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Tài liệu Skkn các kỹ năng dạy từ mới môn tiếng anh ở trường thcs


Mô tả:

A-Lý do chän ®Ò tµi Nh chóng ta ®· biÕt ,n¨m häc 2007-2008 lµ n¨m häc thø hai toµn nghµnh gi¸o dôc ta thùc hiÖn cuéc vËn ®éng “ hai kh«ng” víi bèn néi dung ,nh»m n©ng cao chÊt lîng gi¸o dôc. §æi míi s¸ch gi¸o khoa , gi¶m t¶i ch¬ng tr×nh, ®æi míi ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y , trªn c¬ së toµn diÖn ®Ó ph¸t huy tÝnh tÝch cùc chñ ®éng s¸ng t¹o , tÝnh tÝch cùc cña häc sinh, lÊy häc sinh lµm trung t©m. Lµm thÕ nµo ®Ó häc sinh hiÓu bµi , tiÕp thu bµi nhanh nhÊt, cã nh÷ng giê häc s«i ®éng , thu hót ®îc häc sinh , cã nh÷ng ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y hay ®Ó hocj sinh dÔ n¾m b¾t ®îc bµi ngay t¹i líp lu«n lµ nh÷ng tr¨n trë ®èi víi mçi ngêi d¹y tiÕng Anh nh chóng t«i. §Ó cã thµnh c«ng trong mçi giê d¹y tiÕng Anh ngêi gi¸o viªn lu«n ph¶i ®æi míi ®ång bé ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y. VÝ dô: ®æi míi ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y tõ vùng, ng÷ ph¸p cÊu tróc c©u vµ c¸c kü n¨ng d¹y (nghe , nãi , ®äc , viÕt). §èi víi c¸c em häc sinh , viÖc häc tõ vùng vµ nhí chóng cµng nhiÒu cµng tèt lµ rÊt h÷u Ých vµ cÇn thiÕt.Bëi v× cã nhí ®îc tõ th× c¸c em míi cã thÓ hiÓu ®îc ngay thÇy c« nãi g× tõ ®ã c¸c em dÔ dµng tr¶ lêi c¸c c©u hái cña thÇy c« gi¸o. Víi kh¶ n¨ng cho phÐp sau ®©y t«i xin tr×nh bµy s¸ng kiÕn kinh nghiªm vÒ : “ Các kỹ năng dạy từ mới môn tiếng Anh ở trường THCS” B- Qu¸ tr×nh thùc hiÖn ®Ò tµi Nh chóng ta ®· biÕt , tríc ®©y theo ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y häc cò, thÇy gi¸o ®ãng vai trß trung t©m lµ ngêi truyÒn ®¹t kiÕn thøc cßn häc sinh lµ ®èi tîng tiÕp nhËn kiÕn thøc mét c¸ch thô déng .Ph¬ng ph¸p nµy Ýt mang l¹i hiÖu qu¶ gi¸o dôc , nã kh«ng phï hîp víi t×nh h×nh ph¸t triÓn cña níc ta hiÖn nay .B©y giê viÖc ®æi míi ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y häc nh»m ph¸t huy tÝnh tÝch cùc cña häc sinh yªu cÇu häc sinh ph¶i biÕt tù gi¸c , chñ ®éng s¸ng t¹o , chiÕm lÜnh lµm chñ kiÕn thøc. Thùc hiÖn ®îc yªu cÇu nµy , gi¸o viªn ph¶i lµ ngêi cã vai trß híng dÉn , ®iÒu khiÓn , tæ chøc häc sinh ho¹t ®éng . Do vËy viÖc t×m tßi vµ vËn dông c¸c ph¬ng ph¸p míi lu«n lu«n ®ßi hái mçi gi¸o viªn ph¶i cã. H¬n thÕ n÷a , ngo¹i ng÷ lµ mét m«n häc ®ßi hái häc sinh ph¶i cã tÝnh ch¨m chØ , häc thêng xuyªn , ë mäi lóc mäi n¬i th× míi ph¸t triÓn ®îc vèn tõ vùng . Cã vèn tõ kh¸ th× häc sinh míi vËn dông c¸c kiÕn thøc cña m×nh vµo c¸c bµi häc. Bªn c¹nh ®ã , viÖc pháng ®o¸n néi dung chÝnh trong mét tiÕt häc còng kh«ng thÓ thiÕu ®îc . Tríc ®©y , theo ph¬ng ph¸p cò , gi¸o viªn thêng ®Ò cËp ngay vµo bµi míi, kh«ng kÝch thÝch ®îc kh¶ n¨ng t duy cña häc sinh nªn c¸c em thêng rÊt thô ®éng , do ®ã hiÖu qu¶ cña c¸c giê häc kh«ng cao . §øng tríc yªu cÇu vÒ viÖc ®æi míi ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y häc , lµm thÕ nµo ®Ó n©ng cao chÊt lîng giê d¹y ? VËn dông ®îc nh÷ng ph¬ng ph¸p nµo ®Ó ph¸t huy tÝnh tÝch cùc , chñ ®éng vµ s¸ng t¹o cña häc sinh ? §ã lu«n lµ nçi lo ©u , tr¨n trë , nh÷ng suy nghÜ cña ®éi ngò gi¸o viªn – nh÷ng ngêi s½n sµng hiÕn c¶ cuéc ®êi m×nh cho sù nghiÖp gi¸o dôc ChÝnh v× vËy mçi gi¸o viªn chóng ta ph¶i kh«ng ngõng t×m tßi s¸ng t¹o , häc hái ®ång nghiÖp ®Ó t×m ra ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y häc tèi u nhÊt phï hîp víi häc sinh. III- Sè liÖu ®iÒu tra tríc khi thùc hiÖn : Trong nh÷ng n¨m häc gÇn ®©y, thùc hiÖn ch¬ng tr×nh c¶i c¸ch s¸ch gi¸o khoa , ¸p dông ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y häc míi t«i thÊy víi ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y tõ míi víi nhiÒu thñ thuËt kh¸c nhau häc sinh tõ líp 6 ®Õn líp 9 nhiÒu em ®· cã thÓ nhí tõ ngay t¹i líp vµ cã vèn tõ vùng rÊt kh¸. tµi ) III-Nh÷ng biÖn ph¸p thùc hiÖn ( Néi dung chñ yÕu cña ®Ò Tõ l©u nay , gi¸o viªn chóng ta vÉn quen víi c¸ch d¹y truyÒn thèng lµ b¸m theo s¸ch , ngêi thÇy lµm trung t©m cña tiÕt häc nªn viÖc ®æi míi ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y häc kh«ng Ýt thÇy c« c¶m thÊy bèi rèi. Do vËy , ®Ó chuÈn bÞ mét tiÕt d¹y tõ vùng hay , l«i cuèn ®îc häc sinh , ®ßi hái gi¸o viªn ph¶ mÊt nhiÒu thêi gian ®Ó t×m tßi , su tÇm tranh ¶nh , lµm ®å dïng gi¸o cô trùc quan , mang nh÷ng vËt thËt ®¬n gi¶n ®Õn líp ….. gióp häc sinh nhí tõ ngay t¹i líp . V× vËy d¹y tõ vùng theo ph¬ng ph¸p míi , ®¹t hiÖu qu¶ cao nhÊt cÇn ®¶m b¶o c¸c bíc sau : 1- Kh©u chuÈn bÞ : * §èi víi gi¸o viªn : - Gi¸o viªn cÇn ®Çu t nhiÒu thêi gian ®Ó t×m kiÕm tµi liÖu, h×nh ¶nh liªn quan ®Õn chñ ®Ò , ®ång thêi kh«ng ngõng cËp nhËt th«ng tin ®Ó hç trî bµi gi¶ng. -Thêng xuyªn lµm ®å dïng gi¸o cô trùc quan ®¬n gi¶n ®Ó g©y høng thó trong c¸c tiÕt häc . - ChuÈn bÞ bµi thËt kü, chi tiÕt tríc khi ®Õn líp. * §èi víi häc sinh: - Su tÇm nhiÒu tµi liÖu , tranh ¶nh liªn quan ®Õn bµi gi¶ng cïng gi¸o viªn . - ChuÈn bÞ bµi kü tríc khi ®Õn líp. - T×m tríc tõ míi ë nhµ. - LuyÖn c¸ch ph¸t ©m thêng xuyªn. - TÝch cùc lµm ®å dïng gi¸o cô trùc quan khi gi¸o viªn yªu cÇu . Trong líp chó ý nghe gi¶ng, h¨ng h¸i ph¸t biÓu x©y dùng bµi , tÝch cùc, tù gi¸c khi ho¹t ®éng nhãm , cÆp . 2- Vµo bµi Tuú tõng bµi gi¶ng gi¸o viªn ph¶i khÐo lÐo t×m ®îc c¸ch vµo bµi hay ®Ó l«i cuèn , thu hót häc sinh ngay tõ ®Çu tiÕt häc. Gi¸o viªn cÇn dÉn d¾t häc sinh nhËp t©m vµo bµi häc b»ng nhiÒu c¸ch kh¸c nhau.Ch¼ng h¹n “ gîi ý” b»ng nh÷ng c©u hái ®¬n gi¶n liªn quan ®Õn ®Ò tµi,buéc häc sinh ph¶i suy nghÜ,tr¶ lêi theo ý riªng.Trªn c¬ së ®ã dÉn d¾t ®a c¸c ng÷ liÖu vµo bµi häc . Trao quuyÒn chñ ®éng s¸ng t¹o cho häc sinh: NÕu nh tríc ®©y, thÇy lµ trung t©m cña tiÕt häc, th× b©y giê häc trß ph¶i lµ ngêi ho¹t ®éng nhiÒu h¬n ®Ó cã thÓ h×nh thµnh ®îc nhiÒu kü n¨ng tù tin trong giao tiÕp . Thêng xuyªn sö dông vèn tõ míi cña m×nh . V× thÕ gi¸o viªn ph¶i ph¶i nghÜ ra nhiÒu ho¹t ®ång trß ch¬i theo nhãm, theo cÆp ®Ó häc sinh tham gia x©y dùng bµi tèt h¬n. Tuú vµo nh÷ng ®ßi hái cña tõng kü n¨ng mµ cã nh÷ng thñ thuËt thÝch hîp cho tõng bµi. Khai th¸c triÖt ®Ó c¸c ho¹t ®éng vµ vËn dông chóng mét c¸ch linh ho¹t chø kh«ng gß bã vµo khu«n khæ. 3- Mét sè nguyªn t¾c ®Ó d¹y tõ míi Trong mét tiÕt häc gi¸o viªn cÇn lùa chän 5 -8 tõ míi ®Ó d¹y, c¸c tõ nµy ph¶i thuéc lo¹i ho¹t ®éng (active vocabulary) nghÜa lµ c¸c tõ nµy häc sinh sÏ sö dông thêng xuyªn ë trªn líp nh»m rÌn luyÖn c¸c kü n¨ng c¬ b¶n , ®Æc biÖt lµ trong viÖc rÌn luyÖn kü n¨ng nãi vµ viÕt. C¸c tõ ng÷ nµy cÇn cã tÇn suÊt cao nghÜa lµ chóng xuÊt hiÖn thêng xuyªn trong v¨n b¶n. C¸c tõ ng÷ nµy cÇn thiÕt ph¶i ®îc tiÕp thu trong trong qu¸ tr×nh häc cña häc sinh ë hiÖn t¹i vµ t¬ng lai. Kh«ng nªn cho häc sinh lÆp l¹i tõ mét c¸ch qu¸ nhiÒu lÇn v× viÖc lÆp l¹i tõ mét c¸ch m¸y mãc nhiÒu lÇn sÏ kh«ng mang l¹i hiÖu qu¶ trong viÖc hiÓu nghÜa cña tõ mµ l¹i cã thÓ lµm cho bµi häc trë thµnh nhµm ch¸n vµ l·ng phÝ søc cña häc sinh còng nh ngêi d¹y. - Gi¸o viªn kh«ng nªn phiªn ©m c¸c tõ míi khi d¹y v× tr×nh ®é tiÕng ViÖt cña häc sinh cßn nhiÒu h¹n chÕ, do ®ã nªn tËp trung vµo viÖc häc ch÷ viÕt cña c¶ hai hÖ thèng tiÕng ViÖt vµ tiÕng Anh. NÕu ph¶i häc thªm ký hiÖu phiªn ©m häc sinh sÏ bÞ nhÇm lÉn gi÷a ch÷ viÕt vµ ký hiÖu phiªn ©m cña mét tõ. - Steps for presenting new vocabulary 1-Use a suitable technique to elecit or show the meaning of the new vocabulary . 2-Model the pronunciation clearly ( 3 times ) 3-Ask students to repeat the word chorrally and individually. 4- Correct students’ s pronunciation 5-Write the words on the board and students’ s copy down on their notebooks. 6 Check that students clearly understanding the meaning and pronunciation. 7- Draw students’ attentionto aspect of vocabulary such as part of speech , callocation , frequency etc….. 8-Give students a written record. (May be teacher ckecks that students write well in their vocabulary notebooks ) Eleciting techniques for teaching vocabulary True- False statements Visuals Realia Mine 8 techniques Synonym/ Antonym 1. Visuals - Use a picture - Draw on black ex: The one pillar pagoda Situation/Explainatio n Example Translation Picture of Ha Long Bay 2. Mine - Facial expression - Guesture - Body action ex : to brush ( one’ teeth ) Teacher takes a toothbrush then brushes her teeth T asks : “ what am I doing ?” Ss: You are brushing your teeth T: now repeat “ brush” ( 3 times ) 3. Realia: - Use real things ( teacher brings clock , chair , telephone, an apple, flowers ………. Into the class ) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 4. Situation / Antonym: Use the questions Ex :What’ s another word for “ holiday”? Holiday= Vacation What’ sthe opposite of “ happy”? Happy # Sad 5-Translation: Teacher: How do you say “§iÓm ®Õn” in English? Ex : A destination 6-True or False statements: Teacher gives some statements and asks students to choose the best answer. Ex :A carpenter T. says: a- Carpenter takes care of a forest b- Carpenter often works with wood. c- Carpenter uses many tools 7- Example: ex1: rice , meat ,and fish are food food ( unc ) ex2: bananas , apples oranges …are fruits ex3:shirts ,trousers,jeans,shorts,dressesare clothes. Ex4: beds, tables chairs are furniture furniture ( unc ) * Ngoµi ra gi¸o viªn ph¶i biÕt kÕt hîp nhiÒu c¸ch d¹y tõ .NhiÒu khi ngêi d¹y ph¶i biÕt kÕt hîp nhiÒu kü thuËt ®Ó gi¶i thÝch nghÜa cña tõ , nhng cÇn ph¶i gi¶i thÝch nhanh kh«ng ®Ó mÊt thêi gian. Ex: ®Ó d¹y tõ “ smile” gi¸o viªn vÏ mét khu«n mÆt vµ nãi T: Look at the picture . he is smiling . Now look at me .I’m smiling , too . “ Smile” is a verb . You smile when you happy . Repeat “ smile smile smile” Ss: smile T: Good. What does it mean in Vietnamese ? Ss : mØm cêi T : Well done V- Recording vocabulary: Using symbols 1- You can see the following symbols with synonyms, antonyms , traslations and pictures = is the same as ex : good = nice # is the same opposite ex : good # bad 2- You can use the following symbols to show the stress or the link of sounds. ‘ For the stressed syllable For linking final consonants with vowels Ex : an orange. 3- You can see the following words or abbreviationsfor the part of sentence . -To – for verbs ex : to visit - a/an _for countable noun ex: a destination -(unc) _ for uncountable noun ex : rice ( unc ) -(adj ) _ for adjectives ex : excited (adj ) - ( adv) _ for adverbs ex : quickly(adv) 4- you can use the following symbols for translative verbs ; someone for “ someone” or him / her …ect ex : (to) ask words and underline prepositions Jumbled 5—YouRub canout simple or gerunds. Remember Ex: (to ) stay (with / for / in ) Bingo Ordering VI- Checking techniques for vocabulary 7 techniques Slapon the board Matching Slapon the board A- Rub out and remember : 1-Teacher presents or elicits the vocabulary and build up the list on the blackboard. 2- After each word teacher put the Vietnamese translation . 3- Teacher the students to copy in to their books and then close their books . 4- Teacher rub out the new word one at a time. 5-Eacher time teacher rub out a word in English , point to the Vietnamese translation and aks “ What’ sthis in Vietnamese?” 6- When all the Engkish words are rubbed out teacher go through the Vietnamese list and get the studends to call out the English words 7- If there is time , teacher get the students to come to the black board and write the English words again *Note: it helps leaners to memories new vocabulary. Ex English 6-Unit 14 – Lesson 1 1…………..:Kú nghØ 5-………….:®iÓm ®Õn 2-………….:thµnh néi , thµnh cæ 6-…………..:th¨m 3-…………..:vÞnh 7-…………...:b·i biÓn 4-…………..:ë ( cïng víi) B- Slap the board: 1-Teacherputs the new words in English on the balck board in bubbles –not in a list. 2- If you want to check the understanding , put the Vieetnamese translationof the new words or picture on the blakboard . 3-teacher divides the class in to two teamsof five or six to front of the class. 4-Teacher choose a student from each team and they stand at equal distance from the blackboard. 5-Teacher calls out one of the new word in a low voice in Vietnamese. 6- Two students must runs forward and slap a word the word in English on the board. 7- The one who slaps the correct word first is the winner.If students are playing in teams ,the win team gets a mark. 8- Then teacher ask two more studentsto come forward …..etc. * Note: There are two points to remember inS the B.If you use only English , leaners are only recognizing the word in through listening.However if you use Vietnamese translation or picture you can checkthe meaning of the new vocabulary. Ex: English 9-Unit 5 – Period 28 Checking vocabulary: slap the board crier interactive benifit remote channel cicles. control C- What and where: 1- Teacher writes the new words in the cicles on the black board not in a list. 2- When all the words are on the board , teacher ask the students to repeat the words in 3- Teacher rubbed out one of the words but doesn’t rub out th cicles. 4-Teacher gets the students to repeatthe words including the rubbed out words by poiting at the empty cicles. 5- Teacher rubs out another word but leaves the cicles. 6- Teacher pointthe woed or empty cicles, students read and have to remember all the words. 7-Continues till the cycles are empty. 8-Techer aks the students ( 6 or 8 at the time 0 to come to bb and fill in the cicles with the correct words Ex: English 7 –Unit 9- Period 60 useful decide try cushion hobby made Sewing machine * Note: This check technique is good for leaners to memorise the newwords and also good for revisionof vocabulary. D- Matching: 1- T writes the newwords in the list on the left hand side of the bb. 2- T .writes the definitions, translation or draws pictures on the right hand side of the bb. 3- T. asks the Ss to come to the bbto match the items on the left with those on the right by drawing a line between them. Ex1:English 7 –Unit 11-Lesson 5-Period 72 1-common cold 2-disease 3-symptom 4-runny nose 5-slight fever 6-cough 7sneeze *Keys: Ex2: a-triÖu trøng b-ch¶y níc mòi c-bÖnh c¶m thêng d-ho e-bÖnh tËt f- h¾t x× h¬i g-sèt nhÑ 1-c;2-e;3-a;4-b;5-g;6-d;7-f A bicyle A star An aeroplane A pair of scissors A cat A bird E-Jumbled words: 1-T. sticks 6 flashcardswith jumbled words on the bb tnotancc prenstreteivea ralnatu ropttce cereseru cyrecle 2-T-asks Ss to rewrite the words in the right order 3-T tells Ssthe first two groups with the right word will get two points 4-T. corrects them. 5- T. asks Ss to read again Ex: Unit 10 –English 8-Period 61 *- Answer keys: 1- contact 2-representation 3-resource 4- natural 5- protect 6-recycle *-Note:This cheking technique helps Ss remembering deeply the words they’ve leant. F- Bingo: 1-T.draw box on bb and asks Ss to copy 2-T. Asks Ss to rewrite6 newwords they’ve learntin the box. Ex: A packet A destination A bay Medicine flu A doctor 3- T. tells Ss that she/ he will say some words (8-10-12-15) 4- If Ss hear the word, they cross it out .Like this: A bay 5-_When Ss croos out all six words, shout “ bingo”. Who say “bingo”first will be the winner. * Note: This activities can be used to check and revise the newwords you have introduced during the week G- Ordering: 1-T. writes the vocabulary on the board randomly. 2-T. have Ss to copy the words in to their exercise books. 3- T. read the phragraph aloud. Ex: English 8 –Unit 12 –period 77 “Mrs Quyen & her husband visited many places in hthe USA while they were .First, they went swimming at Waikiki Beach situated on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu. There they could see the lava pouring out of the Kilawea Volcano when they flew over head .They also saw the the head of 4 American President carved in to the rock of the Mount Rushmore. 4-T. asks Ss to compare their answer withtheir partner. 6-T. asks Ss to give the anwers and read the text again to correct . *Answer keys: Volcano Overhead Isaland Lava (6) (7) (3) (4) went swimming(1) pouring out (5) carved (8) situated (2) VII-Bµi tËp luyÖn c¸ch dïng tõ Sau khi ®· hiÓu nghi· cña tõ , gi¸o viªn cã thÓ cho häc sinh lµm mét sè bµi tËp ®Ó gióp hä hiÓu thªm c¸ch dïng tõ qua c¸c ho¹t ®éng trong líp. Bµi tËp sö dông thêng ®îc kÕt hîp víi nh÷ng viÖc rÌn luyÖn c¸c kü n¨ng nh nghe , nãi……Sau ®©y lµ mét sè bµi tËp gîi ý: 1- Ph¶n røng toµn th©n (TPR:Total Physiccal Response).Gi¸o viªn ®a ra mét sè mÖnh lÖnh vµ yªu cÇu HS thùc hiÖn b»ng hµnh ®éng. Ex:T says “ stand up” Ss:Thùc hiÖn hµnh ®éng ®øng lªn T:”sit down” Ss:Thùc hiÖn hµnh ®éng ngåi xuèng T:” “clap your hands Ss: Thùc hiÖn hµnh ®éng vç tay 2-XÕp thø tù theo nhãm chñ ®iÓmGroup the words according to their topics) tea cofee rice apple chicken pork fish beer wine tomato meat lettuce nuts butter cabage beef milk lemonade wheat beans FOOD DRINKS FRUIT VEGETABLES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………................................................................................... 3- Cicle the word which doesn’t belong to the group: ex:scientist history walk chemist literature read 4-Fill in the empty cicle: rice water lettuce bread eggs pork physican English watch mathematics school TV milk chicken tea a-Work in pair to talk about your favorite food and drinks fish beef tomato Ilike……………….. I don’t like…………………… Drink s food b- Intervew your partner about his /her favorite food and drinks then write the report . What do you like to eat ? What do youlike to drink? He/She likes……………. He/She doesn’t like…….. c- Complete the sentnce to write about your daily meals: i usually have…….. meals a day.I have………..at …………….o ‘clock .I like ………for breakfast but I don’t like…………because it’s …………..For lunch ,I usually have……..and…...Ilike to drink ………….because it’s ……….I often have………….for dinner. 5-Macth the verbs in column A with the appropriate words / phrases in column B: A B March Stroll Stagger a drunk an elderly couple a sodier 6- -Khung m« t¶ ( Pictorial schemata): c¸c tõ cÇn ®îc kiÓm tra n»m trªn mét trôc vµ c¸c tõ m« t¶ ®Æc ®iÓm cña tõ ®îc kiÓm tra n»m trªn mét trôc kh¸c.HS sÏ ®¸nh dÊu (x) vµo « m« t¶ ®óng ®Æc ®iÓm cña tõ ex: Complete the chart by puttimg across (x) next to the charactics of each music 7 Trß ch¬i vµ c¸c ho¹t ®éng d¹y tõ (Game and activities ): a- Matching pairs -Mini dailogues: Trong bµi tËp nµy häc sinh lµm hai c©u cña bµi héi tho¹i b»ng c¸ch ghÐp c©u hái víi c©u tr¶ lêi hoÆc mét c©u trong nhãm thÎ A víi c©u thÝch hîp ë nhãm thÎ B +C¸ch thùc hiÖn : -C¾t c¸c thÎ nhãm A vµ thÎ nhãm B.X¸o trén bé thÎ A&B sau ®Êy chia cho tõng nhãm ngêi häc theo sÜ sè cña líp.Cã thÓ tæ chøc thµnh nhãm ®éi hay nhãm 4,5,6,7,8. tho¹i cha. -Mçi nhãm ®îc ph¸t mét bé thÎ A vµ mét bé thÎ B ®Ó ghÐp thµnh hai c©u trÝch ®o¹n héi -Gi¸o viªn ®Þnh thêi gian vµ canh ®óng giê th× cho ngõng Bt l¹i dï HS cã lµm xong hay -Gi¸o viªn ®i ®Ðn tõng nhãm ®Ó kiÓm tra.Mçi nhãm ®äc lÇn lît hai c©u lªn cña nhãm ®óng hay kh«ng ®óng .NÕu ®óng hai c©u nµy sÏ ®îc ra khái bé thÎ, nhãm ®îc mét diÓm.NÕu hai c©u cña nhãm kh«ng ®óng th× nhãm sÏ kh«ng cã ®iÓm.Kh«ng cho c©u gi¶i ddap giao viªn tiÕp tôc kiÓm tra c¸c thÎ cßn l¹i . -Bµi tËp nµy l¹i ®îc tieep tôc cho ®Õn khi nµo tÊt c¶ c¸c cÆp ®îc ghÐp ®óng . Ex Nhãm thÎ A 1-How old are you? 2-Do you mind if I smoke? 3- I hope England wind the World Cup. 4-Help yourself to a drink 5- Would you help me with this , please? 6- I can’t come tonight. I’m afraid. 7Today’s the 4th , isn’t it? 8- Could you give me lift home, tonight? 9-Is it far to the station? 10- I’m sorry ,I’m late Nhãm thÎ B a- No, of course not b-No, not very c- Very well thank you d- What’s a pity e- Yes ,that’s right f-You are wellcome g-Thanks , the same to you h-Yes, I’d be glad to i-Yes, certainly j-It’s a pleasure.I’m glad you like it b- ¤ ch÷ (Crossword) hÇu hÕt c¸c HS thêng thÝch ch¬i « ch÷ ex:Hafl a crossword: Jobs and accupations Trong lo¹i « ch÷ nµy nh÷ng tõ cÇn ®iÒn vµo lµ nh÷ng tõ chØ nghÒ nghiÖp, viÖc lµm. C¸ch thùc hiÖn : -Chia líp ra lµm nhiÒu nhãm A vµ nhãm B.Sè HS trong mçi nhãm ph¶i cã tõ 2 ®Õn 4 ngêi. . Häc sinh ngåi ®èi diÖn víi nhau.Gi¸o viªn ph¸t cho nhãm A mét khung kÎ ootrong ®ã chØ cã phÇn nöa sè tuwfdduwowcj ®iÒn vµo «.Giaos viªn ®Ønh giê cho häc sinh ®äc qua phÇn « ch÷ cña m×nh .NÕu cÇn gi¸o viªn cã thÓ gi¶i thÝch thªm mäi th¾c m¾c do HS nªu ra trong lóc nµy . -Nhãm B& nhãm Athay phiªn nhau hái ®Ó ®iÒn vµo « ch÷ cña m×nh.Mçi lÇn 1 c©u VD nh “What’s three down?”, “what’s ten cross?........Mçi nhãm cè g¾ng cho ®Þnh nghÜa gi¶i thÝch mét c¸ch ®¬n gi¶n c¸c tõ ®Ó gióp nhãm ®èi t¸c ®o¸n ra tõ cÇn ®iÒn vµo . -Gi¸o viªn ®Þng giê vµ cho dõng bµi tËp khi hÕt giê, dï HS cã lµm bµi tËp xong hay kh«ng. -Hai nhãm sÏ ®èi chiÕu « ch÷ ,®Ó xemnhuwngx tõ nµo cha ®îc ®iÒn vµo « ex: ®©y lµ nh÷ng tõ HS nhãm A sÏ ph¶i gi¶i thÝch cho nhãm B badminton camping football golf table tennis boxing dressmaking gardening swimming yoga
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