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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Kiến thức tổng hợp Bản song ngữ của vie 4000 essential english word 2...

Tài liệu Bản song ngữ của vie 4000 essential english word 2


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3.1 THE TWELVE MONTHS (Mười hai tháng) Awful(Tính Từ): Đáng Sợ Household (Danh Từ): Căn Nhà Possess(Động Từ): Có, Sở Hữu Remark(Động Từ): Căn Dặn Desire(Động Từ): Ao Ước Anxious(Tính Từ): Lo Lắng Landscape (Danh Từ): Cảnh Quan Lung(Danh Từ): Phổi Pace (Danh Từ): Từng Bước, Bước Chân Consist(Động Từ) Bao Gồm, Có Motion(Danh Từ): Chuyển Động Rapidly(Trạng Từ) Nhanh Chóng Shine(Danh Từ): Ánh Nắng Load(Động Từ): Xếp, Chất Lift(Động Từ): Nhấc Nổi Polite(Tính Từ): Lễ Phép Eager(Tính Từ): Háo Hức Spill(Động Từ): Đổ Tràn Seek(Động Từ): Đi Tìm Intent(Danh Từ): Ý Định 3.1 THE TWELVE MONTHS (Mười hai tháng) An.........woman lived with her daughter and stepdaughter in her ....... She ....... feelings of hate for her stepdaughter, Anna. Anna worked while her stepsister did nothing. On a cold January night, Anna’s stepmother ......, “Your stepsister ...... flowers. Go and find some.” Anna wasn’t ....... to walk through the chilled ....... The cold air made her ...... burn. She walked at a slow ....... because of the snow. Soon she saw a group of people. It ......... of twelve men. Anna told them about the flowers. One of the man said they were the twelve months and that they would help Anna. January walked to her and made a ....... with his hand. The days of the month passed ......... until it was February’s turn. February also made the month speed up. Then March made the sun ...... and flowers grew in the field. Anna ...... her basket with so many flowers that she could hardly ...... it. Then she gave a quick but ........ “thankyou” to the twelve men and returned home. She was very ...... to show her stepmother all the flowers. Back at the house, she ....... the flowers onto the table. Then she told her stepmother about the twelve men. Anna’s stepmother and stepsister went to seek the twelve months. Their ....... was to ask for gifts. They looked and looked. They became very lost and never found their way home. Anna lived happily by herself. 3.2 The dragon (Con rồng) Castle(Danh Từ): Tòa Lâu Đài Remote(Tính Từ): Hẻo Lánh Southern(Tính Từ): (Thuộc) Phía Nam Land(Động Từ): (Landed) Hạ Cánh Command(Động Từ): (Commanded) Ra Lệnh Wing(Danh Từ): Đôi Cánh Steam(Danh Từ): Hơi Statue(Danh Từ): Bức Tượng Submit(Động Từ): (Submitted) Cam Chịu, Phục Tùng Temple(Danh Từ): Ngôi Chùa Counsel(Động Từ): (Counseled) Khuyên Bảo Meteor(Danh Từ): Ngôi Sao Băng Northern(Động Từ): (Thuộc) Phía Bắc Explosion(Danh Từ): Vụ Nổ Bring(Động Từ): (Brought) Mang Weed(Danh Từ) Cỏ Dại Ensure(Động Từ): (Ensured) Đảm Bảo Upper(Tính Từ): Cao Jewelry(Danh Từ): Đồ Trang Sức 3.2 The dragon (Con rồng) An evil dragon lived in a .......... in the ......... mountains. One day the ........ in a town. The dragon ....... the people, “Give me food now, or I will eat you!” The dragon lifted its ...... so that its lungs could be completely filled with hot ....., and breathed it upon the people. A man turned into a stone .......! The people ....... and brought food. The dragon ate all of it and left. The people sent a boy to ask for help from a wise old man. He resided in a ........ The boy told the old man about the dragon. Then, the old man ........ the boy. “A ...... will fall in the northern sky. It will make a huge ........ Find the meteor and ....... it to me. I will use it to make a sword for you.” The boy did as the old man said. Soon, the sword was ready. “Use this to kill the dragon. But be careful. You must cover yourself with ........ that smell bad. That will ....... that he does not smell you,” the man said. The boy traveled for many days to find the castle. He went to the ........ level and opened a door. He could see the dragon’s tail. It was sleeping, so the boy killed it. Then, he took the dragon’s gold and ........ and returned to his town. The people were happy. 3.3 THE BATTLE OF THERMOPYLAE (Trận thermopylae) Brave(Tính Từ) Dũng Cảm Disadvantage(Danh Từ): Khó Khăn, Trở Ngại Military(Danh Từ): Quân Đội Unless(Liên Từ): Trừ Khi Secure(Động Từ): Đảm Bảo Entrance(Danh Từ): Lối Vào Intend(Động Từ): (Định, Có Ý Định Battle(Danh Từ): Trận Chiến Twist(Động Từ): (Twisted) Cuộn Lại Laughter(Danh Từ): Cười, Nụ Cười Weapon(Danh Từ): Vũ Khí Trust(Động Từ): Tin Tưởng Obey(Động Từ): Nghe Theo Lời, Vâng Lời Bow(Danh Từ): Mũi Tên, Cánh Cung Lo(Danh Từ): Khúc Gỗ Hardly(Trạng Từ): Hầu Như Không Steady(Tính Từ): Vững Vàng 3.3 THE BATTLE OF THERMOPYLAE (Trận thermopylae) This is a true story. It happened long ago in Greece.... “We must fight,” the Spartan* chief told his small army of ..... men. They were at a great ......... There were only three hundred of them. The Persian ...... had hundreds of thousands of men. They were going to lose ....... they could ...... a small ....... The ....... couldn’t move through it easily. They ........ to stop the enemy here. The chief and his men got ready for the ....... Soon, long lines of the enemy’s army ....... around the hills. The chief met the enemy with ........ He knew that his men’s ........ and skills were better. The Spartans ...... their leader and ....... him. First, the enemy soldiers shot ...... from their ......... The chief told his men to lift their shields*. The arrows stuck into the shields but did not hurt any of the men. Then the enemy’s soldiers attacked the Spartans with long spears. The chief surprised them. His troops rolled ..... down on the enemy. They fought for three days. Though they .......... slept at all, the chief and his men remained ........ But the enemy found a way to beat the Spartans. The chief and all of his men were killed. Even though they lost, the Battle of Thermopylae is one of the most famous battles in history. 3.4 THE DEER AND HIS IMAGE (Con hươu và hình bóng) Chest(Danh Từ): Lồng Ngực Impress(Động Từ): Gây Ấn Tượng Narrow(Tính Từ): Nhỏ, Hẹp Satisfy(Động Từ): Hài Lòng, Thỏa Mãn Disturb(Động Từ): Làm Phiền Terror(Tính Từ): Vô Cùng Hoảng Sợ Scream(Động Từ): Hét Lên Thất Thanh Victim(Danh Từ): Con Mồi, Nạn Nhân Pale(Tính Từ): Nhạt Sensitive(Tính Từ): Dễ Dàng Bị Thương Rough(Tính Từ): Cứng Estimate(Động Từ): Ước Tính Marathon(Danh Từ): Cuộc Chạy Đua Marathon Threat(Danh Từ): Sự Đe Dọa Shade(Danh Từ): Bóng Disaster(Danh Từ): Thảm Họa Consequence(Động Từ): Kết Quả Honor(Danh Từ): Tôn Vinh Confidence(Động Từ): Tự Tin Supplement: Tôn Lên 3.4 THE DEER AND HIS IMAGE (Con hươu và hình bóng) A deertold himself every day, “I am the most handsome deer in the forest. My large ......is a symbol of my power. And my beautiful horns ..... other animals.” But he did not like his legs and hooves*. “My legs are ......, and my hooves are ugly. They do not ....... me.” One day, the deer saw a big dog. The deer made some noise and .......... the dog. The dog woke up and chased him. The deer felt ......... He ......... He did not want to be a ......., so he ran into the forest. His strong legs helped him run fast. His .......brown hooves were hard, so they were not ..........to ..........rocks. However, his horns got caught in branches, slowing him down. His large chest could not fit between thick trees. The deer ......that he ran for an hour. He felt like he was running a ........ In the end, the deer escaped the .......of the dog. He sat in the ......of a tree. “That was almost a.........! I almost did not escape because of my chest and horns. My legs and hooves saved me.” As a......., the deer learned to .......his fast legs and have ........in his strong hooves. “Pretty things only ......important things,” he thought. 3.5 MAY 29, 1953 (Ngày 29 tháng 5 năm 1953) Heaven(Danh Từ): Thiên Đường Boots (Danh Từ): Đôi Giày Sink(Động Từ): Chìm Silent(Tính Từ): Yên Ắng Surround(Động Từ):mBao Quanh Legend(Danh Từ): Câu Chuyện Thần Thoại Senior(Tính Từ): Có Thâm Niên Frame(Danh Từ): Khung Hình Wrap(Động Từ): Quấn Angle(Danh Từ): Góc Border(Danh Từ): Đường Viền Thick(Tính Từ): Dày Pure(Tính Từ): Trong Suốt Ancestors(Danh Từ): Tổ Tiên Proceed(Động Từ): Xuống Congratulate(Động Từ): Chúc Mừng Superior(Danh Từ): Người Đàn Anh Praise(Động Từ): Tuyên Dương Relatives(Danh Từ): Người Thân Incredible(Tính Từ): Phi Thường 3.5 MAY 29, 1953 (Ngày 29 tháng 5 năm 1953) Today is the most important day of my life. I finally climbed Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. The top of the mountain was amazing. It felt like we were close to........ The snow was so thick that my....... The air was........ I looked at the beauty that .......me. Maybe my story will be a ......someday. I want people to remember this forever. I was the .....explorer in my group, and I knew we needed proof of our climb. I took many pictures with my camera. I’ll put them in a ......and hang them. On the mountain, the air was very cold. I ........my coat around my body. I looked over the side of the mountaintop. From that......, I saw the .......of the clouds touch the rocks below. The snow was........ It looked.......... There was no sign of modern life. Thousands of years ago, my .......saw the world this way. After fifteen minutes, I knew it was time to ......down the mountain. The whole team .......us. My......., John Hunt, .......us all. I sent messages to my .........to tell them that I was safe. But it was hard to leave the mountain so quickly. I wanted to enjoy the ........sight even longer. 3.6 THE FROG PRINCE (Hoàng tử ếch) Lovely(Tính Từ): Đáng Yêu Sculpture(Danh Từ): Chạm Khắc Chase(Động Từ): Với Theo Exchange For (Cụm Từ): Trả Ơn, The Favor(Danh Từ): Trao Đổi Ân Huệ Fee(Danh Từ): Tiền Thưởng Protest(Động Từ): Từ Chối Dive(Động Từ): ) Lao Xuống Brief(Tính Từ): Chốc Lát Palace(Danh Từ): Cung Điện Mood(Danh Từ): Tâm Trạng Permit(Động Từ): Cho Phép Guy(Danh Từ):Chàng Trai Abroad(Danh Từ): Xa Xôi Anger(Động Từ): Chọc Giận Tribe(Danh Từ): Nhóm Bride(Danh Từ): Cô Dâu Forever(Trạng Từ): Trọn Đời Disappoint(Động Từ): Thất Vọng 3.6 THE FROG PRINCE (Hoàng tử ếch) A .......princess sat by the pool and played with a ......of a bear. Suddenly, she dropped it, and it rolled away. She .......it, but it fell into the water. She began to cry. A large, ugly frog asked, “Why are you crying?” After the princess told him, the frog said, “I can get the sculpture. What will you give me in ..... for the .........?” “I can pay you a .........in gold,” she said. But the frog......... “I want to sleep in your bed, and you must kiss me in the morning.” “He’d die without water. So, I don’t have to keep my promise,” she thought. The frog .......for a .......moment and got the sculpture. Then the princess ran away with it. Later, the frog went to the.......... The king told her to keep her promise. This put the princess in a bad...... She .......the frog to sleep on her pillow. In the morning, she gave him a kiss. Suddenly, he turned into a........ He said, “I’m from a kingdom........ In my........, I ......a ......of cruel witches, who turned me into a frog.” The princess asked him, “Can I be your .......and stay with you......?” But the prince said, “No. You ......me. You didn’t keep your promise. 3.7 A BEAUTIFUL BIRD (Chú chim xinh đẹp) Occupation (danh từ) công việc Scholar (danh từ) nhà nghiên cứu Biology (danh từ) sinh vật học Basis (danh từ) cơ sở Colony (cụm từ) thuộc địa ở Overseas Fascinate nước ngoài (động từ) (fascinated) cuốn hút Colleague (danh từ) đồng nghiệp Debate (động từ) (debated) tranh luận Persuade (động từ) (persuaded) thuyết phục Nevertheless (liên từ) Tuy nhiên Mission (danh từ) nhiệm vụ Factual (tính từ) xác thực Depart (động từ) (departed) rời đến Volcano (danh từ) núi lửa Depress (động từ) (depressed) làm chán nản Route (danh từ) quãng đường Ruin (động từ) đống đổ nát Cage (danh từ) chiếc lồng Significant (tính từ) vô cùng quan trọng, có ý nghĩa 3.7 A BEAUTIFUL BIRD (Chú chim xinh đẹp) Dr. Norton’s ........was a .......of........ He [earned about all animals on a daily....... One day he met a sailor from a....... The man told Dr. Norton about a talking bird! The bird ......Dr. Norton, so he told his .......about it. They ....with him: no one thought a bird could talk. He tried to ........them, but they laughed at him......., Dr. Norton believed the bird was real. His new ........was to find it. He wanted ......proof. The next day he .....for the colony. The sailor he had met told him to look for a man named Jai, who would be able to help him in his search. After a month of sailing, Dr. Norton finally reached the colony where he met jai. “I can take you to where it lives. It lives by the......,” Jai said. They left the next day. A week later, they arrived at the volcano. Every day they walked around and looked for the bird, but they couldn’t find it. After one month, Dr. Norton could not find the bird, and this .......him. He decided to go home. On the .....back, he walked past some old........ He heard someone say, “Hello.” “Who are you?” he asked. Dr. Norton looked up and saw a bird! Dr. Norton put the talking bird into a........ Then he returned home. He had made a .......discovery. 3.8 TRICKY TURTLE (Rùa Tricky) Edge(Danh Từ): Bờ Capable(Tính Từ): Có Thể, Có Khả Năng Confident(Tính Từ): Tự Tin Convey(Động Từ): Chứng Minh, Truyền Tải Delight(Danh Từ): Sảng Khóai, Niềm Vui Sướng Destination(Danh Từ): Đích Đến Concentrate (Động Từ):Tập Trung Definite(Tính Từ): Rõ Ràng Succeed(Động Từ): Thành Công Conclude(Động Từ): Đưa Ra, Quyết Định Resort(Danh Từ): Phương Sách Cheat(Động Từ): Giở, Trò Lừa Đảo Dictate(Động Từ): Nói Ra Ý Định, Hiến Kế Shadow(Danh Từ): Chỗ Tối Path(Danh Từ): Đường Bush(Danh Từ): Bụi Cây Valley(Tính Từ): Thung Lũng Considerable(Tính Từ): Đáng Kể Broad(Tính Từ): Vang, Toe Toé Suspect (Động Từ): Nghi Ngờ 3.8 TRICKY TURTLE (Rùa Tricky) Ricky the rabbit and Tera the turtle met by the .......of the river. “No one is .......of beating me in a race!” Ricky said. He was........—his smile ......that. “I can beat you,” Tera said. Ricky laughed with........ Tera said, “We will race tomorrow. The ......is the hill.” Ricky agreed. Tera .........on winning the race. She was not faster than Ricky. She needed a .......way to...... She told her family about the race, “I have ......that I have to ......to something bad. I will.........” She ........her instructions to them. At the race, they all wore white feathers. They looked exactly the same! Then, her family members hid in ......on the....... The race began. Tera was soon far behind. However, Tera’s brother hid behind a .......in the .......below. When Ricky got close, Tera’s brother began to run. He looked just like Tera! Ricky ran as fast as he could along the path. But, to him, it seemed like Tera was always ahead. Ricky had used a .......amount of energy. He reached the top, but Tera’s sister was already there. “Well, you win,” Ricky said. Later, Tera had a ......smile on her face. Ricky never........... He had been tricked by a family of slow turtles. 3.9 THE TALE OF BARTELBY O’BOYLE (Câu chuyện về Bartelby O’Boyle) Slave(Danh Từ) Nô Lệ Royal(Tính Từ): Hoàng Tộc, Hoàng Gia Frustrate(Động Từ): Suy Sụp, Thất Vọng Stupid(Tính Từ): Ngốc Nghếch Struggle (Danh Từ): Cuộc Đấu Tranh Authority(Danh Từ): Chính Quyền Division(Danh Từ): Sự Phân Nhánh Govern(Động Từ): Cai Quản Disorder(Tính Từ): Hỗn Loạn Destruction (Danh Từ): Sự Tàn Phá Aid(Động Từ): Giúp Đỡ Capital(Danh Từ): Thủ Phủ, Thủ Đô Attempt (Động Từ): Ra Sức, Cố Gắng Defend(Động Từ): Bảo Vệ Relieve(Động Từ): Làm Dịu Đi Cooperate(Động Từ): Hối Hợp, Liên Kết Enable(Động Từ): Cho Phép Plenty(Danh Từ): Nhiều, Phong Phú Reputation (Danh Từ): Tiếng Vang, Uy Tín Admire(Động Từ): Ngưỡng Mộ 3.9 THE TALE OF BARTELBY O’BOYLE (Câu chuyện về Bartelby O’Boyle) Long ago, there was a clever man by the name of Bartelby O’Boyle. As a boy, he was kept as a ......by the .......family. He saw other children play, but he always had to work. This ......him very much. But he was not......., and he wanted to change things. Then one day there was a ......for .......in the kingdom. There was a .......of the people, and one group fought against another group to see which would .......the kingdom. There was ......in the kingdom. Bartelby ran away. He saw much fighting and....... Many people had nothing to eat; Bartelby decided to .....them. He would help them get food. But how? Bartelby went to the ......to find an answer. There, he met a man named Gilliam. A group of men .....to hurt Gilliam. Bartelby ........him. Then, he gave Gilliam some food to .......his hunger. After that, the two became friends. They took food from the rich and gave it to the poor. Soon, other people ......with them. Working together .......them to take more food. But they only took food from people who had......, and they always gave it to those who had none. Because of this, Bartleby gained a ......across the kingdom. Even today, many people ......him for helping the poor. 3.10 BLACKBEARD (Hải tặc dâu đen) Income(Danh Từ): Thu Nhập Giant(Tính Từ): Khổng Lồ Fog(Danh Từ): Sương Reveal(Động Từ): (Revealed) Phản Chiếu Enormous(Tính Từ): Lực Lưỡng Sword (Danh Từ): Thanh Kiếm Violent (Tính Từ): Tàn Bạo Extraordinary (Tính Từ): Đặc Biệt Citizen(Danh Từ): Người Dân Declare(Động Từ): Ra Lệnh Impression(Danh Từ): Ấn Tượng Mad (Tính Từ): Bực Bội Resist(Động Từ): Phản Kháng, Chống Lại Trap(Động Từ): Bắt Lại Rid(Động Từ): Thoát Khỏi Council (Danh Từ): Hội Đồng Trial (Danh Từ): Xét Xử Ought (Trợ Động Từ): Phải Funeral(Danh Từ): Tang Lễ Tale(Danh Từ): Câu Chuyện 2.10 BLACKBEARD (Hải tặc dâu đen) A long time ago, I had my first job. It didn’t give me much of an....... It was on a .......pirate ship. On my first night, there was a thick ......over the water. A lamp on the ship .....an ........man. He had a ......in his belt. His name was Blackbeard, and he was one of the most ......pirates ever. One day, Blackbeard did an .......thing. He attacked several ships near a town. He took some of the town’s........ Then he........, “You give me medicine!” Blackbeard wanted the medicine for some of the sick pirates on his ship. The people had a bad .....of him. They were....., and they...... But they were....... They wanted to get ......of him. So the town’s .......decided to give him the medicine. After this, there was a reward for catching Blackbeard. If Blackbeard was caught, he would have a....... He didn’t want to go to jail, so he quit being a pirate. Blackbeard became a fisherman. But he .......to have stayed on land. The Royal Navy was still looking for him. They attacked him while he was fishing on his boat. Blackbeard fought against many men. Finally, he was killed. He didn’t even get a........ But people still tell .....about him many years later
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