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Tài liệu New lets learn english 3


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NEI^#Uff*LEAIINI :i JH \.F .-V s" ffd { l-i \ t*{ L J I - W. t" l u,r i- NEW LET'' TEARN EN G L I$ H DON DALLA' LINDA PELHA,vI :,? ljqxtu$ ZE,':d LV ZV w 6Z w tv 9" sAwd ?.,-****i*j[S*e ?aqe 1 0 After echool 55 1 1 Funin the ?ark 60 1 2 Our birthdaye 65 Revieion 4 unitelo-12 70 1 3 Nowand then 73 14 Cam?inglaet eummer 7B 1 5 Theweather B3 Revision 5 unite1g-1o 1 6 fn rny kitchen BB 91 17 gounds we hear 96 1 0 A good brother 101 Revi eion 6 Unite 1o-1o 106 r_ 1 pu ! ) I L A+r1 0n0u s 9 0ul>UoM-pJ0L,l JOAOIC I n ldleq Wwv Azol c T ' J On OICs,oLls'A;l0Soos uoc I !y: /D* L-<_at/a te1e6-l -/--/ az/, S4- I.1 JJ .a!uoL,lc ,/ -- fuoy11 'uarpllr{corll lnoqp )lpl aoos noA upc orl1 .)ool puo uols!-l \ { t \{ )$< w o--c-Listen ond reod. Wheredo the children live? Green Lone Forest R ood (Mo v ) ffiRoq F-ttvl Rood Sunset (Peter) O O live? o oo O o o o c oo O O O Mory c> Chorlie ForestRood. ri/hotdo the childrenlike doing? Ask ond onswer' L pl oy i ng tricks helpingot home 6fu t ? : , e r ond : -t -\ vorking. ,? -A . ,; a. sleeping e* J :+'.'l d o i ngm y' homework hing ANfoA E fo ut JJ 'ool pood puod u! o^!l no^ 'oos I 'tly 'Jotllo0olotuoqo0 s,lol 'pood puod oM '0op olp1l'uo otuoC ut onll L4loq 2 rv t - a1 'lsol oJ,noA)ulL,llI eo^!lnoAop oroqM LnoAoro plo MoH Lauou lnoA s,loL,lM 'Oopolnll o soos LUI 'AluoPPnS 'd;oL,l Jol sllocJocllloocllodoqI 'noA)uotll l:l'tr}.l;li] iuoo,u"111i 'pood puod ul o^ll I puv aonllnoAop oJoL,lM 'LUIIs,otuouAy1 aAoqomll 'otuoulnoAs,lol4M aL U[ 'n o AoJ opl o M o H c 'JOLIIOLU S!tl pUll louuoc tu!I unJ burpoad m D ) | Beenois tolking obout his friends.Reodqnd complete. Thisis my friend,Peter. l-le'seight. l-lelivesin SunsetRood. f-1 e goesto schoolby bus. le likessleeping. : thinkhe'slozy. Thisis my friend,Solly. She's She livesin Shegoesto schoolby n i ne I H i l lRo o d/ Shelikes I thinkshe's -I o m e ' Charlie ArY no' -' eiqhr -' v e si n ; WoodSlreel 3oesto schoolby e c h o o lbu e ?lalrinalricke Pr cfc r)r)dd2 r v* -1 p uo 'JOnOlC St OL,l lnq oillod pu!) puo Auun; ,tUtp Addoq ro^olc sr uqof >lull,llI sr )cof )u!rll I buryonn-prol1 ;n;d;eq A1q6nou Azol 'olp/l auqof pup )cpf lnoqp )ulrll noA op lpr{/l 'oo+ol,uoL,l so)ll oH lo OuldloL4 'OurpooJ so)!l uLlof 'Lllny\'so^ ')ooq poo6o sr sllll 'ujny\l 'uLlofsr slL,ll ')JOMOLUOIIS!L,l 'ss!l/\l'uocI \ 0ulopo)ll +ousoopoH 'osoold'lsJll >uoMotuotl Jno^Llslull Lwnsslrll op uocoqM 's)cpl OurAold so>lll)cof ')cof sl s!L,ll_ a t 'ppod ,i i!s* rriii i Listenqnd look. Whot cqn you see in the room? --3 " e s 0 puzzle.I t's on the shelf. 2 il4 4* 0 p lon e 6 I Compute r crtoy truck 7 ct robot o spoceship 6 0 cupboord 0 shelf Vo ,B A, .*-€"/ F _= tnlol r*vnrNvT 4 'SllqqOJAtU lr ir'rosolll 'sllqqoJoMl lo0 on,I 'drtlsocodsAru.:' , 'dtL,lsocods o lo0 on,I 'sAo1aql lnoqo ltpl 'ppor puo uels!'l ff[ t: ? 'l = oj Fun Reqding ConI hovethot redcor,pleose? The boysbuythe bluecors. 2 Conwe hovethose bluecors,pleose? -:'e youore.Two pounds,pleose, The childrenploywith their new cors.They do not see Chorlie. He is b e h in do b u sh . littlegirlwontso cor,pleose. Whot'shoppening? Oh, deor!Whichis my cor? Ohorlieis no u g h t y . l-leis ployingo trickon them. Thisredcor belongsto him. Thotredcor belongsto her. Thosebluecorsbelongto them. to me. Thisbluecor belongs R t,G --gJ ^ fr)rr)vdd al g 'pJooqdncJoL,l ut tuoql sdoo) oqs 'slloqJoLloJoosoLll 'slloqxls lo0 s,Allos r 'sbulnnoJp s,uolpllr,lc oql lnoqo )lol 'ppot pup )oo'l Reodond mqtch.Writethe numbersin the boxes. H ffi I've got one bike. Thisis my bike. I keepit in my bedroombehindthe door. I'vegottwopuzzles . : a ^J \--',- \_,. ri I rl tl ,l tl m Theseoremy puzzles. W I keepthemin mytoy boxneorthe bed. cK I'vegotthreerobots. ,ffi Theseoremy robots. 148 I keepthemon theshelfneorthedoor. @ && I've got one robbit. Thisis my robbit. I keepit on my bed. I d \, --. - I've got onecomputer. Thisis my computer. I keepit on the deskin my bedroom. ffi A IGP R C IC 7ol \.a\r/ f_ {v roddod 9 sroddodIllltlc s oA -iT1, Jo0eu!A lqs AeuoLl v J o0ns c G*, 'pool orll lo solsDl eql lnoqp IlpI 'lool pup uols!'I { 'S ? !n f ; rf f r{$ 3 listen ond reod.Tolk obout the food. solty? Yes,thereis. Pototocrispsore solty. sweet? No, sweet. ll- {/ \ a3 \_l , sh Beeno'snotes.Whichfood is...? Writethe nqmeshere. ?Heet salt y AN6 ^ r ro trs ll"/ f__ 2 tv , 6,, aosoold'AtJnc uo)clL,lc o^oL.l I uoc ')o '+ol,lst Allncuo)cll,lc'so^ alol,|oulrll^uooJoLllsI 9 'suor.uol o)!l+,uopI 'Jnoss,ll iL,lo 'JOpJOJlOL.ll SO)O+JO+IOM OL,II L-JJOI'S!r,llS,lOLlM 'ouoog 'AtJoqco s,+I 'looMs oJ,Aorll 'sotJjoLlc o)!l I 'uJtul/\ LWOI 'SlL,llS,+OqM 'luoJnolsoJ o ur ojo ouoog puo uJoI 'pool Mou 0u[so] so>,lll ouoog Futppod unl T a ffi Ploy this gqme. Is thereonythingsweet on yourcords? Good!Now I've got two sweetthings. 2 Is thereonythingsolty on yourcords? It's your turn. Yes,hereyouore. Crispsore solty. Good!Now I've got two soltythings. I've got two sourthings,two sweetthingsondtwo soltythings. I've got no morecords.I win. Pr cfc et 'ool suotuolo)!l I 'so^ ) t) d d 2 fvd " ffi o)!llou soopouoog so)!louoog 'ol!JAA :ruol 'LlJOL,ll O)!l I 'LlJLUl/\:OUOO8 3 i)c!no 'JOIOM OI.UOSoLUOAIC 'lot-{oo} s,}I iJooprlo :ouoo8 o ;:::fi1,r Lwol *fiH,o,?:*c 'oLuosA.tl 'sJedded :ruol llllrlcoJoosolll 'so^ aloL,lOulqlAuoo;orll sJ :ouooB g 'AouoL,l sr slrll 'o;o noAoJoH :LUol Losoold'looms Oulqloruos onollI uoC :ouooB V T 'saxoq aql u! sroilal oql olul .rlclprupup ppod ,t {- - - - -a'< '- 1 I V \I ''-'u ilt- ilF.- A H Look, qsk qnd qnswer. , trI' e r e live? F,s-EFT.{ STREET rrI ,,,'osk your friend where he or she lives. a rl l,lotch qnd write. -'lis is my computer '10t is my spoceship. -'"rof is histruck. - ^ i s i s her robot. -'"1ese ore my teddybeors. "lose ore my robbits. A T T T T tr T c F Evto Jq
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