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Tài liệu 2.official eap presentation rubrics


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rubrics for presentation
RUBRICS FOR EAP PRESENTATION – SCORES DESCRIPTOR Assessment Criteria (1-2) (3-5) (6-8) (9-10) 1. Formulates an introduction that orients audience to topic and speaker No opening technique; no credibility statement; no background on topic; no thesis; no preview of points Irrelevant opening; little attempt to build credibility; abrupt jump into body of speech; thesis and main points can be deduced but are not explicitly stated Average attention getter; some-what develops credibility; awkwardly composed thesis; provides little direction for audience Good attention getter; generally establishes credibility; provides some orientation to topic; discernible thesis; previews main points 2. Uses an effective organizational pattern No organizational pattern; no transitions; sounded as if information was randomly presented Speech did not flow well; speech was not logically organized; transitions present but not well formed Organizational pattern somewhat evident; main points are present but not mutually exclusive; transitions are present but are minimally effective Organizational pattern is evident, main points are apparent; transitions present between main points; some use of signposts 3. Locates, synthesizes and employs compelling supporting materials Supporting materials are nonexistent or are not cited Some points were not supported; a greater quantity/ quality of material needed; some sources of very poor quality Points were generally supported using an adequate mix of materials; some evidence supports thesis; source citations need to be clarified Main points were supported with appropriate material; sources correspond suitably to thesis; nearly all sources cited 4. Develops a conclusion that reinforces the topic and provides psychological closure No conclusion; speech ends abruptly and without closure Conclusion lacks clarity; trails off; ends in a tone at odds with the rest of the speech Provides some summary of points; no clear reference back to thesis; closing technique can be strengthened Appropriate summary of points; some reference back to thesis; clear clincher or call to action 5. Demonstrates an accuracy use of grammar & vocabulary Many errors in grammar and syntax; extensive use of jargon, slang, sexist/racist terms or mispronunciations Grammar and syntax need to be improved as can level of language sophistication; occasionally biased Language selection adequate; some errors in grammar; language at times misused (e.g. jargon, slang, awkward structure) Language appropriate to the goals of the presentation; no conspicuous errors in grammar; no evidence of bias 6. Pronounces accurately and effectively uses VOICE to engage the audience Numerous pronunciation errors during course of presentation with no attempt made at the use of stress and intonation; Speaks inaudibly; enunciates poorly; speaks in monotone; poor pacing; distracts listeners with fillers Numerous individual word pronunciation errors with little attempt at the use of stress and intonation to underline meaning; Sometimes uses a voice too soft or articulation too indistinct for listeners to comfortably hear; often uses fillers Strong attempt at using stress and intonation during the course of the presentation; some individual word pronunciation errors; Demonstrates some vocal variation; enunciates clearly and speaks audibly; generally avoids fillers (e.g. um, uh, like) Clear understanding of stress and intonation with very few basic errors in pronunciation at the level of individual words; Good vocal variation and pace; vocal expression suited to assignment; few if any fillers 7. Demonstrates nonverbal behavior that supports the verbal message Usually looks down and avoids eye contact; nervous gestures and nonverbal behaviors distract from or contradict the message Speaker relies heavily on notes; nonverbal expression stiff and unnatural Some reliance on notes, but has adequate eye contact, generally avoids distracting mannerisms Postures, gestures and facial expressions are suitable for speech, speaker appears confident 8. Satisfactorily answers the questions and explains terminology Fails to understand the questions and shows little knowledge of the topic Partially understands the questions and provide insufficient answers, shows inadequate knowledge of the subject Correctly understands and provides irrelevant answers; shows adequate knowledge of the subjects Fully understands and satisfactorily answers the questions; demonstrates profound understanding of the subjects 9. Skillfully makes use of visual aids Use of the visual aids distracted from the speech; visual aids not relevant; visual aids poor professional quality Speaker did not seem well practiced with visuals; visuals not fully explained; quality of visuals needs improvement Visual aids were generally well displayed and explained; minor errors present in visuals Visual aids well presented; use of visual aids enhances understanding; visual aids good quality 10. Overall impression Presenter seemed to have no preparation, no respect towards the audience, have no connection with the audience. Presenter seemed to be unprepared, slightly distant from audience Presenter appeared to be not very well prepared, attempted to communicate with the audience at very limited level. Presenter showed visible efforts of preparation, generally communicated with audience, though he or she became distracted from time to time
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