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>; 8]y EDWIN RICHARD GILT.II.ANO Professor of Chemical Engineering Afassachusetts Institute of Technology FOURTH EDITION SKCOND McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, NKW YORK TORONTO 1950 INC. LONDON ELEMENTS OF FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION Copyright, 1922, 1930, 1939, 1950, by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. This book, or parti thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers THE MAPLE PRESS COMPANY, YORK, PA. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION The firs^^ditipn.of-this book and the early revisions were the result of the efforts of Professor Robinson, and he took an active part in guiding the revision of the previous edition. His death t made it necessary to prepare this edition without his helpful guidance and counsel. The present revision differs extensively from The material has been modified to bring it more the previous edition. closely into line with the graduate instruction in distillation at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Much greater emphasis has been placed on the measurement, prediction, and use of vapor-liquid equilibria because it is believed that this is one of the most serious limitations in design calcuGreater emphasis has also been placed upon the use of lations. enthalpy balances, and the treatment of batch distillation has been considerably expanded. Unfortunately, the design calculations for an unsatisfactory status. Azeotropic an extension of conventional multicomponent problems. The sections on column design and column performance have been completely rewritten and increased in scope. In all cases quantitative examples have been given because it has been found that this greatly aids the student in understanding this type of operation are and extractive still in distillation are considered as descriptive material. During the last 15 years a large number of design methods have been proposed for multicomponent mixtures, some of which are reviewed in Chapter 12. Most of these do not appear to offer any great advantage over the conventional Sorel method, and it is believed that the law of diminishing returns has been applying in this field for some time. It is hoped that the present edition will stimulate some of these investigators to transfer their efforts to more critical problems, such as vapor-liquid equilibria, batch distillation, transient conditions within the distillation system, and column performance. EDWIN RICHARD GILLILAND CAMBRIDGE, MASS. July, 1960 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The subject of fractional distillation has received but scant attention from, writers in the English language since Sidney Young published " Fractional Distillation " in 1903 (London). French and his book German authors have, on the other hand, produced a number of books on the subject, among the more important of which are the following: "La Rectification et les colonnes rectificatriccs en distillerie," E. Barbet, Paris, 1890; 2d ed., 1895. "Der Wirkungsweise der Rcctificir und Destillir Apparate," E. Hausbrand, Berlin, 1893; 3d ed., 1910. "Theorie der Verdampfimg und Verfliissung von gemischcn und der fraktionierten Destination," J. P. Kuenen, Leipzig, 1906. "Theorie der Gewinnung und Trennung der atherischen Olc durch Destination," C. von Rechenberg, Leipzig, 1910. "La Distillation fractione*e et la rectification," Charles Manlier, Paris, 1917. Young's "Fractional Distillation," although a model for its kind, has to do almost entirely with the aspects of the subject as viewed from the chemical laboratory, and there has been literally no work in English available for the engineer and plant operator dealing with the applications of the laboratory processes to the plant. The use of the modern types of distilling equipment is growing at a very rapid rate. Manufacturers of chemicals are learning that they must refine their products in order to market them successfully, and often true that fractional distillation offers the most available it is if not the only way of accomplishing this. There has consequently demand among engineers and operators for a book which the principles involved in such a way that these principles arisen a wide will explain can be applied to the particular problem at hand. It has therefore been the purpose of the writer of this book to attempt to explain simply yet accurately, according to the best ideas of physical chemistry and chemical engineering, the principles of fractional distillation, illustrating these principles with a few carefully This book is to be regarded neither as a comselected illustrations. plete treatise nor as an encyclopedia on the subject but, as the title indicates, as an introduction to its study. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Viii In general, it has been divided into five parts. The first part deals with fractional distillation from the qualitative standpoint of the phase rule. The second part discusses some of the quantitative Part three aspects from the standpoint of the chemical engineer. discusses the factors involved in the design of distilling equipment. Part four gives a few examples of modern apparatus, while the last tables which have been portion includes a number of useful reference and unavailable except in of out sources from print mostly compiled large libraries. The writer has some at will on the several books mentioned above, taken nearly bodily from them, and has also " from Findlay's Phase Rule" (London, 1920) and help drawn of the tables being derived much from "The General Principles of Chemistry" by Noyes and Sherrill He wishes especially to express his gratitude for (Boston, 1917). the inspiration and helpful suggestions from Dr. W. K. Lewis of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and from his other friends and and of the E. B. Badger & Sons Company. to wishes he express his appreciation of the assistance of Finally, Miss Mildred B. McDonald, without which this book would never have been written. associates at the Institute CLARK SHOVE ROBINSON CAMBRIDGE, MASS. June, 1920, CONTENTS PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION v . PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION vii INTRODUCTION 1 .3 1. Determination of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria. 2. Presentation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data 3. Calculation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria 4. Calculation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria (Continued) 5. General Methods of Fractionation 6. Simple Distillation and Condensation. 107 7. Rectification of Binary Mixtures. 118 8. Special Binary Mixtures /9/ Rectification 10. i^l. of 16 .26 .79 . . . . . 101 . . 192 . Multicomponent Mixtures Extractive and Azeotropic Distillation Rectification of . . . . Complex Mixtures . ... ... . , . .... 12. Alternate Design Methods for Multicompt onent Mixtures 13. Simultaneous Rectification and Chemical Reaction. 14. Batch 15. Vacuum . , . 214 285 325 336 361 370 Distillation 393 Distillation 16. Fractionating Column Design 403 17. Fractionating Column Performance 445 18. Fractionating Column 471 Auxiliaries APPENDIX 479 INDEX 481 ix INTRODUCTION Definition of Fractional Distillation. By the expression fractional was originally meant the process of separating so far as it a mixture of two or more volatile substances into its be feasible may distillation components, by causing the mixture to vaporize by suitable application way that fractions of varying of heat, condensing the vapors in such a boiling points are obtained, re vaporizing these fractions and separating their vapors into similar fractions, combining fractions of similar boiling points, and repeating until the desired degree of separation is finally obtained. Such a process is still occasionally met with in chemical the laboratory, but it is a laborious and time-consuming has its chief value as a problem for the student, for the which operation purpose of familiarizing him with some of the characteristic properties It is possible to carry on a fractional distillaof volatile substances. mechanical devices which eliminate almost all certain of tion by means of this labor and time and which permit separations not only equal to those obtained by this more tedious process but far surpassing it in Purpose of Book. The purpose of this book is to indicate quality and purity of product. be how such devices may profitably used in the solution of distillation problems. Origin of Fractional Distillation. Like all the older industries, fractional distillation is an art that originated in past ages and that developed, as did all the arts, by the gradual accumulation of empirical knowledge. It is probable that its growth took place along with that of the distilled alcoholic beverages, and to the average person today the word "still" is synonymous with apparatus for making rum, brandy, and other distilled liquors. To France, which has been the initial development great producer of brandy, belongs the credit for the of the modern fractionating still. Physical Chemistry and Fractional Distillation. Fractional distillation has labored under the same sort of burden that the other industrial arts have borne. Empirical knowledge will carry an then further advances are few and far and certain a to point, industry between. It has been the function of the sciences to come to the rescue 1 FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION 2 and thus permit advancement to greater usescience that has raised fractional distillation from an of the arts at such times fulness. The empirical to a theoretical basis is physical chemistry. By its aid the study of fractionation problems becomes relatively simple, and it is on this account that the subject matter in this book chemistry. is based upon physical CHAPTER 1 DETERMINATION OF VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA The separation of a mixture of volatile liquids by means of fractional distillation is possible when the composition of the vapor coming from the liquid mixture is different from that of the liquid. The separation the easier the greater the difference between the composition of the vapor and that of the liquid, but separation may be practicable even when the difference is small. The relation between the vapor and liquid compositions must be known in order to compute fractional disis relationships. Usually this is obtained from information concerning the composition of the vapor which is in equilibrium with the liquid. On this account a knowledge of vapor-liquid equilibrium compositions is usually essential for the quantitative design of fractional distillation apparatus. In most cases the study is made on the basis of the composition of the vapor in equilibrium with the liquid. However, this is not a fundamental requirement and any method that would allow the production of a vapor of a different composition than that of the condensed phase, whether equilibrium or not, could be used for separation. However, most of the equipment employed depends on the use of a vaporization type of operation, and the equilibrium vapor is a good criterion of the possibilities of obtaining a separation. tillation The methods for obtaining vapor-liquid equilibrium compositions can be considered in two main classifications: (1) the experimental determination of equilibrium compositions and (2) the theoretical relationships. EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATIONS OF VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA The measurement of vapor-liquid equilibrium compositions is not A highly developed laboratory technique is therefore needed simple. to obtain reliable data in any of the several methods described here. Circulation Method. common method for obtaining vapor-liquid equilibrium (Refs. 11, 13, 16, 23, 27, 35) is by circulating the vapor through a system and bringing it into repeated contact with the liquid until no further change in the composition of either takes schematic diagram of such a system is shown in Fig. 1-1. place. The vapor above the liquid in vessel A is removed, passed through A A 3 FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION chamber 5, and recirculated by pump C through the liquid in A. While the system appears simple, in actual practice it involves a number of complications: The system must be completely tigkt; otherwise the total quanof material will continually vary and the equilibrium compositions tity of the vapor and liquid will also change. 1. 2. The quantities of liquid and of vapor when equilibrium is obtained must remain constant and not vary during the recirculation. To keep --Vapor sample Heat-* exchanger Equilibrium I cell Circulation apparatus for vapor-liquid equilibrium measurements. FIG. 1-1. it is necessary for the system to remain isothermal and volume to remain constant. The chief variation in the volume of the system is due to the fact that it is usually found expedient The error due to this variation is usually to use a reciprocating pump. minimized by making the displacement volume of the pump small. them constant for the total The pumps column is are generally of a mercury-piston type; t.e., a mercury forced up and down in a steel or glass cylinder serving as the piston of the tially leakproof pump. pump and This makes allows the it possible to have an essenpumping operation to be carried out with very little contamination of the circulating vapors. 3. This type of system has been used most successfully under con- DETERMINATION OF VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA 5 ditions where the vapor does not condense at room temperature. If were necessary to operate the pumping system at a high temperature it to avoid condensation of the vapor, difficulties might be encountered due to the vapor pressure of the mercury, in which case other lower vapor pressure metallic liquids should be suitable. 4. Another condition that could cause the relative volumes of vapor vary is the rate of flow. The rate of recirculation varies the pressure drop through the apparatus and thereby changes the quantity, of vapor present. In most cases the rate of recirculation is such that the pressure differential for recirculation is not great. Both the volume variation due to pumping and the pressure changes due to recirculation can be made less detrimental by making the vol- and of liquid to A ume of the liquid in vessel large. 5. It is necessary to ensure that there is no entrainment of liquid with the vapor leaving A. If liquid is carried over to vessel B, the vapor sample will be contaminated. This entrainment is eliminated by the use of low velocity and by efficient entrainment separators in the upper part of A. 6. Another precaution is the necessity to prevent any condensation If any vapor condenses, the conof the vapor during recirculation. densate will be of different composition and the results will be in error. This type of apparatus has been used for a variety of systems. It is particularly suitable for very low temperature studies such as those involved in the equilibria associated with liquid air. In this case vessel A is maintained in a low-temperature cryostat, and the heat-exchanged with the exit vapor; the rest One of of the system is maintained at essentially room temperature. the fact that vapor sample is the difficulties with the operation is the is high, the quantity of obtained as a vapor and, unless the pressure as to offer difficulties in small be so B may vapor obtained in vessel recycle vapor stream is analysis. great 'ad vantage that a vapor can be repeatedly Theoretically bubbled through the liquid until equilibrium is obtained. there are fact that the of because obtained not is exact equilibrium at the Thus the entering in the vapor system. pressure differentials the than A, leaving a vapor under be A must higher of bottom pressure at least by an amount equal to the hydrostatic head of the liquid in A. Since the vapor-liquid equilibria depend on pressure, it is obvious that there cannot be exact equilibrium. However, the change in the due to this small change of prescomposition of the equilibrium vapor sure is small in most cases. It could be serious in the critical region The system has the FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION Basically this system is one of true the best for obtaining equilibrium. Bomb Method. In the bomb method (Refs. 3, 4, 12, 14, 36) the where the vapor is very compressible. It is then agitated is placed in a closed evacuated vessel. at constant other or temperature until equilibmeans, by by rocking, rium is obtained between the vapor and the liquid. Samples of the liquid sample vapor and the liquid are then withdrawn and analyzed. The method appears simple, but it involves certain difficulties. During sampling there are pressure changes due to the removal of In material, and these pressure changes can be large in magnitude. order to avoid them, it is customary to add some fluid, such as mercury, to the system while the samples are being removed in order to prevent Rocking mechanism - - fjf FIG. 1-2. Bomb Sampling line Constant temperature apparatus. any vaporization or condensation. Another difficulty with the method is the fact that in most cases it is necessary to use sampling These may fill up with liquid during the lines of small cross sections. initial part of the operation, and this liquid may never come to the true It is necessary to purge the sampling lines to remove equilibrium. such liquid. This liquid holdup is particularly serious in the case of the vapor sample since in quantity it may be large in comparison to the sample. A schematic diagram of the bomb-type apparatus is shown in Fig. 1-2. Dynamic Flow Method. Another method that has been widely used (Refs. 10, 21, 25, 37) for the determination of vapor-liquid equilibria is one in which a vapor is passed through a series of vessels conThe vapor entering the taining liquids of a suitable composition. first vessel may be of a composition somewhat different from the equilibrium vapor, but as it passes through the system it tends to approach equilibrium, If all the vessels have approximately the same liquid composition, the vapor will more nearly approach equilibrium as it passes through the unit, The number of vessels employed should be suoh that the vapor entering the rium composition. last unit is of essentially equilib- DETERMINATION OF VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA 7 This system has the advantage that it is simple and, in certain cases, possible to dispense with the analysis of the liquid sample, i.e., the liquids can be made of a known composition, and since the change in it is the last vessel is small, it is possible to assume that the composition of the liquid in this case is equal to that originally charged. A schematic diagram of such a system is shown in Fig. 1-3. it cannot be an exact equilibrium system because a pressure drop is involved in passing the vapor through the system; i.e., there are pressure variations which will affect equiThere is also the danger of entrainment, although this can librium. be minimized by low velocities. In a great many cases, the gas introduced into the first vessel has .been carrier gas of low solubility and not a component of the system. It is obvious that of the fact that FIG. 1-3. Dynamic flow method. Thus, in the determination of the vapor-liquid equilibria for systems such as ammonia and water, ammoniacal solutions are placed in the vessels, and a gas such as nitrogen is bubbled into the first of these and the resulting nitrogen-ammonia-water vapor mixture is passed through the succeeding vessels obtaining a closer approach to equilibrium. Equilibrium obtained in such a manner is not the true vapor-liquid It closely approaches equilibria for the water vapor-ammonia system. true equilibrium for the binary system under a total pressure equal to the partial pressure of the ammonia and the water vapor in the gaseous some solubility added constituents these of partial pressure modifies the energy relations of the liquid and vapor phases. Usually for low-pressure operation these errors are not large in magnitude, but mixture. Even this is not exact. in the liquid phase, The carrier gas has and the as the pressure becomes higher the errors are serious and the method can give erroneous results if the true vapor-liquid equilibria for mixtures without the carrier gas are desired. Dew and Boiling-point Method. In essence this technique consists in introducing a mixture of known composition into an evacuated equilibrium container of variable volume (Refs. 6, 7, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, The system is maintained at a constant temperature, and by 28). the volume the pressure is observed at which condensation varying
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