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Tài liệu Islands 5 pupils book


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Contents Scope and sequence .................................................... 3 Welcome ...................................................................... 6 Friends ................................................................ 12 My life ................................................................. 22 Free time ............................................................ 32 Around the world .............................................. 42 Shopping ............................................................ 52 Party time .......................................................... 62 School ................................................................. All about us ....................................................... 72 82 Goodbye ..................................................................... 92 Festivals .................................................................... 96 Extensive reading .................................................. 104 Grammar reference ................................................ 112 Scope and sequence Welcome Grammar Vocabulary He likes (playing). / They like (running). lis ened, played, prac ised, s udied, wa ched, wen , fell, ook How abou (going o he cinema)? I (played) ( ennis) on (Monday morning). He/She (danced) a he (par y) on (Friday evening). They (wen o) he (cinema) on (Sa urday af ernoon). Addi ional language wo days ago, yes erday, now, oday, omorrow Friends Grammar Vocabulary Addi ional language Wha does he/she look like? He’s (good looking). / She’s (beau iful). / He’s/She’s go (s raigh dark hair) and (brown eyes). He/She hasn’ go (blond(e) hair). Wha do hey look like? They’re ( all) and (handsome). / They’ve go (shor blond hair) and (blue eyes). / They haven’ go (dark hair). Physical descrip ions: dark hair, spiky hair, handsome, good-looking, mous ache, blond(e) hair, beau iful, cu e, beard, s raigh hair, curly hair, bald CLIL: Ar (Personal descrip ions) Wha ’s he/she like? He’s (spor y) and he’s (clever). / She’s (bossy) bu (hard-working). I like him because he’s (kind). Personal descrip ions: bossy, kind, spor y, lazy, clever, shy, alka ive, helpful, friendly, hard-working CLIL: in elligen , bored, exci ed, impor an , lovely, li le Wider World: Families of he world Values: Help your friends in class. Phonics: -er / -or endings She is ( aller) han (her bro her). She is he ( alles ) (in her family). They are (more handsome) han … They are he (mos handsome). I hink ha … / I believe ha … My life Grammar Vocabulary Addi ional language You mus (brush your ee h). (Order) You should (brush your ee h). (Advice) Daily rou ines: brush my ee h, make my bed, wash my face, idy my room, do my homework, ake ou he rubbish, revise for a es , ake no es in class, mee my friends, be on ime CLIL: Food/science (Diges ion) I never (brush my ee h). He some imes (brushes his ee h). She usually (brushes her ee h). They of en (brush heir ee h). We always (brush our ee h). Should + no = Shouldn’ Infini ive of purpose Your ongue helps you o as e he food. Adverbs of frequency: never, some imes, usually, of en, always CLIL: bu er, chocola e, flour, sugar, sal , smell, as e, pla e, snack, diges ion Wider World: Shopping for food Values: Giving is grea ! Phonics: Presen simple 3rd person singular /s/ /z/ /iz/ 3 Free time Grammar Vocabulary Addi ional language Wha is she good a ? She’s good a (hi ing) bu she isn’ good a (ca ching). Wha are hey good a ? They’re good a (hi ing) bu hey’re no good a (ca ching). Ac ivi ies: hi ing, kicking, hrowing, ca ching, diving, going shopping, elling jokes, reading poe ry, playing video games CLIL: Ma hs (Graphing favouri e hobbies) Wha were you doing (yes erday a 7.00)? I was (going o school). Wha was he/she doing (yes erday a 7.00)? He/She was (going o school). Wha were hey doing (yes erday a 7.00)? They were (going o school). rampolining, playing chess, playing he drums, ac ing, rollerblading, running races, singing karaoke, ska eboarding, reading magazines, drawing CLIL: score, graph, highes , lowes , range, calcula e, eam Wider World: Funny spor s Values: Try new hings. Have a hobby. Phonics: Rising & falling in ona ion: ques ions and answers. Were you (going o school)? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’ . Was he/she (going o school)? Yes, he/she was. / No, he/she wasn’ . Were hey (going o school)? Yes, hey were. / No, hey weren’ . Wha would you prefer, dancing or singing? I’d ra her sing han dance. / I’d prefer singing o dancing. Around the world Grammar Vocabulary Addi ional language There’s a rainfores in Brazil. / There isn’ a rainfores in Spain. There are some penguins in Argen ina. / There aren’ any penguins in I aly. Coun ries: China, Korea, Japan, Aus ralia, he Uni ed S a es, Mexico, Poland, Brazil, Argen ina, he Uni ed Kingdom, Spain, I aly, Egyp , Turkey CLIL: Science (The Solar Sys em) Is here a volcano? Yes, here is. / No, here isn’ . Are here any volcanoes? Yes, here are. / No, here aren’ . Places: fores , deser , pyramid, s a ue, ci y, cave, volcano, lake CLIL: air, fu ure, plane , hill, sky, space How much wa er is here in he lake? No much / a li le / a lo . How many lakes are here in ha coun ry? No many / a few / a lo . Wider World: The wea her Values: Teamwork is impor an . Phonics: Nega ive con rac ions (isn’ , aren’ , wasn’ , weren’ , hasn’ , haven’ , don’ , doesn’ , didn’ ) Clothes Grammar Vocabulary Addi ional language How much is ha (walle )? I ’s £20 ( wen y pounds). How much are hose gloves? They are £24.50 ( wen y-four pounds fif y). I ’s oo expensive. / They’re oo expensive. Adjec ives for clo hes: racksui , swimsui , wa ch, bracele , walle , umbrella, gloves, bel , pocke , label CLIL: Social science (Shopping) Whose (ha ) is his? I ’s Dan’s/mine/yours/his/ hers/i s/ours/ heirs. Whose (glasses) are hese? They’re Louise’s/ mine/yours/his/hers/i s/ours/ heirs. I’ll buy his bel . I am going o save money his year. 4 Clo hing and accessories: igh , baggy, cheap, expensive, old-fashioned, modern Numbers 100 – 1000: 101, 102, … 999 and 1000 CLIL: shop assis an , adver isemen , receip , change, cus omer, depar men s ore, money Wider World: Chari y shops Values: Dress correc ly for each occasion. Phonics: In ona ion: Exclama ions! Party time Grammar Vocabulary Addi ional language I (brough ) a (presen ). / They didn’ (bring) any (presen s). They could (come o he par y). / They couldn’ (ea every hing). Regular & irregular pas ense verbs: make/made, have/had, come/came, give/gave, ge /go , sing/sang, bring/brough , mee /me , ea /a e, see/saw CLIL: His ory (The firs Thanksgiving) Where did you go? I wen o (Ghana). When did you go o (Ghana)? I wen on (Augus 1s ). Wha did you see? I saw (gian bu erflies). Who did you mee ? I me (my uncle). Ordinal numbers 1s –31s : firs , second, hird, four h, fif h, six h, seven h, eigh h, nin h, en h, eleven h, welf h, hir een h, four een h, fif een h, six een h, seven een h, eigh een h, nine een h, wen ie h, wen y firs , wen y-second, wen y- hird, wen y-four h, wen y-fif h, wen y-six h, wen y-seven h, wen y-eigh h, wen y-nin h, hir ie h, hir y-firs I mus … / I have o… Wider World: New Year’s Eve around he world Values: Be a crea ive problem solver. Phonics: In ona ion: Closed (or Yes/No) ques ions and Informa ion (or Wh-) ques ions CLIL: mon h, diary, na ive American, se ler, voyage School Grammar Vocabulary Addi ional language Was i in eres ing? Yes, i was. / No, i wasn’ . Was here an alien in i ? Yes, here was. / No, here wasn’ . Were here any exci ing s ories? Yes, here were. / No, here weren’ . Adjec ives: in eres ing, boring, exci ing, scary, funny, difficul , easy, roman ic CLIL: Ar : (Crea ing a s oryboard) School subjec s: Compu er S udies, Ma hs, Geography, Science, His ory, Ar , Music, Spor , Design, Drama Wider World: Unusual Schools Did you have ma hs on Tuesday? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’ . Did she have His ory on Friday? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’ . Values: Learn abou your older family members’ you h. CLIL: glue, scissors, s oryboard, charac er, scene Phonics: Long and shor vowels Grammar Vocabulary Addi ional language Is he from he Uni ed S a es? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’ . Where’s she from? She’s from Argen ina. / She’s Argen inian. Where are hey from? They’re from Aus ralia. / They’re Aus ralian. Na ionali ies: American, Colombian, Brazilian, Argen inian, Bri ish, Spanish, I alian, Egyp ian, Chinese, Aus ralian, Canadian, Irish, Greek, Polish, Turkish, Japanese CLIL: Social Science (Time) I have finished. / I haven’ finished. He has drawn he pic ures. / He hasn’ drawn he pic ures. All about us He’s an ar is who likes playing he gui ar. I ’s an American film ha is very famous. This is he gym where I go wice a week. Those oranges, which I bough yes erday, are delicious. in – he morning, June, spring, 2008 on – Thursday, January 16 h a – five o’clock, nigh Jobs: ar is , pho ographer, pain er, as ronau , businessman, cook, firefigh er, den is , wai er, ac or, engineer, mechanic, foo baller, journalis Wider World: Video games Values: Be a good role model for o hers. Phonics: Simple pas of regular verbs -ed: / / /d/ /id/ CLIL: ime, a.m., p.m., midday, midnigh , hour, minu e, da e, year Goodbye Revision Festivals Halloween: apple bobbing, pumpkin bread, caramel corn, devil, ghos s ory, graves one, spooky food Chris mas: Chris mas ree, Fa her Chris mas, mis le oe, Chris mas cards, s ocking, urkey, Brussels sprou s, Chris mas pudding Pancake day: Shrove Tuesday, recipe, pour, bea , hea , oss, ba er, syrup, opping, mashed April Fool’s Day: prize, con es , prank 5 1 1:02 Lis en and read. 1 2 3 5 4 6 Presen a ion – Ice Island 6 7 8 11 9 10 12 13 Presen a ion – Ice Island 7 2 1:03 Lis en and poin . a b d c Dr. Al Jenny Dylan e Finn g Cap ain Formosa Rufus Ivan 3 Read and say. He likes playing. He likes hinking and solving problems. They like running. Dylan 1 She likes adven ure and has go a backpack full of useful hings. 2 He likes skiing, snowboarding and rock climbing. 3 He likes wa ching he s ars and plane s. 4 He likes penguins and he lives in an old submarine. 5 He likes diving and he is s rong. 6 He likes running and wan s o find he reasure. 8 Lesson 1 grammar (He likes +ing) AB p. 2–3 4 1:04 Lis en and poin . Then answer he ques ions. a b c 1 Wha is Finn doing? 2 Wha is Dylan doing? 3 Wha is Jenny doing? 5 Look and say. reading kicking running playing drinking swimming sleeping e He is playing he violin. b a c d e g h TIP! How abou +ing? 6 Ask and answer. swim/lake play/park play/foo ball have/res run/home read/book How abou playing in he park af er school? Yes, ha ’s a good idea. How abou running home oge her? I’m sorry, I can’ . Lesson 2 vocabulary (He is drinking / How abou + ing) AB p.4–5 9 I played ennis on Monday morning. 7 Look a Jenny’s diary and say. Wha did she do las week? He/She danced a he par y on Friday evening. They wen o he cinema on Sa urday af ernoon. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday morning s udy s udy s udy s udy wi h Dylan s udy af ernoon s udy play compu er games play ennis wi h Finn prac ise he piano s udy prac ise he piano wa ch TV lis en o music go o he cinema wa ch TV evening TIP! She prac ised he piano on Monday evening and Thursday af ernoon. 8 1:05 1 10 lis ened played prac ised s udied wa ch go fall ake wa ched wen fell ook Lis en and repea . 3 2 4 7 lis en play prac ise s udy 5 8 Lesson 3 grammar (pas simple: I played ennis. ) 6 9 AB p.6 9 1:07 Now Lis en and repea . 1:08 yes erday oday omorrow Sa urday 10 wo days ago Sunday Monday Tuesday Lis en and read. Yesterday was Sunday. Two days ago was Saturday. Now it’s 10 o’clock. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday. 11 1:09 Lis en and find. Then read. 3 1 4 2 a wo weeks ago 1 2 3 4 b hree years ago c yes erday d wo days ago I wa ched ha film… I prac ised he rumpe … We played ennis… I idied my room… 12 Talk abou yourself. 13 Look a I walked o school yes erday. he pic ures. Ask and answer. How abou going o he cinema omorrow? Lesson 4 vocabulary (pas ime expressions; how abou …? ) AB p.7 11 1 Friends 1 1:11 Lis en and read. Who lives a number 12? 2 1 4 3 2 1:!2 Lis en and repea . 1 dark hair 8 7 bald 3 12 spiky hair 1:13 handsome 9 beau iful 5 4 3 2 good-looking 10 cu e 6 mous ache blonde hair 11 beard s raigh hair 12 curly hair Who’s who? Lis en and poin o he correc pic ure in Ac ivi y 2. Lesson 1 vocabulary (physical descrip ion) AB p.8 Wha does he/she look like? He’s good-looking/She’s beau iful. He’s/She’s go s raigh dark hair and brown eyes. He/She hasn’ go blond(e) hair. Wha do hey look like? They’re all and handsome. They’ve go shor , blond hair and blue eyes. They haven’ go dark hair. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1:!4 She’s go blonde hair and blue eyes. He’s go spiky hair and brown eyes. She’s go s raigh hair and glasses. He’s go brown hair and green eyes. They’ve go brown hair. 5 Pu 1 2 3 4 5 Lis en and read. Then look and say. Maddy he words in order o make sen ences. Robbie s raigh / She / dark / has go / hair He / hair / blond / has go / shor blue / They / have go / big / eyes sis er / My / pre y / has go / face / hin / a My / beard / a / fa her / shor / has go / brown A: He, she or hey? B: He. Adjec ive order She’s go s raigh brown hair. He’s go long curly hair. They’ve go long hin faces. A: Wha does he look like? B: He’s go long hair and a beard. He hasn’ go a mous ache. A: He’s number wo. 3 2 5 4 6 9 Dan TIP! 6 Ask and answer. 1 Emma 8 7 10 Lesson 2 grammar (Wha does he/she look like?) 11 12 AB p.9 13 7 1:16 Lis en and repea . 3 1 5 4 2 bossy lazy clever spor y 6 kind 10 8 7 9 shy alka ive 8 1:17 helpful friendly hard-working Lis en and sing. Jim Ben 9 Ask and answer. Wha ’s your friend like? You’ve got me And I’ve got you. You help, you listen And I do, too. We’re friends. We’re friends. You’re lazy at home. You’re shy at school. But you’re sporty and clever And very cool. We’re friends. We’re friends. You’re sometimes bossy But I don’t mind. I like you Because you’re kind. We’re friends. We’re friends. We’re friends. We’re friends. My friend is... 14 Lesson 3 vocabulary (personal descrip ion) AB p.10 Wha ’s he/she like? 1 He’s spor y and he’s clever. She’s bossy bu hard-working. I like him because he’s kind. 10 1:18 1 Dan Lis en and poin . Then ask and answer. 2 Emma 3 Maddy 4 Robbie Wha ’s Maddy like? a spor y / bossy b kind / funny c spor y / clever d clever / lazy She’s clever bu lazy. 11 Read and choose. 1 I like my new eacher because / bu she isn’ bossy. 2 He’s spor y and / bu clever. A perfec combina ion! 3 My bes friend is alka ive and / bu funny. She makes me laugh! 4 She ge s good marks because / bu she’s very hard-working. 5 He’s lazy a home bu / and he’s hard-working in class. S range! 6 He hasn’ go many friends because / bu he’s very shy. Le ’s alk o him! 12 Think abou wo people in your family. Then ell a par ner. I love my sis er. She is shy bu funny. I like her because she is always friendly and kind o me! Lesson 4 grammar (I like him because he is kind.) I like my grandma because she isn’ bossy. She’s funny and kind. AB p.11 15 13 Look a 14 1:21 he pic ures. Tell he s ory. Lis en and read. Then ac ou . 2 1 3 4 5 6 Help your friends in class. 16 Lesson 5 s ory and values (Help your friends in class.) AB p.12 1 –er/–or endings When a word ends wi h –er/–or, he ending sounds the same. 15 1:22 Lis en and repea . 2 1 3 aller pain er 4 viewer 6 5 paper pos er collec or 8 7 9 ac or 16 1:23 direc or Lis en and clap when you hear he 19 sound a he end of he word. inven or 1:24 Lis en and repea . 17 Look a Ac ivi y 15. Read and blend each word wi h a par ner. The swimmers can’ dance and he dancers can’ swim. 18 Read and prac ise. –or calcula e visi projec –er calcula or visi or projec or each The singers can’ ac and he ac ors can’ sing. eacher sing singer play player Lesson 6 phonics (-er / -or endings) AB p.13 17 20 Read and ma ch. Ka y is visi ing a museum in Madrid. She is looking a a pain ing of he royal family in 1656. Have a look a her no ebook. Can you ma ch her no es wi h he charac ers in he pain ing? in elligen exci ed bored impor an lovely Compara ives and Superla ives She is aller han me He is lazier han his bro her I am more alka ive han my sis er li le She is he alles He is he lazies I am he mos alka ive I hink ha … I believe ha … 21 Ask and Answer. 1 Who is aller han he boy? 3 Who is he friendlies charac er? 2 Who is older han he o her people? 4 Who is he mos impor an charac er? 22 Think abou your family. Talk o your par ner. Who is aller and older han you in your family? Who is he friendlies ? Who is he mos in eres ing member of your family? Why? 18 Lesson 7 ar (personal descrip ion and compara ives) AB p.14 1 Wider world Families of he world 2 23 Read hese blogs. Then look and ma ch. 1 a Kyle’s blog b Lang’s blog In Bri ain, we’ve go a lo of differen families – some are big and some are small. My family is qui e big now. My mum has go a new husband and he’s grea . He’s very clever and he helps me wi h my homework. He’s go wo sons so now I’ve go wo bro hers. We play foo ball oge her every Sa urday. We argue bu , af er five minu es, i ’s all OK! They’re my bro hers and my good friends. A lo of families here in China have go only one child. My friends and I haven’ go bro hers or sis ers bu we aren’ sad. Bro hers and sis ers can be bossy! We can do wha we wan . We’ve go a good life and we’ve go very good friends. I live wi h my mum and dad and my granny and grandad. I ’s fun because my granny plays games wi h me. I love my small family. Kyle, 12, Bri ain Lang, 11, China 24 Read again and answer he ques ions. 1 Is Lang happy? Think and alk. 2 Who does Lang play wi h? 3 Wha are families like in Bri ain? Have you got a big family or a small family? 4 Who does Kyle like? Lesson 8 wider world (families) AB p.15 19 25 Look a he charac ers. Then spo he differences. b a 26 Draw. Wha does he/she look like? Wha is he/she like? Use your no ebook. helpful spor y funny bossy shy alka ive clever friendly hard-working lazy kind dark hair spiky hair cu e He is all and handsome. He’s go shor dark hair and green eyes. He’s shy bu helpful. AB p.104 20 Lesson 9 review and consolida ion AB p.16
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