misses the bus. ................................................................................................................................................... 4. The weather is fine. We have a picnic on the mountain. ................................................................................................................................................... 5. I don’t have a bike, so I walk. ................................................................................................................................................... 6. Nhan is free, so he flies his kites. ................................................................................................................................................... D. Join two sentences into one, use when/ while/ after/ before/ as/until: 1. It is warm. I go fishing. (when) ................................................................................................................................................... 2. My father is eating. My mother cooks. (while) ................................................................................................................................................... 3. I take a bath first. Then I eat. (before) ................................................................................................................................................... 4. Mr. Quang waits for the farmer. The farmer comes. (until) ................................................................................................................................................... 5. He will come tomorrow. We will welcome him. (When) ................................................................................................................................................... 6. You will go the museum. You will see a lot of valuable pictures. (When) ................................................................................................................................................... ARTICLES http://sea007.violet.vn 5 A. Maïo töø khoâng xaùc ñònh: A,AN 1. A Aè : wö ùèá tìö zùc daèâ tö øweám wö zïc íéáít wekáãzùã tâãejï méjt wãeàï áì chöa ñöôïc ñeà caäp hoaëc laàn ñaàu. 2. Aè : wö ùèá tìö zùc daèâ tö øbaét waàï baèèá èáïyeâè aâm. A : wö ùèá tìö zùc daèâ tö øbaét waàï baèèá êâïïaâm. 3. Nâö õèá daèâ tö ø,æïéâè dïø èá vzùã A Examples 4. Nâö õèá daèâ tö ø,æïéâè dïø èá vzùã AN B. Maïo töø xaùc ñònh: THE Wö ùèá tìö zùc daèâ tö øweám wö zïc âéaqc kâéâèá weám wö zïc zû íéáít âay èâãeàï wekáãzùã tâãejï méjt wãeàï áì ñaõ ñöôïc ñeà caäp, ñöôïc boå nghóa cuïm giôùi töø with / of + N hay ñieàu maø ai cuõng bieát. Tâe eaìtâ ãí ìéïèd. (aã cïõèá bãeát) Tâe béy ãè tâe céìèeì ãí my àìãeèd. Tâe íïáaì éè tâe tabæe ãí íweet. ( èáâya ìãeâèá bãejt) Tâe tãáeìí ãè Vãetèam aìe ãè daèáeì. 1. Teâè Nâãeàï âéà: Tâe áìeat Lakeí Caùc waïã dö zèá: tâe Atæaètãc Oceaè Caùc déø èá íéâèá: Tâe ìed Rãveì Caùc vïø èá bãekè: Tâe ìed Sea 2. Teâè caùc daõy èïùã: tâe Aèdeí, tâe ìécky méïètaãèí 3. Méjt vajt/ èáö zøãdïy èâaát: tâe eaìtâ, tâe mééè, tâe íïè, tâe Péêe, tâe íky 4. Teâè caùc tìö zøèá âéïc céù: tâe Scâééæ éà Fæéìãda Teâè caùc tìö zø èá waïã âéïc céù: tâe Uèãveìíãty éà.... Teâè caùc tìö zø èá caé waúèá céù: tâe Céææeáe éà.... 5. Séátâö ù tö ïwö ùèá tìö zùc daèâ tö ø: tâe àãìít Wéìæd Waì 6. Teâè caùc èö zùc áéàm èâãeàï tö ø:tâe U.S, tâe U.K 7. Teâè caùc èâaïc cïï: tâe áïãtaì, tâe êãaèé 8. Teâè caùc cïéjc câãeáè: tâe Kéìeaè waì  A or An? The general rule is that we use a before a consonant and an before a vowel: a béwæ, a caì,a déá, bït... an ant, an elephant, an insect, an orange, an urn But, what is important here is not the way a word is written, but the way it sounds. We choose a or an depending on the sound at the beginning of the word and whether it is a vowel sound or a consonant sound. For example, take the word uniform. Although it begins with a vowel - u - when we write it, when we http://sea007.violet.vn A baææ ãí ìéïèd. I íee a béy ãè tâe ítìeet. aè aêêæe, aè ãèkêét, aè eèáãèeeì a béék, a êeè, âéïíe, a maè, Eïìéêeaè, ïèãàéìm, ïèãveìíaæ, ïèãveìíãty, ïèãéè, eïæéáy, eïêâemãím âéïì, âeãì, âeìbaæ, âéèéì Khoâng duøng maïo töø xaùc ñònh: THE Tìö zùc daèâ tö økâéâèá weám wö zïc zû íéáít/ weám wö zïc zû íéáèâãeàï kâã èéùã weâè waqc wãekm, câïûèá æéaïã, áãéáèá èéø ã câïèá câïèá. Atâæeteí mïít àéææéw a weææ- baæaèced dãet. Sïáaì ãí íweet. (èáâya câïèá câïèá) Tãáeìí æãke àìeíâ meat. Teâè âéàíéáít: Lake Áeèeva, Lake Eìãe Câaâï æïïc: Eïìéêe, Aàìãca, Aíãa, Aïítìaæãa Teâè méjt èïùã: Méïèt Eveìeít, Méïèt Pãèatïbé Teâè caùc âaø èâ tãèâ: Veèïí, Maìí, Daèâ tö øtìö ø ï tö zïèá: àìeedém, âaêêãèeíí Teâè tìö zø èá âéïc baét waàï daèâ tö øìãeâèá: Qïaèá Tìïèá Secéèdaìy Scâééæ Âïèá Vïéèá Uèãveìíãty, Âéèá Baèá Céææeáe Séáweám wã íaï daèâ tö ø : Wéìæd waì éèe, câaêteì twé Teâè caùc èö zùc áéàm méjt tö ø : Fìaèce, Vãetèam Teâè caùc méâè tâektâaé: baíebaææ, véææeybaææ, íécceì Nâö õèá tö økâéâèá bxáãzùã âaïè èáâya: bìeakàaít, æïècâ, dãèèeì, câïìcâ, ícâééæ, céææeáe, âéme, wéìk, âéíêãtaæ  The definite article doesn't change. It is always the whether the noun is masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural. We use the definite article - the when we talk about a singular or plural noun which refers to a particular member of a a group. The woman.The man.The door.The doors. Prior Reference We often use the after the noun has already been mentioned. For example: An Englishman, an Irishman and a Sctosman walk into a 6 say it the first sound is /y/ which is a consonant: uniform is pronounced ‘/junɪfɔːm/ so we say a uniform One word which is often confused is hotel. Some people pronounce this word as /həʊˈtɛl/ so they would write: a âéteæ. Bït étâeì êeéêæe êìéèéïèce tâãí wéìd aí / ʊˈtɛæ/ aèd íé tâey wéïæd wìãte: aè âéteæ  The Zero Article does not exist. It is a useful term to use when describing how to use articles. Essentially when we talk about the zero article, we mean that we don’t use any article in front of a noun. For example, when we use a noun with a preposition, we often do not use an article (that is, we just use the noun on its own): I went to school but left my books at home. Mother was in church and father at sea; Grandfather came to dinner later by train and Grandmother managed to escape from prison to join us. When we talk about an institution, we use the zero article. pub. The Englishman ordered a bitter; the Irishman ordered a Guiness and the Scotsman ordered a whisky. The first time we mention the noun we use the indefinite article and from then on we use the definite article. Known Reference If both speakers know what they are talking about they can use the even though the noun may not have been mentioned before. In other words, it is implied that the noun has already been mentioned. Excuse me, do you know what the time is? Where's the toilet? In these examples, the speaker assumes that the listener knows what is being talked about. Miscellanous In addition, the is used in the following special circumstances Exceptions include: the Hague; the Matterhorn; the Mall; the White House, the United States of America We use the definite article - the - when we talk about a singular or plural noun which refers to a particular member of a a group. In this example the group is all men; we want to reference a particular man so we say: The man in the hat. Compare this with the indefinite article which refers to any man in the group: A man in a hat. parts of day/night days festivals seasons & months midnight, midday, noon, night Monday, Tuesday Easter Winter, February superlatives ordinals oceans, seas years 1961, 1995, 2000 inventions buildings Buckingham Palace, number 10 titles streets Acacia Avenue, Pall Mall, Sunset Boulevard rivers & canals airports Heathrow, Gatwick public buildings mountains London, New York, Tokyo, Sydney, Cairo Everest, K2, Mont Blanc countries America, Britain, Arabia continents Africa, Asia, America, Europe cities & towns newspapers families countries of union jobs beliefs people magazines games Joe, Mrs Smith Cosmopolitan, Time football, tennis, bar billiards ships mountain chains instruments nationalities http://sea007.violet.vn the highest, the biggest, the oldest the third man, the sixth wife the Pacific, the Black Sea the wheel, the internal combustion engine the Queen, the President, the chairperson the Thames, the Nile, the Suez the Sheraton, the Red Lion, the Natural History Museum The Independent, The Daily Mirror, The Times the Browns, the Bushes the United States, the United Arab Emirates He is an artist and his wife is a plumber. He is a Buddhist and his wife is an atheist. the Bismarck, the Lïíãtaèãaè the Alps, the Highlands the piano, the bag pipes He is an American and she is a Swede. 7 COMPARISONS A/ So saùnh baèng: (equality) S + V + AS ADJ/ ADV AS + S B/ So saùnh hôn: (Comparatives) S + V + ADJ/ADV- ER + THAN + S2 Tính töø daøi: S + V + MORE + ADJ/ ADV + THAN + S2 Tính töø ngaén: C/ So saùnh nhaát; (Superlatives) S + V + THE ADJ –EST + N. Tính töø daøi: S + V + THE MOST + ADJ + N. Tính töø ngaén: Tâãí èew âéïíe ãí aí exêeèíãve aí tâat éèe. Âe ìaè àaíteì tâaè âãí àìãeèdí dãd. Fãæmí aìe méìe ãèteìeítãèá tâaè êæayí. Ex: He is more intelligent than Peter. Nam ãí the youngest ítïdeèt ãè âãí cæaíí Wãèteì ãí tâe céædeít ãè tâe yeaì. Note: - Tính töø ngaén: 1 vaàn vaø 2 vaàn nhö: happy, pleasant, quiet - Tính töø daøi: caùc tính töø 2 vaàn trôû leân nhö : interesting, beautiful, expensive - So saùnh caùc tính töø ñaëc bieät: good → better/ the best; bad → worse/ the worst; little → less/ the least;many → more/ the most; far → farther/ further/ the farthest/ further PREPOSITIONS With IN: the morning, august, summer, 2006, uniform, hospital, bed, the world, debt, prison, English, the center of, the middle of, some ways, addition, Vietnam, London, ink, the past/ future, case With ON: Monday, Saturday morning, holiday, radio, subject, foot, a farm, a chair, the beach, the phone, Christmas Day, the occasion, the south coast of, a picnic, the way to, time, a street, a floor, the right/ left, sale, the corner With AT: 5 o’clock, first, last, present, the moment, 16 years old, the age of (15), home, school, the bus stop, the same time, a party, Mary’s house, the end of, the beginning of, night, least, once, times, work With others: for a week/ fun/ reading/ a walk - from Paris to London, from nine to five- By Nguyen Du, by shooting, by then, by the way, by far, by accident by car/ bus/ taxi/ plane - with smoke, with hands, out of date/ work/ order ADJ+ Prep: amazed, amused, delighted at – afraid of, angry with, bad at, good at, different from, fond to, familiar with, famous for, proud of, interested in, kind to/ of, pleased with, useful for, worried about, similar to, accustomed to VERBS + Prep: borrow from, compare with, crowd into, laugh at, look at/ after/ for/up, prepare for, participate, think of ,prefer...to, succeed.. in, take part in, take care of, tell about, take.. to about, tune into, keep in touch, consist of NOUN + Prep: love for, habit of/ aspect of, sight of, means of, reason for, method of, pair of SOME SENTENCE PATTERNS 1. S + V + Adj/ n ( be, look, keep, seem, taste, sound, become) 2. S + V + Adv (walk, drive, talk, close, rise. come) http://sea007.violet.vn Jack looked very worried. The food tastes delicious. He is careful. He drives slowly. 8 3. S + V + O + adv ( watch, read, meet, make, see) 4. S + V + O + C (make, elect, declare, consider…) ( think, believe, find) (keep, make, let, have) (regard, recognize, appoint, consider) 5. S + V + I.O + D.O = S + V + D.O+ to/ for + I.O (give, teach, show, award, offer, lend +to // buy, make+ for) 6. S + V + prep + O (look at, wait for, cope with, rely on, depend on, complain/talk about, smile at…) 7. S + V + prep + O = S + V + O (pro) + prep (put on/off, take off, turn on /off, throw away, see off 8. S + V + O + noun clause (learn, know, show, discover, decide, understand…) 9. There (be) + noun + prep phrase He watched T.V every night. We made Frank armchair. I find the lesson too boring. Sad movie makes me cry. They regard him as an excellent player. Mary teaches me English.= He teaches English to me My mother bought me a hat. = She bought it for me I have been waiting for you for an hour. He looks at himself in the mirror. He puts on his shoes. = He puts them on. I turn on the light, and then I turn it off. I can understand what you said. He showed me where the bank was. There is some water in the jar. There were many students in the yard. EXPRESSIONS OF QUALITY 1 - SOME: Tìéèá caâï kâaúèá wxèâ/ æzø ã mzø ã: - Dïøèá vzùã daèâ tö øíéáít kâéâèá weám wö zïc vaøíéáâèâãeàï weám wö zïc: Ex: I æãke íéme mãæk. Wéïæd yéï æãke íéme mãæk? 2 - ANY: Tìéèá caâï êâïû wxèâ vaøèáâã vaáè - Dïø èá vzùã daèâ tö øíéáít kâéâèá weám wö zïc vaøíéáâèâãeàï weám wö zïc: Ex: I déè’t æãke aèy mãæk. Dé yéï æãke aèy mãæk? * Caùc waïã tö øíémeéèe, íémebédy, íémetâãèá, èééèe, èétâãèá, èébédy, aèyéèe, aèytâãèá, aèybédy, eveìyéèe, eveìytâãèá, eveìybédy cïõèá dïø èá tâeé caùcâ tìeâè. Câïù yù Né = Nét + aèy: èébédy = èét aèy bédy 3. MANY / A LARÁE NUMBER OF/ A ÁREAT NUMBER OF/: (èâãeàï) Dïø èá vzùã daèâ tö øíéáâèâãeàï weám wö zïc: Ex: Âe âaí maèy béékí. Ex: A æaìáe èïmbeì éà ítïdeètí ãè éïì ícâééæ aìe áééd. 4. MUCÂ / A LARÁE AMOUNT OF/ A ÁREAT DEAL OF /: (èâãeàï) Dïøèá vzùã daèâ tö øíéáít kâéâèá weám wö zïc: Ex: Âe âaí mïcâ tãme té êæay. Ex: A æaìáe améïèt éà * Âéw mïcâ/ Âéw maèy cïõèá dïø èá tâeé caùcâ tìeâè: Ex: Âéw maèy eááí déeí íâe waèt? - Sâe waètí a dézeè eááí. Ex: Âéw mïcâ beeà dé yéï waèt? - I waèt 200áìamí éà beeà. 5. PLENTY OF/ A LOT OF / LOTS OF (èâãeàï) Dïø èá vzùã daèâ tö øweám wö zïc vaøkâéâèá weám wö zïc: Ex: Âe âaí êæeèty éà béékí. Ex: Âe âaí êæeèty éà tãme té êæay. * Veìy/ téé/ íé/ aí + maèy/ mïcâ + èéïè Ex: Tâeìe ãí téé mïcâ bad èewí éè T.V téèãáât 6. FEW / A FEW/ LITTLE / A LITTLE: (ít, méjt ít, méjt vaø ã) A. FEW: (ìaát ít  yù êâïû wxèâ) C. LITTLE: (ìaát ít  yù êâïû wxèâ) + Dïø èá vzùã daèâ tö øíéáâèâãeàï weám wö zïc + Dïø èá vzùã daèâ tö øíéáâít kâéâèá weám wö zïc Ex: I àeeæ æéèeæy becaïíe I âave a àew àìãeèdí tâeìe. Ex: I âave veìy æãttæe tãme àéì ìeadãèá. B. A FEW: (méjt vaø ã  yù kâaúèá wxèâ) D. A LITTLE: (méjt ít, méjt câïùt  yù kâaúèá wxèâ) + Dïø èá vzùã daèâ tö øíéáâèâãeàï weám wö zïc + Dïø èá vzùã daèâ tö øíéáâít kâéâèá weám wö zïc http://sea007.violet.vn 9 Ex: Yéï caè íee a àew âéïíeí éè tâe âãææ. 7. Méìe, æeíí, àeweì: A. FEWER: Sé íaùèâ âzè cïûa (àew - a àew) - Dïø èá keø m vzùã daèâ tö øweám wö zïc íéáèâãeàï S + V + àeweì + ADJ / Néïè + tâaè + S Ex: Âe âaí fewer dayí éàà tâaè we. Ex: I èeed a æãttæe âeæê té méve tâeíe béékí. B. LESS: Sé íaùèâ âzè cïûa (æãttæe - a æãttæe) - Dïø èá keø m vzùã daèâ tö økâéâèá weám wö zïc âéaqc keø m vzùã tíèâ tö ø S + V + Leíí + ADJ / Néïè + tâaè + S Ex: Âe ãí æeíí ícaìed èéw. Dé yéï âave æeíí àìee time than Âéa? C. MORE: Sé íaùèâ âzè cïûa (a æét éà / maèy /mïcâ) - Dïø èá keø m vzùã daèâ tö øweám wö zïc âéaqc kâéâèá weám wö zïc Ex: Dé yéï âave méìe âéïìí tâaè Âéa? - Dïø èá keø m vzùã tíèâ tö ødaø ã (Tö ø2 vaàè tìzû æeâè) - S + V + Méìe + ADJ / Néïè + tâaè + S. Ex: Âe ãí méìe tãìed tâaè I. 8. MOST / MOST OF: (Pâaàè æzùè, âaàï âeát) A. MOST + NOUN ( íéáèâãeàï :Méít câãædìeè / âéaqc kâéâèá weám wö zïc: Méít céààee) Ex: Méít câãædìeè aìe àéèd éà íweetí. Ex: Méít céààee ãí èew aèd áééd. B. MOST OF + MY/ ÂIS/ ÂER/ YOU/ TÂEIR/ TÂE / TÂIS/ TÂAT/ TÂESE/ TÂOSE + N Ex: Méít éà tâe béyí ãè my cæaíí waèt té êæay íécceì. READING D. Read and answer the questions: I. Hi, My name is pike and this is my son. He learns in a big school in London. He goes to school from Monday to Friday and doesn’t go to school at the weekend. At school, he studies may things. He is very much interested in math and Physics because they are his favorite subject. At recess, Peter often plays basketball and he plays it very well. He sometimes plays soccer after school. In his free time, he always listens to music and he learns to play the guitar. He hopes he will become an engineer in the future. 1. Where does Peter learn? .................................................................................................................. 2. What subject does he like? .................................................................................................................. 3. What does he do at recess? .................................................................................................................. 4. What does he do in his free time? ......................................................................................................... 5. Does Peter want to be an engineer or a singer? ................................................................................... II We are all destroying the earth. The sea and the rivers are too dirty to swimming in. There is so much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of world’s cities. We have cut down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a result, farmers in parts of Africa can’t grow enough rice to eat. Wild animals are quickly disappearing. We must save the earth. a) Are we are all destroying the earth? ............................................................................................... b) What are too dirty to swimming in? .............................................................................................................. c) Why is it unhealthy to live in many of world’s cities? .............................................................. d) What disappear quickly? .............................................................................................................. e) What should we do now? ......................................................................................................... http://sea007.violet.vn 10 III. I’m Linh, Pham Thuy Linh. I am a new student of 7A class in Nguyen Du secondary school. I am thirteen and I come from Hoa Binh. I have a brother and a sister. They are 500 students at a high school in Hoa Binh. I live with my aunt at 20 Le Loi Street. She often brings me to school by motorbike every day. It is more than two kilometers from my aunt’s house to my school. It takes us ten minutes to go these. My telephone number is 871374. SURVERY FORM Family name: ………...………………………… Brothers and sister:…………......………… Name(s): ………………….............……………… Address : …………….....………… Age: ………………………….................……… Telephone number: ………......………… Grade: ..................……………………………… Distance : ……………......…… School: ...................……………………………… Means of transport: .............………………… Time: ………………….........……… IV. My name is Lan. I am 12 years old. I am a student at Hoang Dieu School. My father is a farmer. He grows vegetables and raises cattle on our farm in the countryside. My mother is a teacher. She is always busy at school. I have an elder sister, Mai. She is a nurse, and she works in a hospital. I love my family very much. 2. How old is Lan?  …………………......................…………………………………………………………………...........… 3. Who is always busy at school?  …………………......................…………………………………………………………………...........… 4. What does Lan ,s father grow?  …………………......................…………………………………………………………………...........……… 5. Where does Mai work?  …………………......................…………………………………………………………………....... http://sea007.violet.vn 11
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