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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ——————————- NGUYEN PHUONG THUY COMPETITIVE ECOSYSTEMS: CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE MODELS Major: Mathematics Code: 9460101 ABSTRACT OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OF MATHEMATICS HANOI - 2018 The thesis is completed at Hanoi University of Science and Technology Advisors: 1. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Doanh 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. Phan Thi Ha Duong Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis will be defended before approval committee at Hanoi University of Science and Technology: Time..........., date.......month.......year....... The thesis can be found at: 1. Ta Quang Buu Library 2. Vietnam National Library INTRODUCTION 1. Motivation The growth and degradation of populations in the nature and the struggle of one species to dominate other species has been an interesting topic for a long time. The application of mathematical concepts to explain these phenomena has been documented centuries ago. The founders of mathematical-based modeling are Malthus (1798), Verhulse (1838), Pearl and Reed (1903), especially Lotka and Volterra whose most important results are published in the 1920s and 1930s. Lotka and Volterra modeled, independently of each other, the competition between predator and prey. They are the first to study the phenomenon of species interactions by introducing simplified conditions that lead to solvable problems that have meaning until today. However, there are many other competing bio-systems, which cannot be explained by using the classic competition model of Lotka-Volterra. The main reason for the limitation of Lotka-Volterra’s model is that there are too many assumptions in the model, such as the assumption that the environment is homogeneous and stable, the behavior of the individual species is the same and the competition is expressed only by interspecific competitive coefficient. Meanwhile, these factors appear frequently and play a very important role. For example, the migration behavior of individual species is a very important factor for species survival. Individuals of the same species or of different species may have different behaviors. Aggressive behavior is also used by individuals of wild species to compete for accommodation, to fight for their partners, etc. In addition, individuals may also change their behaviors frequently according to the change of the environment. Therefore, the development of new models taking into account the complex environments and the behaviors of individuals has been interested by many mathematicians. Following are some recent approaches. - The complex environment and individual migration behavior in competitive ecosystems: the competition process and the migration process have the same time scale or the different time scale. - Aggressive behavior of individuals in competitive system: The first ideas for modeling the aggressiveness of individuals through game theory were given by Pierre Auger and his collaborators in 2006. - Age structure (mature group and immature group) in the competitive system. 2. Objective The objective of this thesis is to develop models for analyzing the effects of the environment, the behaviors of individuals (aggressive behavior, hunting habits) and the age structure (adults and juveniles) on the two species of competitive ecosystems. To reach this goal, we divide this thesis into four main work packages: - Develop models analyzing the effects of complex environments and aggressive 1 behavior of the two competing ecosystems. - Develop models analyzing the effect of age structure (adult and juvenile) to study competing ecosystems. - Build disk-graph based models to study competing ecosystems. - Implement and simulate experiments. 3. Research Methods • Equation-based and individual-based modeling methods are undertaken to model the reference systems at different scales and levels of complexity. • Methods of dynamical systems and ordinary differential equations are dedicated to the study of the obtained mathematical models. In particularly, method of aggregation of variables will be used, if it is necessary, to reduce to complexity of the models. • Methods relating to graph theory are considered to investigate some generated graph models from the individual-based ones. 4. Results and applications The thesis presents different models and simulations which can be applied in theoretical as well as empirical studies in competitive ecosystems. From the theoretical point of view, the author has successfully developed several models (some continues models for the case where two consumer species exploit a common resource with different competition strategies) and simulations (some discrete models for prey-predator systems: from the individual-based model to the generating graph of the individual-based model). In the application point of view, the author has presented some models which are very useful for different case studies such as thiof and octopus competition in Senegal coast (Case 1) and rice and brown plant-hopper (Case 2). 5. The structure and results of the thesis The main part of this thesis is divided into four chapters: Chapter 1: presents the concept of competition in ecology system as well as the approaches to study competing ecosystem including continues models and discrete models. The useful tools, Lyapunov’s methods, LaSalle’s invariance principle and aggregated method, are also introduced briefly in this chapter. Chapter 2: presents some continues models for the case where two consumer species exploit a common resource with different competition strategies. Chapter 3: presents some discrete models for prey-predator systems: from the individual-based model to the generating graph of the individual-based model. Chapter 4: presents the modeling of two ecology systems: the thiofoctopus system and the rice-brown plant hopper system. 2 Chapter 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Competition in ecology systems Competition plays an important role in ecological communities. If the competitors are of the same species then the competition is called intraspecific competition. Intraspecific competition can be for nest sites, mates, or food. Intraspecific competition typically leads to decreased rates of resource intake per individual, and thus to decreased rates of individual growth or development. If the competitors are of different species, it is called interspecific competition. Under these conditions, the birth and death rates of one population affect these rates of the second population. While intraspecific competition results in regulation of the specie’s population, interspecific competition can result in one species dominating the other, even to the point where the second species will go extinct. 1.2 Continuous models Equation-based modeling has a long history in population ecology. It has been used as a powerful tool which allows to make prediction about possible global emerging properties of the system in a long-term. In order to describe the dynamics of ecological systems, equation-based models (EBM) often use a set of differential equations, difference equations, partial differential equations, stochastic differential equations. 1.3 Discrete models Individual-based models Individual-Based Model (IBM) is a kind of computational models. It simulates the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective entities such as organizations or groups) with a view to assess their effects on the whole of the system. The system consists a finite set of elements. Each element is represented by an individual, provided with attributes and local processes. The dynamics of the model is generated by the interactions that occur between these individual processes. These models can be used to test how changes in individual behaviors will affect the emerging overall behavior of the system. Disk-graph based models A disk graph-based model is a system in which each element is represented 3 by a circle whose size depends on a specific property of the element. Each circle is then considered as a vertex, and the interaction between two elements is represented by an edge between their vertices. This kind of model allows taking spatial relationships into account when modeling a system. In geometric graph theory, a disk graph (DG) is simply the graph of intersection of a family of circles in the Euclidean plane. Hence, graphs can be used to represent a variety of processes or states of a system: interactions, proximity, relationships between individuals, populations, events, etc. 1.4 Lyapunov’s methods and LaSalle invariance principle 1.5 Aggregation method Aggregation of variables method was proposed by Pierre Auger in 2008. The considered models belong to a class of autonomous system of ordinary differential equations with two time scales can be expressed in the following form: dn = f (n) + s(n) (1.1) dτ with n ∈ Rm , where maps f and s represent the fast and slow dynamics, respectively, and  is the small positive parameter measuring the time scales ratio when it is possible. To perform its approximate aggregation, system (1.1) is firstly converted into slow-fast form by means of an appropriate change of variables n ∈ Rm → (x, y) ∈ Rm−k × Rk :    dx = F (x, y) + S(x, y), dτ (1.2) dy   = G(x, y), dτ where F, S, G are sufficiently smooth functions, x represents the fast variables and y represents the slow variables. The aggregation method now consists in different steps: - Step 1: Taking  = 0 in the first equation of slow-fast form (1.2), i.e. dx = F (x, y). For constant y, finding the asymptotically stable equilibrium dτ x∗ (y) of this system. - Step 2: Substituting x∗ (y) into the second equation of slow-fast form (1.2), obtaining the aggregated system: dy = G(x∗ (y), y), (1.3) dt where t = τ represents the slow time variable. - Step 3: Checking the two conditions: (H1) the system (1.3) is structurally stable and (H2)  is small enough, which ensures that the asymptotic behavior of the system (1.2) can be studied through the system (1.3). 4 Chapter 2 CONTINUOUS MODELS FOR COMPETITION SYSTEMS WITH STRATEGY 2.1 Introduction on competition systems 2.2 The classical competition model without individual’s strategy The classical competition model is given as follows:    dR = [γ(R) − a1 C1 R − a2 C2 R]   dt       dC1 = [−d1 C1 + a1 e1 RC1 ]  dt          dC2 = [−d2 C2 + a2 e2 RC2 ] , dt (2.1) where the function γ(R) describes the resource growth. When the resource is biotic, we have γ(R) = rR(1 − R/K), where r and K are the growth rate and the carrying capacity of the resource respectively. And γ(R) = r(S − R) when the resource is abiotic, where r is the resource turnover rate and S is the supply concentration of the resource, which is akin to the resource carrying capacity. Parameter di is the natural death rate of consumer i, ai represents the capture rate of consumer i on the resource and ei is the parameter related to consumer i recruitment as a consequence of consumer-resource interaction, i ∈ {1, 2}. The condition for asymmetric competition, C1 for the LSE and C2 for the LIE, is given by   d1 d2 ∗ < min R , , (2.2) a1 e1 a2 e2 where R∗ is the equilibrium level of the resource when the two consumers are absent. R∗ = K when the resource is biotic and R∗ = S when it is abiotic. 2.3 A model with an avoiding strategy We assume that the migration is faster than the demography and the competition. We re-used the classical model (2.1) in the competitive patch and 5 added new terms for mortality in the non-competition patch and for the migration between two patches to describe the model. In this case, the model is given as follows:    dR   = ε γ(R) − a 1 C1 R − a2 C2C R   dτ         dC1     dτ = ε[−d1 C1 + a1 e1 RC1 ] (2.3)    dC 2C   = (kC2N − (αC1 + α0 )C2C ) + ε[−d2C C2C + a2 e2 RC2C ]   dτ          dC2N = ((αC1 + α0 )C2C − kC2N ) − εd2N C2N , dτ where the new parameters were used in order to adapt to the model: C2C (resp. C2N ) and d2C (resp. d2N ) are the density and mortality rate of LIE in the competitive (resp. non-competitive) patch; k is the per capita emigration rate from the non-competitive patch to the competitive patch, and αC1 + α0 represents the density dependent migration from the competitive patch to the noncompetitive patch. Here α represents the strength of density-dependence in migration, i.e. if there are too many LSE individuals in the competitive patch then LIE individuals are more likely to leave this patch to the non-competitive patch. In the critical case when α = 0, the migration is density-independent with the per capita emigration rate α0 . The parameter ε represents the ratio between two time scales t = ετ , t is the slow time scale and τ is the fast one. The condition for the asymmetric competition (2.2) now becomes:   d1 d2C < min R∗ , . (2.4) a1 e1 a2 e2 Model reduction Using the aggregation method, the system (2.3) comes into the following reduced model  dR a2 k   = γ(R) − a1 RC1 − RC2   dt H(C  1)       dC1 (2.5) = C1 [−d1 + a1 e1 R]  dt           dC2 C2   = − kd2C + d2N (αC1 + α0 ) + a2 e2 kR .  dt H(C1 ) where C2 = C2C + C2N . Global stability of the reduced model (2.5) 6 When R∗ < R2+ = (kd2C + α0 d2N )/a2 e2 k, the equilibria are (R∗ , 0, 0), (0, 0, 0) (for the case of biotic resource) and (R1+ , C1+ , 0) where R1+ = d1 /a1 e1 , C1+ = γ(R1+ )/a1 R1+ which is positive since R1+ < R∗ (condition (2.4)). When R∗ > R2+ , the equilibria are (R∗ , 0, 0), (R2+ , 0, C2+ ), (0, 0, 0) (for the case of biotic resource) and (R1+ , C1+ , 0) where C2+ = γ(R2+ )H(0)/a2 kR2+ . Theorem 2.3.1. (R1+ , C1+ , 0) is globally asymptotically stable in R3+ . To summarize, in any case LSE is always the globally superior competitor. Otherwise, the avoiding strategy of LIE is never successful to avoid extinction. 2.4 A model with an aggressive strategy In this part, we consider the second case where LIE individuals become very aggressive so that LSE individuals have to go to a non-competitive patch. The model then reads as follows:    dR   = ε γ(R) − a 1 RC1C − a2 RC2   dτ         dC1C     dτ = (−(βC2 + β0 )C1C + mC1R ) + ε[−d1C C1C + Ra1 e1 C1C ] (2.6)    dC1N   = ((βC2 + β0 )C1C − mC1N ) − εd1N C1N   dτ          dC2 = ε[−d2 C2 + a2 e2 RC2 ] − εlC2 , dτ where d2 is the natural death rate of consumer 2, d1C and d1N are the natural death rates of consumer 1 in the competitive patch and the non-competitive patch respectively. The condition for the asymmetric competition becomes   d1C d2 < min R∗ , . (2.7) a1 e1 a2 e2 Model reduction  dR a1 m  = γ(R) − RC1 − a2 RC2   dt L(C  2)       dC1 C1 = [−(d1C m + d1N (βC2 + β0 )) + a1 e1 mR]  dt L(C 2)         dC2  = C2 [−(d2 + l) + a2 e2 R], dt where L(C2 ) = βC2 + β0 + m. 7 (2.8) Table 2.1: Equilibria of aggregated model (2.8) and local stability analysis Conditions 1. R2∗ < R1∗ 1.1. R∗ < R2∗ < R1∗ 1.2. R2∗ < R∗ < R1∗ 1.3. R2∗ < R1∗ < R∗ 2. R1∗ < R2∗ 2.1. R∗ < R1∗ < R2∗ 2.2. R1∗ < R∗ < R2∗ 2.3. R1∗ < R∗∗ < R2∗ < R∗b 2.4. R1∗ < R2∗ < R∗∗ < R∗ 2.5. R1∗ < R2∗ < R∗ < R∗∗ unstable stable (0, 0, 0)a (0, 0, 0) (R∗ , 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (R∗ , 0, 0) (R1∗ , C1∗ , 0) (R∗ , 0, 0) (R2∗ , 0, C2∗ ) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (R∗ , 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (R∗ , 0, 0) (R2∗ , 0, C2∗ ) (0, 0, 0) (R∗ , 0, 0) (R̂, Cˆ1 , Cˆ2 ) (0, 0, 0) (R∗ , 0, 0) (R̂, Cˆ1 , Cˆ2 ) (R∗ , 0, 0) (R1∗ , C1∗ , 0) (R2∗ , 0, C2∗ ) (R1∗ , C1∗ , 0) (R1∗ , C1∗ , 0) (R2∗ , 0, C2∗ ) (R1∗ , C1∗ , 0) (R2∗ , 0, C2∗ ) R1∗ = (d1C m + d1N β0 )/(a1 e1 m), C1∗ = γ(R1∗ )L(0)/a1 mR1∗ , R2∗ = (d2 + l)/(a2 e2 ), C2∗ = γ(R2∗ )/a2 R2∗ , R∗∗ = R1∗ + d1N βγ(R2∗ )/(a1 e1 ma2 R2∗ ), R̂ = R2∗ , Cˆ1 = (γ(R̂) − a2 R̂Cˆ2 )L(Cˆ2 )/a1 mR̂, Cˆ2 = a1 e1 m(R2∗ − R1∗ )/d1N β. a : equilibrium (0, 0, 0) appears only in the biotic resource case. b : R1∗ < R∗∗ ⇔ R2∗ < R∗ . 8 30 20 15 25 20 LIE Resource 30 complete model (biotic) aggregated model (biotic) complete model (abiotic) aggregated model (abiotic) 25 10 10 5 5 2000 4000 6000 Time 8000 0 0 10000 30 30 25 25 LSE (Refuge) LSE (Resource Patch) 0 0 15 20 15 10 5 0 0 2000 4000 6000 Time 8000 10000 2000 4000 6000 Time 8000 10000 20 15 10 5 2000 4000 6000 Time 8000 0 0 10000 Figure 2.2: Comparison of solutions of system (2.6) with their approximations through the aggregated system (2.8) for the both biotic and abiotic resource cases. Global stability of the reduced model (2.8) Let us denote R1∗ = (d1C m + d1N β0 )/(a1 e1 m), R2∗ = (d2 + l)/(a2 e2 ) and ∗ C2 = γ(R2∗ )/a2 R2∗ . We first give a condition for the extinction of LSE and LIE. Theorem 2.4.1. Suppose that R∗ < min{R2∗ , R1∗ }, then (R∗ , 0, 0) is globally asymptotically stable in R3+ . Theorem 2.4.2. Suppose that R2∗ < min{R∗ , R1∗ }, then (R2∗ , 0, C2∗ ) is globally asymptotically stable in R3+ . Local stability of the reduced model (2.8) We show in detail the results about the existence of equilibria of the aggregated model (2.8) and their local stability analysis via linearization. One can see the summarized results in Table 2.1. 2.5 Discussion and Conclusion We show in Figure 2.2 a comparison between solutions of (2.6) and those of (2.8) in the case that LIE wins globally. For the same set of parameter values, taking  = 0.01, and one set of initial conditions, we calculate numerically in pair the solution of system (2.6) and the corresponding solution of aggregated system (2.8). Then, for each of the four state variables of system (2.6), we put together its evolution in time t and the one predicted by the aggregated system through the elements R , mC1 /L(C2 ), (βC2 + β0 )C1 /L(C2 ) and C2 . We can observe in Figure 2.2 that the long 9 term behaviours of both are very closed. Figure 2.3 shows the outcomes of the dynamics of model (2.6) in the case of biotic resource. Regarding to the corresponding simulation for the case of abiotic resource, we changed only the function describing the resource growth (using γ(R) = r(S − R) instead of γ(R) = rR(1 − R/K) ) and the value of S is equal to the value of K. We also obtain the similar results for the abiotic resource. 25 30 25 20 15 LIE LIE 20 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 5 10 LSE 15 20 0 0 25 25 20 20 15 15 5 10 5 10 LSE 15 20 25 15 20 25 LIE LIE 25 10 10 5 5 0 0 5 10 LSE 15 20 0 0 25 LSE Figure 2.3: The outcomes of model (2.6) with the biotic resource. It is the fact that the behavioral strategy plays an important role in species competition. Individuals alter their boldness or aggressiveness depending on the ecological context in order to maximize their fitness. Our result shows that being aggressive is an efficient strategy for the survival of LIE when the cost is not high, i.e the LIE’s fitness depends on the benefit-cost variation. Our simulations are presented to illustrate and support the results. The content of this chapter is based on the paper [1] in the LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Chapter 3 DISCRETE MODELS FOR PREDATOR-PREY SYSTEMS 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, we study generating graphs of an individual-based predatorprey model. At each time step, a graph , called disk graph, representing the interactions between individuals is generated. In this graph, vertices represent 10 individuals and two vertices are connected by an edge when the two corresponding individuals interact with each other. The obtained graphs are disk graphs. Some characterized properties such as maximum cliques, clustering number, distribution degree and diameter of those graphs are investigated. We compare the properties of the generating graphs of individual-based predator prey models with those of some common complex system graphs. We also discuss these properties in biological point of view. 3.2 Individual-Based predator-prey Model We consider the dynamics of a predator-prey system living in a homogeneous environment. Predator individuals exist and develop by consuming preys. Meanwhile, prey individuals exist by eating grass in their living environment. 1. Environment: To simplify, we use a 2D grid environment. Moreover, grass is added in the environment and being used as the resource that prey individuals can find and eat. Light or dark green cells represent areas with grass. The shade of green corresponds to the density of grass. The darker the green is, the higher the density of grass is. The white cells indicate areas without grass. 2. Species individual: Each species individual has the capacity to move, to eat and to reproduce. These individuals are characterized by their level of energy. An individual will die when its energy become null. Individuals can gain energy by eating food. In details, predator individuals eat the prey individuals while prey individuals increase their energy by eating grass. Individual looses energy after each moving step. When having enough energy, the individual will reproduce. Individuals also looses energy for reproduction. The new-born individuals appear at the same grid cell of their mother. The number of new-born individuals depends on the property of each species. We assume that species individuals reproduce and move stochastically. 3. Process: At each simulation step, if a species individual found any food in its neighbor cells, it will capture or eat the food. If there is no food in the neighbor cells, the species individuals will move stochastically to one neighbor cell. 4. Simulation implementation: We chose to use GAMA platforms to implement our models. 3.3 3.3.1 Generating Graph of the IBM Graph Model for Complex Systems The main properties of some real-world complex systems such as Internet, Web, Actors, Co-author...from the view of graph are summarized by Jean11 Figure 3.3: Evolution of the number of individuals of each species. The red, blue and green curves represent respectively the evolution of Predator, Prey and Grass. Loup Guillaume and Matthieu Latapy in 2004. These complex systems have the following common properties: - Most real-world complex systems have a low global density. - Complex systems have a low average distance/diameter. - The degree distribution of the graph follows a power law: pk ∼ k−α , pk is the probability of a vertex of the degree k. The exponent α of the power law is generally between two and three. - All these complex systems have a high clustering which seems to be independent of the size of the systems. 3.3.2 Graph Model for Predator-Prey System The effected area of an individual u is the disk graph diskR (u) with radius R centered at the position of u. A graph G = (V, E) of an ecology system is defined as follows: the vertex set is the set of individuals: V = {1, 2, · · · , n}; there is an edge between two individuals u and v if their effected areas intersect. For each simulation iteration of the IBM and for each determined value of R, we get a corresponding graph model for the predator-prey system from the IBM. 3.3.3 Analysis of the Generating Graph As most real-world complex systems have the number of edges which scales linearly with the number of vertices, the complex systems have a low density. This fits well to our results in simulations (see Table 3.2). Moreover, our experimental results show that the average distance between two vertices is low. This result is similar to the results of other complex systems. We obtained from our experiments that the global clustering of our model is high and it seems to be independent of the size of the model. This result is similar to the common properties of some complex systems. The difference of our model is shown in Figure 3.6. That is the degree distribution of our model follows an exponential decrease. Therefore, in our model, the number of vertices with high degree is very small. The maximum clique problem is NP-complete on arbitrary graphs. While a variety of algorithms have been proposed for the solution of the maximum clique problem, only a few of them have been 12 programmed and tested on graphs where the problem is difficult to solve. In our work, the k-clique algorithm of Pala et.al. in 2005 has been used. The results in Table 3.3 proved the effectiveness of this algorithm. Figure 3.5: Individual Based Model (on the left) and the corresponding Disk Graph Based Model (on the right). a) b) c) d) Figure 3.6: Distribution of degree in several simulation steps: a) at step 200, b) at step 530, c) at step 1000, d) at step 2500. 3.4 Conclusion and Perspective In this chapter, we studied one of the most important ecological complex system, the predator-prey system, by combining the individual-based approach 13 Table 3.2: Some results from simulations of predator-prey system. For each graph in each simulation step, n, m, density, c and d are respectively its number of vertices, numbers of links, density, clustering number and average distance. n m density c d 6532 71233 1.7e-3 0.6539 7.69 6114 67031 1.8e-3 0.652 7.81 5412 61652 2.1e-3 0.6482 7.69 3032 33577 3.7e-3 0.6485 2.9 4126 31435 1.8e-3 0.6833 4.32 4514 37320 1.8e-3 0.6737 4.72 Table 3.3: Statistics about the cliques of the graphs at step 1 of the simulation of the predator-prey competition system. no. of vertices no. of maximum clique clique number 490 6 5 no. of 4-clique no. of 3-clique 24 86 and the disk graph based approach in the modeling of the system. We have shown that with this approach, we are able to extract more information from GBM to get deeper understanding about this ecological system such as the clicks, the local density, the global density, the average distance and the degree distribution. Simulations are presented to illustrate for our results. The content of this chapter is based on the paper [4] in the LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Chapter 4 APPLICATION: MODELING OF SOME REFERENCE ECOSYSTEMS 4.1 4.1.1 Modeling of the thiof-octopus system Introduction The case of the thiof and the octopus in Senegal leads us to consider several mathematical models of two fish species competing for a common resource and that are harvested by the same fishing fleet. 14 4.1.2 Model presentation Model 1: the case without refuge    n2 dn1 n1   − q1 n1 E = r − a 1 n1 1 − 12   K1 K1  dt (4.1)      dn n n   2 = r2 n2 1 − 2 − a21 1 − q2 n2 E, dt K2 K2 where ni is the density of species i, i ∈ {1, 2}. Parameters ri and Ki are the growth rate and the carrying capacity of the species i, i ∈ {1, 2}. The parameter E is a constant fishing effort. The parameter qi represents the capture rate of the fishing on the species i, i ∈ {1, 2}. The asymmetric competition in which species 1 is the superior competitor and species 2 is the inferior competitor, leads to the following condition: a12 K2 a21 K1 <1< . K1 K2 (4.2) Model 2: the case with refuge and density-independent migration We denote niF and niR are the densities of species i, i ∈ {1, 2}, in the fishing patch and in the refuge, respectively. Parameter di is the natural death rate of species i in the refuge, i ∈ {1, 2}. In addition, we suppose that k and m are the emigration rates from the refuge to the fishing patch of species 1 and 2. The parameter k and m is the emigration rate from the fishing patch to the refuge patch of species 1 and 2. The parameter ε represents the ratio between two time scales t = ετ . Then, the dynamics of such a model is given by        dn1F = kn1R − kn1F + εr1 n1F 1 − n1F − a12 n2F − εq1 n1F E   dτ K1 K1            dn1R   = kn − εd1 n1R 1F − kn1R    dτ        dn2F n2F n1F   = mn − mn + εr n 1 − − a − εq2 n2F E 2R 21 2 2F 2F   dτ K2 K2           dn    2R = mn2F − mn2R − εd2 n2R , dτ (4.3) We use the total density of species 1, n1 (t) = n1F (t) + n1R (t), and the total k m density of species 2, n2 (t) = n2F (t) + n2R (t). And v1∗ = k+k , u∗1 = m+m . We 15 obtain the following aggregated system:     r1 v1∗ 2 r1 a12 v1∗ u∗1 dn1 ∗ ∗ ∗   = n r n n 1 1 v1 − q1 v1 E − d1 v2 − 1 − 2   K1 K1  dt (4.4)    ∗2 ∗ ∗      dn2 = n2 r2 u∗1 − q2 u∗1 E − d2 u∗2 − r2 u1 n2 − r2 a21 u1 v1 n1 . dt K2 K2 According to the aggregation method, we can study the dynamics of the complete system (4.3) by carrying out the study of the aggregated model (4.4). Model 3: the case with refuge and density-dependent migration The model 3 is similar to model 2 but the migration is density-dependent because the observations in Senegal have shown that during the benthic stage (juvenile and adult stages), the octopus can stay hiding in its refuge during relatively long period. It is maybe to avoid contests with competitors and predators. The model is given by      dn1F n2F n1F   = kn − − a − εq1 n1F E kn + εr n 1 − 1R 12 1F 1 1F   dτ K1 K1            dn   1R = kn1F − kn1R − εd1 n1R    dτ         n1F dn2F n2F   = mn2R − αn1F + α0 n2F + εr2 n2F 1 − − a21 − εq2 n2F E   dτ K2 K2            dn    2R = αn1F + α0 n2F − mn2R − εd2 n2R . dτ (4.5) k Denote n1 (t) = n1F (t) + n1R (t), n2 (t) = n2F (t) + n2R (t) and v1∗ = k+k , v2∗ = k . k+k We obtain the following aggregated system:     r1 v1∗ 2 dn1 r1 a12 v1∗ m  ∗ ∗ ∗  = n r n n 1 1 v1 − q1 v1 E − d1 v2 − 1 − 2   dt K1 K1 H(n1 )        dn2 n2 ∗  = r m − q mE − d (αv n + α ) 2 2 2 0 1 1   dt H(n1 )    2   r m r 2 2 −  n2 − a21 mv1∗ n1 . K2 H(n1 ) K2 (4.6) where H(n1 ) = αv1∗ n1 + α0 + m. According to the aggregation method, we can study the dynamics of the complete system (4.5) by carrying out the study of 16 the aggregated model (4.6). To avoid having a lot of parameters, we rewrite system (4.6) equations by using new parameters as follows:    dn1 C   = n A − Bn − n 1 1 2  dt  H(n1 )  (4.7)      dn2 n2 P   = M − N n1 − n2 , dt H(n1 ) H(n1 ) where A = r1 v1∗ − q1 v1∗ E − d1 v2∗ ; B = r1 (v1∗ )2 /K1 ; C = r1 a12 v1∗ m/K1 ; M = r2 m − q2 mE − d2 α0 ; N = d2 αv1∗ + r2 a21 mv1∗ /K2 ; P = r2 m2 /K2 . A and M can be considered as the global growth rates for both species. e1 = −A; O e2 = −M ; Ie1 = P A − M C; Ie2 = M B − N A. The Denoting O ei > 0 means that species i is over exploited and/or the mortality condition O rate is high in the refuge. While the condition Iei > 0 is related to the case where species i can invade when rare, i ∈ {1, 2}. It is obvious that if species is overexploited and/or the mortality rate is high in the refuge then it gets extinct. 4.1.3 Analysis and Discussion The most important result is obtained from the equilibria of the aggregated model and the local stability analysis. The model shows that, in some conditions of fishing pressure, the joint dynamics of both species can reach the stable equilibrium in which the inferior competitor (octopus) wins globally and the superior competitor (thiof) goes extinct. This interesting situation e1 > 0 and O e2 < 0. In other words, the model predicts that the occurs when O extinction of the superior competitor occurs when: - The fishing effort for the superior competitor (the thiof) is large enough e1 > 0, i.e. the superior to provoke a global negative growth rate A or else O competitor is overexploited. - The fishing effort is large for the inferior competitor (the octopus) but e2 < 0, i.e. the inferior its global growth rate M remains positive or else O competitor is not overexploited. On the contrary, the natural growth rate of the thiof r1 is smaller in comparison and the fishing pressure on this species could be large enough to provoke a global negative growth rate A for the thiof. The same situation, i.e. the extinction of the superior competitor, could also occur when the two global growth rates are positive A > 0 and M > 0. This means that in this last case, the fishing pressure is not large enough to provoke a global negative growth rate neither for the thiof nor for the octopus. In that case, two supplementary conditions must be verified, Ie1 < 0 and Ie2 > 0, which can be rewritten combining with the condition (4.2) as follows: 17 Inferior Competitor 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 Superior Competitor 25 30 Figure 4.2: Example of the model 2 where the inferior competitor wins globally. 120 Inferior Competitor 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 Superior Competitor Figure 4.4: Example of the model 3 where the inferior competitor wins globally. - Ie1 < 0 and (4.2) are equivalent to   q1 E d1 ν2∗ 1− − r1 r1 ν1∗ K K1  < a12 < 1 , × K2 K2 q2 E q2 µ∗2 1− − r2 r2 µ∗1 where µ∗1 = m/(α0 + m), µ∗2 = 1 − µ∗1 . - Ie2 > 0 and (4.2) are equivalent to    q2 E q2 µ∗2 1 − − r2 r2 µ∗1 K2 K2  αd2 K1  . − < a21 < ×  K1 K1  mr2  q1 E d1 ν2∗ 1− − r1 r1 ν1∗ These last inequalities signify that the negative effect of competition on the growth of the thiof (resp. the octopus) exerted by the octopus (resp. the thiof) 18
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