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Trang chủ Nghiên cứu về thái độ của sinh viên trường đại học công nghệ đồng nai đối với vi...

Tài liệu Nghiên cứu về thái độ của sinh viên trường đại học công nghệ đồng nai đối với việc học e learning


Mô tả:

BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ ĐỒNG NAI BÁO CÁO TỔNG KẾT ĐỀ TÀI NGHIÊN CỨU KHOA HỌC CẤP TRƢỜNG A SURVEY ON STUDENTS' OPINION ABOUT E-LEARNING AT DONG NAI TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY (NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ THÁI ĐỘ CỦA SINH VIÊN TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ ĐỒNG NAI ĐỐI VỚI VIỆC HỌC E-LEARNING) Mã số: TR:2020-04/NN Chủ nhiệm đề tài: ThS. Trần Thị Phƣơng Thƣ Đồng Nai, 5/2021 BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ ĐỒNG NAI BÁO CÁO TỔNG KẾT ĐỀ TÀI NGHIÊN CỨU KHOA HỌC CẤP TRƢỜNG A SURVEY ON STUDENTS' OPINION ABOUT E-LEARNING AT DONG NAI TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY (NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ THÁI ĐỘ CỦA SINH VIÊN TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ ĐỒNG NAI ĐỐI VỚI VIỆC HỌC E-LEARNING) Mã số: TR:2020-04/NN Chủ nhiệm đề tài Trần Thị Phƣơng Thƣ Đồng Nai, 5/2021 DANH SÁCH THÀNH VIÊN THAM GIA STT HỌ TÊN ĐƠN VỊ VAI TRÒ 1 Trần Thị Phương Thư Khoa Ngoại Ngữ Chủ nhiệm đề tài 2 Lê Hồ Bảo Hân Khoa Ngoại ngữ Thành viên 3 Phạm Tiểu Hàn Khoa Ngoại ngữ Thành viên TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background of the study ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Statement of the study ................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Research objectives ....................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Research questions ........................................................................................................ 2 1.5 Significance of the study ............................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................. 4 2.1. Definition of E-learning ............................................................................................... 4 2.1.1. Types of E-learning ................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2. Forms of E-learning .................................................................................................. 6 2.2. Advantages and disadvantages of E-learning ............................................................... 7 2.3. Related studies ........................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................... 10 3.1 Context of the study ..................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Participants of the study .............................................................................................. 10 3.3 Research tool ............................................................................................................... 10 3.4 Data collection procedure ............................................................................................ 11 CHAPTER 4: FINDING AND RESULT.......................................................................... 12 4.1 Personal Information ................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Perceived Usefulness of E-Learning ........................................................................... 14 4.3 Features of E-learning ................................................................................................. 15 4.4 Cost of E-learning ........................................................................................................ 17 4.5 Attitude Towards E-Learning ...................................................................................... 17 4.6 Discussion .................................................................................................................... 18 4.6.1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-learning? ................................... 18 4.6.2 What are perceptions of DNTU students about E-learning? ................................... 20 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ......................................... 22 5.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 22 5.2 Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 23 REFERENCE .................................................................................................................... 24 APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................... 28 THÔNG TIN KẾT QUẢ NGHIÊN CỨU ĐỀ TÀI NGHIÊN CỨU KHOA HỌC CẤP TRƢỜNG 1. Thông tin chung: (dùng cho Báo cáo tổng kết đề tài) - Tên đề tài: A survey on students' opinion about E-learning at Dng Nai Technology University (Nghiên cứu về thái độ của sinh viên DNTU đối với việc học E-learning) - Mã số: TR:2020-04/NN - Chủ nhiệm đề tài: Trần Thị Phương Thư Điện thoại: 09190889614 Email: [email protected] - Đơn vị quản lý về chuyên môn: TBM Ngữ học & Văn hóa, Khoa Ngoại ngữ - Thời gian thực hiện: 8/2020 – 1/2021 2. Mục tiêu: Đề tài nghiên cứu được tiến hành để khảo sát ý kiến của sinh viên trường Đại học Công nghệ Đồng Nai về việc học E-learning. 3. Nội dung chính: Đề tài tìm hiểu những thuận lợi và khó khăn của sinh viên DNTU khi học E-learning, khảo sát mức độ hài lòng/yêu thích của sinh viên đối với các phần mềm/ứng dụng được sử dụng để học E-learning tại DNTU và tìm hiểu quan điểm của sinh viên về các khía cạnh khác khi tham gia học E-learning; với các phần chính như sau: Phần 1: Giới thiệu tổng quan tình hình nghiên cứu thuộc lĩnh vực đề tài ở trong và ngoài nước (tính cấp thiết; mục tiêu; cách tiếp cận) Phần 2: Nội dung nghiên cứu gồm phương pháp nghiên cứu, đối tượng và phạm vi nghiên cứu Phần 3: Kết luận và kiến nghị Phần 4: Tài liệu tham khảo Phần 5: Phụ lục 4. Kết quả chính đạt đƣợc: - Đa phần sinh viên đồng ý rằng E-learning giúp sinh viên linh động về thời gian và địa điểm học tập, đồng thời cũng dễ dàng tiếp cận bài giảng và cũng như nhận được sự hỗ trợ nhiệt tình từ nhà trường và giảng viên. - Một số khó khăn nhất định mà sinh viên gặp phải như môi trường tại gia đình không phù hợp cho việc học, trục trặc về đường truyền internet hoặc sự thiếu kỹ thuật tương tác online của sinh viên. - Trong số các ứng dụng E-learing đã và đang được sử dụng trong thời gian gần đây tại DNTU thì CANVAS là ứng dụng được sinh viên sử dụng nhiều nhất và cũng được đại đa số sinh viên yêu thích (hơn 90%), tiếp theo đó là MS TEAMS và MOODLE. - Nghiên cứu cũng chỉ ra được rằng sinh viên có thái độ tích cực đối với việc học Elearning, 43,3% sinh viên được khảo sát thích việc học E-learning và 50% vẫn giữ thái độ trung lập. Về vấn đề chi phí của việc tham gia lớp học E-learning so với lớp học truyền thống thì có 30% sinh viên được khảo sát cho rằng học E-learning tiết kiệm chi phí hơn, 60% giữ thái độ trung lập và chỉ có 10% cho rằng học E-learning tốn kém hơn. Và có hơn 80% số sinh viên được nghiên cứu ủng hộ việc học E-learning trong tương lai. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study The electronic learning [e-learning] can be defined as a means of education that incorporates electronic equipment and tools and the interactivity that occurs between these and the people involved in the educational process. E-learning is a new application being put into teaching and learning by DNTU for students. Helping students get used to learning online. For learning E-learning, there will be many different ideas. Some people think it is inappropriate, but others think it is necessary. Because of that we need to have a survey on student’s opinions about E-learning at DNTU. More and more E-Learning projects are being developed lately and some spectacular successes are recorded. With the rapid speed of technological and economic developments and penetration into educational systems has lead to greater demands of making automated learning systems available to learners. E-learning is changing the way teaching and learning is taking place on university campuses. At DNTU, E-learning is being applied to teaching and learning more than 1year ago. Thus, the main aim of the study was to understand the students perception towards this new concept of E-learning by determining the usefulness as well as its benefits and challenges from student’s DNTU view. Therefore, this study need evaluation research to understand the perception about e-learning from students’ point. The results can be used to bring about the changes needed by incorporating newer techniques and tools into students learning environments. 1.2 Statement of the study The advancement of Information Technology (IT) has affected the ways work are done, its influence on teaching and learning, thus becomes increasingly complex and widespread. The use of latest technology means that one no longer needs to be in a regular classroom in order to be educated. Teaching and learning can be done with the help of technology - E-learning. The term E-learning has been widely used in education since the mid-1990s. Some researchers view E-learning as the delivery of teaching 1 materials via electronic media, such as internet, intranets and extranets, satellite broadcast, audio/video tape, interactive TV, and CD-ROM (Engelbrecht, 2005). Others also see e-learning as internet based learning which utilizes web-based communication, collaboration, knowledge transfer, and training to add value to individuals and to organizations they work within (Kelly & Bauer, 2004). The application of E-learning in developing countries has gradually advanced in recent years with an improved availability of Internet connections, local area networks, and IT support (Omidinia, Masrom, & Selamat, 2011; Tedre, Ngubuke, & Kempainnen, 2010; Williams, Mayer, & Minges, 2011). Statistical analysis was performed to assess students' personal perspectives on E-learning, and their advantages and disadvantages in E-learning, and their accessibility to technology, used technology for learning, technology use skills and technology satisfaction. 1.3 Research objectives The potential of E-learning is said to be very high, moreover, it is gradually being introduced into universities and high schools. Furthermore, some students have shown an interest in participating in online learning, to continue their research, this has prompted students to look for E-learning opportunities offered by institutions abroad. It is believed that, over time, many educational institutions will want to consider introducing E-learning as part of the national education system of students about Elearning. First, we will survey students who have learned through E-learning at DNTU. We will take each student's opinion and make statistics about what they have experienced while studying E-learning. Second, we will let them fill out the survey that we have created to get more details. From there we will find it easier to summarize student opinions at DNTU. Next, we will ask a few more questions related to E-learning. Because that will give us a variety of opinions and the survey will become richer and more informative. 1.4 Research questions In order to address the research objective, the following research questions are posed:  What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-learning? 2  What are perceptions of DNTU students about E-learning? The first research question shows their advantages and disadvantages regarding Elearning, it can help them reach their educational level. The second research question focuses on understanding what students' opinion of E-learning is. 1.5 Significance of the study It is important that this study helps explore and explain students' concerns and opinions about e-learning; shed any expectations and experiences they might have in their meeting with E-learning. The recommendation of this study is that the findings presented here will be of interest to any educational institution that wants to implement this teaching and learning approach, assisting them to consider those concerns and in the process makes E-learning attractive to students. In addition, the purpose of this study is to help us learn more about how students are learning about Elearning and whether the quality of teaching is effective. It also tells us more about students' most honest feelings about E-learning at DNTU. That makes our study more reliable and quality. This study is only for students at DNTU so that they can freely express their opinions about E-learning during the time they have studied on Elearning. 3 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter covers the definitions of the term 'E-learning', it also includes a discussion of three types of E-learning: fully- online, combined (also known as blended or mixed mode) and web-assistance. Two forms of E-learning available synchronous and asynchronous, and the different tools that make them workable are also examined. This chapter also examines the advantages and disadvantages of elearning. Finally, there are discussion of previous studies relating to this topic. 2.1. Definition of E-learning Electronic learning (E-learning for short) is supported by electronic devices and the Internet. E-learning enables self-paced learning, in which learners access pre-designed learning resources any time, from any place. E-learning has been variedly defined by researchers, including the following - it is the use of computer network technology, primarily over or through the internet, to deliver information and instructions to individuals (Ong & Lai, 2006; Welsh et al., 2003). Another similar definition is one that sees E-learning as any form of education that is facilitated by the internet and its technologies, and encompasses the use of the World Wide Web (www) to support instruction and to deliver course content (Masrom, 2007). The second set of definition view of E-learning as learning facilitated and supported through the utilization of information and communication technologies (Jenkins & Hanson, 2003). E- learning is further defined as instruction delivered via a computer that is intended to promote learning (Clark & Mayer, 2003). Thirdly E-learning is defined as “the use of new multimedia technologies and the internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services, as well as remote exchange and collaboration” (EC, 2001). According to Koohang & Harman (2005), E-learning is defined as the delivery of education through various electronic media, including the internet, intranets and extranets, satellite TV, video/audio tape, and/or CD ROM. From these definitions, it can be argued that e-learning is a general or a broad term used to describe all types of 4 learning using one form or another of electrical technology, includes the Internet as a means of providing education to enhance teaching and learning. 2.1.1. Types of E-learning It has further been identified that, e-learning comes in three different types – fullyonline, mixed mode (also known as hybrid or blended learning), and web assisted (Anastasiades & Retalis, 2001). In fully-online learning, courses almost singularly rely on technology to mediate the teaching-learning environment, and so it is especially crucial to make sure that best practices are used in creating engaging content, communication, visual design, organization, and assessment. Learning materials, assignments, teaching and learning are all done online (Young, et al, 2008). Fully-online learning also aims at satisfying the needs, interests, learning styles, abilities, and aspirations of learners because it is self-directed (Buzzetto-More, 2013). Fully-online learning is asynchronous in nature, and asynchronous tools are used to foster this type of learning – this is discussed later in this chapter. Blend learning is reduced the number of times instructors and students meet face to face in a given semester and rely heavily on web technology to mediate learning. Face-to-face contact can occur in meetings early in the semester, at the end of the term, or consistently throughout the semester. Teaching design can help ensure the success of teaching and learning between faculty and students. Hybrid learning is said to be the future of learning, and is predicted that in the years to come this type of learning will cause a paradigm shift in higher education. It is further suggested that 80% to 90% of all courses will be done through hybrid learning (Allen & Seaman, 2003; Lorenzetti, 2005; Young, 2002). Web-assisted mode is the last type of e-learning, and makes use of the synchronous tools, where course website and tools are used, in order to enhance teaching and learning. Web-assisted course is traditional courses that have a number of components due to intermediate technology to complement the required class meetings. However, it is important to note that advanced web courses do not reduce class meeting time in a given semester. When the teacher introduces new technology into the face-to-face 5 classroom, integration can take place in small steps and improved from semester to semester. By the use of the synchronous tools live lectures and live interactions between the learners and instructors are done, just as is done in the traditional classroom, except that these interactions are not physical but are done online (Buzzetto-More, 2015). 2.1.2. Forms of E-learning In addition to the types of e-learning available, it is further classified into two forms – asynchronous and synchronous learning.  Asynchronous learning This form of learning does not take place in real-time. Students are provided with content and assignments and are given a time frame to complete work and exams. Interaction usually takes place through discussion boards, blogs, wikis. Asynchronous learning involves self-paced or self-contained a variety of options, allowing them to learn at their own pace and their own time (Kocur & Kosc, 2009). In addition, asynchronous learning provides the means for participants to readily access the available resources and information that they require in order to have an easier and a successful learning experience (Obasa et. Al., 2013; McGreal & Elliott, 2004).  Synchronous learning This form of learning is required the instructor and all enrolled students to interact online simultaneously. Similar in some ways to a webinar, participants interact through text, video or audio chat. Synchronous learning environments enable students to participate in a course from a distance in real time. Participants log in at a set time and interact directly with the instructor and with the other class participants (Kalpana, 2010). One of the major drawbacks of synchronous learning, however, is that it requires same-time participation; hence different time zones and conflicting schedules can create communication and presentational challenges (Obasa, 2010). 6 2.2. Advantages and disadvantages of E-learning Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation. Online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job. An access to all resources of a traditional course helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study. With basically an Internet connection, a person can attend different courses. Among the success of online learning there are the responsibility and self- discipline of students. Firstly, you are able to link the various resources in several varying formats. It is a very efficient way of delivering courses online. It gives the learner the flexibility and convenience to complete course materials where and when he or she desires, which means the learner can study from any part of the world, without necessarily having to be on the institution’s campus to be taught and to learn (McDonald, 1999-2000; “Elearning,” 2003). Secondly, you can through discussion boards and charts, you are able to interact with everyone online and also clear your doubts if any. The video instructions that are provided for audio and video learning can be rewound, seen and heard again and again if do not happen to understand the topic first time around. E-learning enables animations to be used to help demonstrate concepts and topics that are difficult to portray in traditional classes, which in turn, can facilitate a more accurate communication and understanding of complex ideas and topics which might not have been easily understood without these additional tools to make the teaching and learning an easier one (Smart & Cappel, 2006). Aside the advantages and usefulness e-learning provides, it also has some limitations. Firstly, in online-class, the main one being that you get knowledge only on a theoretical basis and when it comes to putting to use whatever you have learnt, it may be a little different. Asynchronous learning does not enable real-time interaction with the instructor and other learners, and also does not allow students to have practical exposures on what they learn, for example, utilizing software and applying knowledge 7 to problem solving, as part of their studies, as would have been the case if it was synchronous in nature (Laine, 2003; Smart & Cappel, 2006). Other disadvantages of E-learning include a sense of learner isolation where they have to study alone (fullyonline) without having colleagues and instructors to interact with (Brown, 1996). Additionally, with the latest development of mobile chat applications, it makes it even more easier for students to have a community of participants to discuss course related topics, during and after class sessions are over (Smart & Cappel, 2006). 2.3 Related studies Summaries of studies that relate to the focus of this thesis are presented here. ICT and E-learning could be used to support the affected learners and instructors in Libya, to increase accessibility to, and to improve the relevance and quality of, higher education (Achimugu, Oluwagbemi, & Oluwaranti, 2010; Aktaruzzaman, Shamim, & Clement, 2011). The positive attitudes and the willingness of students to engage in E-learning courses suggest that there is a great potential for E-learning initiatives in Libya. There was a study done at the University of Ghana. The result of study show that perception of students. The students would accept mixed and web supplemented courses in the immediate future than web dependent and fully-online courses. The findings support other findings which have established that mixed mode, websupplemented and web-dependent hold more promise than fully-online (BuzzetoMore & Sweat- Guy, 2006; Guri-Rosenblit, 2005; Buzzette-More, 2008). There was a result of study show that Students at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USM are frequently engaged in using e-LMS as they consider it convenient and easy to use. Students do feel that online based learning is enhancing their academic performances. However, factors including network connection and lag time hinder many of them from frequent use of e-learning. Nevertheless, students still prefer hybrid courses as mode of education which is the mixture of traditional and online teaching methodologies rather than choosing traditional system or E-learning as an individual entity. 8 In a research at the University of Technology of Malaysia (UTM) City Campus, and evaluates the application of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to e-learning (Masrom, 2007). Major finding and conclusions of this study are: there was an agreement with what TAM postulates that, perceived usefulness has significant influence on students’ intention to use the technology. In Vietnam, Nguyen, H., Pham, H., Vu, N. & Hoang, H. (2020) conducted a study to evaluate the factors influencing students’ intention to use E-learning system such as Computer self-efficacy, Computer experience, Enjoyment, System characteristics and Subjective norm, Perceived ease of use, and Perceived usefulness. The research was conducted in a survey with participation of 246 respondents from 20 universities. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, factor analysis and regression. The results pointed that computer self-efficacy has no effect on perceived usefulness of elearning, and system characteristics have no effect on perceived ease of e-learning use. This study recommended some solutions that universities can use to attract more students to participate in E-learning until it is officially implemented for the university. 9 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Context of the study In order to get students perception of e-learning, this thesis was done at Dong Nai University of Technology (DNTU). DNTU is chosen because the researchers for this proposal at this time studying here, and this made it easy for us to gain necessary permission to undertake the research and distributed questionnaire to the students respondents. This institution trains 15 levels of university, 01 level of postgraduate. The number of students is increasing both in quantity and quality each year, the rate of students having jobs after graduation reaches 93%. Overcoming the difficulties and challenges of its founding day, Dong Nai University of Technology constantly develops modern facilities and equipment, with appropriate training programs and regularly updated, with highly qualified management team and professional staff serving the modernization and industrialization of Dong Nai province, and surrounding areas. 3.2 Participants of the study Our study subjects are all students studying at DNTU who have studied E-learning for more than 1 year. We will choose 10 of them whom we believe have the confidence to help us do this study. We will survey students who have been selected by us and they are studying E-learning to have different perceptions about E-learning. 3.3 Research tool Questionnaires are used for the data collection because it was felt that this was the best way to ensure that the researcher was able to gather the opinions of as many students as possible in the time available. The questionnaire has an introductory section providing information on the topic being researched and instructions for respondents filling the questionnaire was also included. In all, there are 21 questions. The questions were divided into four (4) parts, - personal information eliciting the respondents’ background information. Personal information was about the gender of the respondents; their age groups. The last personal information is about what year are you and how long has been studied E-learning. The remaining sections of the 10 questionnaire were based on the research questions. These remaining parts comprised of four sections - perceived usefulness of E-learning; perceived ease of use of elearning; finally, attitude towards using E-learning. The concluding section of the questionnaire thanked respondents for their participation. Testing was performed to determine whether respondents could easily understand the questions and to determine the need of any modifications to the format. Trials showed that respondents had difficulty choosing some of the multiple choice answers available to them. For example, for some questions, the answer options are: Strongly agree; Agree; However, disagreeing and strongly disagreeing, the test respondents felt that none of these options adequately reflected their views. 3.4 Data collection procedure It took about four weeks for the questionnaires to be distributed and collected. The questionnaires are hand delivered to students who allocated to the various parts of the campus. Furthermore, the questionnaires are also taken to randomly selected student residencies, in order to enable the opinions of those students who were not available on campus at the time the questionnaire is administered also to be included. The computerized data analysis software - Excel was used for the descriptive data analysis and interpretation. After the data entry had been completed descriptive statistics were generated, presented and discussed. 11 CHAPTER 4: FINDING AND RESULT The results of the questionnaires that were given out are presented in this chapter. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed, with 30 of them being returned. The questionnaire consisted of 14 questions divided into four sections: personal information, perceived utility of e-learning, perceived ease of use of e-learning and attitude toward using elearning. 4.1 Personal Information This section contains some basic data about university students. Table 1 displays the results of the questions about age, education level and time spent studying E-learning. Much of the information provided here is based on primary sources. Age Table 1: Age group Frequency Percentage 18 2 6.7% 19-20 12 40% 20-25 16 53.3% Total 30 100% The respondent cohort comprised all students from Dong Nai University of Technology. This result shows that most of them are sophomore, third year and final year students who have been learning E-learning form 1 to 2 years ago. The data also indicate that 53,3% of the respondents belong to the 20-25 age group, 40% were between 19-20 years and 6,7% in 18 years. By this 20-25 majority age group distribution, the research finding is likely to reflect their youthful views. Table 2: Levels of study In which years Frequency Percentage 1st year 3 10% 2nd year 6 20% 3rd year 8 26.7% 4th year 13 43.3% Total 30 100% 12 Respondents are widely distributed among different school year groups. In Table 2, the results reveal that the first year 10%, second year 20%, third year 26.7%, and final year 43.3%, so the data are presented as representative of all student levels at DNTU. 100% of the students are DNTU students and all are attending university programs. All the students at DNTU surveyed learned the form of E-learning 1 to 2 years ago. The majority of students who have studied E-learning are second years, third year and final year students. The Figure 1 below shows that they have been studying E-learning for 1 to 2 years. Thus, they will have a correct way of seeing and thinking about the form of E-learning in a more objective way. It can be concluded that there is an equal distribution of perspectives from different groups of students in this study. Figure 1: How long have you been studying E-learning? DNTU has applied E-learning through the web and applications such as Canvas, Moodle, Microsoft Team, Zoom and Cisco Webex. In table 3, the results of information income on frequent use of applications and the web and interest among applications showed that majority 96,7% of the students have had a good experience using the Canvas app while the only 56,7% of the respondents have been using Cisco Webex interested and use with this app. In addition, 93,3% of respondents have been using Microsoft Team, and 83,3% using Moodle, and 66,7% using Zoom app for E- 13
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