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Advanced p10 Phra s avle r h s pl1 Discussion Types1-4 Vocabulary: Phrases for reactingto an opposingview(Ihof'so e n d fair point, I suppose.But in my view, etc ) Phras al v e r b sp : a s s i va inf init ivfeo r m s g a n o p p o sin vie g w 6 ) Re a ctinto S tyl e:Longandshortsentences Vocabulary: Similes(oswhiteas snow, etc.) V ocabul ary: A dl ecti vet o s des c ri be emoti onal states(perplexed,remorseful,d isillusioned, etc.) D i cti onary w ork:Fi nding s y nony ms p21 Photocomparison Would,pastperfect,future Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs(h1ngout with,kicksb out, etc) in t he pas t ,e t c . (skipschool,etc) Vocabulary: Verb-noun collocations Simpleandc o n t i n u o u s G ra m m aSp r : e cu la tin g forms p e o p le f i De scr ib inpgh o to so f h o m e le ss A film review e auses U si ngparti ci plcl to i mprove styl e V ocabul ary: A spects of fi l ms (soundtrack,screenplay, etc.) V ocabul ary: A dj ecti vedses c ri bi ng fi l ms(l ow . budget,wackv,x-roted,etc-) V ocabul ary: Modi fyi ng a dv erbs w i thgradabl e/ non-grada ble adjectives(extremely, foi rly, etc.) D escri bi ng a pl ace S tyl e:U si ngmoreel aborate vocabul ary (interestin g, Vocabutary: Synonyms coptivoting, 9ripping, fascinating, etc.) pl ac es V ocabul ary: A dj ecti ves f ordes c ri bi ng (bustling, touristy,sprowling, etc.) (1) prepos i ti ons D i cti onary w ork:D epe ndent (renownedfor, reminiscentof, etc.) Verbpatterns Dictionary work:Finding out aboutverbpatterns p33 Negotiation p h r a se s V o ca b u la rCo y: m p a r a tive Vocabulary: Phrases for negotiating(l'llgo atongwiththot,hove wecometo a decision? eIc.) 6i Talkingaboutthe relativemeritsof differentcaf6s p42 Conditionats 1st, 2nd,3rd and mixed c ondit ion a l s Inversion whenf omitted as long as, supposing, prcvided,unless p43 Discussion Urbanchange changesto a towncentre O TatkingaboutpLanned Vocabulary: Expressing opinions(Ihol3 howI see it, to my mind, etc,) p54 Ellips i s Reduced infinitives Omissionof mainverbafter m odalor a u x i l i a rvye r b p55 Presentation phrases Functional Vocabulary: Changing the subject;Acknowledging an opposing v i e w;Dism issinagn o p p o sinvie g w;Re fe r r ing t o somethi ng sai d earlier to a presentation f) Listening ll-i2 !i:h o::ll-r. i :i.: t : L : rt , t , - I I Topicsentences Vocabulary: neither-..nor,either...or, not only .., but olso, etc. (lt'sboundto hoppen, Vocabulary: Speculating there'sno chanceof it happening,etc.) C onsi deri ng thetargetaudi ence Vocabulary: Linkersfor addition(opartfrom, along with, to boot, etc.) Writinga goodopening qualities(altruism, Vocabulary: Personal amiabiIity, trustuvorth in ess, etc.) Vocabulary: Wordfamilies p54 Repo r t i nsgt r u c t u r e s p65 Photocomparlson Reporting verbs Vocabulary:Synonymsof prize(award,reword,trophy,etc.) Adverbsandreportedspeech Vocabulary: (overthe moon,thrilledto ldiomsfor expressingjoy bits, jumping for ioy, etc.) Conveying tone and e m0t ion (allthesame, Vocabulary: Concession and counter-argument Reporting speechwithout granted,mind you, etc.) usingprecisewordsspoken O Sp e cu la tinagb o u ta p h o to Styte:Adverbs,adjectives, etc. Vocabulary: Adverbsand adverbphrases (typeand position) Vocabulary: Orderof adjectives Vocabulary: Reporting verbs(groan,etc.) Grammar: Punctuating reportedspeech p 76 A ddin g e m p h a s i s Cleftsentences phrases Fronting doldid for emotiveor contrastive emphasis p77 Presentation Eco-friendly tourism to presentations fl Listening Vocabulary: Expressions for describing benefitsand drawbacks (hovea detrimentaleffect,of mutuolbenefit,etc.) Vocabulary: Expressing cause,purposeand result(/eadto, etc.) Vocabulary:Generalising(to o gredtertent,by ond lorge, etc.) Appropriate probl ems style V ocabul ary: H ol i day andc ompl ai nts Correctlayout Vocabulary: FormaIlanguage Qtrustyou will ensure,we regretto informyou, etc.) p86 Modal verbs p87 Stimulus-based discussion VocabuLary: graphsand charts Phrases for describing statistics, VocabuLary: Verbsfor describinglends(rocketed, slumped,etc.) Vocabulary: Phrases for givingestimates(in the regionof, elc.) 5l Talkingaboutdifferentkindsof chart Overview of modals F$$ F.tsslve -rlrrr il:ii P art ic iple phrases P repos it io n i nsr e l a t i v e c Laus es R eLat ivc e la u s e s p99 Drawingconclusions V o ca b u la r y: Ph r a sefo s r d r a win g lo g icaco l n clusi ons Vocabulary: Vaguelanguage f | Co m p a r inagn dco n tr a stinpgh o to s 0 1 0 9 Pr e se n ta tr o F P a r a p h r a sin a ngdco r r e ctinyo g u r se lf A v oid in rge p e titio n g p r e se n ta tio n s O L iste n into VocaBUIARY Bu!f { r FP D131 ., 'l i R ecommendilng ocalmusi cvenuesand Vocabulary:Connotation(attentive/intrusive, restaurants bustling/ crowded,Iight/ insubstontiol, etc.) Layoutof a report V ocabul ary: P eri phrasiand s euphemi sm Vocabulary: Phrasesfor introductions yourw orkw i thoutdamagi ng E di ti ng the meani ng or flow Grammar: Passivestructureswith believe, consider, etc. Voc abul ar y Adi : ec ti v e- nounc ol l oc ati ons W r i ti ng a good c onc l us i on Voc abuLar yR : ound up of us eful phr as es and linkers (lt would be hard to deny thot, moreover, etc ) Grammar: l mpersonal struc tures for i ntroduc i ng optnions(lt wouldbe wrongto suggestthot, etc) S tyl e:l Jsi ngstyl i sti caLl a ppropri y ate l anguage (odmittedly, currently, inconceivable, etc) opi ni on s f) E xpressi ng f) Li s teni ng( 1 01 = di s k 1, tr ac k 1 / 2 01 = di s k 2 , t ra c k 1 ) ANDTHECOMMONEUROPEAN FRAMEWORK s s y o u w o rkth ro u g hSo l u ti ons Th i n ka bouty ourpr og re s a A dvonced. A ftercompl eti ng S ki ttsR ound-up 1-4 readeachstat em entand wri tethe num berof t ick s(/) th a t a p p l yto y o u .D o th e sameagai nafterS ki l tsR ound-up 1-10. /= | needm or eor ac ti c e . //: I sometimesfind this difficutt. ,/,/./ = No problem! Skilts Skilts Round-upRound-up t-4 1-10 In Engtish lcan... Listening 82 82 ...understand extended discussions on familiartopics andidentify 1A,1B,7F,2A, speakerviewpoints. 2F,3A,8A ...understand andreactto currentaffairsradioprogrammes. 1C ...followcomplex linesof argument on familiar topics.3F passages. .. understand detailed andlinguistically complex descriptive andnarrative 2C,5A,8F c1 ...followextended speechevenwhenit is notclearly structured. 2C,4A,5F,7F,9F c1 ... understanda wide rangeof broadcastmaterialand identifyfiner pointsof detail.3C, 4C,6C,7C,9C, 82 82 10c Reading 82 82 ...scanquicklythroughlongandcomplex relevant texts,locating detail.1D,2D 82 .. understand magazine articles aboutcurrent issues in whichwriters adoptparticularviewpoints.3D 82 .. understand factualarticles andreports. !D,4E,6E c1 c1 .. understand longandcomplex factualandliterary texts.2D,4D,6D,7D,9D,10D ... readreports,analysesand commentaries whereopinionsand viewpointsare discussed.5D,8D, 9G, c1 ...recognise thesocial,potitical or historical background of a literary work.4C,9C .. readreviewsdealingwith the contentand criticismof culturaltopicsand summarisethe mainviews. 2G 10D Speaking 82 . . .pr es ent d e ta i tedde s c ri p ti o n s o a n v a ri e tyoffami l i artopi cs.78,2A ,2G,38 82 ...takeanactivepartin a discussion on familiartopics. 1A,1C,2D ...develop a clearargument, supporting myviewsat somelengthwithrelevant examples. !t,28,2F,3A in conversation ...engage on mostgeneral topics.30, 4C,6A,7C,9A,98 82 c1 c1 ...formulate ideasandopinions andpresent themskilfully andcoherently to others. 3C,4A,4B.,4F,5A, 5c,6c, 6F,78,gB,gD,108,10C c1 . . .giv ea c lea rl yd e v e l o p e dp re s e n ta ti o nh,i g h l i ghti ng poi ntsand rel evantsupporti ngdetai t. si gni fi cant 3F , 5F , 7F ,8 F9,F ,1 0 F Writing 82 B2 ...writea reviewof r fih, bookor play.2G wr it edet a i l e dd e s c ri p ti o nosf re a Io r iimaginary m a e ina eventsi n a cl earconnected t ext.1G.6G l- . . .wr it ec lear,w e l l -s tru c tu retedx tsw h i c he x p andand supportvi ew sw i th subsi di ary poi nts,reasonsand c1 c1 c1 examptes.4G, 9G,10G ...selecta styleappropriate to thereader in mind.5G ...puttogether information fromdifferent sources andrelateit in a coherent summary. 3G,8G I ...writeforma[[ycorrectletters.7G yourprogress Check Press @ OxfordUniversity THtS Ul{ t T |lt Ct UD E S .. Vocabulary.prefixes.timeexpressions.adverbcollocations.adiectives describing emotional s t a t e s .s i mi l e s GEmmar. phrasalverbs. talkingabouthabitualactions S p e a k i n g .ta l ki n ga b o u tch i l d h o o memor d ies.talkingaboutinher ited char acter istictal s . k i ngabout . r eacting t h eo r i g i n sof l a n g u a g e. sd i scu ssi on: genetic engineer ing to opposing views Writing. s description of an event M emorie s the photo school. n r - 3 preoccupiedunnerved overwhelmedcircumspect bewilderedwithdrawn tatkingaboutaspects of O f.Of Listento fourspeakers theirchildhood. Choose the topicwhichbestmatches each speaker. a primary school(classmates, teachers, subjects, etc.) b bestfriends c familyrelationships (games, d favourites food,clothes, films,W shows,books, etc.) e fearsandanxieties (birthdays, t specialoccasions festivals, etc.) Speakerz! Speakerr! Speaker4! the phrases the speakers usewiththe O f .Of Complete wordsin the box.Listenagainandcheck. call evocativehindsight ingrained picture recall recoIlectionreminiscetraumatic 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 disorientated distraught o.N Vocabulary p.131 Builder1.1:Prefixes: Speaker rI allthetime finally fornow immediately occasionallynever never-endingrepeatedly then verysoon overaweduneasy overaweo uneasy 2 Whatothersituations might causesimilar emotions? 3 Whatareyourownmemories of yourfirstdayat school? 2 andexpressions in the box. 1 Howdoyouimagine thechildis feeling? Usethewordsin the boxto describe hisemotions. i: 'fr (1-10)withthe synonymous 4 Matchthe expressions words As | , t he t ro u b l es ta rte dw h e n ... W it h, I s u p p o s ei t w a s ... I foundt he wholeth i n gq u i te I can s t ill i t c l e a rl y . ...unt ilit bec am ec o m p l e te L y i n m y me mory. C hr is t m as is a v er y ti me fo r m e . I can' tt o m i n d m a n yd i s a p p o i n tme n ts . I st ill hav ea c lear o f th a t s mi l e . It wout dbe f un t o a b o u tth e g o o do l d d a y s. t timeaftertime at thetime forthetimebeing anymoment now thewholetime 6 7 8 9 10 endless oncein a while notfora moment at once in theend Complete the textwith words andexpressions fromexercise 4. A chLldluadvwerwary I grewup in centralLondon, whereit tooktwo hoursto escapefromthe citgbv caror bus.1-, dadusedto take us for a drivein the countrgside but mostof thetime,we staged closeto home.Sothe firsttime I visitedmggrandparents' houseonthe coast,I fellin 2-. 3-, lovewiththeseaside mggrandparents werein theirsixtiesandquitefit andhealthg, sotheg wouldcomewithus to the beachevergdag.I havesuch vividmemories of those4-afternoons that mg sistersandI spentplagingin the sea.Thewaterwas freezing, but sdidthat put us off! Neither didthe largeandpowerful waves,whichusedto knockmeoff jumpupandrushback mgfeet6-. I wouldlaugh, 7 intothewaves-. Wewouldn't wantto leavethe beach,but 8-, sunsetwouldforceus to returnto mV grandparents' houseforthe night. 6 Choose onetopicfromexercise 2 to talkabout. Thinkof threememories to include. 7 F5{18 Workin pairs. Take turnsto beA andB. S tudentA : Tel lyourpartneraboutyourmemo r ies. I nclude as manvw ordsand expressi ons fr omexer cises 1, 3 and 4 as possi bl e. Thentry to answerB's questi ons. S tudentB : Li stencareful l y. Thenaskyourpar t nert hr ee questi onsabouthi s or her memor ies. W or kin p a i rs .D i s c u s sth e s eq u e s ti o n s. f) r.of Li stenagai n.W hatexactw ordsdo t he speaker s useto expressthesei deas? I' vegot the sameki nd of noseas my dad. I' vei nheri tedmy mum' spersonal i ty. W e deatw i th stressfuIprobtemsi n a verysim it arway. | l ookextremelsi y mi l arto my granddad. Otherpeopl ecanseethat my si sterand I ar ef r omt he samefami ty. 6 My brotherdoesnot l ooksi mi l arto anyot herf am ily memoer. betw eenme an d m v dad. 7 | canseecl earsi mi l ari ti es 8 Thehabi tmusthavebeeni nheri ted. 1 2 3 4 5 Writefive sentencescomparingyourselfto familymembers. from your answersto exercise4. Useexpressions TwinsRyanand Leowereborn in Germanyin 2008. 6 1 W hatphy s ic alan d me n ta l tra i tsc a n b e i n h e ri te d? 2 W hatphy s ic alan d me n ta l tra i tsc a no n tyb e a q u i red? 2 1 My grandmother usedto suckthe thi rdfi ngeron her lef t hand. 2 I' l l oftencal lmy mum to tatkaboutmy pro blem s. 3 P eopl ew ereal w aysmi staki ngus for tw i ns. wearverydifferentclothesfrom my 4 I'd detiberately brother. 5 My si sterw // phoneme l ateat ni ghtfor a chat . 6 My brotheris foreverborrowingmy clothes. 7 My grandfatherwouldinsiston drivingwithouta seatbelt. 8 | usual l yti kethe samemusi cas my dad. S) r.OZ In pairs,completethe quiz questionsusingthe wordsin the box,then choosethe correctanswers.Listen and check. b a s es c hr om os o me s c o d e g e n o me h e ti x trai t b ecause: 1 DNAis of t endes c ri b e da s th e ' d o u b l e-' a ev er yc ellc onta i n stw o g e n e s . b its structureis arrangedin pairs. c therearetwo differentkindsof DNA. a refo u n di n m o s th u mancel l s? 2 Howm anypair so f c mo re 23 b 46 th a na m i l l i o n a c h e m i c al How m any dif f ere n t 3 , th e fu n d amental o f D N A, a re th e re ? buildingbloc k s c4 ,0 0 0 b40 a4 gene s ,a p p ro x i ma te l ya,re d e s c ri b e di n the 4 Howm any hum an , a c o mp l e tema p o f h u ma nD N A? a 250 b 25, 0 0 0 c 2 5 m i l l i o n w i th: 5 Hum anss har eab o u t 5 0 % o f th e i rg e n e ti ca c him panz ee s . b d o l p h i n s . c b a n a n a s . e s h a re db y b o th p a re n tsc a u s e soffspri ng 6 A r ec es s ivgene which: or physical to hav ea per s o n a l i ty had. a noneof t heir a n c e s to rs had. b onlyt heirgr a n d p a re n ts h a d ,b u t n o t th e i rp a re n ts . c c er t ainanc esto rs 3 6) 1.03 Listento a dialoguebetweenthree peoptetalking . h i c ho f th e s eth i n g sd o they a b outf am ilys im ila ri ti e sW me nt ion? Studythese sentences.Underlinethe verb formsfor talking about habitualbehaviour.Matchthe sentenceswith a-h in the chartbelow. neutral a_ D_ expressing disapproval e- f- N {:.i i i tx$tai $i ri i tl *r s t r ongphy s ic alr e s e mb l a n c e tra i ts s im ilarper s ona l i ty s im ilart as t esan d h o b b i e s a s har edc hit dh o o dh a b i t views s im ilaroot it ic aI a s har edt alent unr li. B egr nni n g s d_ g_ n_ i t; };l i l i i l ri q ti ;,\i l tti i l ,' ri .i ri i r,,i .i r-ti srts:i r.i i i i F|IfilKIIIClWorkin pairs.Thinkof fiveexamples of things whicha familymemberoftendoesor oftenusedto do.Then verbformsas te[[yourpartner, usingasmanydifferent possible 6. fromexercise I foryourpartner aboutmentalor Prepare an interview physicat fromparents or grandparents. Use traitsinherited andtry to the tistfromexercise 3 to writesixquestions includeexpressions fromexercise 4. ',t a b c d e f present past {t i i,i I , , I it, iir i , ri i'i rt'li llll -,; ,]ir.,l'air rr ,r l Workin pairs.Taketurnsto beA andB. fromexercise B usingyourquestions B. Student A: Intervlew A'squestions. Useexpressions Student B: Answer andverb formsfromexercises 4 and6 whereappropriate. I can understqndand reactta an trticLeabant the ariqinsaf Enqlitln Workin pairs.Lool - Xem thêm -