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Trang chủ Giáo dục - Đào tạo Tiếng Anh Luyện giải đề trước kỳ thi thpt đh môn tiếng anh phần 5&6...

Tài liệu Luyện giải đề trước kỳ thi thpt đh môn tiếng anh phần 5&6


Mô tả:

Trong bai xuat hien: "Dislifictions have been drawn loo between culture and civilization " (Ngirai ta cfing da hieu ra sir kliac biet giira culture va civilization). Question 72: It i.s slated in paragraph 1 that a cultured person (Doan 1 neii rang m o t nguai co van hoa ) D a p an diing la C : has knowledf^e of arts, literature, and music (c6 kien thi'rc v | nghe thiiat. van hoc va a m nhac). Trong bai \iiat hien: "A person of culture has...a knowledge the arts, literature, and music. " C a c phirang an sai: ,;^,,.5., A . khong khiVp y nghTa trong doan v5n. Question 75: The word "attributes " in paragraph (fir "attributes'" trong doan I C O nghTa gan vdi I most likely means ) D a p an d i m g la C : qualities: dac tinh , C a c phircngan sai: , . A . * day k h o n g dirge neu trong doan van?) m o n hoc bat huge). ceased in the 20 bang) Question 77: Which of the following is NOT word formation pattern (cimg m a u tir loai - khong dirge de „v,i,. ifirjfi!*;, til culture has been strongly influenced by conceptions of evolution in the 19 P u r y and of development in the 20 century" (viec sir d u n g tir culture da chiu i' h u o n g m a n h m e cua khai niem ve sir tien hoa trong the ki 19 va sir phat trien a lki20,) Luyjnglaicfeirtr^ckUlitVH J Htl^H Bat', irun^, i^um imiia Hiiii-iysv run ^MIHH --. Question 78: It is difficult to give the definitions of the word culture EXCEPT fo^ ;7.v (That kho de dira ra djnh nghTa ciia tir culture ngoai trCr ) Dap an diing la A: agricultural and medical meanings (y nghTa ve nong nghiep va y hoc). Doan 3 c6 de cap: "The only non-problematic definitions go back to agricultural meaning...and medical meaning" (Cac djnh nghTa khong kho hieu chi xuat phat tir nghTa ve nong nghiep va y hoc.) Phirang an B, C, D sai vi theo dap an A chi cac nghTa ve nong nghiep va y hoc moi khong gay kho hieu: historical andfigurative meanings (nghTa ve ijch sir va an du); philosophical and historical meanings (nghTa ve triet hoc va ijch sir); sociological and anthropological meanings (nghTa ve xa hoi hoc va nhan chung hoc). Question 79: Which of the following is NOT true about the word culture? !, (Dieu gi sau day khong dung ve tir culture?) Dap an dung la A: Jt is a word that cannot he defined. (Do la mot tir khong th^ djnh nghTa). ' Doan 3 c6 de cap: "The multiplicity of meanings attached to the word made and will make it difficult to define. " (V6 s6 nghTa gan lien v6i tir nay da va se lam cho viec djnh nghTa gap kho khan - nghTa la khong phai la khong the.) Cac phuang an sai: ' B: Its use has been considerably changed. (SOr dyng tir nay da thay doi dang ke). C: It differs from the word civilization. (No khac biet so vai tir civilization). D: "// evolves from agriculture. " (No bat nguon tir nong nghiep). Question 80: The passage mainly discusses (Doan van chu yeu ban luan Dap an dung la D: the multiplicity of meanings of the word culture (sir da dang nghTa cua tir culture). Cac phuang an sai: A: the distinction between culture and civilization (sir khac biet giira culture va civilization- chi dugc de cap a doan 2). B: the figurative meanings of the word culture (nghTa an du cua tir culture khong phai chu de chinh cua doan van). C: the derivatives of the word culture (cac tir phai sinh cua tir culture - khong phai chu de chinh cua doan van.) D E T H I THU* S O 12 A. Hay chon cau tra l(ri dung nhat liitg vi'ri ky tir A, B, C hoac D ciia mdi cau ho Question I . You will be late unless you A. don't hurry B. wouldn't hurry C. didn't hurry Question 2. It's very hot. I suggest swimming. D. hurry A. go B. should go Question 3. Drive carefully or accidents D.going - C. to go H easily. '< i. - A.are happened B.happening C.happen D. is happened Question 4. One of the diseases mankind has ever faced is AIDS. j A. worst B. worse C. best D. badly Question 5. Up to now, I letters from her. ' A. received vn. j B. had received , • ' C. would have received D. have received ' • ' ' " ^ V ' , A<" , Question 6. I regret you that your health is getting worse. A. informing B. to inform C. informed D. being informed Question 7. They worked hard so that they a bigger house. A. have bought B. would have bought ' C. could buy D. are going to buy Question 8. They failed the important examination their laziness. A. because B. because of C. even though D. despite Question 9 they nor I am responsible for the bad result. A. Either B. None C. Most D. Neither Question 10. J\\Qy (WAn'X slop although it rained heavily. A. to drive B. drive C. drove D. driving Question II. Your son you. A. takes after B. look after C. takes off D. gives up Question 12. I feel embarrassed. Why do you keep me? A. looking for B. looking at C. looking out Question 13. The number added to 99. D. look after A. up B. off C. in D. for ' Question 14. Seldom does she her children. She is always busy. A. look for B. looks after C. look after D. looks for Question 15. She has not come ' I t A. late question 16. I f you B. already C. yet D. not yes smoking, your health will be worse. A. quit B. keep uestion 17. Most of the goods A. made B. to make C. avoid D. gave up in the country are exported. C. making D. make Question 18. Don't let a good chance A. go by B. go off C. go over D. on Question 19. Please your cigarette before entering the room. A. put up B. put down C. put out D. put aside Question 20. She was sick last week, so she has to study harder to with her classmates. ' .;. i^iaaaiJ^ ) Jor! vij/>:!;,'".;> i A. take after B. keep pace with C. take up D. go down Question 21. A large number of workers Chinese very fluently. A.speak B.speaks C.is speaking D . has spoken Question 22. The cost of living has A. gone up B. gone away recently. C. gone out Question 23.1 think the room doesn't need A. redecorate B. redecorated C. redecorating D. gone by D. to redecorate Question 24. Let's go there on foot ? A. Shall we B. will we C. don't we D. do we Question 25. Be patient! Don't to learn a foreign language in a week. A. expect B. appriciate C. consider D . believe Question 26 the famous singers, I like Dam Vinh Hung best. A. Between B. Among C. Middle up D . Besides Question 27. In spite of his broken leg, he to escape from the flame. A. managed B. persuaded C. avoided D . considered Question 28. They said that they the work since 7:00 o'clock. A. had done B. were doing C. have done D . have been working Question 29. Nobody a word about the accident. A. are saying B. say C. says D . have said Question 30. Could you me a favor? A. do B. make C. provide D . supply Question 31. Don't forget me a message when you go home. A. send B. sending C. to send D . having sent Question 32 persuading him to go to bed earlier. A. There is no point in B. We used to C. It is very difficult D I N ; D . We get used to Question 33. She hasn't her decision what to say to him. A. supplied B. done C. lead D. made Question 34. We haven't finished the novel written by Nam Cao. A. to read B. read C. to be read D. reading Question 35. She drove me home because my motorbike was A. brought about B. brought up C. broken down D. broken into Question 36. They when I phoned at 4:00 p.m. A. had cooked B. have been cooking C. were cooking D. are cooking Question 37 his dangerous illness, he didn't go on the picnic. A. Much as B Despite C. In spite of D. Owing to Question 38. He plays guitar than I do. A. the best B. good Question 39. You had better leave early A. in case of B. as i f Question 40. The stream provides us A. from B. with C. well D. better there is a lot of traffic. C. if only D. in case water. C. by •• D. of B. Trong nidi cau sau co diira mot loi sai duffc Mnh dau A, B, C hay D. Hay tint ra loi sai do va sira lai cito dung. ^ Question I. My brother speaks English more fluent than I do. A B C D Question 2. You had better don't say anything when he appears. A B C D Question 3. 1 had my father to hang the picture on the wall because I am not A B tall enough to do this. C D Question 4. I didn't write to him since I moved to the city to live. A B C D Question 5. She used to working for my father's company when she A B graduated from the university. C D Question 6. My hair is so long. 1 am going to have it to cut tomorrow. r AB C D Question 7. Do you know where is Hoang l^ong Hotel? It is at 43 Nguyen A B C D Trai street. Question 8. She wishes she didn't write the letter to him last night. A B C D 2uestion 9. It is the more interesting book I have ever read. A B C D Question 10. She asked me don't to stand by the window. A B C D * !'.• ' " ' ; ' C. Hay Viet lai can t/ii'r liai sao alio y rtffiiui ciia no aionff v&iy nf-ltia ciia can gov dd clio Question 1. It's ages since we last met him. W their cash (6) at any one time would increase (7) costs. And the ^ post office says we cannot expect all their service grilles to be (8) "at times when demand is low". i| 1 We haven't Question 2. She said nothing when leaving the room. She left ,^ It's the same with hotels. (9) waiters and kitchen staff must finish when it suits, dinning rooms close earlier or menu choice is curtailed. As for us guests, we Just have to (10) with it. . , Question I : A . How often B, How far C. How much D. How long Question 2 A . member B. group C. staff D. management Question 3 A . Be sure B. Ensure C. Sure D. Surely Question 4 A . freshman B. recruit C. guide D. keeper Question 5 A . prices B. prize C. value D. worth Question 6 A . payment B. registers C. controlling D. fees Question 7 A . employment B. import C. management D.running Question 8 A . enjoved B. serving C. occupied D. connected Question 9 A . Because B. On account i C. Owing to D. Much to B. put down C. put o f f D. put up Question i. He advised me to write her soon. He suggested Question 4. They have such an interesting book that they read it everyday. Their book is so Question 5. We couldn't drink the tea because it was very hot. Question 10 A . put out The tea was too DIEN GIAI DAP AN Question 6. "We w i l l solve the problem tommorow," he said. He said that A. Hay c/ion cdu trd Im dung nliat ling vm ky tuA, B, C hoac D cua nuV cdu hoL Question 1: D. Question 7. The dress is too long for you to wear. - You had better fP Question 8. I never drive carelessly. Cau dieu kien loai I : I f clause (thi hien tai don), main clause (thi tirong lai dan) Unless = if. not : trir phi, neu khong; m?nh de diing vai unless luon a the khang djnh nhirng no ham y phii djnh. Question 2: D. Suggest + V-ing: de nghj lam gi (nguai noi c6 tham gia hanh dong) Never Question 3: C . - He advised Chung ta diing thi hien tai don trong cau nay vi day la cau yeu cau. . - Question 9. " W h y don't you quit smoking?" he said to me. Chung ta khong diing the bi dong voi dong tir happen. Question 4: A. # Question 10. We couldn't play football because o f the heavy rain. Ta dung dang so sanh bac nhat ciia tinh tir trong trirong hop nay. Dang so sanh Dac nhiit ciia tinh tir nhir sau: The heavy rain prevented tlie + short adjective-est hoac - », D. Hay doc dogn van sau titat cCin titan roi c/ton cdu tra l worst: te - > te han te nhat Question 5; I). Up to now + thi hien tai hoan thanh: cho tai bay gia + thi hi?n tai fioan thanh Question 6: B. Regret + V - to infinitive; hoi tiec khi phai lam gi (thong bao tin gi Co ve khong t6t lanh) Question 7: C so that + clause (S + modal + V-nguyen): de ma, nh^m muc dich Question 8: B . Because o f + noun/noun phrase: bai v i , do bai Question 9: D. Neither nor : ii sai do va siea lai cho dung. nguyen mau. Question 1: B . fluent —• Question 15: C . Yet dugc diing trong thi hien tai hoan thanh va no thuong dugc fluently Giai thich: Chung ta phai dung trang tir a vj t r i B v i a vj t r i A la mgt dgng t u dung a the phu djnh hoac nghi van. Yet thuong dung cuoi cau. thuang (trang t u bo nghTa cho dgng t u thuong). Question 16: B . Keep + V-ing: cu mai lam gi Question 2: A. don't Question 17: A . ChiJ make trong truong hgp nay dugc hieu la san xuat - not isjji Giai thich: Had better + V-nguyen: tot hon het nen lam g i ; Dung menh de rut ggn Had better not + V-nguyen: tot hon het khong nen lam gi Question 18: A . Go by: troi qua, vut qua (thai gian, ca hoi) Question 3: A to hang —• Question 19: C . Put out: dap tk hang - mth Giai thich: Have someone do something: nha ai lam viec gi Question 20: B. Keep pace with someone: theo kjp ai, duoi kjp ai ^ Giai thich: T h i hien tai hoan thanh + since + moc thai gian/ thi qua k h u dan Question 22: A Go up: tang gia, len gia (gia ca) Question 5: A. working—^ Question 23: C Need + V-ing: can dugc lam gi (mang nghTa bj dgng) work ' Giai thich: Used to + V-nguyen: da tirng lam viec gi ? thi phan hoi duoi Question 6: D. to cut — > CO dang shall we Question 25: A Expect + V-to infinitive: mong dgi, mong cha r • Question 4: A . didn't write —• haven't written Question 21: A A large number o f + danh tir so nhieu + dgng t u so nhieu Question 24: A Cau hoi duoi c6 dang: Let's + V-nguyen —* ' cut Giai thich: have something done (V3/ed): c6 cai gi dugc lam (mang nghTa bj dgng) ' Question 7: C. is Hoang Long Hotel — > Question 26: B Among: trong so Hoang Long Hotel is Giai thich: Trong cau tren, ta da mugn trg dgng tir Do de thiet lap dang nghi van Question 27: A Manage + V-to infinitive: xoay sa d l lam gi cho dgng tir know nen tat ca cac tir ngir con lai phai a diing vj t r i t h u t u cua no. Question 28: A Cau van tren thugc loai cau tuang thuat gian tiep. Chung ta nhan Question 8: B. didn't write —> thay rSng Since (7:00 o'clock) xuat hien a cau tren, di^u nay cho thSy nguyen van true tiep cua cau nay la thi hien tai hoan thanh. Chinh vi vay, chung ta phai dung thi qua k h u hoan thanh khi tuang thuat no sang dang cau tuang thuat gian tiep. Giai thich: S + wish + thi qua khir hoan thanh (dien ta dieu uac muon khong c6 thuc trong qua khir). Question 9: C . more —• Question 29: C. Nobody dung lam chu ngir trong cau thi dgng t u di theo no phai la dgng t u so it: Nobody + dong tir so it Question 30: A . Do someone a favor: ban cho ai mot an hue Question 31: C . Don't forget + V-to infinitive: dirng quen lam dieu gi hadn't written # most Giai thich: Dang so sanh cue cap ciia tinh tir dai c6 dang: ;. _ the mosl + tinh tie dai Question 10: A. don't—> not • f: Giai thich: Ask s.o not to do something: yeu cau ai khong dugc lam g i . Question 32: A . There is no point in doing something: Khong c6 ich Igi khi lam g i . Question 33: D. Make a decision: qiiyet djnh C Hay viet lai cau thie hai sao choy nghTa cua no giong v&iy nghJa cua cau goc g«£?A7/o/i J-^; D . Finish + V-ing: lam xong viec gi da cho. Question 35: C . Break down: hong, hu (may moc) Question 1. We haven't met him for ages. Giai thich: 247 - Ve mat ngu nghTa: Cau goc c6 nghTa la: da nhieu nam anh ta Ian sau cung. Cau viet lai c6 nghTa la: Chung toi nhiJng nam qua. - V i mat ciu true: It's ages (years) since + thi qua khir thanh (dung dang phu dinh ciia dong tir hoac dong tir mang roi tir khi chiing toi gap khong gap anh ta trong /J. Hay chpn cau trd loi dung n/idt I'mg voi ky tuA, B, C hofic D ciia mdi cau hoL dan = thi hien tai hoan nghTa phii djnh). 2. She lefit the room without saying a word. Giai thich: - Ve mat ngir nghTa: Cau goc c6 nghTa: Co ta da khong noi gi khi roi khoi can phong. Cau viet lai c6 nghTa: Co ta roi khoi can phong ma khong noi lai nao. - Without + noun/V-ing: khong c6 cai gi/lam gi Question 3. He suggested I should write to her soon. D E T H I THLT S O1 3 * ^ifgstion 1: " M u m , I've got 600 on the T O E F L test." - " Good j o b ! B. You are right. C. Good way! D. Oh, hard luck! Question 2: My mother told me to for an electrician when her fan was out o f order. y^. send B. write C. turn D. rent Question 3: Through an , your letter was left unanswered. A. oversight * T Giai thich: SI + suggest (that) + S2 + (should) + V-nguyen: Khuyen/de nghj ai C. not to play Giai thich: ....such + noun + that + clause den noi.... Question 5. The tea was too hot for us to drink. Giai thich: too to : qua d^n noi khong the ngu y phu djnh). '.. nwv ]MJ§' (cau true nay D. overtime football in the street?" D. do not play Question 5: He to the doctor after the accident, but he continued to play instead. A. must have gone B. didn't have to go C. should have gone D. couldn't go Question 6: The United States consists o f fifty states, A. each o f that I lie. Question 6. He said that they would solve the problem the following day. Cau gian tiep hence each D. each o f which tire at the back o f my car." C. the other D. another Question H: There was nothing they could do where it had broken down. will would tommorow the following day/the next day has its own government B. they each Question 7: " D o n ' t worry. 1 have A. other B. others Giai thich: A p dung cau tuang thuat gian tiep: Cau true tiep C. overtone A. not to have played B. not playing Question 4. Their book is so interesting that they read it everyday. so + adjective+ that + clause:....qua B. overcharge Question 4: " H o w many times have 1 told you lam gi (nguoi noi khong tham gia hanh dong) = " ..leave the car at the roadside A. unless B. than C. but Question 9: Lora: "Your new blouse looks gorgeous, Helen!" Helen: " " Question 7. Y o u had better shorten the dress so that you can wear it. Giai thich: D. instead o f - Shorten something: lam ngSn cai gi A. You can say that again. B. Thanks, I bought it at Macy's. - So that + clause (S + modal + V-nguyen) C. It's up to you. ' D. I ' d rather not. Question 8. Never do I drive carelessly. Giai thich: Never dung dau cau thi hien tugng dao ngir xay ra ngay trong cau do. Question 10: Only when you grow up A. w i l l you k n o w C. do you know Question 9. He advised me to quit smoking. t Question 10. The rain prevented us from playing football. Giai thich: Prevent someone from doing something: ngan can khong cho ai lam D. Hay doc ctogn van sau that can than roi chon cau trd lai Mng cau hoi. 6. B 2.C 7. C 3.D 8. C D. you know 4.B 9. A 5.A 10. D . Good idea, thanks, y.,,,! , ^'^•to "^'/oM B. in C. from 13: - "Should we bring a lot o f money on the trip?" i j j . M . " ' ^ ^ ^ Because " ,, . B. It's my pleasure. . You're welcome. D. Thanks, I w i l l . P^'/on 72; "This library card w i l l give you free access ^aday." A. 24X xicjifijjtj /• Question 11: " D o n ' t fail to send your parents my regards." - " Giai thich: Advise someone to do something: khuyen ai nen lam gi l.A the truth. B. you w i l l know we decide to stay longer." _ B. So that C. Though y^^-j j., ; the Internet eight D. on ,^ , i^, .-^.r , -ri D. In case : Question 14: he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came. A. No sooner B. Not until had C. No longer has D. Hardly had Question 15: John: "Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?" - Laura: " " A. Well, that's very surprising. B. Of course not. \u bet! C. Yes. it's an absurd idea. D. There's no doubt about it. Question 16: Susan's doctor insists for a few days. A. her resting B. that she is resting , C. that she rest , D. her to rest : Question 17: "I'd rather you home now." A. went B. go C. gone D. going Question 18: "Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop excuses!" A. taking B. having C. doing D. making Question 19: John paid $2 for his meal, he had thought it would cost. A. not so much as B. not so many as C. not as much D. less as Question 20: Jane law for four years now at Harvard. A. studies B. studied C. has been studying D. is studying Question 21: "How do you like your steak done?" - " " A. Very much B. Well done C. I don't like it much D. Ver>' little Question 22: The kitchen dirty because she has just cleaned it. A. may be B. should be C. can't be D. mustn't be Question 23: She had to hand in her notice advance v/hen she decided to leave the job. A. in B. with C. from D. to Question 24: We couldn't tly because all the tickets had been sold out. A. economic B. economy C. economical D. economics Question 25: There should be an international law against A. afforestation B. forestry C. reforestation D. deforestation Question 26: They didn't find in a foreign country. A. it easy live B. easy to live C. it easy to live D. it to live easy Question 27: The forecast has revealed that the world's reserves of fossil fuel vvil' have by 2015. A. used off B. taken over C. run out D. caught up Question 28: 1 won't change my mind A. whether _ B. no matter what you say. C. because D. although Question 29: It is very important for a firm or a company to keep the ^lianges in the market. A. touch with B. up with C. track about D. pace of , Question 30: "Buy me a newspaper on your way back, ..?" A. do you B. can'tyou C.don'tyou D. will you > Question 31. You need a dictionary, ? M /i^ don't you B. do you C. needn't you D. need you Question 32. Miss. Thuy was born and grown up in C)uang Ngai Province, but she with her husband in Ho Chi Minh city now. A. lives B. is going to live C. was living Question 33. Did they come here foot? D. has lived A. by B. with Question 34. I don't know how C. on my feeling. D. from C. expressed teeth today. D. express A. expressing B. to express Question 35. Many people wear A. false Question 36 • B. homemade a beautiful tree! A. What B. How Question 37. The students are A. clever Question 38. They A. are willing Question 39. Wine is C. Why at maths. D. making f j , , D. How is y,: , B. good C. successful D. A and B to help me. They are kind people. B. eager C.avoid D. are likely rice. A. made of B. made up Question 40. A lot of progress has been independent. made C. imitate B. done C. made from D. consist of since their country became C. built D. created ;v/s*«' B. Tronfi mdi cau sou cd cliiia mot loi sai du-f/c danh dau A, B, C hay D. Hay f'm ra loi sai do vi) sua lai cito dun};. ,, . Question 1. It spends us 20 minutes to tidy the room everyday. *f A B C D ..p. Question 2. I don't mind to drive you home i f you are tired. A B C D Question 3. Your house is more bigger than mine. How long ago did you buy it? A B C D Qi*estion 4. The house is very small that they can't live there. ' A B C D Question 5. I haven't come back to Hue city when my father flied to Thailand. A B C D ' uestion 10. It is difficult for me to do the thing. I have Question 6. After hearing the information, I felt very happily. A B C D Question 7. The milk is too sour for us todrmk jt. A - ;}« B C D ' • D. Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than rdi chon cdu trd hri dung cdu hoi • Question 8. Some o f the students js good at speaking English. A B C Forest is a large area o f land ...(1)... with trees. But a forest is much more than just trees. It also includes smaller plants, ...(2)... as mosses, shrubs, and vvildflovvers. in ...(3).... many kinds o f birds, insects, and other animals make their home in the forest. Millions upon millions o f living things that can only be seen under a ...(4)... also live in the forest. D Question 9. We are fed up at washing ever>'day. We would prefer to have it A washed. B C i.., D Question 10. Y o u shouldn't get up lately in the morning. A B C D ^ M I . . _ K> -(jfiJ biCJ - U , ., C. Hay viSt lai cdu tliir hai sao clioy nfihia ciia no gidnfi v&iy nghia cua edit goc da clio ... V, Question 1. I never suspected that he stole my handbag. ^^ A t no time The forest ecosystem is highly complicated. The trees and other green plants use ...(5)... to make their own food from the air and from water and ...(6),.. in the soil. The plants themselves serve as food for certain animals. These animals, in turn, are eaten by other animals. After plants and animals die, their remains are ...(7)... by bacteria and other organisms, such as fungi. This process returns minerals to the soil, where they can again be used by plants to ...(8)... food. Although individual members o f the ecosystem die, the forest itself lives on. i f the forest is wisely managed, it provides us ...(9)... a continuous source o f wood and many other ...(10).... • Question 2. Although they are good at English, he didn't accept them. Question 1 C. covered D. seen B. so C. as well D. instance A. opinion B. addition C. knowledge D. furthermore Question 4 A.eyes B. glasses C. radar D. microscope Question 5 She apologized B. discovered A. such Question.? Question 3. " I am sorry. I am late," she said to him. A. sourrounded Question 2 Much as A. sunlight " C. powreful D. light 'inshine Question 6 Question 5. It's a pity. We don't have a passport now. D. vitamin B. broken into C. broken o f f D. broken out A. do B. bring C. istall D. make Question 9 • C. minerals A. broken down Question 8 Ifonly A. golden Question 7 Question 4. I wish I hadn't broken the glasses. A. by B. with C. from D. o f B. production C. producer D. products Question 10 A. output 1 wish DIEN GIAI DAP A N Question 6. He said he was not guilty o f breaking into the house. A. Hay chon cdu trd Uri diing nliat ling v('ri ky tir A, B, C hoac D cua mdi cdu hoi. He denied Question 7. They didn't accept my application for the j o b . M y application aritime ». Question 1: "Me ai, hen /hi TOEFL " cua con dgt 600 diem." (cau goc) ' •'- Dapan: A - G o o d j o b ! : Z'J/t/i/c/! Dien giai: Cach noi chuc mimg hoac khen nggi. Question 8.1 was late for the flight. When I Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: B: Y o u are right: Con noi dung. ' '•'^'^^p ' '.•.b^i^o':' C: Good way!: Cach nay hay. Question 9. Reading books gives me pleasure. I am D: Oh, hard luck!: 6i, A thirc la rui ro! (cau cam than) 253 Question 2: "Me toi hcio toi di nuri tha cli^n clen vi niciy qugl hi hong." (cau goc) uestion 8: "Chdrg biet Idm gi han hg danh phdi de chiec xe lai hen Id dmmg ffid no hi hong." (cau goc) Dapan:C-bu' ». ;J--M!,IJ : iij.i.•->' ' ' ' ' >' C. not as much va D. less as - khong dung hinh thijc ciia so sanh bSng. Question 20: ''Hien tgi Jane dd hoc ngdnh ludt duac bSn nam a tru&ng dai hqc fjavard."'(cau goc) ,.^ Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop voi c§u triic ngfr phap cua cau de cho. Question '^^ ' '''J^- B. not so many as: dung cho danh tir dem dugrc. Dap an: D - Hardly had - *' Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop: Question 14: "Anh ay vira mai ciSn tram thi xe huyt denT (cau goc) as va dung much khi van Question 22: "Nhd bep khong thi bdn duac bai vi cd ay vira mai lau chili (cau goc) - trong menh de that sau cac dong tu chi la mot trong nhung dong tir ay. Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop. xong" Dap an: C - c a n ' t be Dien giai: Suy luan chSc chkn ve mot vi^c phu djnh o hien tai: hip khong the ban dirge vi vira mai dirge lau don. Dien giai: Ta c6 can triic would rather: Cac chgn lira con lai ( A , B, D) khong phu hgp vg mat ngir nghTa: rieng D : (musn t) thi mang nghTa cam doan chu khong mang nghTa suy luan. Question 23: "Co ay phdi nop gidy bdo nghi vi?c trirdc khi c6 dy quyit dinh thoi v/pc." (cau goc) SI + would rather + S2 + V2/ed + [than + V2/ed]: ai do thich nguai nao khac • Dap an: A - in advance • Dien giai. in advance: Question 17: "Toi thich hdy gid ban ve nhd hcmr (cau goc) - {)ap an: A - went ^ lam dieu gi (hai chii ngir) Luu y: S + would rather (+ not) + Vnguyen (+ than + Vnguyen) (mot chii ngfr) Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop. Question 18: ''Lam an don dep sgch se cdn phdng cua minh vd thoi vi^n ca nay «(;." (cau goc) - Dap an: D - making - Dien giai: make excuses: vien candy cd no , Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop. Question 19: "John dd trd hai do la cho bira dn cua minh, khong nhieu nhu anh dd nghi" (cau goc) - Dap an: A - not so much as - Dien giai: Cau van da cho de cap den bira an t n gia hai do. Cau noi ke tiep c 6 ) so sanh so tien ma John da tra khong nhieu han so tien ma anh ta da doan t r u a c 256 trudc/sdm Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp. Question 24: "Chung toi khong thi di chuyin bay hang phS thong bai vi tdt cd ve ^dirac bdn hit." (cau goc) Dap an: B - economy Dien giai: Dung danh tir de chi phuang each di may bay: economy: hang ph6 thong/binh dan ,f; • Ibusiness: hang doanh nhan 'Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: o i--,! ./• -.vi. wnU/.;; ^. economic (a): thugc v^ kinh te, c6 Igi economical (a): tiet kiem . economics (n): kinh te hoc - '.li* ft' (liai thich: It takes someone + khoang thoi gian + V-to infinitive: ai dcS mat bao thai gian d i lam gi. Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop. A. use o f f (v): Question 3: A . More —• Dien giai: no matter wiiat: dii gi di nua -r - Dang so sanh hon ciia tinh tir ngdn: S + to be + short adjective- er Question 4: B: Very so Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop. Question 29: "Dap I'mg nhilvg lhay d()i tren thi trmmg la dieii quan trong thiet yen Giai thich: doi v('ri nidi doanh nghiep va cong ty."' (cau goc) Dap an: D - w i l l you - Dien giai: " w i l l you" dirng cuoi mot cau d the menh l?nh de yeu cau Ijch sir. W"-'. «.>..-..: happy Giai thich: SI + V + too + (for someone) + V - to infinitive: qua I + Neu chu ngCr cua cau va tan ngir cuoi cau la mot thi chung ta phai bo tan ngir + Neu chii ngir cua cau va tan ngir cu6i cau la hai doi tirgng khac nhau thi ta Question 31: A. Cau hoi duoi ( l a g question): Neu ve truoc o the khang dinh thi phan hoi duoi 6 the pliii dinh va ngiigc lai. 1 Ion niia. neu ve truoc khong diing dgng Juestion S: C. trg dong tir DO d i thiet lap phan hoi duoi. den noi khong the N g u o i hoc thirang hay h\ku lam trong viec diing cSu triic nay. Hg l^hong biet liic nao thi diing tan ngu' cuoi cau. fJng tan ngu ay (He is too tired to repair the house). tir dat bict hay t i g dgng tir ma chi diing duy nhat dgiig tir tluiong thi ta phai mirgn 'r • Question 7: D . it —<• bo it D: to keep pace w i l i i : theo kip dugc toe dcVnhip do cua cai gi - , , Giai thich: Feel + adjective: cam giac nhu thi nao A: to keep in touch with sb: giir liC-n kic voi ai Question 30: ••Mua cho ininh cuihi lap chi tren dm,vg ve. dm/c cln'tT (can goc) , den noi since Question 6: D . happily —» C: keep track o f Ian theo dugc dau vet, theo k p dugc dien bien qua ; Giai thich: f h i hien tai hoan thanh + since + thi qua khir don/moc thai gian Dien giai: to keep up with sth: duoi theo kip Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp. so + adjective/adverb + that + clause: Question 5: C. when —• Dap an: B - up witli Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop. • , bo more Giai thich: - V o i dang so sanh han ciia ti'nh tir ngSn, ta khong diing more ngay triroc tinh tir dugc so sanh. Ta chi diing more truoc dang so sanh hon cua tinh tir dai ma thoi. Question 2H: " Toi se klion^ doi y cho dii ban c6 noi ^i di mni." (cau goc) Dap an: B - no matter v. , ?! CJiai thich: M i n d + V-ing ^ jviv. D. catcii up (with sb) = catch sb up: duoi kip - rImM gMe\7/Vw 2; A . To d r i v e d r i v i n g B. take (sth) over (v): daochinh. nam quyen - A lau de lam gi = Somebody spend + khoang thai gian + V-ing: ai do mat bao nhieu [y\h\%yM\loninout(ofslh)\hel.cankiet - , Question I: A. spends —• takes , - ni; B. Tronii nwi cau sau cd cltmi mot Idi sai dm/c ddnh dau A, B, C Itay D. Hay chi ra loi sai do va siia lai clio diinff. '^-yh'A/^WM-'fi^-m'i Dap ;in: C - run out - ,it; A li'\ Question 27: ••Dir hdo cho hay ccic nhien lieu hoa thach dir Inr ciiii the ^i('ri se can - ' i,; : Question 37: D. To be clever/good at + mon hoc: gioi ve mon hoc nao do :m. - , , ' , Question 26: ••Ho khon^ thciy ckhlan^ khi son^i a marc n^oai." (can goc) (can goc) ' Question 36: A. Cau cam than diing voi What (What + noun!) C : forestry (n): lam nghiep D: reforestation (n): sir tai trong rirng Cac dap an con lai khong pliii hop. ' . , . are ' , Giai thich: some o f the + danh tir so nhieu + dgng tir s6 nhieu Question 9: li. a { w i t h Giai thich: to be fed up with something/doing something: chan ngay dieu gi luy^n fjidi de JrMc kHIti DH J mien BAc, IrUHg.mm I leng Ann - lygo vun mmn O E T H I THU" S O 1 4 Question 10: B . lately—* late Giai thich: Late (adv): t r i , muon; lately (adv): gan day C. Hay Viet lai cau thu hai sao cho y ng/tia ciia no giong v&iy nghia cua cau A. Hay chon cau tra lai dung nhdt irng v&i ky tu A, B, C hogc D ciia fndi cau hoi. Question 1: Neil Armstrong was the first man . . . . on the moon. goc da cho A . to walk Question 1. A t no time did I suspect that he stole my handbag. cau thi hien tugng dao ngiJ xay ra ngay trong menh de theo sau ngay sau no. Giai thich: Although + clause = Much as + clause: mac du, cho du . nv, ^ iiv;,- Question 3. She apologized to him for being late. • • Question 4. I f only I hadn't broken the glasses. A . rises B. has risen Question 3: C. was rising D. rose Serbia defeated Germany surprised everyone. A . Whether B. When A . windy C. Because B. rainy A . gossip Giai thich: S + wish + thi qua khi'r hoan thanh = I f only + thi qua khur hoan ( d i l n ta dieu uac muon khong c6 thirc trong qua khu). Question 5. I wish we had a passport now. D. That C. foggy Giai thich: S + wish + thi qua khu dan: gia ma, irac gi (dien ta dieu uac muon B. chat A . numerate D. snowy f, C. word D. row and literate when they leave school. B. numeric C. numeral D. numerous broken several world records in swimming. A . She is said that she has B. People say she had C. She is said to have Question 6. He denied having broken into the house. day. with Eddie and stormed out o f the house. Question 6: A l l students should be Question 7: khong thirc a hien tai). D. It is said to have ,^^5 • . Question «: B i l l : "Can I get you another drink?" Giai thich: Deny + V-ing: choi (da) lam gi Jerry: " Question 7. M y application for the j o b wasn't accepted/was turned down. V from $2 million in 2002 to $4 million this year. Question 5: Laura had a blazing thanh: gia ma, uac gi D. has walked Question 4: Even i f you are rich, you should save some money for a Giai thich: Apologize to someone for something/doing something: x i n loi ai ve viccgi C. walked Question 2: Our industrial output Giai thich: A t no time = Never: Khong bao gia A t no time hay Never dung dau Question 2. Much as they are good at English, he didn't accept them. B. walking Giai thich: Turn down: tir choi dieu gi; ap dung cau true bj dong trong truang hgp nay v i tan ngfr m y application for the j o b dugc dua ra lam chu ngCr trong cau thi'r hai. B. No, it isn't C. No, I ' l l think it over D. Not just now Question 9: L i z : " Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us!" Jennifer: " Question H. When I came to the airport, the plane had taken off. " A . Forget it !'»»'<>" Giai thich: K h i toi den san bay thi may bay da cat canh = T o i da tre chuyen ; " A . A l l right. Do you know how much it costs? B. Not at all. Don't mention it. ba>. Diing thi qua khu dan cho hanh dong den, dung thi qua khu hoan thanh cho sir C. Actually speaking, I myself don't like it. viec may bay cat canh; Take off: (may bay) cat canh D. Welcome! It's nice o f you. Question 9. 1 am interested in/ fond of/ keen on reading books. ajnuu-j'to .mf Question 10: She had to borrow her sister's car because hers was . . . . Giai thich: Dpc sach mang lai cho toi nhidu ni^m vui = T o i thich doc sach. To be interested in = to be fond o f = to be keen on something/doing something. Thich/quan tam tai dieu gi A . out o f work B. out o f order Question II. Ben: " C. o f f work " . Jane: "Never mind." Question 10. 1 have difficulty in doing the thing. D . o f f chance .r ., A . Congratulations! How wonderful! Giai thich: It + to be + difficult + for someone + V - t o infinitive = someone + have difficulty in doing something: ai do gap kho khan trong viec g i . B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned. ^. C. Thank you for being honest with me. D. Hay doc doan van sau that c&n than roi chgn cau tra IM dung cau hoi I.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D D. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday? .r? Question 12. " Y o u can go to the party tonight . . . . you are sober when you come home." A . as long as B. as well as C. as far as D . as soon as Question 13: W e w i t h a s w i m i n the lake. A . gave i n B. c o o l e d o f f Question 14: A s the d r u g t o o k A. action D. t o o k u p C. e f f e c t A . have been D. f o r c e B. w o n " t leave C. not t o leave B. as m u c h as C. as m a n y as that i n I ) , more than ' A . any a n o t h e r c o u n t r y '' ^ ^ B. 1 was g i v e n C. the teacher gave B. f o r C. at A . so that B. w h e n • * D . B. i n t e r l i n k C. interact A . B y a l l means, sir. •^ ^ ' C. W h y not? D. intervene D. Y e s , 1 can ' D. N o matter Question 26: D. r e s p e c t f u l l y he does s o m e t i m e s annoys me v e r y m u c h . A. What B. W h e n C. H o w D. W h y Question 27: S i n c e he f a i l e d his e x a m , he had t o .... f o r it a g a i n . A . take Question 2S: I f e v e r y o n e A. could tly B. sit C. m a k e C. Hies books written in English. C.to read B. W i t h D.have read C. D u r i n g D. A t t u r n i n g d o w n the radio? I t ' s very n o i s y . B. W o u l d y o u l i k e A . the p o o r C. so p o o r .^^.. D. such p o o r the bad weather, they decided t o cancel the f l i g h t . Question 39: B. I h a n k s t o Siie was rude A. to - C. O n a c c c o u n t o f D. A c c o r d i n g t o h i m yesterday. B. w i t h C. o f D. b y B. Tronfi sau cd diuii mot hV sai cluyc adnh dau A, B, C hay D. Hay '"M ra ioi sai do yd sua l(ji c/io dunf;. 7? * • • Question 1: A c c o r d i n g w i t h h i m , w e have t o discuss the m a t t e r later. A question D. had t l o w n . ,^ j^^.^y« B. a p o o r D. pass h o w w o u l d w e c o n t r o l the t r a f f i c ? B. can f l y - D. I d o n ' t m i n d Question 40: Question 25: M a r t h a , J u l i a and M a r k are 17, 19 and 20 years o l d 'n"* the age o f 18, she left h o m e and s u p p o r t e d herself. A. Despite B. A s t r y C. r e s p e c t i v e l y B. read Question 38: She is w i l l i n g t o h e l p V I m i g h t , I c o u l d n ' t open the d o o r . B. separately Question 35: H e u s u a l l y spends his free t i m e A. Would >ou mind C . I feel sorry A. independently that w e a l l k n o w h i m . C. D o y o u l i k e B. Y e s , w i t h pleasure C. T r y as ' D. a v e r y f a m o u s singer Question 37: " A . H o w e v e r hard ' B. a f a m o u s A. O n B. T h a t ' s r i g h t , sir. A . I a m , o f course ' D. h o w e v e r , he w i l l w r i t e the book Question 36: " Question 23: M a r g a r e t : " C o u l d y o u open the w i n d o w , please?" Question 24: ^ - C. so he i s n ' t interested in w r i t i n g the b o o k A. reading D . I ' d love t o . Henry: " D, t o be b o u g h t C. s i n g w e l l in case Question 22: M r . B l a c k : ' I ' d l i k e t o t r y on these shoes, please." Sales g i r l : " . . . . v i l M good D. prepare A . a f a m o u s singer Question 21: T h e I n t e r n e t has enabled people t o .... w i t h each o t h e r m o r e q u i c k l y . A. interconnect C, buy Question 34: H e is such D. i n o u r guests stay t o d i n n e r . C. i f S""^" C. suggested B. but he can w r i t e the b o o k house. A. during B. said A . he can w r i t e the b o o k "'^ 19: T h e y ' r e s t a y i n g w i t h us .... the t i m e b e i n g u n t i l t h e y c a n a f f o r d a Question 20: W e have b o u g h t e x t r a f o o d D. w e knew m e t o take u p j o g g i n g as it is such Question 33: A l t h o u g h it is very noi.sy D. m \n w a s g i v e n Question B. that e v e r y o n e k n o w used t o A . t o b u \. b u v i n g a low mark. A . the teacher gave m e D. w e r e Question 32: The p a i n t i n g was l o o expensive f o r m e D. a n \y else Question IS: N o t h a v i n g w r i t t e n about the required t o p i c C. that he knew Question 31: I h e y A . advise '• B. any c o u n t r i e s else C. any a n o t h e r c o u n t r i e s "• exercise. ' Question 17: It is true that t h i s c o u n t r y produces m o r e o i l t h a n . . . . ? C. is A . he must k n o w a b o u t D. d o n ' t leave Question 16: " T h e i n f l a t i o n rate in Greece is f i v e t i m e s .... m y c o u n t r \ , " he said. A . as h i g h as that in B. w a s Question 30: It is i m p e r a t i v e .... what to d o w h e n there is a f1re. Question 15: i v e w a r n e d y o u m a n y t i m e s .... the f r o n t d o o r u n l o c k e d . A . not l e a v i n g v e r y f r i g h t e n e d b y the strange noise. the boy became q u i e t e r . B. i n f l u e n c e H i e captain as w e l l as a l l the passengers Question 29. C. got out B C D 2: H i s recently k n o w l e d g e o f E n g l i s h a d m i r e s us. A B C D , ' Question 7: I wish I hadn't told the truth. I f only Question 3. They prefer going for a walk to stay at home. A B C D Question 4: It took me a hour to fly from Ho Chi M i n h city to Hue Citadel. A B C D , Question 5: I can't afford to buy the expensiye car. I am going to buy A a more cheaper one. ,^ B , Question 8: It was so late that nothing could be done. It was too ;, 1, i . ^ ' - j ^ . ^ : v ; ; ' . o r b^^^ Question 9: I solved the problem in two hours. i^v,.v It took Question 6: There is no point at telephoning her. She has iust gone out, A B C j,,. D Question 10: Our room is going to be painted by him. Question 7: He is looking forward to travel to Bangkok where he first met her. A B C Question 8: Haye you eyer been to American? Yes, I did. A B We are going to have him D C .,^1 D. Hay doc doan van sau that c^n than roi c/tpn cau trd l&i dung cau hoi D Question 9: This is the man whom daughter is working for my company now. A B C Michael Faraday, an English (1) D blacksmith. After very (2) The Question 10: I am so pleased to haying tjie opportunity to yisist the country. A B C physicist, was the son o f a poor schooling he was apprenticed to a bookbinder. boy worked (3) all day and studied at night. One day a man on entering the shop found a boy at work binding an encyclopedia, and at the same time studying hard at the article on (4) in it. D C. Hay Viet lai cau tliu Itai sao choy ng/tia cua no giong v&iy ngftia cua cau The man was (5) to see the boy so interested in a very difficult subject gocdaclto and questioned him. He found out that Faraday, working late at night, had already Question 1: Y o u should haye your hair cut. been (6) experiments o f his own, though he was too poor to possess anything but a homemade battery! When a man gave him four tickets for the Your hair needs lectures which Sir Humphry Davy was then (7) ~* ; K r Question 2: We couldn't go because o f the heayy ram. the boy was as much delighted (8) went to the lectures and made (9) Without at the Royal Institute, someone had given him a fortune. He o f what he heard. A t the end o f the lectures, he sent his notes to the great scientist and asked him for work. Later, Davy made him as his assistant. This began his (10) Question 3: " Y o u had better not lend her any more money, M i n h , " he said. Question I: career. * Question 4: 1 haven't been to the village for 3 years. It's Question 5: He spends so much money on clothing. Ifl -* Question 6: Tuan has difficulty in studying English. It is 264 f. A. experimental B. experiment C. famous D. experienced Question 2: A. a little B. little C. few D. a few Question 3: A. hard B. hardly C. seldom D. better Question 4: A. electrify B. elect C. electricity D. election , . > Question 5: He adyised A. surprised B. surprising C. amazing D. amusing Question 6: A . made B. done C. doing D. making ^estion A. widened B. delivering C. performing D. spreading A. as i f B.even i f C. as though D. as soon B. paper C. notes D. notice B. science C. scientist D. experiment 7: Question 8: ^stion 9: A. information Qftestinn in A . scientific , 265 LUVi'lt fjllll Ul> innUM III! ifii • mail ijiu, > I i M i i / , , . ..••f.-T,. „ ^ DIKN G I A I DAP AN A. Hay clion van trd U'ri di'iiifi nhfit I'ntfi vdi ky tirA, B, C lioac D ctia moi cCiu lun. Question I A. cluing ta dung td-jnllnitixe do rut gon nienh dc quan he sau cum tif the first, the last, the onl\g cau nay the first man \o walk on the moon = the Urst man who walked on the moon. Question 2: B. cluing ta dung thi present perfect de dien ta \c gi da .\a> ra va van iiestion 19: B. thanh ngfr for the time being: tam thai trong thai gian nay lie"" Question 20: I) in case + clau.se : de phong khi nui'Si Question 21. C. Interact with sb = to comnuinicate vsith sb. Dong tir interconnect ^j, interlink: can thiep vao vice gi ^M£^vm;« 22: ,4. I K all means, sir: C ir tir nhien. thua ting. ' , ' (• Question 23: B. Yes. with pleasure: Vang, rat san long. Question .?: I), ta c6 dien ngCr The fad thai, nlur va\ lam chirc niing ciia niot Question 24: C. I r 1 might (= However hard I tried): Cho dii toi co giing may \s di niia. Question 25: Q\: theo tuan tir nhir trcii , dai til (juan he tha\o tir ihe fuel diroc hieu ngam va la clui ngiT cho dong tir dirot Question 26: .\. What: Nhirng gi ma. diing nhir mot dai tir quan he con keo toi hien tai \ trong tirong lai. surpnscd cvenone. i Question 4. B. ta co thanh ngCr to save or keep money for a rainy clay: dc danh tien dw iihrrng hic can thiet vc sau. Question 27: B. sit for an exam = do an e.xam: di thi. Phirang an A khong diing vi chiing ta chi co to take exam: tham gia vao ki thi. khong co giai tir for. Question 2H: A. how would we control the traffic... la dau hieu ciia cau dieu kien loai II Ho \a>. menh de gia sir phai la "If ever\one could lly." Question 5: I), tir row: vu cai nliaii Question 6 A. numerate: hiet lam cac phcp tinh ca ban Question 7: ('. ila\a loai can bi dong \6i cac dpng tir co y nghia tirirng thuat I rong can n;'i\e said to have broken .several records Question S: I). Can hoi la loi luoi diing them riroii hoac bia, nen can dap an thich hop iihal tioiig bon plurong an la Ni^ just now: Bay gio thi chira Question 9: B. i)a\a can dap lich sir va than nutt khi ngirai khac cam an chi'ing ta \ \c gi cluing ta da lam cho ho. Question 31:A. Advise someone to do something: khiiven ai nen lam gi Question 10 B. out of order: bi hong ma_\ Cac phirong an con lai: out of work: Question 32:.\o that nghiep; oft' work: dirge nghi lam; off chance diing vai cum lir on the off Question 33:\. Although + clause, clause: mac dii chance co ngliTa chi Jc can may. Question 34. A such + noun + that +clause: qua den noi Question 35. A. Spend + khoang thiri gian + V-ing: danh thai gian de lam gi Question .?6 I). At the age of + sci dem: a do tuoi Question / / B. \ can dap Never mind: Dtm^ han kirn lam ^'/, thiiang de diing dap lai loi xin loi. Question 12: .4. as long as: mien la. Question /.? B. C ( H I | o f f lam mai me Question 14 C. thanh ngfr to take etfect: phat hiiy tac dung Question 15. C. cluing ta co can triic warn sb not to do sih: canh bao ai dirng lam gi Question 16: .\. chiing ta diing tinh tir hif^h de noi ve sir lam phat cao; han nCracluing ta phai diing dai tir quan he that sau as high as de thay the cho danh t'f inJJalion di triroc ' Question 17: C. any other countries: bat ci'r nh&ng quoc gia nao khac. Phirong an A khong diing vi chiing ta khong diing chung any vai another: phirang an B va P kiuing dirge chap nhan vi tir else chi diing sau cac tir de hoi: What else? W'^"' else'?.... 1 loac sail cac tir anybody else, nowhere else Question 18: B. menh de thir nhiit la mot menh de hien tai phan tir. nen chCi n i ^ g* ciia dong tir .\<)i having written phai ciing cluing vai chii ngfr ciia menh de theo sai'' do vay chi co B la phirang an diing. Question 29: B. l a da biet khi hai clui ngir dirge iicii bang "as vsell as"" thi dong tir sc dirge chia tiico chu ngfr thir nhat. "The captain"" hi danh tir so it nen dong tir phai so it: hon nfra. tinh luiong nay chac clian da xa\a nen ta khong diing thi hien tai. Chi C O "was"" moi thich hgp. Question 30: B. la co: It is + imperative, important, vital, essential + Vnguyen \en to : qua + that + S ^ • ..i u den noi nhirng Question 37:A. Would vou mind + V-ing? Cam phien (anh. chi, em yen cau lich sir )? - LcTi Question 3H: A. the + adjective = noun (danh tir diing de chi cluing mot loai. nu)t t^ophan: Y^klu: the rich: ngircii giaii. the poor: ngiriri ngheo Question 39: C. On account of = Because of + noun/noun phrase: do boi, boi vi Question 40: A. f o be rude to someone: v6 le vai ai B. Tron}! moi cau sau co chiia mot Idi sai dinrc ddnh dau A, B, C hay D. Hay '"" ra Idi sai dd vd siia lai cho dun}{. Q'*estion I: A. with — to ^ i i i j h i c h : According to someone: theo y kien ciia ai ^"^stion 2: A. recently —> recent liiajjiuch: adjective + noun '* Question 3: D . to stay—* to staying Giai thich: Prefer + V - i n g to + V-ing: thich lam gi horn lam gi Question 6. It is difficult for Tuan to study English. Giai thich: Have difficulty in doing something = It is difficult (for someone) to Question 4: A . a —• an , Giai thich: A n hour: mot ti^ng dong ho g«^jr//ort 5: D. More cheaper—+ •, i.> • cheaper * Question 7. I f only I hadn't told the truth. ' • Giai thich: Dang thurc so sanh hon ciia tinh tir ngSn: tinh tir n g S n e r Question 6: C a t - * in • ' ^ ^ J ^ ' - ' I « i 'UAnii . to travelling Giai thich: too to : qua ' den noi khong (mang y nghTa phii djnh) Question 9. It took me t w o hours to solve the problem. Giai thich: Look forward to + V-ing: mong ngong dieu gi * Question 8: D. Did —> have * " '' Gjai thich: Wish + thi qua khii hoan thanh = I f only + thi qua khu hoan thanh: >" .»>•- ''' " ' " " Giai thich: Cau hoi Yes/No question bat dau bang mot t r g dgng tir hay mot dgng tir dac biet thi cau tra lai dirge ket thiic bang chinh t r g dgng tir hay dgng tir Giai thich: It takes someone + khoang thai gian + V - t o infinitive: A i do mat bao Ilude l a m g i Question 10. We are going to have him paint our room. Gjai thich: Have someone do something: nha ai lam gi i, ! ,-, t ) - , , , ^ ' - .<• ,. dac biet ay (no c6 the a the khang djnh hay phii djnh). D. Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than roi chgn cau tra l&i dung cau hoi Question 9: B. Whom —• whose Giai thich: Dai tir quan h? Whose (cua nguai ma) thay the cho cac tinh tir so l.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A huu nhir his, her, 6.D 7. B 8. A 9.C 10. A Question 10: B . T o having - + to have Giai thich: T o be pleased to do something: vui mirng de lam dieu gi D E T H I THLTSO 1 5 C. Hay viet lai cau thir Itai sao cho y nghia ciia no giong v&iy nghia cua can ^P>4. goc da cho. Hay chgn cau tra l&i dung nhat irng v&i ky tu- A, B, C hoac D ciia moi cau hoi. Question 1. Your hair needs cutting. Question 1: " W h y don't you sit down and Giai thich: S.t + need + V - i n g : Cai gi can dugc lam gi (mang y bj dong) Question 2. Without the heavy rain, we could have gone. "* Giai thich: Without + noun, S + could/would + have + V3/ed: Neu khong (dang thiJc cua cau dieu kien loai III khong dung If: Without + noun/noun phrase = I f n/1 not ) D. make yourself at home Question 2: " Y o u for lunch." A. turn down Giai thich: S + have/has + not + V3/ed + for + khoang thai gian = I f s * trong , . Question 5. I f 1 were him, I wouldn't spend so much money on clothing. Giai thich: A n h ta tieu nhieu tien cho viec mua sam quan ao = neu toi la anh thi toi se khong tieu nhieu tien cho vi^c mua s^m quan ao. (Dung cau di6u k i f n l'^^' w<»^^'"''>''' have cooked so many dishes. There are only three o f us B. oughtn't C. needn't D . couldn't in 1939. B. turned up Question 4: " W e ' d better Question 4. It's three years since 1 last went to the village. II de the hien lai khuyen hoac lai phan nan) C. make it your own home A. brought about = should + V-nguyen = had better + V-nguyen khoang thai gian + since + S +last + V2/ed: T o i da khong B. make yourself at rest Question 3: The Second World War Giai thich: Advise someone to do something: khuyen ai nen lam gi ?" A. make yourself at peace A. wouldn't Question 3. He advised M i n h not to lend her more money. ' C. broke out D. lookout i f we want to get there in time. B . speed up ^"estion 5: The temperature "laterial. C. take up , D. put down takes place varies widely from material to A. which melting B. at which melting . ji C. at which they melt D. which they melt < « ^'*estion 6: The village was only B. barely visible through the dense fog. C. mostly D. hard " i - H i y i i j - i i i i tie If w i n Question m iiii^ liestion 20: "Ne\r be late for an interview without animals and plants? 7: A. What would lite on earth be like IV How would life on earth be for C. What w i l l life on earth be like D. How w i l l life on earth be like A. unless Question S: Harr>: "Are you ready. Kate? fhere's not much time left." Kate: "Yes. just a minute A. No ionuer Question 9: " B. In addition to 10: I could not A. get along Question B. make o f f C. take in a red hat." B. w i l l be wearing C. wears D. is wearing 13: Alfonso: "I had a reall\d time. Thanks for the lovely evening" B. come on D. come among C. a bit less expensive C. not to enter A. us not chatting B. he broke C. us not chat D. we don't chat C. l-ven though D. Nevertheless C. does he breaks I), does he break he had seen a ghost. B.enthough A. gone down D. Why not? j'nWoo 17: The instructor blew his whistle and A. o f f the runners were running C. o f f were running the runners B. gone over Question 30: Unless >ou C.whether D as i f C. gone up D, gime your diit\ you mustn't tell anything. A. go through B. go over Question 31: He insisted B. o f f ran the runners D. the runners run o f f B. at 'stion 32: My father C. on B. complained Y^stion 33: fhe garden supplies us B. so that her fruit would be stolen C. to prc\ent her fruit from being stolen ' 19: Before I left for my summer camp, my mother told me to take u a i ' i i it was cold. 34: His answer is based ^- with ou help me with my essay?" clothes with mc wvii the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending A. Despite " A. Yes, I'm afraid not. 26: Question 27: Hardly B. not to smoke Robert:" , Mike?" B. Shall I make >(ni like .some coffee Question more. D. much far expensive than - , ' ' C. Wh\t we cook some coffee B. not nearly as expensive as 15: Ihe sign "NO f RI-SPASSING" tells you . D. Would >ou mind making some coffee that one. A. as much expensive as Question him and his weekend tlshini; trip. Question 25: Our boss would rather A. not to photograph [). yet Mike: " I ' m sorry, but I can't do it now." D. No. it's verv kind o f you Question C. so A. Shall Nou make some coffee, please C. Oh. that's right Question B. even though Question 24: .loan: "Our friends are coming I), which they said 14: Ihis shirt is D. were Question 22: I he sk> was cloudy and foggy. We went to the beach B. what has said B. Yes. it's really good Question C. isn't A. come between was true A. I'm glad >ou enjoyed it Question B. hadn't been C come up Maria: " Question ,• Question 23: I le never lets anything D. hold on 12: "Ww'W recogni/e .lenn> when you see her. She A. u ill wear I), i f not for the heav\, the accident would not have A. however D. As i f II: I did not want to believe them, but in fact C. that the\e said Question C. l-ven though the lecture at all. It was too difficult for me. A. what the> said Question I). I'm coming C. o r s o ..^^jj ^ . /\ weren't C. I'd be OK you treat him. he'll help \ o u . He's so tolerant." A. No matter how Question (happened. !" B. I won't finish 21: I f it Question you can't get the job." B. otherwise B. o f f C. play D. begin green vegetables C. with , D.to my opinion. C.for I), from the differences between them'.' C. on r • I), for ^wmj^Y" ty— — — ^ Question 36: The meeting w i l l be held A. at B. since Question J7:They fall A. in C. in B. at A.at D. on love with each other D . for the destruction. B. to ^ C. with Question 2. " D i d you lend your car to a boy?" he asked. He asked me i f what 1 said. B. o f C. at Question 40: He didn't agree with me A. about . D. in Question 39: Unfortunately, he disapproved A. with Question I. You can't visit the United States i f you don't have a visa. Unless ' C. on Question 38: He put an end C. Hay Viet lai cdu thie hai sao cho y nghia cua no giong vai y nghta ciia cdu gdc dd cho January. D. from Question 3. Susan felt sick because she ate too much cream. If the behavior. B. on Cat D . by ' ' B. Trong nuVi cdu sau cd chira mot iSi sai du<^c ddnh dau A, B, C hay D. Hay tint ra Idi sai do vd sira lai cho dung. i n r . ; Str Question 1. Mary and M r . Steve is my relatives. They Hye i n America now. A B ,, .1..^.'. Question 4. He started work for the company five years ago. He has been Question 5. M r . Thanh cleaned the floor for me. I had C D Question 2. The cost o f living have risen fast recently. A B C Question 6. Please don't make noise here. D rd rather Question 3. Seldom does my father watches films after 9:00 P.M. He usually A B C Question 7. She left home when she was fifteen. At the goes to bed at the time. Question 4. Would you mind not to smoke here? A B C " Question 8. Mary was born 25 years ago. D Question 5. Among the high buildings I like yours mostly. A B C D ' Question 6. The book which you are going to buy is written byiJapanese. . A B ' It is 25 years • C Question 9. Who does this car belong to? Whose D 9 Question 7. U is likely raining .You should bring a raincoat A B C Question 10. Y o u should take care o f your children. D I suggest Question 8. He spoke such fast that we couldn't understand anything. A B C D D. Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than roi chpn cdu trd l&i dung cdu hoi. Question 9. It is his j o b that he earns a lots o f money. A B C D Question 10. M y wife always prides herself with cooking. Surely, she cooks A very well B C Most large cities now have an underground (1) as the French "Metro". ^ h e n you need to change (2) , you usually have to walk along bare, Uninteresting corridors. Sometimes, i f you are lucky, (3) w i l l be buskers: people playing music in the (4) o f earning a few pence, they w i l l be very '' (6) i f you throw a few coins into the hat which they have placed on the — i n front o f them, but they w i l l go on playing happily you don't. These buskers give us a moment o f (8) as we /:77jf7; 77? marc KTWI ftffJ rriKll n u t , iiuug,. »uffi > it^.ig m n - 1 'Si> rush for our trains. It is a pity, then, the authorities are against busking, and do what they can do to stop it. Buskers may be (9) the law, but I think that music to brighten their busy lives. most people are glad to have (10) D. ground C. organization B. group Question 1: A. system D. flight C. boats B. ferry Question 2: A. trains C. there in-ji u ' D. there is B.having Question 3: A. it C. thought ; • ; - D. regard B. hope Question 4: A. believe D. pleased C. please B. pleasure Question 5: A. pleasant D. road ' *' C. land B. ground Question 6: A. soil D.as though C. asif B. ever Question 7: A. even i f D. standard C. style B. hope Question 8: A. pleasure D. destroying Question 9: A. breaking B. promising C. cutting D. few C. a little B. little Question 10: A. a few DIEN GIAI DAP AN A. Hay clwn cdu tra Iffi dung nlidt irng v&i ky tu A, B, C hoac D cua moi c(iu ltdi. Question 1: Cau hoi vc thanh ngir. Dap an dung D: makL' yourself al home (cur tir nhien nhir a nha). Why don 7 you sii down and make yourself af home? (Sao anh khong ngoi xuong va cur tir nhien nhuanha?) ' ac phuang an sai: A, B, C vi logic nghTa cua cau vSn. Question 2: Dap an dung C: ta c6 cau true needn't have + V3/ed: le ra da khong can thiet lam gi "You needn't have cooked so many dishes. There arc only three of us for lunch. " (Le ra chi khong chuan bj qua nhieu mon an nhir the. Chung toi chi c6 ba nguai dung cam trira thoi.) Cac phirang an sai D: A. wouldn7 have + V3/eddung trong menh de chinh cau dieu kien loai III; B. oughtn't phai c6 "to" theo ngay sau; couldn't have + VS/ed dimg trong m^nh de chinh cau dieu ki^n loai III. Question 3: Dap an dung C : break out (khai phat bat thinh linh). The Second World War broke out in 1939. (The chicMi thir hai bung no nam 1939.) Cac phurong an sai: A. bring about (dem lai ket qua/ xay ra); B. turn up (xuat hi^n); D. take out (lay di). Question 4: Dap an dung B: speed up (tang toe dp). "We d belter speed up if we want to gel there in time. " (Chung ta nen tang toe neu muon den do kjp gia.) 9W Zf. Cty TSHHMTVDV'VH KItang Vifl Cac phuong an sai: A. turn down (v$n nho am thanh/ tir ch6i); C. lake up (theo duoi ham me); D. put down (de xuong). Question S: Cau van da de cap la cau phuc vai menh de quan he a giOa cau c6 (Jpng tir so it (takes) nen chii tir ciia no phai la so it (mealting). Dap an dung B. The temperature at which me/tinf> lakes place varies widely jrom material to material. (Nhi^t dp dat den mire sir tan chay xay ra a do thay doi nhieu tiiy theo vat li^u.) Question 6: Dap an dimg B: barely vira van, chi du. The village was barely visible through (he dense fog. (Ngoi liing chi hi^n ra \a ma trong strong mil day dac.) Cac phirong an sai: A. only (chi); C. mostly (phan Ion, chii yeu la); D. hard (sieng nang). Question 7: Ta ap dung cau dieu kien loai II de de cap den dieu khong c6 that a hien tai. Dap an dimg A. What would life : Kate, anh chuan bj xong ehua? Chung ta khong eon nhieu thai gian nira. K.ite: \ ' a n g . chiT mot lat. Toi den ngay day. Cac phuong an ci)n lai khong logic nghTa. A. AV; longer (khong con nfra); B. / won't finish (Toi se khong hoan tat); C. I'd he OK (Toi khong sao). Question 9: Dap an dimg A: No matter how: bat ke ra sao, m3c du "\'o matter how you treat him. he 'II help you. He's so tolerant. " (Dii chj doi xir vai anh ay ra sao thi anh ay ciing se giiip chi. Anh ta rat khoan dung.) Cac phuong an sai: B: in addition to (them vao) • C: evc}i though (mac dii) dimg cho m^nh de trang ngir chi sir nhirgng bo •lai y doi lap nhau. de clii D: (/.s//(nhu the la) Question 10: Dap an dimg C: take in (hieu/ cho a tro): I could not take in the lecture at all. It ^as loo difficult for me. (Toi khong hieu clu'it gi ve bai giang ca. No qua kho doi ^oitoi.) Ccic phirang an sai: A. gel along (hoa thuan); B. make off (di mat, ciion goi); D. ^°ld on (nam chat, giir chat). Question 11: Ta da biet m?nh de danh tir (noun clause) bat dau bang what c6 the lam chu ngir trong cau va dpng tir cua cau do a hinh thuc so it. Dap an dung A: / did not want to believe t/iem, hut in fact, what they said was true. (Toi khong muon tin ho, nhung th^t ra nhCrng gi hp noi la dung.) Cac phuong an B, C , D sai ve phuong di|n ngir phap. Question 12: .\uvvjV.>i\ v'A Dap an dung B "You 'II recognize Jenny when you see her. She will be wearing a red hat. "(Anh se nhan ra Jenny khi anh gap c6 ay. Co ay se dpi chiec non mau do.) Cac phuCTng an khac sai ve y nghTa ciia thi. ,_i„^| , • . Question 13: j'ij Alfonso: "I had a really good time. Thanks for the lovely evening. " Alfonso: Toi dugc huang khoang thai gian th^t tuy?t. Cam on em ve buoi t6i tuy^t vai. Dap an diing A: I'm glad you enjoyed it (Toi vui vi anh da thi'ch thu.) Cac phuang an B, D khong dupe chap nhan vi chung la cau tra lai cho cau hoi Co - Khong. Ta khong chpn C: Oh, that's right (6, dupe roi) - khong logich vai y ciia cau hoi. •.(-• Question 14: Dap an dung B: So sanh khong bSng: not as/so + tinh tir/trang tir + as "This shirt is not nearly as expensive as that one. " (Chiec ao sa mi nay gan nhu khong d§t bang chiec ao kia.) Cac phirang an sai: A: trucrng hpp nay sai hinh thuc ngir phap C: truang hop nay sai hinh thuc ngiJ phap D: truang hap nay sai hinh thuc ngir phap. Tr^ng tir chi cap dp "far" phai dung truac "much": far (too) much. Question 15: Day la hinh thuc xuat hi?n tren cac bien bao: NO + V-ing (Cam...) "NO TRESPASSING" = Cam vao! Dap an dimg C: not to enter (khong dupe vao). Cac phuang an khac khong hpp nghTa. Question 16: Sue: "Can you help me with my essay? " (Ban hay giup toi lam bai tieu lu^n nay nhe?) Dap an dung D: fVhy not? (T^i sao toi l^i khong giiip chii?) - day la cau dong > truac lai de nghj. Cac phuang an sai: A: "Yes, I'm afraid not" (Vang, toi e rSng khong the) la cau tra lai cho cau h^" Co - Khong. B: "I think that, too " (Toi cung nghT the), the hien su dong y vai y kien nguai khac. C: Not completely. " (Khong hoan loan vay.) the hi^n y phii djnh vai vSn de gi. Question 17: Vai dao ngir khi dua trang tir chi nai chon ra dau m#nh de ta khong c5n diing tra dong tir ma chi vi^c dua ra truac chu tir: Trang tir chi noi chon + dong tir + chO tir Dap an diing B: The instructor blew his whistle and off ran the runners. (Huan luyen vien thoi coi va cac van dpng vien chay vyt di.) A, C la hai phuang an sai ve hinh thuc dpng tir ("run" khong the chia a thi Qua khir tiep dien trong tinh huong nay.) D khong dupe chap nhan. sai hinh thirc dpng tir run — ran . + Question 18: Dap an dimg C. Ta c6 cum tir: prevent + S.t/S.o khoi) " + from...{ngan chan cai gi/ ai She built a high wall round her garden to prevent her fruit from being stolen. (Co ay .\ay birc tuang cao xung quanh khu vuan de ngan ch§n trai cay bj hai trpm.) Cac phuang an sai: A: cau triic dimg phai la: enable S.o + Vto inf (khien ai do c6 kha nang lam gi) B: so that + S + modals + Vnguyen diing de chi muc dich.'.sY; that her fruit would be stolen " (de trai cay trong khu vuan c6 ky se bj danh cSp), khong phii hpp nghTa. D: in order that + menh de chi myc dich. Question 19: Dap an dimg B: in case + clause: phong khi/keo ... Before I left for my summer camp, my mother told her to take warm clothes with me in case it was cold. (Truac khi toi di cam trai he, me toi nhSc toi mang theo quan ao am phong khi trai lanh.) Cac phuang an sai: A: despite + N/N.p C: .so that + clause D: whereas (= while) + m?nh de chi sy doi lap Question 20: Dap an dung B: otherwise/ or else (neu khong) "Never be late for an interview, otherwise you can't get the job. " (Dimg bao gia den phong van tre, neu khong ban se khong xin dupe viec.) A, D la cac phuang an sai: unless (trir khi) C: Sai cau triic. Question 21: Dap an dung \kB: hadn't been ^" ] • " V' Menh de chinh da cho c6 dang: S + would + have + V3/ed, do do m?nh de gia ^i>: S + had + V3/ed '"- • •277
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