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Ёi ffi . ::t i*.r' ' it. ъ it5rL. I l wЖ&ж lntroduсtion 4 Teqcher's notes сrnd worksheets Yfu* 6 Ж*Ёq*уъ*** {*жжqpgъ trgъ$.& Х Disqster! 10 Жкъii& Ж ln the rсrinforest '15 &s*8& ffi Тhe Жgъ$* E Spссe restqurсrnt 25 tryъ$* s The Wild West 30 trw*** ffi ln lstсrnbul З5 &sэtъil& Y The storg trжъ&* ffi Mцseum of the &-8ж8* s Mgsterg qt seс roсk.n'roll show teller futцre 20 40 45 50 Tests The Sсienсe lesson 55 Tests Unit 1 57 Тests Un|t2 59 Тests Unit 3 61 Тests Unit 4 6з Tests Unit 5 65 Tests Unit 6 67 Tests Unit 7 69 Tests Unit B 71 Тests Unit 9 7з Test tсpesсripts ond qnswer kegs 75 жЖe Ж.w.wж Тhe Teoсhеr's Rеsourсe Book сontoins photoсopiob[e workshееts whiсh providе еxtro [onguogе proсtiсе for thosе tеoсhers ond studеnts fo[[owing Super Minds Level 5. In oddition. for еoсh of the tеn Studеnt's Book units therе orе two progress tеsts. onе bosed on listеning ond one on reoding ond writing. Thеy сover thе somе сontent os the photoсopiob[е workshеets. * tifhqt do the photoсopiqble workshects Provide? Whсt octivitg tgpes do the worksheets Provide? The photoсopioble worksheets hove been сorefu[[y designed to reinforсе ond providе ехtro proсtiсe of the work donе in с[oss. They foсus on thе longuogе introduсеd in eoсh unit of Level 5 of thе сoursе ond do not introduсе ony odditionoI or unfomi[ior [onguoge. Еoсh worksheet hos oссomponying tеoсhеr's notes with suggеstions for еxploitotion in thе с[ossroom, togethеr with suggеsted optionoI fo[[ow-up oсtivitiеs. There ore threе workshееts for use with thе Introduсtory Unit: The Sсiеnсe lеsson. In oddition, therе ore four workshееts for еoсh moin unit in Lеve[ 5. Тhe fourth worksheet in eoсh unit (the сLIL workshееt) is intended to be usеd сommuniсotively, for poir, smo[[ 9roup or с[oss oсtivities. Тhеse workshеets inсludе gomes, quizzеs ond rеseorсh oсtivities. Suggestions on how to usе thеse workshееts ore olso inсludеd in the oссomponуing teoсher's notеs. Thе worksheеts provide o ronge of gomes, puzzles ond oсtivities whiсh rеquire thе students to reod ond writе words, phrosеs, sеntenсеs ond quеstions. They olso providе q ron9е of motсhing oсtivities. Att thе oсtivities on thе workshеets (oport from the Progrеss tests) ore designed to be used without on oudio oссomponimеnt. Thе teoсhеr's notеs ond optionoIfollow-up oсtivitiеs сontoin gomes whiсh сon be used ogoin ond ogoin to proсtisе different оreos of longuoge. Тhеy ore dеsсribed below. This worksheеt foсuses on the key Worksheеt voсobu[ory presentеd on thе opening poge of eoсh unit in thе Student's Book. Тhе voсobu[orУ orеo is idеntifiеd ot thе foot of thе worksheet ond thе items listed ot thе stort of thе tеoсhеr's notes. Тhe stiсker gome Choose words thot you wont to proсtise ond writе thеm on stiсky notes. Stiсk thеsе notes on studеnts' boсks ond osk thе students not to tе[[ eoсh othеr the words. Studеnts minglе, osking eoсh other YeslNo quеstions to find out whot the words orе. Worksheet 2: This worksheet foсuses on thе [onguoge prеsеnted ond proсtisеd in thе first grommor [esson of еoсh unit (on the sесond poge of eoсh unit in thе Studеnt's Book). Thе 9rommor foсus is exploined ot thе stort of the teoсher's notes' сe[[s. Revise the grommor or voсobu[ory thot you wont to proсtisе with thе с[oss ond mokе o [ist on thе boord. Gеt students to сhoose o word from the [ist to сopy 1: Worksheеt 3: This worksheеt foсusеs on the [onguogе presentеd ond proсtisеd in the sесond grommor lesson of еoсh unit (on thе fourth poge of еqсh unit in the Student's Book). onсe ogoin, the grommor foсus is ехoloinеd ot thе stort of thе teoсhеr's notes. Worksheet 4: This worksheеt is bosed on the СLIL foсus of eoсh unit (сovеred on poges ninе ond tеn of еoсh unit in the Studеnt's Book). How сqn the worksheets be цsed? Тhе workshеets сon bе usеd in o number of woys: e тhe first thrеe worksheets in еoсh unit hovе beеn dеsignеd so thоt studеnts сon either work on thеm individuotly or os port of poir or сlоss oсtivities. For individuoI work, thе workshееts сou[d be used by thosе students who finish сloss oсtivitiеs morе quiсkty thon othеrs. Alternotivеly' thеy сon bе set for homеwork. For poir or с[oss oсtivitiеs' thе worksheets сon be usеd when odditionol proсtiсе is neсessory, for rеvision, or os on oltеrnotive oсtivity whеn there is o gop or сhongе in your usuol [esson routine. Suggеstions on how to usе thе worksheets in diffеrеnt Woys ore inсluded in the oссomponyin9 teoсhеr's notеs. You moy find it usеfuI to kеep o reсord of thе worksheеts еoсh studеnt hos сomplеted. i-*rt {;43 Bingo Get еoсh studеnt to drow o grid with six or еight into eoсh се[[ ond odopt it in some woу. For еxomp[e, if you wont to proсtise post simple verb forms, writе o [ist of infinitives on thе boord, ond osk thе students to writе three rе9u[or ond threе irrеgulor vеrbs from the tist in thе post simple in thе сеt[s. С[еon the boord. Then reod out your [ist of vеrbs in rondom order' but in the presеnt simplе rothеr thon thе post simplе. If you сo[[ out o verb ond thе studеnt hos the post tensе form of it in their tob[е, they сon сross off the word. Thе first student to сross off o[[ thеir verbs сorrесtly сotts out Bingo! ond wins thе gome. You сon ploy this gomе with ony voсobu[ory sеt. Spetting bee Dividе the сloss into two tеoms. Moke o [ist of on еvеn number of words from o voсobu[ory sеt, е.9. thе onсiеnt wor[d. Soy o word, e.g. fountoin' ond osk o studеnt from one teom to spe[[ it out [oud or writе it on thе boord. If the spet|'ing is сorrесt, thе student sсorеs two points for thеir tеom. If it is inсorreсt, o voluntеer from thе other teom сon сorrесt thе spе[[ing ond sсore o point. Сontinuе, olternotin9 bеtweеn tеoms, untit o[[ thе words hovе bееn spе[t сorreсt[y. Thе sentenсе memory gome This gomе proсtises сomplex sеntenсes. Studеnts work in groups of four or five. If possib[e, they shou[d sit in o сirс[e. Thе first student storts to mokе the first holf of o sеntenсе' e.g. While I wqs wotсhinq тV' .... Thе next studеnt in thе сirсlе repeots ond qdds to the sentеnсе, е.g. t4lhile LoIo wos wotсhing TV, I wos reoding o book. Тhe next student rеpеots thе sentenсe ond odds thеir own oсtivity, e.g. While Lolo wos wotсhing TV, Сhristiqn wos reoding q book, ond I wos ploуing footbqll.The gоmе сontinuеs in this woy with studеnts repеoting ond odding to thе sеntеnсе. If o student сonnot odd to the sеntenсе or mokеs o mistokе, he or she drops out. Find new words Writе o long word or phrosе, е.9. roinforest, on the boord ond osk students to work in poirs ond usе thе [ettеrs to moke new words, e.g. ron, in, for. Тhe poir of studеnts who find the most nеw words win. Ask this poiг to сhoosе onother word or phrosе from the unit ond write it on thе boord for thе сloss to ploy ogoin. Hit the word Beforе storting this gome, writе obout 20 words on the boord in rondom ploсes. Put studеnts into two teoms. Invitе thе tеoms to сome up to thе front of thе сtoss nеoг thе boord. Givе the first studеnt in eoсh tеom o ro[[еd-up nеWspoper. Soy one of the words on the boord or givе o dеfinition. Thе first student to hit thot word with their newspopеr wins o point for their tеom. Сontinuе until you hovе soid o[[ the words. Thе tеqm with the most points ot thе еnd of the gome wins. House Сhoose one studеnt to сome to the front of thе сloss ond drow doshes on thе boord to represеnt o word or phrose. Тhe othеr students сo[[ out letters to try to guess the word. Еvery сorrесtly guessеd lettеr is insеrted obove thе relеvоnt dosh in thе word. For еvеry inсorreсt lеttеr, drow o port of o simple housе on thе boord. The first student who guesses the wholе word сomеs up to the boord ond сhoosеs the nеxt word. If no onе guesses thе word bеforе the housе is сomplеtе, thе originoI studеnt сhooses thе next word. Doublе drowing Drqw o [inе down thе middle of the boord. Put the сloss into two tеoms. Ask o student from eoсh teom to сomе to the front of thе с[oss. Show thеm o word. Moke sure the гest of thе сloss do not sеe the word. Тhе students ot thе boord then еoсh drow thе word for their teom to guess. Сontinue in this woy, with diffеrent students сoming to thе boord in turn. Tеoms win o point for eoсh word they guеss сotegoriеs: things modе of plostiс' things modе of сotton, things mode of [еother. Тhе teom with thе most points ot the еnd of the gomе wins. Bonus points сon olso be won for thе most surprising objeсts сhosеn. Whot сomes next? Тhis gomе proсtises spе[[ing. You neеd o piесe of pqpеr sсrеWеd up into о bo[[. Ask the с[oss to stond in o сirсle or stqnd ot thеir desks or tob[еs. Soy o word ond thе first [еttеr, е.g. engineеr, e. Throw thе popеr to o studеnt, who hos to soy thе next [еttеr, i.е. л, ond thеn throw thе popеr to onothеr student. This сontinuеs until thе сomolеtе word hos bееn spe[[ed сorreсtly. Тhе studеnt who сomp[еtеs thе word сhooses o new word ond the oroсess beoins ogoin. Piсtionory Ask o volunteеr to slowly drow on objесt, е.9. o boss guitor, on thе boord. Thе first student to guess thе word tokes the next turn. Studеnts сon olso ptoy the gome in groups. lithqt сrre the end.of.цnit tests? Thеrе orе two progrеss tests for eoсh unit in thе LеveI 5 Studеnt's Book. Тhе first tеst is o [istening test ond the sесond is o rеoding ond writing test. Тhere orе two oсtivities in еoсh tеst, сovеring thе voсobu[ory, ond grommor presented on the first, sесond ond fourth poges of eoсh unit in thе Student's Book. Тhе first oсtivity in eoсh test usuolly сovеrs the voсobu[ory, ond thе sесond сovеrs grommor. Тherе orе fivе quеstions ond on еxomp[е in еoсh of thе two oсtivitiеs, whiсh meons thot еoсh test is morkеd out of ten ond shou[d tokе obout 20 to 30 minutes of сloss timе. The totol mork for both progress tеsts in o unit is. thereforе. 20. Тhе progress tests сon be usеd in o numbеr of woys. You might сhoosе to do one of thе two progress tеsts onсе students hovе сomp[etеd the first ho[f of еoсh unit in thе Student's Book ond then sovе the othеr pro9rеss test untiI studеnts hovе сompletеd the еntire unit. Altеrnotively, you might сhoosе to do onе of thе two progress tests ot the еnd of eoсh unit ond thеn sovе thе othеr progrеss test unti[ the end of tеrm. Тhis stogеd opprooсh witt hеl,p you to sее whot studеnts hove [еornt ond undеrstood in thе short tеrm ond whot they сon rеmеmbеr in thе long tеrm. It wi[[ olso givе studеnts on opportunity to revisе ond/or osk for help bеtween tеsts in ordеr to improvе thеir morks. At thе boсk of the book, from poge 75 onwords, you wit|. find topesсripts ond onswеr kеys to help you plon ond mork the tеsts. сorrесt[y. Three things Put studеnts into two groups. Writе o сotegory on the boord, e.g. Things mode of wood. Thе first group to think of thгее things modе of wood wins o point. Then сontinuе the gome using thеse lБ Worksheet 1: ln the Sсienсe lesson Using the worksheet g This worksheet revises sсienсe-rеloted voсobulory: shelf , goggles, instruсtions, qpron, explosion, bubbles, test tube, Iiquid, gloves, powder.It olso dеvеlops thе studеnts' obi[itv to work with onogroms. * Studеnts work individuol[y or in poirs to solve the onogroms, thеn motсh thе words to the piсtures. * Studеnts thеn rеod the sentenсes ond dесioе whеthеr they orе true or fo[se' KEY: Aсtivity 1: 2o goggles, Зe instruсtions, 4i shelf, 5с powder' 6j g[oves,7f bubb[еs, 89 tiquid, 9b eхp[osion, 10h opron; Aсtivity 2:2f,З f' 4 f' 5 t' 6 t optionot follow-up oсtivity: Dеmonstrote how to ptoy rhe stiсker gome. Writе thе sсienсe voсobu[ory on stiсky notes. Stiсk thesе notes on students' boсks ond then tе[[ students to ming[е. Studеnts osk УeslNo quеstions to diffеrеnt studеnts eoсh timе to find out whot the words orе, e.9. Do I weor this thing? | Is this thing dongerous? Worksheet 2: ln the post Using the worksheet * * * This workshеet pгoсtises positive ond negotive sеntеnсеs in the post simp[e. Studеnts work individuolly to сomp[еte thе sеntеnсеs using o vеrb from thе box in thе сorreсt post simple form. Studеnts work in poirs to soy whiсh informotion in Aсtivity ,l is fo[se. They thеn сorreсt thе folse informotion. Studеnts сon Use thе Intеrnet to resеorсh thеir onswers. KЕY: Aсtivity 1: 2 ptoyed, З wos, 4 [ost, 5 wrotе, 6 lived; Aсtivity 2:2 PeL6 didn't ptoy footbq[[ for Argentino. He ployed foг Brozil. 3 Сhorlеs Doгwin wosn't Sсottish. Hе wos Еng|'ish. 4 John MсЕnroе didn't win two Wimbledon finols ond losе thrее. Hе won thrее finols ond lost two. 5 Wiltiom Shokеspеorе didn't write oliyer lrлzЬt. Сhor[еs Diсkens wrote it. 6 Gq[i[еo Go[itеi didn't tive in thе 19th сentury. Hе livеd in thе ] 6th оnd 17th сenturiеs. optionoI fo[low-up oсtivity: Te[[ studеnts to drow o qrid tike this in thеir notеbooks: Writе on thе boord the infinitivеs of obout 20 vеrbs, with four rеgulor ond 16 irregu[or verbs. Ask studеnts to work o[one or in poirs ond сhoosе six verbs from thе tist. Thеy thеn writе thе post simp[e form, е.9. song, of еoсh verb thеy hovе сhosеn in o seporotе се[[ on the grid. Kеep o [ist for yourse[f of thе vеrbs thot wеre on the boord, thеn сlеon the boord. Reod out the infinitives, in rondom ordеr, one ot o timе. As studеnts i,,..9.'ll heor thе infinitive of onе of the vеrbs on their grid, they put o сross through thot verb. When o student or poir hove сrossed off otl siх of their verbs, thеy shout Bingo!Ask them to сo[[ out thеir post simple forms. If thеy orе o[[ сorrесt ond motсh your [ist, they orе thе winners. If thеy hovе writtеn o post simplе form wrongly or сrossеd off o vеrb thot you hovе not soid, ploy сontinuеs. Worksheet 3: Whqt did gou... ? Using the worksheet tll This workshееt proсtisеs post simple quеstions with Did.тt o[so proсtises thе question words When, Where, Whot ond How. * Students reod thе quеstions ond сomplеte thеm using Did or o question word, thеn motсh the questions to the onswеrs by drowing lines. * Studеnts order the words to form questions in the post simple. Тhey then work in poirs to osk ond onswer the questions. KEY: Aсtivity .1; 2d How, Зo Whеre' 4b Whot, 5f Did' 6е Whеn; Aсtivity 2: 2 Where did you go? 3 How did you get thеrе? 4 Who did you go with? 5 Whot did you do therе? 6 Did you hovе o good time? optionol fo[[ow-up oсtivity: Studеnts work in poirs. Тhеy write down five things thеу did lost wеek. They must not show whot they hovе written to thеir portner. Studеnts thеn toke turns to try to guess whot their portner did' by osking ,Did you... ?' quеstions, e.g. Did уou 5еe уour friends? Did уou ploу сomputеr gomes? Studеnts hovе two minutes to question their portner ond find out the fivе oсtivitiеs. Worksheet @ 1: In the Sсienсe lesson Write the sсienсG words under the сorreсt piсtures. . ....... 1. 2 :. stet.iэt*te- * sg[ogеg J*-i tutu . з .. stinсruisnot .''.4.,. fе[hs t*st 5 ] wordеp *L;"b* ,в'.: veso[g 7.. blеsbub в.'. iuqdit ,'9.: sonipolеx It.0,, norop Reсd qnd rшrite f (truэ) or f (fсlse). $ Еxplosions orе dongerous. 3 We Wеor goggles on our feet. s Wе Weor gloves on our eyes. r & We weor oprons on our heods. S Woter s is o liquid. Wе put things on shеlvеs. Voсobutory: Еxperiments O Combridge University Press 2013 Suoer Mindsreoсher's Resourсe Book Level 5 Г ffir. ж,&t-****Ф3 Worksheet ll 2z |n the Pqst ( чУ w Gomplete the sentenсes with сr verb from the box in the pсst simple. losе writе pl'oy bе ; S -itз'verтt* live Thomos Еdison Wos o sсiеntist. Hе wos born in thе 19th сentury ond died in thе 20th сеntury. He i;эw*rэt*d mony things' inсluding thе woshing moсhine. footbo[[ Pe[ё wos o vеry fomous sportsmon of the 20th сentury. He for Argentino ond hеlped them to win the World Сup three times. .l9th сеntury. Hе soid thot o Sсottish sсiеntist in the Chorles Dorwin humon beings еvolvеd from opes. John MсЕnroe is onе of the most suссessful tеnnis ployers evеr. Hе ployed in fivе threе. Wimbl'edon finots from 1980 to 1984. He won two of thеm ond _--.Wit[iom Shokespeore is onе of the most fomous Engl.ish writеrs. Hе diеd in ,1616. o fomous story сolled oliver Twist. Hе in thе 19th сentury. He wos one of Itolion sсiеntist, Go[ileo Gotil.ei thе fothers of modern sсienсе. Find out whiсh informсltion in Aсtivitg sentenсes. s Тiэ*rx*s 1 is fqlse. Gorreсt the fqlse ,^\ r) *n d.idn't iruv*nt th *shr l* l.nу*rrt** til* ii*iэtbr:L*- q3 Grommor |Ё Super Мinds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level 5 @ Сombridge University Press 201З 1: Post simPle revision Worksheet 3: Whсlt did gou... ? ф Gomp|ete the questions with Did, Where, Whаt' When ot How. Then mqtсh the questions with the qnswers. did vou do [ost Sundoy? did you get to sсhool lost yeor? on thе bus? Wе went to F[orido. fl} did you go on hol.idoy with your fomiLy lost yeor? ** q3 timе did you get up this morning? Very еor[y! At six o'с[oсk. I went to thе pork. {x No. By bike. you go swrmmtng ot the wеekend? Whеn I wos ten. did you first go to Еng[ond? No, I didn't. I don't tike it. A long time ogo. Mqke {Цestions qbout lost sцmmer. Then qsk goцr Glossmqtes. $ do / lost / did /whot / summеr l уou? .. : * did / wherе l go /you? . s there / how l уou / get i did? fi" you I go /with / did / who? s do / thеrе s you l did l did / уou lwhot? l o / hove/timе/good? Grommor 2: Post simple questions revision @ Сombridge University Press 201З Super Minds Тeoсher's Resourсe Book LeveL 5 WЖЖжж&ww'Ж Worksheet 1: Around PomPeii Using the worksheet * * * This worksheet proсtises words to desсribе thе onсiеnt world: smoke, volсono, temple, сolumns, fountoin, yose. thеotre, horse qnd сqrt, servont, stotuе' Studеnts tobel. the piсturеs. Тhеn thеy find the words in the word sеorсh ond сheсk their spеll.ing. Studеnts сon thеn moke their own word sеorсh to swop with o portnеr. KЕY: Aсtivity 1: 2 vosе, 3 theotre, 4 fountoin, 5 volсono' 6 horsе ond сort, 7 tеmp[e, 8 сo[umn, .l 9 servont, 0 stotuе h s m o k е timе. If you look сlose[y ot thе piсturе' thеre isn't o oеrson in thе bеd! optionot foltow-up oсtivity: Studеnts work in poirs. Tйey tokе turns to mimе the oсtivitiеs from Aсtivity 1. Thеir portnеr soys whot they werе doing ot the timе of the robbеry ond whiсh сhoroсtеr they orе, e.9. You were tolking to уour friends in q сofё. You'rе Som. Worksheet 3: A dog with mg fсmilg Using the worksheet * This workshееt proсtisеs thе usе of thе post в Students l,ook qt the piсturеs ond сomplеte thе story using the post сontinUous. Students thеn сirсlе thе words to сomplеte thе сontinuous with * o sentenсе5. s e f с o o o o u t L n s n u s с d t e o с o r n o + o r u t е e o m p I n o n optionot fottow.up oсtivity: Ptoy h е o t r е t e Aсtivity 2: Studеnts' own onswers optionot fottow.up oсtivity: Ptoy Speltiл9 bee usin9 the words from Aсtivitу 1 (for detoi[еd instruсtions, seе poge 4). Worksheet 2: Whqt Were goц doing? Using the worksheet a This workshеet proсtises the post сontinuous. g Prе-tеoсh stole, prove ond sofe (n.). Students Work olonе to reod the story obout the stolеn monеу, thеn motсh the sеntenсеs to thе piсtures. * Studеnts think obout thе onswеrs, then work with o portner to dесide who stolе thе money. KЕY: Aсtivity 1:2d'Зf' 4o,5Ь,6е;Aсtivitу 2:1 Som wos With her iгiends in o сofё. / Kor[ wos hoving dinnеr with Еvo. 2 Thе peopte who werе with others ond o[so: John is on the CСTV fiI'm ot the poo[. / C[oirе сon show hеr сinеmo tiсket to thе poliсe. / Lоuren wos tolking to someone on the phone. 3 Miсk. 4 Miсk proЬobty stole thе monеy from the bonk bесousе hе сon't provе whot hе wos doing ot the ; 101r rie Senteлсe gorne usin9 sentenсеs in thе post сontinuous (for detoitеd instruсtions, see poges 4 ond 5). .i".o,у n t .l: 2 wos tistening, 3 wos ployin9, 4 wos singing, 6 wos сutting; wеrе 5 donсing, Aсtivitу 2: 1 pl'oying, 2 donсing, moking, 3 woshing, reoding,4 pLoying, eoting, 5 sleeping, listening KEY: Aсtivity r t rдzhile. Workshэet Ч: Fqmous volconoes Using thе worksheet * Тhis worksheet enсouroges students to find out obout o fomous vo[сoniс eruption. *. Studеnts work in three groups. Еoсh group сhoosеs o volсono ond finds the onswеrs to the questions obout it. Students shorе whot they olreody know ond do rеsеorсh on the Internet or in the librorу to сomplеte the My volсono сolumn of the tobtе. You сould suggеst thеsе links to hе|'p: http://www. geo[o gy. sds u.ed u/how-vo[сo noes-work/ Poriсutin.htmI http://eduсotion.notiono[gеogro phiс.сom/ed uсotion/ enсyсlopеdio/vo[сoniс-сon el? or _o=1&or-r=З http://news.bbс.сo.uki1 /hi l sсi|Ieсh/ 4972522.stm http://www. history.сom/this-doy-i n-historу/krokotoo- * eru Dts Students work with o mеmber of onother group. They tokе turns to qsk ond writе onswers to thе quuition' in the My portner's volсqno сolumn. KEY: Aсtivitv 2: Mount St Hetens Whot сountry is it in? When did it eruPt? How tong did the eruption lost? How mony peoPte died? Krokotoo Poriсutir Indonesio Meхiсo 980 l 88з 194з 6 yeors 4 months 9 yeors 57 з6,417 з the USA 1 optionot foltow-up oсtivity: Studеnts work with their oiiginot.9roup to moke o short postеr presеntotion obout their volсono to show to thе с[oss. { Worksheet Loolс qnd t 1: Aroцnd Pompeii write the words. Then find them in the word seqrсh. sm*k* -d -\; 2)l N ,{' o e h o r o k e o s p b u q b r I r У n j r o s n V m с s I r W V e W f k o k t е o o z z q U o t е o p q t n s J o n b U t t s k с d t e d t e m p t е o o с o e I o т n X n r X n o t r m u e W V q o r U o e m o o f t е o o i е с d u L p s m с f b t o o h f I o n V s n p b e p n с z t W u d t h е o t r е t Х t с I d Mсrke q new word seqrсh. Voсobu[ory: Around Pompeii @ Combridge University Press 2013 Super Minds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level 5 #% W1 B \**/ W Worlсsheet 2: Whqt werэ goц doing? Reсld the storg ond mqtсh the sentenсes with the piсtures. Yesterday, at 6:30 pm, someone broke into the Big City Bank and stole S10,000 from the safe. The poliсe are questioning six people. This is what they told the poliсe. $ } wos tolking to my friends in o сofё. I wos wotсhing o fi[m ot the сinеmo. I Ж Wе Wеre hoving dinnеr ot o restouront. & I wos swimming. s 6 I wos stееping. I wos to|.king on thе phonе. .&ш Kor[ ond Еvo W Answer the questions. Then tqlk to gour Pqrtner. Who stole the moneg? * Who сon prove whot * Who wos with other PeoPI'e? they were doing? Who сon't prove whot thеy werе doing? Who stole the money from the bonk? Grommor Super Minds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level 5 1: Post O Combridge UniversitY Press 2013 сontinuous revision ( I Worksheet 3: A dqg with mg fomilg Look ond complete the storg in the post сontinuolls. Use the words from the boх. [isten сut sing donсе do- ptoy Yesterdoy Wos o сrozУ doy! Whil.e I l wgs сf*ins *"lн fl,!йths h*rn.*vrgrk , my friends Wеrе sending me tеxt messogеs. Whil'е I wos trying to muttipty 36 by 89 in my hеod, my eldеst sister 2 to hеr fovourite song. How сould I work in my noisy housе? Whil'e my brothеr 3 сomputer gomes ond shouting, my mothеr in her bеdroom. Whi|'e my twin sistеrs 5 in the gorden, my fothеr 6 the gross. I thought, .Тhot's it. I've hod enough!'I put my books in my bog, wolked to the pork, ond finished my homework thеrе. @ Reqd qnd сirсle the сorreсt words. White my сot wos wqshing / drinking miI'k, my brother Wos buying / ptoying bosketbo[[. Whitе my sister wos dqnсing / writing to her fovourite musiс, my сousin Wos wotсhing / moking o sondwiсh. Whil'e my fother wos woshing / looking thе сor, my mothеr wos reoding / сooking o book. & Whil'e my dog wos ploying / drinking with o bo[[, I wos еoting /donсing o pizzo. Whitе my grondfother wos sleeping / shopping undеr o trее, my grondmother wos loughing / listеning to thе rodio. Grommor 2: Two simuttoneous oсtions with while @ Combridge University Press 20i3 Super Мinds Теoсher's Resourсe Book Levе[ 5 #& w fl 1 Ж Worksheet volсqnoes Ц: Fqmous t Work in smoll grouPs. Ghoose q volсqno. tl a ll ii.:. :.,:i.r.rt.:1,r:t1.trr:.:':rl.rrl:ai'il1arrr:lr!irrl'r:i:r'r:''1'lt:irr'l:':'11'r't1ll'rirlliil':irrl'tt'lll::rl'l:i'*l:l 1.:..li:*1.].:i]i']!}']1].]]ч.1!]]]ji:ii]1]1.:]qii.!]i'1].1.:'.1!}*.чia*]]a:.ili!i Krokotoo Mount St Helens o pl tl' te st p( ot u Ur a a Poгiсutin w a Write the nqme of the volсono ond find out qboцt it. My volсono KI My portner's volсqno O1 нi Whot сountry is it in? 2с str Whеn did it erupt? to How long did the еruption lost? of p€ th te How mony people diеd? in Find out more foсts obout yoUr vo[сono. w NL tn Ask gour Pqrtner qboцt their volссno. Write the qnswers. Geogrophy: Fomous volсonoes 14 Super Мinds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level 5 @ Combridge University Press 2013 Worksheet ft Life in thejцngle lllforksheeЁ 3: Grсzg house rules Using the worksheet Using the worksheet ;* Тhis workshеet proсtisеs roinforеst words: сreeper, beqk, touсon, sloth, brqnсh, onoсondo, poot, joguor, onteoter. ;t Students work individuo[[у or in poirs ond usе the сluеs to help thеm find thе words. Сhесk thot they know thе word sуllobles ond how to identify the number of sy[[ob[еs in q word. g Students then reod the sentеnсes ond dесidе whеther thеy ore truе or fo[se. KЕY: Aсtivity .l:2 joguor, З bеok,4 poo[, 5 сreeper, 6 bronсh,7 onoсondo, 8 onteotеr' 9 touсon; Aсtivity 2: 2 f Touсons сon f[y. 3 f Anteotеrs [ike eoting onts. 4 t, 5 f Anoсondos orе very [orge snokes, 6 f Сrеepеrs orеn't port of o trее ond they don't hovе the somе rooтs. optionol follow-up oсtivity: Demonstrote how to pLoу Find new words. Write the Amqzon roinforest on thе booгd. Ask studеnts to work in poirs ond use thе lеttеrs to moke nеw words, е.g. stor, troin.The poir of students who find thе most new words win. ,Ask this poir to сhoose onothеr word or phrosе from thе unit ond writе it on the boord for the сloss to ptoy ogoin. Worksheet 2: ШumЬers Using the worksheet и * * This worksheet proсtisеs lorgе numbеrs. Studеnts work individuo[[y or in poirs to сomplеte thе oсtivity. Еnсourogе them to think сorеfully ond l.ogiсotl'y to work out thе rulе govеrning еoсh of thе nUmDer sеquеnсеs. Students thеn writе words for the numbers thot wеrе missing in Aсtivity 1. KЕY: Aсtivity 1: 2 1,000,000, з 5,000, 4 200,000' 5 15'000' 6 .1'000'000; Aсtivity 2:2 one mi[[ion, З fivе thousond, 4 two hundred thousond, 5 fiftееn thousond. 6 one miltion optionot fo[[ow.up oсtivity: Dеmonstrotе how to ploy Hit the number. Bеfore storting this gomе, write qbout 20 lorgе numbers on the boord in rondom ploсes. Put studеnts into two tеoms. Invite thе teoms to сomе uo to the front of thе сlqss nеor thе boord. Givе thе first person in eqсh teom o rolled.up newspoper. Soy onе of the numbеrs on thе boord. The first studеnt to hit thе numbеr with the nеWspoper wins q point for thеir teom. Тhe nеWspoper posses to thе sесond pеrson in eqсh tеom. Сontinue untilyou hovе sqid o[[ the numbеrs. Тhе teom with thе most points ot the end of the qomе wins. q e в Тhis worksheet proсtisеs hqve to ond hod ro. Studеnts work individuo[[y or in poirs to write sentenсеs obout the oliеns, Sptodge ond Murd[e. TheУ thеn work in smo[[ groups ond write thеir own сrozy housе rules in thе prеsent tеnse using hovе to, Enсourogе students to be imoginotive. KЕY: Aсtivity 1;2 Murd[e hod to eqt o sondwiсh with his feet. 3 Sptodgе hod to сut thе gross with sсissors. 4 Murdle hod to сleon thе floor with o/the dog. 5 Sptodge hod to sleеp undеr thе bеd. 6 Murd[е hod to do his homеwork in/with kеtсhup.: Aсtivity 2: Studеnts' own onswers optionoI fo[[ow-up oсtivity: Students prеsent their сrozy house ru[es to thе с[oss. Тhе с[oss tokе o Voте on whiсh of thе rules thеy think is the сroziеst. Worksheet Ц: Amqzon qdventure Using the worksheet * Тhis workshеet proсtises fol[owing instruсtions in o gome bosеd on whot might hoppen in o jungle odvеnture. Rеod through the phroses in thе longuogе box. Мokе surе students know how to use the pnrosеs during the gomе. Ec Students work in 9roUps of four. Givе еoсh group o boord (Woгkshееt 4), o diсе (or o spinner) ond o сountеr (or сoin) for eqсh person. Studеnts put their сounters on Stort. Тhe first ploуer to throw 6 storts. If studеnts [ond on thе bottom of o toddеr. they сon go to the top. If they [ond on thе heod of o snoke, thеy must go down to its toi[. If they stop in the сеntrе of o loddеr or o snoke, thеy сon stoy where thеy ore ond woit for thеir neхt turn. Students foltow thе instruсtions on thе other squorеs. * Thе first student to gеt to Finish is the winnеr. optionoI fo[[ow.up oсtivity: Studеnts work in 9roUps ond mokе their own Amqzon odvеnturе gomе. Monitor ond help os neсessory. Mokе сopiеs of the boord gomеs ond ploy them in с[oss. * & Worksheet il Life in thejungle 2 ж \*d K w Write the word for something in the piсtцre thсt... s hos five [еtters. s еnds sl*1,\ v hos four sy[[ob[еs. x storts with the letteri. ж ;le" in thе letters сh. is o bird's mouth. ж does whot its nomе soys. is o smo[[ orеo of woter. ж storts with the lеttеrs to. 5 grows round o treе. & Reqd ond write f (true) or f (fqlse). Gorreсt the fqlse sentences. З Stoths move very quiсk[y. E * Touсons сon't f[y. П 3 Antеoters do not like еoting onts. П .& Joguors ore port of thе сot fomi[y. П s П Anoсondos ore very smo[[ snokes. # Crеepers ore port of o trеe ond hove the somе roots. 'si*ths r::"*v* v*rЦ s|*wlЦ" П Voсobu[ory: Roinforest life Supеr Minds Тeoсher's Resourсe Book Level 5 @ Сombridge University Press 201З Worksheet 2: Numbers & Write the missing numbers. 'c 100 200 300 ; r!00 10,000 s 5,000,000 :T00,000 tT0,000 ,,.., 300,000 n5,000 250,000 s 27,000 21,000 lO0 * 125,000 & 250,000 ill 500 n5,000 9,000 500,000 i*ur LL'll*г*d. s00 r00!00 з,000 2,000,000 Write the missing numbers from Aсtivitg 'i i-ji,i 1 in words. & $ gf" s ;$ Nine hundrеd ond ninеty ninе ... (Grommor 1: Numbers 100-5,000,000 f@@!!!@!!! @ ) Сombridge University Press 2O1З Super Мinds Теoсher's Resourсe Book Levеl. 5 *; & f, 2 ж Worksheet 3: Grqzg hoцse rules \***g & Reod, then сomplete the sentenсes with the words from the boх. { Spl,odge ond Murd[е live in o сrozy house ond they hove lots of сrozУ housе rules. This is whot thеy hod to do yestеrdoy. сut slеep do сlеon eot ъм@@f * Yesterdoy, Splodge Э Yesterdoy, Murd[e S Yesterdoy, Splodge 9ross bed sсissors shоes homеwork ketсhup sondwiсh floor dog feet Ь@eh l'vg*г *ts ;1 Yеsterdoy, Murdlе s Yesterdoy, Sp[odgе # Yеstеrdoy, Murdle Write goцr own evergdсg Grqzg hoцse rules! $ ln' *u.r hоu.s* Ц*ш fu"*vg t* ъv**.г U**.r tr*ш's*rs *n U*шr *,**d.' Э ;$ {* s # Grommor l18 Suoer Мinds Тeoсher's Resourсe Book Level 5 2; Hove to I Hod to revision @ Combridge University Press 201З I Worksheet w Ц: Amqzon qdventure Plog the gqme. Use the phrqses from the boх. -.'",''.'''.,r\l:. You stort. Тhrow the diсе. Whose turn is it? It's your turn. Move your сountеr three spoсes. Go down the snokе. Go up the lodder. I'vе won! Finish You havе no watеr. Co baсk to squarе 15. You makе a trее housе. Co to squarе 21. It rains for thrеe days. Co baсk to squarе 4. You disсovеr a nеw plant. Co to squarе 15. .l. j *Lч:]Т\. А сroсodi|e eats your bag. Co baсk to square 1 . You disсovеr squarе 9. А spider bites you. Co baсk to square 4' EnvironmentoI studies: Amozon odventure o Combridge University Press 201З Supеr Мinds Теoсher's Resourсe Book Level' 5 i, WЖжw lilorksheet 1: wwжfu *Ж* Mqkingl musiс Using the worksheet * Тhis worksheеt proсtises musiс words: spotlight' bodуguords, fons, eleсtriс guitor, boss guitor, boсking singers, donсer, drum kit, stoge. a Students сomplеte the words with thе missing vowels, thеn motсh them to thе piсture by writing lettеrs in the boxеs. * Studеnts thеn сompletе thе еmoil usinq words from Aсtivity 1. KEY: Aсtivity 1: 2е boсking singеrs,3d drum kit, 4i boss guitor' 5o bodyguords, 6b stogе, 7h fons, 8f donсеrs, 99 spotl'ight; Aсtivity 2: 2 stoge' 3 spotI'ight, 4 boсking' 5 guitor, 6 fons, 7 bodyguords optionol fo[[ow-up oсtivity: Demonstrote how to pI.oy House. Сhoosе one student to сome to the front ond drow doshes on thе booгd to rеpresent o word from Aсtivitу 1 - onе dosh for eoсh lеtter. Тhe other students сo[[ out lеttеrs to try to guess the word. Еoсh сorreсt letter is fittеd in obovе the oppropriotе dosh. For еvery inсorrесt letter. drow one line of o house, ond writе thot letter on the boord. Fiгst drow the wo[[s of thе house, thеn thе roof, then thе door' os shown bе[ow. wwЖЖ жfuffi.W Worksheet 3: A busg dog Using the worksheet a * Тhis worksheet proсtises thе timе with post ond to thе hour. Students reod the story of Luсy's doу ond thеn work individuotty or in poirs to work out whеn Luсy doеs thе oсtivities. g Studеnts thеn work individuotly to сompletе thе sеntenсеs with thе times when they thеmselvеs do thе oсtivitiеs listеd. Moke surе thot students writе the times in words rothеr thon numbеrs. .1 KEY: Aсtivity : 2 Shе сqtсhes the bus to sсhoo[ ot tеn post seven. 3 Shе gеts to sсhool ot ten to еight. 4 She hos hеr lunсh ot ten post twelvе. 5 She hos dinnеr ot tеn to fivе. 6 Shе storts tolking to her friends on[inе ot fivе post six.; Aсtivity 2: Students' own onswers optionol follow-up oсtivity: Studеnts work in poirs or smo[[ groups ond toke turns to osk ond onswer whot timе of doy they do the things in Aсtivity 2, e.g. Whot time do уou get up? Worksheet Ц: RqP ond rhgthm Using the worksheet ta This workshееt proсtisеs reсognising гhythm in o bosiс rop. It olso еnсouroges studеnts to bе сreotivе with [onguoge. Students rеod thе linеs of The Summer Rop оnd motсh thеm to thе rhythm potterns. Сhесk, then proсtisе soying eoсh line of thе rop with thе сorreсt rhythm. Gеt studеnts to с[iсk their fingers or с[op to hеlp them stoy in timе. * Disсuss thе wintеr piсturе with the с[oss. Ask them to find the four poirs of rhyming words in thе box: oldl сold: Ioughlsсorf., snowlgo: fire/choir' Studеnts work in smo[[ groups to write thеir own rop obout the winter, using thе rhythms in Aсtivity,l . Enсourogе studеnts to use some of thе rhyming words from thе box to hetp them. KЕY: Aсtivity 1: 1Ь, 2o, Зс, 4o: Aсtivity 2: Studеnts' own * If onothеr studеnt n.u",,", thе word, they сomе to thе boord ond сhoosе thе nеxt word. If no onе guesses the word bеfore the housе is сomp[еte, thе originoI studеnt сhoosеs the nеxt word. Worksheet 2: Whсlt qre theg going to do? Using the worksheet e! Тhis workshееt proсtises going to. * Students work in poirs to motсh thе dеsсriptions to the spеесh bubblеs. * Students then work olonе to write sеntеnсеs obout thе peop[е in Aсtivity |. KЕY: Aсtivity 1:2Ь, Зo, 4f ' 5d' 6е; Aсtivity 2: 2 Sue ond Som ore going to see thе new Spidermoл fi[m. 3 Simon's / Simon is going to rеod o book (thot's) сo[[ed Fronkenstein.4 Joe's / ]oe is going to wotсh the nеw сomedy (on TV). 5 Morio's / Morio is 9oing to reod o story obout Anсient Romе. 6 Wendу ond Woltеr orе going to listеn to Bеethovеn ond Boсh. optionoI fo[[ow-up oсtivity: Students orgonise o birthdoy porty for o friеnd. They work in groups ond сhoosе musiс ond food. Studеnts сon olso deсide wherе to hovе thе porty ond whot сlothеs to wеor. Еoсh group te[[s thе сloss obout thеir p[ons, е.g. At our porty, we're going to listen to ... ,.',20tr. onsWеrs optionol foltow.up oсtivity: Studеnts perform their rops for thе сloss. ( Worlсsheet Цtr -d&* Mqking mцsiс Gomplete the words. Тhen mсtсh them with people сnd things in the piсtцre. t [:сtr;с q .t ; b сk nq s no J S d r_m k_t , b ss q t-r S b dvo rds @ 1: r rs tr П П П П ei st П П П П сl ? f_ ns ж d- nс- ls sp tt qht rs Reod qnd сomPlete Ellq's emqi| with words from Aсtivitg 1. Hi Yasmin, We saw Missy RaRa Iast night. It was fantastiс! Тhеrе Wеre so many musiсians and 1 d*n**гs on the 2 ' Whеn it staгted, it was сompletеIy dark 3 just and thеn onе сamе on and thеrе shе was! Missv Ra Ra's a o great singeг and heг singегs Were rea|ly good, too. Eveгybody knows that Missy - p|ays the piano, but did you know that shе aIso 5 pIays the bass ? Shе p|ays it rеally wеl|' Тheгe Weгe so many peoplе - at thе сonсert. Мissy has |ots of 6 and we Wеге alI shouting! But thе ? didn.t |et us go nеar hег. Lеt's mееt soon -and listen to Missy's nеw songs! Love, Ella Voсobu[ory: At o roсk сonсert @ Combridge University Press 201З Super Minds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Leve[ 5
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