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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Kiến thức tổng hợp Tiếng anh dành cho giới bác sĩ y tá...

Tài liệu Tiếng anh dành cho giới bác sĩ y tá


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Tiếng anh dành cho giới bác sĩ y tá
Muc • luc • Contents Unit One Registering for Treatment 0 6 ng ky dieu tri Unit Two 5 A Road Accident Victim Nan nhan tai nan giao thong Unit Three At the Urologist's 6 khoa nieu/phong kham nieu khoa Unit Four 30 A Skin Problem Van de ve da Unit Six 37 A Visit to the Dentist Di kham nha Unit Seven 45 A Sick Child Oua tre benh Unit Eight 54 A Diabetic Patient Benh nhan bj benh tieu dubng Unit Nine 22 The Emergency Room Phong cap cuu Unit Five 13 62 An Upset Stomach Roi loan bao tur Unit Ten 70 At the Neurologist's 6 phong kham bac si than kinh Unit Eleven 83 At the Ophthalmologist's 6 phong kham mat 91 TiG’ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac Si & Y T3 - 3 Unit Twelve A Visit to a Chinese Bone Doctor Di kham bac si Trung Qu6c tri xuong Unit Thirteen The Surgery Department Khoa ngoai Unit Fourteen 145 Having an Injection Chich thuoc Unit Twenty 138 In the Radiology Department 6 khoa X quang Unit Nineteen 131 Taking Samples for the Laboratory Tests Lay mdu xet nghiem Unit Eighteen 124 At the Hospital Pharmacy 6 nha thuoc benh vien Unit Seventeen 115 The Family Planning Clinic Phong kham ke hoach hoa gia dinh Unit Sixteen 107 Women's Problems Benh phu khoa Unit Fifteen 98 152 At the Cashier's 6 quay thu ngan 159 Appendix I Glossary 165 Appendix II Commonly Used Medical Terms and Expressions Appendix III Thuat ngCr va tCr ngCr y khoa thong dung 177 Key to the Exercises 223 4 - Ttgng A nti d ^ n h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta Unit One Registering for Treatment Dang ky dieu tri Practical English 100 Key Sentences ( 1 - 5 ) 1. This is the line for new patients. Day la hang danh cho benh nhan moi. 2. Fill it in and bring it back to me. Hay dien vao va mang lai cho toi. 3. In that case, you'd b etter go to the Medical Departm ent. Trong trtfdng hop do, tot hon anh nen den khoa noi. 4. You'll see it (the Medical D epartm ent) sign-posted to the right. Anh se thay tarn bien ghi khoa noi ben phai. 5. T he soon er you see the doctor, the better. Anh den gap bac si cang so'm cang tot. TiSng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta - 5 Dialogue I Doi tboai / A = patient benh nhan B = nurse y ta A: (To the nurse) (Noi vdi y ta) Excuse m e, w here do I queue up to reg ister?1 Xin loi, td i xep hang d dau de dang ky? B: T hat is the line for new p atien ts (pointing to line). T h e registration fee will be 1 yuan. Pay over th ere, and they will give you a registration card. Fill it in and bring it back to me. Do la hang danh cho benh nhan m d i (chi tay vao hang do). Le p h i ddng ky la 1 nhan dan te. Tra tien 6 do ro i ho se di/a cho anh m ot the dZng ky. D ien vao the do ro i mang la i cho tdi. (The patient queues up, and shortly reaches the window. A fter getting a card and fillin g it in, the patient takes it back to the desk.) (Benh nhan xep hang va chang may choc den dupe cua so. Sau khi lay duoc the va dien vao, benh nhan dem no lai ban y ta.) B: W hat's the problem ? Anh bi g) the? A: Since this m orning I've had a high tem p eratu re2, and I feel generally w retched. Td sang den g id td i b i sot cao, va to i cam thay rat kho chiu. 6 - Tieng Anh danh cho gtoi Bac ST & Y Ta B: In that case, you'd b etter go to the Medical D epartm ent3. Trong tnJdng hop nay anh n£n dSn khoa noi. A: W hich way do I go?4 Tdi d i I6 i nao? B: G o up to the second floor, and you'll see it5 sign-posted to the right. Give the d octor your registration card. Len Idu hai anh se thay tarn bien ghi khoa nay ben phai. E)Ua cho bac si xem the dAng ky cua anh. A: Is it very busy?6 H ien tren ay cd dong khong? B: N orm ally yes, but today you are lucky. Thudng thi cd, nhiJng horn nay anh may m jn . A: O h, good. T h an k you. (The patient goes to the second floor.) 6 , tot. Cam on. (Benh nhan len lSu 2.) Dialogue II Doi thocii II A = patient benh nhan B = nurse y ta A: (To himself) Today, there're so m any people here. It looks like I'm in for7 a long wait. (Noi lam bam) H orn nay sao dong ngtfdi the. Chdc d o i lau IAm. (To the nurse) (Noi vdi y ta) Tifing Anh ddnh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 7 As it's so busy, w ill it be all right if 1 com e back later? Vi dong qua, lid u td i trd la i sau cd ditctc khdng? B: No, you'd b etter w ait, because the registration tim e is betw een 8 and 11 o'clock, and now it’s alm ost 1 0 1 5 . Khdng, anh nen deli v'i th d i gian ddng ky la giCfa 8 va 11 gib, bay g id da la 10 g id 15 roi. A: Can 1 register now and see the d octor in th e afternoon’ Tdi cd the ddng ky bay g id va gap bac si vao b u o i tnJa duoc khdng? B: Yes, you can, but if you don't w ait, a lot o f p atien ts will be before you, and you w on't be able to get the chance to see the d octo r today. Besides, since you have a high tem perature, the soon er you see the doctor, the better. Duoc, anh cd the, nhUng neu anh khdng dot, n h ie u benh nhan se kham trade anh va anh se khdng the cd c o h o i gap bac si hdm nay. Ngo'ai ra, v'i anh bi sot cao. anh den gap bac si cang sdm cang tot. A: I se e . I'd b etter w ait th en . Can you tell m e how to get to the M edical D ep artm en t, please? Tdi hieu. Vay td i p h a i doi. Xin cd cho to i b ie t d i/d n g len khoa n o i? B: T ake the lift to th e fourth floor, go through th e double doors on your right, and go along the corridor u ntil you see the M edical D ep artm en t on your left. D i thang m ay len lau 4, d i qua cCfa 2 canh ben tay p h a i ro i d i doc theo hanh lang cho den kh i gap khoa n o i ben tay trai. 8 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y T3 A: I hanks a lot. By the way, w hat day is the consu ltant available?8 Cam an nhicu. Nhan thS, ng'ay n'ao ih l cd the gap tiJ van? B: Every Tuesday afternoon. M o i tri/a th if ba. A: O h, that's today. So I'm lucky. O, vay la horn nay. Tdi may m$n qua. Words and Expressions T it n g it register /'redjista/ v dang ky registration ^redjis'treijan/ n (sU) dang ky queue up xep hang generally wretched kho chtu qua in th at case trong trUdng hap do double doors cifa doi corridor /'korido:/ n. hanh lang consultant /kan'sAltent/ n tU van Notes 1. Excuse me, w here do I queue up to register? X in Idi, td i xep hang cf dau de dang ky? Day la loi noi tao nha, lich sii. Co the dien dat bang cach khac nhU sau: Excuse me, w here do I go to register? Xin loi, toi phai den dau de dang ky? Tig'ng Anh d&nh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 9 Hoac co the noi mot c a ch tuy tien nhu sau: Excuse me, w here do I register? Xin 16i, toi phai dang ky cf dau a? 2. have a high tem perature b i sot cao Thuat ngtf have a fever co y nghla tuong ti/. 3. the Medical Departm ent khoa noi Day la loi van noi. Ten goi chinh thufc la The D epartm ent of Internal Medicine. 4. Which w ay do I go? = Where do I go? T oi d i lo i nao? C5 day cau h6i mang y nghia T o i d i lo i nao de d en khoa noi? Cum tC/ khoa n o i duoc lupc bo vi duoc hieu ngam . Chu y: Trong cau h6i W here do I go? tC/ w here co nghla which way. 5. it cl day ham y the Medical Departm ent. 6. Is it very busy? H ie n cho do co dong khdng? Cau nay co y h6i horn nay d khoa noi co dong ben h nhan kham benh khong. Neu dong ngUcfi den kham , duong nhien khoa rat ban ron. 7. Cum ti/ be in for bieu thj da d in h tn tifc ; se p h a i chiu ..., thudng am chi nhCing sU viec khong hay, vi du: This patient is in for a second operation. Benh nhan nay se phai bi giai phau fan hai. 8. By the way, w h at day is the consultant available? N han the, ngay nao th i co the g a p t i t van? Trong van noi cung co the dien dat y tren theo c a c h sau: W ell, when is the consultant available? 10 - Tig'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta TO day bieu thj ngay lam viec nao trong tuan, trong khi tC/ when ngoai nghla tren con ham y thdi diem cu the trong ngay. Exercises I. Substitution drills 1. This is the line for new patients, patients with hepatitis, the aged. disabled armymen. medical surgery 2. In that case, you'd better go to the radiology department. oral surgery 8 and 11. 7 :3 0 and 1 0 :3 0 . 3. The registration tim e is between 8 :3 0 and 1 1 :3 0 . 1 2 :5 0 and 1 5 :5 0 see the doctor, start taking the medicine, 4. The sooner you receive the treatm ent, the better. give up smoking, TiS'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi B3c ST & Y Ta - 11 II. Fill in the missing words 1. This is the line f o r _______________. 2. In this case, you'd b e tte r _______________. 3. The sooner y o u _______________, the better. 4. Go up to t h e _______________, and you'll s e e _______________ .. 5. N orm ally_______________, b u t _______________ . 6. Will it be all right i f _______________ ? III. Translate th e following into English 1. Xin I6i, thaong binh xep hang a dau de dang ky? = Xin loi, thuong binh dang ky d dau? = Thi/ong binh co ducfc xep hang Uu tien khong? 2. Sang nay toi bi sot cao. Hmh nhu toi chang con stic li/c gi het. = Sang nay toi bi sot cao. Bay gid toi thay ra rdi. 3. Di thang may den tang 5, queo trai va di qua cufa hai canh roi ong se tha’y phfa ben phai co bang chi dan noi ong phai den. 4. Thudng chung toi co nhieu benh nhan d day. Nhung horn nay khong nhieu. 5. Ong vui long dien vao the nay. Viet ro rang gium. Dung viet thau. Xong, dem den ban lam viec. 12 - Tigng Anh danh cho gibi Bac ST & Y Ta Unit Two A Road Accident Victim Nan nhan tai nan giao thong Practical English 100 Key Sentences (6 - 10) 6. W h at seem s to be the problem? Anh bi sao vay? 7. W h e re does it hurt? Bi dau b dau? 8. Your arm and elbow seem to be all right. Tay va cui cho cua anh duftng nhif khong sao. 9. You should take a w eek off work. Anh nen nghi lam mot tuan. 10. Here's the prescription for your herbal medicine. Day la toa thuoc bdc cua anh. Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 13 Dialogue I A = doctor bac si B = patient benh nhan A: W h at seem s to be th e p ro b lem ?1 Anh bi sao vay? B: W ell, I was crossin g the road, w here a car cam e round the corner too quickly, and w hen the driver saw m e, it was too late to stop. I w as knocked to the ground, and when I got up, my left arm and elbow w ere grazed, and now, I have a pain in m y rib s.2 A, to i dang bdng qua dudng, co m ot xe h o i q u e o g o c qua nhanh va khi tai xe thay to i th'i qua tre. Toi b i te xuong d ifdng va khi td i ngoi day, tay trai va c u i chd cua to i b i tray da va bay g id to i b i dau d xuong si/dn. A: I'll ju st take a look. W h ere does it hurt? De tdi xem. Dau 6 d a u ? B: It's hard to say. It h u rts all over. That kho noi. Dau khdp ngL/tii. A: D oes it hurt w hen I do this? Co dau khi td i an vao chd nay kh d n g ? ( The doctor presses the patient’s ribs.) (Bac si an vao xuong sudn cua benh nhan.) B: O u ch !3 T h e pain is very bad w hen you press here. U i da! Dau Idm kh i bac si an chd nay. 14 - Tieng Anh danh cho gkji Bac ST & Y Ta A: Your arm and elbow seem to be all right, but, to be on the safe side, you'd b etter go to th e X-ray D epartm ent. W hen the X-rays are ready, bring them back to m e to exam ine. Here's th e form th at you'll need for the X-rays. I'll see you later! Tay va c u i chd cua anh dudng n h u khdng sao, nhung de chZc An, anh nen td i khoa X quang. Khi cd p h im chup X quang, dem la i cho td i xem. Day la mau don anh can de xin chup X quang. H e n gap lai. Dialogue II A - patient benh nhan B - doctor bac si (The patient brings back the X-ray plates.) (Benh nhan dem lai cac tarn phim X quang.) A: Here're my X-rays. Day la p h im X quang cua tdi. B: I'll ju st have a look. Everything looks OK, excep t you can see here. T h ere's a hairline fracture. It's not very serious, but you should take a m onth o ff w ork, and rest in bed as m uch as p ossible. I'll give you som e herbal m edicine to help you heal quickly. T ake it tw ice a day, m orning and evening. D e td i xem. M o i thCr deu khong sao, trti chd nay anh xem. Cd m ot vet n itt b'ttng soi toe. Khdng nghiem trong ISm, nhifng anh nen n gh i lam m ot thang, va nghi ngoi cang nhieu cang tot. Tdi cho anh m ot it thuoc b a c de g iu p lanh vet thuong nhanh. M o i rigay uong 2 Ian, sang va toi. Ti§ng Anh dcinh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 15 A: W ill I need to be put in p laster?4 Tdi can p h a i bo bot khdng? B: No. It isn't necessary. Khong, khong can. I'll ju s t w rite you a sick note to send to w ork. And here is th e prescription for your herbal m ed icine. Tdi se c h i can vie t ch ifn g nhan cd benh cho anh d e g tfi td i sd lam. Con day la toa thuoc bSc cua anh. A: Thank you very m uch, doctor. Xin cam an bac si rat nhieu. B: N ot at all. G oodbye! Khdng cd chi. Tam b ie t! A: Goodbye! Tam b ie t! Words and Expressions graze /greiz/ vt. tray da rib /rib / n. xuong si/dn to be on the safe side de ch^c an hairline /'healain/ n. sOi toe herbal /’h3:bal/ a. thao diioc heal /h i.l/ vt. lanh vet thi/ctng plaster / ’pla:sta/ n bo bot sick note giay chufng nhan co benh renal /'ri:nal/ a (thuoc ve) than 16 - Tieng Anh danh cho gldi Bac ST & Y Ta colic /'k d ik / n. can dau bung incisor /in'saiza/ n. r£ng ctfa (du6i) lateral /'laetaral/ - Xem thêm -