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TỔNG HỢP 20 CHỦ ĐỀ SPEAKING PART 1 SẼ RA THÁNG 5 – THÁNG 9/2017 BY NGOC BACH 1. Rain ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 2. Plans and goals .......................................................................................................................................... 6 3. Weather ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 4. Robots ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 5. Shopping .................................................................................................................................................. 10 6. Names ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 7. Swimming ................................................................................................................................................ 13 8. Neighbors ................................................................................................................................................. 14 9. Sunny days ............................................................................................................................................... 16 10. Collecting ................................................................................................................................................. 17 11. Concerts.................................................................................................................................................... 19 12. Clothes...................................................................................................................................................... 22 13. Email ........................................................................................................................................................ 24 14. Friends ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 15. Music ........................................................................................................................................................ 28 16. Politeness.................................................................................................................................................. 31 17. Watches .................................................................................................................................................... 32 18. Garden ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 19. Internet ..................................................................................................................................................... 35 20. TV dramas ................................................................................................................................................ 37 Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 1 GIỚI THIỆU Hi các bạn, Mình là Ngọc Bách. Gửi tặng các bạn 20 cue card part 1 bao gồm các bài mẫu band 8.0~9.0 do mình viết (đã được review bởi giám khảo bản xứ) cho 20 topics khác nhau của phần thi IELTS Speaking part 1 có thể ra từ tháng 5/2017 đến tháng 9/2017 . Các bạn cũng có thể dựa vào tài liệu này để soạn câu trả lời cho các đề khác. Tất cả các bài mẫu này đều đi kèm phần giải thích và ví dụ chi tiết cho các từ vựng tốt trong script Các bạn có thể bắt gặp 1 số bài mẫu trong bộ cue card này trên các page, các website ở Việt Nam, thậm chí là website ở nước ngoài. Cần khẳng định luôn 100% bài viết trong bộ này do mình viết hoặc correct lại từ bài viết của học sinh, tuyệt đối không sao chép từ bất cứ nguồn nào. Các nguồn khác nếu giống bài viết của mình -> đều là sao chép lại từ bài viết của mình mà không ghi nguồn (Mặc dù mình biết điều này không quan trọng với 1 số bạn, mình thực ra lúc đầu cũng không quan tâm. Tuy nhiên, một số bạn đọc ở website nước ngoài thấy giống -> lại bảo mình đi copy của người khác. Điều này thực sự không chấp nhận được) Tài liệu được mình cùng team soạn và gửi tặng đến các sĩ tử IELTS hoàn toàn miễn phí. Cac bạn lưu ý một số script có ghi giải thích từ vựng theo chủ đề . Ví dụ từ vựng thuộc chủ đề Technology, Education…đây là các từ vựng trong bộ sách Topic Vocabulary mới ra mắt của mình. Mục đích của mình là muốn sử dụng thật nhiều các từ vựng này trong nhiều ngữ cảnh khác nhau -> mọi người hiểu cách học và áp dụng Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 2 Tài liệu này cũng nằm trong bộ ‘HƯỚNG DẪN IELTS TOÀN TẬP 2017 BY NGOCBACH” miễn phí do mình mất rất nhiều thời gian biên soạn gửi đén các bạn đang tự học IELTS . Các bạn có thể xem link gốc trên group IELTS Ngoc Bach ở đây: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/permalink/1951695464901106/ Hoặc trên website ngocbach.com ở đây http://ngocbach.com/chuyen_muc/view/70000306/Ngoc-Bach039s-IELTS-Ebook.html Các tài liệu mới nếu có sẽ đều được cập nhật trên 2 link này. Các bạn follow hoặc share về facebook để tiện theo dõi nhé Chúc các bạn học tốt ! -Ngọc Bách- Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 3 1. Rain 1. Does it rain much in Vietnam? (Where? When?) As it is entirely located in the tropical belt, Vietnam receives quite a great amount of precipitation every year. However, the part that records the highest rainfall is the northern section of Central Vietnam when the northeast monsoon arrives, between September and December. This region can also be affected by the typhoon season in the Western Pacific, which can see severe storms lashing the coast from August to November. 2. Is there any part of Vietnam where it doesn’t rain much? (Where?) In general, I guess the driest place in Vietnam might possibly be Ninh Thuan province, which is situated on the south-central coast. The weather there is quite extreme with a lot of wind as well as a hot and dry atmosphere during the year. Also, there is no winter here, and the average temperature is considerably higher than most other parts of the country. 3. When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown? Well, currently, I am living in Hanoi, which is located in the northern part of Vietnam. I suppose that in the north, the rainy season comes during the summer months, extending from mid-April to mid-October. This is because during this time of the year, the city’s climate is influenced by the southwest monsoon, which brings moist air from the oceans to the land and causes torrential rain. 4. What about the other parts of Vietnam? (In which season does it rain most in other parts of Vietnam?) Well, the southern part of Vietnam, especially the Mekong Delta, gets plenty of rain and hot, humid weather during the southwest monsoon from April to September, with June and July being especially wet. Meanwhile, the centre of the country receives the most rainfall between September and December, during which time the region suffers from severe storms and flooding. 5. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown? (When?) Yes, of course. I suppose it was about a year or so ago, when we had several days of torrential rain, almost non-stop, and so the whole of my neighbourhood got flooded. You Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 4 know, the water was, like, up to my knees, and so the traffic came to a complete standstill. So, yeah, that was probably the worst time I can remember. 1. Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown? (How?) Yeah, for sure. As a matter of fact, rain often causes severe traffic congestion, especially when there is heavy downpour. People should expect to be stuck for hours in a traffic jam. I’m not exactly sure why, but it’s possibly because vehicles tend to move slower in the rain. Vocabulary:  Tropical belt: [noun phrase] area between the Tropics of Cancer and the Tropics of Capricon / vành đai nhiệt đới Example: The northern and southern populations were naturally separated by the warm tropical belts in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.  Precipitation: [noun] rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground / mưa Example: In places where the warmer air extends to the ground, the precipitation will fall as rain.  Monsoon: [noun] a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain (the wet monsoon), or from the northeast between October and April (the dry monsoon ) / gió mùa Example: We get only very little rain during the southwest monsoon.  Typhoon: [noun] a tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans / bão Example: Severe tropical cyclones correspond to the hurricanes or typhoons of other parts of the world.  Lash: [verb] to move suddenly and swiftly; rush, dash, or flash / vụt qua, tàn phá Example: Strong winds and storms are lashing the east coast of the USA.  Province: [noun] a principal administrative division of certain countries or empires / quận Example: The school is in a poor district of the province and students often go without the simplest of items, let alone educational funds.  Situate: [verb] fix or build (something) in a certain place or position / được đặt ở, nằm ở Example: The pilot light is usually situated at the front of the boiler. Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 5  Extreme: [adjective] reaching a high or the highest degree; very great / cực, rất Example: There is extreme cold in Hanoi during the winter.  Atmosphere: [noun] the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet / không khí, bầu khí quyển Example: In dry weather the electric potential in the atmosphere is normally positive relative to the earth, and increases with the height.  Rainy season: [noun phrase] the time during which there is a large amount of rainfall / mùa mưa Example: The traffic often gets congested during rainy season.  Moist: [adjective] slightly wet; damp or humid / ẩm ướt Example: The air was moist and heavy after the storm passed.  Torrential: [adjective] (of rain) falling rapidly and in copious quantities / chảy mạnh, (mưa) như trút xuống Example: The rest of the day torrential rain fell, the grass becoming a bog, the river turning to a lake.  Come to a complete standstill: [idiom] to slow down and finally stop; to stop entirely / dừng lại, trì trệ Example: As the strike began, the production line came to a complete standstill.  Congestion: [noun] the state of being overcrowded / sự tắc nghẽn Example: The new bridge should ease congestion in the area.  Downpour: [noun] a heavy rainfall / mưa lớn Example: A sudden downpour had filled the gutters and drains. 2. Plans and goals 1. What is your plan for the future and when will you start? I’m planning to start my own advertising agency when I’m in my third year at university. I’ve been preparing this plan of mine ever since I was a high school student and I’ve raised nearly enough capital now. 2. How do you intend to achieve that? I’m working on raising capital, and I also need some partners to work on this project with me – I’ve shared my plan with my friends and some of them seemed really interested in it. And once I’ve got someone, we’ll take care of the rest together. 3. If you go abroad, do you plan to live in the countryside or in a big city? (Why?) Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 6 I’d prefer living in the countryside, mostly because I want to experience the tranquility there. Another reason is because the traffic and air pollution in some big cities are almost unbearable, and I seriously don’t want to get stuck with all the problems of city life. Vocabulary:  Agency [noun] (đại lí/môi giới) a business that represents one group of people when dealing with another group e.g. Mannya was representing a private legal consulting agency at the hearing.  Capital [noun] (vốn) wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available for a purpose such as starting a company or investing e.g. They all need capital to meet their needs for expansion and technical development.  Tranquility [noun] (sự thanh bình) the quality or state of being tranquil; calm e.g. The main reason people come to visit the countryside is because of its beauty and tranquility.  Unbearable [adjective] (không thể chịu đựng được) too unpleasant or painful to cope with or accept e.g. At night, the noise in the street is unbearable and I’m unable to sleep. 3. Weather 1. What’s the weather like today? It’s freezing, oh my God… but luckily it hasn’t rained today. It was raining all last week… I was soaked to the skin whenever I went out to go to work even though I was wearing a raincoat, and the rain made it even colder! 2. What’s the weather (usually) like in your hometown? It depends on the season, but most of the time it’s really hot in my hometown. And it’s been getting hotter and hotter in recent years … maybe one big reason is because of global warming. 3. (Similar to above) What is the typical weather in your country? (Similar to above) 4. What’s your favorite season? (Why?) Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 7 I really like the fall, mainly because of its cool weather, which makes me feel really comfortable and ready to go out any time of the day. The other seasons… well, summer’s too hot, winter’s too cold and spring’s too humid. 5. (Similar to above, but different) What’s your favorite weather? (Why?) Cool weather. It makes me feel really comfortable and ready to go out any time of the day. Just imagine sitting in the park, reading a book in the sunshine with the wind gently blowing through your hair. Isn’t that awesome? 6. Do you like snow? (Why?) I’ve never seen or touched snow before so instead of saying whether I like it or not, I would say I’m really curious about it. I’ve been dying to see the snow falling since forever but haven’t really got the chance to do so. 7. Do you watch the weather forecasts? Rather than the weather forecasts shown on TV, I often look at the ones on my smartphone – you know, there’re some applications that help predict the weather conditions for up to a week! 8. Does the weather ever affect what you do? Yes, of course. For example, I tend to get really lethargic and lazy in the winter, all because of the cold weather. All I want to do is to get some nice sleep under my warm blanket and never have to leave the comfort of my home, and this seriously affects my work and study sometimes. Vocabulary:  Freezing [adjective] (lạnh ngắt) extremely cold e.g. It’s freezing in here – can I close the window?  Soaked to the skin [expression] (ướt nhẹp) extremely wet e.g. I’m going to have to take these clothes off – I’m soaked to the skin!  Be dying for/to do something [expression] (muốn làm gì đến chết đi được) to be extremely eager to have or do something e.g. I’m dying to hear your news, especially about your holiday in London.  Lethargic [adjective] (mệt mỏi) without any energy or enthusiasm e.g. After a big lunch, I always feel lethargic and sometimes fall asleep at my desk ! Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 8 4. Robots 1. Are you interested in robots? Why? No, I’m not really keen on robots because I’m kind of a low-tech person. Also, a robot is a luxury technological product that I have never been able to afford, so I don’t feel like I want to know much about them. 2. Would you like robots to work in your home? If I had a lot of money, I’d like to have a robot in my home. As I’m always occupied with my work, I need a robot to help me do chores and prepare meals whenever I come home at night. That’d be great! 3. Would you want to take a car where a robot is the driver? No, I wouldn’t want a robot to drive my car. It would be too dangerous and risky for me to take a drive with a robot. Because a robot is programmed by humans, I don’t think that it can handle road incidents quickly and efficiently enough to ensure safety. 4. Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely? Well, I have to admit that robots play an important part in our modern life. However, they will never completely replace the roles of humans at work as they are incapable of feeling emotions and thinking deeply like humans. For example, in a conference, people have to discuss problems in great detail before giving solutions and making decisions, but robots lack the capacity to respond to all questions instantly and effectively. Vocabulary: 1. low-tech (adjective) not using the most recent equipment or methods (nói về người biết ít về công nghệ) Ex: It is low-tech economy without modern machinery or techniques. 2. luxury (adjective) very comfortable and expensive, which not everyone can afford (xa xỉ) Ex: They are staying in a luxury 5-star hotel in Paris. 3. afford (verb) to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time (có đủ khả năng mua hay làm thứ gì) Ex: I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary. 4. do chores ( collocation) do housework (làm việc nhà) Ex: I'll go shopping when I've done my chores. 4. handle (verb) to manage, deal with sth or sb (xử lý) Ex: My wife handles all our household expenses. Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 9 6. incident (noun) an event that is either unpleasant or unusual (sự việc xảy ra bất ngờ) Ex: A youth was seriously injured in a shooting incident on Saturday night. 7. to be incapable of verb + ing: be unable to do something (không có khả năng làm việc gì) Ex: He seems to be incapable of walking past a music shop without going in and buyinganother CD. 8.capacity (noun) the ability to perform sth (năng lực) Ex: Ask John to help us – he has a great capacity for hard work. 5. 1. Shopping Are there many shops near your home? Yes, there are. As my city has increasingly developed, small stores and shopping malls are omnipresent. In my neighborhood, products of these shops are very diverse and up to the mark, accommodating the shopping demands of its residents. 2. Do you like shopping (Why/ Why not)? Of course, I enjoy swimming a lot. Shopping activities relieve my stress, especially when feel overloaded with work. In my opinion, it is also a chance for us to compare the quality of goods and acquire a better taste in things. 3. Who usually does the shopping in your home? Well, it may be my mother. Every morning, she goes to the store to choose hygienic and fresh food for our family’s meals. Her favorite pastime is buying second-hand clothes in small markets. Sometimes, when I’m free, I go with her to a big supermarket to purchase basic necessities like shampoos or soaps. 4. How often do you buy something in a shop? Very often, as I rarely have time for window-shopping. Practically, I always make a list-tobuy before going to stores and markets, and hardly leave without a shopping bill. VOCABULARY: 1. omnipresent [adj]: present everywhere: có mặt khắp mọi nơi Eg: Thes e da ys t he m edi a are om ni present . 2. diverse [adj]: very different from each other and of various kinds : đa dạng Eg: People in America are from diverse cultures. 3. up to the mark [expression]: meet the requirements : đạt tiêu chuẩn Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 10 Eg: Most teachers in this school are up to the mark. 4. (to) accommodate [v]: to provide sth for sb: đáp ứng cho Eg: Our plan tries to accommodate the needs of minority groups. 5. (to) relieve [v]: to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling: làm vơi đi Eg: Completing the final examination relieves her great anxiety. 6. (be) overloaded with [expression]: be given too much of sth : bị quá tải Eg: Minh’s overloaded with responsibilities these days. 7. (to) acquire [v]: to gain sth by your own efforts, ability or behaviour : đ ạt được Eg: He has acquired a reputation for honesty. 8. hygienic [adj]: clean and free of bacteria : sạch sẽ, hợp vệ sinh Eg: Food must be prepared in hygienic conditions. 9. (to) purchase [v]: to buy sth: mua, sắm Eg: The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier. 10. basic necessities[expression]: things that you must have and cannot manage without : đồ dùng cần thiết Eg: Many people cannot even afford basic necessities such as food and clothing. 11. window-shopping[n]:the activity of looking at the goods in shops, usually without intending to buy anything: đi ngắm nhưng không mua hàng hóa Eg: Phuong often wants to go window-shopping with her close friends. 12. practically [adv]: in a realistic or sensible way; in real situations: thực tế là Eg: Practically speaking, we can’t afford this exorbitant house. 6. Names 1. Does your name have any particular meaning? Let me see… Well I think it means “bright pearl” or “shining pearl”? I guess my parents wanted me to become an intelligent and successful girl so they gave me this name. 2. What’s the origin of your name? (or, your surname) It’s pretty lame really… Dad wanted to call me “Ngoc” or “Chi” back then but he couldn’t decide which one, then one cousin of mine asked him whether I had a name and he just blurted out “Minh Chau”. My cousin then spread the news about my name to everyone, which was something Dad didn’t expect at all, and well, I am stuck with this name now. 3. Do you like your name? Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 11 At first no, because my friends often made fun of my name, like with some puns. But then I gradually learnt to accept it, and now I can’t imagine having a different name from this one. 4. What do your friends call you? My friends back in secondary and high school tended to call me “Cat” or “Fat Cat” because of my nickname on social networks - well I love cats after all. University friends don’t really give me any nicknames; they just call me “Chau”. 5. Did your family have a certain (nick) name that they called you when you were a child? Hmm… well, no? They just called me “Chau”. I think in some other families, parents would give their children some kind of nick name but that’s not the case in my family. 6. What names are popular to give to babies in your country? I think people tend to choose some names like Linh or Trang for girls – I don’t know the actual meanings of those names though. For boys, the two most popular names, I think, are Son, which means the mountain and Hieu, which means to show affection and respect towards one’s parents. Vocabulary:  Lame [adjective] (vớ vẩn) unsurprising and dull e.g. I found the programme pretty lame and not every informative.  Blurt [verb] (thốt ra/buột miệng nói ra) say something suddenly and without careful consideration e.g. He blurts things out without even meaning it, yet, he doesn't apologize!  Be stuck with sb/sth [expression] (mắc kẹt với cái gì) to have to deal with someone or something unpleasant because you have no choice or because no one else wants to e.g. We were stuck with him for the entire journey!  Pun [noun] (chơi chữ) a humorous use of a word or phrase that has several meanings or that sounds like another word e.g. This is a well-known joke based on a pun: “What’s black and white and read (= read) all over?” – “A newspaper.” Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 12 7. Swimming 1. Do you like swimming? Of course, I love swimming. It is a very healthy and motivational sport. I think swimming can endear itself to many people because water-related activities always deliver a sense of excitement and refreshment. 2. How often do you swim? Well, it is largely dependent on the season and weather. In the summer, I usually go swimming with my close friends. During the hot weather, immersing yourself in the cold water is irresistible. However, in my country, it is virtually impossible to swim in the winter. 3. Where do you swim in your city? My school possesses a standardized swimming pool, which is very popular among students. I often go there and the public swimming pool near my house is also my favorite option. Although the swimming pools in luxurious hotels are very appealing, they are beyond my means so I cannot swim there. 4. Is it difficult to learn how to learn to swim? Well, a little bit, I think. Most sports require some form of physical exertion and swimming is not without exception. The first time, I was confronted with a lot of difficulties in maintaining stamina and also in holding my breath under water. However, with the assistance of my friends and continuous practice, I think I’m a good swimmer now. VOCABULARY: 1. motivational [adj]: encouraging, making people want to do sth : có tính động lực cao Eg: To most contenders, this intense competition is really motivational. 2. (to) endear [v]: sb/sth/ yourself to sb else : make sb/sth like you : khiến ai đó yêu thích Eg: The teacher’s kindness endears him to most of his pupils. 3. refreshment [n]: the fact of making sb feel stronger or less tired or hot : sự làm cho sảng khoái Eg: Minh is trying to find a place for rest and refreshment. 4. dependent [adj]: +on sth/sb : affected or decided by sth: phụ thuộc vào Eg: A child’s development is dependent on many factors. 5. irresistible [adj]: so strong that it cannot be stopped or resisted : không thể cưỡng lại được Eg: As a matter of fact, Linh’s arguments were irresistible. Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 13 6. virtually [adv]: almost or very nearly : gần như Eg: Tuan virtually admitted that he was guilty. 7. Standardized [adj]: conforming to standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind;: làm cho chất lượng Eg: Ho Chi Minh City’s infrastructure is increasingly standardized. 8. option[n]: sth that you can choose : lựa chọn Eg: There are various options open to you. 9. exertion [n]: physical or mental effort, the act of making an effort: sự nỗ lực Eg: Mai was breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill. 10. without exception [expression]: without the absence of sth : không thể không có, không thể thiếu Eg: Everybody has to go to work on time without exception. 8. Neighbors 1. Do you know your neighbors? Yes, of course I do. People in my neighborhood know each other quite well, and all of them are very friendly and lovable. The family living next to my house is always willing to offer assistance when we need, and sois my family. 2. Do you like your neighbors? Well yes, I love them, because they are good neighbors. The family next door has a grandmother whom I really respect, as she always gives me useful advice. I think that we live in harmony with one another. 3. What do you think of your neighbors? As I have said, they are warm-hearted people. They receive a lot of affection and admiration for their kindness and generosity. I think it is quite good fortune for my family to live next to them. 4. How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbors? I think very often. Each morning, we frequently greet when we meet each other. Whenever I am not occupied with schoolwork, I will visit the grandmother to talk to her. Her life experience and advice have helped me to overcome many difficulties and challenges. 5. When do you meet your neighbors? We meet everyday, since we live next to each other. Particularly, at the weekends, the neighbors will gather in the biggest house to hold a party or BBQ, which is very appealing to the children. Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 14 VOCABULARY: CÁC TỪ THUỘC CHỦ ĐỀ: A. THE ARTS (sách collocations) 1. to live in harmony with one another Meaning: to live with others in a way which avoids conflict or disagreement Example: The students who share the house are all good friends and they are able to live in harmony with one another. Dịch đại ý To live in harmony with one another: sống hòa hợp với người khác Nghĩa: sống với những người khác một cách hòa hợp, tránh gây mâu thuẫn với nhau Ví dụ: Sinh viên sống cùng một nhà là những người bạn thân và họ có thể sống hòa hợp với nhau. CÁC TỪ KHÁC: 1. lovable [adj]: having qualities that people find attractive and easy to love : đáng yêu Eg: Minh is a really lovable child. 2. (be) willing to do sth[expression]: ready or pleased to help : sẵn lòng làm gì Eg: They keep a list of people who are willing to work at night. 3. assistance [n]: help or support: sự giúp đỡ Eg: We do offer financial assistance for people on low incomes. 4. affection [n]: the feeling of liking or loving sb/sth very much : tình cảm Eg: Children need a lot of affection and sympathy. 5. generosity [n]: the fact of being generous : sự rộng lượng Eg: He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness. 6. fortune [n]: chance or luck : sự may mắn Eg: I did have the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors. 7. (be) occupied with sth [adj]: be busy with sth : bận rộn với cái gì đó Eg: Lan is always occupied with the housework. 8. (to) overcome: to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem: vượt qua cái gì đó Eg: She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal. 9. (to) gather [v]: to come together, or bring people together : tụ họp Eg: His supporters gathered in the main square. 10. appealing [adj]: attractive or interesting : cuốn hút, thú vị Eg: Spending the holiday in Britain is extremely appealing. Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 15 9. Sunny days 9.1. Do you like sunny days? To be honest, I’m not into sunny weather. I’d prefer a partially cloudy day without rain, when the weather is pretty cool, so that I could pleasantly take part in outdoor activities without getting sunburn or sweating from the heat of the sun’s rays. 9.2. What do you like to do when it's a sunny day? On a sunny day, I like to wake up early and take a walk around my neighborhood to enjoy the warmth of the sunshine , when the temperature isn’t too high. I also prefer to do the laundry as clothes dry faster due to the lower humidity on these days. 9.3. Would you like to stay at home or go outside when the weather is great? I’ve always had the urge to go outside on a nice day, as the beautiful weather makes mefeel really comfortable from the inside. Also, there’s no hindrance of crappy weather to outdoors activities, so I think I just can’t stick to staying in bed and missing such an occasion. 9.4. Are there many sunny days in your hometown? My hometown is in the middle region of a tropical country which means there’s usually sunshine. In fact, due to its coastal location, it’s the driest and hottest region in my country, especially in the summer, so the weather is somewhat extreme. VOCABULARY  Be into something ( thích cái gì) [idiom] be interested or involved with Example: Once you retire, it’s important to be into some hobby you’ve always wanted to try.  Sunburn (cháy nắng) [n] painful red skin caused by spending too long in the hot sun Example: Her face was red with sunburn, and the salt air made it worse.  humidity (độ ẩm) [n] moistness/ the amount of water vapor in the air Example: Dehydration, in heat and humidity as well as dry winter weather, is a major headache trigger.  Have the urge to do something (cảm thấy muốn làm gì) [idiom] suddenly want to do something Example: She had the urge to hit the road as she wanted to experience paddleboard on Lake Tahoe.  Hindrance (sự cản trở) [n] an impeding, stopping, preventing, or the like. Example: Ignorance was no hindrance to advancement, socially and pecuniarily Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 16  Crappy (dở, không hấp dẫn) [adj] extremely bad, unpleasant Example: We booked a really crappy studio with no air conditioning and we just plotted up there.  Stick to (bám chặt lấy, trung thành với cái gì) [idiom] remain faithful to/ keep one’s attachment to Example: They vowed to stick to one another no matter what happened.  Coastal (thuộc bờ biển, ven biển) [adj] relating to/ located near a coast Example: Policies that presently encourage development in low-lying floodplains and coastal areas should be immediately reexamined. 10. 1. Collecting Did you collect anything (such as stamps or CD's) when you were a child? Of course I did. When I was a child, I and my sister really enjoyed collecting Barbie CDs. At that time, the Barbie CD collection was considered as my biggest treasure. Before the Internet went viral, watching CDs was one of teenagers’ favorite pastimes. 2. Do you still collect them now? Well, I don’t. I have grown out of the Barbie CDs. Moreover, thanks to advances in technology, we can now watch everything on the Internet, so there is no need to collect CDs. 3. Do you collect anything as a hobby now? Yes, I do. As a girl, I am really fond of collecting gorgeous dresses in various styles. Whenever I have time, I always go around shopping malls to keep myself up to date with the latest fashions. Up to now, I have assembled a collection of more than 30 dresses. 4. Why do you like collecting things? Well, collecting things gives me a sense of excitement. When you are able to gather things together that you love, you feel extremely satisfied. Collecting things allows me to pursue anything that I like, from the cheapest to the most luxurious. 5. Do people in your country like to collect things? Yes, they do. However, the things collected vary from people to people. While the wealthy are interested in collecting luxury cars and expensive stuff, others collect simpler things, even family heirlooms, which is dependent on their own inclination or interest. 6. Why do you think people like collecting things? Because collecting things is a pleasing hobby. As I have said, the feeling when collecting our favorite stuff day by day is really appealing, which helps to relieve stress and pressure at Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 17 work or school. Moreover, I think collections can tell you a lot about their owners, such as characteristics or personalities. VOCABULARY: CÁC TỪ THUỘC CHỦ ĐỀ TECHNOLOGY (sách collocations) 1. to go viral Meaning: to become very popular on the internet Example: One reason why people sometimes talk about ‘the global village’ is that an image or news on the internet sometimes goes viral and is seen by millions of people worldwide. Dịch đại ý To go viral: lan truyền Nghĩa: trở nên rất phố biến trên mạng Ví dụ: Một lí do khiến mọi người nói về “làng thế giới” là vì đôi khi một hình hảnh hay tin tức trên mạng lan truyền nhanh chóng và được xem bởi hàng triệu người khắp thế giới. 2. advances in technology Meaning: the improvement or development in technology Example: Recent advances in medical technology are making a great contribution to the search for a cure for Aids. Dịch đại ý Advances in technology: tiến bộ công nghệ Nghĩa: sự tiến bộ hay phát triển của công nghệ Ví dụ; Những tiến bộ gần đây trong công nghệ y học đã đóng góp đã đóng góp rất lớn cho việc tìm phương pháp chữa bệnh AIDS. CÁC TỪ THUỘC CHỦ ĐỀ FAMILY 1. family heirlooms Meaning: valuable objects that have been in the possession of a family for many years Example: The painting in my living room is a family heirloom, which once belonged to my great-grandparents. CÁC TỪ KHÁC: 3. treasure [n]: a collection of valuable things such as gold, silver and jewels : kho báu Eg: Their daughter is the greatest treasure they have ever had. 4. (to) grow out of sth [expression]: be too old for sth : lớn quá tuổi cho cái gì đó Eg: My sister Jane has grown out of pretty dresses. Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 18 5. gorgeous [adj]: beautiful and attractive, giving pleasure and enjoyment : kiều diễm, xinh đẹp Eg: Linh is so gorgeous that every boy in the class likes her. 6. (to) keep oneself up to date with sth [v]: be aware of new things: cập nhập xu hướng cho bản thân Eg: My father always tries to keep himself up to date with political news. 7. sense of excitement [n]: the sense of feeling excited : cảm giác thích thú Eg: Children derive a great sense of excitement when going to the park. 8. luxurious [adj]: very comfortable, containing expensive things and enjoyable things : xa hoa Eg: Minh’s father possesses many luxurious hotels. 9. (be) dependent on sth [adj]: depend on sth: phụ thuộc vào cái gì đó Eg: You can’t be dependent on your parents all your life. 10. inclination [n]: a feeling that makes you want to do sth : thiên hướng Eg: Your inclination and interest will partly decide your future career. 11. (to) relieve [v]: to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain: xoa dịu Eg: Being able to say the truth at last seemed to relieve her. 12. characteristic [n]: a typical feature or quality that sb has : tính cách Eg: The two groups of students have quite different characteristics. 11. 1. Concerts Have you ever been to a live concert? Yes, I have been to numerous concerts before. I really enjoy listening to live music with my friends and my family members. To me, the atmosphere experienced in a live concert is extremely exhilirating. In live concerts, the artist will have the chance to express himself more freely than in recorded performances. 2. What sorts of concerts do you have in your country? Well, the types of concerts that take place in my country are very diverse. There are different genres of music in different shows, catering for the demand of audiences of all ages, such as: pop music, rap, or classical music. Although there is also a revival of interest in traditional folk songs, pop music concerts attract the largest crowds. 3. Are concerts ever held in your hometown? Yes, quite often. Normally, there is a live concert with many renowned artists that is held in the center of my city on special occasions, which never fails to appeal to audiences. Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 19 4. When was the last time you attended a concert? Well, it was last month . My friends and I went to a live classical music concert to get away from the burden of work, and the music did live up to our expectations. It was really engrossing to enjoy the aesthetic qualities of classical musicplayed by a talented orchestra in a superb concert venue. VOCABULARY: CÁC TỪ THUỘC CHỦ ĐỀ THE ARTS 1. to express oneself Meaning: to communicate some idea or emotion through speech, writing, painting, music or some other form of art Example: Schools should encourage pupils to express themselves through art, music or creative writing in order to stimulate their imagination. Dịch đại ý To express oneself: thể hiện bản thân Nghĩa: trình bày ý tưởng/ cảm xú qua phát biểu, văn viết, hội họa, âm nhạc hay những hình thức nghệ thuật khác. Ví dụ: Trường học nên khuyến khích học sinh thể hiện bản thân qua hội họa, âm nhạc hay sáng tác văn học để kích thích trí tưởng tượng của chúng. 2. genres of music Meaning: particular types or styles of music Example: Different genres of music tend to be favoured by different age groups, with classical music more popular among the elderly. Dịch đại ý Genres of music: thể loại âm nhạc Nghĩa: những thể loại hay phong cách âm nhạc cụ thể Ví dụ: Những thể loại âm nhạc khác nhau được yêu thích bởi những lứa tuổi khác nhau, như là nhạc cố điển thì được người cao tuổi ưa thích hơn. 3. pop music Meaning: music of the type which is listened to by large numbers of people, with a strong rhythm and simple tunes Example: It would be a pity if young people only listened to pop music and had no interest in other genres. 4. folk songs Written by Ngoc Bach Để cập nhật các bài viết mới khi có -> truy cập website ngocbach.com Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/[Type text] Page 20
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