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CHUYÊN ĐỀ I – PHONETICS - CHUYÊN ĐỀ VỀ NGỮ ÂM BÀI 1. PHONETIC SYMBOLS - BẢNG PHIÊN ÂM QUỐC TẾ 1. The symbols vowel sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm của các nguyên âm): 1.1. The symbols of pure vowel sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm của các nguyên âm đơn): Symbols In of the letters Examples in words sounds (Chữ cái (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ) (Kí hiệu) thể hiện) /І/ a village /’vilidʒ/ package /’pækidʒ/ assemblage /ә’semblidʒ/ or e pretty /’priti/ represent deliver /di’livә(r)/ /i/ i sit /sit/ little /’litl/ simple /’simpl/ y happy /’hæpi/ easy /’i:zi/ usually /’ju:ʊli/ / i: / ea lead /li:d/ seaside /’si:said/ meaningful /’mi:niŋfʊl/ ee meet /mi:t/ sheep /ʃi:p/ steel /sti:l/ a many /’meni/ any/eni/ manifold /’menifәʊld/ /e/ e send /send/ recommend comprehend /kәmpri’hend/ ea head /hed/ spread /spred/ headache /‘hedeik/ /æ/ a land /lænd/ brandy /’brændi/ sandy /’sændi/ /ɔ/ o pot /pɔt / spot /spɔt / slot /slɔt / a wash /wɔʃ / what /wɔt / watch /wɔtʃ/ a talk /tɔ:k/ walk /wɔ:k/ water /’wɔ:tә(r)/ aw saw /sɔ:/ lawn /lɔ:n/ pawn /pɔ:n/ / ɔ: / oa broad /brɔ:d/ broaden/’brɔ:dn/ abroad /ә’brɔ:d/ oo door /dɔ:(r)/ floor /flɔ:(r)/ floorage /’flɔ:ridʒ/ or fork /fɔ:k/ sport /spɔ:t/ transport /’trænspɔ:t/ ou fought /fɔ:t/ thought /θɔ:t/ bought /bɔ:t/ o some /sm/ come /km/ done /dn/ // u shut /ʃt/ muddy /’mdi/ budget /’bdʒit/ oo blood /bld/ flood /fld/ bloodless /bldlis/ ou tough /tf/ enough /i’nf/ rough /rf/ a task /ta:sk/ fast /fa:stk/ broadcast /br ɔ:d’ka:st/ / ɑ: / ar card /ka:d/ retard /ri’ta:d/ farther /’fa:әr/ ear heart /ha:t/ hearten /’ha:tәn/ hearth /ha:θ/ /ʊ/ u pull /pʊl/ push /pʊʃ/ pullet /’pʊlet/ or oo good /gʊd/ cook /kʊk/ look /lʊk/ /u/ ou could /kʊld/ would /wʊld/ should /ʃʊld/ u frugal /’fru:gәl/ conclude /kɔn’klu:d/ illusion /i’lu:ʃn/ / u: / oe shoe /ʃu: / shoebill /’ʃu:bil/ shoemaker /’ʃu:meikәr/ oo moon /mu:n/ spoon /spu:n/ smooth /smu:θ/ ui fruit /fru:t/ cruise /kru:s/ recruit /ri’kru:t/ a await /ә’weit/ about /ә’baut/ machine /mә’ʃi:n/ /ә/ o tonight /tә’nait/ potato /pә’teitәu/ tomorrow /tә’mɔrәʊ/ er reader /’ri:dәr/ writer /’raitәr/ cruiser /’kru:sәr/ or actor /’æktәr/ doctor /’dɔktәr/ translator /’trænsleitәr/ er prefer /pri’fз: r/ merchant /’mз:tʃәnt/ merciful /’mз:sifʊl/ / з: / ir shirt /ʃз:t/ skirt /skз:t/ first /fз:st/ ur hurt /hз:t/ furnish /’ʃз:niʃ/ further /’ʃз:ә/ or word /wз:d/ work /wз:k/ worm /wз:m/ ear heard /hз:d/ earth /з:θ/ earthen /’з:θәn/ 1. 2. The diphthongs and triphthongs (Các kí hiệu phiên âm của các nguyên đôi, ba): Symbols In of the letters Examples in words sounds (Chữ cái (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ) (Kí hiệu) thể hiện) a case /keis/ baby /beibi/ lazy /leizi/ / ei / ai maid /meid/ maiden /’meidn/ maidenly /’meidnli/ ay say /sei/ clay /klei/ play /plei/ ei eight /eit/ eighthly /’eiθli/ eiranic /ei’rænik/ / ai / i kite /kait/ night /nait/ mine /main/ y sky /skai/ fly /flai/ satisfy /’sætisfai/ / ɔi / oi soil /sɔil/ coin /kɔin/ spoil /spɔil/ oy employ /im’plɔi/ enjoy /ii’dʒɔi/ employment /im’plɔimnt/ / aʊ / ou mouse /maʊs/ mouth /maʊθ/ surround /sз:’raʊnd/ ow now /naʊ/ power /’paʊ әr/ cowboy /’kaʊ bɔi/ o cold /kәʊld/ scold /skәʊld/ fold /fәʊld/ / әʊ / ow slow /slәʊ/ flow /flәʊ/ show /ʃәʊ/ ew sew /sәʊ/ sewing /sәʊiŋ/ sewn /sәʊn/ / iә / ear hear /hiә(r)/ fear /fiә(r)/ near /niә(r)/ ere here /hiә(r)/ merely /’miәli/ atmosphere /’ætmɔsfiә(r)/ ere therapy /’θeәrәpi/ there /eә(r)/ thereabout /’eәrәbaʊt/ / eә / are fare /feә(r)/ share /ʃeә(r)/ stare /steә(r)/ air hair /heә(r)/ fair /feә(r)/ stairs /steә(r)s/ / ʊә / our tour /tʊә(r)/ tourer /tʊәrә/ tourism /’tʊәrizm/ ire tire /taiә/ fire /faiә/ firemen /’faiәmen/ / aiә / yre tyre /taiә/ tyreles /’taiәlis/ tyre-pump /’taiә pmp / yer buyer /baiә/ flyer /flaiә/ buyer /baiә/ / әʊә / ower slower /slәʊә/ slower /slәʊә/ slower /slәʊә/ / aʊә / ower shower /ʃaʊә/ power /paʊә/ flower /flaʊә/ our flour /flaʊә/ sour /saʊә/ flour /flaʊә/ / eiә / ayer prayer /preiә/ player /pleiә/ sprayer /spreiә/ eyer greyer /greiә/ greyer /greiә/ greyer /greiә/ / ɔiә / oyer enjoyer /in’dʒɔiә/ enjoyer /in’dʒɔiә/ employer /im’plɔiә/ oyal loyal /’lɔiәl/ loyalty /’lɔiәlti/ loyal /’lɔiәl/ 2. The symbols of the consonant sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm của các phụ âm): 2.1. The symbols of voiceless consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm của các phụ âm vô thanh): Symbols In of the letters Examples in words sounds (Chữ cái (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ) (Kí hiệu) thể hiện) /p/ p pen /pen/ paint /peint/ people /’pi:pәl/ f five /faiv/ formal /’fɔ:mәl/ family /’fæmili/ /f/ ph physics /’fiziks/ physician /fi’ziʃn/ physical /fi’zikәl/ gh laugh /la:f/ enough /i’nf/ rough /rf/ th throw /θrәʊ/ sixth /siksθ/ // thunder /’θndә(r)/ /t/ t teach /ti:tʃ/ temple /’tempәl/ tittle /’taitәl/ ed looked /lʊkt/ laughed /la:ft/ stopped /stɔpt/ /s/ s site /sait/ sandy /’sændi/ sample /’sæmpәl/ /ʃ/ / t∫ / /k/ /h/ c sh ch s ch t k c ch q h wh centre /’sentә/ sheep /ʃi:p/ machine sugar /’ʃʊgә/ choice /tʃɔis/ fixture /'fikst∫ә/ kitchen /’kit∫n/ concert /kɔn’sз:t/ chemist /’kemist/ quite /kwait/ hike /haik/ whoop /hu:p/ century /’sentʃʊri/ sheet /ʃi:t/ chaise /ʃeiz/ sugary /’ʃʊgәri/ church /tʃз:tʃ/ future / 'fju:t∫ә/ kiss /kis/ cancel /’kænsәl/ chemistry /’kemistri/ question / 'kwest∫n/ hunger /’hŋgә(r)/ whose /hu:z/ cell /sel/ English /’iŋliʃ/ champagne /ʃæm’pein/ sure /’ʃʊә(r)/ chimney /’tʃimni/ question / 'kwest∫n/ king /kiŋ/ comedy /’kmedi/ chemical /’kemikәl/ conquest /’kɔŋkwest/ homeless /’hәʊmlis/ wholesale /’hɔʊlseil/ 2.2. The symbols of voiced consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm của các phụ âm hữu thanh): Symbols of the sounds (Kí hiệu) /b/ /v/ // /d/ /z/ /ʒ/ / dʒ / /g/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /r/ /w/ /j/ /ф/ mute cases In letters (Chữ cái thể hiện) b v f th d ed z s s g j g l m n n ng r w wh y u h k b p Examples in words (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ) boy /bɔi/ visit /vizit/ of /әv/ them /әm/ done /dn/ lived /livd/ zebra /zi:brә/ visit /’vizit/ vision /’viʒn/ germ /dʒз:m/ jam /dʒæm/ gift /gift/ little /’litәl/ monk /mɔŋk/ name /neim/ think /θiŋk/ sing /siŋ/ rural /’rʊәrәl/ with /wi/ when /wen/ young /jŋ/ music /’mju:sik/ honest /’ɔ:nist/ knight /nait/ comb /kɔʊm/ pneumonia /njʊ’mɔ:niә/ bamboo /bæm’bu:/ van /væn/ of /әv/ with /wi/ doctor /’dɔktә(r)/ earned /з:nd/ zip /zip/ visual /’vizjʊәl/ usual /’jʊʒʊәl/ gene /dʒi:n/ jam /dʒæz/ gain /gein/ lamp /læmp/ mammal /’mæmәl/ number /nmbә/ thank /θæŋk/ thing /θiŋ/ ring /riŋ/ wine /wain/ whistle /’wisәl/ yearly /’jiәli/ unit /’ju:nit/ hour /aʊә/ knit /nit/ climb /klaim/ psychology /sai’kɔ:lɔdʒi/ band /bænd/ victory /vlktәri/ of /әv/ though /әʊ/ dancer /dænsә(r)/ cancelled /’kænsәld/ zealot /’zelәt/ teachers /ti:tʃәz/ usually /’jʊʒʊәli/ age /eidʒ/ joyful /dʒɔifʊl/ girl /gз:l/ light /lait/ Monday /’mndei/ noise /nɔis/ sink /siŋk/ ceiling /’si:liŋ/ reader /’ri:dә/ wing /wiŋ/ whisper /’wispә/ youth /ju:θ/ university /ju:ni’v з:siti/ heir /aiә/ known /nɔʊn/ debt /det/ psychiatrist /sai’kiәtrist/ 2.3. The clusters of consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm của các chùm phụ âm): Symbols of the sounds (Kí hiệu) / s+ / / p+ / / t+ / / k+ / / b+ / / g+ / / d+ / / f+ / / + / Các kết hợp khác In letters (Chữ cái thể hiện) / sp / / st / / sk / / sf / / sm / / sn / / sw / / sj / / pl / / pr / / pj / / tr / / tw / / tj / / kl / / kr / / kw / / kj / / bl / / br / / bj / / gl / / gr / / dr / / dw / / dj / / fl / / fr / / fj / / r / / w / / vj / / mj / / ∫r / / nj / / spr / / spl / / skr / / str / / skj / / stj / / spj / / skw / Examples in words (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ) speak /spi:k/ start /sta:t/ school /skʊl/ sphere /sfiә/ small /smɔl/ snow /snәʊ/ sweet /swi:t/ super /sjʊpә/ plump /plmp/ proud /praʊd/ pure /pjʊә/ train /trein/ twice /twais/ tube /tjʊb/ class /kla:s/ cream /kri:m/ quite /kwait/ cure /kjʊә/ blow /blәʊ/ bring /briŋ/ beauty /’bjʊti/ glass /gla:s/ grow /grәʊ/ dream /dri:m/ dwell /dwel/ duty /djʊti/ flow /flәʊ/ fry /frai/ furious /’fjʊriәs/ throw /θrәʊ/ thwart /wæt/ view /vjʊ/ mute /mjʊt/ shrimp /∫rimp/ nude /njʊd/ spread /spred/ splash /splæʃ/ scream /scri:m/ stream /stri:m/ scuba /’skjʊbә/ student /’stjʊdnt/ spume /spjʊ:m/ square /skweә/ spoil /spɔil/ stand /stænd/ skill /skil/ spheral /sfiәrәl/ smash /smæʃ/ sneeze /sni:z/ swim /swim/ superadd /’sjʊpәræd/ apply /ә’plai/ propose /’prɔpәʊs/ purely /’pjʊәli/ treat /tri:t/ twerp /twз:p/ tubal /’tjʊ:bәl/ clean /kli:ns/ cry /krai/ quit /kwit/ cute /kjʊt/ blame /bleim/ bride /braid/ beautify /’bjʊtifai/ glim /glim/ great /greit/ dread /dred / dweller /dwelә/ dutiful /djʊtifʊl/ fly /flai/ fright /frait/ few /fjʊ/ through /θru:/ thwack /wæk/ interview /’intәvjʊ/ mutual /mjʊtʊәl/ shriek /∫ri:k/ nudist /’njʊdist/ sprawl /sprɔ:l/ splat /splæt/ scree /scri: / strawy /strɔ:i/ scuba /’skjʊbә/ stupid /’stjʊpid/ spue /spjʊ:/ squarer /’skweәrә/ speaker /’spri:kә/ stay /stei/ scan /skæn/ biosphere /baiә’sfiә/ smell /smel/ sneaky /’sni:ki/ swan /swɔn/ superably /’sjʊpәreibli/ please /pli:s/ produce /prә’djʊs/ purify /’pjʊrәfai/ treatment /tri:tmәnt/ twicer /’twaisә/ tuber /’tjʊ:bә/ clame /kleim/ creative /kri:’eitiv/ quest /kwest/ cutely /kjʊtli/ bleach /bli:tʃ/ bridge /bridʒ/ beautiful /’bjʊtifʊl/ glance /gla:ns/ groom /gru:m/ dreadful /’dredfʊl/ dwelt /dwel/ dutifully /djʊtifʊli/ flame /fleim/ fridge /fridʒ/ furiously /’fjʊriәsli/ threat /θret/ thwack /wæk/ preview /pri’vjʊ/ music /mjʊzik/ shrill /∫ril/ nudism /’njʊdizm/ spray /sprei/ splashy /splæʃi/ screen /scri:n/ streak /stri:k/ scuba /’skjʊbә/ studio /’stjʊdiәʊ/ spumous /spjʊ:mәs/ squander /’skwɔdә/ BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Exercise 1: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group. 1. A. candy B. sandy C. many D. handy 2. A. earning B. learning C. searching D. clearing 3. A. pays B. stays C. says D. plays 4. A. given B. risen C. ridden D. whiten 5. A. cough B. tough C. rough D. enough 6. A. accident B. jazz C. stamp D. watch 7. A. this B. thick C. maths D. thin 8. A. gas B. gain C. germ D. good 9. A. bought B. naught C. plough D. thought 10. A. forks B. tables C. beds D. windows 11. A. handed B. booked C. translated D. visited 12. A. car B. coach C. century D. cooperate 13. A. within B. without C. clothing D. strengthen 14. A. has B. bag C. dad D. made 15. A. kites B. catches C. oranges D. buzzes 16. A. student B. stupid C. study D. studio 17. A. wealth B. cloth C. with D. marathon 18. A. brilliant B. trip C. tripe D. tip 19. A. surgeon B. agent C. engine D. regard 20. A. feather B. leather C. feature D. measure Exercise 2: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group. 1. A. geology B. psychology C. classify D. photography 2. A. idiom B. ideal C. item D. identical 3. A. children B. child C. mild D. wild 4. A. both B. myth C. with D. sixth 5. A. helped B. booked C. hoped D. waited 6. A. name B. natural C. native D. nation 7. A. blood B. food C. moon D. pool 8. A. comb B. plumb C. climb D. disturb 9. A. thick B. though C. thank D. think 10. A. flour B. hour C. pour D. sour 11. A. dictation B. repetition C. station D. question 12. A. dew B. knew C. sew D. few 13. A. asked B. helped C. kissed D. played 14. A. smells B. cuts C. opens D. plays 15. A. decided B. hatred C. sacred D. warned 16. A. head B. break C. bread D. breath 17. A. blood B. tool C. moon D. spool 18. A. height B. fine C. tidy D. cliff 19. A. through B. them C. threaten D. thunder 20. A. fought B. country C. bought D. ought Exercise 3: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group. 1. A. moon B. pool C. door D. cool 2. A. any B. apple C. hat D. cat 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. A. book A. pan A. table A. host A. dear A. work A. name A. how A. harm A. brought A. call A. measure A. drought A. builds A. deal A. supported A. unity A. climber B. blood B. woman B. lady B. most B. beard B. coat B. flame B. town B. wash B. ought B. curtain B. decision B. fought B. destroys B. teach B. approached B. suite B. subtle C. look C. sad C. labor C. cost C. beer C. go C. man C. power C. call C. thought C. cell C. pleasure C. brought C. occurs C. break C. noticed C. studious C. debtor D. foot D. man D. captain D. post D. heard D. know D. fame D. slow D. talk D. though D. contain D. permission D. bought D. prevents D. clean D. finished D. volume D. probable Exercise 4: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group. 1. A. loved B. appeared C. agreed D. coughed 2. A. thereupon B. thrill C. threesome D. throne 3. A. chin B. chaos C. child D. charge 4. A. wasted B. practiced C. laughed D. jumped 5. A. coast B. most C. lost D. whole 6. A. energy B. gain C. gesture D. village 7. A. population B. nation C. question D. station 8. A. meat B. sweat C. leaf D. seat 9. A. antibiotic B. pant C. ant D. want 10. A. height B. myth C. type D. climb 11. A. bush B. rush C. pull D. lunar 12. A. bought B. sought C. drought D. fought 13. A. killed B. cured C. crashed D. waived 14. A. thunder B. prefer C. grocer D. louder 15. A. tells B. talks C. stays D. steals 16. A. stomach B. watch C. change D. church 17. A. attacks B. repeats C. roofs D. trays 18. A. drought B. fought C. brought D. bought 19. A. builds B. destroys C. occurs D. prevents 20. A. name B. nation C. native D. natural
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