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Tài liệu Houghton mifflin math grade 5 (tài liệu học toán bằng tiếng anh lớp 5)


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Houghton Mifflin Math Grade 5 (Tài liệu học Toán bằng Tiếng Anh lớp 5)
~ HOUGHTON MIFFLIN BOSTON ~ HOUGHTON MIFFLIN wsrON Educolion Place- is 0 registered Irademar~ at Houghlon Miftlin Company. Capyrigll CW07 by Houghton Milfljn Company. AU riglls reserved. No pert at this wor~ rnov be reproduced or Ircrrsmilled in any rorm or by any Jl1El(I'l$, electronic Of ",acholliool. Including pho!OCOllYlng Of recording, Of by any InrOfmation stOfaga Of retr;a..a system "";thout tha pr"" wrillElfl permission at Houghlon Miffiln Company unless such copving is expressly permilled by rederd oopyriglt 1cM, Acldress inqo.Wies 10 School Permissions. Houghton MffIin Company, 222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116 Printed In tha U.S.A. ISBN·13: 978·0·618·59095·7 ISB~HO: 0·618·59095·1 23'156789·QW-09 08 07 06 Houghton Mifflin Math Program Authors and Consultants • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Authors • Professor ...- 01 M:::IIhefrotics Consultants D•. Lee 511ft Strategic Consultanl Professor of Molhemo!ics Or. Uplng Ma ...- -~ C""»",, SIale Lniversiry Carnogie F«ndolion Booton lhver$ily Boston. MA Adeirjl, NC Dr. Mati La.son Or. B.UCiI R. Vogell eu.icUum 5pecioIisl for Molhelloolics Oil'I'ord 6<_ l.\)lOn Professor 01 Mo!he<.OOT'c$ Nonh Tlling Palo Aha, CA Langu~ ond Voeabulary Consullant Dr. David Chord Prolessot 01 Aeolilog Lniversily 01 Oregon . . . . . OR Dr. Korol \'eon, Associate Professor lhve'V -,- Jell'erSf North E\eI~'._oIor., Bixt>or. OK e.... SChool Grllhom, NC J""" 1lI,lgor i..(MTiI!I EIemen1cry School Elgin. IL Shoron O'O,len Echo Mol.w1lo<:Io oj E\eI •• oIcay SChool Go:geS loke. II $lepl>anl, McDaniel B. e11 Jonl"" Patricio Heintz Ro.. Marie Bruno M::Jwbey SI<&el Elern8'V Lynn Fo. KMoUIVhlollilo E1.".... , .._OK ........ McDonald Sr....... The E\O'IIJIliSI ..- 0£r0.I'tW Mod* \AbQgon, IL ............Angelo McC'''Y West Bko'liliold. Ml Maoy Popo.1ch ibizon Han!>'.ef A:I1l, Il e...,...., SChool Debbie Taylor Sonot<>'l Sky a.m.. oICI'y ..- ...... "" ..- e - aen-, SChool Ellen O'ROUth Across Grades Gcwy Srnlltl lhoInotH. Ford Dow'..... , I..d3'd Objective Read and Wlita numbers IMlogh horl.pand9d 101m. Learn Aboul II Saint Lucia is located in the Caribbean Sea. In 2001. the population of Saint Lucia was 158.178. Look at the chan. The ~alue of a digit in a number is detennined by its place, For example. the first 8 from the left in 158.178 has a place value of 8.000. The second 8 has a place value of 8. i, ,I !• In a number. each group of 3 digits from right to left called a period. is separated by a comma. Different Ways WayO to Read and Write Numbers You can usa standard lorm . 158.178 Waye You can use word lorm. Waye You can use expanded form. 100.000 + 50.000 + 8,000 + 100 + 70 + 8 - (1 x 100,0(0) + (5 x 10.000) + (8 x 1.0(0) + (1 x 100) + (7 x 10) +(8x 1) Way one hundred fifty·eight thousand. one hundred seYenty·e~hI Guided Practice Write each nllmber in standard lorm. 1. 45 thousand, 79 2. three hundred sidy thousand. nine hundred eight 0 You can use short word form. 158 lhousarld. 178 ..~\t YOUNelf • Whal Is the greatest pIaoa vatue In !he ~-" • What is !he >'ill"" lor eaell pIaoa? 3. 400.000 + 8.000 + 600 + 20 bplain Your Thinking . . In Exercise 1. how did YO" decide in which places to write the digits 4 and 5? 4 ,I !•
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