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Tài liệu Motivate 3 student book


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ffim$s$sk e ffim*sffs#m ffimwmffifu ffim$ffiffp rerew ffisstrt ffiwffiffiffi*-$ I t: 'll':-: r'4i'. ,,,.,),,;:w i , ,;..::t,l tr MAC MILLN I . Introductions . Vocabulary . Grammar Starter unit pase4 m Freetime . Free-timeactivities r Characteradjectives ru lT activities ffi-Fil1ffis gE Technology @ pagel8 - Strange true! but 'robs . Classroom language r Presentsimple and adverbs of frequency r Presentcontinuous and time expressions . Gerunds hl /c://aul r P a s ts i m p l e . Pastcontinuous Word stress . P a s st i m p l ea n d p a s tc o n t i n u o u s Sentence stress : :5?:;;';"Jjectives . when and while r Presentand pasttenses page30 r VocabularY tEl *tF-...*rf, m ffi m H m ffi ffi Special places . Grammar r Sketch . Project r Placesto visit r Formation of adverbs r Comparatives and superlatives t ( n o t )a s . . . a s . too, enough and nof enough r F u n d r a i s i n gi d e a s t make and do . Presentperfect t for and since Contractions r Travel r Extreme adjectives r Presentprefect and past simple r Quantity lz:l /t:l lil lo:l let/ /u:/ page 46 Heroes page58 lncredible ,ourneys page70 . Vocabulary On screen . Grammar r Sketch . Project r Films . Suff ixes r Futuretenses:will, be going to, present continuous r Firstconditional Sentence stress and weak forms . Making friends r Verb and noun collocations . O b l i g a t i o n ,p r o h i b i t i o n a n d a d v i c e r Secondconditional ar lti lul /ct/ r Music . Negative prefixes r The passive r Active and passive r Tenserevision page 85 Good friends page 98 World of muslc Sentence stress and,a/ p a g e1 1 0 . Vocabulary . Grammar r Sketch . Project --1s u n d e rp r e s s u r e 1: :brity hobbies I I . Sport I I r A personalprofile At home Makingsuggestions . J o i n i n gi d e a s Famoussporting events History a I : - gh-tech bedroom : - racle- thanks to :+:^nology A social network . Outshopping r Requestsand offers (1) . A thank you letter . lnformalletter Famousinventions and inventors Science l':codiles in the pool -'ee c o u p l eg e t h o m e s a f e l y . Sharkattack! . Talkingwith friends . Tellinganecdotes A descriptionof an accident Timeexpressions Famouswriters and books Literature . a .,,orldof heritage r :^ emailfrom New York Amazing places . A day out . Describing a place r A travelguideentry r Qualifiers ffi Famousplaces m ffi m Geography ':lng woman in school '-^draising project Charity appears 5e ena Giomez,Goodwill .1- bassador --e World on Wheels 5.:c sailor r A sponsored walk r Requestsand offers (2) . A magazinearticle . so and because Famousheroes and heroines History Dream holidays r At the station . Describinga journey A descriptionof a journey Linkers ffi Famousjourneys Science -^e future of film r , r a k ea { i l m i n H o l l y w o o d ! . 3 Df i l m s r At the cinema . Askingfor and g i v i n go p i n i o n s . Afilm review r G i v i n go p i n i o n s ffi F a m o ufsi l m s a n df i l m - m a k e r s m Art ' " ' ; k i n g f r i e n d sa t h o m e a n d ::r-oad J'lestionnaire --e historyof musicplayers ,'.'rat'son your mp3 player? r My gang r Anim6 star r A party . Describing people r Goingto a concert . A g r e e i n ga n d disagreeing r Aformal letter . Linkersof addition and contrast . A m u s i c ahl e r o . Timeexpressions ffi F a m o u fsr i e n d s h i p s ffi rcT ffi F a m o um s usic andmusicians m Music ffi HI Starter unit lntroductions Look at the picture.What are their names? 2 m Listenand choosethe correctwords. Hi, f'm Megan.I'm 14 I 15 | 16.My hobbiesare readingand listeningto music.Thisis my friend Dan. Hello.l'm Dan.I like playingfootball/ tennis/ computergamesand goingto the cinema. Hi. f'm Rita.l'm 13 | 14 / 15.I lovesport.My favouritesport is swimming/ tennis/ football. We all live / go to school/ study in Reading, a town near London.lt's a great place. 3 m INTERFACE Introduceyourselfto a friend. Vocabulary 4 Match adjectives1-6 with the oppositesa-f. 1 2 3 4 5 6 a) b) c) d) expensive e) good f) tall old fat big bad small short young slim cheap Choosethe odd one out. 1 2 3 4 5 6 trousers,shirt,chemist,trainers bank,cinema,mountain,station history,geography,football,science summer,winter;snow,spring knee,mouth, nose,eye kitchen,bathroom,sofa,study 6 Add one more word to eachgroup in exercise5' 4 13 Grammar v Write questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Correctthe sentences. ' Dan a n d M e g a ni sf r i e n d s . i Rita'sfavouritesportare swimming. 3 lr4egan livewith her parentsin Reading. : R i t ad o n ' tl i k et e n n i s . : Danand Ritadon't goingto the sameschool. 6 Do Dan like playingfootball? ' Hasgot Meganany brothersand sisters? I Bethis Dan'sbestfriendand him sistertoo. can/ you / swim? your bestfriend I like lchocolate? havegot / you / any pets? there/ a computer/ in your bedroom? there/ any good shops/ whereyou live? can/ speak/ French? 8 Choosethe correctwords. ' How / What isyour name? 2 How / What old areyou? 3 Where/ When do you live? j What / Why are your hobbies? 5 Why / Who isyour bestfriend? 5 Where/ Who did you go on holiday? ' tt{' FFt 9 l I I trurenrACE Workin pairs.Askandanswerthe questions in exercise 8. 14 7l'lt ) t I lrurunrnCEWork in pairs.Ask and answer the questionsin exercise13. ttVhatis vour name? Canvou swim? My name is Peter. tO took at the words in the box. Whichare countable and whichare uncountable nouns? bread apple tomato money chocolate water fruit milk juice grape tl aOOfive morewords to eachgroup in exercise10. tl took at the picture.Completethe sentences with is / isn't or are/ aren't. Thereir somefruit. 1 T h e r e. . . a n ya p p l e s . 2 T h e r e. . . a n ym i l k . 3 T h e r e. . . s o m eb r e a d . 4 T h e r e. . . a n yc h o c o l a t e . 5 T h e r e. . . s o m eg r a p e s . Yes, I can. Classroomlanguage 15 Matchquestions1-7 with answersa-9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How do you sayodpowiedZin English? What doesstampmean? How do you spellit? What haveyou got for number4? What do you think? Canyou lend me a pencil,please? How do you pronounceWales? a) lwelzl b) Yes,of course. c) I've got true. d) | agreewith you. e) Answer. f) T-H-E-R-E g) A stampissomethingyou put on a letterto showyou havepaidto postit. 5 - . - - a 4 ffilr,r*"n to Megan andDan.whatisMegan's favouritefree time activity? Work in pairs.Ask and answer 5 ; t t INTERFACE the question. Vocabulary1 Free-time activities How do you spendyour free time? 1 Lookat the words in the box. Match pictures1-4 with activitiesin the box. do voluntarywork relax makemodels playan instrument learna language chatonline go to the cinema playtennis go to the gym playcomputergames go to a disco go out for a meal go to a youth group draw cartoons 2 ffilr,rr"nand repeat. 3 " m Listenand repeatthe words. /o/volunteer,model,online lctl draw,sport,boring leulgo, disco,don't b m Completethe sentences with words and phrases in exercise'1. twicea 1 | ... a language.I go to Germanclasses week. 2 I likeworkingwith my hands.| ... of animals. I often ... or ... 3 | do a lot of exercise. 4 | . . . o n c ea w e e k .l v i s i tp e o p l ei n h o s p i t a l . 5 | sometimes ... with my friends.We lovepizza! 6 | lovetechnology. I often ... or ... ,6 Pronunciation lpl lcl leul Listenand repeat the sentences. Reading 1 6 took at the title of the text. What do you think the text is about? a) Teenagers areworriedaboutschool. b) Teenagers are stressed becausethey do too manyactivities. lmogine ihe situolion.,. your porentscome home from work.They?e tired,but they don't relox.Insteod, they hove o full progromme of octiviiies.Your dod hos o music lesson,then he does some work for the next doy ond ihen he preporesihe evening meol. Affereoting,he does voluntorywork ot the hospitol. Yourmum ploystennis,then she studiesfor on hour, eots ond then goes to her computer closs.Doesthis sound crozy?Wellfor some teenogers,it'stypicoll - EUSyreenqgers Usethe title to helpyou guesswhat the text is about. 7 ARead and listen.Whichfree-timeactivities coesthe writer talk about? I Readthe text againand choosethe correctwords. ' The writer isdescribing / imagininghlsparents' eveningroutines. i Nearlythree-quarters / Almosttwo-thirdsof Britishteenagers do sportsin their free time. i Beththinksthat only parents/ parentsand f riendsput pressure on teenagers. -1 In herfreetime, Bethdoesn'tdo many/ does a lot of activities. 5 Beththinksthat teenagers shouldenjoytheir / don't needmuchfreetime. 9 Match 1-5 with a-e. Thencheckyour answersin the text. 1 prepare 2 d o 3 have 'l go 5 help to a) sport b) a meal c) to guitarclasses d ) a t a n a n i m a rl e f u g e e) fun I I aros vorE lt'sa goodideato tearnnew thingsoutsideschool. Doyouagree? Manyfamousactors,likeOrlando Bloom,were membersof the National YouthTheatre. In Britoin,doing orgonizedoctivitiesoutsideschool, such os ploying on instrumentor going to o youth group,is populor for young people.Around59% do sport os o free-timeoctivitv.Aboui 30%of teens regulorlyvolunteer,for exompie they help oi on onimol refuge.Poreniswonl iheir childrento do well of school.but thev olso wont them to nove oiher skills.such os leorninglonguoges.Theywont them to toke port in community ociivitiessuch qs volunteering.But ore they putting their children under too much pressure? A teenogertolks Thirteen-yeor-oldBeth Boileyis o typicol teenoger.'Yougei o lot of pressurefrom your porents to study ond you get pressure from your friendsto go out ond hove fun.l'm olwoysbusy. l'm in o youth theotre ond we do o ploy every yeor.I go to guitor closses,bosketboll club ond I help ot home too. I hordly ever wotch TV during the week becouse I don't usuollvhove time! lt's reollysiressfulsometimesi Advice However,Beth hos some good odvice:'Don't ky to do too much. Hovefun doing octivities ond leorningnew things,but don't get stressed. tool' j,tq,A*gffig!v.o"! !ee$ t9 enjoyyou1llfe Grammar 1 Present tenses f...t...t 6 ] t I INTERFACE Write five questionswith How often... ? Ask and answerin pairs. How often do you play football? I often meet my friendson Friday. Sheis alwaystired after school. I neverplay football. Shedoesn'tusuallyhavetime. Do you usuallydo activitiesafter school? l'm watchingTV at the moment. I took at the sentencesin the table. Findexamples of the presentsimplein the text on page 7. 2 Choosethe correctwords to completethe rule for when we usethe presentsimple. We usethe presentsimplefor actionshappening now / habitsand routines. Adverbs of frequency 3 Copyand completethe table with the adverbsof frequencyin the box. always never sometimes 0o/o (1)... 4 Lookat the sentencesin the presentsimple table and completethe rulesfor the positionof adverbsof frequency. a) Adverbsof frequencygo before/ after the main verb exceptwith the verb be. b) Adverbsof frequencygo before/ after the verb be. Sheisn't studyingmathsthis week. Are you chattingonline now? 7 Lookat the sentencesin the table.Choosethe correctwords to completethe rule for when we usethe presentcontinuous. We usethe presentcontinuousfor actions happeningnow / habitsand routines. Time expressions 8 Copyand completethe table with time for the presentsimpleand the expressions presentcontinuous. everyday at the moment now usually twice a week often this week always everyday 9 Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of the verbsin brackets. 5 Completethe sentenceswith the adverbsof frequencyand the correctform of the verbs in brackets. I aftet+dosports.(do / often) 1 She. . . her f riendsat the weekend.(meet/ usually) 2 They... happy.(be/ sometimes) 3 We ... to music.(listen/ hardlyever) 4 He ... to parties.(go/ never) 5 | ... a car.(drive/ always) 6 You ... (volunteer/ often) 7 She... to the gym.(go/ sometimes) 1 | ... (play)computergameseveryday. 2 Sheusually... (do)voluntarywork once a week. 3 At the moment,we ... (draw)cartoons. 4 He ... (play)tennistwicea week. 5 | ... (chat)onlinenow. 6 My mum and dad always... (relax)on Sunday evenings. 7 Theyoften ... (go)to the cinemaat the weekend. 8 | ... (go)to a discothisweek. l(l Completethe sentences with the correctform of the verbsin brackets.Usethe presentsimpleor the presentcontinuous. Simonuwt talkLvg(nottalk) about hisfree-time activities now. ) r e n c hs,h e. . . 1 A t t h e m o m e n tK a r e n. . . ( l e a r nF (not study)Spanish. 2 He ... (not usuallyplay)an instrument, but he often ... (go)to the gym. 3 They... (not do) anythingat the moment,they . . .( r e l a x ) . 4 | ... (not meet)my friendseveryday,I usually... (see)them at the weekend. tl g & K n\ Listening IR Ll #!W Sport Choosethe correctwords. -cm Cruise andWittSmith(1) is / are bothactors. -rey (2) share/ sharingan unusuaI hobby,too :'reyboth lovefencing.TomCruise(3) travets/ is tnvelting a lot for hisjob. but whenhe (4) doesn't nake / isn't makinga fi[m he spends a lot of timeat 'ome.In fact.he (5) has havea specialroomin his / rcusejust for fencingandhe often(6) practises / is pactisingfor hours!At the moment,English footbatl ptayerDavidBeckham (7) lives/ is tivingin America andhe'sptayingfor an American he team.Apparentty often(S) goes/ is goingto TomCruise's houseto funcewith his friends. 14 Lookat the picturesand answerthe questions. 1 What sportsare these? 2 Wheredo peopledo thesesports? 3 What equipmentdo you needto do each sport? 4 Do you do thesesports? |5 fm Listento Benandchoosethe correctanswers. t2 Writequestionsusingthe presentsimpleor the presentcontinuous. " 2 3 -l 5 6 W h a tl y o u / u s u a l l yI d o / a t t h e w e e k e n d ? How/ often / you/watch films? Where/ youI usually/ meetyour friends? WhatI you ldo / now? What/ you/ wear/ at the moment? you i listento music/ now? FFT IB I t I rrrrre nrACEwork in pairs.Askandanswer t h e q u e s t i o n si n e x e r c i s e1 2 . Sf 1 B e ni s 1 2| 1 3y e a r so l d . 2 Hisfavouritesportistennis/ running. 3 He always/ sometimesfeelsbetter after runningreallyfast. 4 At the momentthingsare going reallywell / badlyfor Ben. 5 Benmeetshisfriendseveryday / weekend. o r a m m a rg u i d ep a g e1 6 16 tisten again.Are the sentences true or false? Correctthe falsesentences. 1 2 3 4 5 Bendoesn'toften go running. Benplaystenniseveryday. Benisn'tfeelingstressed now. Benplaystenniswhen he feelsstressed. Benand hisparentsusuallytalk aboutany oroblems. 9 Speaking At home Listen Lookat the picture.Whereare Dan,Ritaand Megan?What are they doing? @ 2 7:-) IEEI Listento the first part of Megan and Rita's conversation.Choosethe correctanswers. 1 The programmeon TV is / isn't very good. 2 Ritasuggestsplayingfootball / tennis. 3 Theydon't go outsidebecauseit's raining/ dark. 3 F) IIEI Listento the secondpart of the conversation. Whichfilm do they decideto watch? OK.What do you want to watch? l've got loadsof films: Alicein Wonderland,Avatar, RobinHood. Practise 4 Listenagainand repeatthe dialogue. 5 Readthe dialogueand order the words. 1 2 3 4 5 fancy/ Do / playing/ you / a computergame? somemusic/ let's/ No,/ instead/ listen/ to . listeningto / fancyI you I my LadyGagaCD/ Do Let's/ listento / instead/ the new GorillazCD . good/ OK/ idea. Functional language Making suggestions Do you fancywatchinga DVD? Let'sget somepizza. / Goodidea./ OK. X No,that's boring. I No, let'sget a curryinstead. ffi Speakingtask w Culture R ri,'ritea new dialogue between you and a friend. ffi stepr I lhoose which activityyou want to do or use y: ur own ideas. sportins :?:1,ts Wimbledon Wimbledon championship tennis takes placeeveryyearin Londonin the last weekof Juneandthe firstweekof July.Allof theworld's toptennis players compete. Y#, Spectators Halfa millionspectators watch the matcheslive.Thespectators eat 112,000boxesof strawberries. Around go to a football match theworld,morethan500millionpeople watchthecompetition in 185different countries. Sall boys and ball girl.s Oncourtwiththeplayers areballboysand ballgirls. There are250intotalandtheyall comefromlocalschools. Theystarttraining in February andhaveto passanexamandbefit. '15 Theyareusually years old. go to the cinema go out for a meal tl stepz Thinkaboutwhat suggestions you make. )o you fancywatching...? -ef'sgef some... Do you want to invite ...? Histcry and famous players Wimbledon started in 1877andit'stheoldest tennis championship intheworld. Famous champions include Serena andVenus Williams (America), Rafael Nadal(Spain)and Roger (Switzerla Federer nd). Thinkabout how your friend responds. {eah,cool. ^'lo,that's boring. ',1o,let's ... instead. $l step 3 Write your dialogue. Sl step + Y:A 6 *M[ Readand listen.Answerthe questions. 1 What isWimbledon? Whenand whereis it? 2 What fact do you find mostsurprising about Wimbledon? 7 Are there any famoussportingeventsin your country?What do you know about them? Work in pairs.Practiseyour dialogues. lgl G Workbook Speaking praetice page 125 11 Vocabulary 2 Reading 2 Character adjectives Lookat the picturesand choosethe correct adjective.Thencheckthe meaningof the other words. 5 Beforeyou read,look at the picturesand guess which celebritydoeswhich hobby. skydiving playinggolf singingkaraoke d o i n gm a g i c p l a y i n gt h e p i a n o n 6 *lH Readand listen.Checkyour answers. 7 Readthe text and ansv\rer the questions. cautious/ adventurous talkative/ quiet generous / selfish energetic / lazy friendly/ unsociable 'l Whichinstruments doesRobertPattinsonplay? 2 DoesNicoleKidmando anyspofts? hobbyrelatedto hisjob? 3 ls Ronaldinho's 4 What doesFernando Alonsodo in hisfreetime? job? 5 What isAlexRodriguez's serious / funny You'veprobably got loads of hobbies, but what about these stars?What do they like doing in their free time? Read on and find out! shy/ confident Actor Robert Pattinson is really honest/ dishonest mrrcinal HaL rrenr onnr] e t n l q r r i n-,'bo r'-l rLa nionn tha "-,.1 ^,,ii-, r - ;1-r l lf a^ L^ L r liulLal ho -lo.r. nn the 2 ffilisten andrepeat. 3 4 Completethe descriptionwith the correct adjectivesin exercise1. My brother Petehasgot lotsof energy- he's veryenergetic. I supposethat'swhy he's(1) ... and he lovesexploringplaceslikethe Amazon. He'sgot lotsof friendsbecause he'svery(2) ... and he often paysfor thingsfor them because he he's(3) ... - he isn't(4) ... at all.Sometimes doesn'tstoptalking,he'svery(5)... He'sisn'tshy like me, he'svery(6)...,and he can makepeople laughbecause he's(7) ... -FX Work in pairs.Whichof the ; t I INTERFACE you? adjectivesin exercise1 describes soundtrackof some of his films. He alsoenjoysreading. Film star Nicole Kidman is very adventurousand enthusiasticabout trying on doing sportsand she nften ones slirz.lirrin *' ' - , ' bo I'm adventurous,but I'm not very funny. "-'l 'T - don't want to miss out on anythingjust because itc denoernrrc' che sqrrs 'J lnrre skrrdirrino iri fantastic.' 1,2 (he'c Leen ncvr Ihinoc Grammar2 Gerunds a look at the table which showswhen we usually usegerunds. 9 Write sentencesusinggerunds. Peter/ like/ playtennis. Peter LLkrspLqWrytennts. 'l Kate good / at / draw cartoons. 2 They/ enjoy/ meettheir friends. 3 We / not like/ run. 4 He/ hate/ travel. 5 She/ not interested in / go to the cinema. play | 6 / keenon / computergames. f - l el i k e s p l a y i n g t e n n i s . S h e h a t e sg o i n g s k y d i v i n g . I'm (not) keenon drawing cartoons. They're(not) interestedin readingbooks. He'sgood/ bad at playingthe piano. 1(' Write questionsusinggerunds. you I enjoy/ listento music? you I love ldo sports? what / youI like/ do on Saturday? what I youI keenon / do? what kind of films/ you / interested in / watch? you / good at / learninglanguages? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7YI 1|tl , t t INTERFACE Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questionsin exercise10. Are you keenon playing tennisT Ronaldinho is a famou: football player,but hes got an unusualhobby he lovessingingkaraokel He isn't shy at a1ll Yes,lam. ] 12 FernandoAlonso is a - --- -!. ^l-.^-^i^lrrarrrylull *^^i-^ laLllIB : -."::. but in his free -' ' re dncc masie .:r hic orrpsts lnrrc -- .ino -----^''b h - - -i "c m - , ' *qb o -- i e Alex Rodriguezis a top baseballplayer and he's \Icr\/ ?neroPtie - hc hqte' having nothing to do! In his free time hes always hrrsrz- he liLcq nlcrino " - " ] Y - " ] - - ' t ) golf, running, travelling and boating.No wonder hes so fast on court! Readthe text and choosethe correctanswers. Kateand herfriendSam(1) ... all overthe world. Theyareverykeen(2) ... meetingpeople.Sam (3) ... talkingto everyonehe meets.What does Kate(4) ...?She'sa historyteacherso she(5) ... museums and ancientmonuments. She'salsovery - shecanspeakfour! good at (6) ... languages Shelikes(7)... science in her freetime.Samis - he enjoys not very(8) ... doing lotsof activities relaxing ! 1 a) lovetravelling b) lovetravel 2 a)in b)on 3 a) enjoys b) hates 4 a ) l i k ed o i n g b) do 5 a) doesn'tlikevisiting b) lovesvisiting 6 a) learning b) learn 7 a) study b) studying 8 a) keenon b) bad at m Grammar guide page 16 13 Writing A personal prof ile t ffi Read andlisten. Answer the questions. 1 WheredoesTomgo to school? 2 What are Tom'shobbies? 3 What typesof musicdoes Tomlike? 4 Why doesn'tTom go out duringthe week? 5 What doeshe do at the weekend? Language I'm learningEnglishbecauseI want to be an interpreter. I want to be an interpreter, so l'm learning E n gl i s h . I want to be an interpreter, althoughI'm stillat schoolnow. 2 took at the Languagefocus.Translatethe words in bold into your language,then find examplesin the text. or with so, because 3 Compfetethe sentences although. We usuallygo for pizzabecause it's cheap. 1 | loveshopping,... I often meet my friendsin town. 2 l'mlearning t o p l a yt h e g u i t a l . . . l ' m n o t v e r y good yet! 3 l'm in a band.We'vegot a concertnext week, ... I'm practising a lot thisweek. 4 l'm goingto the gym a lot this month ... I want to get fit. 5 | likesports,... I don't often playthem. 4 write a personalprofile(120-150words). K - . - r Write noteswith informationaboutyourselfto includein your personalprofile.Organizeyour ideasinto three paragraphs. ffi St.p 2 Write Write a first draft. Useyour notesin Step1 to helpyou. ffi st"p 3 Check Checkyour work. Checkyou haveusedso, becauseandalthoughto join your ideas. Writeyour final copyand hand in your work. ffi i'*il4,,'i - Fa 5tep 1 Pran wortUookWritingguidepage11 Vocabulary guide Free-time activities draw cartoons li: :tt for a col go to a disco go to the cinema go to the gym go to a youth club WWWW@W learna language makemodels playcomputer games playan instrument relax do volurntary worK Clraracteradjectives mlfenturous dl- - -rJ j u-s:,: able enerqetic lazy shy ta lkative quiet generous confident s e l fi s h serious funny honest d ishonest :"115. Grammar guide Adverbs of frequency Present simple | / You play Hei She/ lt plays We / You / They play always 1OO% ;;; + r rcr rrllrr Jor".it"t hardlyever never ^^. I & O% Time expressions now at the moment at the weekend Do | / you play tennis? No, ldon't. Yes,ldo. Doeshe I sheI it play tennis? Yes,he does. No, he doesn't. everyday twice a week this Year Sheneverdoeshomeworkat the weekend. We usuallychat onlinetwice a week. Do we I you lthey play tennis? No, we don't. Yes,we do. You 're drawing. He/ She/ lt 's drawing. We / You/ They 're drawing. He/ She/ lt isn't drawing. We / You / They aren't drawing. He likesplayingtennis. Shehatesgoing skydiving. l'm (not) keenon drawing cartoons. They're(not) interestedin readingbooks. He'sgood / bad at playingthe piano. ls he / she/ it drawing? No, he isn't. Yes,he is. Workbook Vocabulary plus page 99 Grammar reference page 108 Progress check Gerunds Write sentencesusinggerunds. Free-timeactivities tutatch1-8 with a-h to makeactivities. e ar n l i o I n l:rr - yv lv : chat : draw make i nn arrf a) a youth group b) voluntarywork c) cartoons d)online e) models f) a language g) for a meal h )t e n n i s Characteradjectives 1 2 3 4 5 6 Simon/like lplay computergames. Tim and SueI love lwatch TV. Maggie/ not keenon / playtennis. Tim and Sue/ hateI go shopping. Paul/ not interestedin / watch TV. Sarah/ good at / playfootball. 6 Write questionsusinggerunds. 'f Pete and DebbieI hate/watch TV? 2 Maggie/ like/ playtennis? 3 SueI like / play computergames? 4 Simon/ interested in / playfootball? 5 What / Tim and Sue/ enjoy/ do? 6 What / Mark/ bad at / do? Completethe sentences with the words in the box. cautious funny lazy talkative generous ' Paul's ..., he often givesmoneyto charities. I Kevinis ..., he doesn'tliketryingnew activities. ,i Katealwaysmakesme Iaugh,she'svery ... -: They'realwayson the telephone,they'revery ... j He neverwantsto helpat home- he'svery... Presentsimple and present continuous 3 lVritesentencesusingthe presentsimpleor the oresentcontinuous. ' 5ally / usethe computer/ everyday. I Jamie/ playa computergame/ at the moment. :- l/notrelax/now. : She/ not play/ the guitar/ on Friday. 5 We / studyEnglish / threetimesa week. : They/ not do / sports/ at the weekend. 4 Completethe questions.Usethe presentsimple or the presentcontinuousform of the verbsin brackets. " How often ... you ... (go)shopping? i ... you ... (watch)TV at the moment? LVhat ... your friends... (do)now? i . . y o u rt e a c h e ur s u a l l y. . . ( s p e a ki )n E n g l i s h ? : ... you always... (do)your homeworkin your bedroom? : . . .y o u . . .( r e l a xn) o w ? Grammar build up xr 7 Choosethe correctwords. To: flKT From:fffi Subiect:rffi Hil My name'sJane.l'm English, but I (1)don't live / doesn't live in England,I live in France.I (2)go / am going to secondary schoolin my town.At the momentI (3)study / 'm studying at lot becausewe've got examssoon.What (a)do I usually/ do usuallyI do in my freetime?Well,I (5)go / am going swimmingoncea week. I love(6)meet / meeting my friendsat the weekend.I reallyenjoy(7) draw I drawing cartoonsand l'm good (B)in / atarL. Writesoon! Jane I Attachment; me.jpg (253 K) i.-!tr3 Vocabulary 1 lT activities Lookat the picture.Canyou namethe equipment? 2 Whichof thesethings canyou do with the equipmentin the picture? take a digitalphoto playa videogame makea phonecall scana photo sendan email storedata go online print a document chargea mobilephone posta comment download/ uploada videoclip write a blog readan e-book plug in a memorystick 3 K-d Listenand repeat. 18 4 Choosethe correctwords. 1 | needto store/ chargemy mobilephone I want to ring Sue. because 2 He stores/ scansdata on a memorystick. 3 Do you know how to upload/ chargea video clipor photo onto the internet? 4 Thisblog is reallyinteresting. l'm goingto post / downloada comment. 5 Youcanusemy mobileto send/ makean email. ;;i,:,;:;; 5 *tfl tisten to Meganand Dan.How many hours does Dan watch TV every week? ;:;i":;:::; 6 I t t INTERFACE Work in pairs.Ask and answer the question. How many hours do you usea computer everyday? I spendabout 30 minutes downloadingmusicfiles. 't t - . bedrotlm .iiii:a::i:l!: i :T,XECSTEH IV 'lltif,uhen' I passed my exams my parents gave me a l''*rcJ] high definition TV fon my bednoom. lt's night in rut C my bed so I can watch my favourite films while 'n ced.' ilmBs 3rr Tryfirst desktopcomputerfon my l Obhbirthday. rt= lurte old now but luse itfor schoolwork.I'vealso ;rt a laptopwhere I store all my music. lt's got wifi so :an connectto the internet.And l've got a memory *ck which I use to transfer documentsand ohotos '-!m one computerto another.' PHBNI iOiOnlthavea mobilephoneuntillwas 12. ltwas a birthdaypresent.Now I'vegot a new one. I boughtit with the moneyI earnedfrom a Saturdayjob. I don't use it to connectto the intennetbecauseit's too expensive, but I use it for makingcalls,sendingtexts and takingphotos.' NIilTER !fi parentsboughta new pninterand they gaveme ;-eir old one.The printingqualityis nubbishand the :aper often gets stuck. But it has a scannenso I can scan my fniend'sschoolnotes becausethey ane much :gfer than minel' SPTIKIRS ANI!EUIIAB 'l savedf3OO and boughta second-hand electnic guitarlast year.Somefriendsand I formeda band. We wnotesome songsand uploadedthem on the internet.We'neplanningto penfonmliveat schoolnexb month.' ffiPUTIB GAME$ ' aayeda lot of computergameswhen I was younger a-d I keepthem on my bookshelf.I don'tbuy many -s,v, but sometimesI downloadgamesif the graphics 3rEn'ttoo heavy.' MP3PI.AWB 'l lost my mp3 playerlast month. lt had about 6000 songson it. But a friendgaveme his old one and he put some of my favouritesongs on it. I listento it on the bus to schooland in the gym.' 'afm r r3i6iitr!€iii \--rrr h*# Reading 1 9 Are the sentencestrue or false?Correctthe false sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Readthe introduction.What is the text about? a) a favouriteelectronic Aadget b) the electronic equipmentin a bedroom c) the bestelectronic equipment -::l:: I fFEl Readand listento Sam.How many piecesof electronicequipmentdoeshe have in his room? questions Readthe comprehension beforeyou readthe text. lt helpsyou to find the answersmorequickly. ro SamneverwatchesTV in bed. Sam'slaptopis newerthan hisdesktop. Samdoesn'tplaycomputergamesnow. He doesn'tusethe cameraon hisohone. He playsthe drumsin a band. He useshisfriend'smp3 player. Findwords 1-5 in the text and matchthem with definitionsa-e. 1 2 3 4 5 peek stuff rubbish stuck graphics a) obstructed b) computerpictures c) things d) bad quality e) havea quicklook ii,tia;rr*,b-& &M Grammar1 6 Copyand completethe table with the verbsin the box. What is the pastsimpleform of the verbs? IfFTTFtrE F a s t s r m p r e { took at the sentencesin the table. What are the negative,question and short answer forms? want # - Xem thêm -