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Tài liệu Writing for Unit 1 - Unit 3


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Unit 1-3 MY HOBBIES Topic 1: My favorite hobby is playing the guitar. I enjoy playing the guitar when I am free. I started my hobby 4 years ago. My brother taught me how to play the guitar. I often prectice playing the guitar with him after school. I play the guitar at least one hour every day. I also listen the the record of the famous guitarists every morning. I find playing the guitar interesting and it helps me relax. In the future, I will continue this hobby. I love my hobby very much. I hope I will be a famous guitarists and I can take part in many competitions. Topic 2: Fishing is favorite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. I never catch anything – not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. “You must give up fishing!”, my friends say “It’s a waste of time”. But they don’t realize that I am not really interested in fishing. I am not really interested in sitting alone in a boat and doing nothing. Topic 3: Do you like to listen to music? Music is made up of sound. People all over the world like music. People have liked it for hundreds of years. People who write own music. He writes it all down in the form of note. This is how people can sing the song orplay it. Lots of people like to play music. Music can be played on instruments there are many types of musical instruments. Some of these are the piano, the violin, and the drum. People can make music as a group. A choir is a group of people who sing. An orchestra is group of people who play musical instruments. HEALTH Topic 1: Some people think it is difficult to make their health better white orthers think keeping health is quite easy. Personally, I keep myself healthy with a simple way. Every morning, I wake up early. Then I walk through the part near my house. After having breakfast, I go to school by cycling. In the afternoon, I run to the pool at the port center and swim at there for one hour. In the evening, I go to bed at 9 p.m after doing my homework. I think doing exercise can help your health better. Topic 2: Everyone gets and cold now and then. Doctors cannot cure colds. Sleep and rest are good for taking care of a cold. However, in almost every culture, most families have a home remedy for cold. These remedies are passed down from parents to children. They have changed very little over time. Different cultures use different ingredients. In Mexico, cinnamon, raisins, oregano, and hot water are used to make a special tea. Honey is sometimes added. A fruit called genipap is used as a cold remeded in Puerto Rico. The fruit is cut up. It is then soaked in water. Sugar can be added tomake it sweet. Chicken soup is popular in American. A large chicken is boiled in a pot. Carrots, onions, garlic, and other vegetables are usually added. Ginger tea is used to help a cold in China. A ginger root is peeled. It is then crushed. The ginger is boiled for about thirty minutes. Some honey can be added after it is done. Each family uasuallyhas a home remedy for a cold. Some remedies work. Some do not. Some taste good. Others do not. No matter what, home remedies are sure to be around for a lond time. COMMUNITY SERVICE Topic 1: In my hometown, there are many storms and floods occurring each year. They have destroyed houses, crops and roads. Therefore, a lot of children drop out of school because their parents cannot afford their studying. I would like to organize a club where boys and girls form schools can join in helping children dropping out of school. Members of the club will work as volunteers. Yough volunteer will donate their their old books, notebooks, pens or pencils for these children. They also ask other people to share their books or clothes. The older volunteers might teach the children at night class to help them catch up with their classmates. I hope thatour club could help children go to school again. Topic 2: Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of orthers. For example, many high school and college student in the United States often spend many hoursas volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the aged. They read books to the people in these places. Sometimes the students just visit them, play games with them or listen to their problems. Orther yough volunteer work in the homes of sick or old people. They clean up their houses, do their shopping or mow their lawns. For boys who no longer have father, there is a voluntary organization call Big Brother. College students take these boys to baseball games and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their father.
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