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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ TOEFL - IELTS - TOEIC Lời giải chi tiết bộ câu hỏi toeic part 7 - lc- economy 1,2,4 cực hay (1148 tran...

Tài liệu Lời giải chi tiết bộ câu hỏi toeic part 7 - lc- economy 1,2,4 cực hay (1148 trang)


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Lời giải chi tiết bộ câu hỏi TOEIC Part 7 - LC- Economy 1,2,4
Lời Nói Đầu Thật sự mình rất biết ơn những người bạn, những thành viên của group “Toeic Practice Club” đã hưởng ứng kế hoạch làm sách của mình. Mình xin chân thành cảm ơn tất cả mọi người có tên trong quyển sách này. Không có các bạn, quyển sách này sẽ không bao giờ được hoàn thành. Như các bạn đã biết, Part 7 là một trong những phần khó của Toeic, đòi hỏi kỹ năng đọc hiểu khá cao nên dù một số bạn đạt điểm 800+ chưa chắc có thể giải thích và dịch tường tận như những bạn đã làm nên quyển sách này. Vì để chọn được đáp án đúng thì rất nhanh, nhưng để dịch như thế này quả thật rất khó, vì có những câu cần kiến thức chuyên ngành hay chỉ cần trực giác là đã chọn đúng rồi…Nên mình mong mọi người hãy trân trọng nó dù nó còn nhiều thiếu sót cần được chỉnh sữa liên tục theo thời gian nhưng quyển sách này là tất cả những gì các bạn đã dành công sức 2 tháng qua để soạn nên nó. Dù mình mang tiếng là người chỉnh sửa cuối cùng nhưng thật ra mình chỉ tổng hợp rồi định dạng thôi, phần nội dung dường như mình không chỉnh sửa nhiều, không phải vì mình lười mà vì những bạn soạn cuốn sách này trình độ đều hơn hoặc may mắn là bằng mình nên các bạn đó sai thì kiến thức của mình hiện tại cũng không thể chỉnh sửa được. Nên mong các bạn hiểu điều này để trong quá trình đọc sách có nhiều chỗ dịch không đúng văn phong, nếu bạn biết và có lời dịch hay hơn hãy gửi lời dịch của bạn theo địa chỉ mail bên dưới. Như thế quyển sách mới có thể hoàn thiện được. Chúc mọi người sẽ đạt được số điểm Toeic mà các bạn mong muốn nhé ! Nick facebook:Voi Xổng Chuồng [email protected] PART 7 Do thiếu nhân lực nên Group không làm trọn vẹn 30 test của economy 1,2,4 được. Nhưng mình nghĩ với số lượng test hiện tại có thể giúp các bạn đạt được mục tiêu 700+ rồi. Mình tiếp xúc với nhiều bạn điểm cao, và mình cũng nhận ra một điều các bạn điểm cao phần RC chưa hẳn đã dịch tốt nhưng các bạn dịch tốt luôn đạt điểm cao phần RC, thường đều hơn 400 phần RC cả. Part 7 quan trọng nhất là từ vựng, bạn phải nắm vững 3000 từ thường gặp nhất và 600 từ thông dụng trong Toeic thì Part 7 cũng không quá khó. Quan trọng là chúng ta phải dịch nhiều, dịch những chủ đề mà bạn thích vì Toeic bao quát rất nhiều chủ đề. Sau khi có được kha khá lượng từ vựng thì bạn hãy tính đến việc luyện kỹ năng. Thầy cô ở các trung tâm có thể dạy bạn rất nhiều mẹo làm bài nhưng những mẹo đó chỉ có thể áp dụng khi bạn có kỹ năng dịch tốt thôi. Trong quá trình làm Part 7 các bạn nên tập cho mình cách nhìn từ khóa hay còn gọi là kỹ năng Scan & Skim để suy ra câu trả lời thật nhanh nhưng kỹ năng này chỉ có sau một quá trình bạn tập dịch cơ bản, dịch trọn vẹn bài thì mới có được. Nên các bạn hãy tập đọc hiểu các bài cơ bản trước, học cách tra từ điển để tìm ra nghĩa phù hợp của một từ trong ngữ cảnh đó. Cứ thế, bạn sẽ dần hình thành tư duy dịch. Khi đó, dù bạn làm bài gặp phải những từ không biết đi chăng nữa bạn vẫn có thể đoán được nghĩa dựa vào kỹ năng tích lũy và những từ đã biết, đây là khác biệt giữa người luyện dịch nhiều và người không luyện tập. Ở đây có link download tầm 150 bài bào song ngữ Anh – Việt trên VOA và CNN, những bài này tuy không phải PART 7 nhưng lượng từ vựng nó gần như của Part 7 và khó hơn part 7, nên bạn hãy luyện dịch dần, điều đó sẽ giúp ít cho các bạn. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2V7RCAiO4V6MXRMbGVHQ0F0M0U&us p=drive_web . Nếu không truy cập link được các bạn hãy vào Group “ Toeic Practice Club” để yêu cầu tài liệu nhé. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO tic Can cu trong (}o~n van(}~ tim ra (}aJl cau hoi an 153. What does As you will notice, I Samuel Stone have sent the include in the contract along with fax? this fax. A. A detailed work schedule B. A JO application C. A work agreement D. A letter from the executives e C lu b Questions 151-154 refer to the following fax. Attn: Mike Bradshaw Dear Mike, Thank you for your interest in the sales position at Topfield Electronics. We enjoyed speaking with you in the interview last Thursday. The executives have reviewed your resume and were vety impressed. We have decided to hire you for the position. As you will notice, I have sent the contract along with this fax. Please read it thoroughly, sign it, and fax it back to our office by Ftiday at 6:00p.m. If possible, we would like you to begin working for us as early as May 23rd, approximately two weeks from now. If you have any questions about the contract or the position, please call me at 895-368-6457. Congratulations. We look forward to working with you. Regards, Samuel Stone Dich nghia va giai thich To e ic Pr ac 153. Samuel Stone gm gi kern theo b{m fax? A. Mot ban lich trinh cong vi~c C\1 thg B. Mot bo h6 so xin vi~c C. Mot ban hop dbng cong vi~c D. Mot buc thu tir nhfrng nguoi di@u hanh Tir include tuang duong voi send along with, con trong dap an c6 tir agreement tuang duang v6i contract trong do~n van can cu ~ chQn dap an c 154. Mike Brandshaw nen lam gi truoc 6 gio t6i? A. Phong v~n nh.an vien B. Tra loi ban fax C. Len lich trinh cho mot cuoc 154. What should Mike Brandshaw do by Friday at 6:00pm? A. Interview the employee B. Reply to the fa~ C. Schedule an appointment Please read it thoroughly, sign it, andfax it back to our office by Friday at 6:00 pm. Tir moo Contract (n)= Agreement(n): Hop dbng Include (n): Gbm, dinh kern ~ Along with: Kern voi Executive (n): Ngum di@u hanh Schedule (n.v): Lich ttinh, len lich trinh h~n D. GQi Samuel Stone voi nhfrng cau c6 m6c thai gian nhu "6: OOpm" thi cu tim theo Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO moe do trong bai la se thay dap D. Call Samuel Stone an. Hanh dong dQc, k)r va fax lc;ti chinh la tra loi -reply to the fax Pr ac tic e C lu b Questions 155-156 refer to the following email. From: Helen Mrutin To: All advertising associates Subject: Employee Lllllch Hello eve1yone, I just wanted to remind you all that the annual employee luncheon will be held this Friday, Mru·ch 16th. It will be held at 1 p.m. at the Emerald Collllhy Club. Lllllch will be provided, but we would like each associate to bring one desse1t. There is a sign-up sheet in the break room next to the water cooler. Also, this year we will be celebrating the achievements of Bob Hopey, the Director of Adve1tising, who will be reti1ing at the end of March. Mr. Hopey has worked for Best Advertising for thirty years, and was responsible for the successful merger with McKinley Advertising in 2004. He will be missed greatly, and we ru·e asking each associate to contribute $25 for a goodbye gift. The gift will be handed to him at the luncheon. Please give the money to Barbara Whales in Human Resources by Thursday, March 15th. Thanks, Helen Martin Cauh6i To e ic 155. What is infonnation discussed in the email? A A possible merger with another company B. A plan to hire a new director Can cu trong do()n van d@ tim ra dap an "Subject: Employee Lunch" "I just want to remind you .... Emald Countly Club... . bring one desse1t" C. A schedule for an upcoming event D. A request to reschedule a meeting Dich nghla va giai thich Tirmoi 155. Thong tin gi duQ'c trao d&i 6 trong buc thu? A. Mot S\l sap nhap co kha nang dien ra voi mot cong ty khac B. Mot kg hoc;tch thue mot giam doc m6i C. Mot lich hinh cho mot S\l ki~n s~p t6i D. Mot yeud.u s~p xgp lich trinh l()i cho mot bu&i hQp. Trong tieu dg da cho thiy email noi vg 1 S\l ki~n cho nhan vien cua cong ty, vay lo<;li cac dap an A, B. Sau khi dQC xong nhiing cau Merger(n): S\l sap nhap 2 thanh 1, thuong noi vg 2 cong ty Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO lu b C tic e "I just want to remind you all that the annual employee luncheon will be held this Friday." "Also, this year we will be celebrating the achievements of Bob Hop_ey...., the Director of Adve1tising, who will be retiring at the end of this month" "we are asking each associate to contlibute $25 for a goodbye gift. The gift will be handed to him at the luncheon" Retirement(n): S\1' huu tri Proposal (n): Ban dg xuM Carnpaign(n): Chign dich Promotion (n): S\1' thiing tign Associate(n): Cong S\1' Luncheon(n): Bfra tma Pr ac 156. What will Bob Hopey most likely receive on March 161h? A. A promotion B. A retirement gift C. Retirement benefits D. A campaign proposal trong do(),n van can cu, ta thl.y dap an c la dap an dimg nhlt, vi khong c6 yeu c~u thay d&i nao vg lich trinh ( dap anD) trong email ca. 156. Bob Hopey se duqc trao t~ng cai gi vao ngay March 16th? A. Mot S\1' thang chuc B. Mot m6n qua nghl huu C. Nhfrng phuc 1<;1i huu tii D. Btm dg xukt cho chign dich Nhfrng tir in nghieng vain d~m trong do(),n van can cu chinh la ca so dg tim ra dap an nay. To e ic Questions 157-160 refer to the following letter. Dear Readers, This July, Horse and Rider will celebrate its 27th anniversruy. Since its first issue was published in January of 1980, Horse and Rider has continued to bring its readers tasteful but ente1taining articles cove1ing everything about horses. To celebrate our anniversru·y, we are offe1ing a special promotion to all our readers: a fi·ee three-month subscription. Plus, you will receive our special anniversru·y issue, which will be published at the end of July. This special issue will feature an article about Ma1jmie Clemmons, the Senior Editor and founder of Horse and Rider. To be eligible for the special offer, just fill out the request fonn that is enclosed with this letter, and mail it to us by June 15th. As always, we welcome your questions and comments, so if you would like to be included in our From the Readers section, please visit our website www.horseandiider.com and submit your review electronically. We thank you for your continued suppmt, which has helped us become the most popular horse magazine in the country. Sincerely, Katherine Fields Public Relations Advisor Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ctra group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitrp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia tri ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO Can cu trong do~n van d~ tim ra dap an 157. T~i sao Kathe1ine Fields l()i vi@t buc thu nay? A. ug gim thi~u mot khuy@n mai d~c bi~t B. ug nl:lic nho doc gia gia mn cho $t bao dai h()n c. D~ hoi y ki@n doc gia vg S\1' ua thich cua hQ voi vi~c d~t bao dai h~ D. ug moi doc gia tham d\1' bu6i le ky ni~m Trong cau hoi, tU "why" va "write this letter" chinh la tU khoa cua cau hoi, cho thiy cau hoi vg ml,lc dich vi@t buc thu. Nhfrng tir in nghieng la tir d~ phan bi~t cac dap an. Sau khi thiy key cua cau hoi, ChUng ta dQC luot trong bai Va tMy co do~n chua tU "special promotion" d6ng nghla vm "special offer" ~ chQn A special offer/ promotion(n) khuy@n mai C lu b Tumoi ic Pr ac tic 157. Why did To celebrate our Kathe1ine Fields anruversary, we are write this letter? offering a s ecilll A. To introduce a romotion to all our readers: a free threespecial offer subscription. B. To remind month readers to renew Plus, you will receive their subscription our special C. To ask anniversary issue, customers about which will be their subscription published at the end of preference. July. D. To invite clients to the ceremony. Dich nghla va giai thich e cauhoi To e 158. Who will be This special issue will featured in the feature an article about anniversary Majorie Clemmons, issue? the Senior Editor and A A famous rider founder of Horse and B. A new Rider employee C. The winner of the race D. The Senior Editor 158. Ai se duqc mieu ta trong in phl.m ngay kY ni~m? A. Mot ky si n&i ti@ng B . Mot nhan vien mm C. NguOi tMng cuoc trong mot duang dua D. Mot bien tap vien cao cip Tu "who" "featured "la key CUa cau hoi nhung tU chi duong d~ tim ra cau tra 1Oi la "anniversary issue", chlm.g ta se lfin tim trong bai theo tU chi duang tmoc, sau do tim xem d~c bi~t remind sb to do st: nh~c nho ai lam gi renew st: gia h()n, lam moi cai gi subscription (n): S\1' $t bao/ thue bao daih~ ceremony (n)= anmversary (n): le kY ni~m Feature (n,v): Mo ta, $c tinh Issue (n): An phfun Rider (n): Nguoi cuoi ng\l'a (ky sl) Race (n): Duang dua Senior (adj,n):nhan vien cao cap Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO lu b C e Pr ac a review online C. By contacting the PR Department D. By calling Majmie Clemmons 160. Which of the following 1s mentioned about Horse and R ider? A. It is the only magazine of its kind. B. It is over thirty years old. C. It is very succesful. D. It is changing owners. " .. Please visit our website www.horseandrider.co m and submit your review electronically." tic 159. According to the letter, how can reader get their comments published? A. By w1iting a letter online B. By submitting who - ai duqc featured -mota hon, nguoi lem tu&i han trong d6. Editor(n): Bien tap vien 159. Theo nhu buc thu, nhiing Elechically(a ngum dQC se dua ra nh~n xet dv): Mot each CUa hQ b~ng each nao? lien quan, A. Vigt mot buc thu online thuoc vg di.~n, B . Gm di. mot dap an c - very successful tuong duong v6i qun the most popular ... n·ong do<;tn van can cu. Popular ( adj)= known (adj): n&i tieng Questions 161-161 refer to the following article. The Health Factory will inn·oduce a new line of vitamins, a company spokesman said yesterday. The vitamins are intended for athletic men and women, who are looking for a vitamin that will replace vital nutrients lost during strenuous exercise. Unlike regular vitamins, the Health Factmy Active Essentials 2020 have more iron, calcium, and potassium. The new vitamins have been tested on professional athletes, such as cyclist Luke Wilson, and are proven to increase athletic perfonnance by up to 20 percent. Of course, health products like the Active Essentials vitamins are not cheap. One month's Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO To e ic Pr ac tic e C lu b supply of the new vitamins costs about $200. To promote the new product, however, the Health Factmy is offe1ing a special 30 percent discount to anyone who purchases the new vitamins with their Health Factmy card. For more infmmation on the new product or to apply for a Health Factmy card, call the company's customer service hotline at 1-800-.326-HEALTH. Can cu trong do<;~-n cauhoi Dichnghla Tirmm van d~ tim ra dap an 161. What can be ''The vitamins are 161. C6 th~ suy ra dieu gi Infer(v): suy inferred about the new intended for athletic vg lo(li vitamin moi nay? luan, rut ra vitamins? men and women, A. N6 lad~ dimh cho van To be intended A. They are intended who are looking for dong vien. for sb: Danh for athletes. a vitamin that will B. N6 Ia lo(li ph& bign cho, huong toi B. They are the most replace vital nh~t. ru popular. nutiients lost during C. N6 r~t de nu6t. Vital(adj): r~t C. They are easy to su·enuous exercise" D. N6 khong duqc ban 6 quan trQng, swallow. cac cua hang. thigt ygu D. They ru·e not sold in Cac dap an con 1<;1-i khong Strenuous store. xu~t hi~n ho~c nguqc vm (adj): cat hrc, thong tin dua ra trong bai, lam vi~c khong con Cl)lll "athletic men ngirng and women" thi tuong duong voi "athletes" 162. What IS not "Of course, health 162. Dieu gi khong duqc Mention (v): mentioned about the products like Active nh~c toi vg lo(li vitamin nhac toi new vitamins? Essentials vitamins moi nay? Perfmmance A. They increase are not cheap" A. N6 lam tang hi~u su~t (n): S\1' bi~u performance. "The new vitrunins ho<;~-t dong. dien, ho<;~-t dong B. They were tested on have been tested on B. N6 da duqc thu nghi~m To be proven: athie tes. professional tren cac van dong vien. duqc chl1ng C. They are che!!J!.en athletes", '"'are C. N6 re hon cac thuong minh than other brands. proven to increase hi~u khac D. They have more iron athletic D. N 6 c6 chua nhigu s~t va performance", canxi. and calcium. "HF AE 2020 have Cau nay chl1ng ta phai tim more iron, calcium xem nhfrng tir kh6a cua and potassium" cac dap an vg d~c tinh c6 trong bai khong, chu y tir "not" vi n6 mang nghla phudinh. Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO 163. According to the The Health Factory 163. Theo nlm bai dQc, Article (n): Bai vigt, san phlm Membership card The thanh vien Contest (n) lu b article, how can people is offering a special lam thg nao mQi ngum 30 percent discount dm;rc giam gia? receive a discount? anyone who A. D~t mot don hang A. Place an order to online. purchases the new online B. for a vitamins with their B. Dang ky mot the thanh Health Factory card vien membershit) card. Cuoc thi C. Tham gia mot cuoc thi Purchase (v): D. Chi t6i mot muc nao d6 Mua hang Tu kh6a dm;rc in nghieng t:rong cau hoi, nhung tu chi C. Enter a contest. D. Spend a certain C amount. tic e duong la discount, chi c~n tim theo tU nay se l~n ngay ra dm;rc dap an cau 164-166 11 Blue Bird Drive Newark, NJ 064587 11 May 1007 Pr ac Paul Thomtree Spotless Cleaner's 145 Market D1ive Newark, NJ Dear Mr. Thomt:ree, I recently had three jackets dry cleaned at Spotless Cleaner's. Unfortunately, when I got ic home and looked at one of the jackets, I noticed there was a large rip on one of the sleeves. I immediately returned the item to your building on Market D1ive, but the sales clerk told me that the company was not responsible for any damages incurred dming cleaning. I have been doing business with Spotless Cleaner's for three years and have always received excellent service, but I am quite distressed about this recent incident. I would like the company to pay for the repair of this item, and to give me a full refund on the cost of illy cleaning all three items. Please contact me as soon as possible to To e discuss this matter. I can be reached Monday to F1iday after 6 p.m., and Satm·day and Sunday any time. My home number is 632-365-1456. You can also reach me at my office at 653-362-9876. Regards, Linda Applebee cauhoi Can cu t:rong do<;~-n van d~ tim ra dap an What IS the I would like the company to pay for J!.U~ ose of the letter? A. To complain about the repair of tins item, and to give me service. 164. about this Dichnghla Tum6i 164. M\lc dich clia la Purpose (n): Ml)C thu lagi? dich khigu n<;LI ve Complain A. D~ dich V\1 (v): Phannan recent Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO B. D~ dang ky tu each Refimd(n): S\f hoi vien C. D~ tranh lu~n v@ S\f thanh toan ch~m. D. D~ d~t mot san phfun qu5n ao. v 6i cac cau hoi v@ ml,lc dich - purpose, items. thuong 1a cau tra lm se 6 do~ &u, co th~ 6 tieu d@ thu, ho~c mot vai cau &u tien. I would like the 165. Ba Applebee yeu Receipt (n): Hoa company to pay for du gi tir cong ty? don the repair of this A. Mot hoa don Appology (n): S\f item, and to give me B. Mot khoan hoan xin loi a full refund on the tien cost of dry cleaning c. Mot loi xin loi all tluee items. D. Mot phigu coupon "I have been doing 166. Ba Applebee noi Reputation(n): business with gi ve Spotless Danh tigng Spotless Cleaner's Cleaner? for tluee years and A. No co tigng x~u. have always B. No khong sua qu§n received excellent ao. service" C. No luon cung c~p lu b incident. I would like the company to pay for the repair of this item, and to give me a full refund on the cost of dry cleaning all tluee tic Pr ac 165. W hat does Mrs. Applebee request from the company? A. A receipt B. A refund C. An appology D. A coupon e C B. To apply for a membership. C. To discuss a late payment. D. To order a clothing item. ic 166. What does Mrs. Applebee say about Spotless Cleaner's? A. It has a bad reputation. B. It does not repair clothing. To e C. It usua lly good service. D. It is the only dry cleaner's in town dich Vl,l t6t D. Nola nha cung c~p duy nh~t trong thi tr~n DQc qua bai dQc, tim cac danh gia cua ba Applebee v@ clia hang va th~y excellent (~ good) service -7 ch9n c cau 167-168 The Smallville Department ofTranspmtation (SOT) announced that it will begin constmction on a new bus lane downtown. The constmction is scheduled to begin at the end of July, a city official said. The new bus lane will provide direct se1vice to the main Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO Can cu trong do<;~n Dichnghla Tumm Conduct (v): Tign himh Pattem (n): Mau Expect (v) : Mong doi Commute (v): Di Hun xa b~ng o to hay tim di~n A- The SDT has asked all the commuters who diives to work to take 122 Avenue instead of Main Street. 167. SOT n6i gi ve dich V\1 moi? A. N6 se giam thi~u thOi gian di l<;ti. B. N6 se tbn it tign han. C. N 6 se mit mot nam d~ hoan thi~n D. N6 se giam thi~u o nhiem. cac dap an khac khong c6 trong bai ho~c khac nghla voi thong tin dua ra, cony A - decrease travel time reduce commuting time 168. Digu gi khong dulJ'c n6i cfen 6 trong bai? A. Nhiing nguoi di lam xa se phai di duemg khac B. Bus sb 3 va sb 4 se B- "will replace bus lines 3 and 4" D Crane Construction has been contracted to build the new land bi ngirng ho<;tt dong. C. Nhigu nghien ctiu se duoc tign hanh vao thtmg 7. D. SOT thue Crane Construction no'i lam vi~c Contract (n,v): HQp dbng, lam hQp dbng, hQp thue/ e C Studies have been conducted on traffic pattern and it is expected that the new service will reduce commuting time by 25 percent. ic Pr ac tic Dap an 167. What does the SDT A say about the new service? A. It will decrease travel time. B. It will cost less money. C. It will take a year to complete. D. It will reduce pollution cauhoi To e 168. What IS NOT C mentioned m the article? A. Commuters should take another route . B. Bus lines 3 and 4 will be closed. C. More studies are Jllanned for Julx. D. The SDT hired Crane Constmction. lu b financial distlict, and will replace bus lines 3 and 4. Studies have been conducted on traffic pattems and it is expected that the new service will reduce commuting time by 25 percent. Crane Construction has been contracted to build the new lane. Unfmtunately, Main St. will be closed fi:om July 22nd to August 30th, while the construction is taking place. The SDT has asked all commuters who drive to work to take 122 Avenue instead of Main Street. Route (n): tuygn duemg Commuter (n): Nguoi di lam bkg xe o to ho~c tau do 6 xa tac Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO Cau lo(li tn1 cho cau D 0 ml;lC CaU Can CU lu b "has been contracted" nghla la dm;rc thue th~u ~ ~ hired d6ng nghla voi D, lo~;~i dap im D. cau 169- 171 e C JP Store is proud to announce its new catalogue service, which will begin this September. Each month all customers with a JP Gold Card will receive a free catalogue. What's so great about the JP Catalogue? You don't have to go to our store to buy your clothes. You can simply call the customer service hotline and place your order from the comfort of your own home. Plus, each month's catalogue will include special discounts order. Pr ac tic on all our clothing. If you have any questions about this special promotion, contact us at 1-800-2365-9864. If you are not a cardholder and would like to become one, then download an application :fi:om our website, www.jpclothes.com. All customers who apply online before August 15th will receive an additional 20 percent off their first cauhoi Dap an Can cu t:rong do(lfl van d~ tim ra dap an Dichnghla Tum6i You don't have to go 169. JP Store cung Furnishing(n) : Trang tii nQi to our store to buy c~p san ph~m gi? sell? A. Home fumishings B. Kitchenware C. Clothing D. Office supplies clothes. 170. What will Gold A Card holders receive? A. Comtllimentary Each month all 170. Chu the Gold Card customers with a JP Card se duqc nh~ holders(n): Gold Card will gi? chu the recetve a free A. Mot catalogue Complimenta To e ic 169. What kind of C product does JP Store catalogues B. A discount on shipping charges C. Special coupon for the store D. An online account A. Trang t:ri noi th~t th~t t:rong nha Kitchenware B. D1;1ng c1;1lam bgp (n): D1;1ng c1;1 C. Qu5n ao lam bgp D. Thigt bi vanphong catalogue mien phi ry(adj): mien B. Giam gia cuoc phi phi, kinh bigu (khac v~n chuy~n C. Mot coupon <$c complement: b6 sung) bi~t t:rong cua hang D. Mot tai khoan Charge(n): online Cuoc phi Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO lu b Tu kh6a a day la Gold Card holders va receive nlnmg tu chi duong tim ra dap an la Gold Card, tim duqc vi tri do~ van c6 tlr nay se tim duqc dap an tren, complimentary (adj) 171. Bao lau chu the l<;li nhan duqc mot catalogue JP? A. 1 tufin 1 lin B. 2 tli5.n Ilk C. 1 thing 1 lfin D. 1 narn mot lin Ifyouarenotacard 172. Lam sao dg holder and would nhilng khach hang like to become one, quan tam dang ky To e ic Pr ac 172. How can interested D customers apply for a card? A. Get an application :fi:om the store B. Call customer se1vice C. Email the company D. Submit an online at)tliication Each month all customers with a JP Gold Card will recetve a free catalogue e c tic 171. How often will card holders receive the JP Catalogue? A. Once a week B. Every two weeks C. Once a month D. Once a year C ~ free then download an applicationfrom our website, www.jpclothes.com. All customers who apply online before ... the? A. L~y mot dcm dang kY tlr cua hang B. GQi dich V\1 khach hang C. Vigt thu cho cong ty D. Gm mot dcm dang kY online Cau 171-175 Chatity Hospital is looking for an organized, motivated individual to fill the position of Director of Dining Setvices, statting August 15th. Responsibilities of the position include planning weekly meals for patients, managing a staff of thi1ty food service workers, and placing food supplies orders eve1y month. You may also be asked to organize food for special events, such as hospital benefits. The successful applicant will have at least five yem·s' expetience working as a manager in some business field, and a university degree. Specific experience in the hospitality industly is preferred, but not required. Interested individuals should pick up an application from the Food Setvice Depa1tment at Chatity Hospital, which is located on the first floor of the hospital. Please fill out the Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO application and submit it, along with 2 reference letters and a cover letter, by July 24, 2007. Applications will be available starting June 21,2007. cauhoi Can cu trong do~n van d~ tim ra dap Dich nghla 173. Vi td nao dang duqc dang Dining (n): tuy~n? An u6ng A Trq ly y t@ B. Le tan C. Giam d6c b~nh vi~n D. Giam d6c dich V\1 an u6ng Dining Seivice =Food Seivice C " ..motivated individual to fill the position of Director ofDining Services, starting August 15th". e 173. What kind of being position IS advertised? A Medical assistant B. Receptionist C. Hospital director D. Manager of food service 174. Which qualiflcation IS required of the successful candidate? A. Five years' eXJ)erience B. Foreign language skill C. Cooking certificate D. Knowledge of the hospitality sector lu b an 174. Nang hrc nao la b~t bUQC d6i voi ilng vien? A 5 nam kinh nghi~m B. Kha nang ngo~i ngfr C. Chilng chi n~u an D. Hi~u bi@t vg llnh V\l'C khach Pr ac tic The successful applicant will have at least five years' experience working as a manager m some business field, and a university degree. Specific expenence in the hospitality industry IS prefeued, but not required. 175. By what date must Please fill out the an applicant submit an application and application? submit it, along A June 21st with 2 reference B. July 14th letters and a cover C. August 15th letter, by July 24, D. August 24th 2007. Tumoi Qualification (n): Nang hrc Hospitality sector (n): Vl,l'C Llnh khach s~ To e ic s~n 175. Thi sinh phfu giri ho sa Reference letter (n): xin vi~c tmoc ngay nao? A June 2 1st Thu gioi B. July 24th thi~u C. August 151h Cover letter D. August 241h (n): Thu xin vi~c cau 176- 180 McDowell Publishing plans to merge with Ha1vey Media this Januaiy, a spokesman for McDowell Publishing said. The new company will be called McDowell and Harvey Media. The decision comes after both companies experienced their third straight year of losses. Both companies have struggled to compete with the world's Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO Dichnghla C Can cu trong do~n van dS tim ra ditp an 176. The word "losses" The decision comes in line 5 is closest in after both meaning to: comparues A. deficits experienced their B. fortunes third straight year of C. properties losses. D. resources 176. Tir "losses" 6 dong 5 gin nghla nh~t v6i: A. deficits B. fortunes C. properties D. resources Tir losses mang nghla thua lo nhu vay se gin nghla nh~t v6i tir deficits - tham hl)t. Pr ac tic e cauhoi lu b largest publishing company, Watson Media Inc., which accoWlts for about 75 percent ofthe market. Since Watson Media Inc. was foWlded by Charles Duvet Jr. in 1999, the company has successfully forced ten other small publishing companies to declare bankmptcy. According to a spokesman from Hatvey Media, after the merger is completed, the new company will launch a 3-million-dollar marketing campaign. Jackson Polkins, the famous children's writer, has already announced he will be leaving Watson Media Inc. to pursue a contract with the new company. To e ic 177. According to the article, why are the two companies making the changes? A To induce voluntaty retirement B. To hire more employee C. To reduce operation costs D. To remain cornt)etitive The decision comes after both companies experienced their third straight year of losses. Both company have struggled to compete with the world's largest publishing company, Watson Media Inc. which Tir m6i Deficit (n): S\1' thfun hl)t Fmtune (n): van may, tai san Property (n): Tai san (thuoc so hfru cU.a ai d6) Resource (n): Ngu6n l\l'C 177. Theo bai vigt, t~i sao Voluntmy hai cong ty l~i tign hanh retirement (n): Huu ni nhfrng S\1' thay d6i nay? A. DS thuc d~y huu ni w nguy~n Operation cost nguy~n B. DS thue them nhan (n): Chi phi van vien C. DS giarn chi phi van hanh D. DS duy tri tinh c<;1nh tranh Nhfrng do~n in nghieng trong do<;1n van can cu hanh Competitive (adj): Tinh c~ tranh Loss (n): Thua lo Su·uggle (v): accounts for about chinh la ly do, vi 2 cong 75 percent of the ty lien tl)c thua lo trong 3 mm·ket. nam lign, va hQ d6ng thai phfu d6i m~t v6i cong ty 16n nh~t tren thi u·uemg xu~t ban. D6i m~t Struggle (v): Gfuig sue Compete (v): C<;1nh tranh Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop. FB: CO THANH HANG- TOEIC Tlr cAN BAN £>EN NANG CAO 178. Theo nhu bai dQc, thi chuy~n gi xay ra vao nam 1999? A. Tap doan Watson Media da pha san. B. Charles Duver Jr. thanh lap mot cong ty. C. Ha1vey Media gi6i thi~u mot chign dich m6i. D. Jackson Polkins xuit ban mot cubn sach. Key 6 day Ia what happended in 1999, nhung chi cin dl,la vao tir chi duong la in 1999la se tim ra duqc do~n van can cu. (st was founded : duqc sang lap, tuong duong v6i vi~c ai d6 started st) 179. C6 th~ n1t ra digu gi tir bai bao? A. Cong ty moi se cho rit nhigu cong nhan nghi vi~c. B. McDowell Publishing se dfiu tu mot lu<;1llg tign dang k~ c. Tap doan Watson Media la mot cong ty kh&ng 16. D. Hruvey Media se chuyen dia di~m. Dap an B duqc chQn dl,la vao do~n van can cu, con cac dap an khac khong thly xuit hi~n. 180. Jackson Po1kins lam nghg gi? Go bankrupt (v): Phi san Campaign(n): Chign dich To be founded: Dm;rc thimh lap C lu b "Since Watson Media Inc. was founded by Charles Duvet Jr. in 1999" Pr ac tic e 178. According to the article, what happened in 1999? A. Watson Media Inc. went bankmpt. B. Charles Duvet Jr. started a COIDf)any C. Ha1vey Media new a introduced campaign. D. Jackson Polkins published a book. "the world's largest publishing company, Watson Media Inc., which accounts for about 75 percent of the media" To e ic 179. What can be inferred from the newspaper article? A. The new company will lay off many workers. McDowell B. Publishing will invest considerable money. C. Watson Media Inc. is a huge comt)any. D. Ha1vey Media will change locations. 180. What is Jackson JacksonPolkins, the Polkins 's occupation? famous children's Considerable (adj): (Mot lu<;1ng) dang k~ Huge (adj): kh&ng 16 Spokesman(n): NguOi d<;ti di~n, ngum phat ngon Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong gop.
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