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Tài liệu Board games for kids


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Move Ahead 4 Spaces Play Again!!! Go Back 2 Spaces Oh No, Go Back Move Ahead 2 Spaces Go Back 2 Spaces Finish! Rules: 1). throw the dice and answer the question 2) If you answer correctly, then you can move ahead 2more spaces 3) Two or more players can be on the same space. 4) Continue to play until some reaches the finish, and then see who will finish second, third, etc. Oh, No, Go Back to Start Skip One Turn Go Ahead 2 Spaces Start Why do you like your family? What´s your favourite game? How old are you? Move Ahead 4 Spaces Who is your bestfriend? What time do you wake up? What´s your mother name? Go Back 2 Spaces When is Christmas ? How often do you go out with your friends? What´s your nationality? Where is your pen? Oh No, Go Back How do you spell your name? How do you go to school? Finish! What´s your favourite school subject? Oh, No, Go Back to Start Rules: 1). throw the dice and answer the question Who cleans your house? Which cartoon do you prefer batman or Spiderman? What time do you have lunch? How many pens do you have? How old is your father? What´s your favourite singer? How many hours do you study? What time is it? Where are you going this afternoon? Which colour do you prefer black or blue? How many people in your family? 2) If you answer correctly, then you can move ahead 2more spaces Who is your favourite teacher? Go Back 2 Spaces When is your birhday? How old are you? 3) Two or more players can be on the same space. 4) Continue to play until some reaches the finish, and then see who will finish second, third, etc. Skip One Turn Where is your teacher? Where is London? How often do you Play video games? Go Back 2 Spaces What´s your name? Start
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