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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY MUHAMMAD FARID RASYID DWI CANDRA MEASUREMENT OF AMMONIA LEVEL AT PT PUPUK SRIWIDJAJA PALEMBANG SMOKESTACKS BACHELOR THESIS STUDY MODE : Full Time MAJOR : Environmental Science and Management FACULTY : Advance Education Program Office BATCH : (2013-2018) TYPE : On-the-Job Training (OJT) Thai Nguyen, 25/09/2018 DOCUMENT PAGE WITH ABSTRACT Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Student Name Muhammad Farid Rasyid Dwi Candra Student ID DTN1454290078 Thesis Tittle Measurement of Ammonia Level at PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang Smokestacks Supervisor (s) Rahmawati Do Tuan Tung Supervisor’n Signature (s) Abstract : Muhammad Farid Rasyid Dwi Candra, Measurement of Ammonia Level At PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang Smokestacks. Guided by Rahmawati PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang is one of the fertilizer industries that contribute air pollution emissions to the environment. Environmental management of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang for air quality is good. Measurement of ammonia level at PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja have done continuously and coordinated. Ammonia emissions released by the production process are still below the standard or safe limits. Keywords PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja, Ammonia, Emission, Management, Level, Management, Control. Number of Pages Date of Submission 44 25 September 2018 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to thank Allah SWT, our Almighty God, who by His grace and blessings, I had the opportunity to accomplish this study. Second, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisors, Mrs Rahmawati Superintendent of Department of Occupational Safety and Health and the Environment and Mr. Do Tuan Tung of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF), for their constructive criticism and efficacious supervision, leading to the success of this study. Also, to the staff officers from the Pupuk Sriwidjaja Company, for all the help during my stay in Palembang. Moreover, I highly appreciate all the help and effort from my palembang friends, Mr. Muzakki and Mr Okky, which without their guides throughout my daily lives in Palembang, would have been impossible. And also, to Mr. Annas for their assistance in data collection. Finally, for the unconditional love and uncountable advice and moral support from both of my parents, papa, mama, and my grandmother , I would like to give my sincerest gratefulness, which without it, I would not have the courage and strength to carry out this study. #Gadgetalk #Gadgetnet #Welcometoreallife Sincerely Muhammad Farid Rasyid Dwi Candra ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... iii LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... vi CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1 1.1. Rationale ............................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Purpose ................................................................................................................. 2 1.3. Benefits ................................................................................................................. 2 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................... 3 CHAPTER III. WORK METHODS ............................................................................... 5 3.1. Location and Time ................................................................................................ 5 3.2. Tools and Equipment ............................................................................................ 5 3.3 Data Collection Methods ....................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER IV. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PT. PUPUK SRIWIDJAJA PALEMBANG ................................................................................................................ 9 4.1. History of PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja .......................................................................... 9 4.2. Vision, Mission, and Corporate Culture ............................................................. 11 4.2.1. Vision ............................................................................................................... 11 4.2.2. Mission ............................................................................................................ 11 4.2.3. Corporate Culture ........................................................................................... 12 4.3. Company Logo ................................................................................................... 13 4.4. Company Policy ................................................................................................. 14 4.5. Corporate Organizations ..................................................................................... 15 4.6. PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Production Process ........................................................... 18 CHAPTER V. MEASUREMENT OF AMMONIA LEVEL AT PT. PUPUK SRIWIDJAJA SMOKESTACKS ................................................................................. 31 iii 5.1. Ammonia Emission Source PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang ........................... 31 5.1.1. Prilling Tower ................................................................................................. 31 5.2. Results of Ammonia Emission Monitoring (NH3) PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja.......... 32 5.3. Air Pollution Control PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang ..................................... 37 CHAPTER VI. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................................... 45 6.1. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 45 6.2. Suggestions ......................................................................................................... 45 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 46 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................. 49 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Department of Occupational Safety and Health and Environment PT Pupuk Sriwidjadja Palembang ................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2. Dreager Ammonia Tubes ................................................................................ 6 Figure 3. Dreager Accuro Manual Tube Pump............................................................... 7 Figure 4. Logo PT Pusri Sriwidjaja Palembang .......................................................... 13 Figure 5. Prilling tower ................................................................................................ 32 Figure 6. Ammonia NH3 Data PT.Pusri 2013 .............................................................. 35 Figure 7. Ammonia NH3 Data PT. Pusri 2014 ............................................................. 36 Figure 8. Ammonia NH3 Data PT. Pusri 2015 ............................................................. 36 Figure 9. Ammonia NH3 Data PT. Pusri 2016 ............................................................. 37 Figure 10. Ammonia NH3 Data PT. Pusri 2017 ........................................................... 37 Figure 11. Green Barrier ............................................................................................... 38 Figure 12. Drone Shot of Green Barrier ....................................................................... 38 Figure 13. Purge Gas Recovery Unit ............................................................................ 41 Figure 14. Scrubber ....................................................................................................... 44 v LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Annual production capacity of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja ..................................... 11 Table 2. Daily production capacity of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang ..................... 18 Table 3. Locations and sources of immovable emissions of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja ...... 31 Table 4. List of Carbon Absorbing Plant (CO2) PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang ...... 39 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AOP : Ammonia Optimization Project CH4 : Methane CO2 : Carbon Dioxyde FWP : Field Work Practice GMS : Gas Metering Station GTG : Gas Turbine Generator NH3 : Ammonia PB : Package Boiler PET : Pusri Effluent Treatment PIHC : PT. Pupuk Indonesia Holding Project Pusri : Pupuk Sriwidjaja SMK : Safety Management System SOE : State Owned Enterprise TQM : Total Quality Control Management UOP : Urea Optimization Project WHB : Waste Heat Boiler WWTP/IPAL: Waste Treatment Installation Unit vii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Rationale Air is an important factor in life that must be protected for survival. Air pollution is the entry or inclusion of substances, energy, and other components into the ambient air by human activities, so that ambient air quality drops to a certain level that causes ambient air can nott fulfill its function (PP RI No. 41/1999). Industrial development is increasing in line with the development of science. Increasing population growth rate brings correlation of increasing food demand followed by increased production in the agricultural sector, as well as the construction of chemical fertilizer factories. The consequence of industrial development process is the increase of waste issued by the industry including air waste that can change the ambient air quality (Fardiaz S 1997). Development without accompanied by good environmental management efforts can lead to air pollution either directly or indirectly. PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang is one of the largest urea fertilizer industry and the first built in Indonesia. The main products of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang are ammonia and urea, besides fertilizer factories also produce air pollution emissions which can affect human health and environment. Therefore it is necessary to control and monitor the quality of ambient emissions and air quality continuously and coordinated in the factory environment of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang and around with reference to Governor Regulation of South Sumatera. 6 of 2012 on the Standard of NonMoving Source Emissions, Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 133 of 2004 (Attachment 1) on Emission Quality Standards for Fertilizer Industry Activities. 1 1.2. Purpose The objectives of the Field Work Practice (FWP) activities are as follows: (1) Identify sources of emissions of ammonia in PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (2) Knowing the results of monitoring the quality of ammonia emissions of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang 1.3. Benefits Benefits of Field Work Practice (FWP) activities are as follows: (1) To get insight and extensive knowledge of the works world, be able to apply and develop the knowledge gained during the lecture (2) Establish good relationships between universities and companies, as well as students (3) Can complete one of the requirements of finalizing the Final Project in the Study Program. 2 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW Ammonia (NH3) is one of the most commonly produced industrial chemicals. It is used in industry and commerce, and also exists naturally in humans and in the environment. Ammonia is essential for many biological processes and serves as a precursor for amino acid and nucleotide synthesis. In the environment, ammonia is part of the nitrogen cycle and is produced in soil from bacterial processes. Ammonia is also produced naturally from decomposition of organic matter, including plants, animals and animal wastes (New York State Department of Health (2004). About 90% of the ammonia produced by industry is used in agriculture as fertilizer. Ammonia is also used as a refrigerant gas, for purification of water supplies, and in the manufacture of plastics, explosives, textiles, pesticides, dyes and other chemicals. It is found in many household and industrial-strength cleaning solutions. Household ammonia cleaning solutions are manufactured by adding ammonia gas to water and can be between 5 and 10% ammonia (Chemical Safety Facts 2018). Ammonia solutions for industrial use may be concentrations of 25% or higher and are corrosive Most people are exposed to ammonia from inhalation of the gas or vapors. Since ammonia exists naturally and is also present in cleaning products, exposure may occur from these sources. The widespread use of ammonia on farms and in industrial and commercial locations also means that exposure can occur from an accidental release or from a deliberate terrorist attack. 3 Anhydrous ammonia gas is lighter than air and will rise, so that generally it dissipates and does not settle in low-lying areas. However, in the presence of moisture (such as high relativehumidity), the liquefied anhydrous ammonia gas forms vapors that are heavier than air. These vapors may spread along the ground or into low-lying areas with poor airflow where people may become exposed. Ammonia interacts immediately upon contact with available moisture in the skin, eyes, oral cavity, respiratory tract, and particularly mucous surfaces to form the very caustic ammonium hydroxide. Ammonium hydroxide causes the necrosis of tissues through disruption of cell membrane lipids (saponification) leading to cellular destruction. As cell proteins break down, water is extracted, resulting in an inflammatory response that causes further damage (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 2015). 4 CHAPTER III. WORK METHODS 3.1. Location and Time Field Work Practices (FWP) held in PT. Fertilizer Sriwidjaja, precisely in Mayor Zen street, District Kalidoni, Selayur River Village, Palembang City, South Sumatra Province. The implementation time of the Field Work Practices is carried out for 4 months, starting from 1 March 2018 to 30 June 2018 in the works unit the Department of Occupational Safety and Health and the Environment as in Figure 1. Figure 1. Department of occupational safety and health and environment PT Pupuk Sriwidjadja Palembang (Source : Google Maps) 3.2. Tools and Equipment The Tools and equipment that used in implementation of measuring ammonia level at prilling tower, among others are: 3.2.1. Dreager Ammonia Tubes Draeger Ammonia Detector Tubes are a reliable way to detect harmful levels of NH3 with incredible accuracy. Coming in a box of 10, the tubes feature well-spaced 5 graduation marks and a wide diameter. The tubes are easy to understand and offer results within a 10 percent (+/-) deviation accuracy. Draeger tubes have been the standard ever since they pioneered colorimetric gas detection back in the 1930s. Draeger tubes offer detection for 500 gases using more than 200 tubes. Using a Draeger Accuro Manual Pump, getting an accurate and fast reading anywhere without much effort at all. Figure 2. Dreager ammonia tubes (Source : www.draeger.com) 3.2.2. Draeger Accuro Manual Tube Pump The Draeger Accuro Manual Pump works with Draeger Tubes for a reliable and convenient testing method for spot measurements such as the detection of concentration peaks, confined space entry, and worst-case scenarios. The Draeger Tubes Accuro Pump is popular for its spot-on and quick results. With just a few pumps and without electricity, this device works with the tubes to deliver readings often within a 10 percent deviation of the results. 6 Figure 3. Dreager accuro manual tube tump (Source : www.draeger.com) 3.3 Data Collection Methods The methods that were used in the implementation of Field Work Practices (FWP), among others are: (a) Literacy Study is a method of collecting data by searching references and literature related to activities that will be complementary and comparison data with existing data. (b) Observation is data collection conducted by direct observation accompanied by practice at PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. (c) Interview is the method of taking data verbally. Interviews were conducted to get explanation and clarification on the technical issues that occurred in the field by asking directly to the relevant parties. 7 The study used only secondary data as the main data sources. The secondary data of the study composed of getting the result of ammonia emission at PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Smokestacks. Secondary data obtained by asking directly to company workers to see the data files of ammonia emissions from 2013-2017. 8 CHAPTER IV. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PT. PUPUK SRIWIDJAJA PALEMBANG 4.1. History of PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang is the first urea factory in Indonesia established on December 24, 1959 in Palembang, South Sumatera. This company is a State Owned Enterprise (SOE) in the form of PT (Persero), where all its shares are owned by the government through the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia and in its implementation delegated to the Ministry of Industry and Utilization of SOEs. The name Sriwidjaja enshrined to commemorate the glory of the Indonesian kingdom that once brought the archipelago to the top of glory in about the 7th century ago. August 14, 1961 was an important milestone in the history of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang because on that date the construction of the first fertilizer factory known as Pusri I factory was established. PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja was established approximately 7 km from the center of Palembang City, on the edge of the Musi River. PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja has a total area of 500 ha with front facing to Jalan Mayor Zen. Land area used for factory location is 20.47 Ha, while land area for employee housing is 26.53 ha. The reserve location prepared for 41.7965 ha is intended for inventory expansion of factory complex and employee housing. In 1963, the Pusri I Factory started production with an installed capacity of 100. 000 tons of urea and 59.400 tons of ammonia every year. During the period 1972 to 1977, the company has built a number of Pusri II, Pusri III, and Pusri IV factories due to increased fertilizer demand. Pusri Factory II has an installed capacity of 380.000 tons 9 every year. In 1994, the Pusri II factory conducted urea optimization project to 552.000 tons every year. The Pusri III and Pusri IV plants built in 1976 and 1977 have the same installed capacity of 570 000 tons of urea. On December 12, 1994, an effort was made to rejuvenate and increase the production capacity of the plant by inaugurating the Pusri IB factory with a capacity of 570 000 urea tons every year to replace the Pusri I plant that was discontinued for reasons of reduced efficiency. In 2010, the separation (Spin Off) of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Company to PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang and transfer of rights and obligations as stated in the Amendment of Articles of Association of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja through Notarial Deed of Fathiah Helmi, SH. 14 dated November 12, 2010 which has been ratified by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights dated December 13, 2010. AHU-57993.AH.01.01 Year 2010. Since April 18, 2012, the Minister of SOEs Dahlan Iskan inaugurated PT. Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company (PIHC) as the new chief company of fertilizer, replacing PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (persero). Until now, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang still use brand and trademark Pupuk Sriwidjaja. The optimization project known as the Ammonia Optimization Project (AOP) for Pusri-II, III, and IV and Urea Optimization Project (UOP) for Pusri-II is done to improve efficiency and saving of raw materials by PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja in collaboration with licensor process as consultant. The project has several advantages: (1). Ammonia Factory PUSRI-II, III, and IV increased production by 20% and natural gas savings by 10%. (2). Urea PUSRI-II Factory has increased production by 50% and 10% natural gas consumption savings. 10 The optimal process of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja is done by having total installed capacity of 2.280.000 tons of urea every year and 1.324.000 tons of ammonia every year as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Annual production capacity of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Factory Years Start Capacity (ton Construction Operation year-1) Implemention PUSRI-II Unit Ammonia Kellog Oversea 1974 Unit Urea 218.000 Cooperation 570.000 (USA) PUSRI-III Unit Ammonia Kellog Oversea 1976 Unit Urea 330.000 Cooperation 570.000 (USA) PUSRI-IV Unit Ammonia Kellog Oversea 1977 Unit Urea 330.000 Cooperation 570.000 (USA) PUSRI-IB Unit Ammonia Unit Urea PT Rekayasa 1995 446.000 Industri 570.000 (Indonesia) Source : PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (2018) 4.2. Vision, Mission, and Corporate Culture 4.2.1. Vision Make a leading fertilizer company at the regional level. 4.2.2. Mission Produce and market fertilizer and agribusiness products efficiently, excellent quality, and satisfy customers with attention to quality aspects as a whole. 11 4.2.3. Corporate Culture (1). Discipline  Timely entry and return of work according to the rules.  Timely completion of a given job.  Utilizing the rest time according to its designation.  Working according to a predetermined or agreed work plan,  Not exploiting working hours outside the company's interests.  Using work uniforms as required.  Using existing facilities and infrastructure according to its designation and according to existing rules. (2). Hard Work  Not lazy at work.  Trying to get the job done faster than planned.  Trying to achieve better results.  Fast and agile in work. (3). Creative  Creating innovations for better change.  Trying to learn new things.  Trying to find and explore good science from books, internet, print media, electronic media, and others.  Dare to propose a change in work procedures, work environment and neatness, both to superiors, subordinates, and peers. 12
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