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Tài liệu Giáo án tiếng anh 11 nâng cao phần 1 ( giải bài tập tiếng anh 11 nâng cao)


Mô tả:

Chu Quang B×NH ThiÕt kÕ bμi gi¶ng 11 N©ng cao − TËp mét Nhμ xuÊt b¶n Hμ néi 126 ThiÕt kÕ bµi gi¶ng tiÕng anh 11 - n©ng cao, tËp mét chu quang b×nh Nhμ xuÊt b¶n Hμ néi ChÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm xuÊt b¶n : NguyÔn kh¾c o¸nh Biªn tËp: Ph¹m quèc tuÊn VÏ b×a: Tμo thu huyÒn Tr×nh bµy : th¸i s¬n − s¬n l©m Söa b¶n in: ph¹m quèc tuÊn In 1000 cuèn, khæ 17 x 24 cm, t¹i C«ng ty TNHH Bao b× vµ in H¶i Nam. GiÊy phÐp xuÊt b¶n sè: 208 − 2007/CXB/46 e TK − 47/HN. In xong vµ nép l−u chiÓu quý III/2007 127 . Lêi nãi ®Çu §Ó hç trî cho viÖc d¹y, häc m«n TiÕng Anh 11 theo ch−¬ng tr×nh s¸ch gi¸o khoa (SGK) míi ban hµnh n¨m häc 2007 − 2008, chóng t«i biªn so¹n cuèn ThiÕt kÕ bµi gi¶ng TiÕng Anh 11 n©ng cao gåm hai tËp. S¸ch giíi thiÖu mét c¸ch thiÕt kÕ bµi gi¶ng TiÕng Anh 11 theo tinh thÇn ®æi míi ph−¬ng ph¸p d¹y häc nh»m ph¸t huy tÝnh tÝch cùc nhËn thøc cña häc sinh (HS). VÒ néi dung: S¸ch ®−îc viÕt theo ®óng tr×nh tù c¸c bµi häc trong s¸ch gi¸o khoa líp 11: gåm 16 bµi, mçi bµi ®−îc chia thµnh tõ 7 ®Õn 8 tiÕt. ë mçi tiÕt häc ®Òu chØ râ môc tiªu, ®ång thêi chØ râ c¸c c«ng viÖc chuÈn bÞ cña gi¸o viªn, c¸c ph−¬ng tiÖn trî gi¶ng cÇn thiÕt nh»m ®¶m b¶o chÊt l−îng tõng tiÕt häc trªn líp. Tr×nh tù c¸c b−íc tiÕn hµnh bµi gi¶ng ®−îc chia thµnh c¸c ho¹t ®éng: KiÓm tra bµi cò, Ho¹t ®éng bµi míi, Cñng cè kiÕn thøc, Bµi tËp vÒ nhµ vµ Ho¹t ®éng bæ trî. Ho¹t ®éng bµi míi ®−îc thiÕt kÕ thµnh nh÷ng ho¹t ®éng 1, 2... theo c¸c phÇn nhá ®óng tr×nh tù trong s¸ch gi¸o khoa. ë mçi ho¹t ®éng nhá nµy ®Òu ®−îc thiÕt kÕ theo m« h×nh “Pre− While – Post” cho tõng kÜ n¨ng. Ho¹t ®éng bæ trî bao gåm c¸c trß ch¬i, bµi tËp b¸m s¸t néi dung cña tiÕt häc. Gi¸o viªn (GV) cã thÓ lùa chän vµ lång ghÐp vµo c¸c ho¹t ®éng kh¸c trong tiÕt häc hoÆc tiÕn hµnh sau khi ®· hoµn thµnh c¸c ho¹t ®éng chÝnh trong bµi. VÒ ph−¬ng ph¸p: S¸ch ®· cè g¾ng vËn dông ph−¬ng ph¸p d¹y häc míi ®Ó chuyÓn t¶i tõng néi dung cô thÓ cña bµi häc. ë mçi tiÕt häc t¸c gi¶ ®−a ra mét lo¹t c¸c ho¹t ®éng lång ghÐp nh−: xem tranh, ®o¸n tranh, lµm viÖc theo cÆp, theo nhãm, ... nh»m ph¸t huy tÝnh tÝch cùc, tù gi¸c trong häc tËp cña häc sinh. §Æc biÖt, nh»m h×nh thµnh ®ång thêi c¶ 4 kÜ n¨ng: nghe (listening), nãi (speaking), ®äc (reading), viÕt (writing) tiÕng Anh, s¸ch ®· tËp trung nhiÒu vµo ho¹t ®éng luyÖn tËp trong mçi giê häc. Ngoµi ra, s¸ch ®−a ra c¸c t×nh huèng giao tiÕp vµ trß ch¬i thÝch hîp, nh»m gióp häc sinh cã ®iÒu kiÖn cñng cè v÷ng ch¾c bµi häc. Chóng t«i hi väng cuèn s¸ch sÏ lµ tµi liÖu tham kh¶o h÷u Ých cho c¸c thÇy, c« gi¸o d¹y m«n TiÕng Anh 11 trong viÖc n©ng cao hiÖu qu¶ bµi gi¶ng cña m×nh. §ång thêi rÊt mong nhËn ®−îc ý kiÕn ®ãng gãp cña c¸c thÇy, c« gi¸o vµ c¸c b¹n ®äc gÇn xa ®Ó cuèn s¸ch ngµy cµng hoµn thiÖn. T¸c gi¶ 128 129 Unit 1 friendship Period 1 & 2 (Reading) I. Aim Reading a passage about friendship II. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: − talk about an old friend who they remember and discuss the qualities of a good friend and the elements of a long lasting friendship. − improve reading skill through True, False and Sentence Completion exercises. III. Materials Textbook, whiteboard markers,... Pictures of friends or diaries recording sweet memories with friends IV. Anticipated problems Ss may not have enough vocabulary and ideas to talk about friendship and qualities of a good friend. V. Procedure Time Steps Work arrangement Warm-up 12’ 130 Group work Have Ss work in groups of 3 to 4 and talk about a friend who they remember well but haven’t seen for a long time. Group work Prompts for talk: When you last saw him or her? What was he/she doing then? What he/she was like? Where he/she is now? If you would like to get in touch with him or her again. (Why / Why not?) Call on some Ss to talk about their friends in front of the class. Gather ideas and lead in the lesson: Friendship. 13’ pre-reading Vocabulary pre-teach stuffed animals (n): toy animals stuffed with straw, beans, cotton or other similar materials. Some stuffed animals are very old – home made cloth dolls stuffed with straw go back to at least the 1830s. Stuffed animals are also known as plush toys and soft toys and of course the teddy bear (thú nhồi bông) break into tears (v): translation (oà khóc) detention (n): the act of being detained, kept to oneself (tình trạng cầm tù) confide in somebody (v): share intimacy or privacy with someone (chia sẻ, tâm tình với ai) have positive effect on (v): have good influence on someone (có ảnh hưởng tốt) Whole class depression (n): the state of being sad, depressed and stressed (sự buồn chán, suy sụp) anxiety (n): the state of being nervous, worried (sự lo lắng) evolve (v): to grow, develop (phát triển, lớn lên) common interests (n): shared hobbies (sở thích chung) 131 distant with people (a): away from people (xa lánh mọi người) Checking technique Sentence modeling Ask Ss to make sentences with the new words above. Call on several Ss to make sentences with the same word to make sure Ss understand the meaning of the words. 15’ While-reading Task a - Matching Ask Ss to read the text A and match the grade with the opinions about friendship. Note that the opinions in the task are paraphrased so Ss must understand the meaning of the opinions before doing the task. Give correct answers: 1. c 2. b 3. a Have Ss write full sentences. Begin the sentences like this: In eighth grade, your idea of a good friend is someone who… Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences in front of the class. Comment and give correct answers: 1. In eighth grade, your idea of a good friend is someone who packs up your toys and old stuff and who empathizes with you in bad times. 2. In ninth grade, a good friend is someone who is on your side through good and bad times. 132 Individual work 3. In tenth grade, a good friend lets you copy his or her paper in an exam. 15’ Task b - Gap-filling Ask Ss to read text B individually and check whether the statements are true or false. Individual work Note: T should ask some Qs or give Ss the topic of the text: Friendship /Qualities of a best friend. Have Ss compare their answers with a friend. Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class. Ask Ss to support their answers with the information in the text. Give correct answers: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T Task c - Sentence completion 15’ Have Ss work in pairs and complete the sentences by using the words from the two texts. Pair work Make sure Ss understand the meaning of the words in the texts because these words are used in different contexts. Go round the class and provide help when necessary. Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. Check the answers in front of the class as a whole. Feedback and give correct answers: 133 1. burst into tears 2. detention 3. guarantee 4. convince 5. evolve 15’ Post-reading Discussion Group work Have Ss work in groups of 4 and discuss the questions. What’s your own idea of a good friend? Encourage Ss to express ideas of their own. Go round the class and provide necessary vocabulary for discussion. Gather ideas and have final thought on the topic. Optional activity Explicit the meaning of the proverb: A friend in need is a friend indeed. (A friend who helps out when we are in trouble is a true friend - unlike others who disappear when trouble arises.) Ask Ss for their opinions about the proverb. 5’ Wrapping Summarize the main points. Assign homework. Whole class Supplements Extra reading Famous quotes about friendship 1. 2. 134 A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. (Một người bạn thực sự là người bước vào vào đến bên bạn khi tất cả mọi người đã bỏ đi.) Friendship is one mind in two bodies. (Tình bạn là một tâm hồn trong hai cơ thể.) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. (Nếu cứ xét nét bạn bè thì bạn sẽ không có thời gian để yêu thương họ.) Misfortune shows those who are not really friends. (Khó khăn trắc trở sẽ cho bạn biết ai không phải là bạn bè thực sự.) Friendship is always a sweet responsibilty, never an oppourtunity. (Tình bạn luôn là một trách nhiệm ngọt ngào, không phải là cơ hội.) A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget. (Một người bạn tốt thì khó tìm, khó mất và không thể quên.) Time isn't what makes a friendship last...It's love and devotion that keeps the tie between souls. (Thời gian không làm nên một tình bạn bền lâu. Tình yêu và sự hết mình sẽ gắn kết hai tâm hồn lại.) The secret to friendship is being a good listener. (Bí quyết để có một tình bạn bền lâu là hãy biết lắng nghe.) Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say. (Ai cũng nghe thấy bạn nói. Bạn bè lắng nghe những gì bạn nói. Những người bạn tốt nhất sẽ nghe bạn nói kể cả khi bạn không nói gì.) When you are looking for a friend, don't look for perfection, just look for friendship. (Khi tìm một người bạn, đừng đi tìm sự hoàn hảo mà hãy tìm một tình bạn thực sự.) A real friend is not one who only entertains you, but one who cares about you, one who will be there when you cry. (Một người bạn thực sự không phải là người chỉ biết làm bạn vui mà là người biết quan tâm đến bạn và ở bên bạn khi bạn khóc.) Hold true friends with both your hands. (Hãy giữ những người bạn thực sự bằng cả hai tay.) A friend is like a rainbow. They brighten your life when you've been through a storm. (Bạn tốt giống chiếc cầu vồng. Họ sẽ làm sáng lại cuộc sống của bạn sau cơn bão.) If you can buy a person's friendship, it is not worth having. (Nếu bạn mua được tình bạn thì nó chẳng còn giá trị gì nữa.) Make friends before you need them. (Hãy kết bạn trước khi bạn cần họ.) Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, the other is gold. (Hãy kết bạn mới và giữ bạn cũ vì bạn mới là bạc và bạn cũ là vàng.) You will never have a friend if you must have one without faults. (Bạn sẽ không có bạn nếu bạn muốn có một người bạn không khuyết điểm.) You can make more friends by being interested in them than trying to have them be interested in you. (Bạn có thể có nhiều bạn hơn bằng cách hãy quan tâm đến họ hơn là làm mọi cách để họ quan tâm đến bạn.) 135 Period 3 (Listening) I. Aim Listening about a description of a friend II. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: − discuss further the good and bad qualities that a friend may have by using a variety of adjectives such as athletic, reserved, dynamic,… − enhance listening skill through checking the right words they hear and answering questions in the book. III. Materials Cassette, tape recorder,… IV. Anticipated problems Ss may have difficulty in understanding several expressions in the tape. V. Procedure Time Work arrangement Steps Warm-up Matching 10’ Have Ss work in groups and match difficult adjectives in column A with their appropriate meanings in column B. A 136 B 1. athletic a. dè dặt 2. reserved b. cảm thông 3. enthusiastic c. đúng giờ 4. practical d. bàng quan 5. sensitive e. khoẻ mạnh 6. dynamic f. bảo thủ Whole class 7. punctual g. nhiệt tình 8. indifferent h. nhạy cảm 9. sympathetic i. năng động 10. conservative j. thực tế Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class. Feedback and give correct answers: 1. e 2. a 3. g 4. j 5. h 6. i 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. f Make sure Ss understand the words and know how to use them properly before moving to the Prelistening activity. 7’ Pre-listening Ask Ss to look at the list in the book and find five words (or more) which best describe him or her by checking the boxes. Individual work and Pair work Have Ss discuss the list with a partner. Note: Ss may use the words which are not in the list to describe themselves correctly if necessary. Gather ideas from Ss and raise further questions to get Ss engaged in the class activities. Suggested questions: 137 If you have only one word to describe A (a student in the class), which word will you use? ………… 7’ While-listening Task 1 - Checking the words Set the scene Individual work You are going to listen to a letter from Jack, Sinh’s pen pal, writing about Mai Tran, his new Vietnamese friend, living in Sacramento, California. Listen and check (√) what is true about Mai. Tell Ss to look at the list of words and further explain if needed. Play the tape more than once if necessary. Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class. Feedback and give correct answers: 1. sociable 2. casually dressed 4. enthusiastic 5. practical 8’ 138 6. athletic 7. attractive 8. sensitive Task 2 - Answering questions Play the tape again and have Ss answer the questions in the book. Ask Ss to compare the answers with a friend. Note that Ss have to write the answers in full sentences. Give correct answers: 1. He met her on the occasion of his cousin’s birthday. Individual work 2. She is going to travel back to Viet Nam this summer. Listening script Dear Sinh, Thank you very much for the postcard of ethnic girls in your country. Their costumes look so beautiful and colorful. By the way, I’ll tell you about a new friend of mine, Mai Tran, who lives near my uncle’s house in Sacramento, California. You may be curious to know how I met her and what she is like. Well, I met her in my cousin’s birthday party. Mai is one of his classmates. She is of our age 17 and very sociable and practical. It was her rosy plump face with the two dimples on her cheeks that attracted me at the first look. She looks athletic with her hair cut short and casual clothes – jeans and a T-shirt. Later on, I found out that she is rather sociable, sensitive, and enthusiastic. Curiously enough, Mai has the same taste in information technology and music as you and I. She told me she would travel back to Viet Nam with her family this summer and invite me to visit her hometown in Hue. I haven’t decided yet, but I consider the invitation seriously because I would love to visit your country and meet you again. How have you been doing with your school work? Please write soon. Best wishes, Jack Green 10’ Post-listening Have Ss work in pairs and discuss what their decision would be if they were Jack and explain the reasons. Pair work Encourage Ss to have ideas of their own to discuss with each other. 139 Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class. Make necessary comments and corrections. Give suggested answers: …If I were Jack, I would accept Mai Tran’s invitation to Viet Nam because this is a new country to me. I’ve read a lot about the country and people of Viet Nam in newspapers and magazines, but I haven’t actually visited the country and the way how people live in their cities and towns. I would like to try some real Vietnamese food and drinks, etc. …If I were Jack, I wouldn’t accept the invitation because I have to take an important examination this summer/ I have to go to the countryside to attend my sister’s wedding,…. 3’ Wrapping Whole class Summarize the main points. Assign homework. Supplements Extra exercise Put the following adjectives into two columns: Good and Bad qualities. friendly, arrogant , honest, moody, determined, mean, thoughtful, miserable, energetic, selfish Good qualities 140 Bad qualities friendly arrogant honest moody determined mean thoughtful miserable energetic selfish Period 4 (Speaking) I. Aim Making friends II. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to − use different expressions to introduce themselves, check information, make offers and comment on the situations when making friends. III. Materials Textbook, handouts of useful structures if necessary. IV. Anticipated problems Ss may feel embarrassed when acting out the party situation in the class. T should encourage shy Ss to help them actively engage in the party. V. Procedure Time 7’ Steps Warm-up Brainstorming Work arrangement Group work Have Ss work in groups and make a list of things they would like to know when they first met a new friend. Gather ideas and suggested answers: Name Family Freetime activities Likes and dislikes Job …. 141 8’ Pre-speaking Explicit the task: Check the expressions that you may use to start a conversation in a multischool party. Pair work Further explain the term multi-school party if necessary. Call on some pairs to explain their answers in front of the class. Comment and give correct answers: Hi! My name’s… Hello. Have we met before? It’s a great party, isn’t it? Hi! You look familiar. Have you been in Grape County School? Haven’t I seen you at Alice’s party? You’re from Malaysia, aren’t you? Note: T is suggested to introduce more expressions on the topic at Ss’ request. 15’ While-Speaking Have Ss work in pairs and complete the dialogues by using appropriate expressions in the above activity. Call on some pairs to practice the completed dialogues in front of the class. Make necessary comments and corrections. Give correct answers: 1 Sinh: (1) Hi! My name’s Sinh, by the way. Susan: And I’m Susan. Hi! 142 Pair work Sinh: Hi! (2) Try one of these cheese biscuits. They’re really tasty. Susan: Thanks. Mm! (3) It’s really good, (4) isn’t it? (5) Is there something to drink? 2 Jack: (6) It sounds great music, (7) doesn’t it? Mai: Yes. It sounds good. Jack: (8) Have I met you somewhere before? At Sinh’s, for instance? Mai: No. I’ve never been there. Jack: So (9) are you a friend of Lan’s? Mai: No. I’m her cousin. Post-speaking 10’ Whole class Set the scene Imagine that you are at a party in which you meet many young people that you haven’t known before. Now act out the situation: Make friends with people at the party by using expressions that you have learned. Introduce more useful expressions if necessary. (See Supplements for details.) Note: This activity is expected to be very interesting. Hence, T, up to particular situations, may make it a real party so that Ss engage enthusiastically. Call for Ss’ attention and make necessary comments. Wrapping 5’ Summarize the main points. Whole class Assign homework. 143 Supplements Extra expressions Useful expression in making friends Purpose Expressions By the way, my name’s… Introducing yourself I’m glad to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you. … What a lovely/marvelous/terrible day. Talking about weather You’ll be glad when the rain is over. It looks like rain. … What a lovely shirt! This is a lovely place! Complimenting I must say, you’ve gotten a great presentation. … Responses to questions some Haven’t I seen you somewhere before? opening No. I haven’t had the pleasure. Oh, yes. We have already met, actually. …. Period 5 & 6 (Writing) I. Aim Writing a narrative II. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: − write a narrative of 130 - 150 words about a friend basing on the given sample. 144 III. Materials Textbook, whiteboard markers,… IV. Anticipated problems Ss may not know how to write a vivid description of a friend. V. Procedure Time 10’ Work arrangement Steps Warm-up Networks Group work Have Ss work in groups and give all the words describing appearance and character. The group which has the longest list will be the winner. appearance character 10’ Pre-writing Introduction to Narrative and Descriptive writings. Whole class Narrative is a kind of writing in which you report events (i.e you tell someone about something that happened). Narration is used in many different situations. A narrative paragraph is usually organized in chronological (time) order. That means the exact name and place are introduced 145
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