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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Tiếng Nhật - Hàn Shin kanzen master n3 choukai...

Tài liệu Shin kanzen master n3 choukai


Mô tả:

tf=fv7rE6=EfrWt=ilfiffi +filr)*D' t'J' iEEffifE' EfiA'H7 e ililil IIilililII fllililfl illll illfi Iilil ilil GD ilt 2fif{* 1179846? ttrt CDz+KfrH 7Ua-*vt 7-2 @2012 by Nakamura Kaori, Fukushima Sachi, and Tomomatsu Etsuko All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Published by 3A Corporation. Trusty Kojimachi Bldg., 2F,4, Kojimachi 3-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan ISBN978-4-883 1 9-609-8 C008 First published2012 Printed in Japan 1 t* uotE : /c. EA-#AEffi t EA..#HEtil,mi*. l9B4 4r,:.95* L /r v.Ao EIA ;l(BiltEo,ltrffioat,ffio--> Lts -r ( r,, * r. ;frEftFEmh,6 20+D/tftEits ? 6F6i:. YB#fit'gffilbL. E6-#YHoEH!6AIV,L.201offi.*f Lt,. tEl4i*HEt;fr,ffir LL< 66tJt3 tl6fcho+HZ L * 9-. RlAt:. tlH}#.8;{,ffAr r. *[Ao;rt,m t E Dtrjt' a1frffitffiu,'c a6 . t i. ] -: (. tA < rr 1,f Pfrfr9z)Wfr,L ? fs2t,rft h'|_frE-:d,L * f . rA=o)++ffi cF{fEflz=ti.Abt(. Ztt?tttt,il'ry-tsz* tvXY.l::. t ir(B 6. @&z* tvtf-ftWtffil"r+H? a. L ii j D. ffiffi/r <,Wfr4Dtt*r,c ->tI t>tt6 " @DLv.El^;g(.Bu. D. ffi-a(6-rv, 6 fc r X6" i +BEi.t4HA 6 tLAb,tZ i-frfr,tr< E * L fc" Z "flif+H#rrWWa)tht'ttl .r. I-UOA i l:6( i,r tv.ix *tvt. B4#E2r;fi,motrrrtElli;'>f't*tt">tI btLa j i i;.* t D/corr4grr. . tt#tT 6Wt;_t:'tg. a*W.tttft-tt: t lEffii:. BA;EtfE-: <+H . Hi6^HtrEa-#HEr;=t,$A -:r"t:- Lt-EEo(t,,*T. 2012+5 E #* 61" /i'tr.,,LXi fi i'tr r F=]EE,ffi *t* f" q r,r;L- Bti L D Tt.t:L * t obA--nfrh'6{&*HF+Har. tBF*rs DAffi*HXD rti,l:(LS/"lj1,.iiVn'Z{ijlj?8i. /Ji: i,l,ii 6i,tr,. . l1tr-6'\3h'&4Z6ffiE(" E+REti*ffiEHfiEi.#r'?rA$oLX+fittOb Oh\b D *T" *Wa vuL tr l,tlr * .i A1L',aa ifr,$ffrl*. PfiflEa;Etl:frHgnrb q *-r. The problem is to listen carefully and pick up the requests, instructions and suggestions ofa coherent conversation or spoken statement and to think u,hat should be done. On the problem sheet, the choices are shou,n in written form or as illustrations. In the actual examination there rvill be an exercise before the problem is presented. fr,+wtrilr,hfr-Fti6, ffiEffiffii44ii:,e-tstrt,riE>F. B&ijHr qrnljl. €i 1,.$L +Ezr. i3i!4^H,ruE!A+, l*tL A 3 .orfiE<"it. *THr"1affi\2,( ( fi3v," Z 6 L<- ( /j3 v.. L\ I 2 3 4 C Z)- t *t-1" q.Ht+ffi'r liDd tlLa a a]' 6 ta IRtfrtH3. trLt,tr, ,##-ofrRHt-r a Itrfli n,LD k t"/t t*+a--rrt7)fr F':Ef;E^ h,D t z b.fi[Jrr,, L)rf ,," : 3.a ijts . ta L[ dl,:, k Z.Z.- ? I*sE x -> L*t*,, i; ( l,rf)?. 4) i qLH8 &!, L" igi,dl#{ffii*},Fffi ts iJ ttci'/r q Bii& r4;,Ldi l*& tsta Ij a, t. L e 6/,& : uE/, #&€ur <D lt?.trt, i.Lrt$, * fi>te lrfctA. rf ('i:S:(. Etl'Ct LEo(\,r*r-. ++i* ri*\.,rt tE::Cr,:6 tJ/wa, i. ,. tii HL. t#Etrfa;i** t e>oLa4faii("r,,v, (i,)I tfE;18L(\,r6l)(. b, < ta/w aA X i E.c.* L L D r.\ 6!. LD .t tl &1. ( l.i a/. zrt]J$i.<*f . i., i:. tfimtrl&ffifsD-f A-\ts: t azl-{.fi*'p. m+rrlE|c.:L <\!\At. D i i'i: * T. at the beginning. The teacher has said rFfiHrJf E ( rr ) and tf ('i:*-:(.-Eii< laoitfirstandletmeseeit)l.Asthestudentsays rtrj;r (yes).1, agreeing to the teacher's instructions, and then asks rE 3 Ef O i* * t e> A L a 5 fl il(" t,. t,. (i,) (ts it okay to only rewrite the conclusion?)1, the correct answer is 2. ln this manner, attention wiil be focused on the words expressing what should be done, that is, on words that denote an instruction or request, and on whether or not the opposite party has given its consent to the instruction or request. Since the question says r * f' (first)1, one should think about what is done /3Lr (themanuscriptisnotreadyyet)1 t€Fl+fiIlr"*f'(En^)", tfiUlfrWtullf{EgiIHf]ffi"Eft9.l&ttA? "Zl)frleiil,tt"F{Hrl<"8(!,/ar,,(ffi +trit5fi)"ztr, ix,"-r ('r:P:(. Eri(({6gtq, qfrTh+\E)", ++w$i{"iiv,({Tffi)", t,ri'ffl+* *z,t)fr*1ffi-^,WtrI.H"gEtr,. oii i , BrkEffiE-#.P.z. H *. t 4L, B - Egt+5{EHtzr+Fzi. Lba L. zfa\-e\,,f i,e*rF++zrD'f&Srx , (7):) (ffi#tr,H.r6trt*[r]E5E[g? )" fr'rlTffi Flt*ifr , i64EHmi6/. B! Fl B, E€8686 fr." I -#Ersf4_@ T iilrl Lle v.dA, E : d,/vi:t\ 'e B.': * t * D ab6ifrrt'6. Hr',lJ?T-l:. t i. ,f,4 > lxff.o Dtwl'\/aCvr" r 1 Ttlti( thtbZafi't, a!$rli, 2 +Hatrafrltf 6fi'6 fl LLrat i.a/'L* 3 E)&offi{Eili:fi ( i'6 4 E .Ftr lt'a< t*/"q\ 'tt'6 L4,*2 ?C @FEEfiElr l) 7:9 tit*. *a . }iirt..., * &li E ., */,t * .H a,l* * : &'6 uLq L,i*: +'d1l-. t,,-rbrs6iEfl*lfra*fsLt:fi U'."". t'{*ts I AD pfi'hu,4-t /jLia" 8tr H,, Fi,* * sri: ,,& r, 5rl';r':,,f,*4 tr'f,itt L" ffiffib,.:r?a" ol':.:::...:oi:..i'}j::i1'.'..i. wat Ai*,t i L, ( iX L \,, : ( fE * ti- ( /c ( : FdEE/r v, ) I t E ->'C r 6 O (')Et.,, * f )I t " g? tr? Lr h ./c 6?a 6ld6 IJ.aLt'Z E o'c \, r 6 /) (.. 2 rttE Z<'T " t E)&o>ffi{ff=t l: fT ( I o i*ffr (". r \/) -? 6 /e 6 )EX i*f a aLLei P3. rs Ltil,, D (:+Ei*{ ari*trL,) r odn-cT " l*tL /ei. "e ril"t(L *j/d :tiJ bA r.r4 :tlJ iort. :- a k i r,c.. 15rtri;H< ( AiEfllffi t ltr D.*. * /c t*lEJ u^.e.*ffi4;E*l:i|e': L <. ? r., L LD, bL !\ l*/e a.It ttt:-> v,<,,=ETA2s;ivr/c v, :t ai{}r.r* r.i rr,\tts (HEffir'AEHlr,) il,ii tZ Z*.-f " Using the choices as hints for suggesting the reasons why the man cannot go to the drinking parfy should be considered. His r 7 )V u\4 F (part-timejob)t isnottheanswer,ashesays rr.r1,r 1:ffiffi/g\rrnoproblemlt.Hethensays tffii,-l-6i*Lr,r:(*E* ?t- ( t ) (t have been asked to look after)t | 7H @) (my elder sister's child)1 , thus the correct answer is 2. The person who tfi i#alfiE{E>ti:l: ( (is going to a friend's wedding party)l is his elder sister and rt,.:6 /a 6lE*i1ff4 teLtit) t (always has the weekend off, bur.. [:4Ei*fFa-e i* /r t,, this weekend is not off])l is his elder brother. ln this manner, attention will be focused on the same words being in the choices or the words that have the same meaning as the choices and one should consider what the person talking about this really wants to say (answering in the affirmative or negative). B-W**4&frfifrd, tlffiffiH+H+T.ffi*EEiHBlHtr" frifr"7tv,s4 1- (+TI)"tr2{fiii,"v.v.(:FEFE /r!)) (6#rlij)", trrttBUflFW. frrn"T{*", trmifi,iE"Gi''r(itLr,,:<*F*?'t-(/c) U\X+t*ffi,VWIffi1', +)", BiHiiftrIzft.EffiE#-" )frrfr"tscEotrt''tBfri.fT < (*4JEflEX.ffirBnL)"E{HrLilfiih, "t,,-r{:/r6)E* tJtt b ts L ti tt t ( : +E ii fF a <" i* & t. ) (B+ E Zwm--@ trl"/..l. iliil i lr iirr L' L €/-tLr L\t i,i,ii * t * qobAifiXffitr,(. A{6t L(E\,,/:\z,J ttr;fifLoffitrtZZAFfiE("9-. Ii?Et' I, lJ/" +:l,ljt,. *i lr/-Lt'. t[Ao;-fr,$Ar i*. FfiEEoBt i: fFBirA D * 9-. The problem is to listen carefully to a coherent conversation or spoken statement and to consider il,hat the conversation or the spoken statement as a whole is saying and u,hat the intentions ofthe persons speaking are. In the actual examination there will be an exercise before the problem is presented. dt+fEE ,t14fr-Ei-rt, ztrfitBFtifrfrli.e.-4iHifry'.E!.tr,*trfi1ilElrl. iErt4ifrBlEtfE, EtEA.€ thilE€s crnljr' -tr,FlE. {& {raL,} i L rfi FEffi fiE E 6nL!. /61: 6r/:'r.. L. . o rfi i*il' L t:.\,' L t ll8! *A- L2$L lit'" /6/s\,,I i r,AEfl ( FfiEr9-. ;fia;Btl:Hft,1Ci6 D *ril". *3.;f;Affi1,,( ( /aA . o rfi E'e i*. i. {4 6 r, ) tu 3 -" 3 ?a( \,, ) * tl EE l,! U2LL i, 6.HF€ Lt! Lf: t 2 3 < &h' L)L Le-ffirzr(. I h' t, 4 o+h'6.ffi 6 I .) .) -.L.) ts r,, 6 L\t oL--) Z r, L<. \o ./q 74 au ]'-!.- < 4 { t 1 @- F"lFEftEA $ I 7,e.rs7'n firUrtl(oAfr#L, .:.:i.,...::.'..']::h'x't},,.r.0e'.*l-Lr... :r,) (.,i*>CIF ry,fr,* d#BtrL.E L -x'i .,fr>,* Xi*,, ffiffi ,{ Lr 6 & tr E r*iJl3 fu. " pi., e , *r4,..... L .: . .: ira,|uLFl :aats l?:*' Ol ,,;,' . S !'fr:: L *i&S i,..,:.&'D *s L,,i -:' L i**:.CI:t-'a; ffitJt'o6<,8:i L;. t?t : i ",. 3 :i,6ij h6&"..., : , : 496.: tr : .&t4F6 h ,,? # ffi$A-4 i:ff" H/e. f6'E-E('.r LfitXtL<, ZO jJ*ffi.(,t, B6Ei/ Lrt t' fiit --E*frL:Ca("f t\ri,iA{:t,,*f." 6 }*!)*,*jTf*,], ,, :. ra,6 t::t *a,a ,.. , ':., , .ar' *eil ..i : ,*r, I Airffi$Ffaffi* ,, 2 ffit,H(te>afrYE .. t)tirL . &l"Lrj. ?f: ,*:& 3. ffiffi,-.oi*#oBZfr btrt, 11 i,r: , : , r: , ,: . i' : ,,,, 3l"hr1 h,Llt\, Eil^z Lrir.L. L' LD i, /ii. A/wbr, S< A L*L j i: tE:(zrL(v'6ffiFEi*. rHFLv.L)lt)'-tt<. ZA'fA)1Affi( it)t (tensingyourbodyandthenrelaxing are examples of these methods. In this manner, attention will be focused on what the conversation or the spoken statement as a whole is saying and what the inten- tions ofthe persons speaking are. in&ifi+, ifi,ifiu\U":"#E/r L*L* i G\*h*.X+4-T)"+l\fiififfiE"RtFL. v. ( :i'o& DfiUl+A-*tuWffiXlLtr1fri*)", trrltiEfiBE*ft.z" "E#f?,l,otr<'=i (EH d,L. Eifi,Bi9t)"ff"{6r:*g \"'> Lht)'.tt<, ?o'&ht+k< G.lt+Hgr&tr*, *tr'frnl1nfi*)" Afftrtutfrr1+ ill*ffi'RlrtrtEtx" H tE L, 4E.s.:+tsffi Hftifr B! ifr E&ifi,if; /. ffi H tr . 3 BrrrEffi--@ Z A [*& F,tsht 3 r n' {, t dt/. +jrtl\ l)1,1t.r f\ L\t tB iJ t: b l*. b n,ii\ 6. Z 0) )'.ot-wtbt:i-><. IEffitr\tiEi:A a +#ifrt4 Z 6 F{Err-. t&*EL ll. u:,tf }" :i: $ntr- *i 6ur tuLr,h, The problem is to consider the utterances that flt the situations and circumstances from the standpoint ofthe person concerned rvhile looking at the illustration. The ansrvers will be expressions denoting a request or asking for permission. There rvill be an exercise belbre the problem is presented. rtt+ffiHEdA-tffiWl, it4+.hffiil\+nfr#58i6jE,+.EHffi*itr{, E.t 4ifr H! Etfiff Hiq A filEE. EhiiH+ {& tr.i-/3rr 4 L2$,t" "€ aOFfiE1" it..2-XF,tsh\rrH.WAffirr( ( Eln tt\ I h, t> 3 A+h,6. ffi 6 I I 2 @-F1ffifiElr 3 U r.,, do t fl4v.. itrlEHt*rriE*4ftr>J.i+tr'B!ffii{tr. FD 6 L (--) A^t;lnl Are--t Z t, L<. ( /:.E r,," & Er,,. * J. i." 7, U) | X,+ ? Sffi H,', .. : - :. ::. l r)* ia :,g-,ffi f; g.*: E.ft ,ffi ,* *:f t,' t&,o- ::].'.Uea.'..,''-*!t-:.:sL. a CI#ffi fl)*e, E:f ,:,,, #* . ", {rl }, S' ! r,, 9 ]r $ *',6,-L li l '5 '' 'gii, ;.Ja,Hffia#*l1i., ,W,i.'(v,,ftf,,g g: *," T L'i.* i' : ' *:;' :,:.Ll.6h'ii1.:.'...i,}f.....a.L: :: z:,., ::a:.b.0.) < l- t,f, fr' Eil, l-)&ot3!.DtJalt { jfi;EEBX<'t#t+a1i.Efl ( r tE:(\,,6o<. #ffiaLt:FD DxiSjitrDlrd,A, Ut X) i, i.ta BL l:ggfit**.2*t. itt Ut El. r' {rL i*#rXrr;+rla*o Uli8]i Eir 2 Lr 6=.\, iJ Dl" ut *-L i*;f;T[h:i#.1< ,'iE ix L\,, l*/s a}& <\.bA, tto) i\ L\ ,'L ,'/. b arA (;Ef fi, tfE{lEu,F<". {tifltSr,,*f. aA\,,fict h, 3 i*ffirAriffi+fUriLlA, Zb L'1. (-) 6L UjrX*, " t', 3 t,',b I UxrIJ/w l:. {XifitrthffitWffiV<. ztu.Aa *rni_)EC* T. fitLaWlFttTtfr, t' tiliir, 3 iiliSri 2h' i.F. b Alf'fi<[fr.bfuAW * = /ctIE i:il.a* L * f . :. o k, 6|oi r$ffiA)]:ffi ( (ast< the office clerk)1, the office clerk explains to the perSince the explanation of the situational context says sons marked with an arrow (the person speaking) the way in which the form should be completed. Choice 2 fits the situation because it gives the way of asking for an explanation to the person asking. Choice 1 gives the way in which the person speaking asks for per- mission and choice 3 the way in which the person speaking makes a suggestion. In this manner, the fltting expression is selected on a proper understanding ofthe circumstance and the situation. Attention should be given to the expression that explains whose action it is and the fixed expression used in the given circumstance. iil,il1--"4tr*a^i.ffi ( (iEl{fr@/.E)", HITBU+Uffiifi,ifr/\F! H B'lEiLr]4/\E&ffi ffi*Flu\(i{ifiul)(ffi6-)EtaE, frifrztr,e#-fii6r&Blttsifr, EHTB-'IFrR" rtrIl+zriEifi,,lfrrF5[ ,l' tr! lrl H, r&4 3 tzrii,ifi ,,l P!ei!, fl 6 i6 ffi tis '-.'ttrF. Biggffi*mrfiBffiif,ififfiR, *frt+qzfEHE!*tsi;t. 4iLc.*fUB[&frifrtl#-iLfrrt+' Arcffi+lfr.EtE' ffiffi+fr*rtffiFEf , 4 x##E-@ HF"i. 6 .feffi. 6 \,, J -r /a ertdr,i iofu\,'r.i$. #8. DreL, !r/:ll U lJ/, F€E("r' F[ao;fi'$Arii. 6,ttl. *r. f (" i: < nrE" "t E zT {4 z Ai,L$, F"lEarEtl;ffFH h\ b t) *' T " This problem is to think about the most suitable way of ansrvering immediately after hearing a shofi sentence which may be a question, repoft, or greeting. In the actual examination there will be an exercise belbre the problem is presented. EIB. trfr 4ifr F!Ef{r*, Ef ffiilufts €) 6rLt.ji . oFfiE(ci. EAE-iEfriE" L /ai: s-/- E 3?ti.;ftra* e>a*fr<,. 3 rrzi'Li.ai E+rr-. 6 EliL& .d, D @a E ,.i- b 0}itJ,n .b, (2) | ts L? t t v . i *eexw,*fF "2 < ItrH a H ! ) ( \/ ) a a <.. 2 b\RU oy.t: A i Pi E b6h UridL ,'r.r b .rt\ urilJl" .a L i l:. /di'rafihfFtt?tlEi.+. A;6('{EbtLatH. iJh a 6loi ^/' L) ESrT. r,' 6(;E/r Dc:/}.a:L *f. (1) The first sentence is an expression used to ask for permission to sit down. So 3 is the reply best suited to the first sentence. (2) Because the reason is asked by using a colloquial expression ls L-C t,2 is the answer best suited to the first sentence. In this manner, attention is drawn to whose action the expression points to and to the colloquial expression or polite language. ) fE l,l +zr ii ifi ,,\ [R 4 T, r+ M.:*th:tL'i+i+ HJ, tr rft ierf 3 Bi E A f[ ts E gd . (2) EE f tr i*+rtirt " /r tu<"" iEhl4 H' tr rltfr ,I 2 ffi E 6f[EEm. 4\+H y\W A ffE! + {+EiS, t 4 B, L'A ifr + lF.HT tt tat*ffi*it f fi ' H WH l*- ffiffitr # ( 1 " 5 E[E+ril€--@ D: D } ( *)JEEIffi i. }jt 3 flt/ r-.P-r 2 ri.-2=2 7, tv I p4 y I i-Y = ,.aihrn'l EL.ffi ( r. *froi€v,iri2i, D sT *T. ( Differences in meanhg are made easier to understand when listening by using accents and intonation as a clue. 'E E l# $ltr lfr ei# iE B! 6 lEl, trJ ll-{ A X}fl i4 lft *Jtffi " t1LLfi. #FB1 _B tamr,( ( /:.d r,'. z^ t, b<"-frr," d &it-& tllih, L\ b ffiW )'.fr**f. w Zt+h,6 (@) *EW (1) do$) a*tfu. (a =-L- b/ab, : u- ). *;ffiv,L*T" Er,\8, (a 3:E b ffi)lf ). Bl+3tui.A\,,*L/c" :i'ri*(a + b [H )r/svrt(3*iitu. (a 6i-rij'v.v, b 6i,i-i*v.r,, )tHv,*f" -l. te (2) lr* (3) (4) iit, b I,I* h'z rt\ (6) +((a ifr'>tc b Ai'fc )i*iirt"t"tfj' :OEE. (a trx'>L b t"xit )t,'t,'tT?'f," (7) .OBREi*(a (5) "r, < .i.v,75r l\6 t" a 6i-trtr,/c b 6i Da .EF,/cv, L'ts )" h, (8) (e) m) trz-(a C{tl*Hofc b c{t.bh,->fc )oz ltLrs(a,*i. b *ax. lt$a*Lx). ?. bL(a 6a,rL. r5*? b $aDLr.x*?-)j" I 'Dtr,r/c D. t4. b Eto} i /r#r,rEtLtcqT A L. E L 6.,i r'\ lcti E Efl Ery D i: ( ( /r D * T "7, -V > | F 4 v l. r- - ! a yi:it,E'r L <. E L ( H EHx D * L r D _ W?t*. r-E$r L ," It may be hard to understand what the speaker is saying if counter suffixes, such as -o'c1ock and - minute(s), or expressions like r 4 5 El (4 or 5 days)l are used. Pay attention to accent and intonation to help you conectly understand what is beinj said. &?trmf*Eirl, in"-E*". "-'n" jiit+BltzrEftFJBlEif,, Efr h illxBE., Affi 'HA, T*tf 4. H.c.:triE&iEiE fi,t))" " ffiBt -C tamr,( ( /:'S r,,. (r) (a BZq b treS h, €^ t, cr<"-fr'. LfE toozq 6 ) ,r h, Q) (a BEi.gEl b +Bt'gB ) t_) J-,12 &,L (3) (a 3H+5/z\ b 35h' ) (4) (a 11.1.,{--lz)/5 b tO.tz{-2y h) n, c 'RA (5) (a 7.8/ri b 7ffi8ri ) l:tl . frL (6) (a totr + b lo, + ) ,:t" s (7) (a 3ha2 b s#az ) (8) (a 356H b sHs.6oH') 3' 3' (e) (a 2,3fl+ b 3nT ) 's:t" 00) tte ttv (a &< fi!50,,\ b t50A @-.rEErflffi- r ) EF@t+fffr*tla 4. 5E . (4, 5X)"B!firfrHrlB{, A}grr Llz 0L *E L ,r+ t,./r. l:t il/6 Llirnl t,ifij't E i*. EirAEfA fuf:0. h' Su,/c b o tir iit t i*E: /:El: tsofcD -f 6 : L i^ ++ i)\d)t) * 9 " When talking with close iriends certain sounds may be omitted or sounds dif-ferent from written language may be used t i,l:{ 7T,CIW pt:i ^d *' 6 *4Ll"tcfr? f-Ut).r r-6ti.i @ r-5 tsr r Tt-t t,*i,ltfrLD+i ff r- D pr L] ,- (ra ( ) 6 rir r- (/a) 5 r: t- (te f: f '- -- ( 6l'- @ C6l LO @ *no< a ,/ffi.L<'6 t--Cfct r-T./at tfll Til-., ->tct t-T 5 /s < < (i,/ L tstl tttt r-TU\b.t L,A frl-t t, P,/ < d't L r, @fll r-rt,*)t t--c u, iwl/\,1, -: ( ;'> t: *i* E 'rf: *t, L\ tr tt,)Wl,/t,u,La->t: . @ t - Xem thêm -