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Tài liệu Access 2 teacher book


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11 I I tl Teacher' s Book • ,1 Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley 1 ~I Express Publishing , 1 1 ;:. , (i~;~dii~g'g:Ejst;~lnv (~peakin~tF~J~tTonv o favou ri teobjecb e Jill', Ilou,," .. family n>enlber~ • greelings & inlroductions .. o bjects " nllmhen. • Myslery Inc - Do yoo know t hem? • Busy Bee or Couch Potato? • I . Sunday. phon" friend, " tel! lhe time o pronuflCiation: 3rd person ,ingu lar present , imple postcards from holiday • resorts • • 0 make a ~eech - accept an • InvitE' invitaMn Pronunciation: lot, lu.I • a mes<;age boa rd Moon Festiv~ l - China .. YO c ~ rtoon character .. Teenage Life In Brit ain • (Science) 11me Zone. of the World o a description of ~ pictur .. of a f amity celeb rat ion o festivals • US Food F('st i~a lsWatermel.oll HlUm p • (Art & De~ign) WlJJm l ~ a ,peech o desQ1l>c past activit ies • • : A Ufe • Strange Dr(>ams • Th" Haunted Ship • The Voke • I warming -- Global • • o m'''''''ge, from hol id~y rcwrls e advert. " Taipei 101 malt ' ~ 8 • descri t>e a film you s.aw Intona tion I" qtK'stions • • • • a strange dream you had .. a story o a summary of a myth ~ make predictions make slIggestions PrOllundMion: '/I dero"ibe- place~ " descri be your holiday .. Intonation: exclama tions Cold colo ur; Legends _ Excalibur (Hi5lory) Ancient tgyptliln Kings in the UK • Supcrstltkms (literacy) M~_ths : the- • tim!! exprc,;slons Minotau r • predictions ilbout life in • '100 postcard .. how you Ilke to trave l • an arllcle about a buildin~ .. ocdcr of adJE'Ct ives • II • • ·-:'-C!'~·~"i·j'j'~'"i~ 'jb:"1"'\:--r:,-o;,~p«~:':'i':'ioc:oi';'C~:~1:'~~~~~~~~~~=j:'~s;':"':"~~2:~ • Steve n B r~dbllry: The Accidental Hero " an email 0 Pronunciation: hi, /01 ~ 8 (PSHE) hi . anlntervjcw with a f,m,. l-______________________-I:.~'f:"~'~O!:' ' c. ...________________________ • Can5t ruction g Fashion Good Enough to " dlscu" wh~t to buy • 8ive dire<:liOIl~ .. e~cha llge dothe, .. Pronunciation: 1c:r./ , 1'5.1 • de lcrilx> )lOUr clothes o an email d eocribing ycur neighbourhood .. Fa!T'OJ'" market, in London • (f'SHE) Alcohol • Smart People Play it Sale • The WEEE Man • Shou ld every leen have a mobile phone? .. buy e\e<:lrlcall ('I('d(onic equipm"nt .. Prooond~tion: lin king sound, • school rules • a for·and·against article • ~ paragraph a bout ~ TV • Tile Wonderfvl Wor ld Doctor WHO .. (Science) Elcuricity .. Jilmie's Pic ks of the Wee k ~ J ack fi.'lnoo's ilnima l Adventures • My favourite oond .. make arrartgemenls • Pronunciation: !ro/, 1M • a short rcvfew of a film ~ Traditional Mosical • yOII'" favooritc TV ,,::~'.~~'I Instruments: BagpIpes • an emaUabout ".oor " (Sc.lence) l-Iow our ears favourite band ~,k • using aJ'O't roplle' ", seri~ Introduction Access 2 i~ II task· based Englis h course based on the COlll mon European Fra lTlcwor1< of Referl' llCt' alld dcsign.cd for learners studying Cngli-.h with the ca lC1lOlY of A2. Acce.iiS devdops aU lour skills (listening, speaking, reading and w ri ting ) t hl OURii' II variety of COllllllU:l lc~ti 'll as ten modules of six l~ each. There Is also /I 5eIf che<:k section at the end of eiKh modul.c, Teacher's Book The Teacf1.er's Boo k is interleavens so thaI students can pract ise everyday English . Pronunciat ion ProlluflCiaUon activities he lp students to recogllisc tlle var10us sounds of the English ~ngua~, dist inguish belweE'!l them and reproduce t he m corlectly. fi nally to full te~ts, allowing student s to vradua lly hllild up their wrlt iO!! skills. Cu lture Cornef sectlon In t~ interesling and informative pages, ~tudents are provided with Cult ural infOfmatioo and read about aspects of En!l!lsh·speaking countries whi ch Me them.l tka\ly llnked LO t he module. The section also contains related ta~s lind creative projects. s.uch as making a poster, which give students the chance 10 procC'ls the (nlorm."Ilion t hey Mve le arnt and compare it to the cult UJe 01 t hei r own country. Curricular Cut se<:tion This section enables studell15 to li nk Ule theme of the module LO a subject on their sc hool curriculum, thLls helping them to contextualise t ile langllage t hey hav(' lea,rnt by reta lirlg It to their 0WfI personal frame of reference. ~ sections contain Ifv('ly and creat ive tasks which stimulate stul:lenls .lind allow them to consotldate the I~"!!C lhI.>y have learnt throutrout the module. " 11 SClf Check • illustrate the Th('o;(' o;('ct~ appear ~t tile en d 01 each modu le, and lein f orce stu(kl'lt~ ' understa ndin g 01 tile toplc~, vocabu lary and stfllCtur('S t hat have been presenlt,tL An IInswer key is provided for stoo(>nlS [0 che(~ thei r ansW('rs and a marki ng scheme allows studeul.'i to evaluate their own PfOKless and Idrol lfy t lle ir streogths and WNkf\e'S';Cs, A - Presenti ng ~w vocabulary Much of t he new vocabulary in Access is prcwntcd through pictums, arld students ale asked to matc h t ile pi ctures to li~ted wonK Vocabul;uy Is a lways pr('senl<:ld in coot e)(t, and emphasis is pla(cd on coUOGltions and word assocIation, sinet' memorising new words is ('asic, when they are Pfcsent('d inle;rical :lets. Furt h!'r t!'Chnlques that you may lise to introduce new vocabulary irIClude: o Miml/lg. Mime the word to be Int rowc('d . For i lstarICe, to present sing, pretend you are singing and a\ili studmts to guess tile meaning of tile word . • Synonyms, oppolit('s, paraphrasing and !living defini tions. E)(a rnples: Present store by givinH a s\lnOllyrn: A store is a lJIop, PreSCflI tall by Hiving it s opposite: He isn't 511ort, he's taU. Pre:;ef\t werl.end by paraphrMlng it: I don'l work at the weekelld. I don'[ WOf~ on Sawrdoy und Sundoy. Prestmt garuge bV givill!! a definition: A 'jar ~oc abulalY task~. Stude nlS will then have acquired t he language 11l>C('5:\a ry to cope with the fiflal wr iti~ ta!;k. • Make sure that students undernl'lnd t hey are writing for a purpose. Go through the writing task ill deta il 50 that students a rc fully aware of wh~ they art' writing and v.1lo t hey are writing to. • It wou ld be lId¥isable to complete t hc la~ k orally In das~ befow a~ning It a~ written homc."WQrk . Studt>nts will then fl'et more confident about ~ductlli a complete piece of writing on thei r own, C - Assisnins homework tt is recommeno:\ed that homework Is rcgular ly assliOC'd and routinety checked according to the ipecific ~ of the class. iii :Ec When ~~~igning w.i till!! l asks, pre pare students a~ welt a!I possib le in advance. This will help th£>rn a~oid eHon and gN maximum benefit from the task. I! ,,I' , j • l • ,, Commonly assIgned horneworlI l asks Include: e Vocabulary. StudC'nt,s ml'loofiS<' t ile mcani,,!! of wOfds and phrases. o SpeWns. SllKIl'I1u leat ll the s.pctli~ of particular WOlds witllout mema6W1g the text WI wIlictl they~. o Reading a/alld. Alsis ted by the Stude nt's CO. studeflU prac::lise at home" preparation fO( reading aloud in class. • WritillS'. After thoro~ preparat ion In elMS, studt!nts are asked to produce ~ complete pieCe of writing, 0 - CO(l ectlnH students ' work , ,Ii " 1 , Alileamers make erroo; they arc part of the proc@"S~ of lwrning. The way e rrors lire dea lt with depcl1d~ on t he actiVIty. • Oral accuracy. In dr ill work Cl)lre(:t stud l'll15 on the :;pot, either by providifl!!, the COl'lOO answer Md asking them to rejX'at it, Of by Indica ting the errO( rot allowing students to corre( t it. Altt'fflatlvety, Indicate t he e' tor and ask other students to correct it. • 010/ fluency. In palrwork 0( frC'e 'SjlCakittg ac t ivities allow stu dents to fin ish the ta sk without inlernlpllon, bu t make a rlot e 01 t he errors made and correct them ~fterw~rds. ~ Writte,r wmlt.. Do not over'COfrect; locus on errnu have t he chance to !i~en to the>e rt.'(;ordlngs at· home liS ffii'lny times iI'i they wa nt In order to impfOV(: the. pronunciation and intonation. The sugSe'l ted stages of such self·acce ss ~tudy are: o The slud etlt li~tens to the re cordi ng and follows t~ lines in the text I)( dialogue. o The studen t list ens to t he rt'Coid ing with pauses ilfter each sentence or excM nge. The studerll repeats as many titnes as needed , trying to i ml t~ le the spe~ker'~ pr()f)Oflciation and Int onation. o The st ooent IlSiens to the re(Of ding agai n, then reads aloud. Recordings lor the Listening taloks In the Workbook are abo included fO( stooents to do their homework. en I"'" board and help the dllSS to correcllhem. II.emember l hat pr"'ising students and re wa rding good work is of ~reat import ane this tcchnlqlll' to pro~ide an e)(ampic of how the ta~k should be done. • Closed poirs. Pairs 01 students work together orl 11 t ask or activity, while the te"'Cher moves arOUtld the classrOO m of Ie r ing assist~rK e ~nd sugg~t loos . Ensure t he task is dell rly OfIder;tood belore closed pairwork be-gins. Sra~~ In pafrwort: Org/lnise stude nts ioto pairs . Sfot the task and t lOle limi t - Rehearse the t ask in open pairs _ -:J'fr" ~'~ At the beginning of the course, sl ud('!1t s ~ho uld \)C asked to obtain a suita ble falder, a,. sectiooe'd document wallet , whith they will brlnB to e~ch lesSOfl ilnd which willliald their pe rSOf\~llanguagc- Portlol\o . This will be used to store riot orlly tlx- material cut out of the Pfinted ~plement, My LClIlS'UOSe Portfolio, but also a wide variety of ot her document s and Illateriai. In practice. language I'oftfolkY.. may mclude projec15 or other written work; comput er diskettes with work or dril(wbliS completed Inside 0( oo..ruide UK' dass; video 'cassettes with the stude nt s' favourite nory, m,ned performaflCt'S of songs, school plays, E¥",tuat ion Shet'ts and report s from te1lChers, various reaUa or pict ures and so on. In short, it is a collection 01 what the leamers want to keep iI~ cvidence of what t hey are learn ing t hrorrgh the medium of tile English lilllS""'!!E" . , IV Thi~ Lan!luagc Porlfolio ~ thE.' ~tudellt'~ l)fOpcrly. It IS ~ toot to iKcornpallY the st udCfltl; ' language iearnlrlg UlrOlr~hClut the course and Is suitable fl)( document ing their le:.nillfl both insrde and out5lde the d amoom, The mi'l in emphasis is on the prOC(.'5S of leaming, so that whil(' compiling the ir La nguage Portfolios, learn ers devclop the skill cA working ~tly. II) Lanlluil!.'<.' 610srap hy Spend sonle time on e ach SectIOn, lll~ k i ll B sure t he studen ts know what ' ~ required of I hem. Here Is a brief CXplll ll'et language . . _ Hew I learn: Go th ror 'glr the section alo~ with students, providing any ncces~ary help. The plllposl' of this sect ion is for both 51udenh and leacher to be a ble t o deter mine ea ch stude nt 's ind,jridua! leamirli slyle (I.e. visuol, ~10f)', ((jeli/e/l:irracsthelfc) a nd n(!('m. - AIY World nf English: Ely updating \lie record, studen ts gel a sense of achievement ill tile \afiC\ I!l they do not In derstand . Then ghle the sWdents some time to arrange their LMgllilge Portfolio. Go afO.lml, providing "n~ ne<:es~ary help. Once the studenls have arranged the ir Lan~uJge Portfolio, go ttwollsh each page t~t.hcr, HlIllnle!lling on tile layout and pictures, and BivinB iI bril!'f expIana Uoo of the corltent of e (l(h page>. SpeI1d some time going throtlgh the lortguaj(' Blograpl\l ~tloo, providing ar,,/ necessary help. Once this has Deerl compleled, e-nc.ourage the sllldena to do thlo' acl hlitles in the Doss II'r secl '>oo. Ill) Dossier nle activlties have been designe-d to reinforcc the 'a<"lUlJ!C COVeled in each module . They can be done upon completion of coch module or ~t a time con venient to the- t eacher, provided that Si udenb have covered the correspondIng module. II Is ~ugge~ted tllat t('aWelS partiCipat e tn the actMtles by brilljlng in a comp leted yeu ion or an activity to be pr~ted. Studcnt~ need to be moti~ a lcd and Inspired, and tilt- following ~ a sUSBe-stlon on how to approach each ac ti vity. Every time students present an I\ct Mty, giw: t hem due pr~ ise :111£1 attention, reward them with st ickers , etc. In fI(.'Ileral , mi'lk e them feet tbnt t hey have done wmethln~ ~ lal; in this way, all the claS!; will be en cou raged tu do likewise , ~. ...,I "'~I!" ' How In awroach eactl ~ ec;tIClO I) LllnguaQl! Passport Read out the Intl ooucto ry paragraph 1\5 the stuOenu follOW silen t ly. Answer an~ QU C'itlom t hey may have. Elich t lrOP they are ~i\lCfl something for th~ ~ctlon, rem ind them to makc a reco rd and file it in the a pproprill te sect ion of their l.afl!tl.lil~ Portfotio. ExpewieocOO leactrefs will be aware thllt ~ of their students learn best by listen ing to new informa t ion, some prefer t o read about It , Wlle-reas other ~tlIdents need tIO do wmet hillll with the new infOllTlat ioo. Thl're i!. 00 absolute 'best' method of learnln\!; these are all valid teamirtg ~tyte-s, as different peoople learn in different ways, Consequent ly. II coursebook should offer a variety v 1'~ %' !I of <, II •• < e~crci~ and maleli(ll whidl ~lillWlc all l~ 01 lcafn;n ~ style in order \0 help the lCllmen learn according 10 their pcr5onallc~ rn ing st yles. Q VI$u:l! Leamt'rl rlt'ed to!!ei' the lwcll\.~'s body IarlgU.lgc .... ld facial expressions to fully undersUlnd the rnntent of 1M lesson. They think in pictures aoo leam beil frQlll vi!oUa[ displays, Includifl!t diagrams, Illustrations, trnnsp~rencies, videos, flJshc:,,"h al'Kl r.and-(lUt~. • /llJditory Leamen learn best ttll ollgh verbal expl3.nations, dISCU$skms, tal~ i ns things 1111 00.1&11 and listening to whDt o ther1 haV() to $;Iy. Written Informatw may h31't' little meaning 00111 i1 is heard. nleY oltt"ll beflt'!il trOO1 reading a l ed aloud and • using a CD player. • Tact llefKinoest/l€/lc LearMrs learn best t hrough a tlands·on appro ach, aclively exploring the physical i• ,, world arOUld t hem. They may find 11 !lard to sit stiU 10( long periods /lnd may become dist racted by the;I need for ac tivity and ('xplorat\ofl. These learners express themselVes t hrough movem ent. T11 foUowlng code, using colours if you wish • c lcompeteoce - g,-een): the ~tudcnt has a full understanding of the tasll altd responds ap[llopriate\y w (work ing on - yellow ): the student ha~ an urtOerstandll1!l of the l as k btl! the response is not fully accurate n (l)()f1 ·compctCOte - red ): l ht' !>Iudent does not urtO(.'rst and the task and is '-'able to lespond approprl3tely Cumulattv(' CtMlluiative evaluatioon takes into acCOl, M\t \II(' work the ~tudents have done thooughout the module as well as their part klpatlon illlCl att itude. The in~trumentli of E'Vr5 to reflea on the validity of their tNching pl iKtices and t he Iype~ of material beiltg used. Ev~ luation • Studt'llt 's Self-Assessment F()(m~: Aitef' the students haVt' complett'd the Self·Assessment Form se(:t lon of (.'ach module, they filt 001 the pholocOJliabi@ Self-Assc:;smeot Form, giving thei r slIbJec\lvc opinion of their own performance. This leaming·to · learn tc.:hnil",1e ell1lbies t he students to develop awareness of t heir progress. The Self·Assessment FQ(rTlS should be kept in their Utnguage POrtfolio fQ( futlJe reference. The Sl>l f·As:;cssment FOfms are printed at the back of the Tea.chE'r's Book. Progress Report (8 Ids: Aft er stlJdent s complete each modole al'ld take the cOl'ftospoodillg test , photocopy the respec t ive Pr~ress RLopor t Card from the TeocIler's IlooI\ and filt out a OIrd for e1lCh student. The stuOcnts shoutd keE'p t~ card!. in t heir languagE' f>oItfolio for fullM'e reference. < The process is divided into thrt't' par t s: In itial Evalualioll at t he be!l lnni ng of t ile course, Formative EYalua t lon, which ts done on a d\lY ·t o-day basis, and Clirnulat iYt' EvalUiltion , upon finishing • ~ ~ Jan~; Complete the dialogue with .i the wordslp hrases below. Listen and chec::k. ~ 2} .:tr!, ""29 .. ..... .. .. t hirty ,fjJ) If}9 sixly ~ 6} ....... ..... . '70: seventy alone hundred . a / ooe thousand .,..:;' ~ ~} ......... .... ;i'~ 7) ............I.~ alone miUioo ~ forty 4) ...... . ...... .@ eighty . two thousand !~ three hundred , ~ 8) ............. and sixty·eight fMi' :i ~~. E, •• I' " Starter unit . • ·. , ! .' I . • Mon itor the activity around the d ass and then 35k su me groups to act out their d i ~logu(>'; in front of t ll c class. t ~opiG . H ". In this Stot ler Unit Ss will learn haw to ta lk about I oountIics ~OO nIIl iooatitic'S, ob)E'cts, 11OllSC'S and rooms lind families. m o" ,-'. Sussested Answer Key A: Hi! 1'111 Juan. W/!at's your rlame? 1.1: 1'111 Paolo. A: Nice 10 mCf' t you , Paolo. Wllere orc you /romr B: I'm l ronl Madrid. Imd you? A: f rom Ma las{" Tlli! is my f riend, Alilonio. B: Hi , ;\11/ 00-110 . How al e yoo ? ,", ~ '< -. 4· 5 a -N\Gf! to meet you: lesson ob}ective$: To pre5ellt IVld practi!.C vocabulary for Co.lI1trie'> & natiooaliti('S, 8(eellog~ & introdJctio l\~, numbers, lhI:.-- ver b to be arid QlI~1on words VocabulMy: Coun tries (')pa in, 6rifain, PoIond, Iroly, IJrozil , Grefff', u maoo, Turkey, G£>mlCYlY. FIflltJ/ID, FraIlC"}, C"Pit at cities (&.>rlln, Par Is, AChe,!s, Warsaw, I Madtld, O!lowa, Blmilia , Landen , Ankara, I?OIJll? , lle/sink l) Question words (wllo , what, tyhc n, wM re, I why, /tow (oI~J) , . . ._ _ _ . . "01 C: Hi. I'm/lne, Wants. Gtm JOp r~ent voc~ bu lary for countr ies and 3 c~ pital clUe 1 _~_ • u pialn the task and a lly unknown coontliesl ( it les. o Do the fi r ~t itcIII as an exa mple, t hen allow S~ Mlffi(' tirTl(' to com plete the til$k , • Play tl'lc recordir~ artd chcdl S~' amowen . • Read Ollt t he e xample e xchange , tllCfl S~ (lsi<. and answer in pa irs . 6-7 I ·..... 1 ! • I An swer Key ! , -- ". ---_ ..... . ... -. " ' 1 '';,,'>, < I Spain - Mac/rifj 2 Brllaln - l olldoo 3 Poland _ Warsaw 4 Italy - /lome .., 8·' I j 5 Brozll - Brasilia 6 Gre~c(! - AtM II5 I __I :,- : 7 u lllado - Ott awa 8 TUf~ev - Ankara 9 GE>rmany - Berlin 10 Finland - Helsiukl 11 France - Pa ris 10 1 ~~~~;~~~~~~£~~~~ ~u~'~~ry 1 I 4 VOCi'ibulaty: r~llI lly membc.- s (stondrothl"', I srrl/ldm Dt /!el; f ather, mother, brother, ~Ist er, wlcie, I 00111, hu$~: wl~,._""n: dousltlf'r, couSin) i W(lrm up Act ivity Read t he titl.c aIId U k S~ to look at the pict ure Of] page flt vocabul ary and lilted phr~~ 2 • -~ . Bririw, Polish, Turkislr, Finnislr .--- , . .... ....... ,,- , -- ~ , olhe~ _~ j~rench " f;Ytrn To ICV&> numbers arid prilc tise pronun ciation • ~ complete the task individually. 8 Pl., y the recording for Ss to chet::k their allSfflfi. , fi/l eell t wenty· fhn>e J t hirt y- eigh t f arty·one 5 fi fty -six I , tal'" 6 sixty· 7 wventy·sewn eighty·two 9 ninety· 'llm.> • 41TI ~ ~ ..;~: a -'" , 6 CC ~ To li~te" fo r .pccifiC intornl~ti on b • Ex,pIam the la~ and play the recol'ding. I> SI Iislen and wntl' clICh pc~ n's ~ gc, Check arn,wer.; with the c\a5s. '" Askirl!/ Var1o ll'S pairs to reild out thee-lCOangt'S. 15 /.DUf"U - 17 Answer Key Billy - 13 Marcm . 14 7 (t'firn , Is, isn't, 's 2 Are, oren't, 'r e J Are, ore 10 pr3ctise po-&o..nciation of IlUrnben • Play lhe rccordlng. Ss Usten and identify whkh ones they hear. 10 it Six hundred and s(>\Ienty- twv I'Ive lh0u500d six humJrM and Sl'venly-lwo Three hundred and sixty-fIve One l/lrusand eight hundred ulld ninety-scven Ask various ~ around the di\5.1i to read out the nunlbers. fNtw To practise as~ing and ansW("ring quenlo~ o Choose two 55 to read out the e~ample • 5s complete the l«! pa irs. a Monitor the task around the class and Ihl'n ask some pilir.; to ask and answer In froot of the ctass. • Check 5s ' answef!,. Who? Shfi's my best friend. Whol? 11'5 2296678. W~n? It's on 4th May. He's from Ch fllO. Where? Whyl How old? 8e~ e lsn'l. I Yes., II b .mQ, It ~n 't . Ye$, 'I'fI are.INo. Wfl Brlm 't. ! ~ you ... 1 Af~ -.~ "!fl , lam.l Ho, I'm not. a) Rl'ad the table. Match each questI on word wi th the correct se nte nce . i,rS:T- ·~f~~~~~~:i:~-~ a) Read the table. The n complete sentences 1·5 with t he correct form of the verb 'to be'. N~~~_ Int~~."..c.. ".j.,.--;_~~_t .~~rs" ji BI I ... .......... 5ixt et'n. AI ............. Ha ns German? BI Yes, he ........... .. . Yu, younr • . INo, youar«l·t. they ...1 h~, lhey ar.!,/t+o. th;eV.!:fIf1.'!./ 1 Mna ............ . from Fraoce. SM's from Spain. 2 They aren't 6rnziUM. They ... .......... Italian. 3 Max ..•••••.•.•.• 18. He isn' t 20. " I ............. 6riUsh . I'm Canadian. S Rosa and Marla .......... .. . fou rteen. They' re fifteen. b) Complete t he gaps with the correct question word. I J Then, answer the questions. 1 ..... .......... 's your name.• 2 ............... old are you? 3 . ............ .. are you from? 4 ............. . . 's your telephone number? . your b·l rt hd ay.• 5 .... .. ......... ~ 6 ............... !s he? 5 ~: J;; ; .! l!O . • Vocabulary • Objects 1 , Write t he words In t he correct utegory. Wh kh of these words can you see in picture s A-a? I, , e tr~ "skirt "dktion~ ry .. atlas tI gr~n " pencil dres~ " watt h . "orange " eraser .. bik£.> sharpe ner "scar r " gloves "schoolbag " helmet II objects p clothes _ _. _ 1 tooth 2 wallet J 00' - ) " 4 Read the theory, then fill in alan. . " - """'" • We U~ an before nouns wl lfeh begin with I V'Owel5OUOO. an umlKella _-0.- - . -.~- - , • 1 ~ o ~kift 5 ..... .. jacket • 5 -. • ' ....... ................ gla~ - ... .. .. .. .. . boy - .... ... child - ...... ... .... ... , . , , " , It " ', . , .",."" , " , , PllII'llI l r hot 1$ a clOCk, , ......... ................... a) Read the examples. These ore chai ,', - - This/That - Thcsf!/Those l 'hiJ is a .. .. ... alias 8 ... . ... b ike - ..... .... .. .. ....... ..... 7 boby - ' .......... " .. , 8 magazine ...... " . , ' shelf - .' ' , ' 10 watch " ..... ..... , . , ... .. 11 moo - .. , .... ' , .... 12 po tato - Siosulil r J ... diction ary 7 . .. ... . craser 4 ... .... pencil ", " in tile plural. cup • cups • t(!('t/l . .. ......,. "., ... ,"' 5 " We 1_ II ~()fe nouns which be ~in with a conSO!l1'11lt SoOUrw:I , 2 ... sharpener "'l ._n._.. __.__. _______ b) Write t he words below in t he pl ural . 3 My favourit e colour is ......... . -- ' •. _ _ _ _ ' N ..... • tbulS erlding in a Vel ·.......... .. . 3 . __ green 2 My fa vourite clothes arc - , ,"", , • NouI"lS ending in '$, '5$, ·sh, -x, - ·.. ... ... .... . • NAn ' • Most nouns t~ ke Complete the s~ntences. U5e words from [)(. 1. Grammar ,.P~! ... ..•, a) Read t he t heory. colours dictionary trousers I 2 4 ~ e yetlow • blue • jacket _ red " coat • .. d ",. I l .. e .I , • block " ruler • Walkman II I ,• . -----' .. ~-. cllvirs. - - . TilOse ore Clocks. , . , .. ,...- • , I!O ' ~: , Warm up Activit y ~ad the title and look at t he pic t ures on page 6. Elicit wllat the unit is about (everytkJyabjects). 1 a ~ To present pI'urals .. Read the theory bo~ aloud and explain the examples. .. Rclcr 5s to Ihe Grammar Reference section for mOIl' infOl11lation if necesscory. ~ To present vacabul ~ry for objects , clothes and colours .. Read tile wordl in t he li st aloud ilnd direct Ss' iluen tion to the pictllr!'S. 1/ Go through t ile exam ples then ask Ss to copy the table into their notebooks and complete it wit h t he words in the Ii~t. (I Check S5' ~nswers an d then elicit whic h words Ss can see in the pictures. Answer Key objects..>,; CloJhes. alias, pencil, ruler, skir"t, coot, . . Wolkmon"', wa tch, t%u(s ... , black , red, d"ess, jacket, yel/ow, eraser, bike, scarf. gloves bllJ€, orange sharpeller, schoolbag, helmel Picture A: trousers, skirt, block, Wolktoon, red, wale/!, blue , ()("OlJ'1e, schoollxl~ Picture B: trOtr.;ers, hlock, red, blue, aron~e, bike, helmet 2 4 ~ To practio;e new vocabulary 1/ Read the !.entence bet:innings aloud and elici t a variety of answers from 5s arol.l1d the class. b fi.Iltw To practise plllrills (I 55 writ e Ule pl ural's for t he words. Check 55 ' answers on the board. , Answer Key wallets J boxes , glass~~ 5 boy> 6 children 1 babies 5 a 8 mo~ozl"es 9 shelves 10 wotches "" meo potatoes ~ To presCI1t thls/thall Orese lroose 55' boo ks d.()$ed. Point to somethi ng nCJ r you. Say; This Is a desk. Eli cit that we usc this t o refer to sth near us . Point to sth far from you and say: Thot is 0 poster. mcit t hat we use tlia! 10 refer to 5th far fronl liS. C> Read t he e:.:amples in th e table aloud. ., PrOvide further examples, if necessary, using items in. llle classroom, (e.g. hold up a pencil olld say: "This /5 a pencil." Then point to somethinj for away from you such as 0 S'5 bag and soy: "ThaI is a bog. "), G Suggested Answer Ke y I a dk tiooory, an atlas, a per!c/I, a ruler, on eraser, a sharpener ele 1 trousers, skirts, dre5scsetc 3 red, blUe, green etc 3 ~ To present and practise the in definite article olan 1/ Read the theory box alood , then ask Ss to complete the task. ~ ( hed 55' answers. A5 k S5 t o give more exam ples (e.g. a skirt, 0 wotch, an elephant, a helmet, ot! oron~e , i,, etc) 1 Answer Key a sharpener 3 o dictionary a pencil 5 o jacket , ,I' 6 on atlas 1 on eraser 8 a bIke , I, 6(T) b Sti~"'ted An5Wl" Otw To prac( r<;e thisl thaI I thesE'1 [flosE' 2 Her IlUi, Is brown. J Thei, IXInles are I-ynn t'a nd Jvlie. 4 T/)(>" hoow Is in Catalonia. 5 My IOY(I(Jrite singer's album Is coiled 'Insamllla'. " '>S complet e the task indiylduaU~, then chock answers with the ciIlSS. AIIswer Kty , T1IIs, that 4 These, that 2 Thew , !IIOM' 5 These, thor J Thot, these 6 (:nm To fu rther pr~ct;se tlll~1 thot/thesel rhose 1 o Ask various Ss around tile class to giYe e~amplcs llSins objects in the classroom. SuU~S!ed Answer Key , Those are studen/s. TIll'Se are desks. This /$ a ruler. TIlOS(' GTe pencils. erc 7 a present ~jcctJ objcct / ~sive pronouns and possessive adjectives • Read the table ftloud then trarY.Jau.' the words Into their L1. • Chedl5s' ~nswcrs arou nd the class. Qm To » (Ss' own Q/lSwersJ b f1fu:n To fH"acti~ subjectlobjcctfpo:;sesslvc pronOllflS and pos~s:live adjective. It Go tlYough the examples in the [3ble. • »complete the task. • (heck Ss' answcrs by asking; illdividlal '>S to read the complet ed sentenct~ alou d. Answer Key I He 21 5 6 7 8 3 his 4 her They her Sill' him To present ~~ 8 a • II Read thc Iht:ory aloud ilnd wri te the e~amplcs on the boMd. o Elicit whethcf the rules are lhco same m'>s' u. (5s ' own O/lSwt'rs) b f;:nrn To p.-.,ctise possessIves o AUQY\I '> s WITIC timc to (omple te tile task, then dlCCk Ss' all5wt.'n. Answer 1(6Y 1 rnorhe('s J fr iends' 1) .f grondporerW; ' 5 slrl!Wr's Key c GRAMMAR: Unit 1 .. , b) Complete the gaps with this , thot, these or (hose. ,• ,, i r ~' vk" use"-~'ubJ;ct I' ·. {I w(! use object pronouns after ~ :;(,e'5 gol a joc~et, ~rodo-;;s" b;;r;;;;;~~h;~4 I the verb . I.ook at' Iwr! Q 1 ,.. .. ... I We use possessive adject ives before nouns. We I use poss=ive pronouns at the e nd of the I sentence. This Is lIer Jaeker. If's hl1l"S . ) , __ . 'c_ ._ ._ _, _ _ _ .... _.,_. ___ _.'" a telephon e and . ....... is a televisio n. _~, .~ b) Complete the sente nces with the appropriate pronoun or possessi ve , adjecUve . ........ are laptops and .....•.. are video cameras. •• I• I ,.- • , . ,.,., .. are digital cameras and .... .. .. player. • ., Possessives 8 " My na me is Pierre . ........ " . am French . 3 This is Mark's skateboard. It's " ",.,'" . . Fiona is ill her room. Is Katie with .... .... ... ? 5 Sara and Lisa are friends ........ .. ...... il re fourteen. 6 Mary's coat is on the bed ilnd ........ .. . scati and gloves ale on the table. 7 Helen is my sister. . ... , ...... is 17 years old. 8 Look at Jim, Look at ... .. , ..... . • 3 ' "... ••• is a mobilE' pl10ne and ...••... ! I , • · 1 Where is Brian? " ...... ... is in the ga rden , a) Read the thoor y. Are the rules the same in your lan!lUil!le7 5 ........ are skateboards and ..... ... Is tJl sl 6 Point to objects in your classroom. Your partnor says what each one is. Ii ~ (points to an eraser on hisfher desk' This is on eraser. • Pronouns/Possessive adj(."Ctiv(."S 7 at Read the tab le. What are these words in your language? To $how possession • sin!!ular noun + 's Sue is Mary's cousin. IStre's her wusin.) .. plural noun + ' TIle "irl$' Im/r is Ion". (Tlleir M ir 1$/00".) " more than one noun + 's Arma Is Sw and Mary's friend. (She's rlle ir fJimr;J) _ • m .... . ~ " _ . ,, . _ b) Choose the correct word. Then answ&r t he qu estions. 1 Wh1ll colour are your father 's/fathers' eyes? ... f/is eyes are blue. 2 What colo ur is your mother's/mothers' hair? 3 What are your best friend's/friends' names? 4 Where is yo ur grandparent 'S/grandparents' t house? 5 What is the name of your favourite singer's! slnSefs' album? 7 •• Vocabulary , .. RD!.!iIrn: lllml):;"iii::~l obf,l'([:; • Q. Usbm;snd rop!i!.t't,. Wliu;t Ml:' ." .J . , th lml' Wl1fd~ II) !tow .~ 1 Grammar ..... '-. , • rhere is/There are - SO/lie/Any p. m ) b) Look at Jill's living room in Ex. 1, Complete t he gaps in " = . "\r,_ ... ._J 2 sQnte nws 1-8 with There is, There isn't , There are, There a) Read the tabl e. Are the re similar struct ures in your langu3b'e? i·'-..··---'--T-- -s~T;;'"~- ~~~r"~"- -~ ~ 'p~'i"~~"~~"\ I"j Affi'" --, --I-Th('~boo.oom. t:.1fI·••~.-.;·~ ~ "I~mp- i;l --ITh•...., a;;'~ l';""P;-I~ thel rmat bedroom . ! ~--.-~ ~~-- - ITh~-':;;T"')'l ~ \;mp j;t;;~ - - j ih~~; ~7~;;-;;- a~ - [;"1" Ul ve ! the I---~~~~~--~ ~:;:'i~~pj~-t;";-- i~: ~~:::~y l;nPs i~ the F~,::,ga:,~~~~;;-__ ·~_~n!j~~::~ s~m-;-;-th~- - -! i'-ls ~-"--'-'~"TY~;'--'h;;:;'-'; ;;-.;N;;: tl,~F~~ i affirmative, ! i tern •.• irsn't. I " We U5e illlY in the ~ A;:;' th~c -_. IVe:>, th~;':; ~;;'.fN-o-,--tl;"r~ J negative ilnd i L:L~ ____ J~~~~,.,"" ___ ~. __._, "J "._!n~~~?~_~!,:!: ~~.j I aren't. 1 ... ..•••• a sofa ill lhe living room. 2 ...... ...... .... allYmagazines on the coffee ta ble. 1 ..... .... ....... two cushions on the sofa. 4 .. ...... ... ... a bookcase. 5 .. ... .... ... .. ... a vase on a table. 6 .. . . .... ~ome flowers in the vasco 7 .. ... . , .... ... thrE'€' armchairs. 8 ........... ... (lilYcupboa rds. Ii Warm up Activ ity , • J Read the tit le and look a l t he picw rc 011 page 6. Eli cit wtKIt the un it ~ aboot (rooms, f urni ture Ilnd objects in II house) . 1 2 fM:rn To prescnl vocabul ary related to roOO1S in a house and household objects , Play the recording. $5 listen ~nd re!)Cat. Ask Ss to give th e Ll equivalent s. (55' own (lIlswcrs) a ~ To presen t 'I" fhere is /tM' e are and some/ arJy o Read the table aloud. Then elicll whet her J _. the re are sim ilar struct ul l'S in Sf L1 . • Refer Ss to the GrNnmar ReferCllCC se<;;tion for more Inform.,Ooo. "c. (Ss' own UIl'I wers) b ~ To p!"acttse there i slthen1 Ofe • ExplaIn the ta~k and allow S5 some time to complete t he sentences . .. Ch«:k ~' answers around Ihe cllIS$. Answer Key There is , , 2 Then~ aren't 3 Tllere are 4 There i51l '( 6 There ore There Is 7 There lJrlm '/ 8 There Q"w '/ o Ju an extcfftlon , a!.k S$ to say what lhere ;S{iID't/oreloren't in each room in the house us1nt: some/any. (e.j. l'hll't"t' ore some wpboards In [he kitchen. }. Memory Game Ss play in two t(>ams. S1 took at the picture of JiU'5 hW$(! for II minute, thell t/l(>y cto~ thefr books. Te Elicit the I I equivi'llellt lor each prepo!.iUoll (rom various S~ arou nd the das$ . (Ss' own Orr5Wf!fSJ b ~U) To practise prt'po!i t iollS 0( pl Ke y 5 UI' ned 10 ~ To pra( tiw 6 I" ". GRAMMAR: Uni t 1 7 belWf'en thf!f"f' isl!~re 0/"(', SQlI",,'on\, II: Is there a poster ()fI the wall? 8: No, t here Isn't. TIlfJre'S a paf1lf fl19 on the wu/l. A: Are lhf>r(' any c~iol/S on Ihe bed? B: No, Ihere aren't. There is a pillow Onlile bed. A: Are ti)('r(' some books B: Ye), there ~H'. IlU OIl the bookcase? To presellt /law ~t • Go th rou~h the table with S~ th en 5s to translate It il1to thei r L1. 6I:w 3 ~k Ya rio u~ (Ss' own answers) ~ To p, ~ct lse ho ve got • Exptllin t hE- lilsk and rcae! out the t'M.1111:Ae!;. • 5s complete the task Individua lly. (heck 55' aosWef~. Answer Key 7 a vidro comera? No, :;he fIo)!t'r. ~. " • •1 ~ 1\ ' i ~ II Suggested Answer Key has ~t hove 30t hasn 't 30t l/Ovel)'t :JOr 0 (55' OW'VI c1IIswers) 00 J - Xem thêm -

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