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Tài liệu Programming iot wearables to enact a rule based alert business process in smart healthcare


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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING GRADUATION THESIS Programming IoT Wearables to Enact a RuleBased Alert Business Process in Smart Healthcare Major: Computer Engineering COMPUTER ENGINEERING COUNCIL INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Le Lam Son Student: Duong Tan Huy (1652228) Lam Bao Duy (1652096) Ho Chi Minh, 06/2021 ABSTRACT The Internet of Things is the use of network sensors in physical devices to allow for remote monitoring and control. This technology has gained massive traction in various spheres like healthcare, banking, retail, manufacturing, consumer goods etc. It is expected that patient will be treat more effectively with smart healthcare solutions where real time data are exchanged to help medical staffs make optimal decisions. In this paper we demonstrate how wearables can be built semi ± automatically to enact a medical rule-based alert process that assists hospital doctors in taking care of outbreak patients in dengue epidemic. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like sincerely thank to our thesis supervisor Dr. Le Lam Son of the Department of Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at Bach Khoa University and my thesis advisor Dr. Ton Phuoc Long of the Faculty of IT at Industrial University, who enthusiastically assisting us to build this system. Their support has helped us immensely to move in the right direction and finish my work. Last but not least, we are extremely grateful to our family for providing us with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout our years of study. They all kept us going and this accomplishment would have never been possible without them. Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Motivation ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 The rise of IOT in healthcare ............................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND .................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Internet of Things - IoT ......................................................................................................... 2 2.1.1 What is IoT? .................................................................................................................... 2 2.1.2. Fundamental stages of IOT ............................................................................................ 2 2.1.3 IoT Wearables in Healthcare ........................................................................................... 3 2.1.4 Advantages of IoT in Healthcare .................................................................................... 4 2.2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol .................................................................................................. 4 2.3 MVC Architecture ................................................................................................................. 5 2.4 RESTful Web Services .......................................................................................................... 7 2.4.1 What is REST? ................................................................................................................ 7 2.4.2 Making requests .............................................................................................................. 7 2.4.3 HTTP Methods ................................................................................................................ 8 2.4.4 Response Codes............................................................................................................... 8 2.4.5 Advantages and disadvantages of RESTful Web Services ............................................. 8 CHAPTER 3: PROPOSED SYSTEM ......................................................................................... 9 3.1 System goal ............................................................................................................................ 9 3.2 Case Study ............................................................................................................................. 9 3.3 Architecture of the System .................................................................................................... 9 3.3.1 State Machine ................................................................................................................ 11 3.3.2 Use case diagram:.......................................................................................................... 13 3.3.3 Hardware and server design .......................................................................................... 14 Hardware design ..................................................................................................................... 14 3.3.4 Components operating principles: ................................................................................. 17 CHAPTER 4: IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................................ 24 4.1 Programming Language and Database ................................................................................ 24 4.1.1 Arduino.......................................................................................................................... 24 4.1.2 Spring framework .......................................................................................................... 25 4.1.3 MySQL .......................................................................................................................... 28 4.2 System Implementation ....................................................................................................... 29 i 4.2.1 Arduino IDE .................................................................................................................. 29 4.2.2 Server and Web application .......................................................................................... 30 4.3 Test cases: ............................................................................................................................ 35 4.3.1 Wearable devices: ......................................................................................................... 36 4.3.2: Web application: .......................................................................................................... 37 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK .......................................................... 41 5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 41 5.2 Future Work ......................................................................................................................... 41 ii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2.1: THE FOUR STAGES OF IOT SOLUTIONS ........................................................................... 3 FIGURE 2.2: BASIC ARCHITECTURE OF A WEB APPLICATION............................................................ 5 FIGURE 2.3: MVC DESIGN PATTERN ................................................................................................. 6 FIGURE 2.4: MVC ARCHITECTURE WITH USER ACTION .................................................................... 6 FIGURE 2.5: REST COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN CLIENT AND SERVER ............................................. 7 FIGURE 2.6: COMMON HTTP STATUS CODES ................................................................................... 8 FIGURE 3.1: SOLUTION ARCHITECTURE .......................................................................................... 10 FIGURE 3.2: MEDICAL PROCESS ...................................................................................................... 11 FIGURE 3.3: STATE MACHINE OF THE PATIENT¶S WEARABLE .......................................................... 12 FIGURE 3.4: STATE MACHINE OF THE DOCTOR¶S WEARABLE........................................................... 12 FIGURE 3.5: WEB APPLICATION USE CASE DIAGRAM ...................................................................... 13 FIGURE 3.6: COMPONENTS OF PATIENT¶S WEARABLE ..................................................................... 14 FIGURE 3.7: COMPONENTS OF STAFF¶S WEARABLE ......................................................................... 15 FIGURE 3.8: DATABASE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................... 16 FIGURE 3.9: LCD TEXT 1602 PINOUTS ........................................................................................... 18 FIGURE 3.10: LCD TEXT 2004 PINOUTS ......................................................................................... 18 FIGURE 3.11: ESP8266 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 19 FIGURE 3.12: ESP8266 PINOUTS..................................................................................................... 20 FIGURE 3.13: PCF8574 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 21 FIGURE 3.14: PCF8574 PINOUTS .................................................................................................... 21 FIGURE 3.15: 4X5 KEYPAD PINOUTS ............................................................................................... 22 FIGURE 3.16: DHT11 PINOUTS ....................................................................................................... 22 FIGURE 3.17: LED PINOUTS ............................................................................................................ 23 FIGURE 4.1: DIFFERENT BETWEEN TRADITION AND DEPENDENCY INJECTION PATTERN.................. 25 FIGURE 4.2: SPRING CONTAINER WORKFLOW ................................................................................. 26 FIGURE 4.3: SPRING BEAN LIFECYCLE ............................................................................................. 27 FIGURE 4.4: MYSQL MAIN PROCESS .............................................................................................. 28 FIGURE 4.5 WI-FI CONNECTION CONFIGURATION FOR WEARABLES ................................................ 29 FIGURE 4.6: HOW PATIENTS¶ WEARABLE SEND TEMPERATURE AND CHANGE LED ......................... 29 FIGURE 4.7: HOW DOCTORS WEARABLE RECEIVES PATIENT LIST FOR BROWSING ........................... 30 FIGURE 4.8: KEYPAD ASSIGNATION ................................................................................................ 30 FIGURE 4.9: DATABASE INITIALIZATION ......................................................................................... 31 FIGURE 4.10: LIMIT CONDITION FOR CREATING RECORDS ............................................................... 31 FIGURE 4.11: PROJECT STRUCTURE ................................................................................................ 32 FIGURE 4.12: ROLE RESTRICTIONS .................................................................................................. 33 FIGURE 4.13: LOGIN AND µREMEMBER ME¶ USING COOKIES APIS ................................................... 33 FIGURE 4.15: DOCTOR¶S ACCESS .................................................................................................... 34 FIGURE 4.16: PATIENT¶S ACCESS .................................................................................................... 34 FIGURE 4.17: MYSQL DATABASE¶S CAPACITY TEST ...................................................................... 35 FIGURE 4.18: PATIENT¶S DEVICE .................................................................................................... 36 FIGURE 4.19: DOCTOR¶S DEVICE MAIN SCREEN .............................................................................. 36 FIGURE 4.20: DOCTOR¶S DEVICE DETAIL SCREEN .......................................................................... 37 iii FIGURE 4.21: LOGIN PAGE .............................................................................................................. 37 FIGURE 4.22: ADMIN HOME PAGE ................................................................................................... 38 FIGURE 4.23: ALL RECORD IN ADMIN VIEW .................................................................................... 38 FIGURE 4.24: RECORD IN DETAIL OF 1 PATIENT .............................................................................. 39 FIGURE 4.25: DOCTOR LIST IN ADMIN VIEW ................................................................................... 39 FIGURE 4.26: PATIENT LIST OF SPECIFIC DOCTORS IN ADMIN VIEW ................................................ 40 iv LIST OF TABLES TABLE 3.1 MEDICAL RULE ............................................................................................................... 9 v CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation The shift in the computing paradigm always opens the door to the next generation of computer-aided solutions. The success of e-commerce Web portals in the last decades is nowadays followed by the ever-growing deployment of IoT-driven business processes, giving rise to the term EHLQJ FRLQHG ³VPDUW´ Business processes of such a smart solution should be geared up to best harvest IoT technologies like the IoT wearable ± a lightweight device that relies on IoT data-driven communications to keep people connected purposefully for, fire-fighting, prompting fast-food clients, and medical treatment, to name just a few. IoT-driven smart solutions are expected to unlock new ways of handling challenges that most of the world is struggling with: environmental pollution, disease outbreaks, and natural disaster. There are four fundamentals, yet separable functions of an IoT application: deploying interconnected devices, capturing data from the devices, transmitting that information across a data network, and taking action based on the intelligence collected. From a VRIWZDUHHQJLQHHULQJ¶VSRLQWRIYLHZWKH HQDFWPHQW RI EXVLQHVV SURFHVVHV LQ such an IoT-based solution necessitates, to some degree, the automation of these functions though they could be engineered separately. It would be significant if patients with IoT wearables who are informed daily about their KHDOWKFDQWDNHDSURDFWLYHUROHLQKHDOWKFDUH7KHSRVVLELOLW\RIXVLQJZLUHOHVVVHQVRUVRQRQH¶V clothes or body increases comfort, convenience, and the effectivenHVV RI WKH SDWLHQWV¶ KHDOWK treatment. ConsLGHULQJ WKDW WKHVH FDQ EH PRQLWRUHG DW GLVWDQFH ZLWKRXW DIIHFWLQJ WKH SDWLHQWV¶ routine. Remarkably, medical monitoring can be done in real-time through various devices, allowing patients to check their situation and getting new orientations via smartphones or tablets. In this paper, I present a system, called OISP Hospital, where wearables play a central role. 1.2 The rise of IOT in healthcare With the recent advances in the Internet of Things (IoT), the field has become more and more developed in healthcare. The Internet of things will help physicians and hospital staff perform their duties comfortably and intelligently. With the latest advanced technologies, most of the challenges of using IoT have been resolved, and this technology can be a great revolution and has many benefits in the future of digital. Nowadays, thanks to the help of IoT, people can remove barriers such as crowding at hospitals, saving tremendous costs by monitoring the patient's condition more closely and more than that, creating a closer relationship between the doctor and the patient by exchanging data between wearables. 1 CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND 2.1 Internet of Things - IoT 2.1.1 What is IoT? The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a system of interrelated, internet-connected objects that are able to collect and transfer data over a wireless network without human intervention. These devices range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools 2.1.2. Fundamental stages of IOT Stage 1: Sensor, aductors First step consists of the deployment of interconnected devices that includes sensors, actuators, monitors, detectors, camera systems, etc. These devices collect the data Stage 2: Internet Gateways and Data Aggregation A data acquisition system collects raw data from the sensors and converts it from analog into digital format. the data is also filtered and compressed to an optimum size for transmission. Stage 3: Edge IT: Once the data is digitized and aggregated, this is pre-processed, standardized and moved to the data center. Stage 4. Data Center and Cloud: In this stage, data will be analyzed, managed and securely stored for in-depth processing and follow-up revision for feedback and crucial business decisions. Stage 4 processing may execute precise analysis by combining data from other sources, both in the digital and physical worlds. These sources can analyze to identify significant trends and patterns. 2 Figure 2.1: The four stages of IoT solutions (Source: https://intersog.co.il/blog/coding-for-iotwhat-language-does-your-wristband-speak/) 2.1.3 IoT Wearables in Healthcare Wearable technology in healthcare includes electronic devices that users can wear on their wrist, like smartwatches which are designed to collect the constantly data of patients' personal health and exercise. Perhaps the greatest benefit of IoT-enabled wearable medical devices is that WKHXVHU¶VSURJUHVVZLOOEHWUDFNLQJin the most optimal way though the wearable medical devices are in high demand because they improve visibLOLW\LQWRUHOHYDQWDVSHFWVRIDQLQGLYLGXDO¶VKHDOWK status to make more informed decisions about their health. The benefits of using these healthcare wearables include: - Real-Time monitoring 0RQLWRU9XOQHUDEOH3DWLHQWV¶+HDOWKZLWK6WDWXV$OHUWVDQG$ODUms Patient-Physician Information Sharing Social Media Sharing Capabilities 3 2.1.4 Advantages of IoT in Healthcare The major advantages of IoT in healthcare include: Real-Time monitoring Real-time monitoring of patients allows hospital staff to react to critical changes immediately. Thus, they can intervene in the patient's condition at just the right time. Real-time monitoring is also helpful for remote care. And together with telemedicine, doctors can provide accurate recommendations to patients thaWFDQ¶WEHVHHQLQSHUVRQ Fewer Human Errors Though IoT devices pose the risk of overloading doctors with data, if used correctly, they FDQ KHOS ZLWK GLDJQRVLV $OVR ,R7 GHYLFHV FDQ KHOS WUDFN SDWLHQWV¶ DFWLYLWLHV DQG UHDFWLRQV WR medication, which can help to personalize treatment plans and reduce the possibility of medical errors. Cost Reduction IoT enables patient monitoring in real-time, thus significantly cutting down unnecessary visits to doctors, hospital stays, and re-admissions. 2.2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. This is the foundation for data communication for the World Wide Web (i.e., internet) since 1990. HTTP is a generic and stateless protocol that can be used for other purposes as well as using extensions of its request methods, error codes, and headers. HTTP is a TCP/IP based communication protocol, that is used to deliver data (HTML files, image files, query results, etc.) on the World Wide Web. The default port is TCP 80, but other ports can be used as well. It provides a standardized way for computers to communicate with each other. HTTP specification specifies KRZFOLHQWV¶UHTXHVWGDWDZLOOEHFRQVWUXFted and sent to the server, and how the servers respond to these requests 4 Figure 2.2: Basic Architecture of a Web Application (Source: https://topdev.vn/blog/http-la-gi/) 2.3 MVC Architecture MVC architecture is common and widely used in developing app and web application. This design pattern consists of 3 parts: Model, View and Controller. 5 Figure 2.3: MVC design pattern (Source: https://www.educative.io/blog/mvc-tutorial) a. Model This often is the database which is used for storing and managing data. b. View As known as Graphical User Interface. The View is a visual representation that directly interact with users such as table, diagram, chart, etc. c. Controller Controller is brains of the system. It connects with Model and View part. The controller can pass the data from Model to user interface as well as take user inputs from View and process with its logic then update to the database. Figure 2.4: MVC architecture with User action (Source: https://www.educative.io/blog/mvctutorial) 6 MVC Architecture advantages: - Widely used for designing web applications Compatible with web application architecture Loosely coupled (each part works independently with each other) Reusable without modification High cohesion Easy to maintain and modify 2.4 RESTful Web Services 2.4.1 What is REST? REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architecture that provides communication between client and server. Client side and server side can be implemented independently. This makes the paradigm stateless, help RESTful applications become reliable, quick, high performed and can be managed without affecting the whole system even while it is operating. Figure 2.5: REST communications between client and server (Source: https://antmedia.io/restapi-getting-started-guide/) 2.4.2 Making requests A request from client to the server consists of following: - An HTTP Method: define which kind of method to perform A header: contains client information A path to a resource An optional body messages 7 2.4.3 HTTP Methods The RESTful web services have four basic methods: - GET: retrieve resource from the server POST: create a new resource to the server PUT: update an existing resource in the server DELETE: remove a resource from the server 2.4.4 Response Codes Response code (or Status code) is the code responded from the server to tell the client about status of the operation. Below are some important status codes that we usually meet. Figure 2.6: Common HTTP Status Codes (Source: https://careerguroo.blogspot.com/2015/10/http-status-codes-with-explanation.html) 2.4.5 Advantages and disadvantages of RESTful Web Services Advantages: - Simple and flexible to implement Variety of data formats such as: JSON, XML, etc. Fast and high performance Disadvantages: - Headers are required whenever query implementation related PUT and DELETE cannot be used through firewalls or some browsers 8 CHAPTER 3: PROPOSED SYSTEM 3.1 System goal With a large number of infections increasing every day during the outbreak of the epidemic, doctors will have to work very hard to take care of all patients. Therefore, the system was born with the aim of reducing the workload for medical staff also ensuring patientV¶follow-up is always optimal. 3.2 Case Study We walk through a case study of a healthcare process for treating outbreak patients that suffer from dengue fever in Vietnam. This process monitors patients and alerts doctors using programmable wearable devices that are coordinated with a rule-based server. This server-side coordination needs to be customizable to allow the hospital management to, for example, assign/reassign a patient to another doctor/nurse. 3.3 Architecture of the System Two types of wearable are put in use for the system: one for patients and the other by doctors or nurses. They are linked to the VHUYHUWKDWFROOHFWVSDWLHQWV¶ERG\WHPSHUDWXUHVDVWLPHseries data. The hospital management can assign the medical rules to treat the dengue cases optimally. These rules, combined with data collected over time, enable the medical staff to make priority decisions instead of checking manually and frequently each patient in a chaotic hospital environment. Disease Condition temp ‫[ א‬37-37.5] Table 3.1 Medical Rule Illumination Treatment Green temp ‫( א‬37.5-38.5] Blue temp ‫( א‬38.5-40] Purple temp ‫( א‬40-41.5] Red Dengue Out of 4 condition White above Recovery phase (close monitoring is necessary to recognize heart failure or pulmonary edema) Incubation phase (chest x-ray and abdominal ultrasound) Febrile phase (monitoring for warning signs and other clinical parameters) Emergency phase (measure hematocrit every 1-2 hours, once every 6 hours) Abnormal (get to the patient immediately) 9 Figure 3.1: Solution architecture (Source: Enacting a Rule-Based Alert Business Process in Smart Healthcare Using IoT Wearables [4]) Figure 3.1 shows the overall architecture of the system we built. As mentioned in Table 3.1, each rule states what medical action needs to be taken LIDSDWLHQWV¶ERG\WHPSHUDWXUH measured by their wearable, reaches a critical level sustainably The first wearable of the system is for, and supposed to be worn by, patients. It constantly sends the wearer real-time body temperature to the coordinating server. Many of them are in a serious health condition and may not be able to cooperate voluntarily. The server keeps track of WKH SDWLHQW¶V ERG\ WHPSHUDWXUH DQG KHOSV GRFWRUVQXUVHV GHFLGH ZKDW WR GR QH[W LQ D UXOH-based manner. The second wearable is to be worn by the medical staff, i.e., doctors and nurses. Its wearer can query the status of any patient she/he is responsible for. The server maintains a rather simple database assigning a doctor or nurse to patients she takes care of in the hospital. In case there is at 10 least 1 patient in critical condition, the device will receive a warning. The entire medical process of monitoring patients is described in Figure 3.2 using a de-facto modeling standard Figure 3.2: Medical process (Source: Enacting a Rule-Based Alert Business Process in Smart Healthcare Using IoT Wearables [4]) 3.3.1 State Machine )LJXUHGHVFULEHIRUXVKRZWKHVWDWHPDFKLQHRIWKHSDWLHQW¶VZHDUDEOHWREHGHILQHG YLVXDOO\ (DFK SDWLHQW¶V ZHDUDEOH PD\ EH LQ RQH RI WKH IROOowing states at run-time: Starting, Listening, Emergency, Recovery, Incubation, Febrile and Abnormal, the first of which refers to the moment when the wearable is switched on and establishes Wi-Fi connection to the coordinating server. The wearable makes a transition to Listening when ready. In this state, the wearable constantly takes a reading of its ZHDUHU¶VERG\WHPSHUDWXUHWRFRPPXQLFDWHZLWKWKHVHUYHU6KRXOG the server decide to activate a medical rule, this wearable will change its state to either Emergency, Recovery, Incubation, Febrile or Abnormal. 11 Figure 3.3: State PDFKLQHRIWKHSDWLHQW¶VZHDUDEOH (Source: Enacting a Rule-Based Alert Business Process in Smart Healthcare Using IoT Wearables [4]) Figure 3.4: StaWHPDFKLQHRIWKHGRFWRU¶VZHDUDEOH (Source: Enacting a Rule-Based Alert Business Process in Smart Healthcare Using IoT Wearables [4]) 12
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