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Tài liệu A1 movers mini trainer


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A1 movers mini trainer
Official Cambridge Exam Preparation —liv, I CAMBRIDGE Al Movers Trainer Two practice tests without answers OfficiaL Cambridge 1.ao Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org/elt Cambridge Assessment English www.combridgeenglish.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/978 1 108585118 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2019 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in Dubai by Orienta[ Press A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-108-58511-8 Student’s Bookwith Audio download The publishers have no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and do not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but the publishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Acknowledgements The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright material and are grateful for the permissions granted. While every effort has been made, it has not always been possible to identify the sources of all the material used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting and in the next update to the digital edition, as applicable. The authors and publishers would like to thank the following contributors: Page make up, illustration and animations: QBS Learning Squirrel character illustration: Leo Trinidad Cover illustration: Dan Widdowson Author: Trish Burrow Audio production: DN and AE Strauss Ltd and James Miller Editor: Alexandra Miller Contents Acknowledgements 2 Al Movers Test 1 Training and Exam Practice Listening LI Reading and Writing 17 Speaking 37 Test 2 Exam Practice Listening 43 Reading and Writing 50 Speaking 62 3 Listening Part 1 Test 1 Training Vocabulary: Movers names 1 Listen to your teacher say the names and point. Jane Fred Peter Zoe Jack Charlie Daisy Paul Pre-Listening: describing people 2 Look at what the people are doing in Exercise 3. Say two things about the picture. 3 Listen to a man and a girl talking about a picture. Point to thpeopIe they talk about. Then listen again and write the names. .i’* Describing people LI LI Test your partner! Cover your picture and describe the people. c at the picture i I while you listen to the example. Think of words you might hear to describe the people in the picture. Say what the people are doing, what they ate wearing or what they look like. . Test 1 Exam practice Listening Part 1 Part 1 — ..i. 5 questions I. — Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Mary Sam Sally Jim I (r Ii :V( *1 •3, i’LL I::. Charlie . Lily www.cambridge.org/SageMovers 1 Clare 5 Listening Part 2 Vocabulary: spelling Listen and write the words. Then say the word and spell it out loud. I sWimsjt o_______ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vocabulary: numbers Listen and point. Say the numbers. Then play Bingo! 2 35 72 63 b’ 73 89 96 52 28 67 38 ‘+1 0 Make sure that you write answers that make sense in Part 2. Listening: listening for names, words and numbers 3 I’iii Look at the sentences. Then listen and write the answers. j. i. !jI Visiting hospital i3 o The family are visiting 1 Fred wants to show photos of the Grandpa ... ... ride. 2 Grandpa hurt his 3 bj3 4 Fred wants to get some 5 6 Grandpa is in room number Dinner time at the hospital is at for Grandpa. Test 1 Exam practice Listening Part 2 Part 2 — I). 5 questions Ii&J!I — V’ Listen and write There is one example 1 2 3 4 5 www.cambridge.org/SageMovers2 7 Listening Part Vocabulary: groups of words In Part 3, look at pictures A-H and think what words the pictures show before you listen. 1 What words do you know? Complete the word webs. B A forest + C / Places D H / E G F B A C Hobbies D H G 8 F E Get ready! 2 .‘i:I Mr Snow is talking to Sarah about his family. What are the people in his family doing now? Listen and tick (V). Listen to all of the question before you write your tick. 0 his daughter AU B[} c[ Au BE CE A B El CE Afl BE CE 0 his son 0 1) his brother till t 1 his parents 9 Listening Part 3 Test 1 Exam practice Part 3 — 5 questions — Mr Bath is telling Jill about things he got in different places. What did he get in each place? Listen and write a letter in each box. There is one example. ii the village [IJ the station [J the bus stop [1 the car park LI the funfair LI the supermarket Li F, I Jo www.cambridge.org/5ageMovers3 Test 1 Exam practice Listening Part 3 A B cr r C D E F \‘ ç’ ‘} 1o ‘ 2” 3__ \ I’ :JIII G \ H 11 Listening Part 4 1 Look and say what you can see. Listening for specific information 2 Look at the pictures and describe them. Then listen and tick (V) the box. .ir. 0 What does Clare want to eat? AI 0 Which T-shirt is B1 C Nick looking for? A B C. O What sport does Lily want to do at the sports centre? A ELi C B C 0 What is Kate doing? A 12 Listen to all of the conversation. Then choose the answer. Test 1 Exam practice Listening Part 4 Part 4 — 5 questions — Listen and tick (V) the box. There is one example. Which film does Vicky want to watch? A 1 B fl cE Who is Daisy’s father? - A B I] I fl 1, iJe “p. 1 A[J B www.cambridge.org/SageMovers4 13 Listening Part 4 Test 1 Exam practice 3 What is Aunt Julia making? a I AD BE cfl 4 Where is the kitten now? Afl [2221 5 What is Dan doing? AD 14 BLi cE Listening Part 5 Pre-Listening I isternng carefully before you answer 1 Look at the posters (A—D) and say what you can see. Then listen and write a number in the box. Which poster are the people talking about? -—--I A[O] Look at the you listen. This helps you choose the correct answer. B[J D HI Listening for specific information 2 Listen and colour and write. Colour four pictures and write one word. HA You hear the conversation two times. Remember to write one word and to colour four things in the picture. 15 Test 1 Exam practice Listening Part 5 Part 5 — 5 questions — IJ Listen and colour and write. There is one example. va 16 www.cambridge.org/5ageMovers5 Reading and Writing Part 1 1 Put a circle around the word that is wrong. O Things you wear: coat o Places: o Food and drinks: o People: O Things in the home: helmet scarf cinema market DVD café milkshake bat pasta sandwich lie I U pop star driver farmer lamp blanket towel sky 2 Look at the picture and write the words from Exercise 1 on the lines. In Part 1, the answers are nouns café ‘Kangaroo Caf like kitten or swimsuit. Learn the nouns on the Movers word list. il Grammar: verbs 3 Read the sentences. Then complete the sentences with words from the box. C be buy cook drive O Farmers feeU o Some people go is like moves put takes 9row food in fields and some also their animals there. sometimes o A driver sometimes o Some people O upstairs and downstairs in a lilt. It slowly. you to school. They can a car, bus or train. a blanket on their bed when it cold. O You can people o You must fruit and vegetables in a market. Many shopping there. careful when you pasta because you use hot water. InPartl,the sentences have Starters and Movers verbs in them. Practice copying words carefully. Reading and Writing Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice Part 1 — 5 questions — L Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. j I!I’. : a basement a dentist SCHOOL BUS L_J Supermake ii NH ITICF ‘1H H ! -! a balcony a supermarket a doctor a library —rr:— - I Example This person works in a hospital and helps people who are ill. Questions o You can sit and read books in this place. o This takes people up or down to different floors in a building. o Go and see this person if your teeth hurt. O You can buy all kinds of food here. 0 This 18 is part of a building that is under the ground. www.cambridge.org/SageMovers6 a doctor Reading and Writing Responses to questions Part 2, look at the questions and answers. Do they match and make sense? In 1 Read the sentences. Then write the correct answer from the phrases in the box. (‘i love them. It’s opposite the bus station. I’ve got some juice. Look, there are some in this comic. -Se-do-f!- That’s a great Jdea! Yes, I went with my aunt. o i love playing tennis. o Let’s go to the park. o Did you go to the cinema? o Where is the new bookshop? o Shall I get some drinks? o Do you like noodles? o i really like stories about aliens. So do I! hT—i’CiF 2 Read the questions. Choose the correct answers. Say why the other answers are wrong. o What did you do at the weekend? o Who is your favourite pop star? O What’s the matter, Mary? I played /-p4i-/-p4.ay-football. He plays the guitar. / Daisy Watson. / Their songs are great. She’s got a cough. I He’s sick today. / My foot hurts. o Where is your bag? It’s blue and white / in my bedroom I got my books in it. o When do you go swimming? On Thursdays. I At the pool. I With my sister. Your turn’ 3 Read the conversations. Write a word in the gaps. o Which is your favourite story? 0 What did you do on Friday? oi to the sports centre. O I played / boigb computer games. I watched I saw a film on television. o OThe story i like the pirate story O Pirate stories pirates is good. o my favourite. o How about buying a DVD for your brother? o Let’s go to the park this afternoon. OWhata nice play football. o OK, we O He o Yes, he love that. watching films. O o Do you I bring my football? to play football?
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