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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Anh ngữ cho trẻ em Young learners go start with english pupil book a...

Tài liệu Young learners go start with english pupil book a


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Pupil's Book , " has been developed to ensure that young learners quickly acquire fluency and confidence in using English . In the Pupil's Book, reading , listening and speaking are taught in the context of themes fomiliar to learners. Learning is consolidated thraugh each language skill, so that learners are always secure in their grasp of new vocabulary and language structures. The corresponding Workbook emphasises writing and provides opportunities for the learner to practise and consolidate the language learnt. English is tought in meani ngful con exts, Each unit In th Pupil's Boo k foc uses on a he me rho t is re levon and --- - - - _._- ----­ interesting to lea rners. 8 _ -- - - -­ ---- - --- - lhere are~-=.e -:-_ _ . listen an -, -1 \ ., v , Listen cnd point, .~ : A hor se . s ome s he-e? l hat moo! - ' d c. h,ckens t oo. dur\e werd thaI ""'no ... ,... 5. O• W '1 d...ry ,- Hooo......,t ~I.... 1+-rc ,h. flllC""'" I,. apf" bv. .1. 9'rIs • ' 01. ... <1­ b ll~r ('t-< • ..., ""I au ",,? e pidu,e. Read and w "", 5. lloftUt IS 0 ~ ."-W y'. gnl v.vn" ice crea m. 7 Su e '~ , "-IC up plDClMI_ btlll t ~Io p Stop 0J1 &4 bo i. ~ . ynu <:ro ll. ft~ , Weo· I.J " .Jr I I 1".' wi,. " p u rieM )'OVt tIL..:...... dog . 901a Ixrok - -::.=;:---:,;;:-" - -:'" --= f- " ' - _ _ ._ :.£:.:--:----- = ...- . - =-.-:=:.::. iii ) . Un 2 nit 3 In the cl J' Vocabulary room 6 People in sc hool Numbers one to ten 2 Classroom (umitur Colours Parts of the body Toys More colours This is my ace U it4 My house U itS I've got two w ings 2 0 U it6 I've got a big f amily 36 Revision Unit 42 Unit 7 What' s she got In her bag? Unit 8 There are sheep in he playground Unit 9 Hop! Jump! Walk! Run! 6 52 Rooms in a house Furnl re More parts of the body Adjectives descr ibing si ze More colours Family members Stationery Far m animals Act ion verbs Road safety Unit 10 It's May's birthday party 64 Fruit Party food Prep os it ions U it 11 This train and that plane 70 Ve hicles Unit 12 Who's got a question? 76 e ision Un' 2 Word Ust iv ) 82 86 A.dj ~ct i ves describing cleo.nliness, Qge and condition Miscellaneous vocabulary Verb be in cont ract e d f or m S ingular and plur al nouns S ubject pro nouns Gr ee ings I nt r oduct ions I de ntifying peop le In terrogat ive pronoun what Asking and answe ring qUEStions a bout objects Identifying classroom fuminre Maki 9 positive and nega tive stQt~nts Specific de t er mine rs th is and these Possess ive det e rminers my, your, his and her Sh or t affirmat ive and negat ive ans wer s Iden t ify ing parts of the face and body Asking an d ans .vering ques t ions ab out t he colour of t hings Agreeing and disagreeing with s imple declarat ive sent enc es Interrogative roooun whu t! Short adjutivol phrases Iden 'fying furni ture: a nd roo ms in 0 house Making sta tements abo ut t locotion of t hings Asking and OtISWering q~ ions about the locotion of things Modal verb have got Ident if ying and descr ibing a ppearan ce Descr ibing pe rsonal possessions Reinforcement of the Int rroga ive prono un what Reinforcement of the modal verb havegor Generc.1det rminers a and any Describh19 families As king and answering questions aboLtt one's and ot her's family in the s ingular d plural form Interrogative pronouns who and which Talkll'l9 about objects one or ot hers possess In t he singular and plural form Identifying peo ple and objects Determiners some and any \ Pronoun st r uct ure There is/ ore .... Ident if ying anima ls Des cri bing the. eleme nts in a pict ur rmperQt iv~ GIving and unders onding simple pos it ive a nd negative instructions meod Interrogative st ru ct ur e is/are there ...7 Interrogative prono un how many I dUit ify ing f r uit , food and people As king and answering questions about quant ity Talking about t he position and location of people and objects Specific determiners thisond that Describing and compcring obj Rei nf er ce me nt of int e rr oga t ive prono uns C1S and hei r properties Asking and a ns we r ing ques ions about people . things . quan it i.es and places v rnam ... -----­ ~_~_ ? • .. -----.. ~t.aIM _IlIMI _.. a;>IR_ _. . . . Spea king Listen and say. o, r ot Hello! a m nkey I am Pex. I'm a parrot. What is your name? __L~ Hi! My name is Max. I'm a monkey. a teacher A monkey? a pu J/ Yes! Teache r/parent note : This activity eoches greetings and int roduc ions Pupils or e int r oduced t o ' he first 5 N C ure of t he verb be 6 0 1 Third p rse n Listen and say. I'm Hello Mr Lee. I'm a teacher. What's your name? I Hi, my name's Sam. 1~~==~~::::~~~ ~~,~~~I~'m~a pupil! Let's practise! TeQcher/pare n not e : This acti vity reinforces gr ee ings end in roducn ens and allows pupils 0 int roduce t hemselves. 7 Unit 1 Whars your nom ? Listening a tree a ic 2 lone o 3 th ee 4 Listen and count. Come count with me! One, two, three, Parrots in a tree. Four, five, six, Mon keys with sticks. Seven, eight, nine, Cats in a line. And this is ten, Now start again! 8 10 Teacl1el' lpor nt note : This oc iVlly t eaches the number s one to ten . Pupil s h!:orn t hese numbers m the co t ext of 0 rhyme. 8 our ' Uni 1 Whors your name? Reading girl a an o boy friends Read, listen and say. He's a man and he's a teacher. I'm a parrot. You're a monkey. I 2. 1. 3. She's a girl and she's a pupil. 4. They're boys and they're pupils. It's a cat. 1 We're friends. Teochervperent M te ; This cc lviry rec ches t h subjec t rona ns arid t he ver b 10 be: in s o T se r e ces, - I - In cassroom istening odes a cho'r a bookcase a comput e r a cupboard a board a classroom listen and point. Teocner/ parent note : This ac ivity eoches 1 e names of urnir ure with t he urni ure In t e pic u e . 12 In a clcssroo Pupils 115 en and ma l words hey hear Unit 2 In the dossroom L) Speaking Listen and say. What is it? What is it? What is it? Is it a chai r? Is it a chair? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. It's a chair. It's a chair. What is it? What is it? Is it a desk? Is it a desk? No, it isn't. No, it isn't. It's a bookcase. It's a bookcase. Teacher/parent n"h: :This act lYlty tecches t he 5 ru elure Is it a ...? for osking ques ricns to ident ify class room furnl ture, It clso mr educes t he struc ures or giving shor yes/no answers. 14 Unit 2 In the dossroom Reading a door 16 floor ed blue yellow 3 Uni his is my f ce Listeni 9 listen and point. a hen ) , :>. ~ afa a This is Bill's face. se ~ listen and point. c h This is my doll, Siti. These are her eyes I and this is her nose. hal This is her mouth and these are her toes. d t TI!OCM r/parent note : The first octivity teaches the names of par s of the fa ce. The se cond act ivity teaches the str uctures This is _. and These are ... for ident ifying ports of t he ace. It introduces the possessive adjective her. 18 ) /. Unit Q 3 This is my foce Spec ing Talk about Mr Lee. body This is his face. - - - - - " " a leg an ar -"-T-- This is his body. These are his arm s. 1=-::L.--r-- '=-TjC-.-J..., a hand ---'--- These are his hands. o foo ~~ These are his legs. - - - - ' feet These are his feet. Talk about your friend. This is your face. This is your ... Teacher / pare nt note : The fi s cc iVity teaches t he names of parts of the ody, and mtroduces he possessive cdjec ive hts The second cctivi y allows pupils 0 ta lk about r elr bodies using nils is ... and These are . 20
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