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Tài liệu Công nghiệp việt nam 20 năm đổi mới và phát triển (nxb thống kê 2006) cục thống kê, 608 trang


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C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development C«ng Vietnamese nghiÖpindustry ViÖt Nam in20 20n¨m years®æi of míi renovation vµ ph¸tand triÓn development 3 Lêi nãi ®Çu Tr¶i qua 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn, nÒn kinh tÕ - x· héi ViÖt Nam ®· cã nh÷ng thay ®æi s©u s¾c. C¬ cÊu kinh tÕ chuyÓn dÞch theo h−íng tÝch cùc vµ cã lîi cho quèc kÕ d©n sinh, c¸c thµnh phÇn kinh tÕ ®Òu ph¸t triÓn. Ngµnh C«ng nghiÖp ®· ®¹t ®−îc b−íc ph¸t triÓn m¹nh mÏ theo ®−êng lèi c«ng nghiÖp ho¸, hiÖn ®¹i ho¸. §Ó cung cÊp ®−îc th«ng tin ®Çy ®ñ h¬n, hÖ thèng h¬n, Tæng côc Thèng kª biªn so¹n vµ c«ng bè cuèn s¸ch “C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn” nh»m phôc vô ®«ng ®¶o c¸c ®èi t−îng dïng tin trong vµ ngoµi n−íc, nhÊt lµ c¸c nhµ nghiªn cøu, ph©n tÝch, ho¹ch ®Þnh chÝnh s¸ch vµ c¸c nhµ ®Çu t−. “C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn” ®−îc xuÊt b¶n tiÕp theo tËp sè liÖu 5 n¨m 1981-1985 lµ bé sè liÖu thèng kª c«ng nghiÖp hoµn chØnh ®−îc thu thËp, xö lý vµ ph©n tÝch trªn ph¹m vi c¶ n−íc theo c¸c chuÈn mùc quèc tÕ. Sè liÖu trong cuèn s¸ch nµy ®· ®−îc hÖ thèng ho¸ nh»m ph¶n ¸nh kh¸i qu¸t t×nh h×nh ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam trong giai ®o¹n 1986-2005. Cuèn s¸ch ®−îc tr×nh bµy trong 3 phÇn: PhÇn 1: Nh÷ng kh¸i niÖm, néi dung, gi¶i thÝch chung vÒ c¸c ph©n tæ, chØ tiªu vµ ph¹m vi sè liÖu. PhÇn 2: Ph©n tÝch tæng quan ph¸t triÓn c«ng nghiÖp thêi kú 1986-2005. PhÇn 3: Bé sè liÖu c«ng nghiÖp tõ 1985-2005 ®−îc s¾p xÕp theo c¸c chØ tiªu: 1- Mét sè chØ tiªu so s¸nh cña thêi kú ®æi míi (2005) víi tr−íc ®æi míi (1985 vÒ tr−íc) vµ víi mét sè n−íc ASEAN. 2- ChØ sè ph¸t triÓn chung toµn ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp tõ n¨m 1955 ®Õn 2005. 4 C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn foreword Over 20 years of renovation and development, Vietnamese socio-economy has made remarkable changes. Economic structure changed to active direction and make profit to national welfare and the people’s livelihood, to the development of economic sectors. Industrial sector achieved strong development oriented industrializa-tion and modernization. To provide more complete and systematic information, “Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development” is compiled and published by General Statistics Office (GSO) to users inside and outside the country, especially researchers, policy makers as well as investors. “Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development” which is published following the 5-year data book 1981-1985, is the fully industrial statistics data set collected, processed and analyzed nationwide according to international standards. The data in this book has been systematized to reflect generally the Vietnamese industrial renovation and development in the period of 1986-2005. The content of the book includes 3 parts: Part 1: Conceptions, definitions and explanatory notes related to classifications, indicators and data scope. Part 2: The over view of Vietnamese industry’s development after 20-year renovation 1986-2005. Part 3: Industrial data set 1985-2005 is ordered by: 1- Some indicators of renovation period (2005) comparing the pre-renovation (before 1985) and some ASEAN nations. 2- General development indexes of whole industry from 1955 to 2005. Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development 5 3- C¬ cÊu chung cña toµn ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp tõ n¨m 1955 ®Õn 2005. 4- Gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp theo gi¸ cè ®Þnh 1985-2005. - Gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp tÝnh theo c¸c b¶ng gi¸ cè ®Þnh 1961, 1970, 1982, 1989 vµ 1994. - ChØ sè ph¸t triÓn s¶n xuÊt. - C¬ cÊu gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt. 5- Gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp theo gi¸ thùc tÕ tõ n¨m 2000-2004. - Gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt. - C¬ cÊu gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt. 6- S¶n phÈm chñ yÕu ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp tõ 1985-2005 - S¶n phÈm chñ yÕu (Chung vµ ph©n theo tØnh). - S¶n phÈm b×nh qu©n ®Çu ng−êi. 7- C¬ së s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp 1985-2004. 8- Lao ®éng trong c¸c c¬ së s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp 1985-2004. 9- Nguån vèn s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp 1990-2004. 10- Tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh vµ ®Çu t− tµi chÝnh dµi h¹n ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp 1990-2004. 11- Tû suÊt lîi nhuËn cña 1 ®ång vèn s¶n xuÊt kinh doanh cña doanh nghiÖp c«ng nghiÖp 2000-2004. 12- Tû lÖ nép ng©n s¸ch so víi doanh thu cña doanh nghiÖp c«ng nghiÖp 2000-2004. 13- Møc trang bÞ vèn cho mét lao ®éng c«ng nghiÖp 1995-2004. 14- Møc trang bÞ tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh cho mét lao ®éng c«ng nghiÖp 1995-2004. 15- Tû träng c¸c ngµnh cã c«ng nghÖ cao, trung b×nh vµ thÊp trong ngµnh C«ng nghiÖp chÕ biÕn 2000-2004. 6 C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn 3- General structure of whole industry from 1955 to 2005. 4- Industrial output value at constant price 1985-2005. - Industrial output value at constant price of 1961, 1970, 1982, 1989 and 1994. - Production development index. - Output value structure. 5- Industrial output value at current price 1985-2005. - Industrial output value. - Output value structure. 6- Main industrial products from 1985 to 2005. - Main industrial products (nationwide and by provinces) - Average products. 7- Industrial establishments 1985-2004. 8- Employees in industrial establishments 1985-2004. 9- Capital of industrial production 1990-2004. 10- Industrial fixed assets and long-term investment 1990-2004. 11- Profit rate of industrial enterprises 2000-2004. 12- Budgetary contribution-revenue enterprises 2000-2004. rate of industrial 13- Average capital for an industrial employee 1955-2004. 14- Average fixed assets for an industrial employee 1995-2004. 15- Proportion of sectors having high, medium and low technology in manufacturing 2000-2004. Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development 7 Víi néi dung nãi trªn, cuèn s¸ch nµy kh«ng chØ gióp ng−êi sö dông cã c¸i nh×n tæng qu¸t vÒ nh÷ng thµnh tùu ph¸t triÓn c«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam trong chÆng ®−êng ®æi míi vµ héi nhËp quèc tÕ 20 n¨m qua mµ cßn gîi më nh÷ng suy nghÜ vÒ ®Þnh h−íng ph¸t triÓn c«ng nghiÖp n−íc ta trong t−¬ng lai. Trong qu¸ tr×nh biªn so¹n ch¾c ch¾n kh«ng tr¸nh khái thiÕu sãt, chóng t«i rÊt mong nhËn ®−îc nhiÒu ý kiÕn ®ãng gãp cña c¸c ®èi t−îng sö dông th«ng tin trong vµ ngoµi n−íc ®Ó gióp cho viÖc c¶i tiÕn c«ng t¸c biªn so¹n sè liÖu thèng kª c«ng nghiÖp ngµy mét tèt h¬n. §Þa chØ liªn hÖ: Vô Thèng kª C«ng nghiÖp vµ X©y dùng, sè 2 Hoµng V¨n Thô, Ba §×nh, Hµ Néi. §iÖn tho¹i : 7343793, Fax: 8438907. Tæng côc Thèng kª 8 C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn With above contents, the publication it is not only help users having a comprehensive view on Vietnam industrial achievements in renovation and international integration over 20 years but also guide the orientation of national industrial development in the future. It is surely that there are shortcomings in compiling the publication. We are looking forward to receiving valuable suggestions of all users inside and outside the country to promote industrial statistics data compilation better and better. Address: Construction and Industry statistics Department, No. 2 Hoang Van Thu Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi city. Tel: 7343793, Fax: 8438907. General statistics office Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development 9 PhÇn I Nh÷ng kh¸i niÖm, néi dung, gi¶i thÝch chung vÒ c¸c ph©n tæ, chØ tiªu vµ ph¹m vi sè liÖu 1. C¸c ký hiÖu nghiÖp vô = Kh«ng cã hiÖn t−îng ... = Cã hiÖn t−îng nh−ng kh«ng thu thËp ®−îc sè liÖu 0,0 = Nhá h¬n 0,1 ®¬n vÞ tÝnh 2. C¸c ký hiÖu viÕt t¾t CN = C«ng nghiÖp DNNN = Doanh nghiÖp Nhµ n−íc SX = S¶n xuÊt NQD = Ngoµi quèc doanh TNHH = Tr¸ch nhiÖm h÷u h¹n TBMM = ThiÕt bÞ m¸y mãc Cty = C«ng ty TP = Thµnh phè 3. Ph¹m vi ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp bao gåm: - C«ng nghiÖp khai th¸c má - C«ng nghiÖp chÕ biÕn - S¶n xuÊt, tËp trung vµ ph©n phèi ®iÖn, ga, n−íc 4. L−u ý khi sö dông sè liÖu ph©n tæ theo ngµnh vµ theo ®Þa ph−¬ng: V× trong 20 n¨m c¸c danh môc ph©n tæ cã thay ®æi nªn sè liÖu mçi thêi kú ®−îc ph©n theo qui ®Þnh hiÖn hµnh. Cô thÓ: 4.1. Ph©n ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp cÊp 2 Tõ 1985-1994 ph©n theo 19 ngµnh. Tõ 1995-2005 ph©n theo 30 ngµnh. 10 C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn part i conceptions, definitions and explanatory notes related to classifications, inclicatos and data scope 1. Specific notations - = No appear ... = Appear but not collect data yet 0.0 = Less than 0.1 unit 2. Some brief notations CN = Industry DNNN = State enterprise SX = Production NQD = Non-State TNHH = Limited TBMM = Equipment Cty = Company TP = City 3. Scope of industrial sector: - Mining and quarrying. - Manufacturing. - Electricity, gas and water supply. 4. Some notes for using data by sectors and provinces: Data of each period is divided by regulations at that time because of alternative classification lists, specify: 4.1. By Industrial classification level 2 Period of 1985-1994 classified by 19 sectors. Period of 1995-2005 classified by 30 sectors. Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development 11 4.2. Ph©n theo tØnh, thµnh phè Tõ 1985-1995 ph©n theo 53 tØnh, TP Tõ 1996-2005 ph©n theo 64 tØnh, TP 5. Kh¸i niÖm, néi dung vµ ph−¬ng ph¸p tÝnh mét sè chØ tiªu thèng kª ®−îc c«ng bè trong s¸ch: 5.1. C¬ së s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp: Bao gåm doanh nghiÖp c«ng nghiÖp vµ c¬ së c«ng nghiÖp c¸ thÓ. 5.2. Doanh nghiÖp Doanh nghiÖp c«ng nghiÖp lµ tæ chøc kinh tÕ cã tªn riªng, cã tµi s¶n, cã con dÊu, cã trô së giao dÞch æn ®Þnh, cã tæ chøc h¹ch to¸n kinh tÕ ®éc lËp, cã ®Çy ®ñ t− c¸ch ph¸p nh©n, ®−îc ®¨ng kÝ kinh doanh theo quy ®Þnh cña ph¸p luËt nh»m môc ®Ých thùc hiÖn s¶n xuÊt kinh doanh chÝnh lµ ho¹t ®éng s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp. C¨n cø vµo h×nh thøc së h÷u vèn, doanh nghiÖp c«ng nghiÖp ®−îc chia ra: - Doanh nghiÖp nhµ n−íc: Lµ doanh nghiÖp cã 100% vèn nhµ n−íc (DNNNTW, DNNN ®Þa ph−¬ng, c«ng ty TNHH 100% vèn NN) vµ c«ng ty cæ phÇn, c«ng ty TNHH cã vèn nhµ n−íc chiÕm trªn 50% vèn ®iÒu lÖ. - Doanh nghiÖp hîp t¸c x·: Lµ doanh nghiÖp do nhiÒu c¸ nh©n cïng tù nguyÖn gãp vèn vµ ®ång thêi còng lµ ng−êi lao ®éng cã cïng chung môc ®Ých vµ b×nh ®¼ng trong quan hÖ së h÷u. - Doanh nghiÖp t− nh©n: Lµ doanh nghiÖp do mét c¸ nh©n bá vèn vµ thµnh lËp. - C«ng ty TNHH t− nh©n: Lµ doanh nghiÖp do nhiÒu thµnh viªn gãp vèn ®Ó thµnh lËp doanh nghiÖp vµ mçi thµnh viªn chØ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ nghÜa vô tµi s¶n trong ph¹m vi vèn gãp cña m×nh (KÓ c¶ c«ng ty TNHH cã vèn nhµ n−íc ≤ 50%). - C«ng ty cæ phÇn: Lµ doanh nghiÖp do nhiÒu thµnh viªn gãp vèn theo sè cæ phÇn trong vèn ®iÒu lÖ vµ chØ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ nghÜa vô vµ tµi s¶n trong ph¹m vi cæ phÇn cña m×nh vµ ®−îc quyÒn chuyÓn nh−îng. 12 C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn .........4.2. By provinces Period of 1985-1995 classified 53 provinces. Period of 1996-2005 classified by 64 provinces. 5. Definitions, contents and calculating methods of some indicators: 5.1. Industrial establishments: Including industrial enterprises and households. 5.2. Enterprise An industrial enterprise is an economic unit that has own name, assets, seal, stable business place as well as independently keeps business account and acquires its own legal status. It is registered business under regulations and laws to implement the main business activity as industrial production. Based on types of capital ownership, industrial enterprises include: - State owned enterprise: it is enterprise with 100% of state capital (central State owned enterprise, provincial State owned enterprise, limited company with 100% of state capital) and stock companies, stock companies with more than 50% of registered capital shared by the Government. - Cooperative: it is enterprise with capital of many individuals who are also employees with the same purposes and equality of ownership relation. - Private company: it is enterprises that is set up and financed by an individual. - Private Limited liability Company: it is enterprise that are set up and financed by many members. Each member only takes responsibility for financial obligation in their registered capital (including limited companies with 50% and less than of State capital). - Stock company: it is an enterprise that is financed by number of shares in registered capital by many members who only take responsibility for financial obligation in their shares as well as have the right to transfer their shares. Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development 13 C«ng ty cæ phÇn cã quyÒn ph¸t hµnh chøng kho¸n (kÓ c¶ c«ng ty cæ phÇn cã vèn nhµ n−íc ≤ 50%). - Doanh nghiÖp 100% vèn n−íc ngoµi. - Doanh nghiÖp liªn doanh víi n−íc ngoµi : Lµ doanh nghiÖp cã vèn ®iÒu lÖ cña 1 hoÆc mét sè thµnh viªn n−íc ngoµi vµ cña 1 hoÆc mét sè thµnh viªn lµ tæ chøc, c¸ nh©n trong n−íc ®ãng gãp ®Ó thµnh lËp doanh nghiÖp. 5.3. C¬ së c«ng nghiÖp c¸ thÓ C¬ së c«ng nghiÖp c¸ thÓ lµ n¬i diÔn ra ho¹t ®éng s¶n xuÊt kinh doanh c«ng nghiÖp cã ®Þa ®iÓm ®−îc x¸c ®Þnh, cã ng−êi qu¶n lý vµ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ ph¸p lý ®èi víi ho¹t ®éng s¶n xuÊt kinh doanh, cã quan hÖ së h÷u t− nh©n thuéc mét ng−êi hoÆc mét nhãm ng−êi vµ cã Ýt nhÊt 1 lao ®éng chuyªn ho¹t ®éng s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp, nh−ng kh«ng ®ñ ®iÒu kiÖn hoÆc ch−a ®¨ng ký thµnh lËp doanh nghiÖp theo ph¸p luËt hiÖn hµnh. C¬ së c«ng nghiÖp c¸ thÓ ph¶i cã thêi gian s¶n xuÊt céng dån tõ 4 th¸ng trong mét n¨m trë lªn vµ ph¶i s¶n xuÊt ra s¶n phÈm hµng ho¸ lµ chÝnh. 5.4. Lao ®éng trong c¸c c¬ së c«ng nghiÖp Lµ tæng sè lao ®éng mµ c¸c doanh nghiÖp hoÆc c¸c c¬ së c¸ thÓ ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp trùc tiÕp qu¶n lý, sö dông, tr¶ l−¬ng, tr¶ c«ng hoÆc b»ng h×nh thøc thu nhËp hçn hîp (tiÒn c«ng vµ lîi nhuËn cña s¶n xuÊt kinh doanh) bao gåm : - Lao ®éng ®−îc tr¶ c«ng - Lao ®éng kh«ng ®−îc tr¶ c«ng 5.5. Nguån vèn s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp Tæng nguån vèn = Vèn cña chñ së h÷u + Nî ph¶i tr¶ - Vèn cña chñ së h÷u: Lµ toµn bé nguån vèn thuéc së h÷u cña chñ c¬ së c«ng nghiÖp vµ c¸c quü cña c¬ së vµ phÇn kinh phÝ ®−îc Nhµ n−íc cÊp, kinh phÝ qu¶n lý do c¸c ®¬n vÞ trùc thuéc nép lªn. - Nî ph¶i tr¶: lµ c¸c kho¶n nî ph¸t sinh mµ c¬ së ph¶i tr¶, ph¶i thanh to¸n cho c¸c chñ nî, bao gåm c¸c kho¶n nî tiÒn vay (vay ng¾n h¹n, vay dµi h¹n, vay trong n−íc, vay n−íc ngoµi, vay cña Nhµ n−íc hay cña t− nh©n) vµ c¸c kho¶n nî ph¶i tr¶ kh¸c. 14 C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn It has the right to issue securities (including stock companies with 50% or less than of state capital). - 100% of capital invested by foreigners. - Joint venture enterprise between domestic investor and foreigner: it is enterprise that is set up and financed by registered capital of 1 or some foreigners and 1 or some domestic individual and agencies. 5.3. Industrial household Industrial household is economic unit in which the industrial activity is implemented. It has the specific place as well as the manager and takes legal responsibility for its business activity. It has the private ownership of 1 or individual group with at least 1 industrial employee. It is ineligible or not registers to set up the enterprise under the current laws. Industrial household have to produce products during accumulative 4 months or more than in a year. 5.4. Employees in industrial establishments It is total of persons that industrial establishment manages, uses, pays wage or salary or mixed income (wage, salary and profit) including: - Employee is paid salary or wage. - Employee is not paid salary or wage. 5.5. Capital sources for industrial production Total capital sources = Equity + Liability - Capital of proprietor (equity): it is total capital that belongs to proprietor of the industrial establishment, funds of the establishment, grants that is allocated by Government as well as submitted to parent company by child companies. - Debts have to pay (liability): it is total debts that establishment has to pay for lenders. It includes borrowed money (long term, short term, domestic debt or abroad debt, Government debt or private debt) and other types of debts have to pay. Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development 15 5.6. Gi¸ trÞ cña tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh vµ ®Çu t− tµi chÝnh dµi h¹n theo gi¸ cßn l¹i Lµ toµn bé gi¸ trÞ cßn l¹i cña tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh, c¸c kho¶n ®Çu t− tµi chÝnh dµi h¹n, chi phÝ x©y dùng c¬ b¶n dë dang vµ c¸c kho¶n ký quü, ký c−îc dµi h¹n cña doanh nghiÖp. Tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh cña c¬ së c«ng nghiÖp bao gåm: - Tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh h÷u h×nh: Lµ t− liÖu lao ®éng cã h×nh th¸i vËt chÊt cã ®Çy ®ñ c¸c tiªu chuÈn (Theo quy ®Þnh hiÖn hµnh cña Nhµ n−íc, tiªu chuÈn TSC§ lµ: thêi gian sö dông tõ 1 n¨m trë lªn vµ cã gi¸ trÞ tèi thiÓu 10 triÖu ®ång). - Tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh thuª tµi chÝnh: Lµ tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh c¬ së thuª d−íi d¹ng vèn. Tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh nµy ch−a thuéc quyÒn së h÷u cña c¬ së nh−ng c¬ së cã nghÜa vô vµ tr¸ch nhiÖm ph¸p lý vÒ qu¶n lý, b¶o d−ìng, gi÷ g×n vµ sö dông nh− tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh cña m×nh. - Tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh v« h×nh: Lµ tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh kh«ng cã h×nh th¸i vËt chÊt thÓ hiÖn mét gi¸ trÞ ®Çu t− chi tr¶ dÇn, ®−îc tÝnh vµo gi¸ thµnh s¶n phÈm. Gi¸ trÞ cña chóng xuÊt ph¸t tõ b¶n quyÒn s¶n phÈm, b»ng ph¸t minh s¸ng chÕ... Chi phÝ trong qu¸ tr×nh ®Çu t− nh−ng kh«ng ®−a vµo gi¸ trÞ tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh h÷u h×nh. 5.7. Gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp Lµ toµn bé kÕt qu¶ ho¹t ®éng s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp t¹o ra trong 1 thêi kú nhÊt ®Þnh. Gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp ®−îc tÝnh theo gi¸ cè ®Þnh vµ gi¸ thùc tÕ a- Gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp tÝnh theo gi¸ cè ®Þnh ®−îc tÝnh b»ng s¶n phÈm s¶n xuÊt ra nh©n (x) víi gi¸ cè ®Þnh do Nhµ n−íc qui ®Þnh. Nh÷ng s¶n phÈm kh«ng cã gi¸ cè ®Þnh ®−îc tÝnh ®æi tõ gi¸ thùc tÕ vÒ gi¸ cè ®Þnh theo hÖ sè tÝnh ®æi. Trong sè liÖu cña cuèn s¸ch Gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt theo gi¸ cè ®Þnh cña mçi thêi kú cã gi¸ cè ®Þnh kh¸c nhau: Tõ 1985 - 1990: TÝnh theo gi¸ cè ®Þnh 1982. Tõ 1990 - 1994: TÝnh theo gi¸ cè ®Þnh 1989. Tõ 1994 - 2005: TÝnh theo gi¸ cè ®Þnh 1994. 16 C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn 5.6. Value of fixed assets and long-term investment by remaining price It is total remaining values of fixed assets, amount of long-term financial investment, value of under construction projects, amount of long-term security, and consignment of the establishment. Fixed assets of industrial establishment include: - Tangible fixed asset: it is production means that have material structure with standards as current regulations of Government (such as duration of use is over 1 year and its value is equal or greater than 10 million dongs). - Financial hired fixed asset: it is fixed asset that is hired capital under form of fixed assets. These assets have not been owned by the establishment yet, but the establishment is legally responsible for managing, maintenance, controlling and using them as fixed assets of the establishment. - Intangible fixed assets: These are intangible and have value of investment to be depreciated for values of products. These are copyrights, patents, etc., used in investment process but not accounted for tangible fixed assets. 5.7. Output value Output value of industry is the total production value of industrial activity of the establishment during given period. Industrial output value is calculated at constant price and current price. a- Industrial output value at constant price is calculated by products multiply (x) constant price regulated by Government. In case products that have no constant price, current price is changed to constant price through the transfer coefficient of this product. Output value at constant price in each period of this publication has different constant price, specify: The period of 1985 - 1990 is calculated by constant price 1982. The period of 1990 - 1994 is calculated by constant price 1989. The period of 1994 - 2005 is calculated by constant price 1994. Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development 17 b- Gi¸ trÞ tÝnh theo gi¸ thùc tÕ: Lµ gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt tÝnh theo gi¸ thùc tÕ hµng n¨m gåm c¸c yÕu tè: - Doanh thu thuÇn c«ng nghiÖp + Doanh thu tiªu thô s¶n phÈm: Lµ doanh thu nh÷ng s¶n phÈm ®−îc s¶n xuÊt b»ng nguyªn vËt liÖu cña doanh nghiÖp, nh÷ng s¶n phÈm do doanh nghiÖp ®−a nguyªn vËt liÖu ®i gia c«ng ë ®¬n vÞ kh¸c. + Doanh thu tiªu thô c¸c phô phÈm, c¸c phÕ phÈm, phÕ liÖu. + Gi¸ trÞ tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh tù chÕ, tù trang bÞ l¹i d−íi h×nh thøc lµ TSC§ vµ gi¸ trÞ s¶n phÈm do doanh nghiÖp s¶n xuÊt ra ®−a gãp vèn liªn doanh víi c¸c ®¬n vÞ kh¸c ch−a tÝnh vµo doanh thu trªn. + Doanh thu dÞch vô lµm cho bªn ngoµi (doanh thu lµm gia c«ng, söa ch÷a thiÕt bÞ m¸y mãc vµ c«ng viÖc cã tÝnh chÊt c«ng nghiÖp, l·i gép cña hµng ho¸ mua vµ b¸n ra kh«ng qua chÕ biÕn). + Doanh thu dÞch vô phi c«ng nghiÖp ®−îc qui ®Þnh tÝnh vµo s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp nh−: C¸c kho¶n thu cho thuª thiÕt bÞ m¸y mãc, nhµ x−ëng; dÞch vô vËn t¶i cho bªn ngoµi, b¸n b¶n quyÒn ph¸t minh, cho thuª nh·n m¸c vµ c¸c ho¹t ®éng kh¸c ngoµi c«ng nghiÖp kh«ng h¹ch to¸n riªng ®−îc (kh«ng tÝnh phÇn lîi tøc cho vay, l·i cæ phiÕu, l·i liªn doanh). - Gi¸ trÞ chªnh lÖch (±) gi÷a cuèi kú vµ ®Çu kú : chi phÝ s¶n xuÊt dë dang, b¸n thµnh phÈm, tån kho thµnh phÈm, gi¸ trÞ hµng ho¸ ®ang trªn ®−êng ®i tiªu thô ch−a thu ®−îc tiÒn. - ThuÕ tiªu thô s¶n phÈm ph¸t sinh ph¶i nép (ThuÕ VAT, thuÕ tiªu thô ®Æc biÖt, thuÕ xuÊt khÈu). 5.8. S¶n phÈm chñ yÕu cña ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp Lµ kÕt qu¶ trùc tiÕp cña ho¹t ®éng s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp t¹o ra kh«ng ph©n biÖt s¶n phÈm ®ã ®−îc s¶n xuÊt tõ nguyªn vËt liÖu cña doanh nghiÖp hay nguyªn vËt liÖu cña kh¸ch hµng ®−a ®Õn gia c«ng; Nh÷ng s¶n phÈm ®ã ®· lµm xong thñ tôc nhËp kho tr−íc 24 giê ngµy cuèi cïng cña kú b¸o c¸o vµ cã vÞ trÝ quan träng vÒ gi¸ trÞ sö dông hoÆc chiÕm gi¸ trÞ lín cña mçi ngµnh.......... 18 C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn b- Output value at current price is output value calculated by annual current price, includes: - Net turnover + Turnover for selling of all goods: it is turnover of goods from own production of the establishment and goods made by other from materials supplied by the establishment. + Turnover for selling of scrap and by-products. + Values of fixed assets produced for own consumption and value of goods produced by the establishment and transfer to others. + Receipts for industrial services (receipts for processing, repairing and maintaining equipments and industrial work done for others, receipts for goods sold in the same condition as purchased). + Receipts for non-industrial services: include all receipts for building, machinery and storage given in lease or rented out; receipts for transport services provided to others, receipts for copyright, patents, trademark and others (excludes interest rate, dividends and profit from joint-venture). - Change (±) of semi-finished goods, finished goods in stocks at the beginning and end of the year, the goods on the way of shipping. - Consumption tax for goods (VAT, excise tax, export duties or fees). 5.8. Main industrial products Main industrial products are results of industrial production activity without distinction of production from materials of establishments or clients; these products that are put in the warehouses before 24 o’clock of the final day of the reported period and occupy an important position or great value in each sector. Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development 19 5.9. Lîi nhuËn s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp Lîi nhuËn s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp lµ kÕt qu¶ cuèi cïng cña c¸c ho¹t ®éng c«ng nghiÖp cña c¸c c¬ së s¶n xuÊt kinh doanh trong mét thêi gian nhÊt ®Þnh (th¸ng, quý, n¨m). Hay nãi c¸ch kh¸c ®ã lµ gi¸ trÞ míi t¹o ra cña s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp thuéc së h÷u cña c¬ së ®−îc thÓ hiÖn b»ng sè tiÒn l·i hoÆc lç. Lîi nhuËn s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp tÝnh b»ng tæng doanh thu thuÇn c«ng nghiÖp trõ (-) tæng chi phÝ ph¸t sinh t−¬ng øng víi tæng doanh thu thuÇn c«ng nghiÖp. Lîi nhuËn s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp ®−îc tÝnh theo lîi nhuËn tr−íc thuÕ (lîi nhuËn ph¸t sinh do kÕt qu¶ tiªu thô s¶n phÈm c«ng nghiÖp) vµ lîi nhuËn sau thuÕ (lîi nhuËn ph¸t sinh sau khi ®· trõ (-) sè ph¶i nép cho ng©n s¸ch nhµ n−íc theo luËt thuÕ thu nhËp doanh nghiÖp). 5.10. Tû suÊt lîi nhuËn cña 1 ®ång vèn SXKD cña doanh nghiÖp c«ng nghiÖp Lµ tû lÖ gi÷a tæng sè lîi nhuËn tr−íc thuÕ cña ho¹t ®éng s¶n xuÊt kinh doanh c«ng nghiÖp trong mét thêi kú chia (:) cho tæng nguån vèn b×nh qu©n trong kú cña c¸c doanh nghiÖp s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp. Tû suÊt lîi nhuËn trªn vèn (TLN/V) = Tæng lîi nhuËn tr−íc thuÕ trong kú Tæng nguån vèn b×nh qu©n trong kú Sè liÖu chØ tÝnh cho c¸c lo¹i h×nh doanh nghiÖp. 5.11. Møc trang bÞ tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh cho mét lao ®éng c«ng nghiÖp Lµ hÖ sè gi÷a gi¸ trÞ tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh tÝnh theo gi¸ cßn l¹i t¹i thêi ®iÓm cuèi n¨m chia cho sè lao ®éng t¹i thêi ®iÓm cuèi n¨m t−¬ng øng. ChØ tiªu møc trang bÞ tµi s¶n cè ®Þnh cho mét lao ®éng ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp ph¶n ¸nh tr×nh ®é kü thuËt c«ng nghÖ cña s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp, còng nh− kh¶ n¨ng vµ ®iÒu kiÖn lµm viÖc, t¨ng n¨ng suÊt lao ®éng cña ng−êi s¶n xuÊt c«ng nghiÖp. Møc trang bÞ TSC§ cho mét lao ®éng CN t¹i thêi ®iÓm 20 = Gi¸ trÞ TSC§ theo gi¸ cßn l¹i cã t¹i thêi ®iÓm Sè lao ®éng c«ng nghiÖp cã ë cïng thêi ®iÓm t−¬ng øng C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn 5.9. Profit Industrial production profit is the final result of industrial activities of establishment during the period (month, quarter, and year) or new value created by establishment that is showed by the amount of gain or loss money. Industrial production profit is calculated by total industrial net turnover minus (-) total costs corresponding to total industrial net turnover. Industrial production profit is calculated by amount of gain before paying tax (profit from selling of industrial products) and amount of gain after paying tax (profit after submitting to state budget under the Enterprise Income Tax. 5.10. Profit rate compared with capital It is ratio between total profit before tax gained by production of industrial establishment during a period and average capital of the establishment during the period. Profit-capital rate (TLN/V) Total profit before tax during a period = Average capital during the period Data is only calculated by types of enterprise. 5.11. Rate of fixed asset equipment for an industrial employee It is ratio between fixed asset value by remaining price and the number of corresponding employees at the end of the year. It reflects technological qualification of industrial production as well as working abilities and conditions, productivity of industrial employees. Rate of fixed asset equipment for an industrial employee at the time Value of fixed asset by remaining price at that time = Number of corresponding employees at that time Vietnamese industry in 20 years of renovation and development 21 5.12. Tû träng c¸c nhãm ngµnh c«ng nghÖ tÝnh theo gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt (Gi¸ thùc tÕ) C¨n cø vµo c«ng nghÖ s¶n xuÊt cña c¸c ngµnh s¶n phÈm, c«ng nghiÖp chÕ biÕn ®−îc chia ra ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp c«ng nghÖ cao, ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp c«ng nghÖ trung b×nh, ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp c«ng nghÖ thÊp. C«ng nghÖ s¶n xuÊt cña mét ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp ®−îc c¨n cø vµo c«ng nghÖ s¶n xuÊt ra s¶n phÈm, kh«ng c¨n cø vµo tr×nh ®é kü thuËt c«ng nghÖ cô thÓ cña tõng doanh nghiÖp trong ngµnh ®ã. Theo quy ®Þnh cña Tæ chøc Ph¸t triÓn c«ng nghiÖp Liªn HiÖp quèc (UNIDO) th×: - Ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp c«ng nghÖ cao gåm: S¶n xuÊt m¸y mãc thiÕt bÞ th«ng dông vµ chuyªn dông; S¶n xuÊt thiÕt bÞ v¨n phßng, m¸y tÝnh; S¶n xuÊt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn, ®iÖn tö; S¶n xuÊt radio, tivi, thiÕt bÞ truyÒn th«ng; S¶n xuÊt dông cô y tÕ, chÝnh x¸c; S¶n xuÊt s÷a ch÷a xe cã ®éng c¬; S¶n xuÊt söa ch÷a ph−¬ng tiÖn vËn t¶i kh¸c. - Ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp c«ng nghÖ trung b×nh gåm: S¶n xuÊt than cèc, dÇu má; S¶n xuÊt hãa chÊt; S¶n xuÊt s¶n phÈm cao su vµ plastic; S¶n xuÊt s¶n phÈm chÊt kho¸ng phi kim lo¹i; S¶n xuÊt kim lo¹i; S¶n xuÊt s¶n phÈm b»ng kim lo¹i. - Ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp c«ng nghÖ thÊp gåm: S¶n xuÊt thùc phÈm vµ ®å uèng; S¶n xuÊt thuèc l¸, thuèc lµo; S¶n xuÊt s¶n phÈm dÖt; S¶n xuÊt trang phôc; S¶n xuÊt s¶n phÈm b»ng da, gi¶ da; S¶n xuÊt s¶n phÈm gç vµ l©m s¶n; S¶n xuÊt giÊy vµ c¸c s¶n phÈm b»ng giÊy; XuÊt b¶n, in vµ sao b¶n ghi; S¶n xuÊt gi−êng, tñ, bµn, ghÕ; S¶n xuÊt s¶n phÈm t¸i chÕ. Tû träng nhãm ngµnh c«ng nghÖ cao hoÆc trung b×nh hoÆc thÊp 22 = Tæng gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt theo gi¸ thùc tÕ cña c¸c ngµnh cã c«ng nghÖ (cao hoÆc trung b×nh hoÆc thÊp) Tæng gi¸ trÞ s¶n xuÊt theo gi¸ thùc tÕ cña ngµnh c«ng nghiÖp chÕ biÕn C«ng nghiÖp ViÖt Nam 20 n¨m ®æi míi vµ ph¸t triÓn
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