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Trang chủ Giáo dục - Đào tạo Luyện thi Đại học - Cao đẳng Khối D Môn tiếng Anh Giải nhanh các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm anh văn p6...

Tài liệu Giải nhanh các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm anh văn p6


Mô tả:

GiSi nhanh CDBT TN Anh van - Ng6 Van Minh Cau 16: ]Doc lie comes in half an hour, we shall go alone. A. I f B. Unless C. Because C a u 17: He has really worked hard so far, A . hasn't B. does A . so as i cho trong tir31 den 35. D. When The world's first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers. Although it f' only ..(31).. o f short, simple scenes, people loved it, and films have been popular he? C. doesn't Cau 18: He is learning English D . has ever since. The first films were silent, with titles on the screen to explain the story. he can study in England. B. so that C. in order to Cau 19: Her car has broken down. Soon the public had ..(32).. favourite actors and actresses and, in this way, the D. so as to is to walk to the nearest telephone. A . A l l she can do now first film stars appeared. In 1927, the first "talkie", a film with sound, was shown and from then on, the public would only accept this kind o f film. B. That she can do now . til. i\ C. The thing which she's doing now Cau 20: I asked her A . even i f C a u 21: She failed the test, A. although B. with C a u 23: London is C a u 24: in its path. people went to see films, but in recent years cinema audiences have grown again. More countries have started to produce films that infiuence film making and there D. i f are currently ..(35).. national film industries. she studied hard. C. as Cau 22: Whether we go out w i l l depend A . capital vsorld's films were produced. With the arrival o f television in the 1950s, ..(34).. D. Whatever she does C. i f not B. as though A . on Further improments continued, particularly in America, ..(33).. most o f the she understood the lesson. B. i f only D.despite the weather. C. in D . about o f England. B . a capital C. the capital D . one capital B. Once flying D . When in flying D. held Cau 32: A . your B. his C. our D. their Cau 33: A . who B. where C. when D. which Cau 34: A . other B.each C. fewer D. any,. Cau 35: A . many B. lots C. much D. plenty i Si M' , , ;I D. in order that not to disturb their conversation Cau 26: The man A . when C a u 27: A I D S is a(n) C. which 1). whose C. endangered D. endanger , ^ . C. .>ucccs:sful I D . successfully has lasted for more than 20 years. B. friendly Cau 30: The following day she felt B. sufriciently [iut although you are not familiar with English. In fact, a g(Hid knowledge o f English is one o f Internet service may take a few hours, a few days or some weeks, but it takes years C a u 28: Y o u w i l l have to work hard i f you want U) B. success In general, it is not difficult to learn to use Internet services, the most important aspects that help you use the Internet. Learning to use a new disease. B. danger advantage o f the Internet, there is only one real way to do it: learn English." Internet services are rather easy to use, you w i l l have considerable difficulties i f we met yesterday was the manager o f a bicycle facl(M'y. B . who For many people the language o f the Internet is English. " W o r l d , Wide, Web: York Times a few years ago. The article went on to say: " I f you want to take full j ^ , C . in order not disturb their conversation C. friendship [least your English should be good enough to understand commonly used words and 1 to know what to do on the Internet. YJ^ ; D . friends Cau 36: It well to go to work. C. sufficiency to learn a language so that you can use it fiuenth and confidently. O f course, when you know some English, you can learn more just by using it on the Internet. But at to learn to use Internet services. A. is difficult D . sufficient i., B. is easy •iti.^mmiivHiq'-sQ C. takes a very long time - • ' D. takes a few minutes .. 260 L. 'Three English Words" was the name o f an article by Michael Specter in the New B. so as not to disturb their conversation A . suffice C. belonged cho moi cau tu 36 den 40. A . so as to disturb their conversation A . friend B. consisted ;5 Cau 25: Me took his seat quietly Csiu 29: Their Cau 31: A . considered Doc k y doan van sau va chon phuong an dung (ling vol A hoac B , C , D) C. While it is flying A . succeed ? , a bat sends out a series o f signals, which bounce o f f any object A . When they are flying A . dangerous ky doan van sau va clion pluiong an diing (ling vcVi A hoac B, C , D) cho .... '1^' -J J-.Jt ' 261 Csiu 37: According to the arficle by Michael Specter, you should full advantage of the Internet. St A. learn to use the Internet services B. learn to type fast C. learn the names of some websites D. learn English to take ,t I • Cau 38: Learning to use a language fluently and confidently may take A. a few hours B. a few days C. a few weeks . D. a few years Cau 39: If you do not know English very well, you will Internet. A. have many difficulties C. spend a few days when using the B. be laughed at D. feel more comfortable Cau 40: Which of the following could be the best title for the passage? A. "Ways to take full advantage of the Internet" B. "English and the Internet" 'C. "How to use Internet services" B. Jill is a more carefully driver than Rose. C. Rose drives less careful than Rose. D. Rose drives carelessly than Rose. trpj' Cau 48: People have discovered a new source of energy. '; j ) ; j - j f w i •{ A. A new source of energy has discovered. ^^^^^ : , B. A new source of energy has been discovered. C. A new source of energy has been discovered. D. A new source of energy have been discovered by people. Cau 49: We didn't go on holiday last year because we didn't have enough money. A. If we hadn't had enough money, we wouldn't have gone on holiday last year. B. If we had had enough money, we would have gone on holiday last year. C. If we hadn't had enough money, we would have gone on holiday last year. '• D. Unless we had enough money, we would go on holiday last year. Cau 50: People protesting against pollution are marching to London. D. "Practising your English on the Internet" Xac djnh tir/ cum tir c6 gach duoi (ling vol A hoac B, C, D) csln phai sua de nhung cau sau tro* thanh chinh xac. k 1 " Cau 41: The meeting was so length that many people had to leave before it ended. < A B • C D Cau 42: People are not allowed to enter the park after midnight because lack of A B C A. People B. People C. People D. People protest against pollution are marching to London. who protest against pollution are marching to London. who protesting against pollution are marching to London. who protests agaist pollution are marching to London. ,, , . ,, HUONG DAN GIAI Cau 1. A: V i ta c6: u trong business dugc phat am la / i / . u trong cac tir con lai: summer, shut, sunrise dugc phat am la /A/. D security. Cau 2. B: V i ta c6: c]i trong chemist dagc phat am la /kJ. ch trong cac tir con lai: Cau 43: They asked me what did happen last night, but 1 was unable to tell them A B C Cau 44: The more fast you drive, tiie greater danger you get. 1 A B C D Cau 45: Do you know how getting to the post office from here? A B C chair, cheap, child du-gc phat am la /^/. D Cau 3. B : V i ta c6: o trong women du^gc phat am la /u/. o trong cac tir con lai: lose, prove, movie dugc phat am la /u:/. Cau 4. C : V i ta c6: i trong lift dugc phat am la / i / . i trong cac tir con lai: light, D might, sign dugc phat am la /ai/. Cau 5. B: V i ta c6: o trong cover dugc phat am la /A/, O trong cac tir con lai: Chon phu-o'ng an dung (ung vol A hosic B, C, D) de dien dat diing nghia moi cau sau: Cau 46.- Although he is intelligent, he doesn't do well at school. A. In spite of intelligent, he doesn't do well at school. B. In spite he is intelligent, he doesn't do well at school. C. Despite being intelligent, he doesn't do well at school. D. Although his intelligence, he does welll at school. Cau 41: Jill drives more carefully than Rose. A. Jill is a more careful driver than Rose. chosen, grove, golden dugc phat am la /au/. Cau 6. D: met (meet - met - met) f + Ve mat ngir nghTa: "Bo loi gap nhau Ian cfau tien tgi The vein hoi Olympic vao nam 1982. " ^ + Ve mat ngu phap: Quan sat cau de ta nhan thay r5ng: first: Idn cfdii lien in 1982: moc thai gian trong qua khu. Hanh dgng gap nhau da dien ra va ket thiic trong qua khir nen ta dimg thi Qua khu dan. S + V2/ed 262 '' dien ta hanh dgng dien ra va cham dul trong thai gian Vay D la dap an diing nhat. I I 26j Cue dap an con lai klidng phu hop vi: While: trong khi A - have met (thi H T H T - since 1982) ^> Before: trudc khi B - meet (thi H T D ) (^au 10. A: Y o u are welcome C - had met (thi Q K H T ) ' Hung: "Cam an ban rat nhieu vi bua ti^c thu vj. " ' '* M + Ve mat ngiT iigliui: "TcVi (/iia klii loi den lham c6 c'iy thi cd dy ctcmg tcini. " + Ve mat nnii pliap: Quaii sat v c truiVc ciia can ta thay nliig: When I came Hoa: ^, . "Bgn khdch sdo qua. " ^ < Nhir ta biet: Y o u are welcome (B^n, anh, chj.. khach sao qua.) la mpt trong nhung Idi dap lai cau T h a n k you... (thi Q K D ) , va ta c6 ket cau cau true cua hinh thuc cau dung v o i thi Qua khi'r tiep dicMi khi c6 l i e n lit When xuat hien: ,5^ .., C a c dap an con lai khong phu hffp: B - Have a good day: chiic mQt ngay tot lanh. When + simple past, past continuous : Dien ta mot hanh dong xay ra t r u 6 ^ C - Thanks: cam on. va keo dai so vdi mot hanh hanii dong kiuic xay ra trong qua khir. D - Cheers: can ly nao/ chuc mirng nao. i . t v. i '• Cau 11. C : have learnt Dira vao cau true da cho tren, D la lira chon duy nhiit dung. + C a c dap an con lai khong phu hop vi: *" Ve mat ngu nphTa: "Cho den bay gia toi da nghe ngong diiac nhiiti thong tin ve cd dy. " A - is having (thi H TTD) khong di ciing voi thi qua khu' dan. B - had (thi Q K D ) (ta khong chon hinli thuc nay vi hanh dong c6 ay Idm dien ra truoc va keo dai han so vdi hanii dong loi den. + Ve mat ngir phap: Quan sat cau de ta thay: Up to now (cho den bay gid): la dien ngiT thdi gian dugc dung trong thi Hien tai hoan thanh. (Up to now) + S + have/has + V3/ed C - has (thi H T D ) khong di ciing vdi thi qua khir dan. hoac C a u 8. C : taller + Ve mat ngCr nghTa: ".//'//; cao hon Tom 5 cen-li-inet. " + Ve mat ngCr phap: Quan sat ciiu van da ciio ta tluly hinh thuc S + have/has + V3/cd + up to now than Day Tir nhung lap luan tren, chi cd C la dap an thich hgp nhat. la hinh time ciia so sanii han. Do vay, hai phuong an lira chon A . tall khong ducic C a c dap an con Isii khong phu hop vi: chon vi no d hinh tluVc nguyen mau; D. tallest vi day la hinh thuc so sanh nhat cua A - would learn (dang: would + Vnguyen ven) tinh tir iigan. Nlur ta da biet hai tinh tir /;/t,'/7 (cao) va tall (cao) cd each dung khac T a CO hinh thuc so sanh hon cua tinh tir ngan n l m sau: as B - learnt (thi Q K D ) nhau. Cii the nlur sau: hi^h (cao) (diiiih cho vat) con /a//(cao) (danh cho ngudi). , 0.-, D - w i l l lean (thi T L D ) " short adj-er + than... 'liwi 12. , D: call B Ket hop nhung dicMii tren thi chi cd C la dap an dung nhat. . . . >h\\-~i••t\\ . . . i i ^ '}n Wm tvS'> • + V e mat ngu nghTa: "Hay dai a day cho den khi niinh goi cau. " B ' + Ve mat ngij phap: Ta quan sat thay cau de sir dung ... until ... Day la dang C a u 9.1): since Hl^nh de trang ngu- chi thdi gian. Nhu- ta da biet, ta khong dugc sCr dung tdt ca cac + Ve mat nuCr nghTa: "Cu dy lain tlnr ky tir khi c6 dy tut n}ihi(/p cicii hoc. " Bii tirong lai ngay sau cac dien ngu' chi thdi gian trong menh de trang ngir chi thdi + Ve mat nm'r phap: Quan sat ve trudc cua can ta thay: has worked (thi p l a n . Thay vao dd, ta sir dyng thi Hien tai don. D^ra vao hinh thuc va y nghTa cua H T H T ) va sau dong tir graduated (thi Q K D ) . Ta cd: „;„., .^^r^ Clause (S + have/has + V3/ed) since + clause (S+ V2/ed)/ moc thai gian Doi chieu nhmig liip Juan tren, ta chon D la dap an duy nhat dung. Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop. Until, cho den khi 264 1 fl.g + Cau van mang nuhTa: Liru y: Ta khong dung thi hien tai hoan thanh voi IN + moc thai gian ' ^ C a n 7. D: was having j Bau van da cho, D la dap an duy nhat dung. Cau 13. A: had been t c; -i., vv ,gtu + Ve mat ngu nghTa: "Thdi tiet that khdc nghiC't. Toi irac gi trai am han. " + Ve mat ngi'r phap: Quan sat cau de ta nhan thay: T h e weather was terrible thi Q K D ) . D o vay cau dien dat v d i wish theo sau de bo sung y nghTa cho cau rirdc, ta phai sir dyng thi qua khir hoan thanh. ' V w A r j w i n M\yvi)K> uv>-;. 265 cty T N H H (ai4i nhanh C U B T T N A n h v a n - Ngo V a n WmW + S + wish + S + had + V3/ed .. Dien ta u6c inuon trai vai thuc te trong qua khu M T V DVVH Khang Vi§t Ve mat ngu phap: dong tir Regret c6 2 dang thuc: Regret + V-ing: lay lam tiec vi dd lam gi Vay A la liia chpn duy nhat dung. C a c dap an con lai khong phu hop vi: Regret + V to-inf: lay lam tiec khi plidi lam gi B - were dung trong menh de dien dat voi wish dien ta iroc muon trai v6i thux; >, a p w f a r i H i f i ^t;:; dcic biet Id khi thong bdo mot thong tin hogc su viec khong tot. te hifn tai. Lu'u y: sau Regret ta thuong dung hinh thiic V to-inf doi v o i cac dong C - was dang qua khii' ciia tobe khong dung (chi cho phep dung trong van noj) t u inform, tell. trong menh de dien dat v o i wish chi sir uoc muon trai v o i thuc te hi^n tai. 1 Loai B - inform v i khong diing cau triic ngu phap. D - has been dang dong tir nay khong ton tai trong menh de dien dat v o l wish. I C a u 14. A : would go + , Of! Loai D - to have informed v i khong diing ngu phap. Ve mat ngu' nghTa: "Neu toi c6 thai gian thi toi se di den bai bien vai hem f a u l S . B:am cuoi tucin nay. " + Loai C - informing v i khong diing ngu nghTa. + Ve mat ngir phap: Ta xet thay: menh de I f ( I f I had time), dung tCr had chia a dang qua khu cua have. Day la menh de gia su ciia cau dieu ki^n loai hai. Menh de chi'nh ciia cau dieu kien loai 2 c6 dang: S+ would/could + V-nguyen ven. Ve mat ngu nghTa: "Khong phai bgn ma ciing khong phai toi chiu trtich hi^m ve hgu qua toi te nay. " W + Ve mat ngu phap: Ta thay cau triic chii dao ciia cau van da cho la Neither ••• nor ... I f clause (S+ V2/ed), Main clause (S+ would/could + V-nguyen ven) •Neither + SI + nor + S2 + V 2 (S2): Khong . . . .ma cung khong.... .1, —» Dien ta mpt dieu trai hSn voi thuc te hi^n tai. L u u y : dong tir trong cau dang Neither... nor... chia theo chii ngu diing sau nor. Vay A la lira chon duy nhat diing. f iis.;; Vay B la dap an duy nhat diing. C a c dap an con lai khong phii hffp vi: ; f:au 19. A : to learn B - w i l l go ap di,ing cho menh de chinh ciia cau dieu ki^n loai 1. Djch nghia cau van: "Cac hoc sinh trong lop hgc nay dugc khi'ch le hpc th$t C - w i l l have gone khong ling dung dugc trong cac loai cau dieu kien. tiam." D - would have gone ap dyng cho menh de chinh cau dieu kien loai 3, Ve msit ngir phap: dimg t u make c6 3 dang sau: C a u 15. D : mending + Ve mat nmT nghTa: "Dung long phi thdi gian de sua cai lo va cty nira. " Make S.o + adj: khien/lam cho ai nhu the nao (trang thai) + Ve mat ngir phap: Ta c6 cau triic: waste time + V-ing: lang phi thai gian lam gi Make S.o + V-nguyen ven: khien/lam/ khich le ai lam gi Be + made + V - to inf: bj bat bupc/ bj xui khien/ dugc khich le lam gi C a u 16. D : to have left + Ve mat ngu nghTa: "Nginxi la cho rang ong lao da dem tat ca cita hoi nioii Ta quan sat thay cau de sii' dung were made. Do vay, A la dap an diing. ling hp cho vien duang lao khi ong ay chet. " + I. A - b e c a u s e Ve mat ngu phap: Cau van da cho su dung hinh thuc bj dong doi v o i dong tir + Ve mat ngij nghTa: "Toi biet mpi nguai dang noi ve toi bai vi khi toi bu'O"^ said. Dua vao y nghTa va hinh thuc ciia cau van da cho, ta biet hanh dong ong lao • , , ). D (dong 9 dogn 2) ).A 1. • C. t o ^ for ,.,, i Ta c6: be bad for S.o/S.th: xmi, toi te cho ai/cdi gl Cau van m a n g nghla: " M ? cua John cho rSng socola khong tot cho c$u ay." . C. because-* because o f Ta c6: because + clause = because o f + noun/noun phrase: A stay , „. , ^ Would rather c6 hai dang thuc: S + would rather + V-nguyen v^n + than + V-nguyen ven: thich Idni cdi nay cm cdi kia (mot chii ngir) SI + would rat'ier + S2 + simple past + (than + simple past): Nguoi ndo thich ai gi (hai chu ng J khac nhau) D j c h nghla ca i v a n : ' T o i thich a nha han la di ra ngoai vao nhung ngay cuoi D. plenty (of) + danh tir dem dugc so nhi§u 271 vuri iiiinit 44. B. what did happen (hinh thuc cau hoi) —> what happened (diing cau khSng djnh). Cau van da cho la mot cau khang djnh. C a u van mang nghla: " H p hoi toi toi qua xay ra chuyen gi nhmig toi khong t h i i t'mr tl ke cho hp nghe dugc." Size (kich co) —» Age (dp tuoi) —• Shape (mau ma) —• Colour (mau sac) )rigin (xufit xi'r) —• Material (chat lieu) —^Purpose (myc dich) + Noun. 50. U >^ ^ ' ' • • C a u viin mang nghTa: "Neu toi co nhieu tien thi toi se mua ciin nha do." Ve ^miit ngir phap: Ta xet thay: Menh de gia sii' - I f chiuse ( I f I had enough money), 45. B . w i t h - » o f ;ve cau dang dung tir had, la hinh thuc qua khiV cua have. Day la menh de gia sir Ta CO cym tir: be tired of (doing) s.th: m^t moi vi flam) vi^c gi C a u van mang nghia: "Co ay m?t moi vi moi ngay deu bj hoi nhiJng van 6Q ciia cau dieu kien loai 2. Menh de chinh cua cau dieu ki^n loai 2 co dang: S + Avould/could + V-nguyen ven. nhu nhau." 46. A I f clause (S+ V2/ed), Main chiuse (S+ would/could + V-nguycn f. C a u van mang nghia: "Bac sT Sales la ngirdi ma toi khong dat nhieu niem tin." ven) ....dien ta mot dieu trai v6i thuc te hien tai. Lo^i B - in that I don't have much confidence, dai t u quan h f that khong bao gia dung sau giai tir trong menh de quan he. Vay D la dap an duy nhat dimg. > Cac dap an con lai khong plui hop. Lo^i C - w h o m I don't have much confidence in him, whom la dai tir quan he diing de thay the cho cac danh tir lam chuc nang tan ngO. R6 rang chir him trong E T H I T U Y E N S I N H D A I H O C & C A O D A N G NAM 2 0 0 6 cau nay da dugc thay the bai whom, nghTa la no khong xuat hien trong cau. Do do, him a day bj thira. Phan chung cho tat cii thi sinh (ta cau 1 dtMi cau 60) Loai D -1 don't have much confidence, sai ngir phap v i thieu dai tir quan he lam tan ngiJ. Chon phuong tiet CO vi trikhdc an (A hoac B, C, D) ling vdi tir co trong am chinh nhan vao dm vi'ri ba tir con Uii trong nidi can: 47. B Ta c6: So as to + V-nguyen vcn = In order to + V-nguyen ven: De ma, cot de C a u van mang nghia: " A n h ay tim mot cho ngoi yen tinh de khong quay ra\ CUQC noi chuyen cua ho." Loai A - so as to disturb their conversation: quay ray CUQC noi chuyen cua ho - khong hgp nghTa cua cau van. Loai C - in order not disturb their conversation, sai hinh thuc ngu phap (phai la to disturb). phap v i khong dugc dux\%for trong cau true nay. 48. A thuang." C. simplicity D. discovery C a u 2: A . tenant B. common C. rubbish D. machine Cau 3: A . animal B. bacteria C. habitat D. pyramid C a u 4: A . writer B.teacher C. builder D. career Cau 5: A . company B. atmosphere C. customer D. employment Chon phmrng an diing (A hoac B, C, D) de hodn thdnh moi cau sau: Ta CO cau true tan ngiJ gia: find + it + adj (+ that + clause): thay cai gi nhir B. she has C. has she D. she doesn't have A . regularity B. chore A. In case o f A. accepted bang gach C. routine B. In spite o f C. Because o f C. agreed B. to C. by C a u 11: He hurried ... he wouldn't be late for class. A. since D . But for with what I said. B. complained C a u 10: I finished my homework a few days aiiead A. of D. frequently the storm, the ship couldn't reach its destination on time. C a u 9: He completely 49. D 272 ! A. does she have C a u 8: the nao. Ta CO quy tac trat tir cua tinh tir nhu sau: B. difficulty Tau 7: Make exercise a part o f your daily C a u van mang nghia: " D u khach thay ngac nhien khi khong co ai hoi x i n tien nSm tren goc pho do." A . equality Cau 6: What beautiful eyes Loai D - in order for him not to disturb their conversation, sai hinh thuc ngCr C a u van mang nghia: "Chung toi da song trong can nha nho, cu Cau 1: B. as i f C. unless D. argued the deadline. D. at vj i , j - ,! t D . so that 273 C a u 12: I f she C a u 28: Hair colour is one o f rich, she would travel around the world. A. would be B. is C. has been D. were C a u 13: Mary was the last applicant... A . to be interviewed B . to be interviewing C. to interview ^fc D . to have interviewed , C a u 14: Argentina ... Mexico by one goal to nil in the match. A . beat B. scored C. won D. knocked, C a u 15: There should be no discrimination on ... o f sex, race or religion. A . fields B. places C. areas D . grounds B. so patient C. enough patient D. too patient C a u 17: I can't f nd my purse anwhere; I must... it at the cinema. B. have left C. be leaving D. have been leaving o f the workers has his own work. A. Every B. Each « C a u 19: The numbers add A. o f f D. A l l C a u 21: He felt D . out B. annoyed C. undecided D . modernization D . determined A . paper wrapper B. wrap paper C. wrapped paper D . wrapping paper B. inventories B. bankrupt u 25: It was really kind did A. o f the 20'^ century. C. inventions D . inventors C. penniless D. broken you to help those poor people. B. o f Cat D . to B. i f she should know C. had she known D. i f she knew A . turn the clock round B. turn the clock down C. turn the clock back D. turn the clock forward the results couldn't be better. A . N o matter what he tried hard B. N o matter how hard he tried C. Although very hard he tried D. Despite how hard he tried B. insurance that his draft would be ready by Friday. C. assurance D . ensurance B. was A. step B. pace C. is fnie. D . w i l l be ' o f life in the countryside. C. speed D . space , B. what's wrong with it C. vvi:, t wrong was with it D. what wrong is it with Csiu 27: I I } H I had taken my advice, you Doc ki itoaii van stiii va clion plimmg (in (lung (A ho(ic B, C, D) cho moi clto explain how we used to stand next to a wall in the kitchen to ....(37).... a phone call. Mobile communications, already highly advanced compared w i t h a decade ago, w i l l completely change communications in the next few years (38).... there are millions o f people using mobile phones, most people know ....(39).... about the mobile telecommunications industry and its technology. ^ There are three types o f mobile phone. These are hand portables, pocket -sized hand portables and transportables. The smallest and most popular are the pocket sized hand portables. These work on rechargeable batteries, which allow an ....(40).... o f up to 80 minutes' conversation. Mobiles that are fitted permanently in hat wrong was it with in such difficulties. A . w o n ' t bv B. hadn't been C. wouldn't b t D. wouldn't have been 274 it was made o f rubber. A . is she has knovvn trong tiecCiu 36 den cdu 45: *" . (y: Do you know ...? I C a u 30: M y cat would not have bitten the toy fish The next generation o f telephone users w i l l probably laugh ....p6).... we Cau 24: I f they are not careful with their accounts, their business w i l l go Vby D . i f you kept Cau 35: Many people like the slow C. modernized Cau 23: Computer is one o f the most important L C . you w i l l keep A. would be C a u 22: I have bought a present for my mother, and now I need some A. poor B. that you kept when he failed the exams the second time. A . discouraged A . inventings what I have told you a secret. A . you can keep Cau 34: They w i l l stay there for some days i f the weather C. in B. modernizing C a u 29: I would appreciate it A . endurance to 70. Cau 20: The equipment in our office needs ..* A. moderner D . the most obvious , C a u 33: He gave me his personal C. Other B. up C . obviously the most C a u 32: A. leave C a u 18: B. most obvious C a u 31: I wish I hadn't said it. I f only I could C a u 16: The cat was ... to wait for the mouse to come out o f its hole. A . patient enough characteristics to be used in identifying people. A. the most obviously a vehicle do not ....(41).... on separate batteries. They require an external aerial on the vehicle. This can mean a stronger signal with clearer ....(42) Transportables have a high power capability and can be used ....(43).... anywhere. They come with powerful battery packs for longer, continuous use and may also by put ....(44).... a vehicle, using its electrics. They ....(45).... to be bulkier than hand portables. 275 G\i\h CDBT TN Anh van - NgO Van Minh Csiu 36: A . unless B. when Cslu 37: A . make B. give C while C. take Cau38: A . In addition B. Because C. As a result D. do I). Although C a u 39: A . little B. some C. tew D. lots C a u 40: A . amount B. account C. activity D. average C a u 41: A . rely B. create C. carry D. insist C a u 42: A. wave B. letter C. speech D. speed C a u 43: A. mostly C a u 44: C a u 45: B. Factors that may influence one's feelings about a stranger. D. whether B. hardly C. most D. almost A. on with B. into C. up with D. in to A . used B. have C. tend D. are C. How people usually behave to a stranger. D . Factors that cause |)eople to act difTerenlly. •:au 50: Intuition described in the passage can be explained b;/ means o f B. language A . styles C. patterns D. behaviours Doc kiitoan van sau va c/ion p/narn^ an danfi (A lioac B, C, D) cho nidi can tir 51 den 55: MmH.ltmM'i- r,- ;w , / , Upon the creation o f the United States, one o f the core concepts on which hopes for the new democracy were pinned was the ideal that its citizens would be enlightened individuals with cIcarK articulated rights and the opportunity for individual achievement and education. It was belie\ed that in a free nation where Doc kl itoait van sail vd dioii p/iuoii}{ an dun},' (A lioac B, C, D) cho nidi can tif46(1en50: the power belongs to the people, the commitment to education defines the progress Sometimes you know things about people the first time you see them, for o f that democracy and is the catalyst for future progress. This core value has not example, that you want to be friends with them or that you don't trust them. But only stood the test o f time but has also grown in importance. In this new perhaps this kind o f intuition isn't as hard to explain as it may seem. For instance, Information Era and international economy, education is an increasingly \ i t a l people give out body language signals all the time. The way you hold your body, commodity, a precursor o f polcnlial success and a d r i \ i n g force o f change. It is head and arms tells people about your mood. I f you hold your arms tightly at your important to recogni/c. however, that we approach education today differenth than sides, or fold them across your chest, people vrill generally feel that you are being in the past, parth because the kinds c^f jobs people had didn't require the kind o f defensive. Holding your head to one side shows interest in the other, while an easy, basic education and specialized training that is often required in the workforce open posture indicates that you are self - confident. A l l this affects the way you feel toda\ In the 1950s, for instance, onlj 20 percent o f America jobs were classified I as professional, 20 percent as skilled, and 60 percent as unskilled. Today, our about someone. Also, a stranger may remind you o f a meeting with someone. This may be world has changed. Ihe proportion o f unskilled jobs has fallen to 20 percent, while because o f something as simple as the fact that he or she is physically similar to skilled jobs now account for at least 60 percent o f the workforce. Even morel someone who treated you well or badly. Your feelings about a stranger could be important, almost e\er\b today increasingly requires a combination o f academic influenced by a smell in the air that brings to mind a place where you were happy knowledge and practical skills that require le^uning throughout a lifetime, as a child. Since even a single word can bring back a memory such as that, you Cilu 51: Education is defined in this passage as a driving force o f change becausel may never realize it is happening. A . without education, no changes could have happened in America society so far C a u 46: What does the word "open" in the passage most closely mean? A. Unrestrained B. Relaxed C. Confined ' D . Unlimited Can 47: What influences your impression o f a person you meet the first time? A. Intuition B. Familiarity C. Knowledge D. Feeling C a u 48: What one feels about a stranger may be influenced by something that B. the government of the United States want to drive social changes in their own ways C. education has helped to bring about and orient most changes in the American workforce D. any American citizen who wants to change his driving licence must be ver>l well-educated C a u 52: The passage shows the percentage o f jobs that require higher training ii A. strengthens one's past behaviours C. re\s one's past memories B. reminds one o f one's past treatment D. points to one's childhood Cau 49: What does the second paragraph discuss? the US between the i950s and now. A . has remained the same i C. has been reversed -^-ii ^'•"''i, •'• B. has changed dramatically D . has changed slightly A. Meanings o f signals one implies towards a stranger. 27 Cau 53: The phrase "enlightened individuals" in the first sentence most likely means "people who " ) A. always appear brilliant - looking in public 'J B. have often been well - exposed to light C. have acquired an adequate level of education D. bring light to anywhere they go ': ,: > - Cau 54: In order to become a good American citizen today, in the author's point of view, any individual must A. know well all his/her rights and be ready to grasp his/her opportunity of ,,j success in life ^^^-j B. study carefully the history of American educational and vocational systems ever since their creation C. understand thoroughly the combination of academic knowledge and practical skills ri» D. move actively forward in the new Information Era and international economy with a prestigious diploma Cau 55: Which of the following titles would be best for the passage? '<'• A. Education and Jobs in the Past and at Present in the United States B. The Significant Role of Education in American Citizens' Careers C. Academic Knowledge and Practical Skills in America Professions D. Recent Changes of Educational and Vocational Systems in America ^' Clion pliuanf* an (A lioac B, C, D) I'tng v&i tii/cnm tie c6 gach chCui can p/iai sua trong cue can saii: ite Cau 56: If you need to keep fit, then why not take on a sport such as A B C D badminton or tennis? Cau 57: When her dog died, she cried very hardly for half an hour. A B C D ' Cau 58: Modern transportation can speed a doctor to the side of a sick A B even if the patient lives on an isolating farm. C D Tau 59: Tom's very good at science when his brother is absolutely hopeless.^ A B C D ' Tau 60: Daisy has such many things to do that she has no time to go out. A 78 B C D ' I ^ a n T y Chon: Thi sinh chon cac cau 61 - 70 hosjic 71 - 80 ^'*'-----^''"»»^' • I^uu y: Neu chon lam cac cau 71 - 80 thi thi sinh bo trong cac cau 61 - 70 tren phicu tra I6i trSc nghiem. , s , . Wk^lwn plimrng an (A lioac B, C, D) ling v&i can co ngliTa gan nitdt voi moi c (;lio sdn sail day: iSyms0'-0'J^-9 9kW^Vii^m^f($^^ .ii'^S'ii^i Vji:ti'U -.n: > • Cau 61: "Leave my house now or I'll call the police!" shouted the lady to the man. i A. The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn't leave her house. I B . The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn't leave her house. 1 C. The lady told the man that she would call the police i f he didn't leave her house. . 'hnrhun n'<^ h'A'/V!UiK iKO i D. The lady informed the man that she would call the police i f he didn't leave her house. »:..>,u.,.>^ ' au 62: He last had his eyes tested ten months ago. ; CM ' A. He had tested his eyes ten months before. / r / j e .*; B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then. , j;'j> j;;; < C. He hasn't had his eyes tested for ten months. , , / JdooW' ;*) ' !> D. He didn't have any test on his eyes in ten months. :>((yii-j! ( / au 63: "You should have finished the report by now," John told his secretary. A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report, B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report. ,,, j , -ji-i^b', i • C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time. , D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report. , , ' Cau 64: " I f I were you, I would take the job," said my room - mate. . _^ ^,, A. My room - mate was thinking about taking the job. B. My room - mate advised me to take the job. . C. My room - mate introduced the idea of taking the job to me. D. My room - mate insisted on taking the job for me. Cau 65: "It's too stuffy in this room, isn't it?" said the guest A. The guest suggested that the room should be aired. B. The guest remarked that the room should be aired. C. The guest said that the room was too crowded. C. me athat cigarette, buttoo I promptly declined. D. He Theoffered guest said there was much stuff in the room. . , He"Cigarette?" asked if I was andthanks." I denied Iatsaid. once. CauD.66: hesmoking, asked. "No, . i - , , , ! , ^ I A. He asked for a cigarette, and 1 immediately refused; B. He mentioned a cigarette, so I thanked him,, \IV , ' ' I *' " ' - 279 C. P r o v i d e d that \ o u r h a n d w r i t i n g is l e g i b l e , y o u r a n s w e r w i l l be accepted b y C i i u 6 7 : The d o c t o r said, " Y o u r e a l l y o u g h t t o rest f o r a f e w days, J a s m i n e . " any test scorer. A . J a s m i n e ' s d o c t o r insisted that she s h o u l d rest f o r a f e w days. D. P r o v i d i n g w i t h y o u r legible h a n d w r i t i n g , e v e r y test scorer m u s t accept y o u r B. T h e d o c t o r suggested that Jasmine s h o u l d take a short rest. C. It is the d o c t o r ' s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n that Jasmine rested s h o r t l y . D. I'he d o c t o r strongl> advised Jasmine to take a f e w d a y s ' rest. C a u 7 4 : i m a g i n c A v h o / h a p p e n / r u n into/yesterday/just. ixi, C a u 6 8 : " I w i l l pay b a c k the m o n e y , G l o r i a . " said I v a n . / answer. , A . Y o u i m a g i n e j u s t w h o happened t o r u n i n t o us y e s t e r d a y ! •{• A . I v a n a p o l o g i z e d t o G l o r i a f o r b o r r o w i n g her m o n e y . Whf»^^ie)iii^'^(fii''iwov/ C. C o u l d y o u i m a g i n e w h o j u s t happened t o r u n i n t o us yesterday? C. K a n p r o m i s e d t o pay back G l o r i a ' s m o n e y . 11 D. Just i m a g i n e w h o I happened t o r u n i n t o y e s t e r d a y ! ^Jir#.ji!ii3m> dri:* i>lp|^' ijjfiwi.';*;! t C a u 7 5 : Jack/recover/quickly/his serious illness. D. Ivan suggested pa\g back the m o n c } ' to G l o r i a . A . Jack w a s r e c o v e r e d v e r y q u i c k l y f r o m his serious illness. C a u 6 9 : T h e c h i l d r e n c o u l d n ' t g o s w i m m i n g because the sea w a s t o o r o u g h . A . T h e c h i l d r e n w e r e not c a l m e n o u g h to sw i m in the sea. B. Jack has r e c o v e r e d q u i t e q u i c k l y f r o m his serious illness. B. The sea was r o u g h e n o u g h f o r the c h i l d r e n t o s w i m i n . C. Jack w i l l r e c o v e r q u i t e q u i c k l y after his serious illness. C. T h e sea w a s t o o r o u g h f o r the c h i l d r e n t o go sv\. D. Jack r e c o v e r e d m o r e q u i c k l y o v e r his serious illness. l^sJaaJ tori a M D. T h e sea was t o o r o u g h to the c h i l d r e n ' s s w i m m i n g . M u 7 6 : be/clear/what/expect/you A . A r e y o u clear about y o u r e x p e c t a t i o n ? Csiu 7 0 : " W o u l d \ o u l i k e to c o m e t o m\\. S a r a h ? " asked F r e d e r i c . A . I'rederic i n v i t e d Sarah to his birlhdax p a r t y . B. A r e y o u clear w h a t is expected o f y o u t o do? B. Frederic asked i f Sarah was able lo c o m e to his b i r t h d a y p a r t y , C. A r e y o u r e x p e c t a t i o n s clear? i C. Frederic asked Sarah i f siic l i k e d his b i r t h d a y p a r t y o r n o t . l fifkvl i D. Frederic r e m i n d e d Sarah o f his c o m i n g b i r t h d a y party. * rtrtol C/ioii pliiiirii}' iilirin<> tie cho (III (A Itouc B, C, D) «///,' voi ctlii tot nhut itiit/c tao ra A . T h e h i l l t o p can m a k e o u r v i l l a g e v i e w s better. hiiiVfi B. F r o m t h e h i l l t o p , o u r v i l l a g e can be w e l l v i e w e d . D. F r o m the h i l l t o p , o u r v i l l a g e can have a better v i e w . j^^^ , B. A l l the students m u s t r e m e m b e r w e l l the d e a d l i n e f o r entries f o r the f i n a l test D. In m y o p i n i o n , the e l e c t i o n was fair. C. A l l the students should reinember clear!) the deadline f o r entries f o r the f i n a l test C a u 7 2 : you/reall}/be/abic'dress \t>urself'agc. A . Y o u m u s t r e a l l y be able o f dressing y o u r s e l f in y o u r age. D. A l l o f t h e students can c e r t a i n l y r e m e m b e r t h e d e a d l i n e f o r entries f o r the ' ^.j, C. Y o u have r e a l l y been able o f dressing y o u r s e l f b y \r age. ^.^ C a u 7 3 : p r o v i d e / y o u r h a n d w r i t i n g / l e g i b l c / t e s t scorer/accept/your answer. A . P r o v i d i n g y o u r h a n d w r i t i n g is l e g i b l e , the test scorer does not accept y o u r answer. P r o v i d e d f o r y o u r l e g i b l e h a n d w r i t i n g , the test scorer has t o accept y o u r answer. ^ A . A l l the students s u r e l y r e m e m b e r the d e a d l i n e f o r entries f o r t h e f n i a l test. C. A c c o r d i n g t o m y o p i n i o n , the e l e c t i o n was fair. B. g ]^au 7 8 : students/remember/deadline f o r entries/final test. B. In m y o p i n i o n . I t h i n k the e l e c t i o n was fair. D. Y o u are r e a l l y able o f dressing y o u r s e l f this age! i}M ^ u»/, C. F r o m the h i l l t o p , w e can have a better v i e w o f o u r v i l l a g e . A . M y o p i n i o n was f a i r about tiie e l e c t i o n . ( • Tau 7 7 : hilltop/have/good/vievv/our v i l l a g e suit: B. Y o u s h o u l d r e a l l y be able t o dress y o u r s e l f at y o u r age! ^ fi -.ail D. A r e y o u clear w h a t is expected o f y o u ? C a n 7 1 : opinion/election/lair. ;!, ^^ final test. Bau 7 9 : man/sentence/15 years/prison/he/prove/guilty A . T h e m a n w i l l get a sentence f o r h i m s e l f t o 15 years in p r i s o n i f he proves himself guilty. ,. ^, „,^^ .,„„;^,^,:, „i,,, B. I'he m a n w a s sentenced about 15 years in p r i s o n and p r o v e d h i m s e l f g u i l t y . C. T h e m a n was sentenced t o 15 years in prison because he had been proved g u i l t y . D. T h e m a n s h o u l d m a k e his f i n a l sentence after 15 years in p r i s o n as he p r o v e d himself guilty. 281 Cau 80: school - leavers/choose/college/employment/immediate A. School - leavers can choose either college or immediate employment B. School - leavers can make a choice among college and employment immediately C. School -leavers can choose either college and employment immediately. D. School -leavers can make an immediate choice of neither college nor employment WB: complain about something: phan nan ve dieu gi T D : to argue with someone: tranh cai voi ai Q^ix 10:- Dap an: A - Dien giai: ahead of: xa hari ve phia tnt&c (theo thai gian hogc khong gianj 0gu 11:- Dap an: D nan*.} wrii.iK»i|5>>. i ' ^ i ' f ,»V'M4 t manf.umi'unJ rrjji'g Wftii •}. H l / O N G DAN GIAI ,^^11 Cau 1: B A. /i'kwDbti/ B. /'difikalti/ C. /sim'plissti/ D. /di'skAvari/ B./'kuman/ C./'rAbiJ/ D./ma'Jiin/ Loai (A, B, C) vi ba lien tir nay khong hgp nghTa voi ngiJ canh ciia cau. A: since: vi, tir khi 3«^.^'-6l-3.Av /= D./'piram id/ J D./ka'risCr)/ - Cau 3: B A. /'aeniml/ B./baek'tiaria/ C./'haebitaet/ B./'ti:tr3(r)/ C./'bild3(r)/ th:«:;«»fe^*« B./'aetm3sfi3(r)/ C./'kASt3iTi9(r)/ D./im'pbimant/ Dien giai: Cau cam than: What + adj + N + S + V! "i^Ci *' ' ttlluld/could + V-nguyen mau) iielw^' Dien giai: Dang bj dong ciia dgng ti!r nguyen mlu c6 to (to - infinitive) Loai (B, C, D) vi ca ba cau &hu a dang chu dgng. - Dich nghla: Mary la ung vien sau cung dugc phong van. u 14:-Dap an: A Dien gisii: routine (n): viec lam thuong ngay «* ,)li?oJ Dien giai: beat (v): danh bai nguoi nao sau mgt cugc thi dau?) Loai (A, B, D) vi: oai (B, C, D) A: regularity (n): sy deu dan : sau dgng tir "to score" phai la mgt ban thSng hoac mgt ti so , viu•li.. . ifS: - Dien giai: ground (of): V(? cac va« c^e ' (TI 3,8)*$oS Loai (A, B, D) vi: Cac dap an (A, B, C) khong phu hgp. A: In case of: trong truang hgp A: field (n): canh dong, linh virc pwh) Awh J»«/Bp'd. < , • '^J^b ^ = u 16:-Dap an: A Dien giai: agree with stii: cfongy v&i (cfieu gi) A: accepted (v): da dupe thua nhan, da duoc cong nhan imMiUiidy D: CO dang: to knock sb out of (a competition): loai ai ra khoi (\c thi dau) Cau 8:-Dap an: C Loai (A, B, D) vi: ••'* i'^b nyirt V«':':(a|ii»oiip;lmafe)(p..::a C: tan ngu" sau "to win" la mgt tran danh hoac mot giai thu-ong D: frequently (adv): thuong xuyen (trang tir chi tan suat) - '-^^ CSu 13:- Dap an: A Cau 7:-Dap an: C - ' If clause (qua khir don (tobe - were cho tat ca cac ngoi), main clause (S + chu ngir. D: khong logic. B: chore (n): viec vat trong nha j»•^- Dien giai: Dong tir "tobe" trong menh de phu ciia cau dieu kien loai Cau dieu kien loai II c6 dang: Loai (A, C, D) vi A, C khong phai la cau hoi nen khong dao trg dong tir ra truoc - !,, ul2:-Dapan:D Cau 6:-Dap an: B - ,gH#ft»W,;ti m:^Mt%:(^iiMsmp :: unless: neu khong thi Cau 5: D A. /'kApani/ y.; :g; as if: nhu the la Cau 4: D A. / ' rait3(r)/ Dien giai: so that: de - lien tir chi muc dich. ' + He hurried so that he wouldn't be late for class: Cgu ta voi vang di khoi bi irihgc. 'Cau 2: D A. /'tenant/ •<'' Dien giai: S + tobe + adj + enough + V- to infinitive V S + V(thuang) + enough + N + V - t o infinitive f.oai (B, C, D) vi: B: sau "so + A D J " phai la m?nh de chua that. ^ ' 5* sis..- • :tJHf«n-.-iei t«ft'"i iti)myimrmi liui^ MHI • nil v a i r ^ ™ y u vaTT m11111 1^ C: enough dung sai v i tri {enough durng trirac danli tir). Cty TNHH MTV DVVH Khang Vi$t Loai (A, B, D ) vi nghTa ciia cac tir nay khong phu hgp vai cau van. D: cau true " .. too .. to ..: .. qua .... den noi .... tcliong tiie .... A: inventing (V-ing): phat minh "qua i) B: account (n): tai khoan .1 . "' C a u 41: A. rely (on sb/sth): trong cay vdo/nha va Cau dieu kien loai I c6 dang: I f + clause (thi hien tai don), main clause (thi rrij ' C a u 3 5 : - Dap an: B Loai ( B , C, D ) vi: B: create (v): tao ra C: carry on: tiep tuc Dien giiii: pace o f life: nhip song D: insist on: nhat mirc, khan khan doi cai gi i j Cac dap an khac khong phii hpp ngliTa v o i cau van. C a u 42: C . speech (n): tieng noi, Iai thogi, bai dien van A: step (n): biroc, buoc di C: speed (n): toe do j , v; ' ' C: activity (n): hoat dpng Dien giai: Dang dpng tir cua cau dieu kien loai 1. ttfong Iai don) • A: amount (n): tong so tien D: ensurance (n): sir dam bao Loai (A, B, D ) v i cac danh tir nay khong hpp nghTa v o i cau van. .'• D: space (n): khong gian C a u 36: B. When - khi ma L o a i ( A , C, D ) v i : '. A va D: unless va whether khong hpp ngliTa. C: khi diing lien tir while cau van c6 ham y dien ta mpt hanh dpng ciing keo A: wave (n): song B: letter (n): thu tir, chir cai D: speed (n): toe dp .vt C a u 43: D. almost (adv): hau het Cac dap an (A, B, C ) khong phii hap v i : ' • A: mostly (adv) hau het, thuang la dai v o i hanh dpng trong m^nh de chinh hoac hanh dpng tiep dien so v a i thai diem B: hardly (adv): hau nhu khong trong qua khir hoac hi^n tai. C: most: hau het, da so 286 ' lTVi<.» M thuang. C a u 40: D. A n average of: so binh quan/trung binh A: endurace (n): sir chiu dirng - Dpng tir know di kem v a i cac trang tir chi mirc dp nhu little hoac much. dupe. Hay: a lot- nhieu dupe sii' dung nhu mpt tieng trang tii' dirng sau dpng tir M Cac dap an con iai khong phii hop - C a u 39: A. little D: Ta c6 trirang hpp: "lots o f = a lot o f + danh tir dem dupe hoac khong dem C a u 33: - Dap an: C C a u 34: - Dap an: C ; C: few: vai, mot it - dupe diing truac danh tir dem dupe so nhieu (ham y phu djnh) D: Despite + N/N.P: mac dii/cho dii - . B: Because la lien tir chi nguyen nhan. (khong phii hpp) Dien giai: No matter how = however. Ta dung cau true: "/»« matter how + adj/adv" (them vao do, han nira) va As a result (ket qua la/ hau qua la) la hai trang tir. C a u 3 2 : - Dap sin: B - , ? Cac dpng tir trong cac dap an con Iai khong the ket hpp trong cum tir nay. C a u 38: D. Although. Cau nay can vj t r i ciia mpt lien tir m a dau menh de phu. '<•-,) i , + had ciia thi past perfect trong dieu kien loai I I I - C a u 37: A . make. T o make a phone call: goi dien C a u 44: B. into. Giai tir chi huang chuyen dpng • • " • ' ' •• ' " 28 C a u 45: C . tend. Ba cliQii \\ta kia deu di iruoc mot lo - injii/ilivc you hold your nluiiig pliai: Cy the la: used to + Vnguyen vcn: da tuny..... dicn ta tlioi t]iicii trong qua kluV; your body, head and arms tells people about your mood. If you arms tightly at your sides, or fold them across your Have to + Vnguyen ven: pluii lam dieu gi. nham clu sir bat buoc; lobe (is/are..,) + generally feel that you are being defensive. to + Vnguyen v?n: dir djnh/ de ma, nliam chi sir saj) dat lioac kc lioach. interest chest, people Holding your head to one side in the other, while an easy, open posture hold will shows indicates that you are self - All this affects the way you feel about someone: Con ngudi lien tuc C a u 46: - Dap an: B confident. - Dicn giai: relaxed (adj): img ching, l/ioai nidi - nghTa tiroiig dirong voj "open" trong ngfr canh nay. phdt tin hi^u bang ngdn ngit di^u bp. Dieu bp cua than hinh, ddu vd hai cdnh tay bdo cho ngudi khdc biet ve tdm trgng cua bgn. Neu bgn dp chat hai cdnh tay vdo Loai(A, C, D)vi: mgn sudn, hogc khoanh tay trudc ngirc, ngirdi ta throng cam nhgn rang bgn dang A: unrestrained (v): khong bi kiem che tht'i the. Nghieng ddu thi to ra quan tdm den ngirdi kia, trong khi mpt ddng ve ung C : confmed (v): bj gioi han lai, bj giam nhol dung thu thai vd cdi md chimg to bgn Id ngudi ty tin. Tat cd nhung dieu ki tren D: unlimited (v): khong bj gioi han dnh huang den each bgn edm nhgn ve ai do. C a u 47:- Dap an: A - anb of; Dien giai: Thong tin a 2 can dau: Sometimes the first time you sec them, for example, that you want to befriends that you explain don't trust them. But perhaps this kind of intuition . C a u 51:- Dap an: C ? you know tliin};s about .. people with them or isn V as hard to as it may seem: Doi khi ban biel nlnmg clieii ve nhuvg iigm'p iiid ban nidi gap Idn ddu, chdng han, ban biet rang ban niiion Idm bun vdi hp, hade rang ban - Dicn giai: C - gido due da mang Igi vd dinh hirdng da so nhtivg thay doi trong lire luang lao ddng My. Thong tin a cau nay: In this new Information and international precursor economy, ofpotential education is an increasingly success and a driving force of Era vital commodity, a change: trong Ki nguyen Thong tin mdi me vd trong nen kinh te loan cau nay, gido due la khong tin cdy ho. NInmg c6 le logi true gidc nay khong kho de gidi thich nhu nidi mpt mat hang ngdy edng quan trong, tien than ciia sir thdnh cdng tiem ndng vd la thogi nghe qua. mpt ddng luc ciia thay doi. • C a u 5 2 : - D a p an: B C a u 48:- Dap an: C - Dicn giai: revives one's past menutries: Tiiong tin a doan ciioi: Also, someone. a stranger This may he because of something is physically similar about a stranger to someone lain song Igi ki ni^'ni qiid khi'i: may remind you of a meeting us simple as the fact that he or she who treated you well or badly. could be influenced with Your feelings by a smell in the air that brings to mind a place where you were happy as a child. Since even a single word can bring back a memory such as that, you may never realize it is happening: Dong thai, nipt nguui Ig c6 the khien bgn nha Igi mpt ciipc gap vdi ai do. Co the nhic vdy vi dan gidn Id ngirdi Ig dy cd vdc ddng hao hao vdi iigudi da timg doi xt'r tot hogc xdu vdi bgn. Cam nlidn ciia ban ve nipt ngirdi la cd the bj dnh hitxmg bdi mot niiii hiiang trong khong khi gai clio bgn nhd Igi cdi nai bgn linig hgiih phi'ic hoi con be. VI thdm chi nipt Idi ndi dan gidn ciing cd the gai Igi mpt ki ni^m nhu the, nen bgn cd yg'j Dien giai: B - Ti 14 phdn tram vi^c lam doi hoi phdi diroe ddo tgo cao hem da tang mgnh tir thdp ki 50 den ngdy nay. In the 1950s, ....only America percent jobs jobs were classified as unskilled. has fallen percent as professional, 20 percent Today, our world has changed. to 20 percent, of the workforce: while skilled jobs 20 percent as skilled, The proportion of now account for and at least 60 d thdp ki 50, chi 20% vi^c lam a My ducc xep logi Id chuyen mdn, 20% la cd qua ddo tgo, vd 60% Id khong duac ddo tgo. Ngdy nay, the 20%, trong khi nhung edng vice cd qua ddo tgo chiein toi thieu 60% luc lupmg lao ddng. C a u 53:-Dap an: C - / Dien giai: enlightened (adj): cd hpc thirc C a u 54:- Dap an: A Dien giai: Thong tin a cau dau: Upon the creation of the United States, of the core concepts on which hopes for the new democracy ideal that its citizens would be enlightened individuals were pinned with clearly articulated rights and the op lortunity for individual C a u 50:- Dap an: D My duQc khai sim \ trong nhung quan ni§m cot Idi md mpi hi vpng ve mpt nen Dien giai: D - {trirc gidc cd the duac gidi thich thong qua hdnh vi). Thong tin a doan 1: 288 people give out body language achievement and education: one was the - Dien giai: B - (nhung nhdn to dnh huang den cam nhgn cua minh ve mpt ngirdi Ig). Tham khao cau 48. - of 60 unskilled gidi chiing ta da thay doi. Ti l^ vi^e lam khong duac ddo tgo da rai xudng - the khong bao gid nhcin ra rang ki ni^ni dy dang dien ra. C a u 49: - Dsip sin: B - Khi nude dan chu mdi dugt dgt vdo do chinh Id cdi li tuang rdng moi cdng ddn se Id nhiing signals all the time. The way 289 Cty TNHH MTV DVVH Khang Vigt cc'i nhdii CO hoc thi'ic vai nhihig quyen cong dan clicgc cong nhdn vd vai ca hoi dirac hoc hdnh vd thdnh dal. C a u 5 5 : - D a p an: B - Dicn giiii: B - ''Vai tro Qiian trong cua Gido due trong Sir nghii^p cua Cong dan My\c nlian de kliac khong bao qiiat noi dung bai: C a u 5 6 : - D a p an: C up ' ' 'nh i^m :\\^ mi. C a u 57:- Dap an: C hard Chi'i y: trong cau nay ta on lai cau true: S.o + have S.t + V3/ed: ai do eo eai gi J1» ol L o a i ( A , B, D) v i : - ^ -to''^^' - A va B khong a dang truyen khien (causative form): sai. miidn, ninr ai Idni gi cho minh. Ciiu 63: - Diip iin: A - i •^ Dien giiii: ,iifmm\ • ''J'l*'j|f^ + Ve milt ngu- ngliTa: Can goc: John noi vai thu ky cua ong: "Le ra c6 phai Dicn giiii: isohited (adj): hi cd lap, heo Idnh Sua lai: i s o l a t i n g A v w / r t t o / * hoiin thanh ban bao eao trirae." Cau viet lai: Ong John traeh c6 thu ky da khong hoan thanh ban bao Cao. C a u 5 9 : - D a p an: B + Ve mat ngfr phiip: Cau true: should have + V3/ed (qua khu phan tir): Ic ra Dicn giai: dd nen Idni gi duge diing de dien ta mot sir irdch moc hoac hoi tiec (y\^c dang ra Sua lai: when —+ while, whereas (ehi su trai nguoc giira hai nguai) phai lam nhung da khong lam). Mat khac, ta eo: to reproach sb for (not) doing sth: trdch ai vi hp dd (khong) Idni gi eung dien dat y traeh moc. Vay, ta c6 the ap C a u 60: - D i i p i i n : A - Ve mat ngir phiip: S + last + V2/ed + O + khoang thai gian + ago = S thang cho den nay. C a u 58:- Dap sin: D ' • D: thi qua khi'r dan va giai tir in khong neu hanh dong keo dai t u each day 10 Dicn giiii: to cry hard: A^//oc HWc/7(7 Hardly la trang t u phu djnh {ban nhir khong). - Ve nii)t ngu- nghia: Lan cuoi ciing ma anh ay kiem tra mat la each day 10 dirge lam - Dien giiii: take up sth: chon ngdnh di theo hgc/chon mon thi thao hogc ihu tieu khien de theo dudi. - + have/has + not + V3/ed + O + for + khoang thai gian. D. Nhung thay d6i mai day trong he thong Giao due va Huong nghi?p a M y . Sua lai: hardly Dien giiii: + C. Kien tluVe Han Lam va K7 nang tlure dung trong eac nghe nghiep a M y . - - thang = Anh ay khong kiem tra mat muoi thang roi. A . Giao due va viee lam trong qua kliir va hien tai ciia N u a c My. Sua lai: on-* Loai ( B , C va D ) v i ba dong tir said, told va informed khong ham y de doa. Ciiu 62: - Dsip sin: C dung hai cau true nay khi the hien mot y tuong dong. ^ ^ Dicn giiii: Sua lai: such —> so (so much/many + noun...that...) C a u 64: - Dap an: B ,.*,ui».,H ^ ,„ iih gilJiL Phiin T i r C h o n : T h i sinh chon ciic cau 61 - 70 hoac 71 - 80 - Dien giai: L u u y: Ncu chon lam cac ciiu 71 - 80 thi thi sinh bo trong cac cau 6 1 - 7 0 trcn + Ve milt ngu- nghIa: Ban toi noi "N6u toi la ban toi se nhan cong vi^c do" phicu tra loi trSc nghicni. Ban toi khuyen toi nen nhan cong viee do. C a u 61: - Dap an: A + Dicn giai: , • , „^ V c mat ngu- nghTa: Cau goc: Nguoi phu nu het vao mat ga thanh nien: "Ra + I'd...: -(^ • Ve mat ngu- phiip: Ciiu dieu kien loai II vai dgng tir tu he: '1/1 were you, NL'U toi Id ban, tolse...'" diroc diing nhu mot l<)i khuyen bao nhe nhang licii sir. Ta CO c5u triie: advise someone to do somethin};: khuyen bdo ai Id.n gi. 1 lai ciiu khoi nha toi neu khong toi se gpi ciinh sat." triic nay c6 y ngliTa tuong dong vai nhau nen eo the duge dimg thay the nhau. Cau viet lai: N g u o i phu nu dpa se goi canh sat neu ga thanh nien khong ra khoi nha CO ta. Ciiu 65: - Diip an: A + Ve mat ngu- phiip: Ta biet lien tir or - nen khong ilii trong can true tiep eo ham y de dpa hoac cdnh hdo dicn gi. Vay, trong eiiii iiin ta eo the dung dong tiV + ':. .oJ.. > Dien giai: y;4--.% . „ . „ ,,rr«tff rf'»ih ••V c m i l t ngu- nghTa: Cau goe: Nguoi khach noi: "Can phong nay ngot ngat qua, phai khong?" Jufc <.ti o • threaten (v) - de dpa eung voi eau true: "threaten someone to do something: de Cau viet lai: N g u o i khach de nghi lam tiiong tiioang can phong. dpa ai Idni gi" de the hic-n ham y cua eau goe. + Ve niiit ngu- phiip: Cau hoi duoi {tag - question) vai gigng noi ha xuong o cuoi cau la mgt each gmy/de 290 nghi te nhi. Mat khac, ta c6 y nghTa cua cau triic: SI Gi^i nhanh CDBT TN Anh Van - Ng6 VSn Minh + suggest + that + S2 + should + Vnguyen: ai do khuyen nguai khac nen lam gi, cung la mot loi de nghi. V i vay, hai cau true nay dugc dung tuang dong nhu nhau. Cau 70: - D a p an: A - Dien giai: j + V e m a t n g u nghia: Cau goc: Frederic noi: " M a i ban den dir tiec sinh nhat, Loai ( B , C, D ) v i ta c6: i B: remark (v): nhan xet / C: crowded (adj): dong chat nguai . Sarah nhe?" + V I m a t ngir phap: ""Wouldyou like to...?" la dang mai mac lich su. Ta c6 ; cau true tuang duang: invite someone + Vto inf + something: mai ai lam gi D: stuff (n): do dac/chat li^u (khong lien quan den stuffy - ngpt ngat) Cau 66-Dap an: C B, C va D khong dugc chgn vi cac dap an nay khong phai la loi m o i . iT - Dien g i a i : "Cigarette?" thuSc chty?" mang y mot lai n-.ai ng3n gon. Ngoai ra, ta lai c6 to offer sb sth: mai ai cdi gi c6 the dugc su dung vai y nghTa tuang dong. Cau 71: - D a p an: D - C: according • ' n Dien giai: -...j.-., ..>;M<..V 'f'^ &'^tM btlf<>ii>^ J ^ ' Cau viet lai: Ivan hua se tra tien cho Gloria. •u.iii HUM'i t •' ' dong nghTa ciia cau goc. - Cau 69: - Dap an: C ^j, v\o ^xm ^MX^v^m :l&Js mM Dien giai: Mien la chir viet ciia ban de doc, giam khao nao cung chap nhan Loai ( A , B , D ) v i : if A : Khong 16 - gich (Neu chir viet ciia ban de dgc thi giam khao se khong chap nhan cau tra lai ciia ban). -v^sri'if^ B, D : Sau Provided ^' ^ cau tra loi ciia ban. Loai ( A , B, D) v i cac dgng tii- nay khong ham y hira hen. (that) hoac Providing (that) dugc diing trong cau dieu kien loai 1 de thay the cho tir IF d^ the hien y dieu kien (mien la/mien sao), chiing khong kem vai giai tir. Dien giai: + Ve mat ngir nghTa: Cau goc: Bgn tre khong the di boi vi bien dgng rat du' dgi. Cau ; Cau viet lai: Bien dong qua dtr dpi den noi bon tre khong the di bai. 74: - - Dap an: D ndi....khong the...'''' - Cau true nay luon a hinh thirc khang djnh nhung ngu y phii dinh. . :, >, rlq > m M ' A : Ham y eiia dap an la dang cau phat bieu chir khong la cau cam than (c6 dau chSm than a cuoi cau). Loai ( A , B, D) v i : A: khong dii binh tTnh de tSm b i l n . '>ni\bM.:io Dien giai: "Ban thir tuang tugng horn qua toi tinh ea gap a i ! " Loai ( A , B, C ) v l : Ve mat ngtr phap: D : sai cau true. D i e n giai: "Vao do tuoi nay ban that sir c6 the tir mac do cho minh r o i . " 'khong dung giai tixof. C a u 73: - D a p a n : C Ve m a t ngir phap: Cau goc dung will vai ngoi thur nhat ham y hiia hen. Truong hop nay, ta dung dong tir promise + V t o - inflnitive: ht'ra lam gi nhAm B: bien dgng dii dir dgi d6 bai. to me/my + noun Loai ( A , C, D) v i 3 chgn lira nay sai ve dgng tir va giai tii'. Hon nua, sau able ::jiyu + V e m a t ng(r nghTa: Cau goc: Ivan no! v a i Gloria: ' ' M i n h se tra tien cho b?in." " . . . . t o o . . . . t o . . . : ....qua....den to phai diing truoc y kien ciia ai khac chir khong phai "ciia t o i " . L u u y: ta khong diing according - i«<>''-^ «b v i wU Cau 68: - Dap an: C 292 .,^,<. . ^ Cau 72: - Dap an: B C: shortly (adv): ngSn ngui + nr'T cau de the hien y kien ciia ai do ve van de gi. Do vay phuang an B thira dien dat. B: a short rest: nghi ngai trong choc lat " r B: In my opinion = I think, ta chi diing mot trong hai dien ngij- tren trong ciing mot A : insisted on ( v ) : cu khang khang doi cai gi - Dien g i a i : D - ''Theo toi, ciioc ban ci'rla cong bang" la noi ve cugc bau cw. Dien g i a i : o u g h t to = should + V n g u y e n ven: nen lam gi, dung de khuyen Loai ( A , B, C) v i ta c6: + . ^ . ^ •) A : " Y kien ciia toi la cong bang...". Phuang an.nay khong phii hgp vi cong bdng Cau 6 7 : - D a p an: D - ,. Loai ( A , B, C) v i : A, B va D khong phai la lai mai. li bao. , B va C: khong c6 tinh hu6ng thich hgp de hoi "Ban vira mai tuang tugng ''^ ?" hoac "Ban lam an tuang tugng ". Cau 75: - D a p an: B - Dien giai: recover from sth: binh phtic, hoi phiic ; Uiai nhanh CDBT TN Anh Vfln • rjgo Van Mint! B : Jack d i i i i h a n h c h o n g h o i p h u c hoan l o a n sau c o n b # n h n a n g . Loai ( A , C. D ) v i : A : rccowix'ci. laiih beiih k h o n g the a d a n g b j d o n g . *< C va D : sai d a n g g i o i tir sau recoverecl. . ' • i , I A va C : y o u r e x p e c t a t i o n ( s ) : sir n i o n g d g i c u a ban g*^^^ rr;*! > -fr^'im-innru^'r I , D i e n g i a i : 'T//- ' - D i c n g i a i : Ngin'ri dan ong nay hi kef dn 15 nam tii vi ong ta hi chung ininh Id phgm tpi. L o a i ( A , B v a D ) v i : C o m o t d i e m c h u n g k h o n g h o p If: " t i r chi'rng m i n h m i n h c 6 t p i ( i n person - trirc t i e p ) " . B : g i o i t i r " / r ; " d i v o l d g n g tu- sentence. D : v 6 nghTa: 6 Cach phat am cua c i c mau tir hiln thj 6 Bai tap trac nghiem Crng dyng 9 Trong tarn ciia mpt tir 19 Bai tap trJc nghiem ung dung 21 Cac thi 26 Bai tap trac nghi?m ung dung 55 h u o n g d a n giai l u y f n t h i t o t n g h i f p T H P T tuySn sinh D a i hpc - Cao d 3 n g Da s6 ''"^ ""^''^ ^ 3 T h § n b a : B9 de D i c n g i a i : "Tdl cd hoc sinh phdi nlu'r kT haii chot clang hi cfir thi tot nghi^'p.'' Cau 79:- D a p an: C thi va hinh thirc thi t6t nghiep THPT, tuyin sinh Dai hgc, Cao dang Phan h a i : T r g n g t a m ngu- phap L o a i A , B va D v i v 6 nghTa: - 2;;;; ~ Chu true nam "^^ Cau 77: - D a p a n : C - E •" S«OfW ^ B : thira " t o d o " Phan mOt: "''^ D i c n g i i i i : B a n c 6 biet m i n h c a n g i chua? Loai(A,B,C)vi: ^ ':hiki i C a u 7 6 : - D a p sin: D - Muc LUC '*i'"'< 65 1 65 Dgs62 79 Dk s6 3 94 DS s6 4 Ill s6 5 : 127 " N g u o i d a n o n g n e n d u a ra ban an c u o i c u n g sau 15 n a m a t u v i a n h ta da c h u n g Phan b o n : G i a i cac de t h i t o t n g h i f p T H P T va T u y i n sinh D a i hpc, C a o dang cua bg minh minh c6 t o i . " giao due v^ dao tao t u n3m 2006 den 2011 Cau 80:- D a p an: A •••'U't D i c n g i a i : NInmg Mipd KU3 roi siJ uea rn: A hoc sinh .sail khi ra triidng tiep len hdc dgi hoc hogc Id di Idin ngay lap ti'rc. Loai b 6 ( B , C , D ) v i : D : "neither 'gitv/wr ' '•' ' * B : p h a i d i m g '"between....ancH, C: p h a i d u n g "either....or c6 the lira chon hogc Id hoc khong dung \g d u n g " *' "'among''. "ancr. ....nor"" h a m y p h i i d i n h ca h a i hanh d g n g t r o n g c a u . ^ • .. ' • ''^^^ , , _ ' , Dfi thi tuyan sinh Dai hoc, khdi D nam 2 0 1 i '41 Da thi tuyan sinh Dai hoc, kh6i D nam 2 0 1 0 170 De thi tuyen sinh Dai hoc, kh6i D nam 2009 184 DO thi tuyan sinh Dai hoc, khdi D nam 2008 203 Da thi tuyan sinh Cao Dang, khdi D nam 2008 221 Da thi tuyan sinh Dai hoc, Cao Dang, kh6i D nam 2007 240 Da thi tuyan sinh Tdt nghiep THPT, he 7 nam nam 2007 259 Da thi tuyan sinh Dai hoc, Cao Dang, khoi D nam 2006 273 , • i l l 294 141 • „i|T„r, • qt) iv' \
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