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Tài liệu Active korean 1


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,-,'l.t I - /', a'l,t2't.// I 7r,ry l- -- , , rt f,l.' fr"% Seoul National Unive6ity presems an ideal series for shorttorm Korean studyl ACTIVE KOREAN s€ries dmloped by lhe Language Educatjon Insritute of Seoul National Univelsig, help learners d€velop their communicative skitts in Korean in etrecdve wavs withjn a shot Deriod of time. ACTIVE KOBGAN r Dblosus b8*d I features; on ewryday-lit€ sitlrtions that 6n be easity ad6pi6d io the reat tife r Each r various l$&5 and activili$ for learnoE to r GEmmar Points and Grammar n9lerence help l@merc und.6{and the usase o, nit ors a ni4d a@ordins 10 fie now ol r6a I ctass environ meni, from Vo@bu tary, K€y Dialogues, to ConwEario. Ddlls, making n easy for l€rrneF to iottow u grammar points, which . d$ make d*lop their @mmunication skttts and us *r+tudy po*ibl€ Vivad pictures and illu6rrdrions stimulatins leah€6 inter€sts are provided wirh "fiilllillltrilllillffrll H@ro useThis Book !4"€4 Scope and Sequence UNII l UNIT2 Hangeul Eel+71 iE creelings & 16 hrrod!.tlons "Jilel44 50 UNIT 3 UNIT4 Ul,llT 5 DaityLife "J*49 33 UNIT6 uf f ? Alpointncnt o-19 UNIT3 Loeriohs & oh.cllons uNlTt Phonec.ll dlf GrammarR€ierence FH Eg Listeninq Transcripl Gtossary ttole,l m a €tl ^e 102 elilellH* 1t4 130 142 152 ,and Sequence .fl.u + ?+ nq / wft ns / L i6n nq ned nq / \4rir iq / L nen iq nsd iq / wd is / !*r ns u:reBu 13r.Fsd . Hrnqelr{1r Rad . Hanle! l2l'RBd ts "JA'Ali rulwtins / L$ihe 4 /wrhs /Lnenins H:Eeu Heqdu 141 €) Scope and Sequence II'J IF - ,,-t,, troduction to Hangeul liLLn r.rti3tL lnJr Kli.S.J.ds ieriil L'1116.Llit trn e!h'P'5or HlngetrL\ I hr! Lhd.n$trolr o\orrr 0r :!L.dhdd]jnlnIlnId.!:LnPor Consonants and Vowels Consonants tk lt/dl trlll tol lcl Irhl .lr tp/bl , It6l Ipil ltrl IE E! ,l* A tp'l ltrl Vowels ll I tal Iol l { Jr rr tyal tJ€l tvol tul t+l tv'j t4 h'l la LrN r i Ihl {x 4n tel t€l tv.l I tal Ir!/il E II',l tal tsl tolll ty5l .,x IMI lwel td/wel tr/s! Hangeul a thl 71 7l 71 4 ++ -t -l trl+ 1a _t -T n-f, ++ 7l .]'' -T TT 1l -T TT c -. TT e -_ TT E El El .ta 5E uld EE "1 -t *r Bl q -T- TT rl ^r ^J ^j ii q.l 99 4^1 44 -T' TT a -T TT I -T TT 7- -'r. TT ^f oL ot 'f ^t- ^r ^f -t 'F -a rl 6t r4 rl.1 ^l ol zl Hangeul (11 ThGc vowek having lonser renical dmkes will al*ays carry cdsonaiG d .h. bn of it vhile hodrc al vo*ek erry rhcn on rop. No Kor.an vowels can sbDd alone d the besinnins of a KoFan sytkble vithou! a pE€ding .onsonanr, but ilir h6 no co6onaDt $!nd v!l@ ofits oM. ir nui be pf 'o!, vbjch n sibr vhm posirioned at rhe besinninc of til tal +. a Lisrenlolh6followins. Fead bd .dr ll (0 I thelollouns wor&, {, 9o muNrr syllable. tv.l t'"1 9 a i ffird ol w te rhe forrowrng words, @m *ri o /\-l '-l -r- ljl Ir a Ex€rcb€ O*-Ll6r.n crBtully, and chooserhe oodddsyllabl€. 1. 1)ooi 2)oq 3) oe 4) ool 5)oe 2, ool @9 @9 @+ @01 Lieton€rctullt rndnumbarlhaw|!sasyou lisl€n. Hangeul(21 -_l lk/sl tol tildl trlll Iml tp/bl t.l ttl/il tsl 4i ! a Li3ren ro rhe ro 2l Fead lowins. t+ Ef zf 0l of rherolowins words "ffi6 *- a. & { 22 unT1 {ir-"- & @ 'l 7; -f Ihl Hh ZI o Ecrc',e o*."1. Lisbn.arelully, and chooga rh 1)orl oEt OLt 2)Ool 3)ool 4)o^t 5) o 6l 2. Li.ton e)af @Ef €).(f eBtullv, rnd numborlhewods a3su lktsn .O otzl ! 6tEt fl al4 E+ n rteirl E ralTl ! ot4 Hangeul {3) The rensed coNon t aE doubl.d v.rsions of the nomal coson Forpmnunciarion,rhelcnvdvenionisporonnced*i(houranvrcleasof,butwiiJ'righhq$' in rhc thd, md $e dpnacd lom aie plmoui€d wirh an cxtn heary crtlosive p'rffoflt $rough nqEE!!ttr-a tk'l t'l tkr tPl Ip"l tsl .F a usen to the ro owrns. )l Dl 2l a ff'*-- rf 14 Et Bl ul trl -{ ned lhefollowiis words. -t \ f t h ]rl F!l trl! ry * II avl ^l @ ffiE l r choosethe ooruct svrLdb e. 1)Orl 2) OEt OEf Onf rrf o rlf 4)oif ort 5) onl o r.f 3) o D + rrEt n D qol 4+ Lisren caGfdlly, and chocklr') fl0134 n !E-s $€ besinnios sound ol 4) n ,lil 3ddh word. Hangeul l*al l"€l to/ql tw.l t""l o/wil Tl' a L sn ro rh€ rorlowins. (0*,E a H€ad rho rollowlng ? ql el words. 8tS-, ffin,, @^, @*o @*" ffi"* 6t=u" .sn* @- c-%*' 710l 2 ,r'. {:id il.$€idbbFom! 3 'r'brcrcu!€ddlljh !r :id rI. 2A uMr l a wrne rhe lo lowrns wods, .l tu/"d T rlrr ] t qLI l-l *O =91 I t[-:
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