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Tài liệu Hiệp định việt - mỹ


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AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM ON TRADE RELATIONS HiÖp ®Þnh th−¬ng m¹i gi÷a Hîp chñng quèc Hoa Kú vµ n−íc céng hoµ x· héi chñ nghÜa ViÖt nam The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Parties" and individually as "Party"), ChÝnh phñ n−íc Céng hoµ X· héi Chñ nghÜa ViÖt Nam vµ ChÝnh phñ Hîp Chñng Quèc Hoa Kú (d−íi ®©y ®−îc gäi chung lµ "c¸c Bªn" vµ gäi riªng lµ "Bªn"), Desiring to establish and develop mutually beneficial and equitable economic and trade relations on the basis of mutual respect for their respective independence and sovereignty; Mong muèn thiÕt lËp vµ ph¸t triÓn quan hÖ kinh tÕ vµ th−¬ng m¹i b×nh ®¼ng vµ cïng cã lîi trªn c¬ së t«n träng ®éc lËp vµ chñ quyÒn cña nhau; Acknowledging that the adoption of and compliance with international trade norms and standards by the Parties will aid the development of mutually beneficial trade relations, and should be the underlying basis of those relations; NhËn thøc r»ng, viÖc c¸c Bªn chÊp nhËn vµ tu©n thñ c¸c quy t¾c vµ tiªu chuÈn th−¬ng m¹i quèc tÕ sÏ gióp ph¸t triÓn quan hÖ th−¬ng m¹i cïng cã lîi, vµ lµm nÒn t¶ng cho c¸c mèi quan hÖ ®ã; Noting that Vietnam is a developing country at a low level of development, is in the process of economic transition and is taking steps to integrate into the regional and world economy by, inter alia, joining the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC), and working toward membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO); Ghi nhËn r»ng, ViÖt Nam lµ mét n−íc ®ang ph¸t triÓn cã tr×nh ®é ph¸t triÓn thÊp, ®ang trong qu¸ tr×nh chuyÓn ®æi kinh tÕ vµ ®ang tiÕn hµnh c¸c b−íc héi nhËp vµo kinh tÕ khu vùc vµ thÕ giíi, trong ®ã cã viÖc tham gia HiÖp héi c¸c Quèc gia §«ng Nam ¸ (ASEAN), Khu vùc MËu dÞch Tù do ASEAN (AFTA), vµ DiÔn ®µn Hîp t¸c Kinh tÕ ch©u ¸ - Th¸i B×nh D−ng (APEC) vµ ®ang tiÕn tíi trë thµnh thµnh viªn cña Tæ chøc Th−¬ng m¹i ThÕ giíi (WTO). Having agreed that economic and trade ties and intellectual property rights protection are an important and necessary element in the strengthening of their bilateral relations; and Tho¶ thuËn r»ng, c¸c mèi quan hÖ kinh tÕ, th−¬ng m¹i vµ viÖc b¶o hé quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ lµ nh÷ng nh©n tè quan träng vµ cÇn thiÕt cho viÖc t¨ng c−êng c¸c mèi quan hÖ song ph−¬ng gi÷a hai n−íc; vµ Being convinced that an agreement on trade relations between the Parties will best serve their mutual interests, Tin t−ëng r»ng, mét hiÖp ®Þnh vÒ quan hÖ th−¬ng m¹i gi÷a c¸c Bªn sÏ phôc vô tèt nhÊt cho lîi Ých chung cña c¸c Bªn; Have agreed as follows: §· tho¶ thuËn nh− sau: CHAPTER I CH¦¥NG I TRADE IN GOODS TH¦¥NG M¹I hµng ho¸ Article 1 §iÒu 1 Most Favored Nation (Normal Trade Relations) (1) Quy chÕ Tèi huÖ quèc (Quan hÖ Th−¬ng m¹i B×nh th−êng) vµ Kh«ng ph©n biÖt ®èi xö 1. Each Party shall accord immediately and unconditionally to products originating in or exported to the territory of the other Party treatment no less favorable than that accorded to like products originating in or exported to the territory of any third country in all matters relating to: 1. Mçi Bªn dµnh ngay lËp tøc vµ v« ®iÒu kiÖn cho hµng ho¸ cã xuÊt xø t¹i hoÆc ®−îc xuÊt khÈu tõ l·nh thæ cña Bªn kia sù ®èi xö kh«ng kÐm thuËn lîi h¬n sù ®èi xö dµnh cho hµng ho¸ t−¬ng tù cã xuÊt xø t¹i hoÆc ®−îc xuÊt khÈu tõ l·nh thæ cña bÊt cø n−íc thø ba nµo kh¸c trong tÊt c¶ c¸c vÊn ®Ò liªn quan tíi: A. customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation, including the method of levying such duties and charges; A. mäi lo¹i thuÕ quan vµ phÝ ®¸nh vµo hoÆc cã liªn quan ®Õn viÖc nhËp khÈu hay xuÊt khÈu, bao gåm c¶ c¸c ph−¬ng ph¸p tÝnh c¸c lo¹i thuÕ quan vµ phÝ ®ã; B. methods of payment for imports and exports, and the international transfer of such payments; B. ph−¬ng thøc thanh to¸n ®èi víi hµng nhËp khÈu vµ xuÊt khÈu, vµ viÖc chuyÓn tiÒn quèc tÕ cña c¸c kho¶n thanh to¸n ®ã; C. rules and formalities in connection with importation and exportation, including those relating to customs clearance, transit, warehouses and transshipment; C. nh÷ng quy ®Þnh vµ thñ tôc liªn quan ®Õn xuÊt nhËp khÈu, kÓ c¶ nh÷ng quy ®Þnh vÒ hoµn tÊt thñ tôc h¶i quan, qu¸ c¶nh, l−u kho vµ chuyÓn tiÕp; D. taxes and other internal charges of any kind applied directly or indirectly to imported products; D. mäi lo¹i thuÕ vµ phÝ kh¸c trong n−íc ®¸nh trùc tiÕp hoÆc gi¸n tiÕp vµo hµng nhËp khÈu; E. laws, regulations and other requirements affecting the sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution, storage and use of products in the domestic market; and E. luËt, quy ®Þnh vµ c¸c yªu cÇu kh¸c cã ¶nh h−ëng ®Õn viÖc b¸n, chµo b¸n, mua, vËn t¶i, ph©n phèi, l−u kho vµ sö dông hµng ho¸ trong thÞ tr−êng néi ®Þa; vµ F. the application of quantitative restrictions and the granting of licenses. F. viÖc ¸p dông c¸c h¹n chÕ ®Þnh l−îng vµ cÊp giÊy phÐp. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to action by a Party which is consistent with such Party's obligations under the World Trade Organization and the agreements administered thereby. A Party shall nonetheless extend to the products originating in the territory of the other Party most-favored nation treatment in respect of any tariff reductions resulting from multilateral negotiations under the auspices of the World Trade Organization provided such Party accords such benefits to all other WTO members. 2. C¸c quy ®Þnh t¹i kho¶n 1 cña §iÒu nµy sÏ kh«ng ¸p dông ®èi víi hµnh ®éng cña mçi Bªn phï hîp víi nghÜa vô cña Bªn ®ã trong Tæ chøc Th−¬ng m¹i ThÕ giíi (WTO) vµ c¸c hiÖp ®Þnh trong khu«n khæ cña tæ chøc nµy. Tuy vËy, mét Bªn sÏ dµnh cho c¸c s¶n phÈm cã xuÊt xø t¹i l·nh thæ Bªn kia sù ®èi xö Tèi huÖ quèc trong viÖc gi¶m thuÕ do c¸c ®µm ph¸n ®a ph−¬ng d−íi sù hç trî cña WTO mang l¹i, víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ Bªn ®ã còng dµnh lîi Ých ®ã cho tÊt c¶ c¸c thµnh viªn WTO. 3. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to: 3. Nh÷ng quy ®Þnh t¹i kho¶n 1 cña §iÒu nµy kh«ng ¸p dông ®èi víi: advantages accorded by either Party by virtue of such Party's full membership in a customs union or free trade area, and advantages accorded to third countries for the facilitation of frontier traffic. A. Nh÷ng thuËn lîi mµ mét trong hai Bªn dµnh cho liªn minh thuÕ quan hoÆc khu vùc mËu dÞch tù do mµ Bªn ®ã lµ thµnh viªn ®Çy ®ñ; vµ B. Nh÷ng thuËn lîi dµnh cho n−íc thø ba nh»m t¹o thuËn lîi cho giao l−u biªn giíi. 4. The provisions of sub-paragraph 1.F of this Article shall not apply to trade in textiles and textile products. 4. C¸c quy ®Þnh t¹i môc 1.F cña §iÒu nµy kh«ng ¸p dông ®èi víi th−¬ng m¹i hµng dÖt vµ s¶n phÈm dÖt. Article 2 §iÒu 2 National Treatment §èi xö Quèc Gia 1. Each Party shall administer tariff and nontariff measures affecting trade in a manner which affords meaningful competitive opportunities for products of the other Party with respect to domestic competitors. 1. Mçi Bªn ®iÒu hµnh c¸c biÖn ph¸p thuÕ quan vµ phi thuÕ quan cã ¶nh h−ëng tíi th−¬ng m¹i ®Ó t¹o cho hµng ho¸ cña Bªn kia nh÷ng c¬ héi c¹nh tranh cã ý nghÜa ®èi víi c¸c nhµ c¹nh tranh trong n−íc 2. Accordingly, neither Party shall impose, directly or indirectly, on the products of the other Party imported into its territory, internal taxes or charges of any kind in excess of tho¶se applied, directly or indirectly, to like domestic products. 2. Theo ®ã, kh«ng Bªn nµo, dï trùc tiÕp hay gi¸n tiÕp, quy ®Þnh bÊt cø lo¹i thuÕ hoÆc phÝ néi ®Þa nµo ®èi víi hµng ho¸ cña Bªn kia nhËp khÈu vµo l·nh thæ cña m×nh cao h¬n møc ®−îc ¸p dông cho hµng ho¸ t−¬ng tù trong n−íc, dï trùc tiÕp hay gi¸n tiÕp. 3. Each Party shall accord to products originating in the territory of the other Party treatment no less 3. Mçi Bªn dµnh cho hµng ho¸ cã xuÊt xø t¹i l·nh thæ cña Bªn kia sù ®èi xö kh«ng kÐm thuËn lîi h¬n favorable than that accorded to like domestic products in respect of all laws, regulations and other requirements affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution, storage or use. sù ®èi xö dµnh cho hµng ho¸ néi ®Þa t−¬ng tù vÒ mäi luËt, quy ®Þnh vµ c¸c yªu cÇu kh¸c cã ¶nh h−ëng ®Õn viÖc b¸n hµng, chµo b¸n, mua, vËn t¶i, ph©n phèi, l−u kho vµ sö dông trong n−íc. 4. In addition to the obligations of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, the charges and measures described in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall not otherwise be applied to imported or domestic products so as to afford protection to domestic production. 4. Ngoµi nh÷ng nghÜa vô ghi trong kho¶n 2 vµ 3 cña §iÒu nµy, c¸c kho¶n phÝ vµ biÖn ph¸p qui ®Þnh t¹i kho¶n 2 vµ 3 cña §iÒu nµy sÏ kh«ng ®−îc ¸p dông theo c¸ch kh¸c ®èi víi hµng nhËp khÈu hoÆc hµng ho¸ trong n−íc nh»m t¹o ra sù b¶o hé ®èi víi s¶n xuÊt trong n−íc. 5. The obligations of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this Article shall be subject to the exceptions set forth in Article III of GATT 1994 and Annex A to this Agreement. 5. C¸c nghÜa vô t¹i c¸c kho¶n 2, 3 vµ 4 cña §iÒu nµy ph¶i tu©n thñ c¸c ngo¹i lÖ ®−îc quy ®Þnh t¹i §iÒu III cña GATT 1994 vµ trong Phô lôc A cña HiÖp ®Þnh nµy. 6. Consistent with the provisions of GATT 1994, the Parties shall ensure that technical regulations and standards are not prepared, adopted or applied with a view to creating obstacles to international trade or to protect domestic production. Furthermore, each Party shall accord products imported from the territory of the other Party treatment no less favorable than the better of the treatment accorded to like domestic products or like products originating in any third country in relation to such technical regulations or standards, including conformity testing and certification. Accordingly, the Parties shall: 6. Phï hîp víi c¸c quy ®Þnh cña GATT 1994, c¸c Bªn b¶o ®¶m kh«ng so¹n th¶o, ban hµnh hoÆc ¸p dông nh÷ng quy ®Þnh vµ tiªu chuÈn kü thuËt nh»m t¹o ra sù trë ng¹i ®èi víi th−¬ng m¹i quèc tÕ hoÆc b¶o hé s¶n xuÊt trong n−íc. Ngoµi ra, mçi Bªn dµnh cho hµng nhËp khÈu tõ l·nh thæ cña Bªn kia sù ®èi xö kh«ng kÐm thuËn lîi h¬n sù ®èi xö tèt nhÊt dµnh cho hµng néi ®Þa t−¬ng tù hoÆc hµng t−¬ng tù cã xuÊt xø tõ bÊt cø n−íc thø ba nµo liªn quan ®Õn nh÷ng quy ®Þnh vµ tiªu chuÈn kü thuËt nªu trªn, kÓ c¶ viÖc kiÓm tra vµ chøng nhËn ®¹t tiªu chuÈn. Theo ®ã, c¸c Bªn: A. ensure that any sanitary or phytosanitary measure which is not inconsistent with the provisions of the GATT 1994, is applied only to the extent necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health, is based on scientific principles and is not maintained witho¶ut sufficient evidence (i.e., a risk assessment), taking into account the availability of relevant scientific information and regional conditions, such as pest free zones; A. b¶o ®¶m r»ng, mäi biÖn ph¸p vÖ sinh hoÆc vÖ sinh thùc vËt kh«ng tr¸i víi c¸c quy ®Þnh cña GATT 1994 chØ ®−îc ¸p dông ë møc cÇn thiÕt ®Ó b¶o vÖ cuéc sèng hoÆc søc khoÎ cña con ng−êi, ®éng vËt hoÆc thùc vËt, ®−îc dùa trªn c¬ së c¸c nguyªn lý khoa häc vµ kh«ng ®−îc duy tr× nÕu kh«ng cã b»ng chøng ®Çy ®ñ (cô thÓ nh− ®¸nh gi¸ møc ®é rñi ro), cã tÝnh ®Õn cña nh÷ng th«ng tin khoa häc s½n cã vµ ®iÒu kiÖn khu vùc cã liªn quan, ch¼ng h¹n nh− nh÷ng vïng kh«ng cã c«n trïng g©y h¹i; B. ensure that technical regulations are not prepared, adopted or applied with a view to or with the effect of creating unnecessary obstacles to international trade. For this purpose, technical regulations shall B. b¶o ®¶m r»ng, nh÷ng quy ®Þnh vÒ kü thuËt kh«ng ®−îc so¹n th¶o, ban hµnh hoÆc ¸p dông nh»m t¹o ra hoÆc cã t¸c dông t¹o ra nh÷ng trë ng¹i kh«ng cÇn thiÕt ®èi víi th−¬ng m¹i quèc tÕ. V× môc tiªu nµy, not be more trade-restrictive than necessary to fulfil a legitimate objective, taking into account the risks non-fulfillment would create. Such legitimate objectives include national security requirements; the prevention of deceptive practices; protection of human health or safety, animal or plant life or health, or the environment. In assessing such risks, relevant elements of consideration include available scientific and technical information, related processing technology or intended end- uses of products. nh÷ng quy ®Þnh vÒ kü thuËt sÏ kh«ng mang tÝnh chÊt h¹n chÕ th−ng m¹i cao h¬n møc cÇn thiÕt ®Ó hoµn thµnh mét môc tiªu chÝnh ®¸ng cã tÝnh ®Õn nh÷ng rñi ro mµ viÖc kh«ng thi hµnh cã thÓ g©y ra. Nh÷ng môc tiªu chÝnh ®¸ng nh− vËy bao gåm nh÷ng yªu cÇu an ninh quèc gia; ng¨n ngõa nh÷ng hµnh vi lõa ®¶o; b¶o vÖ søc khoÎ vµ an toµn cho con ng−êi; ®êi sèng vµ søc khoÎ ®éng thùc vËt, hoÆc m«i tr−êng. Trong viÖc ®¸nh gi¸ nh÷ng rñi ro nh− vËy, c¸c yÕu tè liªn quan ®Ó xem xÐt bao gåm nh÷ng th«ng tin khoa häc vµ kü thuËt cã s½n, c«ng nghÖ chÕ biÕn cã liªn quan hoÆc c¸c ý ®Þnh sö dông cuèi cïng cña s¶n phÈm. 7. Upon the entry into force of this Agreement, each Party shall grant trading rights to the nationals and companies of the other Party. With respect to Vietnam, such trading rights shall be granted in accordance with the following schedule: 7. Ngay sau khi HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc, mçi Bªn dµnh cho c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty Bªn kia quyÒn kinh doanh. §èi víi ViÖt Nam, quyÒn kinh doanh ®ã ®−îc dµnh theo lé tr×nh sau: Upon entry into force of this Agreement, all domestic enterprises shall be allowed to engage in trading activities in all products, subject to restrictions listed in Annexes B and C. A. Ngay sau khi HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc vµ phï hîp víi c¸c h¹n chÕ ®−îc quy ®Þnh t¹i Phô lôc B vµ C, tÊt c¶ c¸c doanh nghiÖp trong n−íc ®−îc phÐp kinh doanh xuÊt nhËp khÈu mäi hµng ho¸; B. Upon entry into force of this Agreement, enterprises with capital directly invested by U.S. nationals and companies shall be allowed, subject to the restrictions in Annexes B and C, to import goods and products to be used in, or in connection with their production or export activities whether or not such imports are specifically identified in their initial investment license. B. Ngay sau khi HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc vµ phï hîp víi c¸c h¹n chÕ ®−îc quy ®Þnh t¹i Phô lôc B vµ C, c¸c doanh nghiÖp cã vèn ®Çu t− trùc tiÕp cña c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty Hoa Kú ®−îc phÐp nhËp khÈu c¸c hµng ho¸ vµ s¶n phÈm ®Ó sö dông vµo/hay cã liªn quan ®Õn ho¹t ®éng s¶n xuÊt, hoÆc xuÊt khÈu cña doanh nghiÖp ®ã cho dï c¸c s¶n phÈm nhËp khÈu ®ã cã ®−îc x¸c ®Þnh mét c¸ch cô thÓ hay kh«ng trong giÊy phÐp ®Çu t− ban ®Çu cña hä. C. Three years after entry into force of this Agreement, enterprises with capital directly invested by U.S. nationals and companies, in production and manufacturing sectors, shall be allowed to engage in trading activities, subject to the restrictions listed in Annexes B, C and D, and provided such enterprises are (i) engaged in substantial business activities in the production and manufacturing sectors; and (ii) are lawfully Operating in Vietnam. C. Ba n¨m sau khi HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc vµ phï hîp víi c¸c h¹n chÕ ®−îc qui ®Þnh t¹i Phô lôc B, C vµ D, c¸c doanh nghiÖp cã vèn ®Çu t− trùc tiÕp cña c¸c c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty Hoa Kú vµo c¸c lÜnh vùc sn xuÊt vµ chÕ t¹o ®−îc phÐp kinh doanh xuÊt nhËp khÈu, víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ c¸c doanh nghiÖp nµy (i) cã c¸c ho¹t ®éng kinh doanh to lín trong lÜnh vùc s¶n xuÊt vµ chÕ t¹o; vµ (ii) ®ang ho¹t ®éng hîp ph¸p t¹i ViÖt Nam; D. Three years after entry into force of this Agreement, U.S. nationals and companies shall be allowed to enter into joint ventures with Vietnamese counterparts to engage in trading activities in all products, subject to restrictions listed in Annexes B, C and D. Equity contributed by U.S. companies shall not exceed 49% of such joint ventures' legal capital. Three years thereafter, this limitation on U.S. ownership shall be 51%. D. Ba n¨m sau khi HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc, phï hîp víi c¸c h¹n chÕ qui ®Þnh t¹i phô lôc B, C vµ D, c¸c c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty Hoa Kú ®−îc phÐp tham gia liªn doanh víi c¸c ®èi t¸c ViÖt Nam ®Ó tiÕn hµnh kinh doanh xuÊt nhËp khÈu tÊt c¶ c¸c mÆt hµng. PhÇn gãp vèn cña c¸c c«ng ty Hoa Kú trong liªn doanh kh«ng v−ît qu¸ 49% vèn ph¸p ®Þnh cña liªn doanh. Ba n¨m sau ®ã møc h¹n chÕ ®èi víi vÒ së h÷u cña Hoa Kú lµ 51%. E. Seven years after entry into force of this Agreement, U.S. companies shall be allowed to establish 100% U.S.- owned companies to engage in trading activities in all products, subject to restrictions listed in Annexes B, C and D. E. B¶y n¨m sau khi HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc, phï hîp víi c¸c h¹n chÕ qui ®Þnh t¹i Phô lôc B, C vµ D, c¸c c«ng ty Hoa Kú ®−îc phÐp thµnh lËp c«ng ty 100% vèn Hoa Kú ®Ó kinh doanh xuÊt nhËp khÈu mäi mÆt hµng. 8. If a Party has not acceded to the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, it will undertake every reasonable effort to do so as soon as possible, but no later than one year after the entry into force of this Agreement. 8. NÕu mét Bªn ch−a tham gia C«ng −íc Quèc tÕ vÒ HÖ thèng Hµi hoµ vÒ M· vµ Miªu t¶ Hµng ho¸, th× Bªn ®ã sÏ nç lùc hîp lý ®Ó tham gia C«ng −íc ®ã ngay khi cã thÓ, nh−ng kh«ng muén qu¸ mét n¨m kÓ tõ ngµy HiÖp ®Þnh cã hiÖu lùc. Article 3 §iÒu 3 General Obligations with Respect to Trade Nh÷ng nghÜa vô chung vÒ Th−ng m¹i 1. The Parties shall seek to achieve a satisfactory balance of market access opportunities through the satisfactory reciprocation of reductions in tariffs and nontariff barriers to trade in goods resulting from multilateral negotiations. 1. C¸c Bªn nç lùc t×m kiÕm nh»m ®¹t ®−îc sù c©n b»ng tho¶ ®¸ng vÒ c¸c c¬ héi tiÕp cËn thÞ tr−êng th«ng qua viÖc cïng c¾t gi¶m tho¶ ®¸ng thuÕ vµ c¸c hµng rµo phi quan thuÕ ®èi víi th−ng m¹i hµng ho¸ do ®µm ph¸n ®a ph−¬ng mang l¹i. 2. The Parties shall except as specifically provided in Annexes B and C to this Agreement, eliminate all import and export restrictions, quotas, licensing requirements, and controls for all product and service categories, other than tho¶se that would be permitted by GATT 1994. 2. C¸c Bªn sÏ, trõ khi ®−îc quy ®Þnh cô thÓ trong Phô lôc B vµ C cña HiÖp ®Þnh nµy, lo¹i bá tÊt c¶ c¸c h¹n chÕ, h¹n ng¹ch, yªu cÇu cÊp phÐp vµ kiÓm so¸t xuÊt khÈu vµ nhËp khÈu ®èi víi mäi lo¹i hµng ho¸ vµ dÞch vô, ngo¹i trõ nh÷ng h¹n chÕ, h¹n ng¹ch, yªu cÇu cÊp phÐp vµ kiÓm so¸t ®−îc GATT 1994 cho phÐp. 3. The Parties shall, within two years of the entry into force of this Agreement, limit all fees and charges of whatever character (other than import and export duties and other taxes within the purview 3. Trong vßng hai (02) n¨m kÓ tõ khi HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc, c¸c Bªn h¹n chÕ tÊt c¶ c¸c lo¹i phÝ vµ phô phÝ d−íi bÊt kú h×nh thøc nµo (trõ thuÕ xuÊt nhËp khÈu vµ c¸c lo¹i thuÕ kh¸c theo §iÒu 2 cña of Article 2 of this Chapter) imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation to an amount approximate to the cost of services rendered, and ensure that such fees and charges do not represent an indirect protection to domestic products or a taxation of imports or exports for fiscal purposes; Ch−¬ng nµy) ¸p dông ®èi víi hay cã liªn quan ®Õn xuÊt nhËp khÈu, ë møc t−ng xøng víi chi phÝ cña dÞch vô ®· cung øng vµ ®¶m b¶o r»ng nh÷ng lo¹i phÝ vµ phô phÝ ®ã kh«ng ph¶i lµ mét sù b¶o hé gi¸n tiÕp ®èi víi s¶n xuÊt trong n−íc hoÆc lµ thuÕ ®¸nh vµo hµng nhËp khÈu hay xuÊt khÈu v× môc ®Ých thu ng©n s¸ch; 4. The Parties shall, within two years of the entry into force of this Agreement, adopt a system of customs valuation based on the transaction value of the imported merchandise on which duty is assessed, or of like merchandise, rather than on the value of merchandise of national origin or on arbitrary or fictitious values, with the transaction value being the price actually paid or payable for the goods when sold for export to the country of importation in accordance with the standards established in the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994; and 4. Trong vßng hai (02) n¨m kÓ tõ khi HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc, c¸c Bªn ¸p dông hÖ thèng ®Þnh gi¸ h¶i quan dùa trªn gi¸ trÞ giao dÞch cña hµng nhËp khÈu ®Ó tÝnh thuÕ hoÆc cña hµng ho¸ t−¬ng tù, chø kh«ng dùa vµo gi¸ trÞ cña hµng ho¸ theo n−íc xuÊt xø, hoÆc gi¸ trÞ ®−îc x¸c ®Þnh mét c¸ch vâ ®o¸n hay kh«ng cã c¬ së, víi gi¸ trÞ giao dÞch lµ gi¸ thùc tÕ ®· thanh to¸n hoÆc phi thanh to¸n cho hµng ho¸ khi ®−îc b¸n ®Ó xuÊt khÈu sang n−íc nhËp khÈu phï hîp víi nh÷ng tiªu chuÈn ®−îc thiÕt lËp trong HiÖp ®Þnh vÒ viÖc Thi hµnh §iÒu VII cu¶ GATT 1994; vµ 5. Within two years of entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall ensure that the fees and charges referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article and the customs valuation system referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article are imposed or implemented uniformly and consistently throughout each Party's customs territory. 5. Trong vßng hai (02) n¨m kÓ tõ khi HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc, c¸c Bªn b¶o ®¶m r»ng, c¸c kho¶n phÝ vµ phô phÝ qui ®Þnh t¹i kho¶n 3 cña §iÒu nµy vµ hÖ thèng ®Þnh gi¸ h¶i quan qui ®Þnh t¹i kho¶n 4 cña §iÒu nµy ®−îc quy ®Þnh hay thùc hiÖn mét c¸ch thèng nhÊt vµ nhÊt qu¸n trªn toµn bé l·nh thæ h¶i quan cña mçi Bªn. 6. In addition to the obligations set forth in Article 1, Vietnam shall provide tariff treatment to products originating in the customs territory of the United States in accordance with the provisions of Annex E. 6. Ngoµi c¸c nghÜa vô qui ®Þnh t¹i §iÒu I, ViÖt nam dµnh sù ®èi xö vÒ thuÕ cho c¸c s¶n phÈm cã xuÊt xø tõ l·nh thæ h¶i quan cña Hoa kú phï hîp víi c¸c quy ®Þnh cña Phô lôc E. 7. Neither Party shall require its nationals or companies to engage in barter or countertrade transactions with nationals or companies of the other Party. Nevertheless, where nationals or companies decide to resort to barter or countertrade operations, the Parties may furnish them information to facilitate the transaction and assist them as they would with respect to other export and import operations. 7. Kh«ng Bªn nµo yªu cÇu c¸c c«ng d©n hoÆc c«ng ty cña n−íc m×nh tham gia vµo ph−ng thøc giao dÞch hµng ®æi hµng hay th−¬ng m¹i ®èi l−u víi c«ng d©n hoÆc c«ng ty cña Bªn kia. Tuy nhiªn, nÕu c¸c c«ng d©n hoÆc c«ng ty quyÕt ®Þnh tiÕn hµnh giao dÞch theo ph−¬ng thøc hµng ®æi hµng hay th−¬ng m¹i ®èi l−u, th× c¸c Bªn cã thÓ cung cÊp cho hä th«ng tin ®Ó t¹o thuËn lîi cho giao dÞch vµ t− vÊn cho hä nh− khi c¸c Bªn cung cÊp ®èi víi ho¹t ®éng xuÊt khÈu vµ nhËp khÈu kh¸c. 8. The United States shall consider Vietnam's eligibility for the Generalized System of Preferences. 8. Hoa Kú sÏ xem xÐt kh¶ n¨ng dµnh cho ViÖt Nam ChÕ ®é ¦u ®·i ThuÕ quan Phæ cËp. Article 4 §iÒu 4 Expansion and Promotion of Trade Më réng vµ Thóc ®Èy Th−ng m¹i Each Party shall encourage and facilitate the holding of trade promotional events such as trade fairs, exhibitions, missions and seminars in its territory and in the territory of the other Party. Similarly, each Party shall encourage and facilitate the participation of its respective nationals and companies in such events. Subject to the laws in force within their respective territories, the Parties agree to allow the import and re-export on a duty free basis of all articles for use in such events, provided that such articles are not sold or otherwise transferred. Mçi Bªn khuyÕn khÝch vµ t¹o thuËn lîi cho viÖc tæ chøc c¸c ho¹t ®éng xóc tiÕn th−¬ng m¹i, nh− héi chî, triÓn l·m, trao ®æi c¸c ph¸i ®oµn vµ héi th¶o th−¬ng m¹i t¹i l·nh thæ n−íc m×nh vµ l·nh thæ cña Bªn kia. T−¬ng tù, mçi Bªn khuyÕn khÝch vµ t¹o thuËn lîi cho c¸c c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty cña n−íc m×nh tham gia vµo c¸c ho¹t ®éng ®ã. Tuú thuéc vµo luËt ph¸p hiÖn hµnh t¹i l·nh thæ cña m×nh, c¸c Bªn ®ång ý cho phÐp hµng ho¸ sö dông trong c¸c ho¹t ®éng xóc tiÕn ®ã ®−îc nhËp khÈu vµ t¸i xuÊt khÈu mµ kh«ng ph¶i nép thuÕ xuÊt nhËp khÈu, víi ®iÒu kiÖn hµng ho¸ ®ã kh«ng ®−îc b¸n hoÆc chuyÓn nh−îng d−íi h×nh thøc kh¸c. Article 5 §iÒu 5 Government Commercial Offices V¨n phßng Th−ng m¹i ChÝnh phñ 1. Subject to its laws and regulations governing foreign missions, each Party shall allow government commercial offices of the other Party to hire hostcountry nationals and, subject to immigration laws and procedures, third-country nationals. 1. Tuú thuéc vµo luËt ph¸p vµ quy chÕ cña m×nh vÒ c¬ quan ®¹i diÖn n−íc ngoµi, mçi Bªn cho phÐp v¨n phßng th−¬ng m¹i chÝnh phñ cña Bªn kia ®−îc thuª c«ng d©n cña n−íc chñ nhµ vµ, phï hîp víi luËt vµ thñ tôc nhËp c−, ®−îc phÐp thuª c«ng d©n cña n−íc thø ba. 2. Each Party shall ensure unhindered access of host-country nationals to government commercial offices of the other Party. 2. Mçi Bªn b¶o ®¶m kh«ng ng¨n c¶n c¸c c«ng d©n cña n−íc chñ nhµ tiÕp cËn v¨n phßng th−ng m¹i chÝnh phñ cña Bªn kia. 3. Each Party shall allow the participation of its nationals and companies in the commercial activities of the other Party's government commercial offices. 3. Mçi Bªn cho phÐp c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty cña m×nh tham dù vµo c¸c ho¹t ®éng v× môc ®Ých th−¬ng m¹i cña v¨n phßng th−¬ng m¹i chÝnh phñ cña Bªn kia. 4. Each Party shall allow access by government commercial office personnel of the other Party to the relevant host-country officials, and to representatives of nationals and companies of the host Party. 4. Mçi Bªn cho phÐp nh©n viªn cña v¨n phßng th−¬ng m¹i chÝnh phñ cña Bªn kia ®−îc tiÕp cËn c¸c quan chøc liªn quan cña n−íc chñ nhµ kÓ c¶ c¸c ®¹i diÖn cña c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty cña Bªn chñ nhµ. Article 6 §iÒu 6 Emergency Action on Imports Hµnh ®éng KhÈn cÊp ®èi víi NhËp khÈu 1. The Parties agree to consult promptly at the request of either Party whenever either actual or prospective imports of products originating in the territory of the other Party cause or threaten to cause or significantly contribute to market disruption. Market disruption exists within a domestic industry whenever imports of an article, like or directly competitive with an article produced by such domestic industry, are increasing rapidly, either absolutely or relatively, so as to be a significant cause of material injury, or threat thereof, to such domestic industry. The consultations provided in this paragraph shall have the objectives of (a) presenting and examining the factors relating to such imports that may be causing or threatening to cause or significantly contributing to market disruption, and (b) finding means of preventing or remedying such market disruption. Such consultations shall be concluded within sixty days from the date of the request for such consultations, unless the Parties agree otherwise. 1. C¸c Bªn ®ång ý tham vÊn nhanh chãng theo yªu cÇu cña mét Bªn khi viÖc nhËp khÈu hiÖn t¹i hay trong t−¬ng lai hµng ho¸ cã xuÊt xø tõ l·nh thæ Bªn kia g©y ra hoÆc ®e däa g©y ra hay gãp phÇn ®¸ng kÓ lµm rèi lo¹n thÞ tr−êng. Sù rèi lo¹n thÞ tr−êng x¶y ra trong mét ngµnh s¶n xuÊt trong n−íc khi viÖc nhËp khÈu mét s¶n phÈm t−ng tù hay c¹nh tranh trùc tiÕp víi mét s¶n phÈm do ngµnh s¶n xuÊt trong n−íc ®ã s¶n xuÊt ra, t¨ng lªn mét c¸ch nhanh chãng, hoÆc lµ tuyÖt ®èi hay t−¬ng ®èi, vµ lµ mét nguyªn nh©n ®¸ng kÓ g©y ra, hay ®e däa g©y ra thiÖt h¹i vÒ vËt chÊt ®èi víi ngµnh s¶n xuÊt trong n−íc ®ã. ViÖc tham vÊn ®−îc quy ®Þnh t¹i kho¶n nµy nh»m môc ®Ých: (a) tr×nh bµy vµ xem xÐt c¸c yÕu tè liªn quan tíi viÖc nhËp khÈu ®ã mµ viÖc nhËp khÈu ®ã cã thÓ g©y ra hoÆc ®e däa g©y ra, hay gãp phÇn ®¸ng kÓ lµm rèi lo¹n thÞ tr−êng, vµ (b) t×m ra biÖn ph¸p ng¨n ngõa hay kh¾c phôc sù rèi lo¹n thÞ tr−êng ®ã. ViÖc tham vÊn nh− vËy sÏ ®−îc kÕt thóc trong vßng s¸u m−êi ngµy kÓ tõ ngµy ®−a ra yªu cÇu tham vÊn, trõ khi c¸c Bªn cã tho¶ thuËn kh¸c. 2. Unless a different solution is mutually agreed upon during the consultations, the importing Party may (a) impose quantitative import limitations, tariff measures or any other restrictions or measures it deems appropriate, and for such period of time it deems necessary, to prevent or remedy threatened or actual market disruption, and (b) take appropriate measures to ensure that imports from the territory of the other Party comply with such quantitative limitations or other restrictions introduced in connection with market disruption. In this event, the other Party shall be free to deviate from its obligations under this Agreement with respect to substantially equivalent trade. 2. Trõ khi c¸c bªn tho¶ thuËn ®−îc mét gi¶i ph¸p kh¸c trong thêi gian tham vÊn, Bªn nhËp khÈu cã thÓ: (a) ¸p ®Æt c¸c h¹n chÕ ®Þnh l−îng nhËp khÈu, c¸c biÖn ph¸p thuÕ quan hay bÊt kú c¸c h¹n chÕ nµo kh¸c hoÆc biÖn ph¸p nµo kh¸c mµ Bªn ®ã cho lµ phï hîp, vµ trong khong thêi gian mµ Bªn ®ã cho lµ cÇn thiÕt, ®Ó ng¨n chÆn hay kh¾c phôc t×nh tr¹ng thÞ tr−êng thùc tÕ bÞ rèi lo¹n hay ®e däa bÞ rèi lo¹n, vµ (b) tiÕn hµnh c¸c biÖn ph¸p thÝch hîp ®Ó b¶o ®¶m r»ng, viÖc nhËp khÈu tõ l·nh thæ cña Bªn kia tu©n thñ c¸c h¹n chÕ ®Þnh l−îng hay c¸c h¹n chÕ kh¸c ®−îc ¸p dông liªn quan ®Õn sù rèi lo¹n cña thÞ tr−êng. Trong tr−êng hîp nµy, Bªn kia ®−îc tù ý ®×nh chØ viÖc thi hµnh c¸c nghÜa vô cña m×nh theo HiÖp ®Þnh nµy víi gi¸ trÞ th−¬ng m¹i c¬ b¶n t−¬ng ®−¬ng. 3. Where in the judgment of the importing Party, 3. NÕu theo ®¸nh gi¸ cña Bªn nhËp khÈu, hµnh ®éng emergency action is necessary to prevent or remedy such market disruption, the importing Party may take such action at any time witho¶ut prior notice or consultation, on the condition that consultations shall be effected immediately after taking such action. khÈn cÊp lµ cÇn thiÕt ®Ó ng¨n chÆn hay kh¾c phôc sù rèi lo¹n thÞ tr−êng nh− vËy th× Bªn nhËp khÈu cã thÓ tiÕn hµnh hµnh ®éng ®ã vµo bÊt kú thêi ®iÓm nµo mµ kh«ng ph¶i th«ng b¸o tr−íc hoÆc tham vÊn, víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ viÖc tham vÊn sÏ ®−îc thùc hiÖn ngay sau khi tiÕn hµnh hµnh ®éng ®ã. 4. The Parties acknowledge that the elaboration of the market disruption safeguard provisions in this Article is witho¶ut prejudice to the right of either Party to apply its laws and regulations applicable to trade in textiles and textile products, and its laws and regulations applicable to unfair trade, including antidumping and countervailing duty laws. 4. C¸c Bªn thõa nhËn r»ng, viÖc chi tiÕt ho¸ c¸c quy ®Þnh tù vÖ nh»m chèng rèi lo¹n thÞ tr−êng t¹i §iÒu nµy kh«ng lµm tæn h¹i ®Õn quyÒn cña mçi Bªn ¸p dông ph¸p luËt vµ c¸c quy ®Þnh cña m×nh ®èi víi th−¬ng m¹i hµng dÖt vµ s¶n phÈm dÖt, vµ luËt vµ quy ®Þnh cña m×nh ®èi víi th−¬ng m¹i kh«ng lµnh m¹nh kÓ c¶ c¸c ®¹o luËt chèng ph¸ gi¸ vµ luËt thuÕ ®èi kh¸ng. Article 7 §iÒu 7 Commercial Disputes Tranh chÊp Th−ng m¹i For the purposes of Chapter I of this Agreement: Theo Ch−¬ng I cña HiÖp ®Þnh nµy: 1. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be accorded national treatment with respect to access to all competent courts and administrative bodies in the territory of the other Party, as plaintiffs, defendants or otherwise. They shall not be entitled to claim or enjoy immunity from suit or execution of judgment, proceedings for the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, or other liability in the territory of the other Party with respect to commercial transactions. They also shall not claim or enjoy immunities from taxation with respect to commercial transactions, except as may be provided in other bilateral agreements. 1. C«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty cña mçi Bªn ®−îc dµnh sù ®èi xö quèc gia trong viÖc tiÕp cËn tÊt c¶ c¸c toµ ¸n vµ c¬ quan hµnh chÝnh cã thÈm quyÒn t¹i l·nh thæ cña Bªn kia, víi t− c¸ch lµ nguyªn ®¬n, bÞ ®¬n hoÆc nh÷ng ng−êi liªn quan kh¸c. Hä kh«ng ®−îc quyÒn ®ßi hoÆc ®−îc h−ëng quyÒn miÔn bÞ kiÖn hoÆc miÔn thùc hiÖn quyÕt ®Þnh cña toµ ¸n, thñ tôc c«ng nhËn vµ thi hµnh c¸c quyÕt ®Þnh träng tµi, hoÆc nghÜa vô ph¸p lý kh¸c trªn l·nh thæ cña Bªn kia liªn quan tíi c¸c giao dÞch th−¬ng m¹i. Hä còng kh«ng ®−îc ®ßi hoÆc h−ëng quyÒn miÔn thuÕ ®èi víi c¸c giao dÞch th−¬ng m¹i trõ khi ®−îc quy ®Þnh trong c¸c hiÖp ®Þnh song ph−ng kh¸c. 2. The Parties encourage the adoption of arbitration for the settlement of disputes arising out of commercial transactions concluded between nationals or companies of the United States of America and nationals or companies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Such arbitration may be provided for by agreements in contracts between such nationals and companies, or in separate written agreements between them. 2. C¸c Bªn khuyÕn khÝch viÖc sö dông träng tµi ®Ó gi¶i quyÕt c¸c tranh chÊp ph¸t sinh tõ c¸c giao dÞch th−¬ng m¹i ®−îc ký kÕt gi÷a c¸c c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty cña Céng hoµ X· héi Chñ nghÜa ViÖt Nam vµ c¸c c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty cña Hîp Chñng Quèc Hoa Kú. ViÖc gi¶i quyÕt tranh chÊp b»ng träng tµi nh− vËy cã thÓ ®−îc quy ®Þnh b»ng c¸c tho¶ thuËn trong c¸c hîp ®ång gi÷a c¸c c«ng d©n vµ c«ng ty ®ã hoÆc b»ng v¨n b¶n tho¶ thuËn riªng rÏ gi÷a hä. 3. The parties to such transactions may provide for arbitration under any internationally recognized arbitration rules, including the UNCITRAL Rules of December 15, 1976, and any modifications thereto, in which case the parties should designate an Appointing Autho¶rity under said rules in a country other than the United States of America or the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 3. C¸c bªn trong c¸c giao dÞch nµy cã thÓ quy ®Þnh viÖc gi¶i quyÕt tranh chÊp b»ng träng tµi theo bÊt kú quy t¾c träng tµi nµo ®· ®−îc quèc tÕ c«ng nhËn, kÓ c¶ c¸c Quy t¾c cña UNCITRAL ngµy 15 th¸ng 12 n¨m 1976 vµ mäi söa ®æi cña c¸c qui t¾c nµy, trong tr−êng hîp nµy c¸c bªn cÇn x¸c ®Þnh mét C¬ quan ChØ ®Þnh theo nh÷ng quy t¾c nãi trªn t¹i mét n−íc kh«ng ph¶i lµ Céng hoµ X· héi Chñ nghÜa ViÖt Nam hoÆc Hîp Chñng Quèc Hoa Kú. 4. The parties to the dispute, unless otherwise agreed between them, should specify as the place of arbitration a country other than the United States of America or the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, that is a party to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, done at New York, June 10, 1958. 4. C¸c bªn tranh chÊp, trõ tr−êng hîp cã tho¶ thuËn kh¸c, cÇn cô thÓ ho¸ ®Þa ®iÓm träng tµi t¹i mét n−íc kh«ng ph¶i lµ Céng hoµ X· héi Chñ nghÜa ViÖt Nam hoÆc Hîp Chñng Quèc Hoa Kú vµ n−íc ®ã lµ thµnh viªn tham gia C«ng −íc New York ngµy 10 th¸ng 6 n¨m 1958 vÒ C«ng nhËn vµ Thi hµnh c¸c ph¸n quyÕt träng tµi n−íc ngoµi. 5. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to prevent, and the Parties shall not prohibit, the parties from agreeing upon any other form of arbitration or on the law to be applied in such arbitration, or other form of dispute settlement which they mutually prefer and agree best suits their particular needs. 5. Kh«ng cã quy ®Þnh nµo trong §iÒu nµy ®−îc hiÓu lµ ng¨n c¶n, vµ c¸c Bªn kh«ng ng¨n cÊm c¸c bªn tranh chÊp tho¶ thuËn vÒ bÊt cø h×nh thøc träng tµi nµo kh¸c, hoÆc vÒ luËt ®−îc ¸p dông trong gi¶i quyÕt träng tµi, hoÆc nh÷ng h×nh thøc gi¶i quyÕt tranh chÊp kh¸c mµ c¸c Bªn cïng mong muèn vµ cho lµ phï hîp nhÊt cho c¸c nhu cÇu cô thÓ cña m×nh. 6. Each Party shall ensure that an effective means exists within its territory for the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. 6. Mçi Bªn b¶o ®¶m t¹i l·nh thæ cña m×nh cã mét c¬ chÕ hiÖu qu¶ ®Ó c«ng nhËn vµ thi hµnh c¸c ph¸n quyÕt träng tµi. Article 8 §iÒu 8 State Trading Th−¬ng m¹i Nhµ n−íc 1. The parties may establish or maintain a state enterprise, or grant to any enterprise, formally or in effect, exclusive or special privileges, to import and export the products listed in Annex C, provided however, that any such enterprise shall, in its purchases or sales involving either imports or exports, act in a manner consistent with the general principles of non-discriminatory treatment prescribed in this Agreement for governmental measures affecting imports or exports by private traders. 1. C¸c Bªn cã thÓ thµnh lËp hoÆc duy tr× doanh nghiÖp nhµ n−íc, hay dµnh cho mét doanh nghiÖp nhµ n−íc bÊt kú, trªn thùc tÕ hay trªn danh nghÜa, sù ®éc quyÒn hay ®Æc quyÒn nhËp khÈu vµ xuÊt khÈu c¸c s¶n phÈm liÖt kª t¹i Phô lôc C, tuy nhiªn víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ doanh nghiÖp bÊt kú ®ã, trong ho¹t ®éng mua vµ b¸n cña m×nh liªn quan ®Õn hµng xuÊt khÈu hay hµng nhËp khÈu, còng ph¶i ho¹t ®éng phï hîp víi nh÷ng nguyªn t¾c chung lµ kh«ng ph©n biÖt ®èi xö, nh− ®−îc quy ®Þnh trong HiÖp ®Þnh nµy ®èi víi c¸c biÖn ph¸p cña chÝnh phñ cã ¶nh h−ëng ®Õn hµng nhËp khÈu vµ xuÊt khÈu cña c¸c c«ng ty th−¬ng m¹i t− nh©n. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be understood to require that such enterprises shall, having due regard to the other provisions of this Agreement, make any such purchases or sales solely in accordance with commercial considerations, including price, quality, availability, marketability, transportation and other conditions of purchase or sale, and shall afford the enterprises of the other Party adequate opportunity, in accordance with customary business practice, to compete for participation in such purchases or sales. 2. C¸c quy ®Þnh t¹i kho¶n 1 cña §iÒu nµy sÏ ®−îc hiÓu lµ yªu cÇu c¸c doanh nghiÖp nh− vËy, cã c©n nh¾c thÝch ®¸ng tíi c¸c quy ®Þnh kh¸c cña HiÖp ®Þnh nµy, thùc hiÖn nh÷ng viÖc mua vµ b¸n nãi trªn hoµn toµn chØ c¨n cø vµo c¸c tÝnh to¸n th−¬ng m¹i, bao gåm gi¸ c¶, chÊt l−îng, kh¶ n¨ng cung øng, kh¶ n¨ng tiÕp thÞ, vËn t¶i vµ c¸c ®iÒu kiÖn mua hoÆc b¸n kh¸c, vµ dµnh cho c¸c doanh nghiÖp cña Bªn kia c¬ héi tho¶ ®¸ng, phï hîp víi tËp qu¸n kinh doanh th«ng th−êng, ®Ó c¹nh tranh trong viÖc tham gia vµo c¸c vô mua hoÆc b¸n ®ã. 3. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to imports of products for immediate or ultimate consumption in government use and not otherwise for resale or use in the production of goods for sale. With respect to such imports, each Party shall accord to the trade of the other Party fair and equitable treatment. 3. Nh÷ng quy ®Þnh trong kho¶n 1 cña §iÒu nµy kh«ng ¸p dông ®èi víi viÖc nhËp khÈu c¸c s¶n phÈm cho tiªu dïng tr−íc m¾t hoÆc l©u dµi cña ChÝnh phñ vµ kh«ng ®−îc b¸n l¹i hoÆc sö dông ®Ó s¶n xuÊt ra hµng ho¸ ®Ó b¸n. §èi víi viÖc nhËp khÈu nµy, mçi Bªn dµnh sù ®èi xö c«ng b»ng vµ b×nh ®¼ng cho th−¬ng m¹i cña Bªn kia. Article 9 §iÒu 9 Definitions §Þnh nghÜa As used in this Chapter, the terms set forth below shall have the following meaning: C¸c thuËt ng÷ dïng trong Ch−¬ng nµy ®−îc hiÓu nh− sau: 1. "company," means any entity constituted or organized under applicable law, whether or not for profit, and whether privately or governmentally owned or controlled, and includes a corporation, trust, partnership, sole proprietorship, branch, joint venture, association, or other organization. 1. "c«ng ty" cã nghÜa lµ bÊt kú mét thùc thÓ nµo ®−îc thµnh lËp hay tæ chøc theo luËt ¸p dông, bÊt kú v× môc ®Ých lîi nhuËn hay phi lîi nhuËn, vµ do chÝnh phñ hay t− nh©n së h÷u hoÆc kiÓm so¸t, vµ bao gåm c«ng ty, c«ng ty tÝn th¸c, c«ng ty hîp danh, doanh nghiÖp mét chñ, chi nh¸nh, liªn doanh, hiÖp héi hay c¸c tæ chøc kh¸c. 2. "enterprise," means a company. 2. "doanh nghiÖp" lµ mét c«ng ty. 3. "national," means a natural person who is a national of a Party under its applicable law. 3. "c«ng d©n" lµ mét thÓ nh©n vµ lµ c«ng d©n cña mét Bªn theo luËt ¸p dông cña Bªn ®ã. 4. "commercial dispute," means a dispute between parties to a commercial transaction which arises out of that transaction. 4. "tranh chÊp th−¬ng m¹i" lµ tranh chÊp ph¸t sinh gi÷a c¸c bªn trong mét giao dÞch th−¬ng m¹i. 5. "trading rights," means the right to engage in import or export activities. 5. "quyÒn kinh doanh" lµ quyÒn tham gia vµo c¸c ho¹t ®éng nhËp khÈu hay xuÊt khÈu. CHAPTER II Ch−¬ng II INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Article 1 Objectives, Principles and Scope of Obligations 1. Each Party shall provide in its territory to the nationals of the other Party adequate and effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ §iÒu 1 Môc tiªu, nguyªn t¾c vµ ph¹m vi cña c¸c nghÜa vô 1. Mçi Bªn dµnh cho c«ng d©n cña Bªn kia sù b¶o hé vµ thùc thi ®Çy ®ñ vµ cã hiÖu qu¶ ®èi víi quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ trong l·nh thæ cña m×nh. 2. The Parties recognize the underlying public policy objectives of national systems for the protection of intellectual property, including developmental and technological objectives, and ensure that measures to protect and enforce intellectual property rights do not themselves become barriers to legitimate trade. 2. C¸c Bªn thõa nhËn c¸c môc tiªu vÒ chÝnh s¸ch x· héi c¬ b¶n cña c¸c hÖ thèng quèc gia vÒ b¶o hé së h÷u trÝ tuÖ, kÓ c¶ môc tiªu ph¸t triÓn vµ môc tiªu c«ng nghÖ vµ b¶o ®¶m r»ng c¸c biÖn ph¸p b¶o hé vµ thùc thi quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ kh«ng c¶n trë ho¹t ®éng th−¬ng m¹i chÝnh ®¸ng. 3. To provide adequate and effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, each Party shall, at a minimum, give effect to this Chapter and the substantive economic provisions of: 3. §Ó b¶o hé vµ thùc thi quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ mét c¸ch ®Çy ®ñ vµ cã hiÖu qu¶, mçi Bªn tèi thiÓu ph¶i thùc hiÖn Ch−¬ng nµy vµ c¸c quy ®Þnh cã néi dung kinh tÕ cña: A. the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unautho¶rized Duplication of their Phonograms, 1971 (Geneva Convention); A. C«ng −íc Geneva vÒ b¶o hé ng−êi s¶n xuÊt b¨ng ghi ©m chèng sù sao chÐp tr¸i phÐp, n¨m 1971 (C«ng −íc Geneva); B. the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 1971 (Berne Convention); B. C«ng −íc Berne vÒ b¶o hé t¸c phÈm v¨n häc vµ nghÖ thuËt, n¨m 1971 (C«ng −íc Berne); C . the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, 1967 (Paris Convention); D. the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, 1978 (UPOV Convention (1978)), or the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, 1991 (UPOV Convention (1991)); and E. the Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite (1974). C. C«ng −íc Paris vÒ b¶o hé së h÷u c«ng nghiÖp, n¨m 1967 (C«ng −íc Paris); D. C«ng −íc Quèc tÕ vÒ b¶o hé gièng thùc vËt míi, n¨m 1978 (C«ng −íc UPOV (1978)), hoÆc C«ng −íc quèc tÕ vÒ b¶o hé gièng thùc vËt míi, n¨m 1991 (C«ng −íc UPOV (1991)); vµ E. C«ng −íc vÒ ph©n phèi tÝn hiÖu m¹ng ch−ng tr×nh truyÒn qua vÖ tinh (1974). If a Party has not acceded to the specified text of any such Conventions on or before the date of entry into force of this Agreement, it shall promptly make every effort to accede. NÕu mét Bªn ch−a tham gia bÊt kú C«ng −íc nµo nªu trªn vµo ngµy hoÆc tr−íc ngµy HiÖp ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc th× Bªn ®ã ph¶i nhanh chãng cè g¾ng tham gia C«ng −íc ®ã. 4. Party may implement in its domestic law more extensive protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights than is required under this Chapter, provided that such protection and enforcement are not inconsistent with this Chapter. 4. Mét Bªn cã thÓ thùc hiÖn viÖc b¶o hé vµ thùc thi quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ theo ph¸p luËt quèc gia cña m×nh ë møc ®é réng h¬n so víi yªu cÇu t¹i Ch−¬ng nµy, víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ viÖc b¶o hé vµ thùc thi ®ã kh«ng m©u thuÉn víi Ch−¬ng nµy. Article 2 §iÒu 2 Definitions §Þnh nghÜa For purposes of this Chapter: Trong Ch−¬ng nµy: 1. "confidential information" includes trade secrets, privileged information, and other undisclosed information that has not become subject to an unrestricted public disclosure under the Party's domestic law. 1. "th«ng tin bÝ mËt" bao gåm bÝ mËt th−¬ng m¹i, th«ng tin ®Æc quyÒn vµ th«ng tin kh«ng bÞ tiÕt lé kh¸c ch−a trë thµnh ®èi t−îng ph¶i bÞ tiÕt lé c«ng khai kh«ng h¹n chÕ theo ph¸p luËt quèc gia cña Bªn liªn quan. 2. "encrypted program-carrying satellite signal" 2. "tÝn hiÖu vÖ tinh mang ch−¬ng tr×nh ®· means a program-carrying satellite signal that is transmitted in a form whereby the aural or visual characteristics, or both, are modified or altered for the purpose of preventing the unautho¶rized reception of a program carried in that signal by persons witho¶ut the autho¶rized equipment that is designed to eliminate the effects of such modification or alteration. ®−îc m· ho¸" lµ tÝn hiÖu vÖ tinh mang ch−¬ng tr×nh ®−îc truyÒn ®i d−íi d¹ng mµ trong ®ã c¸c ®Æc tÝnh ©m thanh hoÆc c¸c ®Æc tÝnh h×nh ¶nh, hoÆc c¶ hai ®Æc tÝnh ®ã ®· ®−îc biÕn ®æi hoÆc thay ®æi nh»m môc ®Ých ng¨n c¶n thu tr¸i phÐp ch−¬ng tr×nh truyÒn trong tÝn hiÖu ®ã ®−îc thùc hiÖn bëi nh÷ng ng−êi kh«ng cã thiÕt bÞ hîp ph¸p ®−îc thiÕt kÕ nh»m lo¹i bá t¸c dông cña viÖc biÕn ®æi hoÆc thay ®æi ®ã. 3. "intellectual property rights" refers to copyrights and related rights, trademarks, patents, layout designs (topographies) of integrated circuits, encrypted program-carrying satellite signals, confidential information (trade secrets), industrial designs and rights in plant varieties. 3. "quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ" bao gåm quyÒn t¸c gi¶ vµ quyÒn liªn quan, nh·n hiÖu hµng ho¸, s¸ng chÕ, thiÕt kÕ bè trÝ (topography) m¹ch tÝch hîp, tÝn hiÖu vÖ tinh mang ch−¬ng tr×nh ®· ®−îc m· ho¸, th«ng tin bÝ mËt (bÝ mËt th−¬ng m¹i), kiÓu d¸ng c«ng nghiÖp vµ quyÒn ®èi víi gièng thùc vËt. 4. "lawful distributor of an encrypted satellite signal" in a Party means the person who originally transmitted the signal. 4. "ng−êi ph©n phèi hîp ph¸p tÝn hiÖu vÖ tinh ®· ®−îc m· ho¸" trong l·nh thæ mét Bªn lµ ng−êi ®Çu tiªn truyÒn ®i tÝn hiÖu ®ã. 5. "national" of a Party shall, in respect of the relevant intellectual property rights, be understood as tho¶se natural or legal persons that would meet the criteria for eligibility for protection provided for in the Paris Convention, the Berne Convention, the Geneva Convention, the Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite, the International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, the UPOV Convention (1978), the UPOV Convention (1991) or the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits adopted at Washington in 1989, as if each Party were a Party to tho¶se Conventions, and with respect to intellectual property rights that are not the subject of these Conventions, "national of a Party" shall be understood at least to include any person that is a citizen or permanent resident of that Party. 5. "c«ng d©n" cña mét Bªn, t−¬ng øng víi tõng lo¹i quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ, ®−îc hiÓu lµ nh÷ng thÓ nh©n hoÆc ph¸p nh©n cã thÓ ®¸p øng c¸c tiªu chuÈn ®Ó ®−îc h−ëng sù b¶o hé quy ®Þnh trong C«ng −íc Paris, C«ng −íc Berne, C«ng −íc Geneva, C«ng −íc vÒ ph©n phèi tÝn hiÖu mang ch−¬ng tr×nh truyÒn qua vÖ tinh, C«ng −íc Quèc tÕ vÒ b¶o hé ng−êi biÓu diÔn, ng−êi ghi ©m vµ tæ chøc ph¸t sãng, C«ng −íc UPOV (1978), C«ng −íc UPOV (1991), hoÆc HiÖp ®Þnh vÒ quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ ®èi víi m¹ch tÝch hîp ®−îc lËp t¹i Washington n¨m 1989, nh− thÓ mçi Bªn ®Òu lµ thµnh viªn cña c¸c C«ng −íc ®ã, vµ ®èi víi c¸c quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ kh«ng ph¶i lµ ®èi t−îng cña c¸c C«ng −íc nãi trªn th× kh¸i niÖm "c«ng d©n" cña mét Bªn Ýt nhÊt ®−îc hiÓu lµ bao gåm bÊt kú ng−êi nµo lµ c«ng d©n cña Bªn ®ã hoÆc ng−êi th−êng tró t¹i Bªn ®ã. 6. "public" includes, with respect to rights of communication and performance of works provided for under Articles 11, 11bis(1) and 14(1)(ii) of the Berne Convention, with respect to dramatic, dramatico-musical, musical and cinematographic works, at least, any aggregation of individuals intended to be the object of, and capable of perceiving, communications or performances of works, regardless of whether they can do so at the 6. "c«ng chóng" - ®èi víi c¸c quyÒn truyÒn ®¹t vµ biÓu diÔn t¸c phÈm quy ®Þnh t¹i §iÒu 11, 11bis(1) vµ 14(1)(ii) cña C«ng −íc Berne, ®èi víi t¸c phÈm kÞch, nh¹c kÞch, ©m nh¹c vµ ®iÖn ¶nh - bao gåm Ýt nhÊt bÊt kú tËp hîp nh÷ng c¸ nh©n nµo ®−îc dù tÝnh lµ ®èi t−îng cña sù truyÒn ®¹t hay biÓu diÔn t¸c phÈm ®ã vµ cã kh¶ n¨ng c¶m nhËn ®−îc chóng, bÊt kÓ lµ nh÷ng c¸ nh©n nµy cã thÓ thùc hiÖn ®−îc ®iÒu ®ã t¹i cïng mét thêi ®iÓm hay t¹i nhiÒu thêi same or different times or in the same or different places, provided that such an aggregation is larger than a family and its immediate circle of acquaintances or is not a group comprising a limited number of individuals having similarly close ties that has not been formed for the principal purpose of receiving such performances and communications of works. ®iÓm kh¸c nhau, t¹i cïng mét ®Þa ®iÓm hay t¹i nhiÒu ®Þa ®iÓm kh¸c nhau, víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ tËp hîp nh÷ng c¸ nh©n ®ã ph¶i ë quy m« lín h¬n mét gia ®×nh céng thªm nh÷ng ng−êi cã mèi quan hÖ th©n thÝch trùc tiÕp cña gia ®×nh ®ã, hoÆc kh«ng ph¶i lµ mét nhãm víi sè l−îng ng−êi h¹n chÕ cã mèi quan hÖ gÇn gòi t−¬ng tù, ®−îc lËp ra kh«ng ph¶i víi môc ®Ých chÝnh lµ thu nhËn ch−¬ng tr×nh biÓu diÔn vµ sù truyÒn ®¹t t¸c phÈm ®ã. 7. "right holder" includes the right holder personally, any other natural or legal person autho¶rized by the right holder who is an exclusive licensee of the right, or other autho¶rized persons, including federations and associations, having legal standing under domestic law to assert such rights. 7. "ng−êi cã quyÒn" bao gåm b¶n th©n ng−êi cã quyÒn, bÊt kú thÓ nh©n hoÆc ph¸p nh©n nµo kh¸c ®−îc ng−êi cã quyÒn cÊp li-x¨ng ®éc quyÒn ®èi víi quyÒn ®ã, hoÆc lµ nh÷ng ng−êi ®−îc phÐp kh¸c, kÓ c¶ c¸c liªn ®oµn, hiÖp héi cã t− c¸ch ph¸p lý ®Ó thô h−ëng c¸c quyÒn ®ã theo quy ®Þnh cña ph¸p luËt quèc gia. Article 3 §iÒu 3 National Treatment §èi xö Quèc gia 1. Each Party shall accord to nationals of the other Party treatment no less favorable than it accords to its own nationals with regard to the acquisition, protection, enjoyment and enforcement of all intellectual property rights and any benefits derived therefrom. 1. Mçi Bªn dµnh cho c«ng d©n cña Bªn kia sù ®èi xö kh«ng kÐm thuËn lîi h¬n sù ®èi xö mµ Bªn ®ã dµnh cho c«ng d©n cña m×nh trong viÖc x¸c lËp, b¶o hé, h−ëng vµ thùc thi tÊt c¶ c¸c quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ vµ mäi lîi Ých cã ®−îc tõ c¸c quyÒn ®ã. 2. A Party shall not, as a condition of according national treatment under this Article, require right holders to comply with any formalities or conditions (including fixation, publication or exploitation in the territory of a Party) in order to acquire, enjoy, enforce and exercise rights or benefits in respect of copyright and related rights. 2. Mét Bªn kh«ng ®ßi hái nh÷ng ng−êi cã quyÒn ph¶i tu©n thñ bÊt kú yªu cÇu vÒ thñ tôc h×nh thøc hoÆc ®iÒu kiÖn nµo (kÓ c¶ viÖc ®Þnh h×nh, c«ng bè hoÆc khai th¸c trong l·nh thæ cña mét Bªn) nh− lµ mét ®iÒu kiÖn ®Ó ®−îc h−ëng sù ®èi xö quèc gia quy ®Þnh t¹i §iÒu nµy nh»m x¸c lËp, h−ëng, thùc thi vµ thùc hiÖn c¸c quyÒn vµ lîi Ých liªn quan ®Õn quyÒn t¸c gi¶ vµ quyÒn liªn quan. 3. A Party may derogate from paragraph 1 in relation to its judicial and administrative procedures for the protection or enforcement of intellectual property rights, including any procedure requiring a national of the other Party to designate for service of process an address in the Party's territory or to appoint an agent in the Party's territory, if the 3. Mét Bªn cã thÓ kh«ng thi hµnh quy ®Þnh t¹i kho¶n 1 ®èi víi c¸c thñ tôc t− ph¸p vµ hµnh chÝnh liªn quan ®Õn viÖc b¶o hé vµ thùc thi c¸c quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ, kÓ c¶ bÊt kú thñ tôc nµo yªu cÇu c«ng d©n cña Bªn kia ph¶i chØ ®Þnh ®Þa chØ tiÕp nhËn giÊy tê tèng ®¹t tè tông t¹i l·nh thæ cña Bªn ®ã hoÆc ph¶i chØ ®Þnh mét ®¹i diÖn t¹i l·nh thæ cña Bªn ®ã nÕu derogation is consistent with the relevant Convention listed in Article 1.3 above, provided that such derogation: A. is necessary to secure compliance with measures that are not inconsistent with this Agreement; and B. is not applied in a manner that would constitute a restriction on trade. viÖc kh«ng thi hµnh nµy lµ phï hîp víi c¸c C«ng −íc liªn quan ®−îc liÖt kª ë kho¶n 3 §iÒu 1 trªn ®©y, víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ viÖc kh«ng thi hµnh quy ®Þnh nãi trªn: A. lµ cÇn thiÕt ®Ó b¶o ®¶m viÖc thi hµnh c¸c biÖn ph¸p kh«ng tr¸i víi quy ®Þnh cña HiÖp ®Þnh nµy; vµ B. kh«ng ®−îc ¸p dông theo ph−¬ng thøc cã thÓ g©y h¹n chÕ ®èi víi th−¬ng m¹i. 4. No Party shall have any obligation under this Article with respect to procedures provided in multilateral agreements concluded under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization relating to the acquisition or maintenance of intellectual property rights. 4. Kh«ng Bªn nµo ph¶i cã bÊt kú nghÜa vô g× theo §iÒu nµy ®èi víi c¸c thñ tôc quy ®Þnh trong c¸c tho¶ thuËn ®a ph−¬ng ®−îc ký kÕt d−íi sù b¶o trî cña Tæ chøc Së h÷u TrÝ tuÖ ThÕ giíi liªn quan ®Õn viÖc x¸c lËp hoÆc duy tr× quyÒn së h÷u trÝ tuÖ. Article 4 §iÒu 4 Copyright and Related Rights QuyÒn t¸c gi¶ vµ QuyÒn liªn quan 1. Each Party shall protect all works that embody original expression within the meaning of the Berne Convention. In particular: 1. Mçi Bªn b¶o hé mäi t¸c phÈm cã sù thÓ hiÖn nguyªn gèc theo nghÜa quy ®Þnh t¹i C«ng −íc Berne. Cô thÓ lµ: A. all types of computer programs are literary works within the meaning of the Berne Convention and each Party shall protect them as such; and A. mäi lo¹i ch−¬ng tr×nh m¸y tÝnh ®Òu ®−îc coi lµ c¸c t¸c phÈm viÕt theo nghÜa quy ®Þnh t¹i C«ng −íc Berne vµ mçi Bªn b¶o hé c¸c ®èi t−îng nµy nh− t¸c phÈm viÕt; vµ B. compilations of data or other material, whether in machine readable or other form, which by reason of the selection or arrangement of their contents constitute intellectual creations, shall be protected as works. B. mäi s−u tËp d÷ liÖu hoÆc s−u tËp t− liÖu kh¸c, bÊt kÓ d−íi d¹ng cã thÓ ®äc ®−îc b»ng m¸y hoÆc d−íi d¹ng kh¸c, mµ viÖc lùa chän vµ s¾p xÕp néi dung lµ sù s¸ng t¹o trÝ tuÖ, ®Òu ®−îc b¶o hé nh− t¸c phÈm. The protection a Party provides under subparagraph (B) shall not extend to the data or Material itself, or prejudice any copyright subsisting in that data or material. Sù b¶o hé mµ mét Bªn quy ®Þnh theo môc B kh«ng ¸p dông ®èi víi chÝnh d÷ liÖu hoÆc t− liÖu, hoÆc lµm ph−¬ng h¹i ®Õn quyÒn t¸c gi¶ ®ang tån t¹i ®èi víi d÷ liÖu hoÆc t− liÖu ®ã. 2. Each Party shall provide to autho¶rs and their successors in interest tho¶se rights enumerated in the Berne Convention in respect of works covered by paragraph 1, and shall provide the right to autho¶rize or prohibit: 2. Mçi Bªn dµnh cho t¸c gi¶ vµ nh÷ng ng−êi kÕ thõa quyÒn lîi cña hä nh÷ng quyÒn ®−îc liÖt kª t¹i C«ng −íc Berne ®èi víi c¸c t¸c phÈm thuéc kho¶n 1, vµ dµnh cho hä quyÒn cho phÐp hoÆc cÊm: A. the importation into the Party's territory of copies of the work; A. nhËp khÈu vµo l·nh thæ cña Bªn ®ã b¶n sao cña t¸c phÈm; B. the first public distribution of the original and each copy of the work by sale, rental or otherwise; B. ph©n phèi c«ng khai lÇn ®Çu b¶n gèc vµ mçi b¶n sao t¸c phÈm d−íi h×nh thøc b¸n, cho thuª hoÆc c¸c h×nh thøc kh¸c; C. the communication of a work to the public; and C. truyÒn ®¹t t¸c phÈm tíi c«ng chóng; vµ D. the rental of the original or a copy of a computer program for the purposes of commercial advantage. D. cho thuª b¶n gèc hoÆc b¶n sao ch−¬ng tr×nh m¸y tÝnh nh»m ®¹t lîi Ých th−¬ng m¹i. Subparagraph (D) shall not apply where the copy of the computer program is not itself an Essential object of the rental. Each Party shall provide that putting the original or a copy of a computer program on the market with the right holder's consent shall not exhaust the rental right. Kh«ng ¸p dông môc D trong tr−êng hîp b¶n sao ch−¬ng tr×nh m¸y tÝnh kh«ng ph¶i lµ ®èi t−îng chñ yÕu ®Ó cho thuª. Mçi Bªn quy ®Þnh r»ng viÖc ®−a b¶n gèc hoÆc b¶n sao mét ch−¬ng tr×nh m¸y tÝnh ra thÞ tr−êng víi sù ®ång ý cña ng−êi cã quyÒn kh«ng lµm chÊm døt quyÒn cho thuª. 3. Each Party shall provide that for copyright and related rights: 3. Mçi Bªn quy ®Þnh r»ng ®èi víi quyÒn t¸c gi¶ vµ quyÒn liªn quan: A. any person acquiring or holding any economic rights may freely and separately transfer such rights by contract; and A. bÊt kú ng−êi nµo cã ®−îc hoÆc n¾m gi÷ bÊt kú quyÒn kinh tÕ nµo ®Òu cã thÓ chuyÓn giao mét c¸ch tù do vµ riªng rÏ quyÒn ®ã b»ng hîp ®ång; vµ B. any person acquiring or holding any such economic rights by virtue of a contract, including contracts of employment underlying the creation of works and sound recordings, shall be able to exercise tho¶se rights in its own name and enjoy fully the benefits derived from tho¶se rights. B. bÊt kú ng−êi nµo cã ®−îc hoÆc n¾m gi÷ quyÒn kinh tÕ theo hîp ®ång, kÓ c¶ nh÷ng hîp ®ång lao ®éng lµ c¬ së ®Ó s¸ng t¹o t¸c phÈm vµ b¶n ghi ©m, ®Òu ®−îc tù ®øng tªn thùc hiÖn c¸c quyÒn ®ã vµ ®−îc h−ëng ®Çy ®ñ c¸c lîi Ých thu ®−îc tõ c¸c quyÒn ®ã. 4. Each Party shall provide that, where the term of protection of a work is to be calculated on a basis other than the life of a natural person, the term shall 4. Mçi Bªn quy ®Þnh r»ng, tr−êng hîp thêi h¹n b¶o hé cña mét t¸c phÈm ®−îc tÝnh kh«ng c¨n cø theo ®êi ng−êi, th× thêi h¹n ®ã kh«ng Ýt h¬n 75 be not less than 75 years from the end of the calendar year of the first autho¶rized publication of the work or, failing such autho¶rized publication within 25 years from the creation of the work, not less than 100 years from the end of the calendar year of the creation of the work. n¨m kÓ tõ khi kÕt thóc n¨m lÞch mµ t¸c phÈm ®−îc c«ng bè hîp ph¸p lÇn ®Çu tiªn, hoÆc nÕu t¸c phÈm kh«ng ®−îc c«ng bè hîp ph¸p trong vßng 25 n¨m kÓ tõ khi t¸c phÈm ®−îc t¹o ra, th× thêi h¹n ®ã kh«ng Ýt h¬n 100 n¨m kÓ tõ khi kÕt thóc n¨m lÞch mµ t¸c phÈm ®−îc t¹o ra. 5. Neither Party may grant translation or reproduction licenses permitted under the Appendix to the Berne Convention where legitimate needs in that Party's territory for copies or translations of the work could be met by the right holder's voluntary actions but for obstacles created by the Party's measures. 5. Kh«ng Bªn nµo ®−îc cÊp phÐp dÞch hoÆc sao chÐp theo quy ®Þnh t¹i Phô lôc cña C«ng −íc Berne khi nhu cÇu hîp ph¸p vÒ b¶n dÞch hoÆc b¶n sao t¸c phÈm trong l·nh thæ cña Bªn ®ã cã thÓ ®−îc ng−êi cã quyÒn ®¸p øng mét c¸ch tù nguyÖn nÕu kh«ng gÆp nh÷ng trë ng¹i do Bªn ®ã t¹o ra. 6. Each Party shall provide to the right holder in a sound recording the right to autho¶rize or prohibit: 6. Mçi Bªn dµnh cho ng−êi cã quyÒn ®èi víi b¶n ghi ©m quyÒn cho phÐp hoÆc cÊm: A. the direct or indirect reproduction, in whole or in part, of the sound recording; B. the importation into the Party's territory of copies of the sound recording; A. trùc tiÕp hoÆc gi¸n tiÕp sao chÐp toµn bé hoÆc mét phÇn b¶n ghi ©m; B. nhËp khÈu vµo l·nh thæ cña Bªn ®ã b¶n sao cña b¶n ghi ©m; C. the first public distribution of the original and each copy of the sound recording by sale, rental or otherwise; and C. ph©n phèi c«ng khai lÇn ®Çu b¶n gèc hoÆc b¶n sao cña b¶n ghi ©m d−íi h×nh thøc b¸n, cho thuª hoÆc c¸c h×nh thøc kh¸c; vµ D. the rental, lease or lending of the original or a copy of the sound recording for the purposes of commercial advantage. D. cho thuª, m−în b¶n gèc hoÆc b¶n sao cña b¶n ghi ©m nh»m ®¹t lîi Ých th−¬ng m¹i. Each Party shall provide that putting the original or a copy of a sound recording on the market with the right holder's consent shall not exhaust the rental right. Mçi Bªn quy ®Þnh r»ng viÖc ®−a b¶n gèc hoÆc b¶n sao mét b¶n ghi ©m ra thÞ tr−êng víi sù ®ång ý cña ng−êi cã quyÒn kh«ng lµm chÊm døt quyÒn cho thuª cña ng−êi cã quyÒn. 7. Each Party shall provide to performers the right to autho¶rize or prohibit: 7. Mçi Bªn dµnh cho nh÷ng ng−êi biÓu diÔn quyÒn cho phÐp hoÆc cÊm: A. the fixation of their live musical performances in a sound recording; A. ®Þnh h×nh c¸c buæi biÓu diÔn nh¹c sèng cña hä trong b¶n ghi ©m; B. the reproduction of unautho¶rized fixations of B. sao chÐp b¶n ®Þnh h×nh tr¸i phÐp cña their live musical performances in a sound recording; c¸c buæi biÓu diÔn nh¹c sèng cña hä; vµ C. The transmission or other communication to the public of sounds in a live musical performance; and C. ph¸t hoÆc truyÒn ®¹t theo c¸ch kh¸c tíi c«ng chóng ©m thanh cña buæi biÓu diÔn nh¹c sèng; vµ D. the distribution, sale, rental, disposal or transfer of the unautho¶rized fixations of their live performances in a sound recording, regardless of where the fixations were made. D. ph©n phèi, b¸n, cho thuª, ®Þnh ®o¹t hoÆc chuyÓn giao c¸c b¶n ®Þnh h×nh tr¸i phÐp c¸c buæi biÓu diÔn trùc tiÕp cña hä, bÊt kÓ viÖc ®Þnh h×nh ®ã ®−îc thùc hiÖn ë ®©u. 8. Each Party shall, through operation of this Agreement, apply the provisions of Article 18 of the Berne Convention to works and, with such modifications as may be necessary, to existing sound recordings. 8. Mçi Bªn, th«ng qua viÖc thùc hiÖn HiÖp ®Þnh nµy, ¸p dông c¸c quy ®Þnh cña §iÒu 18 C«ng −íc Berne ®èi víi c¸c t¸c phÈm vµ, víi nh÷ng söa ®æi cÇn thiÕt, ®èi víi c¸c b¶n ghi ©m ®ang tån t¹i. 9. Each Party shall confine limitations or exceptions to the rights provided for in this Article to certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work, and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the right holder. 9. Mçi Bªn giíi h¹n c¸c h¹n chÕ hoÆc ngo¹i lÖ ®èi víi c¸c quyÒn ®−îc quy ®Þnh t¹i §iÒu nµy trong mét sè tr−êng hîp ®Æc biÖt nhÊt ®Þnh mµ kh«ng m©u thuÉn víi viÖc khai th¸c b×nh th−êng t¸c phÈm vµ kh«ng g©y ph−¬ng h¹i mét c¸ch bÊt hîp lý tíi c¸c lîi Ých chÝnh ®¸ng cña ng−êi cã quyÒn. Article 5 §iÒu 5 Protection of Encrypted Program-Carrying Satellite Signals B¶o hé tÝn hiÖu vÖ tinh mang ch−¬ng tr×nh ®· ®−îc m· ho¸ 1. For serious violations involving the protection of encrypted program-carrying satellite signals, each Party shall make available appropriate remedies, including civil and criminal remedies. 1. §èi víi c¸c vi ph¹m nghiªm träng liªn quan ®Õn viÖc b¶o hé tÝn hiÖu vÖ tinh mang ch−¬ng tr×nh ®· ®−îc m· ho¸, mçi Bªn quy ®Þnh c¸c biÖn ph¸p xö lý thÝch hîp, bao gåm c¸c biÖn ph¸p, chÕ tµi d©n sù vµ h×nh sù. 2. Serious violations involving the protection of encrypted program-carrying satellite signals shall include the following: 2. Vi ph¹m nghiªm träng liªn quan ®Õn viÖc b¶o hé tÝn hiÖu vÖ tinh mang ch−¬ng tr×nh ®· ®−îc m· ho¸ bao gåm c¸c hµnh vi sau: A. The manufacture, assembly, modification, or distribution (including import, export, sale or lease) of a device or system, by any person knowing or having reason to know that the device or system is primarily of assistance in the unautho¶rized decoding of an encrypted program-carrying satellite A. S¶n xuÊt, l¾p r¸p, biÕn ®æi, hoÆc ph©n phèi (bao gåm nhËp khÈu, xuÊt khÈu, b¸n hoÆc cho thuª) mét thiÕt bÞ hoÆc hÖ thèng, do bÊt kú ng−êi nµo thùc hiÖn khi biÕt hoÆc cã c¬ së ®Ó biÕt r»ng thiÕt bÞ hoÆc hÖ thèng ®ã chñ yÕu ®Ó gióp cho viÖc gi¶i m· tr¸i phÐp mét tÝn hiÖu vÖ tinh mang
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