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Tài liệu Cambridge primary science 2 learner book


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Sách hệ Cam
Going outside l.l 1.2 -l.3 1.4 -l.5 2 Different ploces to live Con we core for our environment? Our weother Extreme weother Check your progress B r0 12 14 Looking of rocks 2.1 Whot ore rocks? 2.2 Uses of rocks 2.3 Soil 2.4 Other noturol moteriols 2.5 Check your progress 3 6 t6 IB 20 22 24 Chonging moteriols 3..l Moteriols chonging shope 3.2 Bending ond twisting 3,3 Fontqstic elostic 3.4 Heoting ond cooling 3,5 Why is the seo solty? 3.6 Check your progress 26 28 30 32 34 36 :.=-:rl:'*!:g!;.9.r1s=, 4 5 6 Light ond dork 4,1 Light sources 4.2 Dorkness 4.3 Moking shodows 4,4 Shodow shopes 4,5 Check your progress 3B 40 42 44 46 Electricity 5.-l Electricity oround us 5.2 Stoying sofe 5,3 Moking o circuit 5,4 Using motors ond buzzers 5.5 Switches 5,6 Check your progress The Eorth ond the Sun 6,1 Doy ond night 6,2 Does the Sun move? 6,3 Chonging shodows 6,4 Check your progress 4B 50 52 54 56 5B 60 62 64 66 Reference Glossory ond index 6B Acknowledgements 7B 72 : i t "' *t *q.1.*.a.4."" \;l )1 ll*1 113 ffi ,1; Whot do onlmols ond plonts need to ,:;':,' ., . ... ... .. ;1 -..;. ..:1,, ..,,,. , .,,,,. ...,,, ,.,.., ,.,,.,, different meosure [Lve? :;,,.:t .,a,..,,: :. :,,,:4 ""$k ,,@iti".& I l;, i\Il l,il , ' .y-r*!ql! i, t, zv, ,rff!,}t,,, xwffi ttr\il /rfb [r.. W ' \rl ' Looh ot the plctures. Whtch anlmols ond ptonts [Lve ln each 1 see !' envlronment? Whot dllferences con uou J Compore two different ploces Go outside. Looh Jor two ptoces thot are ,;1,*;'gl:,v,:',1'',,, , [i.he o wet place ond a dry place. the two places. Mahe sure theg ore the some slze. Yt&x*xt,t,'{,i:; Whot con gou frnd? Con Uou f,nd onu rT xxrzt* *rx:xt:x? the onlmals ond plonts Uou ftnd [n eoch place. Compore them. W*:r,q:r'** Whot hove Uou Jound out? What anlmals ond plonts l"i,ve Ln*th.esp envlronments? '*t *,t.\$2,$ )ta :frttp t _t'{r"" ?)t U., ,r'n ,,t'rr.,19.*- . l|\l'l|'1,'w'n|.'* ' \t rr ,tt, ) t1,,..: /.-rrr, x .. .rtt4.. 1' X ,.$ry. t*rlt .- ,*tt:* I 'Y ."1 ' il \1 )1f rrr{r, tt . i**}ta Envlronments can be dfJerent or slmllor. DfJerent plonts and onlmats [i,ve in dilJerent envlronments. Thts beoch [s covered wlth i,s flowlng lnto the sea. liiter sewoge protect lttltrrawyy.ii-'. .i ;J,ljJ,tr ,-.-,.,*4. --ztl \.H: {r -r& Oo % -<{ +- @ \z\_ Do Uou thi.nh litter and sewage con horm the wildl.fe neor the beoch? Whot can we do to help the wltdl.tJe? $, 1.. @ - " r: i.._. Our environment Go outslde qnd looh oround. Con Uou see ploces where peop[e do not looh oJter Wrlte, drow or photogroph whot uou see. How could people look oJter the envlronment better? What could Uou do to hel.p? Tq[h obout Uour ldeos. Envi,ronmentoI grouPs qre groups oJ people who hel.p to looh oJter the envi,ronment. .lrit ,,l : ?.1 \lt.'./l ,lt ,r.t{}r;t 't {',. ilr' IOU COn . ,,1:i l ,ll:,1"*,'|l :* ttl-, ,ltlll ;;l|',.,: ,1. '. .tr.tt |:1lat .t :.,t-r ,,al..t), t\,;,.t, looh aJter your envlronment i'n d{ferent wogs. l'l.i:,,.':; Each doU thg ',,::,'.,;:, ' 1 :',:11 ,,, '.'t': : and omount oJ Sun ond ,. con change. This i.s our ,:. : , ", ,' The weother mohes us thlnh about whot we do ond whot we weor. . .. . : , roin sqme cloudy cold ot the plctures. why ore the chl[dren wearlng these ctothes? Br ,t"i&. g :.,..:... temperoture ffiMffi Loo h ,.,,a,, :.. sunny worm f rosty hoil Todoy's weother Tol.h about the weother todoy. Is [t the lr:r, as yesterdoy? Is i,t nqAye.y?.*.], ol' i. Is i,t ,,w{x,r'ry'L or :;.;":', t,:r t',}ll*i? *;,:x*r,::,,,,? Is there onu roln, Is i,t *r:,,{:r\r,1t $:'x't*x:t*;g,? rn.^r"g-.aJil or t'l.*,*3? 1t&\ #, t\ c{\ -r,-, *lu%HT How wlndy [s [t? Mohe o poster to show what the weather is [i,he. The weother i,s not olwaqs the same. Looh ot the plcture. You con see o rolnbow when i't ralns and the Sun [s shlnlng at the some t[me. ri, 1"1 i 'WX{,{t,X',W.W W i,,,*' '1 *&W,. l.;1'.. 1.'|1:,,\,1',ry'r,,W {i?*Y"*'b,lf,,.', You can looh ot the weather and draw or write down what you see. | 1,,1, :; ;i r,';,;:: ;":: : t': r; Ii'.1 :,,: .,t ,l: l l' Hove Uou ever seen the 'i.1:ti':r','r',i:it'll't,i: weother Ln these plctures? How would Uou heep saJe i,n thls weother? .|:' ,,i . r,4, ;r. i;. . rrr. rirr r., Eorth extreme forecqsters storm reseqrch ,'-".-,,t1 W g At he f '.'i::' t;,: tt',::.1 il:,:,:t,:ii'':t:.,,:,t,: tl',:,:, Af e sclentlsts who te[[ us what the weother wt[[ be [Lhe. Satettites [n spoce looh down at the l,:i:::,:::r.r't::,il''t, ond cotlect [nJormatlon. Theg hel.p us Jorecast whot weother wi[[ hoppen. li Looh ot the plcture. There i,s o verg bqd storm under these ctouds. The *l;.*r nl ts movlng neorer the [ond. What wi,[[ hoppen to the weother on the [and? Keeping sofe in extreme weother Looh ot boohs or the lnternet. Do some t:,{riti,tr,':'x.'i,::;tt":u qbout one tUpe oJ extreme weother. You could choose weother lihe heovy snow, hurrlcones or tornodos. Mahe a poster to show whot to weor ond how to heep saJe this weother. "t,,;,i:':if ,'{r*,?,1,,:,,1i,,.,tr',*,r;,',*.,: "* Ther e ore dfJerent types oJ extreme weother. i,n dry ploce eogle wet ploce W w@W@ Whtch anlmols rnight Whtch anlmols mlght ill goot duck Live lion dry p[ace? the wet place? In the [Lve In Some learners comp ared the number oJ plonts ond mlnlbeosts Jound in two dfJerent ploces i.n thei.r school. Thts Ls whot they Jound. Ploce Number of minibeosls found Numbet of plonts found A t5 25 B 5 3 l',,',,r1 Whtch ploce Ls best Jor mlnlbeosts o"nd ptonts to Li.ve i'n? WhU do Uou thlnh thls ptoce i.s better Jor mlnlbeosts and plonts to [i.ve i,n? Whot could we do to solve the probtems i,n these environments? *,fu. . .. .. i; Some leorners meosured the omount oJ roln each dog and drew this bloch groph. Rorn oll A lo* A of doy ra\n lrttle roin l/o ra'iyr 14onday Tuesdoy Wedvresday Thvrsday On how manu dogs dtd it roin? On whlch doy wo.s there most raln? On whlch doy wos there no roi,n? How much roln mtght there be on Soturdoy? Fv\day ...*-Al s ,1 s , fl \ qta- 'l/GEF f f -r' #i] G$t { g *r' ^fgi r'te,e- *Fq;"6 'e's E*d.i !r i o=# '{ If,*,e"[ I I I Y d tr a h -*#;*J"i J'-*j I .l.td f ;"r i ' "**=i; trd* I A'fl"* ! \ **'***d.=r+d-i*.*d 1.*= The surJoce oJ the Eorth Ls mode oJ :,"t.r(;','i:;r,. You con eoslly see some rochs limestone obove the ground, os Ln the plctures. Others are deep under the ground or collect under woter. Th[s roch [s mode oJ .,, ,',, ,t :, a.t .. , : .,.. :: .:', t) 1 ,,;' Thts seo orch rochs. These rochs are mode .J i.s mode Jrom T hg S g :. ::,.. ;:" :t:.tl.:''::,,',1','..11):' :t'1, i,n Butgor[o. tl:: r O C hS Or g There ore mony d{ferent types oJ roch. They have d{ferent colours. They con be hord or soJt. They con be smo[[ or large. A r.', i,1,, , , [S O ptOCe where rOChS ore dug Jrom the ground. The rochs are tohen Jrom the quorrg Jor us to use. Worhers use mochlnes to dig ond move the rochs. ComporinE rocks : SOff[e dfJerent roch samples. Looh coreJu[[U ot eoch oJ them. , ,, , ,,;:rr,'r. Con Uou see ony dtlJerences? Draw what Uou see. Rochs cover the Earth's surJace. Some rochs are Jound under the ground. There are dtJJerent tgpes oJ rochs. 2 g, A Dljjerent rochs ore used Jor dfJerent jobs. We use rochs to butl.d roods, ,r;t ,rt:t rt ,, , ,t quortz mqrble wo[[s, houses ond to moke other thlngs. fi$i*,*-ylrrimd i's veru hord. It i.s used tn jewellerg ond also [n cuttlng mochlnes. Gronlte {,& tx.rx.r,"t;'x:, ro c hs are Ls very strong. It is oJten used i,n bulldlngs. Jound o[[ over the Eorth. Clochs ond rodlos use guartz. hard ond smooth. It 3$l,ra*;* i.s [s used Jor floor ond rooJ ti.tes. Il;'f)!,,at,it4'/;ilW .,r#n**& lLt':t t tr .d l&t{, l,;MwM Y,4,xr"*,'l.,x ts a hord, strong ond smooth roch. It is used [n mong types oJ decorotlon ond buildtng. I O I z I a hand lens Looh qround Uour schoolJor rochs thot hove been used to mohe poths, wo[[s, floors qnd rooCs. Looh ot the rochs coreJultg. Con you see potterns? What colour ore the rochs? WhU wos that rock used? Wrlte down or drqw whot Uou fr'nd out. ., Dijjerent rochs are used for dfJerent thlngs.
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