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Tài liệu Oxford read and discover 2 jobs activity book


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Activity Book Activity Book r Name: Age: Class: School: J Y O X FO RD U N I V E R S I T Y PRESS OXFORD U N IV ER S IT Y PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, 0x2 6 d p , United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a departm ent of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade m ark of Oxford University Press in the UI< and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2013 The moral rights of the author have been asserted First published in 2013 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. No part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, w ithout the prior permission in writing o f Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under term s agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the KLT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You m ust not circulate this work in any other form and you m ust impose this same condition on any acquirer Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work isb n : 978 0 19 464676 5 Printed in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Jobs Activity Book by: Kamini Khanduri Illustrations by: Kelly Kennedy and Alan Rowe Introduction + Page 3 1 Find and write the words. vo xi oxmer m o n e y °r/cteach erd o c 1 job 2 _________ 3 __________ 5___ _____ 4 __________ 6___ _____ 2 Complete the sentences. jobs 1 A job is th e m oney work driver wo r k t h a t you do. 2 A b u s _________ does a job. 3 Most people do jobs f o r _________ . 4 Not a l l ________are for money. 3 Answer the questions. 1 W h a t does a doctor do? 2 Where does a farm er work? 3 W h a t jobs do you know? € Jobs <• Pages 4 - 5 1 Write the words. 1 co rn ^u .t_ e._ r 2 o ___________ 3 p _______ 5 f 4 f a 2 Order the words. 1 telephones/use/in/People/office./cm ? opic use telephones in an office. 2 outside./are/jobs/S om e 3 work/FLight a t t e n d a n t s / p l a n e s . / o n 4 F i r e f i g h t e r s /i n to /h o t /g o / v e r y /b u i ld in g s . o In the City <■ Pa9es6-? 1 Write the words. train chef re s ta u ra n t tourists park city 2 Complete the sentences. cook cities work tourists 1 People_________ in stores, parks, and libraries. 2 C h efs_________ food in restaurants. 3 Tour guides work w i t h _________ 4 Bus drivers work i n _________ I In the Countryside «■ Pages 8 - 9 1 Find and write the words. a m a r k m t c j b a n i m a 9 a h f i P d (o c e i c r 0 P e 0 L s a s t r s h n) d 2 Answer the questions. 1 W h a t do farm ers do? Some farmers keep animals, and some farmers grow crofts.______________________________ 2 How do people catch fish? 3 Where do miners work? 0 Making Things + Pages 10-11 1 Complete the puzzle. 2t m o a 4 00 0 D t] mD 2 Circle the correct words. 1 People use their ears,/hands to m ake som e things. 2 M any people work in cameras/factories. 3 A building / pot has doors and windows. 4 There are m achines in p la n es/ice creams. Helping People 4*Pages 12-13 1 Match. Then write the numbers. 1 2 3 4 people in danger, children a t school, sick people, children a t home. Parents help Doctors help Teachers help Police officers heLp QD □ 2 Complete the sentences. d an g er help firefighters old schools 1 Young people h e l p _________people. 2 Doctors and n u r s e s ________ sick people. 3 Teachers work i n _________ 4 In Venice,_________ go in boats. 5 A mbulance workers can be i n _________ o Jobs with Animals « Pages 14-15 1 Write the words. 2 Write true or false. 1 Some vets work in zoos. rue 2 Pandas Live on farms._______________ _____ 3 People can help a n im a ls in danger. _____ 4 Oil from a ship is good for pelicans. _____ 5 Guide dogs help sick anim als. _____ 6 Lots of people work with anim als. _____ Q Jobs a t Night 4r Pages 16-17 1 Write the words. Then match. 4 Pe*-es 2 Circle the correct words. 1 M any nurses work in sto r e s/a t night. 2 Store workers slee p /w o r k in stores. S There are lots of trains at night/in the day. 4 Cities/Children are busy a t night. 5 People can go hom e in a m ovie/taxi. More Jobs « Pages 18-19 1 Complete the puzzle. Then write the secret word. o l 2 The secret word is: 2 Order the words. 1 m usic/play/at/can/school./Y ou 2 Som e/pL ay/job./fora/soccer/people 3 m usician s./w atch /to /m o n ey /p ay /P eo p le 4 m ovie./in/A ctors/act/a o After Reading 4* Read pages 3-19 1 Complete the Picture Dictionary. ambulance city factory V_________ J money © I 2 Find the words and write the page. 1 I t’s to o busy in th e day. p a g e !7__ 2 Teachers heLp children a t s c h o o l.___________ 3 T h a t’s how farmers make m o n e y . ___________ 4 They help th e passengers. ___________ 5 They are playing instrum ents. ___________ 6 They help wild anim als. ___________ 7 M any people work in factories. ___________ 8 They cook th e food._____________ ___________ 3 Write about jobs. A job is t h e _________ t h a t you do. Most people do jobs f o r _________ .S o m e people work in offices. They use te le p h o n e s a n d _________ . In factories, people u s e to make things. Lots of people work in cities, in stores a n d _________ . Farmers a n d __________ work in t h e countryside. Teachers h e l p _________ a t school. Actors m a k e _________ for a job. W h a t _________ do you w a n t to do? o 4 Complete the chart. park ship nurse tour guide taxi factory store vet p lane te a c h e r police officer bus a t home a m b u la n c e school chef farm train office firefighter flight a t t e n d a n t restau ra n t bo at Jobs nurse Transportation shi£. My Book Review Questions about this book 1 W h a t is this book a b o u t? 2 Write six new w ords from this book. What I like about this book if Mij favorite chapter is Muj favorite picture is I Mij favorite n ew word is Draw ©, ©©, or © © © I Like this book. I Like t h e pictures. o . Activities to accompany the Oxford Read and Discover non-fiction reader Oxford Read and Discover provides in teresting and educational content, w ith a ctivitie s and project work. The Activity Books provide additional, chapter-linked reading, w ritin g , and grammar practice, as w e ll as consolidation activities. They also use the n on-fiction co nte nt in the reader to support and develop the students' critic a l th in kin g skills. Series Editor: Hazel Geatches Level 1 Level 3 Level 5 300 headwords 600 headwords 900 headwords Level 2 Level 4 Level 6 450 headwords 750 headwords 1,050 headwords OXFORD ISBN 978-0-19-464676-5 9780194646765 UNIVERSITY PRESS www.oup.com/elt 9 780194 646765
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