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VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES LE PHUONG LINH PROTECTION OF WATER ENVIRONMENT IN RIVER BASINS ACCORDING TO VIETNAMESE LAW Major: Economic Law Code: ABSTRACT THE DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OF ECONOMICS Hanoi, 2019 The research work is completed at: Graduate Academy of of Social Science - Vietnam Academy of Social Science Supervisor: Assoc. Prof, Dr. Pham Huu Nghi Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The dissertation will be defended against the academy-level committee, at the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences at: day/month/year The thesis can be found at: - National Library - Library of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS RELATED TO THE DISSERTATION INTRODUCTION 1. The urgency of the research topic Managing and protecting the water environment of river basin is an issue that has been implemented in many countries around the world in the second half of the 20th century and has grown significantly in recent decades to cope with challenges on scarcity of water, increasing pollution and degradation of natural resources and the environment of river basins. Currently, hundreds of river basin management organizations have been set up worldwide to manage and unify water, land and other related resources in the river basin, maximizing the economic benefits and social welfare in a fair manner without compromising the sustainability of the basin's critical environmental system, maintaining sustainable human living conditions. Consistent and integrating management of water resources of a river basin is a new issue to Vietnam. This is very limited in terms of awareness and inevitabe to face many difficulties when implementing. Currently, the Law on Water Resources has been enacted, creating a legal basis and guiding the implementation of water resources management activities. However, we do not have many legal documents guiding in detail the environmental protection of river basin water. Regarding the management method, it is evident that the inconsistency and division of responsibilities are still unclear between the management agencies: central and local levels. There is a lot of overlap among sectors related to the same management area, which causes difficulties and inhibition in environmental protection activities. Among localities in the same basin, a common voice has not been found and the management of basin environment is not consistent and coherent. 1 Therefore, the PhD student chooses the topic "Protection of water environment in river basins according to Vietnamese law" as the content doctoral thesis in Law. 2. Research purpose and missions of the topic 2.1. Research purpose The research purpose of the thesis is to clarify the theoretical issues and the current status of the water environment protection in river basin in accordance with the laws of Vietnam. On that basis, proposing solutions to improve the efficiency of building and implementing law on the protection of water environment in river basins in Vietnam.. 2.2. Missions of the topic Firstly, to inherit, acquire and further clarify theoretical issues on water environment protection in river basins according to Vietnamese law. Secondly, to analyze and clarify the situation of water environmental protection in river basins according to the current laws of Vietnam. Thirdly, to research and propose solutions and recommendations to build, complete and effectively implement the legal system of water environmental protection of river basin water in Vietnam. 3. Scope and subject of the research 3.1. Scope of research - Scope of content: The thesis specifies the research scope as the legal provisions on environmental protection in river basins. Based on the research of theoretical issues on water environment protection in river basins, the thesis will clarify the status and solutions to protect water environment in river basins in Vietnam.. - Scope of space and subject of research: 2 The thesis focuses on studying the water environment in three major river basins such as: Nhue-Day river basin, Dong Nai river basin, Cau river basin. - Scope of time: The thesis focuses on researching the water environmental protection in river basins according to Vietnamese law in recent years. 3.2. Subject of research The subject of the study is Vietnamese legal provisions on water environment protection in river basins, from the perspective of economic law. The thesis will absorb, inherit and promote relevant research results of the previous authors, and will delve into the limitations of current laws, propose recommendations and solutions to build and complete the legal system as well as improve the efficiency of the implementation of the legislation on water environmental protection of river basins in Vietnam. 4. Approach and research methods of the topic 4.1. Approach The thesis approaches the issue of water environment protection in river basins under the perspective of Law: -Approaches from theoretical basis, overview of the law and improve the law in general and the law on water environment protection in the river basin in particular. - Approaches from the practice, assessing the current status of the law on water environmental protection in river basin and the need to improve the law. - Approaches from the orientations, objectives and policies on completing the environmental protection legislation and the law on river basin water environment protection. 4.2. Research Methods a. Methods of analysis 3 The method that requires systematic analysis. It must classify, select, generalize, compare information from documents. There are two analytical directions in this method: qualitative method and quantitative method . b. Comparative method of jurisprudence This is method of approaching, studying and comparing different systems of law in order to find similarities and differences, explaining the origin, evaluating the solution in the systems of law . c . Methods of comparison, statistics Statistical comparison method is used to provide necessary data, collate, compare and clarify relevant contents, placing in the overall legal system of water environment protection in river basin. d . Institutional and policy analysis (IPA) method Method of IPA ( Institution and Policy Analysis- IPA ) is the method that analyzes and assesses the institutional and policy. The IPA is a neutral technical tool aimed at clarifying the effectiveness of an existing policy, explaining how stakeholders have adapted under the impact of the policy, seeking strategies or solutions to improve and enhance the effectiveness of the policy. The IPA is neutral because it is not intended to plan, identify the goal, influence, morality, etc. of a policy to be enacted, but only to analyze an existing and effective policy in order to seek ways to increase the effectiveness of that policy. 5. New contributions of the thesis - The thesis clarifies theoretical issues on the law on the water environmental protection in river basins, pointing out the dominant elements of the legislation on the water environmental protection in river basins. - The thesis clarifies the status of law and practice of the law on the environmental protection of water in river basins in Vietnam. 4 - The thesis put out orientations and solutions to improve the law and ensure the implementation of legislation on water environmental protection in river basins in Vietnam . - The thesis proposes solutions to improve the efficiency of organizing the implementation of legal provisions on water environment protection in river basin. 6. Scientific and practical significance of the thesis The thesis contributes to clarify the theoretical basis as well as the legal principles of environmental protection in river basins. Based on the analysis and evaluation of statistics on the current situation of the environment as well as the identification of current shortcomings of the legal provisions on water environmental protection in river basins, the thesis proposes recommendations to contribute to the improvement of the real laws. 7. Structure of the thesis Apart Introduction, Conclusion, List of references, the thesis has four chapters as follows: - Chapter 1. Overview of research works related to the topic ; - Chapter 2. Theoretical issues on water environment protection in river basins ; - Chapter 3. Actual situation of water environment protection in river basins in Vietnam and its implementation in reality ; - Chapter 4. Requirements, solutions to perfect and improve the enforcement of laws on water environment protection in river basins . 5 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH WORKS RELATED TO THE TOPIC 1.1. Overview of research situation 1.1.1. The study of river basin water sources as a specific object of environmental protection. In this content, the PhD student summarizes research works on water management, protection in river basins in the country, generally evaluates the research situation of the authors, points out the contribution of the works in protecting the water environment in the river basin and connects, assesses the situation of research on this topic in several countries around the world. 1.1.2 . The research works on the water environmental protection laws in river basin The PhD student collect research works on water environment protection law in river basin, generally evaluates research situation of the authors, points out positive contributions of the works in protecting the water environment in river basin in Vietnam and the situation of research on this issue in several countries around the world. 1.2. General evaluation of research related to the topic 1.2..1. The results achieved in the researched works will be inherited by the thesis On the basis of collection and evaluation of scientific research projects related to the topic, the PhD student found that the works had fully and deeply mentioned concepts such as: water environment of river basins, legislation on water environment protection in river basins and theoretical issues on protection and development of water resources in river basins. PhD students will inherit and absorb the research results. 6 In addition, the PhD student also referred to a number of research results on the status of the law, inadequacies, gaps and limitations of sanctions on violations, effectiveness of legal intervention and the activities of the Committee of some specific river basins in Vietnam. Moreover, we could learn from works studied in foreign countries more about how to enact specialized laws that individually adjust field of environmental pollution and water treatment solutions to water pollution must have overall characteristic, and in combination with solutions to prevent environmental pollution in general. It is possible to acquire and learn a number of measures to protect the environment from other countries such as in case of emergency, competent person may direct immediately to perform any task or do anything in accordance with the law, if the competent person finds that work is necessary for public health or for the safety of society. 1.2.2. Issues that the thesis needs to research to continue clarifying and developing Research and management of the water environment in river basin so far has focused only on studying how to protect water environment by protecting the amount of water on the river basin such as assessing load capacity, self-cleaning ability and proposing a number of constructions and projects for dilution, increasing flow, increasing load capacity and selfcleaning of the river system. There are only few legal studies for water protection in river basin. The research results in general have not clarified the theoretical issues and the status of the water environment protection legislation in river basin. Therefore, in this thesis, PhD student will continue to conduct more in-depth study and complete this issue. And if the problem of protecting water environment in river basin has been studied by previous authors in terms of environmental science and 7 economic science perspective, in this thesis, PhD students will approach under Economic law perspective . In addition, the thesis will focus on researching and making recommendations on measures to control sources of water pollution affecting water use purposes. Water quality monitoring systems should be invested and synchronized to improve the quality of measurement data and reduce labor costs . Raising awareness and disseminating to people about environmental protection, especially water environment protection in river basin in particular, is an essential element and an urgent task that our State must pay special attention. Because this is the source of the events leading to water pollution or overcoming, protecting, controlling water pollution with high efficiency. 1.3 . Theoretical basis of the research topic 1.3 .1. Issues to be researched and research hypotheses To implement the thesis, PhD student based on the following theoretical bases: - The Party's views and lines of policies and the State's laws related to water environmental protection in river basins ; - The views of historical materialism, dialectical materialism on the protection of water environment in the river basin ; - The theory of sustainable development associated with protection of water environment in the river basin ; - Theory of protecting human rights associated with the protection of water environment in the river basin ; - Provide views on improving management capacity for functional agencies; - Provide views on propaganda, raising awareness for the entire population about environmental protection in general and water environment in particular. 8 From the theoretical basis mentioned above, the thesis is implemented with research questions focusing on the following aspects: Theory, legal practice and recommendations. General research question : How is protection of water environment in the river basin in our country concerned currently? General research hypothesis : In recent periods, the State has paid much attention and devoted a lot of money to schemes and projects on management and protection of water resources and water environment in river basins in our country, conduct sustainable development of water resources. To answer the above general research questions and hypotheses, the thesis will go into answering the following specific research questions and hypotheses : Research questions 1. What is protection of water environment in the river basin? Research questions 2 . What is the law on the protection of water resources in river basin? Research question 3 : How does the current law protect water environment in river basins in Vietnam both from a practical and a practical perspective? What basic requirements and solutions does the law on protection of water resources in river basin need to be developed and perfected? - Research question 4 : What is the situation of protection of water resources in river basin in Vietnam? Research hypothesis : Current situation of protection of water resources in river basin in Vietnam currently has many difficult issues and challenges. PhD student indicated generally the environmental situation in a number of important river basins in Vietnam such as Basin of Dong Nai river system, Basin of Nhue- Day river, Basin of Cau river. 9 In general, the current situation of protecting the water environment in the river basins in Vietnam is currently not good, it is necessary to promptly develop a complete legal system for management of this field. - Research question 5 : What are the limitations and shortcomings of the legislation on water environmental protection in river basins? - Research question 6 : What is the solution to improve the water environmental protection legislation in river basin? 1.3.2. Approach and research methods The thesis uses a overall, interdisciplinary approach to identify and implement research activities. The thesis uses the following research methods in the thesis : - Analytical and comparative methods, especially data comparisons, are used to evaluate Vietnamese legislation on water environment protection in river basin and its practical implementation. - The generalized method and scientific assumptions used to research and propose solutions to improve the law on water environment protection in river basins and solutions to improve the effectiveness of this law. 10 CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL ISSUES ON WATER ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN RIVER BASIN 2.1. Theoretical issues about the river basin water environment 2.1.1. Approach River basins as the subject of management and protection of water resources River basin means a land area in which surface water and underground water naturally flow into a river and exit to a common outlet or into the sea. In this content, PhD student analyzes and clarifies the approach of the river basin as the subject of river basin management, environmental management and water environment protection. 2.1.2. Relationship and role between river basin water environment protection and river basin management In this content, PhD student analyzes and clarifies the relationship and role between river basin water environment protection and river basin management. This is orientation of development activities and management of water resources for a period according to view of State for socio-economic development and environmental protection in order to make basic transition for management, protection and development activities of water resources . 2.1.3 . Implications of water environment protection in river basin - Planing on allocation of water resources; - Planning on protection of water resources; - Planning on prevention, against and overcoming of harmful effects caused by water. 11 2.2. Theoretical issues on the law on water environment protection in river basin 2.2.1. Legal relation on the protection of water resources in river basin Legal relation on the protection of water resources in river basin has wide, diverse and complex scope and object adjustment such as: Firstly , including the social relations arising in the process of protecting, exploiting and using water resources in river basins; legal relations arising between entities in the management and treatment of waste water into the environment; social relations related to state management of water environment protection; Social relations related to State management on water environment protection; handling of violations in the field of water environment; social relations related to international relations on water environment protection. Secondly, it contains different types of legal documents in various branches of the Law such as Civil Law, Administrative Law, Civil Procedure Law, Land Law, Environmental Protection Law, and Criminal Law... Thirdly, there are various forms of expression, including legal documents and sub-law documents issued by many competent State agencies. 2.2.2. Legislation on the protection of water resources in river basin in the legal system Environmental protection legislation is a specialized law area that includes the legal provisions governing social relationships that arise during human exploitation, use or impact on one or several different elements of the environment. The relationship between people (society), environment and laws is an organic, dialectical relationship for each other in a whole. 12 There are many measures to take in order to protect environment, but the law has become important and governs the entire context of political institutions in our country today. In order to protect water environment in river basin, we have many measures such as: Political measures; Measures to propagate and educate; Economic measures; Scientific and techinical measures. In this content, the PhD student analyzes and clarifies from the perspective of the law on the protection of water resources in the river basin in the legal system. The river basin water environment protection legislation is a comprehensive set of laws governing social relationships that arise during human exploitation, use or impact on one or several different factors of water environment in river basin. 2.2.3. Implications of the river basin environmental protection law a. Provisions on water environment protection in river basins in the Law on Environmental Protection b. Regulations on water environment protection in river basins in the Law on Water Resources c. Institutional structures for managing river basins, environmental protection water in basins 2.2.4. The principles of the Law on the protection of water environment in river basins a. Principles of integrated management of water resources in river basin - Integrated and interdisciplinary approach - System ecology approach - Approach from the bottom up - Community participating approach b. The principle of unified management without division 13 Environment is a unified entity. The unity of environment is reflected in 2 aspects: Unity of space: Environment is not divided by national borders and administrative boundaries. The intrinsic unity between the constituent elements of environment: Among the constituent elements of environment, there is always an interaction relationship with each other, this element changes leading to the change of other factors. c. Principles of cooperation in sharing benefits, ensuring fairness in exploitation, use and protection of water resources development The legal system on water environment protection has ensured the sustainable development and harmonious interests among social forces. Ensuring the harmony of interests between social forces, between socio-economic development and environmental protection, the orientation of sustainable development has become the principle and the main content of the legal system on environmental protection. d. Principles of polluters must pay The basic content of PPP is expressed right in its name, that the subjects causing environment pollution must bear the costs of remedying and improving the polluted environment. Those who exploit and use natural resources, those who have acts of discharging into the environment as well as those who have other acts causing bad impacts on the environment must pay. e. Socializing the protection of water resources in river basin The basic content of PPP is expressed in its name, which is promoting, strengthening education, propaganda and raising public awareness. Moreover, it is necessary to encourage and enhance the participation of the community in protecting the water environment in river basin. 14 Introduce a number of laws related to water environment protection in the world to have a more general view such as: In Japan ; In Singapore . CHAPTER 3 CURRENT STATUS OF LAW ON WATER ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION IN RIVER BASIN IN VIETNAM AND PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION 3.1. Current status of the law on water environmentprotection of in river basin in Vietnam 3.1.1. Planning on development and protection of water environment in river basins in current law In this content PhD analyzes, clarifies actual status of laws, legal documents issued related to development planning and environmental protection in general and the water environment in river basins in particular . 3.1.2 . Control water pollution in river basins according to current laws The management and protection of the river basin environment is a very urgent issue and is particularly important in the current period. In order to improve the efficiency of the management and protection of water resources, one of the factors we need to consider is Control of water pollution in river basins according to current laws. Control of the river basin water environment aims to limit the increase of water pollution, at the same time, helping to make the environment safer. Moreover, in order to effectively control environmental pollution of river basins, at the beginning, it must be closely supervised from the stage of applying for environmental permits such as: strategic environmental reports, impact assessment reports, scheme on environmental protection, environmental protection plan, ... . 15 3.2. Practical implementation of legislation on water environment protection in current river basins 3.2.1. Implementation of environmental protection laws on river basin Nhue - Day river basin In this content, PhD student analyzes and assesses the actual implementation of the law on water environment protection in Nhue-Day River Basin, showing the achieved results, difficulties, shortcomings and causes of limitation in reality. 3.2 .1.2. Dong Nai river basin In this content, PhD student analyzes and assesses the actual implementation of the law on water environment protection in Dong Nai River Basin, showing the achieved results, difficulties, shortcomings and causes of limitation in reality. . Cau river basin In this content, PhD student analyzes and assesses the actual implementation of the law on water environment protection in Cau River Basin, showing the achieved results, difficulties, shortcomings and causes of limitation in reality. 3.2. 2. Assessing the implementation of environmental protection laws on river basins Achievements +) The system of water environment protection laws is relatively comprehensive; +) The legal system of water environment protection is basically compliant with the Constitution and laws; +) The legal system of water environment protection is feasible and is suitable to the country's overall socio-economic development conditions; +) The legal system on water environmental protection has ensured publicity and transparency; 16 +) The legal system on water environment protection has ensured the sustainable and harmonious development of interests among social forces. Limitations and shortcomings +) In the investigation and planning of water environment protection in river basins; +) In regulations on control of activities causing environmental pollution; +) In other regulations on protection of water resources; +) In regulations on liquid and solid waste management; +) Regulations on civil liability in violation of environmental protection legislation; +) Regulations on criminal responsibility in violation of the law on environmental protection; +) Regarding the sanctioning of administrative violations in the field of environmental protection. 17
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