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Tài liệu Our discovery island 1


Mô tả:

ffiffiwffiwffiww ffiffiffiffi fl;.* u"xse,*tt*,&sT *e{ ffirep**k ffern*** $*r*es fl*meu{*s*r*immrum* The Ozr Divor en l-sj.rnd s€rier is an inderrendent eduational cours€ published br Peanon Educarion I imited and is not aiiliated nith. or autlorised- spton;ored. or otierhis€ approved br-Dix-overr Communications LLC or Di>cor-en-Education, Inc. :: ':ii ::: t, : j:: :: ::s:'j-ii :e- 1\r::'-::e :: i::.-. -: .: :::r r'..:i 11r;r-:: ghi. De;i gns an j j.: r: :l:: L.: :jtis rubii;ation mav be reproduced. -1i :E:-:; ;:-:.: s t L r :a : :n : :e :l :r':- ;i -i l i r ::. a:::ar r mitted in an| tbr m or br - anv m eans , e - e - -::.,:.:: :.i i :::-:i i I- :11:Ji' n\]ng. r etor dtnq. or othenl;5e r v i thout the : r : 1 1: i \:::::: ::::.:..:" : .,: = e ?uhlisher s. F i r s : ::-r.:>:.e i . 1 ,,,-: tlD \' : f-,--i ' \ _- r - _o- r S etl: F : e n i > : a ri - l t p t Pnntec in Siolaiia bv \eogratia I llustration -{cknouledgements 1Ke\': b-botlom; t-top) -{dam Clav ,rt. 5t, 6, 9, 1Otc,20, 26,35, 38t, 4tt, 44,51, 60, 61, 62; SueKing I Plum Pudding) 13, 16, 19, 23, 27, 4).b,45t,47, 48,52t, 54, 55,59t; Marek I agu c k il 0 b , i ; b , 2 4 b ,3 l b , 3 8 b ,4 5 b ,5 2 b ,5 9 b ;Ka tieM cDe e 2 ,3 ,4, l 0b, l l , I l. 1 ; , 1 8 ,l - l b , 2 5 ,3 1 b ,3 2 ,3 8 b ,3 9 , 4 0 , 4 5 b ,4 6 ,5 2 b ,5 3 ,5 9 b ;Bill McGui re ( Shannon.Lssociates) 8, 15,22, 29, 43,36,50, 57; IackieStafford 7, 14,2I, 2+t c .1 8 . , r l t c ,3 3 , 3 4 ,3 7 ,4 2 , 4 9 ,5 6 ' ACTIUITYBOOT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 lfelcome lty loys IrV fomlly |try body I|rV fcce Anlmcls Food Clolhes tfeolhen Plclune dlcllonony FesllYals 2 4 tl t8 25 32 3q 46 53 60 62 O W # Trqce. Thenreodondmqtch- H e[[ o, I' mLindy. HeLLo, r'mJoe. He [[o ; I'mP i p p i n . O W @ three He[[o, r'mEmily Write.Thendrowondsoy. four O Wffirroce. r4- re d tl D LUe rhen findondcolour. lt 2 - uettow 3 - qYeen 5 - pLnK 6- purpte - - rl - - ew@ Motch.Thentrace ond soy. It's o '.\\-- S It's o boot It's q traln. It's o co.r It's o dnLL bmLL It's o bike O @ eWf W It's o troin. WListen ond{orX. rhencolour. row and colour. rrqce'rhend 2 It's o bike. tl It's DLUg It's f gd It's o bolt. It's o cor. I It's-T-PUf Pte . It's o doll. It's o boot. IT .l r t 'sU ettO W . - It's PtnK e@@., Motchond soy. eighteen twelve eleven nineteen th irteen twenty fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen Findond count.Thenwrite. Howmonybotts? . @w froq u box T doLL n Listenond number. Thentrace ond motch. -? -t- T- A@ s f %f Findondcolour. e = red o = oronge pen T hen n ten T W@ write . dolt bstt cqr train boqt 0 Whot'sthis? It's o bott It's o e It's o It's o It's o W @@Drow. Thennumberand soy. t2 l--t It's o dott.It's Princess Emity. It's Pippin. He'so porrot. * e @i @Listenondwrite. ! %%m % % = ,W W WilW= l+ dotts troins offid6ffi@6mffi%= bike .r eqqqn@@&@= boots &&&k W@@write. rhensov. uffi* ffi ffi r ) f fi ffi ffi c f f iffif f i ,l ,: .r,ffi:. rffi' l:. ; i";1f1.. ffi *":,:1_.w" *ffi 1,ffi:1;;,.J-riil tl , ,. . ..rli*1,,rr..!1r,. llti.lL.,i., ffi @ @ Readqndcorour. 1 It's o cor. It's blue. 2 It's o boot. It's yellow. 3 It's o dott. It's purple. 4 It's o bike. It's green. 5 It's o troin. It's oronge. 6 It'so bott. It'spink. W @ Findondstick.Thencolour. 1 Tendolls. 2 lt's o troin. 3 lt's blue. Mctch. rhentroceondsoy. e W@ Thisis my fomity. O nnum qrannu sister qrandad bnsther - dad - & tr took ondwrite. WReqd. Then house gorden Where'smy mum? Inthe Where'smy brother? I qo,fo.gn In the Where'smy sister? Where'smy dod? In the In the Where'smy grondod? Where'smy gronny? In the In the O @) WListenondmotch. 6 :/fT w Where'smy ... ? grondcd &A#) Now circleond write. Then soy. 1 Where'smy sister? He's r@'n the 2 Where'smy brother? He's/ She'sin the 3 Where'smy gronny? He's/ She'sin the 4 Where'smy grqndod?He's/ She'sin the livingroom kitchen bedrercrm bothroom bedroom A {,., d W @ff qfflisten ondmqtch. r nen trqce. J\L . . 1) \. \ r dad bus I DUq v&re mclp - W @} @Listen ondcircletheoddoneout. 'J)ffi * & ffi ft W C @.) W Listen ondnumber. e @@write. rhenmotch ondsoy. brother da'd grondod dod My My a=6'+ Number.Thenwrite ond soy. mum dod gronny grondod brother sister tl DODU - ffi @@Reqd ond/.Th"ntroceondsoy. o[d bo'{y W @ @ 1 Where'smy Reod ondlook.rhenwrite. mum ? She'sin the bedroom. In$m gronny 2 Where'smy ? He'sin the kitchen. dqd brother 3 Where'smy ? She's in the livingroom. 4 Where'smy ? He'sin the bothroom. MA ('Nl7 Findond stick. det Y\r y W ll\ ] w 1 Where'smy mum? 2 She's in the kitchen. 3 He'sin the house. 3 @@ orrns legsn hcnds n feet U flnoers head n n D Motch. Thentroceondsoy.
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